crilbyte · 10 hours
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~Reader x Human!Alastor🪓
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Part 1 𖦹 Part 2 𖦹 Part 3 𖦹 Part 4 𖦹 Part 5 𖦹 Part 6
Summary: Life has been perfect. You and Alastor are happy. You even manage to get your first kiss out of him... Nothing could ruin your, right...
Warnings/Promises: 16+, slow burn, abusive relationship, blood, murder, noncon, torture.
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The next few months are the happiest of your life. Every day is like a dream. You feel like the housewife that you always wanted to be with a husband who genuinely cares for you and treats you well. Most mornings you have breakfast ready for when Alastor comes home from work, you let him nap while you tidy up the house. Then you make lunch and go wake him. The two of you eat and spend the day together doing whatever it is you might fancy that day. And then Alastor lovingly makes dinner with his latest kill, all actual animals nowadays, and you sit at the table and eat together. After which you tend to have a glass of coffee by the fire and read.
Today is no different, though this night you're not reading. You sit in front of the fireplace, you in front of him, as he brushes your hair. It's a very intimate and sweet moment that he had suggested all on his own. Alastor wasn't *not* romantic, but he also wasn't one to initiate things like this, so you were thrilled when he offered the idea.
Alastor sits quiet as he brushes your hair, the fire crackling as it casts a warm glow over the room. After a while, he leans in and gently kisses your shoulder, his breath hot against your skin as he whispers, "Does that feel nice?"
"Hmmnn... yes. Very," you sigh happily.
Alastor smiles at your response and continues brushing, taking his time and reveling in the intimate moment. He breathes in deeply and rests his other hand on your waist, enjoying the warmth of your body.
"I'm glad.”
You hum a little jazzy tune quietly as he continues, Alastor chuckles, following the melody of the familiar tune, brushing your hair to the beat. He leans in again and kisses the back of your neck, his touch gentle and lingering as the fireplace casts a warm glow over the room.
"You're so beautiful," he whispers onto your skin.
You giggle. "You're sweet," you say, leaning back so your head rests on his shoulder, and look over at him. "I'm so glad I met you..." You say quietly.
Alastor wraps an arm around you as you lean back against him, his breath hitching at your words. He looks down at you, his eyes gentle and loving, a small smile on his lips as he brushes a stray hair out of your face.
"Can I ask you something?"
Alastor turns his attention fully to you, making sure he's giving you all his attention.
"Of course, my dear," he says, his voice calm and comforting. "You can ask me anything." He caresses your hand reassuringly, waiting for your question with bated breath.
"Why have you never kissed me?" You ask. "Or made any kind of advancements towards me for that matter?"
Alastor's smile falters slightly as he processes your question, his eyes narrowing just a bit. After a moment, he regains his composure and brings your hand to his lips, kissing it gently.
"My sweet," he begins, "after everything you've been through I never wanted to do anything that could associate me with those men in your mind."
You reach up, holding the back of his head gently and pulling him closer to you before gently pressing your lips to his. Alastor tenses for a moment in surprise, but quickly he melts into your touch, returning the kiss. As you two separate, he pulls back just enough to look into your eyes, his own burning with love.
“Nothing you do would ever remind me of them. You're nothing like them,” you say with a fierce tone. “Don't ever worry yourself with that.”
“Darling?” Alastor closes his eyes a moment.
"I realize I have never told you this, and that you have never asked. But I've never been interested in anyone before," he explains. "The idea isn't unwelcome, but I've never had the desire or need for a physical relationship. But I need you to know this." he takes your chin, turning you so you can look him in the eye. "I will never refuse an advance from you. Ever."
"Alastor..." You stare at him with wide sparkling eyes. "I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable..."
"Uncomfortable is the last thing I feel in your presence," he whispers, his eyes shining with affection. "Please, do not be afraid to express your feelings. I may seem mysterious, but I am not complicated."
"So..." You blush a little. "Can I kiss you again?”
"Of course," he answers, his voice softening. He leans forward, pressing his lips to yours once more. This kiss is gentler, more tender than the last, and Alastor's grip on you tightens as he wraps his arms around you.
You let out a happy hum as he pulls you closer, until you're practically sitting on his lap. The kiss is long and slow, but not at all lacking in passion. With every flick of his tongue, every break in the kiss before you press our lips back together again, you can feel his love pouring into you.
Alastor groans softly, his hand sliding down your back to rest at the small of your waist, pulling you closer still. His other hand cradles your cheek, thumb gently caressing your skin as he deepens the kiss. As you slowly come to a stop, you look up at him with hazy eyes.
"That... was unlike anything I've ever experienced," you say under breath.
Alastor smiles softly at you, his eyes just as misty.
"I'm glad I could make you happy," he murmurs, bending down to press a sweet kiss to your lips. His hand never leaves your waist, unwilling to let you go.
"I'm so glad I met you..." You say again, leaning into his chest and settling in for a cuddle.
Alastor wraps his arms around you, pulling you close and resting his chin on the top of your head.
"I feel the same," he says, fully content to hold you until you fall asleep in his arms.
Eventually it's time for him to go to the station and so he carries you softly to the bed and lays you down gently, a soft smile on his face. Alastor gazes down at you, his heart clenching in his chest as he sees how vulnerable and peaceful you look. He leans down, gently pushing a stray strand of hair out of your face, tucking it gently behind your ear.
"Get some rest, my love," he whispers into your ear before leaving a gentle kiss on your cheek and straightening.
He goes to depart, having pushed leaving to the very last moment to avoid saying goodnight. As he does, Alastor catches a glance of himself in the mirror as he approaches it. He takes stock of his appearance, ensuring his hair is still styled to perfection and his suit still fits him well. After a few adjustments, he turns away from the vanity, satisfied with what he sees.
As he walks out the door and towards the station, he realizes that this is the first time he has gone to work without telling you to be safe before you go. He thinks about going back momentarily, but the idea of waking you just to say that feels silly. Instead he resolves to call you when he gets to the radio station and ensure everything is alright. But when he arrives he quickly finds himself wrapped up in work matters and the plan slips his mind. Everything goes smoothly and in the early hours of the morning, he readies himself to return home.
Alastor can't wait to get back home to you, even though the night had gone by quickly. As he packs up his things and locks the door to the radio station, he looks forward to curl around you and smell the sweet scent of your hair. Little ideas of what might be waiting when Alastor gets home behind to flutter through his mind. You liked cooking him surprise meals, perhaps you'd prepared breakfast to be waiting for him when he returns.
As Alastor walks, he can't help but let his mind wander to the possibilities waiting for him back at home. The image of you standing in the kitchen with a breakfast spread on the table brings a devilish smile to his face.
