dcviated · 5 hours
"Huh- Is that not how your blessings worked?! I imagined that was the only reason you--" Put his head in her lap before, right?! Was it truly out of her own personal whim with no real necessity? That's... was it strange? For all of the eccentricities of Sankta culture there wasn't any of that happening. Oh, his nonno was surely smiling now with the situation the Executor found himself in. "Uh-"
And yet, before anything could be done to course correct- Ereshkigal has already laid out her cape and taken proper position. Thighs are presented. It's too late. Were he to say something now it'd be akin to dismissing the effort she had already taken. Crud.
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"No! Of course not, I won't tell anyone. Not sure they'd believe me anyway. But I won't! The last thing I want to do is take your aid for granted, Miss Ereshkigal!" Then again, this is becoming a recurring thing, isn't it? Whether it was fighting back to back with Executor Federico (yes! the Saint!) or standing up to the Astray...
Fortunately he was not asked to forget this had happened. So after a moment of adjustment, minding his halo, Ezell lays his head perhaps too comfortably on her thighs. Where now does he look? Up? ..er- Away? No, he's supposed to be resting. So that's what he'll do. Try to do. But much rested on his mind, not least of all Ereshkigal.
"Diseases. Blessings. Now, spirits...? I've never heard of someone having so many kinds of arts before. Amazing. And you're doing all this to help me..." It was another fairy tale made real, something above him now before him (under him? technically?). For now he isn't exactly capable of debating it. Worst case scenario nothing happens, now.
"I'm fairly sure I was taken from... that direction." A hand is gestured, eyes turning back to briefly meet Ereshkigal's before thinking better of it for his own manners. "I was with a girl, a Sankta like me. She's young, short with pale brown hair. There was also a blonde Phidia. She carries a staff and had some... strange ornaments in her hair. There should be some Sarkaz as well." Ezell pauses. "I need to know Cecelia is okay. And for her to know I'm okay too."
Really, he needs to rest.
Ereshkigal nods along to the reasoning he offers, feeling increasingly (unwarrantedly) proud of herself. There are plenty of pieces of information here that deserve clearing up, but for the moment, the goddess happily dwells on the fact that an angel of all people is willing to accept her aid. It’s a big accomplishment! Alas, her self-congratulations come to an abrupt end.
“Wha—?” she asks once, still happily smiling until the true weight of Ezell’s words fully sets in. “WHAT?” Though all dignity as a goddess seems to vanish momentarily, Ereshkigal’s voice achieves a truly impressive change in pitch. She must’ve misheard that, right? RIGHT?
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“A-are you seriously asking a goddess for…that? I-I only meant to give you a blessing—You—you weren’t even conscious before, it was different!!!”
It was! But. But if that’s what he thought her offer meant, then going back on her word now would be a huge deal-breaker too, wouldn’t it? Ereshkigal sways back and forth on her feet, a hand pressed to her forehead as if the gesture would bring order to her thoughts. It doesn’t. After a moment though, she stills, turning left to observe the empty landscape, turning right to find more of the same. Deep breath! She can do this! Her honour as a goddess is on the line after all. The same is true for Ereshkigal’s dignity, however.
“Fine!” she finally declares and drops to her haunches. Ereshkigal then removes her red cloak, spreading it over the dusty soil like some overpriced picnic blanket, taking a seat in the most graceful manner she can muster under the current circumstances, and vaguely motioning for Ezell to approach.
“I said I’d help you, so I will. But!” It’s a big “but”, accompanied by a glower that might look impressive if not for her human vessel. “If you’re telling anyone about this, I’ll have my gallû spirits hunt you down and put your soul into one of my cages, angel or not!—Ah!” A sudden idea tears through Ereshkigal’s threats. “You said you’re looking for your friends, right? I can have my gallû spirits scout the area to find them!”
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dcviated · 7 hours
grabs your hand. you've had enough plot and exposition and character development lately im taking you to the beach episode
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dcviated · 7 hours
I needa play more Atelier gdi
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dcviated · 9 hours
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Current mental state is one that chuckles at these messages I sent in conjunction-
"Its me, Wylan, covered in sludge."
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dcviated · 24 hours
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brain is not braining for the things I want it to brain
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dcviated · 24 hours
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@aegirborne sent: Lumen blinks twice, expression incredulous. Practice makes perfect, but how can the Aegir emulate Zephyr's 'coolness' without looking like a fool? The Aegir sighs, a sheepish chuckle escaping him. " Umm... this is strange. What am I supposed to be doing?" Jordi is totally ruining the vibe. Not on purpose, of course!
No, he has to be doing this on purpose! If the Liberi facepalmed any harder there's a chance his face might collapse in on itself. Like the lemon thing that Kirara showed him a picture of once. Except not. Because he's just that frustrated.
