deogloriaart · 3 years
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Sola Gratia Grace alone This is a proclamation that salvation is solely by grace alone. Grace being an unmerited favor/gift given to an undeserving party. We are that undeserving party who has received salvation and forgiveness of sin not based on any merit of ours but as a gift undeserved. We did absolutely nothing to deserve this great salvation yet God in his kindness chose to grant it to us. So salvation is by grace alone and not by anything we have done. We didn’t muster enough inner strength or merits to acquire this. It was a gift, given to us, out of God’s unmeasurable kindness. This is a reality I constantly struggle with not just in regards to salvation but on an everyday basis. How can still God tolerate a sinner like me? How can he still call me his own knowing what I’ve done even after he granted me this great salvation? Why does he still encouraging me to persevere despite the failures I constantly rememver? Why does he grant me favor knowing how sinful I am? It’s his grace. Grace doesn’t look at our merits our ability to hold up the requirements of God’s law. How good or how versed we are in churchyanity. Grace looks at a sinner who doesn’t deserve God’s goodness and mercy and says “Let’s show this person how great your goodness and mercy is” it runs out to meet you in your distress, in your miserable and damnable state and clothes you with abundance of mercy and goodness! It claims you as a member of God’s family! It’s my struggle but also my joy. My battle and my hope. We don’t deserve His kindness yet his grace is what gives us access into his glorious kingdom. It opens the doors to the joys in store for all who hope in Him. Let’s not forget that we all need and benefit so much from God’s amazing grace. It’s by grace we‘ve been saved through faith and that not of our selves but it is a gift of God. #christianartist #christianart #christiancreative #illustration #illustrator #digitalpainter #solas #chrsitiangraphics #churchcreative #crtvchurch #prochurchmedia #photoshop #photoshoppainting #photoshopartist #worship #grace #drawmore #desiringjesus #jesuswins #jesusfollower #jesusart #deogloriaart https://www.instagram.com/p/CUAf739F0_x/?utm_medium=tumblr
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deogloriaart · 3 years
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“Sola Fide” By faith alone We often carry this idea that we must do something to earn a right standing before God. To earn our way into God’s favor. We know that according to scripture, without righteousness we can’t stand before God and be accepted. We need to be justified by Him(declared righteous) first. His holiness and glory would expel us from his presence. His holy anger toward sin would condemn us instantly. And so long as we remain in rebellion against Him the wrath of God remains upon us. Meaning that if we were to die today we’d be condemned to face the punishment of his wrath against sin. So how then can we earn a right standing before Him? Praise God that Jesus came. He came to live the life we ought to have according to the commandments found in scripture and died the death that sinners deserved, while yet being sinless. And in His resurrection has destroyed the power of sin that condemned us. In so doing, he opens the gateway allowing for all who put their faith in Him and all he has done to be forgiven and given His righteousness. We are declared righteous (justified) before a holy God. Not because we kept God’s commandments or were able to pay the fine we owed to God - because we would not be able to - but because Jesus did this on our behalf. So we have this righteousness given to us, the righteousness of Christ, not by our merits or for trusting in an institution, but by putting our faith(essentially wholehearted trust) in Christ. God justifies us by faith, faith in Jesus to save us and make us right before God. So this brings us hope, when we see our failures and weaknesses, to praise God that it doesn’t depend on our ability or lack of to stand right before God but in Christ who accomplished perfect righteousness on our behalf. Not by our works but by faith in the one who worked and continues that work in us. : https://www.instagram.com/p/CT3P3OQljRS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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deogloriaart · 3 years
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How gracious is Yahweh, that he doesn’t cast us away from his presence when we come to him with a broken and humbled heart.
He is surely merciful, knowing our weaknesses and failings and yet he delights in calling himself the God who is faithful and just, and forgives us and cleanses us from all unrighteousness.
Beloved saint, bring your broken and contrite heart to Yahweh, he will forgive and he will restore.
Though the accusatory serpent stand near, Messiah has borne your sin on the tree and cleanses you when you repent and cry for mercy.
Even better, the Precious Spirit of God is the one at work in you to draw this sort of heart out for your own well being, in order that you may known Messiah deeper still.
And so with your contrite heart, come boldly before the throne of Grace, Mercy awaits with open arms.
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deogloriaart · 3 years
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This illustration came from inspiration as I pondered the biblical teaching of election.
Following are a few Bible verses that speak on God’s election as well as a quote from the prince of preachers C. H. Spurgeon that shed some light on this biblical topic.
"But now listen, O Jacob, My servant, And Israel, whom I have chosen: Thus says the LORD who made you And formed you from the womb, who will help you, 'Do not fear, O Jacob My servant; And you Jeshurun whom I have chosen. Isaiah 44:1-2 "In the LORD all the offspring of Israel Will be justified and will glory." Isaiah 45:
Now the promises were spoken to Abraham and to his offspring. He does not say, "And to offsprings," as referring to many, but rather to one, "And to your offspring," that is, Christ. Galatians 3:16
That is, it is not the children of the flesh who are children of God, but the children of the promise are regarded as descendants. Romans 9:8
Even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love he predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, Ephesians 1:4-5
Spurgeon quote:
“I believe the doctrine of election, because I am quite certain that, if God had not chosen me, I should never have chosen Him; and I am sure He chose me before I was born, or else He never would have chosen me afterwards; and He must have elected me for reasons unknown to me, for I never could find in myself why He should have looked upon me with special love. So I am forced to accept that great Biblical doctrine.” C. H. Spurgeon
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deogloriaart · 3 years
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And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” And they cast lots to divide his garments. Luke 23:34
What a simple yet powerful intercessory prayer made by Messiah on our behalf. It was our sin that pinned him to the cross and it was for our sin that he remained there willingly in order to serve as the sacrifice needed to grant us the forgiveness of our sins.
