demonsandpieohmy · 2 hours
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demonsandpieohmy · 3 hours
Things were hard back in the old days, too, but did we complain? You bet your ass we did. Loudly and often.
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demonsandpieohmy · 16 hours
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demonsandpieohmy · 17 hours
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demonsandpieohmy · 21 hours
aziraphale: rescuing me makes him so happy 😍😍😍
crowley when he has to rescue aziraphale:
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but keep telling yourself that aziraphale, maybe one day you will fantasize so hard you end up back in reality
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demonsandpieohmy · 22 hours
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demonsandpieohmy · 23 hours
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Day 277 of posting Good Omens memes Everyday until Season 3
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demonsandpieohmy · 1 day
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Early 19th century sketches have such a distinct quality to them, it's so hard to capture! A sneak peek from the AU I am working on, where a modern-day Aziraphale comes across a trunk of old letters and diaries...
October 24th 1821 Disaster! I must hurry and source a new copy of Pride and Prejudice before my trip back to Oxford, lest Angel notice the incriminating red wine stain marring the inside pages. I cannot say if it is his fury I fear more, or the smug expression he will wear when he realises I have been reading it. November 2nd 1821 Arrived in Oxford today. He knew immediately about the book. How he grinned and crowed about it for an entire afternoon! A dreadful, awful bastard. I love him terribly.
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demonsandpieohmy · 1 day
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This has probably been done but I couldn't find one
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demonsandpieohmy · 1 day
Aziraphale has killed two men with his pussy game?
Today Crowley and Aziraphale had a lengthy discussion about which Golden Girl they would each be. They agreed that, without a doubt, Aziraphale was most like Rose, but couldn’t decide whether Crowley was most like Sophia or Dorothy.
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demonsandpieohmy · 1 day
The angels keep finding dead rats in the elevator to Heaven. No one knows why. Someone mentions it to Aziraphale and he breaks down on the spot.
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Image reference:
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demonsandpieohmy · 1 day
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demonsandpieohmy · 1 day
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love ❤
I was also sent this by @thescholarlystrumpet and @theravenmuse 😊
In order-ish:
Hold me like a knife: this was the first fic I ever wrote, processing season 2 and all the theories swirling around my brain. It picks up post-s2 when Crowley finds a dying Aziraphale in the woods. It's relatively sweet, not a lot of angst but a decent amount of plot with a dash or two of smut, and we get my version of a very wholesome Jesus who comes to save the day. Metatron gets punched in the face.
In the City That Never Sleeps: soft and angsty smut set in NYC in the 50s.
The devil's water, it ain't so sweet: my twist on the sex pollen trope and collab with @searchingforakeythatdoesntexist.
Snatched: crack-ish humor fic where everyone gets discorporated, and body-snatching and shenanigans occur. This has somehow turned into a full post-s2 story.
To Shreds: very horny one-shot featuring Crowley wearing a dress that doesn't make it to the end of the fic. (inspired by Elenthya art)
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demonsandpieohmy · 2 days
STORYTIME. I am fairly new to fanfic and I committed the cardinal sin of deleting a WIP fic I was having a hard time finishing. At the time I persuaded myself noone really cared.
I got caught up thinking: it wasn't getting a lot of kudos or comments, I had rushed it, the grammar wasn't good, the story wasn't working, people didn't like my characterisation, it wasn't beta-ed etc etc etc.
I was embarrassed it sat there without me being able to finish it, because I listened to the mind gremlins that told me it wasn't good enough.
Then I deleted it.
The other day someone messaged me on another one my fics asking where that fic had gone! They were looking for it, and it had disappeared. They quoted a line back to me from that fic I deleted months ago. That they REMEMBERED.
It made me realise my mind gremlins were talking BS. Even if you have only a few subscribers or kudos or whatever, your fic could be someone's FIC. It could be one they search for, it could be one they remember lines from. They could be devastated it's not there anymore.
It's easy to get so all consumed by stats, and think that others are doing better or that your thing isn't working. But what if even with your small following, you are making someone's day!
I have learned a lot since I wrote that fic, and I have it in a Drive, and now feel motivated to go back, and fix the things that got me stuck.
Somewhere out there a lovely internet stranger could love what you made and that is special. ❤️
Thank you for making your art! Good job.
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demonsandpieohmy · 2 days
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demonsandpieohmy · 2 days
Hey dear followers!
I took a break last month as you may have noticed. But I'm back, I'm probably not going to get back to the pace I had, which wasn't reasonable at all..
As you probably know, I'm volunteer for a LGBTQIA+ association in my city, I like it very much but I don't earn money for that.
Also I didn't talk very much about it, but I have health issues with heavy treatement wich makes me disabled for a lot of jobs.
The only way I can make money is my Patreon and KoFi.
My main comics will always be available for free. So if you like it and if want and can support me, consider to subscribe to my Patreon (for 3$/month you have access to exclusive room on discord and before cleaning comics) or give a tips on KoFi
And if you like soft spicy stuff.. sometimes I post hotter artwork like this 👇🏻 there too
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Thank you very much everyone!!
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demonsandpieohmy · 3 days
going to sleep & by sleep. heh. well. let's just say. phone in bed
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