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"Nope! No. Okay. We're trying a different tactic. Put this on and take this. There. There. Okay." Zephyr has, in due time, slapped a leather jacket onto the Aegir and then put some dark shades over his eyes. There's a strained look on his face as he steps back, observing the handiwork.
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"We~ll. That's ... better...? I think. Maybe we're going at this all wrong, man. Agh."
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dcviated · 1 day
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@hallowleylines tormented:
He's got a supernatural gait, somehow frighteningly quiet as it were. It's not something he means to do most of the time, but now? It's very intentional. Inhale and then an exhale, visage shimmering out of view as he's off to find Malkuth. For... a little experiment. And find her he does, with that candle collection of hers! Now it's time to see what happens if the shoe is on the other foot. A creak of the door, ever so slightly. Nobody enters, nor swung wide enough to allow anyone normal to enter. Instead.... there's something wiggling across the floor. Yes... yes if you look closely, it's a worm. Tailor made by his arts as he just peaks from the doorway. Who would have thought all his infiltration and mimicry skills would be used towards this gag. It's dumb, how it as little locks that are obviously like Everitt's and... a weird prosthetic tail end. He has to really get into the mindset, try not to laugh at how ludicrous this is before expertly throwing his voice. Higher pitched and almost echoing as this thing wiggles closer to her. "M-Malkuth...! S...So I have to ask the question. W.... would you still love me if I was a worm? Please?" Is he awful? Yeah, only Malkuth would actually believe this nonsense but who knows! It could turn out hilariously spiteful considering he's rejected her before, or oddly heartwarming. He can only fake this for so long, considering it's just a moving image but he'll have fun with this while he can!
It's not with extreme frequency that she actually lights any of these candles, mind you. There's a few favorite scents that see replacement but mostly. It's the novelty of having them! Isn't that how most collectors are?? Well. She's heard of people in other countries like Columbia collecting tons of different cars to drive.
Even as a researcher with Rhodes Island though, Malkuth's income and salary doesn't exactlyyyyyy support something like that! Candles are easy though. It's just finding them and getting the neat ones imported (though she'd rather grab them herself). Highmore helps with that. When she's out and about.
But it's mostly her. After all, would Current really be so--
The sound of her door pressing open interrupts the calamitous train of thought that often swirls her mind. Replacing the wick would have to wait, she had compa.... ny...?
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"Just a minute~ I'll be right... with... yoo...uuu?!?!?--
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-AHHHHHHHHH!!! EVERITT IS THAT YOU?" HER WORST FEARS HAVE BECOME REALITY. After all, what's worse than being turned into a worm yourself than the person you care about being turned?? "Oh my god the wormcaster got you!! How did you let that happen? Ah...AHH!... no, no, it's okay! I've planned for this! I can keep you safe until I figure out how to fix it."
It was no time to panic after all. Was there ever a time when Operator Everitt needed his darling Kuranta more? Is this not the epitomal moment of their relationship? To prove herself?! "Just... just wait right there, okay? I'll be right back!"
And disappear she does, a hasty retreat into the closet of her room. After moving around extra candles and other bits and bobs, something does make its way free. A small little... oh my. Yes, it is indeed a terrarium set up with all the things that a worm might need! Lots of enriched dirt. Little tables and a water dish next do a small crafted house that would fit... well. A worm. Comfortably? Uh.
"See, I was ready! I know you're out there protecting me from turning into a worm, so I had to do my part in case something went wrong! Because I'm always gonna love you, okay? Now lets get you--"
And here's where it all goes wrong. Right? Well. It goes. Because it's an image of course her hand goes through the worm itself. That gentle effort to scoop her wormified beau to safety has her looking quite the fool....
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".............ueh?" It's not real. Shit's fake as hell, yo. Malkuth takes a moment, resting on her legs staring blankly at the shimmering image, hearing the uncontrollable snickering from outside the door. She locks onto it with a snap of her head, emotion flaring in her countenance before she flies up to her feet (careful not to hurt the terrarium!!!)
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dcviated · 2 days
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now that I have that streak of bad takes on my blog... I should do something to show I'm cool
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dcviated · 2 days
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mun things :: open
send a number for a view on various rpc topics
@boomermania sent: 7. DNIs in rules.
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There's two or three kinds of DNI you'll see in rules, from what I can tell-
The one I'm most indifferent towards is the "DNI if you're racist/sexist/*phobic" etc. I don't want to interact with bigoted people either, but putting signs up in your rules feels more like showing face than anything else. Frankly, people falling under that description probably embody the one Arthur/DW meme where they can't read to begin with and do what they want.
