damnatiomemoriae13 · 10 hours
My hand slipped
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damnatiomemoriae13 · 24 hours
Ofc he's going to stop to inspect them
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"For me?"
"Mmhm. Do you like it??"
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i took his tats apart and smushed them back together into a back tat concept for funsies top center is shoulder/wrist tats, underneath are his neck tats, beneath that are the face tats, then the back into the chest, with another pop of the shoulders in center
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damnatiomemoriae13 · 5 days
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Bend but don't break.
I offer another messy wip, might go back and make it fancy later
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damnatiomemoriae13 · 5 days
Hi could I request some true form sukuna x y/n fanart nsfw/sfw u choose love ur work look after urself🥰🫶🏼
Thank you so much!!! You're so sweet, I hope you have a wonderful day<33 Unfortunately, I don't really do x y/n stuff and don't currently have any plans to. The woman I do draw with him is an oc of mine and part of a very long fic I've been working on intermittently that I hope to post eventually :) However I am always open to requests and suggestions! I don't always have a lot of time but I will always try to at least let you know if I can or can't/would be willing to do the request ;v;
Thank you so much for asking though, I appreciate your time and hope I continue to make things that you enjoy <3
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damnatiomemoriae13 · 5 days
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this is such a fucking mood tho TTATT
Its fine
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damnatiomemoriae13 · 11 days
Just wanted to say a quick thank you to all my followers. I know sometimes I don't interact a whole lot with comments or reblogs, but I do see all of them. I read and sometimes reread them and it means the world to me that you've all decided that you liked my work just that much. I see when people go through liking all my stuffs or when some of you pop up on every post as soon as I put something out. It's exciting to me to see those same faces and know that you like it that much. Brings a smile to my face every time. I've never had so many eyes on my work nor people engaging with it, but I hope to continue making things you'll all enjoy <33 Thanks for being here 💜💜💜
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damnatiomemoriae13 · 13 days
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i took his tats apart and smushed them back together into a back tat concept for funsies top center is shoulder/wrist tats, underneath are his neck tats, beneath that are the face tats, then the back into the chest, with another pop of the shoulders in center
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damnatiomemoriae13 · 14 days
Stooop that's so sweet I'm gonna cry TTATT Also before shower makeup is best, plus her tats would be a pain to remove without a shower so makes total sense to me xD
Thank you so much! Take care dear, and have a good evening!
hello so i absolutely love you oc especially the tattoo... So ummm hope you dont mind but I did a little something...
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(you don't have to reply just wanted to show you 😭 ok bye-)
The noise of utter delight I made when I saw this 😭 All I want and hope for when I make my things is to make something others can love as much as I do, and things like this, seeing people DO love some of the things I make like that?? It means the absolute world to me. Day made, thank you 💜
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damnatiomemoriae13 · 14 days
hello so i absolutely love you oc especially the tattoo... So ummm hope you dont mind but I did a little something...
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(you don't have to reply just wanted to show you 😭 ok bye-)
The noise of utter delight I made when I saw this 😭 All I want and hope for when I make my things is to make something others can love as much as I do, and things like this, seeing people DO love some of the things I make like that?? It means the absolute world to me. Day made, thank you 💜
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damnatiomemoriae13 · 18 days
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Her personal space is also HIS personal space.
shitposty based off that one "draw your otp" image that was floating around for a minute. Halfassed attempt at rendering, gave up and left messy/stopped there bc too tired to be assed haha
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damnatiomemoriae13 · 22 days
Are you lost, little dove?
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Welcome! I'm Ellia and this is a place where I toss my art and writing. I do a lot of fanart and the occasional fanfic.
I have a love of horror and darker themes which are present in much of my work, though there's a bit of fluff here and there. There will be gore and nsfw (or suggestive) content scattered throughout the page. As a result, this page is 18+, minors please do not interact.
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I am a bit obsessive and fixations will vary but I usually focus on one or two characters/franchises at a time. Current fixation: Ryomen Sukuna from Jujutsu Kaisen
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If you ever have any questions or otherwise, my askbox is always open ;v; I promise I am much friendlier than my works may suggest.
