crucioslut · 6 days
"Pain? Pleasure? They're the same to me."
((Hey bby. Miss you. Have some fun with Bella xx💘))
Voldemort buried his face into the nook of her neck. Breathing in her rich slightly sweaty scent. Pulling out with a sigh.
"And what pleasures I have in store."
He said half straddling her with both of her hands cross from behind her back. The skin beneath the binds growing raw the more she moved. Creating imprints as she twisted to look behind her.
It thrilled him to no end to lower his head. Such as in a prayer to her shoulder once more. Kissing the expose skin. Lapping at her salty skin. Running his teeth across that goosepimple flesh and bitting down. Kneading her between his teeth to suck in her essences. Feeling her shudder under him.
There, lower he went, to a small bruise upon her forearm. Outlining its expanding bouders. Nursing it to bring to surface the purple coloring. Exploring more to chomp and nom at the chooses bits. Wanting not only to possess her but to consume her.
Corrupt her body from behind to taste her euphoria off each of his fingers. But those of her tears as well. Longing for their blood tospill together, to mingle and forever rot in his gut.
"Oh the sights I long to show you."
His excitment grew with his dainty task of slowly cutting her free from her gown. Such small cuts down the center with her own blade no less. Her lush flesh spilling out. So creamy and pale in the dim light. Using the rags to shove into her moaning mouth.
Now his perfect doll.
His little voodoo doll slowly planting it with her own pins. Thin as a hair and as long as his small finger. Twisting it in to the ample bits of flesh. Sampling the pinprick of blood as he went. Teasing her with the slightly of breath upon the pins head. Freeing the spell by pulling them out with his teeth.
Pinching the abuse grind left there.
"One last one." He said bringing up another pin before he would bring about his own climax, "To bind your heart to me forever."
Leveling it to breast.
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crucioslut · 3 months
Just saw an interview with Ralph Fiennes on watch what happens live where he was asked who his favourite costar on set of HP was, and he said he'd always had a great affection for Helena Bonham Carter. What is that like the fifth hp mans to profess their love for her??
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crucioslut · 5 months
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crucioslut · 5 months
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🥀💀 Bellatrix Black 💀🥀
There she is, the Mistress of Evil :) She scares me so much. I wanted to share a few thoughts on young Bellatrix. She’s rough around the edges, she has a blatant dark side and she’s not scared of anything, which makes her reckless.
In contrast to her sisters, Bellatrix is not afraid to show her sharp edges. She doesn’t care about being liked and she likes to shock people. Her views on the Wizarding World are extreme, like her parents, and her loyalty to the Dark Arts and the Dark Lord runs deep. I feel like she would be good at mind games and psyching people out, alongside having a talent for curses and violence. I look forward to drawing her adult self, to see what damage Azkaban has done to her :)
I put the sketches here again, to compare them with the end result. I’m glad I took the time to sketch out some outfit ideas. Bellatrix’s style is so specific and bold, I needed to practice :)
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crucioslut · 5 months
Horny doesn’t always mean wanting to have sex. Sometimes it means wanting to be beat up or stabbed or something.
Bellatrix Lestrange
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crucioslut · 5 months
This girl's resemblance to Helena's Bella is striking
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crucioslut · 5 months
Rodolphus: I will now torture you
Bellatrix: Kinky
Rodolphus: I think you are sweet and beautiful
Bellatrix: Wait
Rodolphus: You deserve to be cared for as much as you care for others
Bellatrix: No
Rodolphus: Your feelings and needs are valid and deserve to be heard
Bellatrix: I need a safeword!
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crucioslut · 5 months
I miss seeing your writings on my page. I'm so happy to see you back and all of your content!
Thank you, sweet bean 🩷 I needed this today honestly. I'm glad to be writing again too, I need the creative outlet to balance out my boring adult life. Was beginning to feel more zombified than normal
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crucioslut · 5 months
*bite bite bite bite*
Lord Voldemort attempted to ignore Bella as she entered the library. It was his fault for not taking the books back to his study, which was marginally more private, but one would assume the library in his own home would be private enough.
Bella had no sense of respect nor self preservation as she sidled up behind his armchair, draping her long pale arms around his chest and resting her chin on the muscle of his shoulder. She was quiet and still for a moment, reading the book over his shoulder, and he couldn't help the slight smile that graced the corner of his mouth as she was distracted for a moment longer as she finished the page. Blood magic had always been one of her favorites.
