dawning-games · 6 months
I just love tall strong/buff and mean women.
You are so intensely valid. Please feel free to imagine that I am crying a single tear while nodding in complete understanding
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dawning-games · 9 months
Is this still continued?
It is! I have still been making slow progress on my story now and again, but my health has suffered extensively since I suffered from covid and then pneumonia in short order, so I very rarely have the spoons/energy to maintain the blog to report updates. However, the chapter is approaching being finished regardless
I do appreciate anyone who has stayed, and still welcome any asks or questions anyone may have!
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dawning-games · 1 year
Hide. Explore. Combine. Influence.
Explore a city that lives without your input in this illustrated text adventure. Observe the lives of its inhabitants behind the veil of your invisibility magic. Find items and combine them to solve intricate puzzles. Set your own pace as you control time and move freely in an open fantasy world.
In a world where the only discrimination is based on the order of birth. Cursed with a magic which does not fit within the five cardinal aelic callings, 13-years old Lecia has to hide from the sentries and find a way out of the city. Yet this magic will allow her to sneak into places and observe plots and schemes that could shake the foundations of Magistan, as the Empress’ progress approaches Norwood.
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Escape From Norwood  is a solo project text adventure that draws on 50 years of tradition and innovation to build an original and modern formula fit for touch screens. Among its treats are an open world that lives on without your input, dynamic contextual actions, comprehensive inventory and diary and uncanny spells for surprising effects.
The interactive fiction is created by @singularworks. You can support them on other medias such as Facebook, Twitter and Mastodon. Currently, their game is downloadable only on Apple Store and Google Playstore.
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dawning-games · 1 year
Twine Sugarcube 101
AKA, all you need to make a Twine game (I swear to god)
I’ve seen a lot of people go “Twine is too complicated for me :(” and give up before they’ve even started. And that makes me sad, partly because they’re giving up on a really cool hobby, and also because that’s false! It’s absolutely not too complicated for you!
I think the problem is that people look up Twine, see the documentation, and go “There’s way too much there! I can’t learn all that!” Well guess what- you shouldn’t learn all that, at least not yet. As a beginner you can skip pretty much all of this:
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(Ignore <<linkappend>> too, forgot to crop that one out)
That’s a lot more manageable, right? Below the cut, I’ll let you know how to use all those remaining important things to make your story! Warning- it’s quite long! You might want to read it in sections! And while I’ll try to keep it entertaining, it’s also a coding tutorial, so… y’know. Might not be the most exciting read if you aren’t trying to learn Twine.
Keep reading
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dawning-games · 1 year
Twelve's "loud noises bother me and I need to constantly be in movement" autism versus Lichtenberg's "unaware of how loud he speaks and repetitive movements and noise upset him" autism.... doesn't result in a fight, actually, though can and does sometimes mean they need give each other space.
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dawning-games · 1 year
"Do you ever wonder if the people this world are the way that they are because they don't require sleep anymore?" The Splintered wondered aloud, crossing his arms behind his head. "Think about it with me, if you will. Go on this journey with me. Sleep gives you respite from stress and just having to think and be you for a few hours at a time, and here? Now? There is no such relief, no matter how much you may try. Doesn't that simply sound exhausting, on a metaphorical, emotional, and grammatical level?"
"You sound exhausting," Malcolm muttered.
"Do you take issue with questioning the world around you, Malcolm? The very foundation of human understanding?"
"Nah. What I take issue with is you being a blowhard when I'm trying to ignore you for eight hours."
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dawning-games · 1 year
Similarly, the character of Lichtenberg who is going to be introduced in this upcoming chapter, will later identify with the term gendervague, which is a gender identity influenced by one's neurodivergence. In his case, the autism I am very deliberately and loudly writing him as having!
For those curious, Lichtenberg will still use he/him pronouns and dress in a typically masculine fashion, but this knowledge will help him feel much more at home in himself, as himself.
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dawning-games · 1 year
Also! Relating to my previous answered ask about favorite foods of the characters, I would be very appreciative if my Pakistani buds had any capital "O" Opinions they would like to share about tea that they wouldn't mind my using for Twelve at some point, and similar for drinks they/xie might miss from Hawaii. Thank you in advance!
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dawning-games · 1 year
Coming out of my well to reiterate to mankind that my character of Twelve is fat, and this is something that will never be raised in a negative light because I believe it to be a neutral to positive part of anyone. It is just a part of them/xir, and it doesn't make them/xir any less wonderful or physically attractive to people who choose to pursue Twelve romantically.
For example: Twelve wears a mask. Twelve is autistic and has OCD. Twelve is in love by default with The Splintered but can be in a polyamorous relationship with the protag, as well. Twelve is fat. Twelve truly misses tea time.
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dawning-games · 1 year
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National Gallery of Victoria
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dawning-games · 1 year
I’m so sorry you’re going through so many health issues all at once 😥 I hope you’re able to recover soon. Please get some rest and don’t worry about answering asks here or whether you’re writing or not. Your health is more important, and we’ll still be here when you get back 💗
Thank you very much for saying so, I appreciate this message very much!
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dawning-games · 1 year
Posting a quick update as to the radio silence here once again: last month I was diagnosed with pneumonia, which was worsened by my previously having had covid back in October. I still only barely have enough energy to do a limited number of things per day, and writing for fun is typically not one of those things.
I apologize for any inconvenience, and once again I extend my thanks to anyone who has stayed this long/followed during this period of silence.
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dawning-games · 1 year
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Our Winding Road
Disillusioned with civilian life, former heroes Rowan and Jori retrace the steps of the journey on which they fell in love, with the hopes of rekindling their strained relationship.
Assume the role of the-great-“Ogre Slayer”-turned-desk-jockey Rowan, brave the various dangers lurking on your way, yourself being chief among them. Will you and your love find your way back together again, or will this journey mark the end for you two?
Play it here!
32k words - Multiple endings
Animated sprites and backgrounds
Immersive soundscape
Puns galore
Mature Warning - Explicit descriptions of sex.
Good ending guide
A collaborative effort by Square Weasel Studio and friends, made for Amare Jam 2023.
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dawning-games · 1 year
There is a new update featuring three in-game days, the first romance scenes of the love interests, new NPCs, a major GUI overhaul, and inventory implementation.
Dev log now available on the page!
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dawning-games · 1 year
One of the creators of The Wreck posted about the difficulty of making a game that doesn't do well commercially: Why the hell do we even bother making indie games?
Many studios don't complete their first game. If they do, many don't manage to make another one, even if it gets a lot of attention. Florent writes powerfully about the experience of making The Wreck and the personal reasons to keep going in the face of adversity.
Making games is freaking hard, you're heroes and you deserve to feel good about yourselves and your work. So my advice would be to keep a list of the reasons YOU have that feel more personal and true, and get back to them when things go south and you feel like all those efforts we put in this passion of ours might not be worth it.
I have a lot of interactive fiction mutuals on here because that's what I talk about - what makes you keep doing what you're doing?
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dawning-games · 1 year
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And… he’s finally done!
Clean sketch of @anxietysquiddie OC, Lichtenberg!
Thank you for letting me draw him :)
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dawning-games · 1 year
Re-emerging from my well to remind mankind that progress is still being made on my various games, just at a snail's pace. Most recently I was adding to the word count of Fowler's Game, which is the official title of the vampire themed game that will also feature on this blog when the demo is available. Thank you for your patience!
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