chocobro-hijinks · 4 years
Is Final Fantasy XVI a prequel to FFXV showing the “War of the Astrals”?
The biggest clue are the models of the summons being practically identical to those in FFXV, but this could be just Square reutilizing assets.
The second clue are “Shields”, knights tasked to protect “Dominants” aka humans that seem to embody the summons, in this world called “Icons”.
The third clue is “the Blight”. We don’t know exactly what it is, but from the name it could be another name for “the Scourge”.
We then have more generic Final Fantasy stuff, like crystals being the power source of the world. There is also the fact that these crystal are being fought over by multiple factions. Just like in the original concept for FFXV.
It could be just the case that Square is using discarded ideas so they don’t go to waste. Which i think is most likely, but a little theorizing never hurts.
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chocobro-hijinks · 5 years
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My first shit post so of course it had to be FFXV
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chocobro-hijinks · 5 years
[ birdsandivory’s ] Writing Commissions
Hey, guys.
Since I am a little tight for cash and I am trying to cover a few expenses,,, and I am not in the best place - I really, truly need help to get out. I figured I would give opening commissions a go again. I am hoping for a few of you that might want something a bit more special and tailored to your needs, and if so, you can turn to me here.
Please see my AO3 account for samples of my writing!
Before I introduce my commission fees, I just want to point you in the direction of other ways you can help me out; you are in no way obligated, however. But I do have a Ko-Fi in which you can leave me a coffee if you so wish.
Now, onto the fun part.
Commission Fees
Drabbles [ 500 - 800 Words ] ; $5
If I choose to write more and it becomes lengthy, I will not charge anything extra. That is on me. This goes for any commission.
Fictions [ First 1000 Words ] ; $8
+$7 for every additional 1000 words.
+$2-$5 for NSFW, depending on overall length and detail; kinks are negotiable.
What I will write:
OCs - Must Be Discussed In Detail, May Have Additional Cost
NSFW - To Be Discussed/Conditional
Dark Themes - Conditional
First Person/Second Person/Third Person
Past/Present Tense
Canon Compliant/Divergent/Alternate Universe
What I won’t write:
xReader NSFW
The universes I will write for:
Final Fantasy XV
Kingdom Hearts
The ships I will write for:
VOLTRON: Sheith - Shance - Klance - Shatt - Lancelot - Adashi - Plance - Romellura - Jeith - Heith - Kinkance - Lotura - Hance - Katt
FINAL FANTASY XV: All of them.
KINGDOM HEARTS: Soriku - AkuSai - Strifehart - OrgXIII Pairs
[ I am sure there are others, simply let me know and I can confirm or deny my knowledge of the universe. ]
What you need to tell me:
Word Count
Explicit Details/Storyline/Important Plot Lines
If you are leaving it up to me, you have given me the creative freedom to write what I wish to with basic guidelines. Be aware of that risk.
Anything IMPORTANT To You
Please PRIVATE MESSAGE me if you are interested in a commission and be prepared to let me know any details I need to work with. I will only have 3-5 spots to fill at a time and they will be completed on a first - first basis. I can only take Paypal and Ko-Fi when it comes to payment, and it is due upfront, no exceptions.
Updates will be given periodically and I am expecting a turnaround time of one and a half to two weeks - depending on length and detail; it is subject to change. The first 400 - 500 or so words of a commission will be given in order to account for any changes in style/plot that you may want.
I will deliver the final product via email in PDF format.
Depending on the subject, I may post the commission for public viewing. If you wish for the fiction to remain private, you MUST let me know.
I appreciate any support you all give me, whatever the means may be, even if all you can do is like my fictions and scream at me in the comments - I am ever so grateful. I would never ask for anything for free, so if you have anything to spare, I will gladly give you the only skill I have - writing.
Thank you for reading and REBLOGS are super appreciated!
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chocobro-hijinks · 5 years
Miniature Worlds
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Tatsuya Tanaka is a Japanese artist famous for creating miniature worlds out of ordinary objects and figures. 
“Everyone must have had thoughts like these before: Broccoli and parsley may sometimes look like a forest of trees, and tree leaves floating on the surface of water may sometimes look like little boats. Everyday occurrences seen from a miniature perspective can bring us lots of fun thoughts. I wanted to take this way of thinking and express it through photographs, so I started to put together a “MINIATURE CALENDAR.” These photographs primarily depict diorama-style figures surrounded by daily necessities. Just like a standard daily calendar, the photos are updated daily on my website and SNS page, earning it the name of “MINIATURE CALENDAR.”