But soon enough she had turned her attentions back to him, and she gave a little purr as she nuzzled her face into his shoulder, nipping at the flesh playfully, first with her lips, then her teeth.
He turned the page, eyes narrowing as he resolved to at least try to finish the section before paying her any mind. His lips parted, and he took a millisecond to regain himself. That last bite has been firm.
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crucioslut · 5 months
"Motherhood has not softened me in the way it has you, Cissy." She said, amusement clear in her tone now. "Then again you've always been soft. Popped out of the womb like fluffy snow, with that white head of hair." She reminisced fondly, recalling the very beginning of her baby sister's life just as vividly as ever. "And yet at your core you're as ferocious as the rest of us. What contrast. You're much too easy when it comes to the boy, though. Draco is begging for proper discipline."
Bellatrix smiled, watching Narcissa rise and come towards her, obeying her. Just as she always did, even if it took a little convincing.
"Well someone is making bold assumptions today. I haven't said a thing regarding pleasure, quite contrarily that was you. You're projecting. A touch of wishful thinking it seems."
Bella's cold fingers laced between Narcissa's, gripping her hand firmly. Like a light switch, the elder sister's demeanor became serious. "I do care for your safety, Narcissa. More than you could begin to understand."
She sat up, tugging Narcissa by her arm down beside her, forcefully wrapping the blonde up in her blanket sandwiching the two of them together. "However a little cough won't kill you, will it?"
Bella leaned into her, settling her head onto her sister's lap, her full mane of curls spilling everywhere like shadow, her cheek nuzzling the other woman's stomach. "Hmph. You can't deny me of affection now. Not at my weakest, Cissy." A deep pout presented on full lips. "A proper lady is nurturing before anything else." Bella mocked. "A scalp massage will do."
Narcissa eyed Bellatrix with a wary expression, her otherwise perfect complexion drawn with frown lines as she watched her sister attempt to drink away a stubborn virus that had the sadistic enchantress's throat in a tight knot for weeks now. Narcissa exhaled deeply as thunder clapped in the distance, partly buffered by the marble walls. The sisters were sitting in the soft-lit sitting room, illuminated only by the enormous fireplace and the beams of moonlight pouring in between the curtains. She bit her bottom lip as Bellatrix rested what was now another empty tot of fire whisky down on the coffee table. "Another," She demanded, did not ask. "Bella," Narcissa tried carefully. "I don't doubt your ability to outdrink a platoon of men, but you are still bone-thin from Azkaban, be reasonable. Won't be good to the Dark Lord if you choke in your sleep from alcohol poisoning." Leaning back in her arm chair, she tried to offer her sister an understanding look. Voldemort had told Bellatrix that she could not leave the Malfoy Estate, with or without him until her cough was gone. And it was dangerous to get potions with the ministry now breathing down their neck since her husband's arrest.
There was little that Bellatrix hated more than being sick. Over days the witch had tried everything, but this virus was stubborn and unrelenting, letting her know it intended to run its full course before any recovery would take place. Thankfully, Bella did not become ill often. As it were, her head pounded and her chest rattled with every cough, pointed aristocratic nose cherry red. She felt pathetic and useless, disgusted by the fact such an affliction could render her such a whiny pup. An affliction that would make a couch potato of an every day muggle. And yet, there she was, wrapped in a blanket on the sofa shivering beneath its engulfing warmth.
It had only been a month and a half since Bellatrix had given birth. Because of this, the Dark Lord was still more-or-less excluding his greatest asset from combat, and just when it seemed she may finally get in on the action again, of course. The fucking illness. The whole situation leaving Madame Lestrange absolutely miserable.
Bellatrix turned towards her sister, scowling faintly whilst looking Narcissa dead in the eye and summoning the house elf to fill her up once more. As if to spite her, Bellatrix downed the round of firewhiskey, slamming her glass down.
"Oops. You were saying, Cissy?"
Bella lay down to sprawl her achy bones out over the sofa. "Alcohol is a disinfectant," she muttered, face down into the throw pillow, knowing well that wasn't exactly how it worked.
She twisted around like a cat to face her sister once more. Bella began to laugh, then dissolved into a coughing fit. "You cow. Don't act as if you suddenly care about whether or not I'm useful to the Dark Lord. You've never once supported this. Your involvement goes only as far as your husband's, which isn't far, in fact. He's useless." She hissed her last words as her blood boiled at the thought of Lucius Malfoy currently leading the missions. They'd be doomed.
