derpy-dogs-n-cats · 3 months
I loved courtship misunderstandings so much, it made me giddy!! can there be another part PLEASE 😭🙏
Thank you 😁 courtship misunderstanding had actually been sitting in my laptop docs finished for a while and I've also had a part 2 about 1k words away from being finished so I'll probably get around to finishing it soon
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derpy-dogs-n-cats · 3 months
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Courtship Misunderstanding
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derpy-dogs-n-cats · 3 months
Courtship Misunderstanding.
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Neteyam x Fem! Metkayina! Reader.
Warnings: Talks about mating, implied sexual themes.
Summary: Neteyam finds out that he's still unaware of some of the customs of your people.
W/C: 2.5k+
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Neteyam slowly rises from the water to the shore of the village of Awa’atlu, water pouring out of his hair as he drags the giant eel from the cord he’d brought along and tied around the base of its jaw. Stepping out of the water properly and turning to his left, he rests the end of the long cord in his hand over his shoulder, feeling satisfied at the sound of the heavy drag of the massive weight of the eel leaving a deep wet path on the sand.
It’d taken him days of exploring every inch of the waters, starting with the reefs and opening to the deeper ocean but he’d finally found a catch that was worthy of being gifted to you; an eel larger than him and almost as wide as his torso that quite frankly had him struggling, though he tried not to show. Neteyam watches how the sand suddenly turns dark, having him looking up and seeing that eclipse had started with nighttime falling upon them, urging him to walk faster.
Once he reaches the docks, he crouches down and squeezes his arms under the eel and between the sand, lifting it with a small grunt and placing it on the elastic sheet that creates paths to the marui. Placing his hands next to the eel firmly, he hoists himself up and lands on his knees on the path with a light bounce, taking the eel back in his arms and standing back on his feet, carrying it much like a newborn to further impress you with his strength..
His legs start walking the path to your family’s marui, careful that the eel doesn’t somehow leap out of his arms with the light bounce of his feet. As he walks to his destination, he crosses paths with a few metkayina walking by him, all turning around and eyeing him and his catch as they walk away, having him feeling somewhat giddy; the same feeling you elicit on him whenever you so much as look at him, and when you smile upon noticing him already looking at you…
He feels as if though his heart could just about explode. You make him feel just as innocently happy as when he was a child, back before the sky people returned, back before his father laid more weight on his shoulders, before he had bigger responsibilities, all of which his brother noticed which led to him being called ‘whipped’. He had no idea what it meant, but if this is what being ‘whipped’ felt like, he didn’t want it to stop.
Finally, he reaches your family’s pod and peeks in, standing at the corner of the entrance and seeing you sitting on your calves in front of the firepit at the center, using the light to weave a choker with thin vines and watching as you meticulously add a small white pearl into it, following an intricate pattern which will no doubt match the white freckles that beautifully adorn your body, the ones he can’t wait to trace patterns on.
“Neteyam!” You greet with a smile, having looked over and caught him staring at you. Your voice snaps him out of his trance and has him returning the same smile as you stand to approach him, having set down your choker. “Wow, your parents must be proud.” You compliment, eyeing the eel. “No, this… this is for you.” He smiles softly. “Me? Are you trying to feed my whole family?” You ask jokingly to which his tail nearly thrashes around excitedly.
“Yes.” He sheepishly answers. He knew you’d understand that he’s courting you, gifting you a hunt large enough to feed your entire family to prove he can provide for you and more once you have a few little ones running around. “Thank you so much.” You thank in a soft tone before being interrupted. “Neteyam.” The sound of your father’s voice speaks his name, having them looking at each other followed by your father hand gesturing that he sees him with Neteyam bowing his head.
“I see you.” He says, suddenly very nervous on your father reacting to his eldest daughter being courted. “What is this?” Your father waves his hand to the eel, wondering what he was doing with it in his pod when his family’s marui was on the other side of the village. “Neteyam caught this for us.” You answer with a warm feeling in your chest while said hunter’s ears lightly flick back in confusion. Just the presence alone of a na’vi outside of the family with a large catch should let him know you were being courted.
Maybe your father just didn’t want to accept the courting, was his catch not impressive enough? Surely he could understand that anything bigger wouldn’t have been able to be delivered, it was hard enough to carry the one in his arms. “Very well then.” Your father nods and takes the eel in his own arms with more ease than Neteyam, the small insecurity blossoming in his stomach subsiding the strain in his biceps despite being understandably younger.