If you would like to repost my work, use it as a pfp or banner, please properly credit and tag me, I would love to see.
For any other usage of my work, please ask for my permission first.
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damnatiomemoriae13 · 23 days
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silly little sketch as a cool down after finishing the previous post, also something a little fluffier to balance it out ;v;
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damnatiomemoriae13 · 23 days
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Possess me
some closeups on the details bc I was content with how they turned out
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damnatiomemoriae13 · 27 days
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Having thoughts so take a wip, all my stuff starts off messy haha. I don't usually plan my lighting but i think it's gonna be important in the final, so I kinda tossed it on haphazardly to get a feel. Slowly kinda taking a turn from my original plan of oracle vibes to something more possessive, trying to roll with it though
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damnatiomemoriae13 · 29 days
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Of Kings and Fallen Gods
my take on a recreation of that one famous painting might've gone a lil too heavy on the shadows
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damnatiomemoriae13 · 30 days
Impulse Control
Part of a longer fic I have in the works that I thought I would share here at the behest of a few friends. Might be a lil rough around the edges, most of this was worked on while sleepy haha Necessary context: This is the first time these two sleep together, the woman (Umi), has been hosting him and they've met several times prior. Neither has made any moves or expressed interest though they've individually had thoughts unbeknownst to the other. other: Asobi were singing performers who also offered sex, she is not an asobi, but he mistook her for one in their first encounter and she was too shy to correct him
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Warnings: Smut!! Dub-con (heavy), biting, scratching, mild gore(?), cunnilingus, the stomach mouth(tm), vaginal intercourse, mentions of cannibalism, dacryphilia (tears), bruising, sadism/masochism, size kink, and uhhh? I think that’s it?
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“Give yourself to me.”
It was neither a command nor a request, but somewhere in between. She blinked, four arms reaching out and pulling her in. Two hands gripped her hips, guiding her forward until she stood practically in his lap. He buried his face in her neck, nose grazing her skin as he drew in a languid breath, taking in her scent. The sting of the salt of the surf was softened by the aroma of floral perfume oils and tea leaves, lingering in her hair with something warm beneath like sunshine on a summer's day. Lips pressed to the thin skin over the column of her throat, feeling the quiet breath she sucked in. He’d considered taking her before, the temptation and desire to consume her in every sense of the word a tantalizing prospect. But something within him remained indecisive. The supple softness of her flesh in his hands made his mouth water and his cocks twitch, but he was torn between two separate compulsions. He wanted to devour her. Wanted to taste her; her skin, blood, muscle, sweat, tears. But in which way? The distinction between the two impulses was muddled. He no longer had the patience to sort out which was more compelling, choosing to start with one and see where it would lead. His upper hands slowly untied her obi, face remaining nuzzled in her neck as he lazily placed kiss after kiss, feeling her pulse racing with every gentle caress. Thin hands came to rest against his collarbones, but didn’t push away. Already he could feel the heat rising across her skin.
“Spend the night with me.” He urged, pulling back just enough to look her in the eye, azure hues bearing an intensity and hunger she’d yet to see.
Her heart skipped a beat, so entranced that she almost failed to notice the sudden slack in her obi. Before she could respond he was loosening it until the coils pooled at her feet in a heap. “W-Wait,” It wasn’t that she didn’t like the idea of where things were going, but she feared she wouldn’t live up to expectations. “I don’t know if we should…” 
He paused, thumbs rubbing slow circles across the front of her hips, pleased at the subtle shift in the way she stood, thighs pressing together at the proximity and stimulation. “Are you afraid?” He asked, upper hands brushing the hair over her shoulders and nudging the neckline of her kimono lower. 
The nerves made her dizzy and her stomach flipped. No, she wasn’t afraid of him. Daunted? Most definitely, but not afraid. “No…” His warmth against her palms was steadying and she focused on it to ground herself. “I only worry that I may disappoint. Surely you could choose someone better to spend your evening with?” It pained her somewhat to make the suggestion, but the fear of letting him down was greater than her desire. 