As he approaches the house though, all these thoughts are pushed away. Alastor's expression turns to worry when he realizes that the house is dark and quiet. Where are you? He quickly unlocks the door and steps inside, calling out for you as he flicks on the lights. The house is empty and it sends a chill down his spine.
The fire has burned out and, while nothing is out of place so far, there's no sign of you. Alastor walks back to the bedroom where what he finds sends fear prickling up his scalp.
The room is trashed. Lights broken, sheets disheveled, and the door leading to the outside left wide open. Alastor's heart races at the sight of the vandalized bedroom and the open door. His mind instantly jumps to the worst possible scenarios. He calls out for you again, this time his voice trembling with fear and anger.
As he moves to the open door, his keen, hunter's senses quickly catch the trail of a struggle. It leads into the woods, in the direction of the shed.
Alastor grabs his nearby axe, his eyes fixated on the trail. He knows the area well, having spent many nights out there. The anger inside him boils as he follows it, the thought of you being hurt sending him into a rage. As he stalks closer he can begin to hear sounds, sounds that make his blood run cold. Screaming, begging, and two deep male voices speaking in a mocking tone.
Alastor quickens his pace, the sounds of torment driving him forward. As he reaches the shed, he throws open the door and storms in. What he sees before him almost brings him to his knees. The men, drunk and laughing, have you pinned down on the dirty ground.
One of the men is standing, his feet stepping on your wrists, holding them to the ground. The other's face is currently buried in your chest as he jackhammers away at your small frame. His larger body seems to cover most of yours, but despite this, Alastor can still see the red of fresh blood pooling on the ground beneath your body.
Alastor takes in the horrifying scene before him, his heart threatening to leap from his chest. He can see the look of pain and sadness in your eyes, the bruises already forming all over your poor battered body, the stains of blood and cum. You can only assume this didn't start recently, and from the disheveled look of the man standing, he'd already had his turn.
Alastor quickly turns his attention to the brute on top of you. The two are far too engulfed in their depraved acts to notice him and Alastor uses it to his advantage. With a manic cry, he charges forward and brings the axe down hard onto the man's back, splitting it open with a sickening crunch.
The standing man falls back in terror and his face is instantly recognizable. Frank Tully. The man who was looking for you in the speakeasy, the man whose brother had been your torturer. The one who was only still alive because *you* had begged him to stop the killing…
"Well well well," Alastor begins, chucking the axe aside and turning to face Frank. "Sometimes light does catch up to the roaches." He moves closer to Frank, towering over him and staring down coldly. "I assume you're here for revenge?"
The man swings his hand, and he quickly recognizes that he's holding a knife. Alastor dodges it without much effort only to realize that the swing was never meant for him, but for you. He looks down just in time to see the blood welling from your neck, joining the rest that already drenches your shirt, which he can now see is littered with little rips, stab wounds.
"No! No!" Alastor roars, panic filling his body as he rushes to your side. He falls to his knees and cradles your head in his hands, desperately trying to stop the bleeding with whatever scraps he can find nearby. "Hold on!"
You look up at him, a smile on yourr face. "Alastor..." You manage to rasp out. "You came…”
"Stop talking and save your energy," Alastor whispers, heart breaking at the pain etched so deeply onto your face. But you never stopped looking at him, even when your eyes began to lose focus, almost like you were trying to say something important.
"You came. I knew you would," you say. He can see the light draining from your eyes as each second ticks past.
"Fuck! No, no, NO!" Alastor screams, tears streaming down his face as he holds you tightly to him. Despite his efforts, your breathing becomes increasingly shallow and sporadic.
"Alastor..." You say, lifting your hand weakly towards him.
Alastor grabs onto it with all the strength he can muster, his vision blurred by unwelcome tears.
"I'm here, I'm here!" He looks pleasingly into your eyes, trying desperately to convey all the things he hasn't had the chance to tell you.
"I love you..." You whisper as the last bit of life seems to flit from your eyes. And soon enough, your chest stops moving entirely.
"Nononono..." Alastor shakes his head, buried completely into your body as he wails in mourning and loss. His whole universe has shattered, and all he can do is crumble under the realization. He couldn't protect you. He couldn't say goodbye.
And then he remembers Frank. Alastor looks up, filled with nothing but pain and rage to see his slowly shrinking form. running deeper into the woods. A dark snarl twists his face.
Frank. That worthless bastard.
His body moves instinctively, fueled only by anger, as he takes off into the woods, tracking Frank's rapidly diminishing form with nothing but revenge and retribution in his mind, the feeling of the axe, his trusted weapon, heavy in his hand.
Alastor finally spots the coward, huddled behind a thicket, trembling and sobbing. He doesn't hesitate or breathe for a moment; instead, he strides forward and brings the axe crashing down. He doesn't stop at one strike, pulling the axe back and burying it into his supple flesh again and again. The relentless barrage of blows shatters Frank's body, but Alastor doesn't stop. Every blow carries a weighted history of his pain and loss, accompanied by endless wails and screams, until only a memory might remain where Frank once existed.
With every strike, Alastor's face contorts into an expression of rage, his eyes burning with fury as he mercilessly continues his violent rampage. Each blow echoes through the air, a symphony of destruction as Frank's body is reduced to a quivering mass of mangled flesh. Blood splatters in every direction, staining the grass and trees crimson, painting a gruesome masterpiece of violence and death. The brutal rhythm of the axe slices through the silent night, punctuated by the sickening crunch of bone and the guttural howls of Alastor's anguish.
Frank's pathetic whimpers are drowned out by the frenzied pounding of metal against flesh and bone as Alastor's muscles strain and flex with each swing. His breath comes in ragged gasps, sweat pouring down his face as he channels all his fury into the relentless barrage of blows. The axe becomes a blur, a weapon of vengeance as it chips away at Frank's existence, stripping away any semblance of humanity that might have remained.
The once vibrant life in Frank's eyes is extinguished, replaced by a cold, dead stare as his skull is cleaved in two, the gray matter oozing out like a grotesque, macabre sculpture. Alastor's frenzy reaches a crescendo, the axe slicing through Frank's neck and decapitating him in a single stroke. Alastor stands over the carnage, his chest heaving as he catches his breath, the axe still gripped tightly in his blood-soaked hands. He stares down at the remains of Frank, his face twisted into a malevolent grin, a twisted testament to his unquenchable thirst for vengeance. All that's left now is the echo of Alastor's savage roar, a broken cry of too late victory that reverberates through the night, a chilling reminder of the brutal power of his violence.
