cinchonic · 2 days
As Koda once said, I finally feel like my work here is Done. When all is said and done, everything will always lead you back to yourself. Because there is no one, no thing, but You. Every appearance is just an expression of only One that is, full of love and peace and endless joy, YOU. No narrative, no story, no appearance, ever took that away from you.
You just need to see~
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With that being said, you can still send me interesting and fun random things/asks. Always up for a good conversation, apart from that, Take care🌙
(Link to my masterlist)
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cinchonic · 7 days
Knowing yourself means not relying on external sources or people to tell you what you want to hear. It involves understanding that there is nothing inherently separate from you and any appearance you dream up. It means being undisturbed by seeming external happenings on a deeper level but knowing that you can react and act however you want to if you decide to engage in the game you are dreaming up. Knowing yourself involves refraining from asking limiting questions and realizing that you are directly experiencing every aspect of existence. Continuously seeking external validation or answers indicates a lack of recognition of one's true nature.
Are you not tired of waiting, seeking, and feeling confined by the limitations you have given yourself by thinking? It's a game and it's obvious. Any appearance is your experience and pure entertainment, no matter what seems to happen. That'll never change. Ever.
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cinchonic · 1 month
I’m sick and tired of this non dual stuff
This “non concept” or “go within” or all those other metaphors, pointers and word salads it’s getting ridiculous I dislike it
So best thing to do is to shut up ! Silence speaks louder than any other pointer you’ll ever read
Don’t spend a whole year reading books or reading blogs and listen to the only thing that matters” YOU” because all of this Points to YOU anyway! You , you , you .
You don’t need anything but yourself so be fed up !! You rather read a 100 page book then sitting with yourself .
You don’t need this , you don’t need me telling you this either so unfollow you don’t need me or any pointer at all I hate the word pointer Too
Too much words bleh bleh bleh
Just shhhhhhhhhh
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cinchonic · 2 months
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non dual yaoi wisdom. from no. 6
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cinchonic · 2 months
There's nothing to change. 
Changes imply the presence of something permanent. BASICALLY, THE PRESENCE OF SOMETHING. 
But there is no reality. It seems that a person has a life, and that nothing has ever changed in it, but this is not the case. 
There is no man, no life. All this is a set of unrelated frames, which can be anything. 
Every moment you experience a new and unique experience. It looks like the old one because it is reproduced from memory. 
Therefore, there is nothing to change, because there is nothing permanent. You just choose what to be aware of at that particular moment, not based on the memory of "your life." 
Therefore, every moment the illusion can be different, understand this and learn at first hand.
— Neo
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cinchonic · 2 months
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cinchonic · 2 months
“The task of a liberated person is not to scold the world and preach to it, but to delight it back to its senses.”
— Alan Watts (via entheognosis)
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cinchonic · 2 months
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A biological explanation of non duality
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cinchonic · 2 months
And I wasn’t the player
One day, a young woman sat in front of a piano, like she did every other day as well. That woman was me, and one thing you should know about me, is that I cannot really play the piano.
I sat there, frustrated, struggling. I just couldn’t play that one part right, regardless of how hard I tried. And mind you, I had practiced that piece for years.
But then I remembered, I only play for myself, because it makes me happy.
So I gave up.
I just listened to the melody my hands were playing. And they played it well, even though I did nothing to make that happen. Like a spectator, I watched in awe as my own hands played with such ease something I had so long struggled to master.
And I realised,
I was not the player. I was the observer, and the melody, the notes, the music, they ran through me like a river, as long as I did not try to stop or control them.
And the melody did not care which note came first, for once I heard the next part of the melody, the one before ceased to exist.
And when the piece ended, I stared at my own hands, still on the keys of the piano, and I asked myself,
why it felt like I never played anything. The moment was over, and the next moment was truly unbothered by the previous one, just like the notes that together form a melody.
It appeared like a big whole, but in reality it was just made up of notes, moments, memories, woven together by a sense of oneness that cannot be explained.
And I wasn’t the player, I was just a part of the melody that flowed through me, and yet I was the entire melody and it was good that way.
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cinchonic · 2 months
Hii, how's everything going?
I had a question about what if the freedom I feel is only 10% of my time and the peace/indifference internally seems to be also momentary (more than 10% I'd say, still not "satisfying") will this freedom and indifference become my norm if I keep practicing this?
At some times it's easy, and I will actually feel this great feeling of peace and solace but they really are very minimal. Some other times it feels like I'm at a fight with this mind, a fight I know grows through my efforts to end it but it all will seem so hard at that time. It feels often like I'm only hiding and fearful of the ego and the mind.