He let out a low chuckle, a twinge of malice dancing mirthfully in his eyes. “Your only fear is of not being able to satisfy?” He smirked, “What a foolish woman. Have you no sense of self preservation?” 
Her face flushed, burning with embarrassment. Brow furrowed, her expression bordered on a pout. “I trust you.” She insisted stubbornly, a stunning sincerity in silver hues as she held his gaze. 
An astounded cackle rumbled forth from him at her admission. “Foolish and obstinate.” Nearly grinning, he hummed in mock consideration, thoroughly amused. His thumbs ceased their motions, squeezing her hips lightly as he leaned closer. “You should be more careful who you trust, little asobi.” He murmured against the shell of her ear, relishing in the way she shivered.
The ties of her under-kimono came apart with one little tug, falling open as his fingers crept beneath the worn silk. A soft gasp escaped her slightly parted lips as calloused skin met silky soft flesh. The upper set of hands pushed the kimono down her shoulders, encouraging her to remove it. Steeling herself, she let him drag the garment down until gravity took over and it piled on the floor at her feet. He let out a low hum of approval, azure eyes trailing down her form as he took her in fully. 
When the upper set of hands moved to caress her breast she sucked in a quiet breath. As he squeezed she let out a small squeak, unprepared for the sudden roughness of his handling. The brief veneer of gentleness was abandoned at once, the façade seemingly having served its purpose. A wet warmth enveloped her left nipple in his palm, the sensation of a tongue stirring against the sensitive peak. The new stimulation had her leaning into his touch, shock of the discovery fading quickly. What else could he do? Teeth caught and pressed the sensitive bud until she let out another yelp. A quiet huff left him and he leaned back, the lower set of hands grabbing her hips and pulling her with him. She toppled forward, hands flying out to brace herself as she landed in his lap. The distinctive firmness beneath her twitched and her stomach fluttered as she registered not one, but two. His head tilted slightly, a knowing look in his eyes as the corners of his mouth tipped upward. 
“Having second thoughts?” He teased, having caught the brief look of apprehension. Dutifully her head shook ‘No’ and he couldn’t help another chuckle. What a stubborn woman. Even as he nipped and grabbed, gradually handling her with more strength, she remained undeterred. He guided her hips against him, pleased by the growing damp patch on his hakama from her excitement. Every little sound he managed to pull from her was perfect, spurring him on and stirring the hunger deep within him. Her scent ingrained itself in his mind, the softness of her flesh ever so inviting. So squish-able. When his caresses neared bruising he thought it might earn some complaint, yet she said nothing, moans changing only slightly in response. More durable than she looks, he praised inwardly with a note of surprise, admiring bright red handprints that appeared on alabaster skin as he adjusted his hold and brought her even closer.
His tongue lolled lazily across a swath of skin, the salt of sweat bearing an odd twinge of sweetness. The urge to bite down grew stronger with each passing moment until he surrendered to the whim. He sunk his teeth into the meat of her neck where it became shoulder, feeling her entire body go rigid against him as she let out a strangled cry. Deeper, rending flesh until teeth scraped against bone. The iron tang of blood was familiar, a distinct sweetness underlying the warm savory notes in a way that complimented nicely. He’d not considered himself a sweet-tooth before, but this was something else. When combined with the scent of fresh torment– it was mouthwatering. The flutter of her pulse and the taste of her life on his tongue made for an exquisite medley. He bit just a little harder and she squirmed, hands scratching and grabbing desperately at his back until she drew blood. It dimly occurred to him to loosen his grip as he felt her bones begin to creak beneath his embrace, relaxing his hold on her slightly. With a pang of disappointment he released her flesh, teeth sliding free of her abused skin rather than taking a mouthful with him like he was ever so tempted to do. His tongue traced every laceration and indentation left by his teeth, a weak whimper rising from her as her scratching slowed. 