"It's you isn't it? Hmm, Cissy? Making me ill. So you can keep me around for longer." Bella felt a small smirk tugging at her unusually pale lips while teasing Narcissa. Getting a rise out of her was so entertaining, and the ice blonde made it so easy.
"That's always been the root of your anguish. The Dark Lord taking away everything you love from you.. one by one. Your sister, your husband, and now, your little boy... I sincerely hope for your sake my sweet Cissy, that the poor baby doesn't take after his daddy."
As soon as Bella watched the color drain of Narcissa's face, indicating her emotional response to Bella's words, she moved herself back to create a tiny bit of extra room on the sofa she lay.
"Come, Cissy. Come now.. come lay with me." When narcissa hesitated, Bellatrix rolled her eyes.
"You can cut the theatrics. You know you want to."
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crucioslut · 5 months
Narcissa eyed Bellatrix with a wary expression, her otherwise perfect complexion drawn with frown lines as she watched her sister attempt to drink away a stubborn virus that had the sadistic enchantress's throat in a tight knot for weeks now. Narcissa exhaled deeply as thunder clapped in the distance, partly buffered by the marble walls. The sisters were sitting in the soft-lit sitting room, illuminated only by the enormous fireplace and the beams of moonlight pouring in between the curtains. She bit her bottom lip as Bellatrix rested what was now another empty tot of fire whisky down on the coffee table. "Another," She demanded, did not ask. "Bella," Narcissa tried carefully. "I don't doubt your ability to outdrink a platoon of men, but you are still bone-thin from Azkaban, be reasonable. Won't be good to the Dark Lord if you choke in your sleep from alcohol poisoning." Leaning back in her arm chair, she tried to offer her sister an understanding look. Voldemort had told Bellatrix that she could not leave the Malfoy Estate, with or without him until her cough was gone. And it was dangerous to get potions with the ministry now breathing down their neck since her husband's arrest.
There was little that Bellatrix hated more than being sick. Over days the witch had tried everything, but this virus was stubborn and unrelenting, letting her know it intended to run its full course before any recovery would take place. Thankfully, Bella did not become ill often. As it were, her head pounded and her chest rattled with every cough, pointed aristocratic nose cherry red. She felt pathetic and useless, disgusted by the fact such an affliction could render her such a whiny pup. An affliction that would make a couch potato of an every day muggle. And yet, there she was, wrapped in a blanket on the sofa shivering beneath its engulfing warmth.
It had only been a month and a half since Bellatrix had given birth. Because of this, the Dark Lord was still more-or-less excluding his greatest asset from combat, and just when it seemed she may finally get in on the action again, of course. The fucking illness. The whole situation leaving Madame Lestrange absolutely miserable.
Bellatrix turned towards her sister, scowling faintly whilst looking Narcissa dead in the eye and summoning the house elf to fill her up once more. As if to spite her, Bellatrix downed the round of firewhiskey, slamming her glass down.
"Oops. You were saying, Cissy?"
Bella lay down to sprawl her achy bones out over the sofa. "Alcohol is a disinfectant," she muttered, face down into the throw pillow, knowing well that wasn't exactly how it worked.
She twisted around like a cat to face her sister once more. Bella began to laugh, then dissolved into a coughing fit. "You cow. Don't act as if you suddenly care about whether or not I'm useful to the Dark Lord. You've never once supported this. Your involvement goes only as far as your husband's, which isn't far, in fact. He's useless." She hissed her last words as her blood boiled at the thought of Lucius Malfoy currently leading the missions. They'd be doomed.
"It's you isn't it? Hmm, Cissy? Making me ill. So you can keep me around for longer." Bella felt a small smirk tugging at her unusually pale lips while teasing Narcissa. Getting a rise out of her was so entertaining, and the ice blonde made it so easy.
"That's always been the root of your anguish. The Dark Lord taking away everything you love from you.. one by one. Your sister, your husband, and now, your little boy... I sincerely hope for your sake my sweet Cissy, that the poor baby doesn't take after his daddy."
As soon as Bella watched the color drain of Narcissa's face, indicating her emotional response to Bella's words, she moved herself back to create a tiny bit of extra room on the sofa she lay.
"Come, Cissy. Come now.. come lay with me." When narcissa hesitated, Bellatrix rolled her eyes.
"You can cut the theatrics. You know you want to."