It's not enough. Even once he has basically made Frank soup, he wasn't satisfied. The pain was still there. He looks back towards the shed, knowing your body is laying there, growing colder. Unable to comprehend the void that has filled him, the insatiable desire for vengeance still rages inside Alastor. He gazes at the shed in the distance, knowing you've been taken from him forever. The anger and sadness consumes Alastor as he turns away from the carnage towards the shed, where all his hopes and possibilities lie lifeless. He falls to his knees beside your still-warm corpse, clutching at your cooling hand.
How could this have happened?
Regret begins to fill him. He should have killed Frank first. If he hadn't decided to leave him for last, this would never have happened...
The regrets consume Alastor more than the rage once did. He should have prioritized Frank, the man who started this brutal cycle. The tears begin to fall, and he caresses your cold cheek, wishing with every fiber of his being that he hadn't failed you.
Alastor's arms encircle your lifeless body, seeking solace in the memories of your past moments together. Of brushing your hair, of quiet reading, of sweet talks over food, and your heart shattering kiss from the previous night. He holds you close, reminiscing about every tender moment shared between you, feeling the weight of his remorse deepen with each memory.
Then a new resolve settles within him. A new determination emerges within Alastor. With your body in his arms, he whispers the promise to seek vengeance against every last one of your killers. "I swear on my very soul," he murmurs, "the Tully family will fall.”
He will not rest until every Tully is dead.
Taglist: @shadowqueen13 @liveontelevision @honestlyshamelesskid @bad-and-drawn-that-way @lonelynmisunderstood @shcrou-sei @l0liamk @tasha-1994 @cosmiccandydreamer @memoire-du-ciel @martinys-world @itsavicf @looking1016
I am truly enjoying this story so much. I hope I didn't hurt any of y'all too much. I promise there is light at the end of this tunnel! Just one... Maybe two more stormclouds before the happily ever after. In the meantime, enjoy the bloodlust.
Art by: @tae_hee_love on twitter
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crilbyte · 11 hours
Concept: in a setting where vampires exist and can only be harmed by symbols of faith (crucifixes, etc.), a James Randi-style skeptic/supernatural debunker witnesses his family murdered by vampires, and dedicated his life to hunting down what he believes are a cabal of ordinary serial killers with a blood fetish and some cheap plastic fangs. They die when he shoots them with an ordinary gun, granted holy status by the sheer force of his belief that they are actually just ordinary humans who will die when shot.
21K notes · View notes
crilbyte · 11 hours
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twitter historically sucks but man this is a banger of a tweet
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crilbyte · 11 hours
my best friend linen my brother in arms cotton my partner wool my beautiful sister silk
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crilbyte · 12 hours
lmao i’m back from the dead (finals ended and i’m free)
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hear me out on this.
alastor doesn’t do normal kisses. instead of your typical lips on lips he places a small kiss on the tips of his fingers and gently presses them to your forehead, your cheeks, and if he’s feeling silly he might put them directly on your lips.
it’s a nice little thing with him, sometimes it even happens in public, but as adorable as the action may sound it sometimes has different uses. shutting you up whenever he feels like it, he presses his fingers a little fiercer into your lips to get the message across.
you can also do it to him too, not too often though. he likes his personal space. even if he constantly violates your own, it shouldn’t really surprise anyone that he’s a hypocrite.
sometimes he lets you press your kissed fingertips on his face and sometimes he snatches your hand before you can touch him and puts your hand to his lips while staring into your soul.
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crilbyte · 18 hours
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hooray for blue charmander!
somehow I've done another Chartodile family moment
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crilbyte · 23 hours
Basically, I'm workshopping a story where the reader is Lucifer's wife, and Alastor tried to use her to make the king jealous. So he retaliates by showing Alastor just who it is she belongs to. But Alastor doesn't take too highly to that and decides to return the favor.
So I need to gauge where you guys would most like the readers mindset. Fully willing to help tournament Alastor, passive but not mind much, care for Alastor and feel bad but still love only Luci, or love both Luci and Alastor despite being married to Luci.
Taglist: @shadowqueen1318 @liveontelevision @honestlyshamelesskid @bad-and-drawn-that-way @lonelynmisunderstood @shcrou-sei @l0liamk @tasha-1994 @cosmiccandydreamer @memoire-du-ciel @martinys-world @itsavicf @looking1016
25 notes · View notes
crilbyte · 1 day
Is there a word that’s a mix between angry and sad
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crilbyte · 1 day
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~Human!Adam⚡ x Reader x Human!Lucifer🪽
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Part 1 𖦹 Part 2 𖦹 Part 3 𖦹 Part 4 𖦹 Part 5 𖦹 Part 6 𖦹 Part 7 𖦹 Bonus
Summary: It's been a few months since you've moved in and you're being very anxious all of a sudden, Lucifer aims to figure out why.
Warnings/Promises: 18+, piv sex, pretty vanilla, not my typical bag lol, very sweet, also a surprise!
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It's been a few months since you moved in and everything has been great. That is until today. You've been acting strange and nervous all day, dropping things, acting fidgety, as well as just generally anxious. Lucifer can tell something is wrong, and a frown crosses his face as he approaches you, his arms wrapping gently around your waist.
"What's wrong, my love?" he asks gently, tilting your chin up so he can look into your eyes.
You give him a surprised look.
"Oh! nothing!" You say quickly, slipping out of his grasp before moving to pick up a few pillows that fell to the ground and throw them back onto the couch before looking for something else to clean.
He arches a brow at your nervous behavior, not convinced by your words. He watches as you move about the room, picking up random objects and tidying up the place.
"You can't fool me," he says, his voice soft and gentle, as he moves to block the exit of the room.
You stop short of running into him and blush a little, looking a bit like a child caught in a lie. He chuckles softly, moving closer to you and placing his hands on your shoulders.
"Whatever it is, you can tell me," he says, his voice soft and reassuring. He can feel the tension in your shoulders and knows that something is bothering you.
You look up and take a deep breath. "Okay... okay, we can do this now..." You mumble to yourself and take his hands. "Can you go wait on the couch?" You ask, the anxiety on your face, apparent.
He can sense your nervousness and nods, releasing you from his grasp.
"Of course, my love," he says, his voice gentle as he walks over to the couch and takes a seat. He watches you closely, trying to read your expression and figure out what could be bothering you so much.
You scamper off to our bedroom. Lucifer can hear you rummaging through the closet before you walk back out into the living room with both hands behind your back. He watches as you walk over and stand in front of him, taking a breath to collect yourself before holding out a little box. It's white with a red bow tied around it. His eyes widen in surprise at the sight of it.
"This is for me?" he asks.
You nod, motioning for him to take it.