It hurts. It hurts. It hurts it hurts it hurts ithurtsithurtsithurtsithurtsit–
Suddenly she could breathe again, his death-grip on her loosening just enough for her lungs to expand. Blessedly, his teeth let go without taking a piece of her with. Jolts of pain ran through her as his tongue played along the new wound in an exploratory fashion, drinking in every bit of blood to the point of nearly sucking on the wound. Fragments of dreams she’d thought she’d forgotten flashed through her mind's eye. The heavy stench of blood. A flicker of candlelight dancing and casting blurry shadows on thin paper walls. The sound of bone crunching and flesh tearing. Yes, she’d seen this before. Familiarity made it worse, recalling the abrupt end that chased the nightmare every time she’d had it. Unease crawled slowly up her spine as she reconsidered how trusting she had been. She knew better; had been willfully ignorant, blindly following her curiosity and placing her trust in him without an inkling of reason. She trusted him simply because she wanted to, rather than using any real rationale. He was right; she was a fool. A fool that might be about to die. Cautionary tales she’d conveniently forgotten sprung to the front of her mind; ones that spoke of a king who devoured the flesh of man. The idea of becoming a meal hadn’t crossed her mind, but perhaps it should have. Her nails dug into the broad expanse of his back, tucked between the sets of arms in a way that left them entrapped. There was no room to pull away even if she wanted to. The lower set of hands gripped her hips, thumbs tracing the curve along the front of the bone as he brought them closer to his body and something wet met her thigh. 
A deep rumble of a laugh vibrated through his chest and made her skin tingle at the point of contact. “Has it finally sunk in?” He queried, a trickle of mirth in his tone as he noted the tension in her form refusing to abate. “Too late to run away now.” He taunted in an almost singsong inflection, leaning back a bit as he angled her hips into himself, then slouching comfortably forward for the best reach. It wasn’t something he usually did, but curiosity drove his whimsy as he chose to be adventurous in his toying with her. This was something he knew he wanted to have a good view of her expression for. 
She struggled to glance down as something warm and borderline slimy ran along her inner thigh, dexterous muscle familiar and foreign simultaneously. At last she managed to peek between them as he gave her the tiniest bit of room. A sliver of moonlight revealed what she had previously thought to be possibly a scar, was in fact a massive mouth. Her stomach lurched, seeing a maw that could easily bite her in two. Once more the fear of becoming a meal reared its head. The tongue curled around her thigh teasingly, twisting and rubbing along the inside as it crept closer and closer to her center. Teeth scraped against her inner thighs, sending a chill through her as she grappled between fear and arousal. Hot breath washed across her sex. It was exhilarating as it was terrifying, heartbeat thundering in her head. The tongue played along her entrance, tip prodding almost tauntingly, flicking over her clit sporadically. Azure hues studied her every reaction, narrowing in silent mirth as he pressed on her clit, watching her jolt at the contact. His grip tightened slightly, pulling her hips snug against the mouth as its tongue wriggled its way inside. A choked sound barely escaped her, arching against him. The thin lips of the mouth wrapped around her as the tongue undulated, giving a long suck. She’d never felt anything like this, clinging to him in hopes of keeping herself grounded as her breaths grew shallow. 
“You taste as good as you look.” He remarked, enjoying how she struggled deciding what to focus on. Silver hues flicked toward him for a moment, clouded by lust but still bearing a twinge of renewed fear. “I should have taken you sooner.”  He punctuated the statement with a roll of his other tongue, withdrawing and pressing back in with force. Her back arched with a breathless gasp, nails biting into his chest as her eyes rolled. He liked this view, he decided, continuing his motions. One hand trailed the tips of claws along the curve of her spine, enjoying how she shuddered and attempted to hold his gaze. His fingers wove through the hair at her nape and scraped along her scalp, settling with the back of her head resting in his palm. Her skull felt so small and fragile in his hand, so easy to crush. Even as she sank into his touch, weight resting in his hands, he was reminded of how delicate she was by comparison. Knees pressed into his ribs as her thighs made a pitiful attempt at clenching around him. The iron tang of blood mixed with the taste of her and he noted the trail of crimson that ran from the bite he’d left. It dripped sluggishly down her chest and between her breasts, continuing all the way to where his second mouth was busy with her cunt. The sight made his cocks ache, tongue flicking out to wet his lips as his appetite stirred again. With a twist of the other tongue her hips bucked and she whined. As entertaining as this was, he wanted more. Now. 