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crucioslut · 5 months
🥹 ask and you shall receive. Whoever just sent me that long beautifully-written ask from Narcissa, thank you very much. I'll reply soon ❤
What I wouldn't do for an active Narcissa again... Fuuuuckkkk
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crucioslut · 5 months
What I wouldn't do for an active Narcissa again... Fuuuuckkkk
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crucioslut · 5 months
Gnarly fist fights definitely took place, along with verbal assault. But if Rodolphus ever tried to step in, it would definitely be a "This is between me and my cousin" vibe from Bella. Like sit down baby I got this
Sirius and Bellatrix in a fist fight no magic who wins
oh my god. oh my god oh my god. because it's not just fists, it's elbows and teeth and hair being ripped out by the root. someone's ear is being bitten off. it goes on for an age and a day. they are fist fighting. they have always been fist fighting. there are no winners here. god abandoned this place a long time ago.
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crucioslut · 5 months
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Good ol reliable Bellatrix
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crucioslut · 5 months
"Mmmm." Bellatrix hummed, agreeing. "My husband, the beacon of generosity." The tone of her voice sounded as though it'd be accompanied with an eye roll. Instead, she grinned ear-to-ear proudly when Voldemort's gaze finally found hers. "You could be stationed wherever you wish, My Lord." Bella's claws danced up his arm to grip his shoulder, standing on her toes to whisper in his ear. "Anywhere." Money would never be of issue. Riches, they had plenty of. Remaining hidden would be an entirely different feat.
Bella wanted to tell him then how much she'd yearned to have him closer to her, nearly offering up Lestrange Manor for his needs. Of course something like this would end in disaster. But oh, how sweet it would be, if only for a while. "Rodolphus owns many estates as you know, my Lord. Several right here in England and all of them vacant. You could take your pick." While beautiful and accomodating, many of these properties were not exactly stealth. Her large eyes looked up at him as they strolled, having basically forgotten all about her outburst just a few moments prior. "Why? Have you got a better idea?" She considered asking him more about this elusive relic, but settled at the conclusion that pushing it too much would only anger him.
As they arrived at the street, Bella's upper lip curled into a sneer of disgust in unison with her master's twisted face. Taking in their surroundings, the streets were dingy, and muggles could be seen a short distance away walking hand-in-hand. Smoke poured out from the chimneys above the old brick buildings, the piercing wail of sirens heard from a far distance. It was like stepping into another dimension, leaving their perfectly constructed world of magic and luxury for filth and smog. "I don't know why my husband ever aquired this place to begin with. It's located in quite the shit hole, isn't it?"
The Dark Lord mentioned her hunting the muggles, and his witch jumped for joy, her smile returning. "I could hunt a couple of them right now..." With that she spun around, drawing her wand and taking her position, sending a simple shocking jinx hurdling towards the male and female muggle who were walking away from them, successfully landing the man on his ass, evident by the man's startled jump high in the air and yelp. The pair looked around in confusion as the man rubbed his bottom, Bellatrix turning to conceal herself, laughing as she did.
Voldemort pushed her into the alley way. At first, she'd assumed this was a reprimand for being so risky in the muggle public. His words proved otherwise, however. When they came out, slow, soft. So collected and pacifying. Still it was that quiet calm that made her pure blood run cold.
"Of course, Master. I know just as well that you are accustomed to solitude," She began swallowing. "And certainly I'd never want to rob you of your instincts. I'd never dream of it. I just.. I thought we could have some fun travelling together." Her tired eyes lit up. "A private destination fit for two.. How marvellous it would be!"
When he lifted his hand to her cheek, Bellatrix gasped softly, leaning in closer begging for her lips to be taken by his as her hands slid up his chest spreading over his shoulders. A kiss did not follow.
What followed made her freeze and visibly stiffen. Why would he ask such a thing? How could he possibly know without entering her mind to confirm his suspicions? It wasn't that Bellatrix had lost faith in him, not exactly. No - Not at all. There were however decisions being made that she didn't necessarily agree with, not that she'd ever admit to it. There were questions in regards to her Master's judgement for the first time, and somewhat often too. It was a shameful truth Bellatrix hadn't dared to voice out loud to anybody besides Narcissa after a dizzy night of too much wine consumption.
Voldemort had caught her so off guard with this confrontation, for a moment she was a stammering mess but was quick to gain control of her words, making a decision in just seconds as to whether she would lie to him or tell the truth.