Also, another thing but lately I've been fearful towards an event that my mind says might occur. I decided then that it may happen then its not happening to me, it's happening to the character I'm playing. Still, I don't even want it to happen to the character I'm playing. This would be unnecessary and I think the idea of "it will happen to the character I'm playing and not my true self" Sometimes makes me think that I'm this way leading to it occurring to my character since some people imagine the ego with the desire the ego has, so the desire actually occurs to this ego/character/materialises before the senses. I could use a little help with how I should deal with this?
AND I'm hoping you're having very peaceful great days!! You're very kind 💌🫶
will this freedom and indifference become my norm if I keep practicing this?
Depends what you're practicing, you haven't mentioned it anywhere.
Some other times it feels like I'm at a fight with this mind, a fight I know grows through my efforts to end it but it all will seem so hard at that time. It feels often like I'm only hiding and fearful of the ego and the mind.
Mind purification is necessary for the restless mind, read this and this. You can do this through releasing or any other sadhana (spiritual practice), whatever works for you.
New age teachers and "non teachers" seem to ignore that they speak to people whose minds are filled with rajas (restlessness) and tamas (inertia), clinging mainly to sensual life and who are, perhaps, at the beginning of spirituality (even if they are engaged in spiritual practices for many years). But Vedanta is for people endowed with dispassion, discrimination and self control.  Rajasic and tamasic minds are always agitated, anxious, desirous, distracted, fearful, extroverted, etc. How is it possible for an impure mind full of rajas and tamas to do contemplation, meditation and Self-enquiry? How is it possible for an impure mind to comprehend the principles of Vedanta and put them into practice? How is it possible for an impure mind, which most of the time is dwelling on sense objects and can only perceive gross forms, to realize the Atman which is the essence of life and the subtlest of all? The fact is that only when the mind is purified to a great extent, it becomes our friend and a great instrument for Self-enquiry and meditation. Then Self-realization is very easy. New age teachers and "non teachers" used to say: "You are already That"; "Who is going to do sadhana or spiritual practices?"; "Just be here now." These sayings may seem wonderful for tamasic-rajasic minds! But it is not easy for someone to still the mind and "be". Talks cannot destroy ignorance, vasanas and samskaras that are accumulated from many past births. Only intense uninterrupted sadhana can make the mind one-pointed and still. They claim also that spiritual practices strengthen the ego and sadhana becomes a prison for the seeker. How can that be so? They really don't know, probably because they never did real sadhana. Great masters like Jesus Christ, immortal Babaji, Satya Sai Baba, Swami Sivananda, Vedanta teachers like Adi Shankaracharya, Sri Ramana Maharshi and scriptures like the Upanishads, the Bhaghavad Gita, etc., tell us to purify our minds and hearts through sadhana. If sadhana and the purification of mind are not necessary, it means that the sayings of the great masters are false. New age teachers say that everything is illusory, just a dream, that everything just happens. Then who is going to do what? Surely everything is an illusory appearance, a long dream. But only for those who have awakened from the dream! For the rest, it is a very solid reality.
This world is an illusory reflection of Consciousness; jiva is illusory, bondage and liberation are also illusory. But this is very easily misunderstood. The bondage is illusory, but this does not mean that sadhana is not necessary. When someone is hungry or thirsty, he has to eat or drink something to relieve his hunger or thirst. In this illusory world, an illusory hunger can be satisfied by illusory food! Similarly, illusory bondage can be destroyed by an illusory sadhana. The illusory practices can destroy all the fancies of the mind at its root (ignorance and ego). This is impossible without practice. Only in very rare cases like Sri Ramana Maharshi can this happen instantly. But that happened because he did intense sadhana in many previous lives. You have to practise constantly with faith, steady determination and perseverance to purify your mind and heart. Simultaneously practise meditation and Self-enquiry to realize your true nature. You have to practise until the mind is empty from desires, attachments, egoism, all samskaras and vasanas, until you are established effortlessly in your true nature. As Ramana Maharshi has said "There is a state beyond our efforts or effortlessness. Until that is realized, effort is necessary. Intense effort is necessary until the I-thought disappears completely in the heart (Self)" Do real sadhana my dear children, do real sadhana. You cannot wake up from the dream of separation only by talking and listening. Do intense sadhana from this very moment to realize your divine nature. Time passes by very fast. Tomorrow will never come. Every day there is a tomorrow. Do not waste your time in trifling illusory sense pleasures. Live every moment of your life, for Self-realization. Put Vedanta into practice. Destroy 'I-ness' and 'mine' that separate you from God and the world. Realize your real Self in this very life. Be an embodiment of peace, love and harmony. This is your birthright and the purpose you took for this human body.