While the eel is set near the fire, ready to be cut and cooked, the sound of your mother’s voice speaking your name enters your ears. “Mother.” You greet and approach her and Aonung, receiving a half hug from her due to your baby brother being carried in her other arm. “Neteyam brought us something.” You continue to boast with a smile, briefly pointing at the eel by the fire before taking the baby in your own arms.
Ronal looks at the eel with slightly wide eyes, the impressed expression filling Neteyam with a sense of pride and mostly relief, though unbeknownst to him, her surprise was due to never having seen one of the reef eels so big, given that they’re usually no larger than a na’vi’s forearm. Your mother gestures that he sees him as a thanks to which he responds while your older brother looks away in annoyance, refusing to return the gesture.
Your mother gives a small pinch to his arm with a more than fear-inducing look on her eyes, forcing him to return the gesture. “Aonung, go bring your sister.” Your father’s voice says to which he follows after letting out an exasperated sigh, picking up his pace once he realizes Tsireya’s swimming with Lo’ak. “Come, eat with us.” Your mother invites Neteyam to the pod while your father cuts the eel as the younger male lets out a quiet relieved sigh at his offering being accepted.
You take his hand in yours and lead him in with a smile, pulling him down to sit next to you as he lets out a nervous breath through his smile, the flustered expression not going unnoticed by your parents who share a knowing look with each other, staying quiet to the matter. The rest of the night goes smoothly, your parents cooking the eel as they make small conversation about the village, your baby brother napping in your arms as you talk with your sister and occasionally share a few words and smiles with Neteyam…
The only one who looked unhappy was Aonung with the seemingly permanent annoyed look he bared on his face, though you suspected he was never happy and didn’t give him much importance in the time being. Though while the night felt soothing to you, Neteyam felt as if though he’d already had four heart attacks. The entire dinner he’d been anxiously waiting for the conversation to be had with your parents, about whether or not they approved of him.
He waited as patiently as he could for your parents to start the conversation on the matter, for them to voice their concerns if they had any, if they bestowed their blessing on the two of you becoming mates, make sure that you’d be taken care of properly, anything, but it never came. So as the end of the meal neared, he assumed that your parents simply trusted him enough that they felt as though nothing needed to be said on the matter.
“Ah.” You open your mouth in a way to encourage the baby in your lap to follow suit and open his own mouth, placing a small piece of meat in and smiling as he chews. Neteyam eyes you feeding your brother, a soft smile on his face at the sight of how you treat babies, unable to stop himself from thinking about how you would treat your own baby. Thoughts of him coming to your shared marui only to see his beautiful mate carrying his baby, your baby in your arms floods his mind, a warm feeling settling in his chest.
While you bring another piece of meat to your brother’s mouth, you remain sat unaware of how Neteyam’s, without much thought, tail slowly slides to the side behind you and reaches for your own, gently wrapping around it as best as he could. A gasp almost instantly leaves your mouth, accidentally dropping the meat in surprise with your eyes widening. The sound of the baby on your lap letting out a huff followed by crying snaps you out of your shock with your eyes opening even wider.
“Oh, I’m so sorry tìyawn.” You apologize as you pick up the meat from your lap, readjusting his back to your stomach and trying to feed it to him again only for him to sloppily grab it and throw it away, your parents now having their full attention on you yet unable to find the cause of the disturbance. “Come, give him to me.” Your mother indicates, stopping your actions of lightly bouncing the baby on your leg while patting his back.
You hand him over to your mother and watch how she almost instantly gets him to stop crying while you push the slight insecurity away by remembering how she’s already had another three kids to practice with, of course she would’ve mastered it already. The sudden absence of the tail that was previously wrapped around yours has you thinking back to the recent incident while Neteyam’s stuck feeling somewhat embarrassed of the mess, not having meant to surprise you so much.
You think back to how his tail wrapped around yours and feel yourself getting flustered, not knowing what to think of the action. Metkayina didn’t wrap their tails with each other, in fact, you didn’t wrap them around anything, your tails not being thin enough to offer the flexibility to do so, but for some reason, despite not being familiar with said action and not knowing what it meant, it felt… intimate.
Your father clears his throat and breaks you out of your overanalyzing thoughts, making you look at him. “It’s gotten quite late, it would be best to leave.” He suggests to which Neteyam’s ear perk up to attention. “Yes.” He quickly agrees and stands, and while the action makes you think that he feels as though he overstayed his welcome, in reality, he’s quite eager for what’s to follow. “Sleep well.” You say to him.