Judgment was over our heads for all of our sin and rebellion against the true King(God) and as a just and holy God, judgment and the release of his holy anger against sin was imminent. Yet Messiah Jesus was willing to stand in the place of sinners to receive the full punishment for our sins so that we may be set free and be granted forgiveness and freedom.
Here and at this point was the great exchange made. The righteous died for the unrighteous, the sinless was made sin for the sinful, the wrath of God fell on the innocent for the guilty and the sinner was granted forgiveness and pardon for all sin and rebellion.
Our response? Now what would the right response be for one who is the offender in this case and deserving of the judgment of God but that he should fall to his knees with remorse over his sin and turn away from all that his savior died for to set him free?
What a loving savior who even in the cross cried out for my forgiveness, the very one who put him there in the first place.
Thank you Jesus, for bearing upon yourself the sin and shame we deserved to die for and laid your life down so that we would be set free. Free from judgment and condemnation; what we rightly deserved. And because you rose from death my forgiveness and freedom and promise of eternal life with you are guaranteed.
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deogloriaart · 3 years
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John 1:29
It was mid 2016 that I was enraptured in the grace of God as I was struck by the beautiful truths of the gospel. That’s essentially what pushed me to begin creating art that would be for the glory of God and hopefully encourage God’s people.
Sometimes, as I draw, I get awestruck, in part because I can’t believe I’m drawing what I’m drawing it often feels otherworldly. And most of it is symbolism for realities that truly are otherworldly. Things like, a risen lamb, the lion that conquered death, the spirit of God dwelling within.
We don’t physically see these things but believe them to be true by faith in what scripture teaches. A faith given to us by Yahweh.
Most of my art carries these three elements; the lamb, the dove and the lion. Which to me is Messiah represented in all three the lion of Judah, the sacrificial lamb that God provides for our sins, and the dove representing the Holy Spirit of Yahweh(which is also referred to as the spirit of Christ. Rom. 8:9, Gal. 4:6). So in essence I am trying to communicate the richness of Messiah Jesus in whom the fullness of God dwells in, represented in these three creatures.
Messiah Jesus is worthy of beholding, for he took our sins upon himself and died the death we rightfully deserved to grant us the forgiveness of sin and the reconciliation with the Father.
This Messiah is the lamb that was slain, the Lion that conquered death and the spirit that now lives in those who put their trust in him for salvation from sin and death.
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deogloriaart · 3 years
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“Lord, I believe; help my unbelief” Mark 9:24
Oh Lord, how hard does this unbelief strike. In the moment it seems that all your goodness flies away from me and I’m left with nothing but the despair of doubt and the memory of my sins and failures.
This serpent of doubt and despair slithers closer by the second. Would you come and enter this weakened heart and fill it with the beams of faith and hope.
Faith that you are who your word says you are; my God, my friend, my salvation, my joy, my peace, my strength, my conqueror; my King.
Hope I’m your promises, your forgiveness, your work in me, your faithfulness, your word.
Help my unbelief and let my heart not wander further from you, but reel me in by your steadfast love and faithfulness.
Do as you always have when I’ve feared my faith would fail and tarry not.
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deogloriaart · 3 years
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Such a humbling reminder to know that God not only justifies us in Christ but he has also given us new hearts to love and serve Him.
This is known as Regeneration. He gives us new hearts with new life to love God.
By the power of the Spirit he washed and cleaned our hearts bringing life to people dead in sin and In them he instills a desire for what is holy and true.
He saved us not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior. Titus 3:5-6
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deogloriaart · 3 years
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In my distress I called upon the LORD, And cried to my God for help; He heard my voice out of His temple, And my cry for help before Him came into His ears.Psalm 18:6.
You are worthy Yahweh for your ways are infinitely greater than ours. And we know that even in our distress, the pain is all too well known by you. So help us when our suffering is deep and great and hope seems to be far away. Help us remember that in truth, our hope is not distant but very near; you are our hope.
The prayer is a verse in the song “Even If” by Mercy Me
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deogloriaart · 3 years
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Strong Tower The inspiration for this illustration springs from Proverbs 18:10 which states "The name of Yahweh is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe."
 This is a great reminder for repentant sinners who have called upon the name of the Lord(Romans 10:13), that there is safety and security for their souls, and that this salvation, from sin and eternal judgment is sure and secure in Christ, who paid the ultimate payment for sin in full.
This payment was accomplished by Jesus Christ's death on a cross where he undertook the punishment mankind deserved guaranteeing deliverance from future wrath and condemnation. Though this payment guarantees the safety of the repentant sinners soul it doesn't mean that he is exempt of suffering and the various trials that are part of the Christian life, but there is assurance that the soul, the inner state of man where all his faculties dwell(emotions, mind and will), wether in life or death remains untouched and safe in the hands of grace.
As Christ has lived the perfect life, fulfilling all righteousness in order to satisfy the just requirements of the Law and dying the death of sinners to be a substitute to suffer in their place he also satisfies the wrath of God the Father, and by faith in Christ, sinners are credited Christ's righteousness.
Therefore the righteous that run into this tower of the name of Yahweh are those who through repentance and faith in Christ are credited His own righteousness. He justifies them through faith and brings them into His tower of eternal safety.
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