It would be great if you could use it to add a little enjoyment to your everyday life.“
(from ABOUT section of the official website: http://miniature-calendar.com)
The artist has recently made a FF themed calendar. It’s available for sale.
Here, have some gorgeous examples. Can you tell which FF and scene is depicted on each one?
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chocobro-hijinks · 5 years
i'm still learning japanese, but this is what i think went on in the trailer: text on screen: 2000 years ago soldier: "ardyn lucis caelum sama, you have been assigned King" ardyn: "if it is to save you, i will gladly become king" crying lady: "ardyn sama, please somehow save my daughter!" ardyn: "got it" ardyn tries to save the scourge infected person ardyn: "the body is in bad condition, it must be removed" (not sure if by it he means the body or the illness, but considering the plot it's probably the scourge itself) ardyn: "for my subjects's sake..." ardyn: "the king of kings will be...!" (shin no ou is what bahamut calls noctis inside the crystal) which literally means the true king) ardyn: "hey gods, is this... your answer?"
Episode Ardyn Prologue launches mid february
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chocobro-hijinks · 5 years
a year of achievements! good job birb!
New Year’s fic wrap-up
I don’t know why I didn’t see this before. Tagged by @a-still-small-vox​! Check her stuff <3
Tagged by nobody. But I got the idea from @sleepyhunk.
Fics written in 2018, and their word counts, in absolutely no order:
Running Waters (FFXV): 1192 words
The Fact They’re Good At Making (FFXV): 1479 words
Something Important (FFXV): 707 words
Like Home (FFXV): 1058 words
Drunken Shenanigans (FFXV): 769 words
Punch (FFXV): 473 words
Colours That The Morning Reveal (FFXV): 3980 words
Le dernier salon de thé avant la fin du monde (Critical Role): 3749 words
Rage (FFXV): 1930 words
What does a chancellor even do (FFXV): 775 words
I can’t believe it’s not computers (FFXV): 6520 words
Let Me Die On Your Roots (FFXV): 1726 words
Make it home (FFXV): 1059 words
The Map Is Not The Territory (FFXV): 1237 words
And Her Mother Before (FFXV): 578 words
All The Gods And All The Worlds (FFXV): 5115 words
Retreat (FFXV): 397 words
Places we weren’t meant to go (FFXV): 3801 words
Braids (FFXV): 648 words
Get you out of those clothes (FFXV): 862 words
Honey this doesn’t end until you beg for it (FFXV): 2284 words
Reward (FFXV): 861 words
Jack of all trades (FFXV): 1447 words
A part of the 200 words fics
The series of sensory fics, 26 fics total
Leviathan and its translation, both started in 2017 and continued in 2018
My participation to the rarepairs zine
Total fics (excluding the other section): 23 fics Total word count (excluding the other section): 55 647 words
Best/worst title?
I still like Places we weren’t meant to go, it’s got a good balance of not revealing anything while actually being on point?? Idk
I could find several worst titles tbh there are a lot where I just wasn’t inspired but to this day I still hate “what does a chancellor even do” bc this was just me being annoyed at worldbuilding and it shouldn’t be there and I didn’t find anything better to name this fic so it stays
Best/worst quote/passage? Man I don’t know! In every fics there are things that are contextually good and other that are retrospectively bad. Also I don’t fucking remember like 89% of the stuff I’ve written and I’m not going through all my fics again to find something.
But okay I love a lot of the stuff I’ve written in Le dernier salon de thé, especially when Caduceus starts drinking the tea and I had to find a taste for Molly, and I wanted to mingle the experience of taste with Caduceus having visions/impressions of him and I feel like the transition works really well and I’m super fucking proud of myself.
“Molly a le goût de violettes, de prunes, de cerises rouge foncé écrasées au soleil. L’amertume des feuilles de thé tapisse le palais de Caduceus. Il peut voir, derrière ses paupières closes, la terre riche dans laquelle les fruits trop mûrs s’enfoncent et décomposent. Leur peau se fend, leur chair se flétrit, leur noyau éclate et leur germe s’élève à la recherche de l’air. Le cycle de la vie.
Molly a de la terre plein la bouche quand il naît. Il a du sang plein la bouche quand il meurt.”