Second DNI is for fandoms/series they don't like. I kind of get it, there. I say often that I prefer approaching people on writer by character rather than fandom basis. It can be interesting how people spurn certain fandoms because of themes in the series, however. Depending on the series/medium and why I think it's either just a preference (i.e. not wanting to interact with irl people blogs as an anime blog, or irl fcs) or rebuking perceived ideology ("I wont write with AoT because it was too grey with morality") Curate your experience though. Just don't be bitter if it means people curate you in return!
Ah! 2.5: When they have anything tangentially related to OCs being hard to write with or discouraging their follows. Weakness. Begone from my sight, cowards. I'm already bored of you.
THIRD... oh, that's the messy one, when people calls out muns/blogs. "do not interact if you are/write with X person". Call out being the key here, and very rarely do I consider those warranted because so many come down to petty drama between two immature parties. Frustrating. And if the DNI comes across like that it's an easy excuse for me to step back hard from following or writing with that blog.
I'm too old for the high school drama.
There are people I dislike in the rpc too! But I'm not going to police who my mutuals write with. If I'm asked about said people, I'll share my experiences but that's going to be the limit if I can help it. :V
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dcviated · 2 days
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mun things :: open
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@pastballads sent: 10, 11, and 17?
10. anons
I keep anon enabled and did so for all my blogs, and none of them (fortunately?) ever received actual hate. At this point it's almost unnerving really... considering the awful things I've heard getting sent to my good friends (misguidedly ofc). Anyway. I always feel like ribbing anons a little bit when they come in, especially for ooc memes (like this one).
This is a hobby that hinges on social interactions, so shying away from them is a dangerous forecast for hopefuls interacting. Show a little more backbone and kick someone's door down!! It's what I do!!! My recent mutuals can attest that my way of breaking the ice is sending a gif of a cat going through doors over IM. I've found several. It works every time.
In the end I'm indifferent. Would prefer they go off anon, but won't punish them for doing so. Even if I did get hate I'd probably leave them open.
11. magic anons
This was something I never really experienced myself, even back when they were more commonplace in the 2010s. It's a fun idea but also necessitates a more active blog that does more dynamic interactions... traits which do not fit my space for better or worse. I think I actually did a kinda magic thing with Raguna back on his own blog?
Nothing too dramatic but just carrying on with a 'silly idea' for a day. That's the closest I can think of for my involvement with magic anons. It kinda morphed into dash commentary, now that I think about it? As the community moved away from 'ask blogs' and made it more 'roleplay'... well, as I experienced the community at least.
They're cool, just not a good fit for me. I'm more inclined towards writing a thread that's an AU!
17. fanon interpretations
Canon characters fit within a spectrum of qualities and traits. None of my canons fit on the edge of any blade for how they should be perceived, and I wouldn't expect anyone else to keep it perfect either. That said... there's making adjustments to characters (ex. I tone down Tharja's connection to Robin) and then there's playing them totally ooc, like making a stoic character a memelord or some such.
Disclaimer: People are allowed to do this but I'm not required to like it. And would prefer if writers have it noted their character is either AU or divergent, y'know? Explore the possibilities but don't simultaneously claim it's legal canon. By changing details about your character the onus then falls on you to help people get filled in.
...which is a problem all its own with how little people read bios and rules nowadays. Maybe this is all for naught. Alas!
Also- I'm not a fan of people blaspheming canon characters in the name of shipping them. Leave it at that. It's not a landmine even I want to touch in public.
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dcviated · 2 days
Wow, all that and I didn't even bring up the various types of promos and the weird trends they go through-
Remember the wave of 'too lazy to make a real promo so here's (insert blurb here)'?
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dcviated · 2 days
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mun things :: open
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@more-than-a-princess sent: 12. promos
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On the one hand, they have their place, on the other- I'm... disenchanted with promos? I'm struggling with a solid pos/neg stance. Because for all the uselessness I've had with spreading mine (currently have no desire to spread my influence) some of the best people I've written with I found because of their promos in the tags! And one of them was in this last year!
Shout out @seawrought !!!
But that's such a fringe scenario I always consider the optimal way to tell people about good blogs in the rpc is... well. To tell them! Word of mouth is king and word is the other. I usually connect with people my friends have talked about or I've seen them writing with on the dash. This is another thing that's dying with the move to discord btw.
Typically I see promos for brand new blogs, that's another thing. They're not as likely to have examples of writing and little sign they're in for the long haul and not... well, you know where this is probably going don't you? I'll skip that shaker-
I should reblog more promos. But reblogging feels like an implied interest to write with someone, and I'm just... Picky! Specific! Selective! I do wish these people the best but that's one side of the coin, the other of which is I don't have too many followers that are active! I'm a messy corner of the rpc, and I won't deny that. But when my established friends put out their promos I still try to share them. :')
That's counting for something, right?
