cinnbar-bun · 13 hours
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Oh my god these were so cute and I love it I love it I love it I love Kakyoin being the one to voice his concerns and Joseph being an old man about this shit I love this I love them plleeeeeaseeee 😭😭😭
Touch Me, Please
Polnareff x GN!Reader
Summary: How Polnareff likes to be touched
Warnings: FLUFFFFFFFFFFF, jjba part 3, slight mention of death
Word Count: HC: 910+, Drabbles: 370+ & 510+, Total: 1.8K
A/N: soo...have I mentioned I'm head over heels for this man? No. Okay. I love him. Some of this came from a convo I had with the amazing @cinnbar-bun who was also the lovely soul who introduced me to this show and my newest husband. Let's all give her a round of applause because I absolutely love this show 👏👏👏 First time writing for Polnareff so I did my best and I hope you enjoy! đŸ©· (Also I plan on this being a bit of a series so look out for that)
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He needs it
He needs touch like he needs the air to breathe
He’ll turn into literal puddy in your hand if you do
Brush your fingers over his when handing him food
Pat his cheek, arm, shoulder, back
Brush your shoulder against his as you walk side by side
I’m not asking I’m telling you to hold his hand or else this man will become the saddest puddle you’ve ever seen
And all of this is just your average day being friends with Polnareff
Once you two become an item he becomes like a baby koala he’s so clingy
He always needs a hand on you
Some sort of skin-on-skin 
He still doesn’t fully believe you want to be his partner let alone let him touch you
So whether it be his hand holding your own or his thigh pressed against yours as you two eat he needs to touch you
Would 100% be the type of partner to hug you from behind while waiting in any sort of line 
Would 100% want to follow you into the bathroom just so that he could keep holding your hand (and has definitely done so in the past)
Is honestly so terrified when you two have to go your separate ways for such things as going to the bathroom
Not only because he’s had less than pleasant experiences with those spaces thanks to enemy Stand Users
But because he is so utterly terrified that if he lets you go, you’ll disappear 
He’s dealt with enough heartbreak to last him two lifetimes so the thought of losing you is utter hell
He just needs to feel you to reassure himself you are still with him
Still with him and still breathing
Will press his ear over your heart sometimes to listen to your heartbeat
You struggled to unlock the hotel room door thanks to the multitude of food bags cradled in your arms. Somehow you had managed to pull the room key from your back pocket but now your grapple with unlocking the door and turning the handle without dropping the food was threatening your will.  The key slid into the lock,  pulling a bright laughing cheer from your lips at finally starting to win the battle set before. You grabbed for the handle of the door just as it turned, the door yanking open in a rush of air.  “Oh--” You said, taking a small step as you took back at the tall body that now stood in the entrance. Polnareff’s familiar face had your body easing and smile tugging bright once more at your lips. “Good morn--” You never got to finish your sentences before Polnareff’s strong arms were wrapping around your body, crushing you and the food against his chest.  “I woke up and you weren’t there and the others were gone as well and--and I--” Polnareff panicked into your neck, nuzzling his face against your skin as a shuddering breath shook his body. His hold tightened further as if to keep you glued to him. The sound of a plastic container crunching filled your ears, letting you know the food you had fought to keep from falling was getting crushed within his embrace.  You’re heart twisted in your chest at his utterly panicked state, the food’s destruction far from your mind as you all but dropped the bags. Your hands and arms were instantly wrapped around his neck, fingers brushing soothing circles into his skin.   “Mon amour, I-I didn’t know where you were.” He said in a voice smaller than that of a whisper.  “I thought I would be back before you woke up. I told the others to be here if you did but--forgive me. I should have taken you with me.” You whispered back, pressing a soft kiss to his temple. “I--Love, what do you need?” You asked, wanting the panic to leave him and for that goofy smile to return to his lips.  “Just
touch me
please.” It was a request you were more than happy to fulfill, pulling him ever closer into your hold.
