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The very fact that you’ve taken the time to make a polished, professional video sets you apart. This should go without saying, but I’ll say it anyway. If you do add a video to your LinkedIn Profile, make sure it puts your best foot forward, and shows you at your most professional. For numerous LinkedIn Tips & Strategies, visit our Blog at: https://lnkd.in/gAU8uHE
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First things first, identify the LinkedIn groups that your target prospects are members of. Join some of those groups. Monitor conversations in those groups and when you find the right opportunity, add value by providing your expertise or opinion. Group discussions is a great place to build your reputation as an expert in your professional field, as well as a great place to engage with your prospects. For numerous LinkedIn Tips & Strategies, visit our Blog at: https://linkedsuperpowers.com/blog 
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Check your LinkedIn Messages on a daily (or even more frequent) basis and respond accordingly. This shows that you value your LinkedIn connections and what they have to say to you. The more time you dedicate to actively engage with your LinkedIn Network by rapidly & effectively answering their messages, the more successful your LinkedIn efforts will be. For numerous LinkedIn Tips & Strategies, visit our Blog at: https://linkedsuperpowers.com/blog #Rapid #LinkedIn #Message #Response #Tip #LinkedSuperPowers
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Stop focusing on your current circumstances. Have a vision and take action towards its realization. Believe that you have the power to do so, because you do!! Type "yes" if you agree! 
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We need to define what is it that we wish to achieve professionally, and be very clear about this. Bear in mind that for many people, this is not as straightforward as it seems at first glance. Answering this question will determine how we will present ourselves on the LinkedIn platform as well as our prospect generation efforts down the line. Now, if our professional goal changes in the future, this change has to be reflected both in our LinkedIn presence and in our LinkedIn efforts. For more LinkedIn Tips & Strategies feel free to visit our Blog at: https://linkedsuperpowers.com/blog
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You have the POWER to create the life you want! Believe that this power is already within you, focus on positive thoughts, feelings, words & actions that will attract anything you wish into your life!! Type "Yes" if you believe this!!! #Power #DennisKoutoudis #LinkedSuperPowers
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Thank you Tim Wesley for sharing your personal experience with LinkedSuperPowers. Your testimonial means a lot to us! Hearing positive feedback like yours is what makes it all worthwhile!! Thank you once again!
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According to Yankelovich, a market research firm , the average person is exposed to over 5.000 marketing messages per day. Moreover, according to this article of the New York Times: Anywhere the Eye Can See, It’s Likely to See an Ad (https://lnkd.in/gwPwX-3). In the online world we are daily confronted with numerous marketing emails & social media updates craving for our attention. So, the question arises, how can we get our content to stand out in this ocean of marketing messages? How can our content be noticed in this “battle for attention”? This one is for you! Would love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below! Feel free to be creative!! #marketing #socialmedia #future #LinkedSuperPowers
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What a great way for the weekend to begin! Thank you Klout! I am honored to be listed as #1 Top LinkedIn Expert!! https://linkedsuperpowers.com/post/linkedin-expert
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Are you currently showcasing videos on your #LinkedIn Profile? No? Learn how to do so here: https://linkedsuperpowers.com/post/linkedin-expert #video #linkedinexpert #LinkedSuperPowers
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"….This is the world that Andy Warhol has forged for us and in which we are bound to spend the rest of our lives." Awesome to be quoted in such a unique article on The Huffington Post: “ANDY WARHOL’S “LAST SUPPER” WITH ALEXANDER IOLAS”. Read Article here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/58ef832ae4b04cae050dc4fe
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Get powerful LinkedIn Expert Training on how to UP the visibility and credibility of your LinkedIn Profile with Video, TODAY!!
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