He can hardly contain his excitement as he takes the box from your hands. He runs his fingers over the red bow, pausing to admire the intricacies of the knot before gently lifting the lid. As he does, a confused look comes over his face. Inside is a pacifier with a note attached. He picks it up, examining it carefully, before setting it aside to read the note. He reads silently for a moment before looking back up at you with wide eyes. the note reads, 'you might need this, daddy.'
Lucifer stares at the pacifier before looking back up at you. "Daddy?" he asks in almost a whisper.
You nod, nervous, still not sure if he's excited or upset. You hold out three pregnancy tests that all read positive.
"I took them today," you reply quietly.
As you hand him the pregnancy tests, Lucifer's eyes widen in shock. He sits there for a moment, staring at them before looking back up at you with a look of astonishment on his face.
"Really?" he asks in disbelief.
You nod again. "Yes, there were like six more tests but I figured you didn't need all of them," you begin to ramble quietly, picking at your fingernails. "Are you happy?" You ask, worried he might not be.
Lucifer immediately throws the tests down, scooping you up into his arms before pressing a passionate kiss to your lips. He pulls away, his eyes shining with happiness and holding back tears of joy.
"Of course I'm happy," he exclaims as his hand settles gently over your stomach. "You have no idea how happy."
You finally smile, giggling as a few stray tears find their way down your cheeks. Lucifer's face lights up at your giggle and the sight of your tears. He gently wipes them away, then rests his forehead against yours.
"We're gonna have a baby," he says, awe in his voice as if unable to believe it.
You nod, unable to get rid of your smile now that you know he's excited. "A baby..." You say softly.
"A baby," Lucifer echoes with a smile. He sits you down, keeping his eyes on yours as if he's trying to memorize the moment. Then he takes your hand in his, kissing it softly before looking up. "And do you know what that means?"
You tilt your head. "What?" You ask, curious.
"It means we're going to be parents," Lucifer says, a sense of pride evident in his voice. He wraps his arm around you, pulling you close as if he can't bear to be without your touch. "We're starting a family."
"A family..." You whisper, and new tears begin to fall.
Lucifer's eyes soften at your tears, and he pulls you into a tight embrace, holding you close as if he never wants to let go.
"Don't cry," he murmurs, kissing the top of your head. "I promise I'll be the best father to our child."
"Oh, no," you shake your head. "I'm not worried about that. I'm... I'm just so happy..." You say, your voice catching in your throat as your hands settle on your stomach. "I want to be a good mom. better than mine. I... I want to make this little baby's life... perfect."
Lucifer's eyes shine with joy and a newfound admiration for you. He cups your cheek softly, wiping away a stray tear with his thumb.
"You're going to be an amazing mother," he says, his voice full of sincerity. "I know it."
With wet and shimmering eyes you pull Lucifer close, kissing him with a newfound intensity. He responds to your kiss eagerly, his hands tangled in your hair as he pulls you closer, letting out a soft groan as he deepens the kiss. His heart races in his chest, and he can't help but feel overwhelmed with love and joy at this new development.
"I love you..." You whisper.
Lucifer pulls back from the kiss, his eyes wide and full of emotion. "I love you too," he says, his voice raw with emotion. He holds you close, as if he never wants to let go. "And... I think it's past due that I ask you something."
Now it's your turn to look confused, "Ask me what?"
Lucifer takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. He looks into your eyes, searching for the right words to say.
"Would you... would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" he asks, his voice trembling slightly with nerves and emotion.
You stare at him with wide eyes. "Are... are you asking me to marry you...?"
Lucifer nods, a small smile on his lips. "Yes, that's exactly what I'm doing," he says, his voice serious and sincere. "I want to spend the rest of eternity with you. I want to take care of you and our child. be a real family."
"Of course!" You shout. "Yes! Yes, oh my God." You start crying again for real.
Lucifer's eyes light up at your response, his heart swelling with happiness and joy. He pulls you back into his arms, kissing your tears away, holding you close for a long moment. "Thank you... thank you for making me the happiest man in existence."
"I love you... I love you..." You repeat between kisses.
Lucifer's eyes shine as he gazes at you, his heart full of love. "I love you too," he murmurs against your lips, deepening the kiss, his hands roaming hungrily across your body. He can't get enough of you, of your love and your presence.
You let out a little moan, your knees weakening from how hard you are swooning. Lucifer smirks as he hears your little moan and tightens his hold around you, his hands sliding up and down your back and cupping your ass. He pulls back from the kiss, his eyes dark with desire.
"You're so fucking sexy..."
"You better get all the looks in more, because I'll be as big as a boat soon," you say with a giggle.
Lucifer chuckles at your words, kissing the tip of your nose. "You'll always be the most beautiful woman in my eyes, no matter how big you get." He murmurs against your skin, his hands gently massaging your growing belly."
You bite your lip, giving him a look. Lucifer's eyes darken further as he sees it, his smile turning into a smirk. He leans in, whispering in your ear.
"You better stop looking at me like that unless you want me to take you right here and now."
But instead of stopping, you only intensify the look, your arms looping around his neck.
"What if that's what I want..."
Lucifer's smirk widens at your words, his hands sliding down to your waist. He gives you a wicked grin before lifting you up and carrying you to the nearest surface, laying you down and getting on top of you.
"Well, then who am I to deny the mother of my child?" He replies.
You giggle, locking your legs around his waist. "Fuck me, daddy..." You say in a sensual tone while giving him hardcore bedroom eyes.
Lucifer groans at your words, his hips grinding against you. "You have no idea how much I love hearing you say that." He says, kissing you deeply. His hands move down to your thighs, hitching them higher as he starts to rock his hips against yours.
Yo I'm moan as he presses against you, gripping his sleeves with clenched fists.
"Not fair, that's teasing..."
Lucifer chuckles, his breath warm against your skin. "Oh, I do love to tease." He admits before leaning down to briefly suck on your neck, feeling your pulse against his lips. He then presses his hips harder against yours, giving you a small taste of what's to come.
"Mmmnn..." You sigh, before moving your lips to his ear. "You going to deny me my first craving…? Mommy wants a taste..." You whisper.
Lucifer groans loudly, his hips bucking into yours. "I'll give you more than a taste, my dear." He growls before leaning down and crushing his lips against yours. His tongue swirls around yours, demanding that you open your mouth and deepen the kiss. His hands move to lift your skirt as he starts to undress himself as well.
You let out sweet little yips as he pulls your underwear aside and quickly unbuttons his pants. You watch, almost vibrating with excitement, biting your lip as you see him pull out his already engorged cock and hold it in his hand.
Lucifer smirks at the cute noises you make, his gaze darkening as he watches you take in his hard length. He bites his lip in response and he strokes himself a few times, enjoying the sight before leaning down to bite your neck gently.
"Like what you see, my dear?"