If you ever need space, Polnareff is more than happy to give it to you
But that sad puddle he became when you went a whole minute without touching him while just being friends becomes an oh-so-sad ocean
The rest of the Crusaders are going to be teasing the hell out of the guy for being such a gloomy, near-sobbing mess
And speaking of the other Crusaders
They cannot stand how touchy you two are
The phrase “get a room”, among other things, is almost always spilling from their lips 
Oh boy and talking about lips
Give him soft kisses
Kiss him on his blushing cheeks, forehead, nose, ears, shoulders
Pepper this man in kisses 
And he is kissing you right back
Taking your hands in his and pressing kisses to your knuckles
He’s kissing the inside of your wrist as you sit on the train or at dinner
Kissing the top of your head as you walk
Just kisses everywhere, all the time
He likes to talk to you while his lips are touching your skin
Likes it even more if he can whisper sweet nothings in French against your own lips
You happily hummed as you ate, the soft, classical music floating through the bustling restaurant not the tune you had chosen to muse as spectacular spices and flavors brust over your tongue. A warm thumb brushed at the side of your mouth, clearing a bit of sauce from your skin. Your face began to feel warm at the touch, knowing exactly whose thumb had swiped over your skin.  You turned, finding Polnareff’s gray eyes already watching you. Eyes so full of loving adoration it took your breath away every time you looked into them.  “Did you get it all?” Your voice sounding near breathless as you took in his handsome, which a bright smile adorned. Polnareff hummed in mock thought, taking your chin between his fingers. He turned your face this way and that, searching for a mess that you knew was nowhere to be found. “Ah! There is some just there.” He said, guiding your face ever closer.  “Are you going to get it for me?” You asked, lips parting as your face was drawn closer to his.   “Of course, mon coeur.” He all but purred, turning that warmth into a burning fire. Your heart raced as he leaned into you, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek. He hardly pulled away before you were grabbing hold of his shirt, keeping him close. “I--I think I feel some more. Just here.” You said, voice wobbling as you tapped your other cheek. Polnareff widely grinned, more than eager to place a chaste kiss to your other cheek. “And here.” You breathed, tapping your lips. A chuckle left Polnareff’s chest that grew muffled against your lips.   He kissed you sweetly. So sweet it had your heart melting and your stomach fluttering around like it had grown wings like some butterfly.  “Good grief.” The gruff voice of Jotaro grumbled from across the table where he sat.   “Mr. Joestar,” Kakyoin huffed, his typically smooth voice laced in utter disgust at you and Polnareff’s actions. “Please make them stop.”   “Me? Stop them?” The oldest Joestar all but shouted from where he sat at your side. Kakyoin must have nodded because Joseph gave a huffing grumble of his own. “Alright, you two. Knock it off. This place is nice--and in public.” He tried, to no avail.  You both ignored the group, lips pulling away only so you could pepper Polnareff’s face in kisses he was more than happy to return. Whispered Mon amours, mon coeurs, among other loving titles pressed into your skin making it tingle in delight. “Eh--see. They won’t listen to me.” Joseph huffed.  “I do not believe there is a power on this earth or in the heavens above that is strong enough to keep them apart.” The calm voice was Advol spoke from Polnareff’s side, a light chuckle in his voice.  A giggle escaped your lips at his words, nuzzling your nose against Polnareff’s. They were words you couldn’t help but full-heartedly believe as Polnareff cupped your jaw in his strong hand, kissing your lips like it was the last time he would ever taste them again.
If he’s driving the group, you better believe you're sitting shotgun so he can place a hand on your thigh, giving it gentle squeezes to remind you he’s always thinking about you
If Joseph is insistent about sitting in the front, Polnareff either refuses to drive outright or is reaching into the back to hold your hand much to Jotaro and Kakyoin’s displeasure
Will reach over one of the others to touch you
Has and will lead to a shouting match between Polnareff and the others
But he refuses to be so close to you yet so so far
He’ll even go as far as to send Silver Chariot to sit with you and hold your hand if he can’t be there with you
Though this has led to one too many Star Platinum beatdowns 
Oh my goodness PLEASE cuddle him
He’s so warm and his arms are so safe
Only one bed? 
No trouble whatsoever! 
Polnareff wasn’t going to sleep without you anyway
Only a few rooms left?
Polnareff and you have been deemed your own room because the others will not deal with your touchiness while trying to sleep mere inches away
Polnareff’s cuddle could save a life
It’s a fact
His fingers are rubbing circles into your back or arm
His face buried in the crook of your neck so he could take in your scent and dream of you while he sleeps
Whether it be a hug from the front or back, he has his arms around you while you sleep
His legs intertwining between yours, molding himself against you
He literally worships the ground you walk on so why wouldn’t he just want to become another extension of your being?
