cigarette1ips · 3 years
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cigarette1ips · 3 years
Just a reminder that people who have eczema, rosacea, psoriasis, vitiligo, acne, dermatitis, or any other skin condition are wonderful! In a lot of societies, skin conditions like these are often stigmatized, and I understand that that’s really hard to deal with. But other people’s insensitivity doesn’t reflect on you, it just shows that they’re rude and need to work on their empathy skills. So please remember that you’re not gross or unattractive because of your skin, no matter what people say. You are lovely and gorgeous inside and out. ❤
Your friend,
Arien ☀️
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cigarette1ips · 3 years
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Look up | Kristaps Ungurs
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cigarette1ips · 3 years
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“A walk in a lush forest can soothe your soul“ by | Alberth Yang
Sol Duc Falls, Washington
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cigarette1ips · 3 years
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cigarette1ips · 3 years
“You own everything that has happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better.”
— Anne Lamont
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cigarette1ips · 3 years
friendly reminder that you didn’t waste your year. any moments of happiness or comfort, any small accomplishments, they all matter. this has been a really hard year, and simply surviving is something to be proud of. 
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cigarette1ips · 3 years
things that made me stop wanting to die that require no effort whatsoever
change the color used to highlight text on your laptop
move the pictures on your wall
stack whatever clutter is in your room into piles even if you don’t have time to clean it all
slightly vary your commute, even just by one street
change where you sit and scroll aimlessly on your phone even if it’s only to the chair in your room instead of your bed
drink water or juice out of a wine glass in the morning because nothing is real
shower with the lights off, without music
buy $3 flowers at trader joe’s—they look bad next to the more expensive ones but they look so good in your room
start typing things you don’t post into your notes. your thoughts can be worth documenting even if you don’t deem them worth sharing
wake up super early just once. you don’t have to make it a habit it’s just extra satisfying to go to bed that night
listen to the entirety of your favorite album from 2015
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cigarette1ips · 3 years
things that made me stop wanting to die that require no effort whatsoever
change the color used to highlight text on your laptop
move the pictures on your wall
stack whatever clutter is in your room into piles even if you don’t have time to clean it all
slightly vary your commute, even just by one street
change where you sit and scroll aimlessly on your phone even if it’s only to the chair in your room instead of your bed
drink water or juice out of a wine glass in the morning because nothing is real
shower with the lights off, without music
buy $3 flowers at trader joe’s—they look bad next to the more expensive ones but they look so good in your room
start typing things you don’t post into your notes. your thoughts can be worth documenting even if you don’t deem them worth sharing
wake up super early just once. you don’t have to make it a habit it’s just extra satisfying to go to bed that night
listen to the entirety of your favorite album from 2015
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cigarette1ips · 3 years
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cigarette1ips · 3 years
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CHRIS EVANS as Steve Rogers/Captain America in The Avengers (2012) dir. Joss Whedon
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cigarette1ips · 3 years
When you start to respect yourself, you also start to recognize who doesn’t. Friendships watering down, clashing with people you used to get along with, discovering some relationships/dynamics aren’t for you— it’s all part of growing as a person and realizing what is and isn’t what you want or need. It doesn’t mean that there’s something wrong with you or that you’re doing the wrong thing: new habits, new boundaries and a newfound self-respect often require reevaluation.
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cigarette1ips · 3 years
Very much surprised that I am logged into my Tumblr. Found so many drafts unpublished since 2010/2011 and decided to just publish them today. They're the few posts you see after this, before Chris Evans'. I tried reconnecting with SuperTan (an old friend who I actually cherished so much) but nope, failed miserably. Kinda expected it tbh but oh wells. Sometimes people move forward in life, without you. Just take it as part of your stride and move on.
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cigarette1ips · 3 years
You should tell me in my face.
"i just wanted that conversation , i just wanted to say a couple of words ." "wanted you to know i waited the whole night .." "i just need your time, your time. And hoping for just that little bit of change between friends ." "nothing's gonna happen , twit ." :'( i wish you could understand. I wanted to talk to you too. But from here, it seems to me that you're still mad at me, you still haven't forgive me. I don't know. I'm sorry.
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cigarette1ips · 3 years
uuuuu what happened.
i dont like it when u scold me indirectly. n u use harsh words.. when i ask u if u're angry. u'll say no. when i apologize, u'll not forgive me coz thrs ntg to be forgiven. n damn this is the time again when we both r waiting for each other to msg. i really want to msg u first but i dont want u to have that thot whrby from today onwards, u'll just wait for me n never try to think of me. i dont want to c your face in schl coz i just cant face u, u know? idk who r u mad at. but i know u've found someone else rite. actually ah actually.. u just dont wanna tell me. u still contact me coz u dont want me to get curious. well go to hell wif that... serious shxt i tell u. u told me u care abt me but what the hell is this? if u cared, u shud have just tell me evertg. letting me thinking n guessing abt this really hurts u know. the time when i saw your pm. i just lost myself thr. i dont know how i was feeling. i dont know whats my name anymore. i just... felt like i was dead for that few secs.. my heart was heavy.. i dont even know what this feeling really is. it sucks. u know when u can feel pain at the heart area.. pain not physically but just pain irritantly.. like that? u know u know. u dont. yes to the max i wanna ask u whats wrong. but cnfm u'll say ntg wrong. im fine. perfectly fine. it's like u keep saying that! u keep telling me the same old lines. i dont want to get hurt again but i still want to be smwhr in your mind... how do i do that? pls ah.............. i dont want us to stop contacting each other suddenly......... j please? dont tell me i've lost u again....... dont dont dont.............. u're not texting me anymore..... just tell me who r u with now n i'll go whole heartedly.
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cigarette1ips · 3 years
UGH (insertname)
COME BACK !! I'm waiting.. Still waiting IMpatiently for you. This is horrible. The feelings sucks ttm. Why? You were online just now but, you went offline right away.. WHY?! What's wrong? Hate me totally already?
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cigarette1ips · 3 years
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imissyou :'(
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