"A-ah~ yeeeesssssss..." You moan in a low voice, your hips already lifting, begging for your entry.
"Begging already?" Lucifer smirks before he moves his hips, positioning himself at your entrance. He takes a deep breath and thrusts in forcefully, causing you to cry out in pleasure.
Your eyes roll back as your head lolls, the sensation of him filling you so perfectly, one you never hope to get used to. "Lucifer...." You moan.
Lucifer growls in satisfaction at the sound of his name on your lips. He leans down, biting and sucking on your neck, careful not to leave any marks while he starts to thrust in and out of you. Your fingers dig into his back as he fucks you in the middle of the living room, your voice carrying through the whole house.
The sound spurs Lucifer on as he continues to thrust into you, his hips moving in a steady, hard rhythm that has you screaming in pleasure. The house around you may be filled with sunlight, but all you can focus on is the wicked, wonderful way he's taking you.
You look up and into his eyes and Lucifer can't resist kissing you again, especially when he sees the unfiltered, pure love in your eyes. He captures your lips hungrily, his tongue tracing against yours as he moves faster inside of you, the intensity between you both growing with each thrust.
You suck on his tongue as he drives himself deeper into you, hitting someplace close to your soul, and you groan loudly. The sensation of your mouth on his tongue sends a jolt of pure ecstasy through Lucifer, and he quickens his pace, driving himself deeper into you as his own moans harmonize with yours. The room around you fades away, leaving only the two of you lost in this moment, this heat, this desire.
"I'm close," you whimper with wet eyes that beg him throw you screaming over the edge of your climax.
"I can feel that, darling," Lucifer growls. He wraps your thighs around his waist and thrusts harder, deeper, aiming to take you both to the edge together. "Cum for me, my love," Lucifer smirks, feeling the familiar tightening in his own core. He knows you're close, and the sound of your pleading whimper as you look up at him with your sparkling, pleading eyes, makes him even closer. "I want to hear you scream, my dear."
It doesn't take long before he can feel you tightening around him, your mouth hanging open and the most delightful moans escaping your lips as you he brings you to your peak, dizzy with the strength of my orgasm.
"Yes, yes, my love," Lucifer moans as he feels you tightening around him, your body trembling with the strength of your release. He's right behind you now, and the look of pure ecstasy on your face drives him over the edge. He thrusts one last time, the feel of you gripping him sending him over the edge. His own roar joins yours as he pours himself into you. Your legs shake as you feel his seed fill your aching heat. You pull his face to your and kiss him with a fiery determination.
“I want your everything…”
Lucifer moans loudly as he feels himself filling you up, sealing his mark in your very core. He kisses you back with an equal passion, letting himself sink into the taste of you, the feel of your lips against his.
"You have me, my love," he whispers against your lips.
"I love you..." You pant, both exhausted and utterly satisfied.
Lucifer's grin is warm and soft. "I love you too, my dear." He brushes a lock of hair back from your face as he says it, his eyes burning with love and affection. He kisses you softly before pulling out gently, his own contented sigh mingling with yours.
"We're having a baby..." You say, your voice dripping with excitement.
Despite the fact that he had known it already, Lucifer's eyes widen at your words.
“A baby..." He whispers, a hint of wonder in his voice. His smile is wide as he picks you up gently, cradling you in his arms. "Our baby," he coos.
It's finished! Yaaaay! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Now I can start on my Lucifer x Reader x Alastor fic! Ooooh it's gonna be dramaaaaa!
Also, if you have a request please feel free to send it my way, I love doing them.
Art for Human Lucifer by @notherpuppet
Taglist: @shadowqueen1318 @liveontelevision @honestlyshamelesskid @bad-and-drawn-that-way @lonelynmisunderstood @shcrou-sei @l0liamk @tasha-1994 @cosmiccandydreamer @memoire-du-ciel @martinys-world @itsavicf @looking1016
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crilbyte · 2 days
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i deliver pizzas & sometimes funny things happen
124K notes · View notes
crilbyte · 2 days
TIL that Billy Crystal’s character, Miracle Max, in the Princess Bride was so funny that it nearly stopped the production of the movie. One actor bruised a rib from clenching to try not to laugh.
via reddit.com
188K notes · View notes
crilbyte · 2 days
finger-licking good
and its ontological opposite:
toe-sucking evil
57K notes · View notes
crilbyte · 2 days
76K notes · View notes
crilbyte · 2 days
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371K notes · View notes
crilbyte · 2 days
we should bring back the supernatural fandom somehow having an extremely specific gif for literally every occasion though
i know you guys are still out there. i know you still have your .gif folders. don't pretend you're not.
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crilbyte · 2 days
I would love a sub story with Cherri that's super spicy/NSFW
Hey! So I'm super willing to give this a go, I just need some clarifications.
You want a fem or masc reader, I'm assuming you want Cherri to be the Dom? And of there any specific things you want added or avoided?
You can either reply here, send me a dm, or even ask anon again if you want to stay anonymous. Then I can get started!
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crilbyte · 2 days
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~Human!Adam⚡ x Reader x Human!Lucifer🪽
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Part 1 𖦹 Part 2 𖦹 Part 3 𖦹 Part 4 𖦹 Part 5 𖦹 Part 6 𖦹 Part 7 𖦹 Bonus
Summary: Lucifer takes you back to his place for a shower and you gather the courage to tell him how you truly feel about him.
Warnings/Promises: 18+, oral (f receiving), piv sex, pretty vanilla, not my typical bag lol, comfort, righting past wrongs
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“You can do this…” you say to yourself in the mirror. “You're okay. You got this.”
As you walk out of the bathroom, Lucifer takes in the sight of you. Wrapped snugly in one of his fluffy towels, your hair is wet and you look a little nervous. He stands up from the bed, tossing the remote aside before making his way over to you, his gaze softening.
"Feeling better?" he asks gently, reaching out to tuck a lock of hair behind your ear.
You nod. "Yeah. The shower was really nice." You say sitting on the foot of his bed. "You mind if I borrow some clothes...? I can't... really wear my own…”
He nods, walking over to his closet. He rummages through the clothes inside, pulling out a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants before handing them over to you.
"Feel free to keep them," he says with a small smirk. "I have plenty more.”
You smile at Lucifer as you take them, sending butterflies through his stomach. His gaze lingers on you for a moment longer, the feeling being something he hadn't experienced in a long time. He smiles back at you, before moving to the door.
"I'll just wait outside.”
You smile and nod, watching him go. You look at the clothes laid out on the bed and bite your lip. No. It's now or never.
"Um. Lucifer?" You call out.
He immediately turns around, reaching for the door. "Did you forget something?" he asks, a small smile playing on his lips.