The only thing he won’t always want touched is his hair
He spent nearly an hour that morning in the dimly lit hotel bathroom getting it just right
And he loves you
GOD he loves you
He loves you so much it hurts
But his hair is off-limits until you both are settling in for the night
Then he is more than happy to let you run your fingers through his hair
He also won’t be completely opposed to you helping him style his hair in the morning, but you’ll need to go through several days of “training” before you can even touch one of his combs
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cinnbar-bun · 20 hours
I just had the most unhinged idea for a fic come into my head and I’m staring at myself in horror at the fact I conjured this while at work
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cinnbar-bun · 22 hours
Idky but I can totally imagine croc in JoJo's (especially part 3 or 5) with a kickass sandstorm stand as a mafia-boss-type
He’d totally be one of the baddies in Egypt. And he’s tryna do his job but because everyone is so unserious he ends up looking like a clown for a moment. Oh my gosh he’d absolutely want to bide his time and then kill Dio but then probably get bodied 😭😭 and then quits to run a cafe he’s soooo stupid.
 Crocodile in Italy
 you make up a good point he could be one of the dons of Passione.
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cinnbar-bun · 22 hours
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I saw @tetzoro 's post pop up on my feed and had to do it with my fictional spouses because it's literally me
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My newest husband and light of my life Polnareff--sighhhh....@cinnbar-bun is to blame for this one....sorry....there will be fics coming about this man in the hopefully near future
I mean he's FRENCH and just wants a girl to PINKY SWEAR to love him---yall I HAVE PINKY SWEARED!!!! There is no turning back now, pinky swears are the strongest of promises and could lead to literal death if broken đŸ˜©
And talking about French lover boys....
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My sweet angel Sanji--I just love him. I could just EAT HIM WHOLE omLORDDDDDDD
And of course, I had to do one for Robin, Buggy, and Nami because I love them TOO MUCH
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.....I literally could do one of these for every single fictional spouse I have but I stopped myself at 5 and spared this post from being any longer
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cinnbar-bun · 22 hours
Okay so 5 request, I'm waiting 👁👁 I love your writing and cant wait- Also your style it's so cute all the mirrors and lipsticks. If I had money... bet your buck that would be me 💗💗💗
I hope one day soon you can get em!!! And I’m so glad you like my writing thank youuuu~!
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cinnbar-bun · 1 day
@gingernut1314 bye bestie get some good food
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I need more large guys laughing at their own jokes please.
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cinnbar-bun · 1 day
How many requests do you have right now/and or working on?
Currently around 5 for jojo. Please feel free to request!!!
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cinnbar-bun · 1 day
Alrighty, so I got another ask regarding this but it’s time to show off the rest of my Flower Knows collection!!!
Drum roll please-
I’m gonna start off with some of the “merch” I get before I do the makeup. I already showed off the Never’s Shop gifts so I’ll skip going over those again.
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I have 8 of these hand mirrors (I actually got another one of the white circular mermaid compact mirrors but I keep that at work)! Majority of these are just freebies from buying a certain amount of items, from an all-in package, or just a free gift since I have lots of points saved up. The only one I actually bought for the mirror specifically was the black Little Angel one!
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I got these three boxes to go along with the makeup. The purple one is from the Violet Rococo All-In package, but the pink one was a stacked reward gift from their anniversary. One of the winter stacked gifts was also a chocolate leather tote bag and it’s pretty cute and large! Also, during their 7th anniversary they had a pink handbag, it’s super cute but it’s also in my closet for now and I’m a bit lazy to grab it (so I attached a picture of it).
Now onto the makeup!!
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These are my eyeshadow palettes (left) and my blush + setting powder + application brushes (right). My favorite palette is the pink swan ballet one, but I use the Little Angel palette for its black eyeshadow to use as my eyeliner (I have really sensitive eyes so this is the only way to really wear it without tearing up).
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And these are the rest! On the left is both the normal and Violet Strawberry Rococo lip creams. The Violet ones are actually glossy so they’ve become my new faves. In the middle is my Moonlight Mermaid lipgloss. And on the right is my Swan Ballet lipstick, the black + pink Moonlight Mermaid liquid eyeliner, and the Cherry Love lip glosses, the Chocolate Wonder-Shop mascara, and the Swan Ballet liquid eyeshadow!
This is my current collection so far, and I plan on getting some of the new Midsummer Fairytales collection too!
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cinnbar-bun · 2 days
Keep them requests coming yall got some good ass ideas and I’m eating them up 😭😭😭
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cinnbar-bun · 2 days
It can be either!!
-Diego Anon ToT
Thank you darling đŸ«¶đŸ«¶ so sorry for all the questions, thank you for requesting!! And also please don’t ever feel afraid to request!!!