He stilled just as she was on the cusp of release, wrenching a noise of complaint from her. As she mourned the sudden loss of friction, the rustle of fabric was all the more warning she got before he was lifting her hips and lining her up over one of his cocks. Wide eyes jumped to his face, a moment of painful clarity only seconds before he pulled her down onto him in one smooth motion. The sound she made was something guttural, forgetting how to breathe for a beat as her mind struggled to catch up. It felt like he was going to split her in half. She didn't have time to process the feeling as he began to thrust shallowly up into her. “W-Wait—” she choked on her words. The burn was intense. Each time he bottomed out, she could have sworn he was pushing into her cervix. It was too much, almost making her nauseous at times. She clutched at the nearest arm like a lifeline, nails leaving deep red marks beneath. 
He huffed, watching her expression contort as she struggled to take him. Another noise, a quiet gasp followed by a whimper as soft flesh began to bruise under his touch, holding her a bit tighter than he should. This was around the time his bedtime companions often gave out, yet he found himself strangely optimistic– hopeful, even, that she would pull through. Petite or not, she’d already proved more resilient than so many before her. Her face scrunched, eyes screwed shut as pleasure veered closer to pain again. In a mockery of intimacy, he pressed a kiss to her cheek, gaze lingering on dark lashes and a furrowed brow. Don't break too soon, little asobi. 
Throat tight, she tried to find her words as he continued the brutal rhythm he’d set. It was difficult to think, the sound of skin on skin echoing in the room, his every impact making her body shudder from the force. The burning had become more of an aching throb, pulsing around him. She pushed at his hips, willing them to stop. She wanted to beg for mercy, for a break, for a moment to breathe— anything. But the words wouldn’t come. The hand in her hair released its hold and slid around, long fingers curling around her jaw. “Please…” she finally managed to croak out, silver hues pleading with him. “Too… much…”
A flicker of disappointment ran through him, expression relaxing into one of mild boredom. “Too much?” He echoed, watching her attempt to nod enthusiastically despite his hold on her. “Hm.” He lessened the force he put into each thrust and slowed his pace. Her face flooded with relief immediately, a sigh whispering out from between slightly parted lips. Nimble hands ventured from his forearm back toward his chest, craving to be near him, seeking comfort in him despite it all. Perhaps he was mistaking comfort for gratitude? Still undeterred? Disappointment shifted back toward optimism. No, she wasn’t tapping out yet. A smirk twisted his lips. Without warning he stood, enjoying the way she instinctively clung to him, one hand under her rear to support her as he paced the short distance to the wall. She arched away from the chill of stone as he placed her back against it, fleeing from the cold. The momentary distraction allowed him the chance to hook her knees under his arms and press them to her chest. Her attention snapped back to him with a sharp inhale, wide eyes peering up at him with apprehension and anticipation. His second set of arms kept him braced comfortably against the wall, ensuring he didn't accidentally crush her. 
The change in angle allowed him to reach even deeper than before, the wall keeping her from retreating or shying away. Her mouth went dry, mortified by the realization. All she could do was stare, resigned to her fate. Azure eyes gleamed with sinister mirth, lips twitching upward in a devious smirk. He leaned closer, whispering as though it were a secret.
“You can handle it.” 
