Today is the start of treating the jade for scale since I can now move it outside and away from my roommate's grapefruit tree that was busily infesting it all winter
Also, giving the mounted orchids a good soak and feed.
Had several months where I was struggling with other stuff and my plant horde paid the price 馃槶
But the next month or so going to focus on cleaning them out and bringing back everything that possibly can
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Today's main goal was going through the african violets- a couple fully dead ones but most just needed a cleaning and some new dirt
Currently have 17 including the hydroponic ones, think my goal for the summer is to keep one of each variety and sell off the rest to a) make more space for the other plants and b) help pay for buying plant supplies
Had several months where I was struggling with other stuff and my plant horde paid the price 馃槶
But the next month or so going to focus on cleaning them out and bringing back everything that possibly can
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Had several months where I was struggling with other stuff and my plant horde paid the price 馃槶
But the next month or so going to focus on cleaning them out and bringing back everything that possibly can
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I know usually trunks get chopped or buried, but kinda like the idea of having an African Violet tree so might let it keep growing as long as there are no signs of tipping...
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This leaf is a gorgeous gorgeous sight- after so much abuse from kittens and ages of leafless limp vines having me doubting, Pathos lives!!
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I finally have a vanilla orchid!!
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Speckled flowers are always so pretty
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so tall!
going to be odd when it fans out that's for sure XD
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A small disaster - the big Jade got blown down from its hanger, but managed to only lose one branch! (And funnily enough between the pot flipping upright and the watering can catching most of the fallen dirt, not too bad to clean up)
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And done! I officially have no more violets sharing pots 馃榿
Admittedly I now have to find room for 10 where there once were only 4...
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Separating out the last of the violets \o/
And making a bit of a mess 馃槀
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Hardest part of working on violets is always trying to resist the urge to keep discarded leaves and make more...
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Separating out the last of the violets \o/
And making a bit of a mess 馃槀
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Separating out the last of the violets \o/
And making a bit of a mess 馃槀
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