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cinnbar-bun · 2 days
Oh also sorry quick question to Diego anon do you want your request nsfw or sfw???
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cinnbar-bun · 2 days
I humbly ask for Diego Brando x Reader pls :3
I’d love to do this (DIEGO MY BELOVED đŸ«¶đŸ«¶) but a bit more specific request would be helpful to me!!
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cinnbar-bun · 2 days
got jumpscared by the $1000 set 💀💀 but thank you :3 will be purchasing when i get my paycheck đŸ’…đŸœ
Lmaooo good news they do hold sales often (I think they might for summer- but they definitely do for holidays and anniversaries) and they do have gift sets you can choose where you can just select a few things and it’s discounted together!
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cinnbar-bun · 2 days
hi luna !! i remember one time u got this cute pink makeup set and i was wondering where u got it from ?? i want to decorate my room in such a cute pink way but i get so overwhelmed online shopping :(
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I believe you mean this one, right? This is from Flower Knows!!! This set specifically is the Violet edition of Strawberry Rococo!
I think looking into Rococo inspired decor might fit what you’re asking for! Or cottagecore for some of their other lines too.
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cinnbar-bun · 2 days
if you get one back, even better 🕊
if you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. ❀❀❀
Omg yay another one!!!
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cinnbar-bun · 2 days
If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better! đŸ’™â­ïžđŸ’™â­ïžđŸ’™â­ïžđŸ’™â­ïžđŸ’œ
Thank you, this was just what I needed to see đŸ„č
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cinnbar-bun · 4 days
So I saw you did some zines before and I was wondering, do you have any advice on how to get in as a writer đŸ„ČđŸ„Č I’ve been trying but it seems like I get rejected every time and it lowkey hurts.
Hi nonnie!! Sorry for not responding to this earlier but I wasn’t sure of the right thing to say. Yes, I have done a few pieces for some zines, and I’ll try to be as 
 honest as I can without being too harsh.
I’m just going to say it right off the bat, fanzines just aren’t the best for writers in general. You’ll notice a lot of times, that zines will open maybe 2-5 slots specifically for writers. Considering many might get over 50-60+ applications for those spots, it’s already a tough start. Don’t blame yourself for this, it’s not that you suck, but it’s just that there’s so much limited space. It is not your fault. Two people out of 50 applications is barely anything.
And you might think, well, what’s the reasoning for that?
And to be honest it goes down to the current culture of fanzines that made me leave it to begin with. Most of them are either for-profit/for donations. Which is cool! Buuuut that means you have to maximize profit and minimize costs. Who is most likely going to bring in the audience? Unfortunately, not writers. Who is taking up the most space (technically speaking) with their work
 unfortunately, also writers.
Having writers is often seen as a loss of time and space that could be given to artists who most likely have more pull to an audience. I mean, you can even compare this in general from writing fanfics to simply looking at a piece of art. You don’t need to read art the way you do a fanfic. Art is eye catching and boom, you can continue to the next thing. Note: this is not me diminishing artists or writers, I’m explaining this from a business perspective that zine owners have shared with me that unfortunately constrains them.
Even if you follow the limits of like a 1-2k work, putting it in the zine with additional formatting, dialogue, borders, sizes, etc will take up around 6-8 pages maybe. To some owners, that’s 6-8 artists that could’ve taken that spot that would’ve had more pull than the one writer who wrote the fic.
Fanzines nowadays feel they have a standard to be almost close to “official” merch which
 that’s not why zines were made to begin with. It was a celebration of fandom and fan creations. But everyone wants people with high follower counts now, so lesser known creators are often chucked to the side. Which, fair enough you’re tryna make profit for a cause- but it can be disheartening.
Trust me, despite me having participated in like 3 zines, it still hurt when I got rejected. And, you do have to take this to heart, the zine owners don’t think your writing is crappy or anything like that. They don’t. You can mourn being rejected but it’s not a reflection on your writing.
My advice? Go make your own zine. Or just continue writing fanfic for fun and posting. You’re not really gonna make money off them anyways even in a for-profit zine, but zines are meant to be by the fans for the fans. The current culture has sucked the fun out of it in exchange for profit, but you don’t have to wait around to get accepted. Even just yourself and a friend or two can make a zine on your own, and that’s really all you need. You make the rules and you get to make your funny zine. So go for it! Send your application to official ones, of course, it never hurts to try, but you don’t need some person to allow you to contribute. Fandom is for everyone, not just for profit or those only with master level talent or follower counts. Just make your own thing!
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