He pushed teasingly against her limit, situated as far inside as he could reach and then some. She whined, gasping for breath and squirming. Overwhelming didn't begin to describe it. It hurt and yet… he nudged against her favorite spot as he kept her pinned, sending a jolt of pleasure through her. She struggled to reconcile the two sensations simultaneously. The first thrust had her seeing stars, forcing a tortured moan from her. Although his size would have been more than enough on its own, he wasn't without technique. Not only that, but he was observant, the smallest of twitches giving her away to him. He angled his hips with precision, making sure to hit the exact place that would lead to her undoing as he set the perfect cadence. A particularly rough buck of his hips and she mewled, nails raking across his back hard enough to draw blood. When had she wrapped her arms around his neck? When had she tucked her face into his chest in an attempt to hide? Something familiar slithered between them, brushing against her center. The lower tongue. It toyed with her, tracing circles into her clit without his hips faltering. Tension pooled low in her core, winding tighter by the second. She threw her head back, vision blurry and eyes stinging. It didn't occur to her that she was crying until she felt the warm damp of his tongue dragging from the line of her jaw to the apex of her cheek, savoring the taste of her tears. A low rumble of satisfaction made her skin tingle, his sound of approval music to her ears. 
His nose grazed the crook of her neck, hot breath flickering across her collarbones as he returned to the bite he’d left earlier. Ruined flesh was still sticky with blood and sweat as he peppered the sore spot with kisses, tongue flicking out occasionally for another taste. Delight crawled across his skin as she made a noise somewhere between a whimper and a moan in reply, hands finding purchase in his hair as her nails scratched pleasantly along his scalp. He fought to stave off the urge to bite again, dragging his teeth, nipping and pressing down until he was just shy of breaking the skin. A deep inhale and he let the scent of her wash across his palate, accompanied by the salt of sweat and tears blending with the metallic tang of blood. It felt like a frenzy; the cocktail of scents, sensations, and flavors all melding into a borderline euphoria. The way she writhed beneath him with every sweet sound she had to offer. A feast for the senses, and he, a gluttonous king who wanted to indulge in everything at once. When his lips again ventured to the column of her throat he could feel the vibration of another moan through the thin skin, disturbing the rapid thrum of her pulse as they mingled. She clenched around him, legs twitching in a way that seemed like an attempt to pull him closer. He was so engrossed in the moment that he almost missed the motion until there was a more insistent tug at his hair.
“Mmh,” she dug her nails in, needing to be closer to him. She knew she was nearing the cusp, latching onto his hair and pulling, hoping to get his attention even if only for a moment. Would he mind if she…? “I’m— can I…?” Soon enough she would end up hitting her high regardless if he didn't stop, and she prayed he wouldn't. He hummed questioningly, teasing. “Am I ahh-llowed t—” A particularly sharp thrust stole her breath momentarily and he chuckled.
Such manners. “You want it?” He mused, lifting his head enough to look her in the eye. Pupils blown wide in lust, staring at him like he was the only thing to exist, desperation and need etched into her expression. It was delectable how badly she needed him and the way she begged. This was an image he could get used to.
She nodded, the intensity of his gaze sending a chill up her spine. “P…Please?” 
He hummed in mock consideration. “I suppose, since you asked so nicely.” He obliged her, keeping his pace and upping the force ever so slightly, pushing ever deeper into that place he could tell drove her crazy. She’d surpassed his expectations with flying colors and his excitement boiled over as he murmured against the shell of her ear some praise, deciding she had earned it. “Good girl, just like that.”
She hadn’t been expecting his praise, blindsided as his velvety baritone and the words he spoke made her stomach flutter. “S…Sukuna…” The tension snapped, spasming into him as she held onto his hair with a vice grip. Black spots danced in her vision and she fought to keep her eyes on him, the white of his grin the last thing she saw as the pleasure overtook her.
He paused, feeling her go limp. A slight frown tugged at the corners of his mouth, a wave of confusion sobering him momentarily. Did I break her? He pondered, pressing a thumb to the major artery below her jaw, feeling the steady twitch of her pulse. No, no he was certain he hadn’t. Slowly, he realized what had happened and let out a low chuckle. “Heh, greedy bitch.” He patted her cheek, waiting for her to stir. Nothing. “Don’t think you’re getting out of this and just leaving me hanging.” Grabbing her jaw, he gave a gentle shake. “C’mon now.” 
She came-to with a start, sucking in a breath as she blinked open her eyes. 
“There she is.”