As he walks into the room he notices you haven't changed, a slight blush on your face. His gaze lingers on you for a moment longer, the sight of you in the towel making his heart race. He walks over to you, his hand reaching up to gently rub his neck.
"Is there something wrong?"
"No..." You say quietly before taking a deep breath and dropping the towel.
Lucifer’s eyes widen in surprise as it drops to the floor, his gaze taking in your naked figure. He swallows hard, before moving to stand in front of you. His hand reaches up to gently tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
"You're beautiful."
"Thanks..." You blush, smiling and running your fingers nervously through your hair. "You're not hard to look at, yourself."
He laughs lightly at the comment, his hand moving down to gently take yours.
"I'm glad you think so," he says, before bringing your hand up to his lips to kiss it softly. He looks deep into your eyes, the moment between you growing more intense.
You grab his shirt and pull him in, kissing him passionately. His hands move towards wrap around your waist, pulling you closer and he deepens the kiss, his tongue slipping past your lips to explore the warmth of your mouth. His hands slide down to cup your ass, squeezing it firmly. You let out a little squeak and bite at your lip to which he groans in response, his fingers gripping your ass tighter. He breaks the kiss to trail his lips down your neck, kissing and sucking at your skin.
You give a little shiver, your lips leaving a trail of flame down my body. You begin to feel your legs going jelly from the pleasure. He smirks against your skin, knowing he has you weak in the knees. He moves his hands to the back of your thighs, you give a little yip as he lifts and holds you against him. He carries you over to the bed behind you, sitting down with you in his lap.
as you sit.
He chuckles as you blush, covering your face with your hands before leaning in to nip at your fingers playfully. He moves his hands to your waist, guiding you to straddle his lap.
"There's no need to be shy," he says, his eyes shining with mischief.
"I know... but I am for some reason," you say, slightly embarrassed.
He smiles softly at you, his hands moving up to cup your face.
"Then I'll just have to help you relax," he says, leaning in to kiss you again, his lips gentle and soothing. He deepens the kiss slowly, taking his time to explore your mouth.
You seem to melt at his touch, your vision foggy and your head almost spinning. He chuckles softly, his hands moving down to your hips to hold you close. He breaks the kiss, nuzzling your nose with his.
"How you doing?" He asks, checking in.
"Good..." you say breathlessly. "It's just... different."
He smirks at you, happy knowing he has an effect on you. "Different in a good way I hope?" he says, raising an eyebrow. He begins to move his hips slowly, causing a pleasant friction between your bodies.
"A-ah~..." you mewl at his movements. "Y-yes... it's just... you're so gentle," you say, looking down and to the left. "I dunno"
He nods, understanding. "That's... slightly upsetting," he says, his voice sincere. He leans in to press a gentle kiss against your lips again before pulling back to look at you. "You like it though?" He asks, raising both of his eyebrows.
"Oh! no," a look of concern suddenly settled in on your face. "No, no, I do. I'm sorry if I upset you..."
He raises a hand to shush you, a look of softness in his eyes. "No, no, you didn't offend me at all," he says, smiling softly at you. "Just the idea of someone being gentle with you being so different." He settles his hands around your waist, a comforting gesture. "Has no one ever been gentle with you?"
You seem embarrassed at the question. "Isn't that normal?" you ask.
He shakes his head, his expression serious. "No, it's not," he says, giving you a gentle squeeze. "Everyone deserves to be treated with respect and gentleness, especially during-" he cuts himself off, not wanting to ruin the mood.
"I just assumed it was always like that, quick and passionate. rushed and rough... that's how it always is in the movies too..." you try to explain.
He frowns at your words, shaking his head. "That's the problem with mainstream media and porn," he says. "It creates unrealistic expectations of intimacy and love, and in turn, creates toxic behavior towards one another." He smiles softly at you.
You blush and shrink, feeling scolded, despite knowing that wasn't his intent. He notices your sudden discomfort, his expression softening.
"No, no," he reassures you, his fingers gently lifting your chin. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," he says, searching your eyes. "It's just that... I'm sad for you."
"Sad for me?"
He nods, his eyes filled with empathy. "Yes," he says. "It's a shame that you have never been able to experience gentle intimacy," he says, his fingers trailing down your jawline, eliciting a shiver from you. "You deserve it; to be treated with care and adoration. Would you let me be the lucky man to show that to you?"
You stare into his eyes, shocked and starstruck. You can't seem to find your voice, so instead you nod. A small smile graces his lips, and he leans in, pressing a gentle kiss on your forehead.
"We'll take it slow," he promises. "Just be present with me. Allow yourself to feel everything as it happens."
You nod again, nervous but excited too. His arm tightens around you, pulling you closer.
"Good," he says, his voice low. He plants a kiss on your temple, then your cheek, then your lips. A jolt runs through you as the kiss deepens, but he slows down immediately, savoring every moment with you. You let your hands roam his chest as you kiss, feeling his heartbeat and wanting to make it race for you.
He groans against your lips, the sound full of pleasure. He grips the hem of his shirt, lifting it slowly, his movement slow and almost teasing. He breaks the kiss to pull the garment over his head, throwing it aside before pulling you back into his arms.
"You're beautiful," he says again and you give a shy smile.
"That means a lot coming from you," you mumble.
For a moment, his eyes soften. "And why is that?" he asks, genuinely curious. His thumb brushes against your cheek, and he leans in close, whispering in your ear. "You're the beautiful one here." The sincerity in his voice is unmistakable.
You look almost dumbstruck. "Are you kidding?" you ask. "Your skin is perfect, you have beautiful deep blue eyes and golden blond hair. You're like an angel, and I'm... I'm just some girl..."
"Don't say that," he says, his voice almost a growl at the thought of you seeing yourself as inferior to him. His hand cradles your face, guiding it up so he can look you in the eyes. He sighs, a hint of sadness in the sound. "If I were an angel, I'd be damned," he says, his voice heavy. His hands trail down your arms, resting on your hips. "And you are not just some girl."
You reach up and hold his face, pressing your forehead to his. "Thank you."
His eyes close at the contact, a small smile playing at the corner of his lips. "You're welcome," he murmurs. When he opens his eyes again, there's a spark, a mix of desire and fondness in the deep blue. "May I kiss you again?"
"Please do..." you say softly.
Without a moment of hesitation, he closes the distance between you two, his lips pressing against yours in a slow, lingering kiss. His hand trails up your back, tangling in your hair at the nape of your neck. He pulls back slightly, his breath warm against your lips.
"You're incredible," he says under his breath as he begins to grind against you, pulling you harder onto his lap.
You gasp, arching your back at the feeling, suddenly worried.
"W-wait!" you say, suddenly, "your pants, I'll get them dirty!"