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dcviated · 2 days
send a number for me to talk about one of the following topics!
it can be a praise, a complaint, a good memory… anything that comes to mind!
long threads
roleplaying with yourself
multiple people threads
dash commentary
excessive ooc
DNIs in rules
reblog karma
personal blogs
magic anons
animated icons
dash games
fanon interpretations
violent threads
your current RPC
another RPC you’re part of
another RPC you’re no longer part of
your first RPC
your character
another active muse
an old muse
your first muse
your choice!
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dcviated · 2 days
"Huh? I didn't say-- gah! That's not what I meant! It's... this is different. It's almost like... you..." A curse in a strange tongue follows from Gurin, coupled with a flail of his arm as eyes roll in his head. Doesn't she realize what she's doing?! Is it on purpose? Messing with him for sure. Is this what Zeyrfial saw in Blythe? Some kind of... mental trickery? Tracks!
All the great fiends of the various realms had some shining facet to their ruling business ventures. A cut to the gem, you could say. For Ukolai, it was merit, the show of work and deeds done. Zeyrfial, meanwhile, was an odd one among his kind. A true devil, but weaving influence with potential.
"You're doing this on purpose to me... not that I don't deserve it. Still. Not in your best interest, now is it? Eh?"
What potential was there in this human girl? Gurin couldn't place it. Couldn't figure much of anything at a glance. That time they had crossed paths before, his teeth so close to her veins, what was it that he had tasted in the air? And why was it blotting his decisions now?
"...thanks." Defused. Why was a compliment blotting his decisions too?! Good fucking hells he gets them a lot! He's a social guy! How many decades had he spent bringing prospects and selling business deals for Ukolai lavishing in praise and ego? One 'i liek wut ur waring' has him almost tripping on his gilded tongue. He's half a mind of biting the damn thing off or maybe bite hers off.
No. He'll have to--?!?!?!?! DAMN THIS DAY!!!
"Veril?! Oy!" Bracelet lifts in the air with gestured arm and the other demon, despite their size, is effortlessly yanked through the air to perfectly land their neck in Gurin's grip. All the better for slamming them into the rough stone walls of the passage and displaying as much aggression as he was capable of. "You lock your tongue before I b-- break it out of your half-mended skull you blabbering idiot."
"This is the last thing I needed today. Grrrh..." Attention quickly made to make sure Blythe hadn't vanished into thin air or conjured some other mess for him in the three seconds she'd been spared his eye. Still clinging. "Listen close here. This one's a guest. For now, she's mine. And I want to make that clear, Veril. You blab. And something happens to her. You do not want to find out what happens."
Perhaps his own intimidation factor would suffice. Gurin would much rather not bring up the name of the other archdemon if he could help it. Gossip was equally unwanted here as was misunderstanding. Veril probably had half a mind of blabbing about other things too. Which.
Don't... say that around her?!
Typically after someone accepts an apology you made, you should be feeling content or something. Right? Well. Gurin just seems all the more put off by the way Blythe took everything in such stride. An awkward girl like her was creating quite a mess for both his day and his head and she’d only just shown up. Lip curls angrily and he shakes his head. His own gaze averted. “Yeah. Well. I wouldn’t be saying that until you actually get out of here. Alive.”
And more importantly with himself still alive. The scars and burns of ice and steam had long healed but festered, nevertheless. A reminder he would never lose on what happened when he casually crossed an archdemon, or their charge. Even if Blythe was a helpless girl who felt inclined to some horrible fate. One who had absolutely no idea how their world worked or what demons were capable of.
“Ask Ukolai?! You—” She’s insane. “No! Gh—” Bracelet-clad arm snaps to his head, sharp nails latching onto his skull as the pain tempers his emotions from extrapolating further. Even if they were out of the halls voices had a way of carrying. And his was apt to be loud. “If we were anywhere else, spell might help. You picked one of the deepest spots underground to show up. Makes me more curious what the hell you used to end up here. What’s Zeyrfial got that can… egh, doesn’t matter. We’ll have to get you to the lifts. Which. Isn’t going to be easy since it’s crowded and you…”
Gurin turns gaze down to Blythe again. Timid. Helpless. Having that same naïve air about her that attracted various types of hunger in the demon. “Stand out. Wearing something like that. Acting… like that.”
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dcviated · 3 days
send a number for me to talk about one of the following topics!
it can be a praise, a complaint, a good memory… anything that comes to mind!
long threads
roleplaying with yourself
multiple people threads
dash commentary
excessive ooc
DNIs in rules
reblog karma
personal blogs
magic anons
animated icons
dash games
fanon interpretations
violent threads
your current RPC
another RPC you’re part of
another RPC you’re no longer part of
your first RPC
your character
another active muse
an old muse
your first muse
your choice!
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dcviated · 3 days
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"But does it really count as wearing a whale-tail if your top is concealing the tail? . . . I don't think so."
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dcviated · 4 days
If I can write something thats 1/10th as compelling as LotR I will be content.
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