(Also the slightly vampiric undertone of the mouth filled with blood, to go along with the fact that Caduceus is quite literally drinking him at this moment. I’m happy about that too.)
Best/worst first line? Heh. A lot of my first lines are really not that interesting bc either they work with the next line or I just don’t care bc it’s fic, people read the ship name and warnings first anyway, they don’t come here with the same expectations as when you have to ease them in.
Best/worst last line?
Best last line is from Rage, I think, contextually. It’s a good conclusion to the progression of Yasha’s mental state.
I don’t know which one is the worst either. There are a lot of ficlets that I didn’t care how they ended tbh?
General questions:
Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted? I had so many ideas and I thought I would write some of these and then I did write some of these, but maybe not as much as I thought, and wrote some others that came out along the way. So I guess all in one I accomplished pretty much what I wanted.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted last year? Critical role bc I didn’t even know it existed last year. What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest. I really really like Le dernier salon de thé bc it turned out real good and I’m proud!!!! I got better!!!!
Okay, NOW your most popular story. Places we weren’t meant to go which isn’t surprising bc it’s promptis and also it’s damn good.
Story most underappreciated by the universe? I mean I can’t ask people to read critrole fics in french, so I’m happy for the 25 hits I have on these, but why are we so few. Story that could have been better? All of them probably??? But everything I wrote between like, may and august, I would probably rewrite because I was sooo tired and depressed and trying to force myself into writing, and I didn’t enjoy writing anything I wrote during this time, so they’d deserve more effort. Sexiest story? Honey this doesn’t end until you beg for it, honestly. :P
Saddest story? I don’t know?????? Rage probably????? Most fun? I can’t believe it’s not computers, I think Story with single sweetest moment? I think it’s colours that the morning reveals even though it’s gen so far, bc I liked working on making the atmosphere and the relationship between Prompto and Wiz as soft and quiet as possible.
Hardest story to write? All The Worlds And All The Gods because I loooove this idea and also one of my fave writers loved the premise too so I really wanted to do good. Which is why it still hasn’t updated lmao
Easiest/most fun story to write? I wrote places we weren’t meant to go in almost one sitting and it was incredibly fun.
Did any stories shift your perceptions of the characters? Not really. Usually it’s fics that I read that shift my perceptions.
Most overdue story? I think it’s also colours that the morning reveals because it’s the only one that I really told someone “I’m gonna write this when I have time” beforehand, and didn’t just post as a surprise gift.
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them? I mean I wrote a lot of explicit stuff, I suppose that counts. I wrote almost exclusively in english as well. I didn’t learn shit though?? I just did my shit in my corner bc I liked it.
What are your fic writing goals for next year? 1) Writing more often in french. 2) Finishing my fucking wips!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tagging: well it’s a little late for that now but if you wanna have fun with it feel free!
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chocobro-hijinks · 5 years
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Thought I’d re render this old one in Unreal too
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chocobro-hijinks · 5 years
Ardyn’s entire backstory couldn’t drag me back into this fandom to save my life but murder mode Ignis sure as hell did
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chocobro-hijinks · 6 years
Prompto: Okay Ignis, for real I’ve had a revelation
Prompto: Would a single strand of spaghetti be called a spaghettus?
Ignis: I have a wide selection of knives here. I suggest you spag-get the fuck out of my kitchen.
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chocobro-hijinks · 6 years
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In which the ffxv ladies react to the news about the dlcs. (I shall refer to this as “the monument to my saltiness”, lol) P.s. I just wanted to draw Lunafreya wearing pajamas. Twitter / Coffee?
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chocobro-hijinks · 6 years
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chocobro-hijinks · 6 years
that is so HD and bright i can't stare at it directly
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I shared this on Twitter, but I forgot to release it here!  Enjoy some Ifnis (Ignis of the alternate timeline of Ep Ignis) with no visor.
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chocobro-hijinks · 6 years
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That smile again💗
It brings me happiness
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chocobro-hijinks · 6 years
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I love these games, but let’s all agree they can get real weird real fast. 
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(Luna, Noctis, and Vampire Prompto screenshots from @ipromptography)
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chocobro-hijinks · 6 years
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(screenshot from @ipromptography)
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chocobro-hijinks · 6 years
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drew this a while ago for @yourscientistfriend and forgot to post it!
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chocobro-hijinks · 6 years
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