He chuckles at your sudden worry, his hand trailing down your back to rest on your waist. "I don't care," he says, his voice low and husky, filled with desire. "I want you. Right here, right now."
You stare at him, a warmth spreading in your chest. He holds your gaze, his eyes filled with unspoken promises. The corner of his lips quirk up slightly as he takes in the blush spreading across your cheeks. He leans closer to you, brushing a strand of hair away from your face.
"Are you ready for me?"
You nod, excited for whatever he has planned next. He smiles, his eyes shining with excitement. He presses another kiss to your lips before standing up, taking you with him. In one swift motion, he lays you down on the bed, kneeling above you. He trails a hand down your body, stopping on your knees.
"May I?"
You nod, letting him open them, and feeling strangely exposed, despite being far from inexperienced. He smiles at your willingness. He parts your legs slowly, taking in the sight before him. He leans down, his breath warm against your skin.
"You're stunning," he murmurs, pressing a kiss to your inner thigh.
You bite your lip as he inches closer and closer to your core, blushing, the anticipation building. He smirks at the sight, his movements slow and deliberate. He presses another kiss to your thigh before finally reaching his goal. He looks up, his eyes locking with yours as he leans in, his tongue tracing a path along the length of you.
You pull in a sharp breath. "W-wait!" You reach down to his face, holding it, bright red.
He pauses, tilting his head in confusion. He meets your gaze, seeing nothing but complete and utter panic there. He raises a hand, gently freeing his face from your grasp. He keeps his eyes locked on yours, a small smile gracing his lips.
"Is everything alright, my dear?"
"Y-you don't have to do that... I... I know it's kinda gross right?" you ask, as though this is common knowledge.
He looks at you, stunned. A soft chuckle escapes his lips, before he shakes his head ever so slightly.
"Gross?" He repeats the word like it's foreign to him, an expression of confusion crossing over his face. "Why would you think that, didn't Adam ever go down on you?"
You begin to futz with your fingers avoiding eye contact. "No, he never did. He..."
His voice softens, he reaches a hand up to gently tilt your chin so you're forced to look at him again.
"Why not? Was he too good for it? Did he tell you it was gross?" He frowns, his hand still resting on your chin.
You nod, feeling slightly ashamed. "He said that guys don't like doing it..."
Lucifer shakes his head, completely unamused. "What an idiotic man." He mutters, before he starts to open your legs again. "Well, he's wrong, and I'll prove it."
You watch with wide eyes as he dips his head back down and presses his lips to you. His tongue gently, teasingly parts you before it plunges into your entrance. The taste of you is intoxicating, leaving him wanting more. His hands delve down to your thighs, spreading your legs further apart.
You gasp, gripping the sheets as he begins to show you everything you've been missing. The sound of your gasps and the feeling of your fingers gripping the sheets only spurs him on. His tongue swirls expertly against your sensitive nub as his fingers tease your entrance. He loves hearing the noises you make, loves knowing he's the reason behind them.
You feel as his fingers press into you and your eyes slam shut, your mouth falling open as wave after wave of pleasure washes over you. Your body tenses and you moan, the pleasure overwhelming you. Your nails dig into the sheets and your toes curl, his fingers buried deep inside of you as he curls them up, hitting that sweet spot deeper within you.
You begin to feel it building and you almost panic at the idea of cumming onto his face.
"L-lucifer, wait! Il-I'm gonna- ah~!" you say, reaching down again in an attempt to warn him.
He smirks up at you as he continues to pleasure you, his fingers working their magic.
"Let go, darling. I want to taste it." His voice is deep and husky, sending shivers down your spine. He wants nothing more than to make you cum apart on his face.
You comply almost immediately, the idea of his enthusiasm towards something you’d been so ashamed of impacting you. Your head falls back and you moan loudly. Lucifer smiles against you, his tongue lapping at your folds as you ride out your climax. He knows he satisfies you, knows that he always will.
"You taste divine," he murmurs, licking at his fingers as he looks up at you.
Your whole body trembles in the wake of it. "Lucifer..." you breathe out, astonished.
He smiles and crawls his way back up your body, pressing a kiss to your lips. "Yes, darling?" he asks, his voice soft and gentle. He loves the way you respond to him, the way you tremble beneath his touch.
"That... was incredible..." you say through heavy breaths.
"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, my dear," Lucifer says, his voice low and husky. He takes a moment to bask in your praises, his ego boosted. It was always one of his favorite things to do, the idea that you had never experienced it seemed a crime to him.
"Would you like to continue?"
"You don't want me to... to do you too?" you ask.
Lucifer grins and pulls himself over you to be face to face. "Believe me, darling, I would love that very much," he says. "But right now, I want everything to be about you." He whispers.
You blink before smiling, "Then... yes. I'd like that."
Lucifer smiles back and leans in to kiss you softly, his hand coming up to cradle the back of your head.
"Just lay back and enjoy yourself," he murmurs against your lips. "I promise you won't regret it." Lucifer says as he unbuttons his pants. He shifts his hips, pushing his pants and boxers down, all the while his gaze doesn't leave yours.
You chew on your nail, watching as he unveils himself, smiling. Lucifer chuckles and leans in to kiss your neck, nibbling at the soft skin there.
"You're making me blush," he says, his voice playful. He then begins to pleasure you once more, taking things slow as he wants you to truly enjoy it.
"You're... just bigger than I expected..." you giggle, leaning into his kisses and touches.
"Oh really?" Lucifer says with a smirk, his ego boosted. "I'll take that as a compliment." He murmurs against your lips and gently bites your lower lip, making you gasp.
You press into his kiss, your arms winding around his neck, fingers running into his hair. Lucifer lets out a soft grunt as his hands roam all over your body, exploring every inch of you. He takes control of the kiss and presses his body down into yours, letting you feel his hardness between your legs.
"I want you,"
You let out a little gasp as the tip of his erection touches you, he can tell you’re still a bit nervous from past experiences and he’s determined to show you otherwise; gently placing a kiss on your forehead.
"It's okay, you can trust me," he says softly, trying to reassure you. "Just breathe," he murmurs as the tip of his erection gently presses against you, teasing you. "We'll go slow. okay?" He begins to move his hips against you slowly, letting you get used to the feeling of him.
You take a deep breath, looking into his eyes and seeing the kindness and love radiating from him. You smile and nod. "Okay. I... I'm ready."
Lucifer's face breaks into a smile as he feels your body relax against him.
"I promise, I'll make you forget all about those past experiences," Lucifer says firmly, his hands still exploring your body as he whispers soothing words in your ear. "You're safe with me."