Also, another thing but lately I've been fearful towards an event that my mind says might occur. I decided then that it may happen then its not happening to me, it's happening to the character I'm playing. Still, I don't even want it to happen to the character I'm playing.
First, I recommend using this practice to bring up the fear and let the feelings be released while you observe and remember it's only a feeling, you're not going to die from it. The more you try to fight/ignore/resist it, the more it persists. Let it come up, let it be and it will dissolve. Keep doing it until it's all gone. After you've done this, if there still remains any fear, go within and find out why you have this fear about this event occurring. Get to the root causative thought/beliefs and then drop them.
After this, if it resonates, you can do a practice where you allow yourself to feel safe and know that you are safe (you can think of it as giving yourself safety and security if it helps). You can do it however it feels good to you: imagination, thoughts, affirmations, meditation - whatever feels good. The reason I suggest this is because it seems this fear is rooted in a fear for survival and a perceived lack of safety and security. So see yourself having safety and security. Do it for as long as you want until you feel okay. (If there are other root senses of lack other than lack of safety and security from your fear, then give yourself whatever it is you think you lack)
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cinchonic · 2 months
the ego doesn’t exist. It’s not a person nor an entity or anything like that. It’s just a longtime held onto perception. It’s just a pile of ideas, concepts, states of mind, thoughts and feelings that we’re clung to and built upon like a castle of cards. It was never you. It was never truly real. It seemed to be because you were it. It cannot exist without you knowing yourself as it.
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cinchonic · 2 months
have you tried surrendering?
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cinchonic · 2 months
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Post from @infiniteletters
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cinchonic · 2 months
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You serve, by the mere certainty, that you are the subject & witness of what is happening right now, the deeper you drop into Witnessing, the greater your service & sacrifice, in ways you you can't know, more than you can know, & in way's you don't need to know
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cinchonic · 2 months
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cinchonic · 2 months
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cinchonic · 2 months
Freedom Technique: Path to Awareness and Love with Autobiography by Lester Levenson (Spilny, Yuri)'s book Hi. Wanted to share this with you
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''WANT is a paradox. To obtain something, it is important to WANT it. However, WANT means lack of what you want. The more you WANT something, the more you affirm the lack of it. It is better not to WANT but to allow whatever you need to come to you. Otherwise WANT will sabotage you, becoming a block, a barrier. (...) And you know that WANT harbors fear and other negativity. It is better to substitute WANT with ALLOWING. Created by Lester, the process of Releasing, consists of five steps: 1.  Become aware of the emotion and lovingly accept it. 2.  Feel the emotion somewhere in the body.  Anger for example is often felt in the pit of the stomach or in the chest.  Find that spot and feel your anger there. It won’t take too long before you notice that the more you concentrate on your anger, the weaker it becomes.  This happens, because instead of “feeding” it with your energy, you are withdrawing the energy by calmly witnessing your emotion. 3.  Identify the emotion as Wanting Approval (WA) or Wanting Control (WC). 4.  Relax into the emotion. 5.  Release the emotion.  As you keep your attention on it, let it go by asking - Could I let it go?         Yes! - Would I let it go?        Yes! - When?                         Now! Inhale, while asking the last question.  Then open an imaginary window in the spot where you feel the emotion, and with exhalation, let the energy flow freely out of that window, while saying “Now!” Imagine bluish, almost transparent energy flowing out. A feeling or emotion is nothing but energy; it is neither “bad” nor “good.”  We give it different names in order to relate it to different mental states.  The energy flows out… It is gone!  Still, ask yourself: And More? …  Answer: Yes!  And let more of it to flow out… And More? …   Yes!  And let even more of it out… And even More? … Yes!  Let more of it out… And even More? … Yes!  Let more of it out… And even More? … Yea!  Let more of it out… Try to feel the feeling again.  Imagine situation that made you feel angry.  It would help you to locate more anger within you. Keep repeating the process until you find yourself out of AGFLAP and in CAP (Courageousness Acceptance and Peace).  It is important to continue releasing until you are at peace.  It may take time, but time thus spent is ten times worth the effort. You will find that nothing is more rewarding than your state of peace. There should be no thinking or analyzing.  You must say “yes” regardless of how you feel about it.