Bellatrix's eyes sunk deep into his, filling with sadness. "I still idolize you, Master. I always will. It pains me to no end that you should ever be under the impression that isn't the case." She sucked in a breath, then sighed. "But you are correct. Things have changed, Master. A lot of things have changed. I'm no longer that young witch you met all those years ago. Naivety is non-existant in me, you wont sniff out a hint. I see things through my own eyes now. Spending all that time away, becoming old in Azkaban while my brains rotted out of my skull.. All I did was think. All I could do, was... Think. Suppose there's a certain level of sophistication that comes with experiencing something like that." Bellatrix offered a smile that was as much far away as it was melancholy. "A certain level of madness, too, I'm told."
an abrupt ,  heated kiss during the middle of a fight -thelordofdarkness
Throughout the many years Lord Voldemort and Bellatrix had spent together, she'd learned time and time again to expect a certain level of disappointment from her master. There were needs that he would never fulfill and although this was a most painful conclusion to come to, she finally had. It had only taken a few decades to see things for what they were, and fourteen long years locked away from the world, and away from him to somewhat let go of those girlish dreamy delusions. It was clear to Bellatrix now more than ever what the wicked lovers were and what they were not. It broke her. But her devotion remained unscathed, intact and stronger than ever.
But this? Surely not after everything she had done for him.
It was just two months following her escape from Azkaban that the Dark Lord had vanished one day unannounced leaving not a trace behind. Nobody was aware of his wearabouts for weeks during which time Bella made herself absolutely sick with anxiety. Was he dead? Or worse.. had he simply left them? Left her. The witch's most fragile mind still fresh with the inky tarnish of the effects of Azkaban spiralled into madness. Her thoughts went everywhere, to the worst possible scenarios. During the nights she stay wide awake, at times inconsolable, at times so far away that she couldn't hear when her sister or husband spoke to her. Wracking her brain, Bella asked herself over and over what she could have done to make her Master hate her so, hate her enough to leave her without a single word.
Thin pale fingers carefully caressed the mark on her forearm, beckoning him to call her. But he didn't. For three week, there was nothing.
Without Lord Voldemort, Bellatrix would die. Yes, she would die, she'd convinced herself. Much of her felt dead already as it were.
That was until one night when suddenly he'd returned. Offering no explanation as to where he'd been all that time and conducting an entire meeting as if nothing had happened, making his most loyal sit at his right and repress such deep scorn she felt as though she would combust.
It was later that night, when they were all alone that Bellatrix could no longer hold back. She'd lost control. Had she been a moment younger, a pinch more sane, this would have never occured.
The outburst she'd started prompted her master to rise and make to leave the room, muttering something about her needing to get a hold of her emotions.
"UGH! No!" Bellatrix all but shrieked. Her hands flew to her heavy mound of thick black curls and pulled at them in frustration, wandless magic slamming the door shut just as the Dark Lord was about to cross the threshold. "No!" She yelled again, stamping her heeled foot on the marble floors. Her fists now balled to her sides as she stood, rigid and practically vibrating all at once.
"You can't- You can't do this to me!" Bella roared, she began stalking towards him. "How dare you?!" Never had Bellatrix spoken to her master this way. Not once, but she simply couldn't hold back. "After everything?! Everything I've done for you?" The last sentence a whisper.
As Bellatrix reached him their eyes met. Her face once twisted in rage of a woman scorned softened into doe eyes and a deep pout, her lip quivering. "I thought you were dead. I thought.. I thought you'd left me."
Like foolish butter she melted under that stone cold gaze of pure evil, just as she always had. Tears welled in her eyes. To her dismay, one managed to roll down her cheek. Head tilted curiously, her brows knit together. "My Lord.. Why didn't you tell me?"
By now the memory of rational that was left within her expected a punishment. She'd overstepped in a big way and was very aware. Of course, Madam Lestrange could have given up then. Sank to her knees and kissed his shoes, begged for his forgiveness. No.
To her astonishment, in a split second they'd switched positions. The Dark Lord flipping her around so that it was her between the door and him. His cold, reptilian touch was all over her neck and chest as his mouth covered hers, stealing away her choked back sob as her breathing became erratic. For a few seconds Bella reacted with nothing but shock, stiffening before completely, entirely relaxing against him. Physically feeling all of the tension leaving her body her shoulders went limp, heavy eye lids fluttering shut. Bellatrix opened her mouth to deepen the kiss, their tongues plunging into opposing mouths with vigor.
And there was nothing she could do but to succumb.
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crucioslut · 5 months
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