Disoriented, it took her a moment to piece together what was going on. A blinding gleam of teeth— his grin as he regarded her with no small amount of mirth, practically purring the statement. He didn’t give her more than a second before he resumed his motions, making her squirm as the sensitivity left in the wake of the intensity of her previous orgasm made the feeling altogether too much. Thankfully, the second tongue had receded temporarily, giving her sore clit a needed rest. With a soft sigh, she buried her face in the crook of his neck, arms slung lazily over his shoulders. “Sorry,” she mumbled, exhausted. “‘M sorry.” All she got in reply was an amused hum as he pushed her legs up further until they slid outward slightly, knees nearly touching the wall. 
She was even more pliable beneath his touch now, enjoying the way she had completely fallen apart in his arms. A whisper of a moan met his ears and her nails scratched playfully along his shoulders. More force, squeezing supple thighs until she squeaked, leaving bruises in the perfect shape of his hands. The sting of skin opening along his back from her scratching spurred him on, reveling in the mewl that left her as her back arched. Moans and mumbles bordered on incoherent, what was needy and desperate becoming euphoric cries. Quickly, she reached a second high and he relished in how she clamped down on him, walls pulsing around him as her eyes rolled and her thighs trembled. This time she managed to cling to consciousness through it, perhaps aided by the pain of another bite that just barely broke the skin. Perfect crescents of torn flesh and mulberry splotches decorated flushed ivory skin, his own personal mosaic. It was intoxicating. Endless praises fell from her lips until words abandoned her to the point the only thing left she seemed capable of speaking was his name, over and over again like a mantra or a prayer. The more he pushed, the more she gave him, the more was unveiled. When teeth scraped against his neck he was almost taken aback. A glance into glazed over silver hues told him how fucked out she was. Not a single thought left in that pretty little head of yours, is there? And yet… there was a certain hunger there that reminded him of his own, an element of something feral buried deep. He was elated. The gesture could hardly be called a kiss, a ravenous tug of war, drawing blood as each attempted to take more than what the other was willing to give. For all her manners and kindness, it seemed there was more to his little asobi than met the eye. 
He pulled away from the wall and let go of her thighs. Instinctively she scrambled to support herself but her aching body didn’t respond. Strong hands gripped her hips and lifted her off of him. The sudden emptiness ached and she let out a mournful cry, stubbornly clinging to him. He let out an annoyed grunt, prying her off and tossing her onto the futon. Before she could get up he was on top of her again, flipping her onto her stomach and dragging her back by the hips. Lining up the lower cock of the two this time, he fully sheathed himself in her with one thrust. He paused with a quiet groan of satisfaction and a noise of content escaped her, arching her back in a luxurious stretch. Everything felt right again. One set of hands kept ahold of her hips, pushing and pulling in tandem with the rutting of his own. Every impact made her shudder, skin crawling in a perpetual shiver of pleasure. She’d lost count of how many times she’d climaxed, a particularly loud moan wrenching free of her as his fingers wrapped around the back of her neck and forced her down into the bed. The ability to think was long gone, the only thing she could perceive was him. His scent was etched into her mind, the feeling of him engraved in her in a way her body would never forget. Gods, did she hope this wouldn’t be the only time he bedded her. As his hips stuttered she felt herself close, weakly canting her hips back toward him. The hand on her neck let go at the last second as both of the upper set came into view on either side of her as he hunched forward over her, bracing himself. His grip on her hips tightened as he came, pain intercutting her final orgasm as he struggled to control his strength in the moment. Warmth flooded across her back as well as filled her to the brim, an answer to a question she hadn’t previously dared ask. His grip softened, thumbs tracing the back of her hips as they caught their breath. When he let go she collapsed, limbs heavy and barely able to keep her eyes open, completely spent. Part of her hoped he would stay, though she knew better. As the world faded, she felt the feather light brush of fingertips swiping away a few errant strands of hair from sweat dampened cheeks. His voice was a distant lullaby, words fuzzy but filling her with a glimmer of hope. 
“Until next time, little asobi.”
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damnatiomemoriae13 · 1 month
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teaser/update on that one piece, slowly chipping away at it but feel like there's still so much more to go TTATT
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