Lester underlined that releasing will be more effective when we are in the state of either Courageousness, Acceptance or Peace. The entire process of releasing must be always done lovingly. Therefore, before starting the releasing bring yourself into one of the states of CAP with loving attitude. It is easily done when you imagine the end result of a particular releasing: wonderful relationship, money in your account, new house, whatever you are releasing on. Remember to start with accepting and loving yourself unconditionally.
The state of loving peace is the only appropriate state to be in.  If you’re not peaceful, find out what is it within you that deprives you of peace and let it go. When we have no Resistance, no Fear and no Wants, when we don’t wish to change anything but accept everything the way it is, we are free.
Let us start with letting go of whatever we are feeling right now and move into Courageousness, Acceptance and Peace. We begin with Courageousness. It’s a wonderful place, where we are willing to do whatever it takes, no matter what: a place of absolute willingness to do anything. We are adventurous, alive, powerful, self-sufficient and secure. We have a vast vision. We have been here before in this wonderful place and can access it from our past memory, when we were in trouble. We are here right now. On the scale of action, Lester says, ‘Courageousness is a willingness to go into action without fear, to give, to correct, to change whatever needs it, the willingness to let go, to move on.’ It is a very distinct state. Notice how you are immediately becoming more aware, as you move into this state. And from here, let’s move into Acceptance. Just a shift, a different way of a being expressing itself: Acceptance. Get the feeling: everything is OK just the way it is. On the scale of action, Lester says, ‘No need to change anything. No judgment of good or bad. It just is… It is beautiful just as it is, and it’s OK just the way it is. It is wonderful out there… I am enjoying everything just as it is. So take a look, wherever you are, sitting, driving, whatever it is that you’re doing. Can you allow it to be beautiful just as it is? Can you allow yourself to enjoy your surroundings, which includes your body, just as it is? Can you love your body just as it is? The room you are in, just as it is? The city you are in, just as it is? And will it be OK with you to make the decision, and it is just a decision, to feel about wherever you are in life, being just beautiful? Well, the mind may check on this and that, and yet, it is all Awareness, Beingness, and it is always beautiful. Other words Lester used to describe this: fullness, gentle, glowing, gracious, harmonious. And again, notice where you are right now. What it feels like. Be aware. Contrast it to the state of Courageousness… There is a cool air about this state of Acceptance. When you notice the differences between the two states it will allow you to access this state of Awareness more freely. From this place of Acceptance, where everything is OK the way it is, allow yourself to move to a state of Peace. On a scale of action, Lester describes it as I am, I am whole, complete, totally into my Self. Everyone and everything is part of my Self. It’s all perfect. Whatever you’re now feeling, whatever you’re experiencing… can you let it go and let it be even more perfect? Would it be OK with you, if you dissolve the boundaries, whatever they are: boundary of your body, your house, your car, your property, boundary of your country... Can you dissolve these boundaries, and allow everything to be seen as your Self, your own Beingness, Awareness.  Immediately, everything becomes quiet, even more serene, more still. Would it be OK with you if you live in peace every day, all day? Would it be OK with you, if everyone you’ve met will be radiantly peaceful beings, a part of you, of your own Self? If everyone is seen in total serenity, total peace, the world is automatically becoming peaceful and serene. Other words to describe this: stillness, kindness, tranquility, unlimited, whole.
And check to see if our friend the mind has been active lately, trying to figure things out. Can you let go of trying to figure it out? Mind always has a list of favorite things it is trying to figure out. Could you let that process go and allow yourself just be and rest in Awareness? Let us ask the mind if it knows the solution of whatever you’re trying to figure out. Of course it doesn’t. It is one of the most pointless exercises in our lives, to keep asking the mind for an answer, when it doesn’t have an answer. And when we do this, it comes back at us with a judgment. It says, ‘beat yourself up! Is there something wrong with you? There we go again: asking me about something I don’t know!’ Is that helping us to get the solution? What it does… it keeps us on the surface of our mind: all that asking, beating ourselves up. So now we have a decision to make. Are we going to keep being negative, beating ourselves up, standing on the surface of our mind? Or, do we want to let that go and move into productivity, quietness and deepness? Of course, we want to be quieter and deeper.
From this state of wholeness look at your life and see if there is any part that you’re resisting. Anything in your life that frustrates you, irritates you that you try to exclude from your wholeness? See if there is any question, any sensation about that. And just instantly let that energy go. Let it go some more…, and more… And will it be OK with you, if you reclaim that part of your life in terms of yourself? We are responsible for our pictures: everything that we picture is part of ourselves. Would it be OK with you if you make a decision? Irrevocable decision that says I am going for freedom, no matter what. Why not?
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