clockworkzombies · 4 days
So we did some labs on my estrogen and testosterone to see whats going on because we strongly believe my hormones are what's affecting my moods.
I got my estrogen results yesterday, and my doctor called me today. Apparently I'm perimenopausal at 24.
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clockworkzombies · 5 days
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clockworkzombies · 5 days
If so, what is it?
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clockworkzombies · 5 days
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clockworkzombies · 5 days
Add in the comments if you think you look your age and what others guess
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clockworkzombies · 5 days
BTW we basically got the car! It's my boyfriends first car that isn't garbage on wheels, I'm very proud of him.
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clockworkzombies · 5 days
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clockworkzombies · 6 days
My mom is one of those delusional gen-x people who doesn't understand how expensive things are and how much harder it is for younger people to be able to afford things.
My boyfriend is looking to buy a Ford Mustang from a seller on Facebook, and we thought it's a pretty good deal and he's absolutely in love with it. Low miles, minimal damage, and under $10k - theyre asking $9k for it. I told my mom about it (I should have waited till we brought it home honestly). She shits on it entirely, saying the seller is asking too much, he won't get approved for a loan even with a cosigner, even thinks he should do it with no cosigner some-fucking-how, thinks it's rear-wheel drive and he won't get around in it, and thinks he needs to look for a newer vehicle than 2009 (its technically 2006 but i told her the wrong year on accident).
Thing is, he can't afford anything over $10k, and anything after 2010 is going to be more than $10k. My car is a 2014 and it was $12k. I can only afford it because I make twice as much as him, and my mom constantly forgets the fast food pays like shit. The man has no credit on top of it all. I only got my car bc my mom cosigned for me. She keeps pushing for him to get a new car but it's gotta be within her terms.
So I'm done discussing things with her. We're getting the car, I'm cosigning, end of discussion.
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clockworkzombies · 7 days
This pride we have GOT to stop making fun of bi women with boyfriends btw . I’m so so serious .
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clockworkzombies · 7 days
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clockworkzombies · 7 days
literally how is driving not incredibly scary for everybody. how is it so normalized. girl you are going to DIE out there
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clockworkzombies · 7 days
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reblog after voting!!
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clockworkzombies · 7 days
female rage is always traditionally dainty feminine women with long hair covered in blood :// WHAT ABOUT THE BUTCHES. what about a butch cradling her broken nose while eyeing the camera with contempt. what about a butch with the bottom half of their face covered in blood and viscera. what about veins bulging out of their muscular neck arms and back and sorry I lost track of what I was talking about
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clockworkzombies · 7 days
Super cool that Flo has this:
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But I've already seen a doctor and been diagnosed lol.
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clockworkzombies · 8 days
Woo, I'm thinking we're going to go to San Diego in August (it's for my nephew's graduation) and it'll be my first time on the west coast. I'm pretty pumped!
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clockworkzombies · 8 days
i feel like i do 25% of what an average person does in a day and still it's too much
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clockworkzombies · 8 days
I'm buying a 90's dining table set for $75 from someone of Facebook Marketplace and I'm fucking pumped. This is my first time buying furniture in general that wasn't like, a bookcase or a cube organizer. I've been trying to buy couches and stuff too, but people either ghost me or it's already sold by the time I messaged them.
I'm keeping it cheap since this will be our first apartment and I want us to not have to owe money to a furniture store while we're dealing with other bills. Learned from my friends' mistakes lol.
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