With that, he slowly enters you, giving you time to adjust to his size. Your mouth falls open in a silent moan, your hold on him tightening as he slowly fills you to the brim.
"That's it," Lucifer murmurs, letting out a deep sigh of pleasure as he starts to move inside you. He can feel your muscles contracting around him, and it feels heavenly. He takes his time, moving slowly but surely, making sure that each thrust hits just the right spot. Lucifer's eyes never leave yours, a feeling of pure bliss washes over him as he sinks into you deeper. He begins to move slowly, savoring every moment and making sure you feel just how much he cares for you.
"You feel amazing,"
"Oh God, Luci," you push out, gripping his hair and pulling him closer. your legs lock around his waist, as though you don't want him to escape.
Lucifer growls, a deep rumble building in his chest as he feels your body tighten around him. He can't resist the temptation any longer, his thrusts becoming harder and faster.
"Ahh, yes... Just like that..." he groans in pleasure as you tug on his hair, his movements becoming more urgent tinged with desire. The way you surrender to him, giving into the fire that burns between you both only strengthens his possessiveness over you. He loves seeing you like this, completely lost in the moment and it only fuels his desire to make you lose control.
"Y-you feel so -ah- so good!" You cry out, trying to match the movement of your hips to his.
Grinning, Lucifer's hand reaches between you both to find your throbbing clit, rubbing circles over the small nub as his thrusts hit deeper and deeper inside you. The sudden sensation causes you to moan loudly, pressing your hips into his touch.
"Oh! Oh! Don't stop! Lucifer!"
Lucifer's grin only grows wider as he watches you respond to his touch, his fingers moving faster in unison with his thrusts.
"My wish is your command, my love," he promises breathlessly, his own pleasure building higher and higher as he pushes you closer to the edge. The desperate and lustful look in your eyes only fuels the desire that burns within him... He loves hearing you moan his name and the way your voice cracks with pleasure. His thumb presses against your clit, rubbing it harder and faster as he increases his pace.
"Luci, Luci!" You moan out with such thrusts into you. You look into his eyes, your own wet with unshed tears.
Lucifer's thrusts falter for a moment as he looks into your eyes, the passion and desire clear in your gaze. His thumb moves faster over you as his other hand reaches up to cup your face gently, his eyes never leaving yours.
"Come for me, my love." Looking deep into your eyes, Lucifer can't help but feel his own climax building as he watches the pleasure consume you. His thrusts become more desperate, driving deeper and harder into you.
"I-I'm so close, oh, oh God, Luci!"
He can feel as your walls begin to flutter around him. He can tell you’re at the edge. Lucifer smirks, kissing your mouth open as you attempt to quiet yourself.
"I want to hear every filthy thing that little mouth has to say," he coos. "I want to hear you scream my name as you cum on my cock."
"I can feel you inside," you moan, "hitting so deep! It's so good!"
Lucifer groans, feeling himself hitting the edge as well. "I want to fuck you until you can't walk. I want to possess every inch of you." He pounds into you, each thrust hitting deeper as he growls in your ear, his teeth grazing your neck. "I want to claim you as mine."
"L-Luci...?" you whimper, pulling his focus back to your face.
Lucifer slows his rough thrusts to look at you, the intensity in his gaze softening as he sees the desperation in yours.
"What is it, my love?" he asks tenderly, gently pushing a strand of hair out of your face.
"I..." You bite your lip, hesitant, but as your orgasm finally hits you, you lose all inhibitions. He watches as your eyes glaze over, your mouth opening in a moan as your insides clench tightly around him and you cry out in pleasure. "Luci, I-I love you...! A-ah~!”
Lucifer's heart skips a beat as you profess your love to him. He stares for a moment, shocked, before the overwhelming feeling of your walls contracting around him as you cum forces him back to reality. He captures your lips once more, this time with all the passion and intensity he holds for you.
You pull him closer to you, your tongue slipping into his mouth as wave after wave of pleasure courses through you, translating to him as his own as you tighten around him, dragging him down with you into his own climax. Lucifer returns your kiss with the same passion as he feels you tightening around him, milking him for all he's worth. With a final thrust, Lucifer gives in to the overwhelming pleasure and lets out a guttural moan as his climax hits him hard. The feeling of your mouth on his and your walls gripping him sends him over the edge, causing him to cum deep inside you. He tightens his grip on you, his hips still moving against yours, prolonging the intensity of the moment until he's fully spent.
"I love you too," he finally says against your lips as he stares into your eyes, happy like he's never been before; his cheeks flushed and pupils dilated.
You let your legs fall to either side of him, laying limp and breathing heavily in the wake of your lovemaking session Lucifer's fingers gently trace the side of your face as he catches his breath, looking into your eyes with pure adoration. It's only when a thought crosses his mind that his demeanor changes slightly, and he realizes what he's done, panicking slightly.
You give him a concerned look. "Luci... what's wrong? Did I... did I do something?" you ask.
It bothers him that your first instinct is that you must be the problem.bLucifer's eyes soften immediately.
"No, no, my love. You did nothing wrong," he assures you, gathering you into his arms. He takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself down, then continues: "I just... I didn't use any protection and after everything you've been through... I'm sorry. I don't ever want to be a reason for you to be anxious."
You reach up and hold his face in your hands, forcing him to look him in the eye and see the reassuring smile on your face.
"Lucifer. I'm not upset… and I'm not anxious."
"Even..." he begins, uncertain. "Even though you just had a scare? I should have been more thoughtful, I should have-"
You kiss him silent, pulling back and looking at him peacefully.
"Luci. This is an entirely different situation," you explain. "Adam is irresponsible, and our relationship was toxic. but you... you care about me. If..." you close your eyes and take a deep breath. "If this leads to something... then I have no reason to be afraid… because you give me no reason to be afraid. I love you."
His stare intensifies in surprise, speechless for a moment, and the tension in his shoulders melts away as he listens to you. His lips part slightly, but no words come out as he processes the information, then he wraps his arms around you in a tight embrace, holding you there for a few beats before finally letting out a sigh of relief.
"Thank god..." he lets out. "I love you too. More than I can ever say." He pulls back and kisses you tenderly.
You hold him tightly, feeling safe and happy for the first time in a long time. and above all, hopeful.
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Sooooo cute! Very different from my usual MO. But um so pleased with it. Hope you enjoyed!
Also, if you have a request please feel free to send it my way, I love doing them.
Art for Human Lucifer by @notherpuppet
Taglist: @shadowqueen1318 @liveontelevision @honestlyshamelesskid @bad-and-drawn-that-way @lonelynmisunderstood @shcrou-sei @l0liamk @tasha-1994 @cosmiccandydreamer @memoire-du-ciel @martinys-world  @itsavicf @looking1016
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