His face contorts in confusion as he takes in the sight of your innocent eyes looking at him, remaining sat. “Is something wrong?” Your sister questions before you can, all eyes suddenly on him and his confused expression as he wonders what’s happening. Why weren’t you standing to leave with him? Why did your parents seem oblivious to what was happening? Why did everybody seem oblivious to it?
You should all know what follows next, having finished the meal from the catch that he’d brought for you, the only thing that was left to do was for you to leave with him to somewhere more private so you could mate with each other. Had you changed your mind after accepting his catch? Had he somehow overstepped when he wrapped his tail around yours? “Neteyam? What’s wrong?” You ask with genuine concern, confusing him even more.
“… Nothing- I…” He pauses. What was he supposed to say? Where would he even start? “Rest well.” He returns your words before leaving, you and your family sharing a look that lets each other know that no one understood what happened either. The walk to his family’s marui feels like a blur, hundreds of thoughts and questions unanswered in his head which feels as if though it's just about ready to start spinning in confusion.
“Neteyam, what is wrong?” He hears the concerning voice of his mother ask, realizing that he hasn't just reached his family's marui, but is now pacing in their pod, all eyes on him once again. “’I… I do not know.” He manages to get the words out of his mouth, his legs still pacing him around. “How can you not know?” Lo’ak asks while his pacing brother starts breathing faster. “Boy.” Jake almost shouts, finally managing to get him to stop pacing and look at his family.
“What’s going on?” He adds. “I… I show up to Y/N’s marui, I gift her a huge eel- bigger than me, she accepts it, I have dinner with her family… and they don’t say anything!” He explains with frustration, taking his family by surprise, seeing the usually calm and collected eldest starting to lose it. “It took me three days to find the right catch, and- and when I get up to leave, she doesn’t come with me and acts like she doesn’t know what’s happening.” He rushes the words out, breathing heavily by the time they’re out.
“Neteyam…” Neytiri speaks his name yet stares at the ground as if pondering about something, wondering where she should start to explain to her son what happened. “Sit.” She ushers him closer with a soft voice. After hesitating for a few seconds, he steps closer and kneels in front of her, watching as her mouth opens and closes a few times as if searching for the right words before answering the question he’s so desperately been searching an answer to.
“These are reef na’vi, different na’vi court in other ways.” She explains, the slow widening of his eyes showing the realization dawning on him. “… What?” He asks somewhat in disbelief. “You skxawng.” He hears Kiri insult him, making him shoot his head back at her. “You knew?” He asks, the tone in his voice showing how offended he feels that she didn’t tell him beforehand. “I didn’t know you were courting her!” She defends. “Neteyam is old enough to choose a woman.” Their mother interjects.
“Then what do I do?” He quickly redirects his gaze back at her. “I do not know.” She rushes out as if it were obvious she doesn’t know how metkayina court. “But you told me-” “I have told you everything that I know.” She interrupts her son who quickly looks at his other parent for answers. “Don’t look at me.” He raises his hands in defense, his eldest son continuing to look at his other family members for answers only to no avail, letting him know that if he wants to know how to court you; a metkayina, he’ll have to ask another metkayina.
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derpy-dogs-n-cats · 3 months
KNY Masterlist.
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Dealing With A Marechi S/O On Her Period
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Dealing With A Marechi S/O On Her Period
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Dealing With A Marechi S/O On Her Period
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Muzan Kibutsuji
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Dealing With A Marechi S/O On Her Period
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derpy-dogs-n-cats · 3 months
Dealing With A Marechi S/O On Her Period.
Main Masterlist
KNY Masterlist
Muzan Kibutsuji, Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza x Fem! Reader.
Warnings: Blood, smut, sexual themes, oral sex; female receiving, oral sex during period, face sitting, mentions about fingering, drinking blood, eating human flesh.
Summary: Headcanons on the upper three and Muzan helping a marechi s/o through her period while keeping their stomachs full.
W/C: 2.5k+
In the time you’d been together, he had yet to smell your blood, it was hard enough to be placed in the situation when he always made sure you weren’t injured whenever he was around, and as such a high-ranking demon, he lacked the privilege to spend as much time with you as wanted, so the timings hadn’t lined properly for him to be present during your period either, but when they finally did without you being aware of your unique type of blood, to say the least, neither of you were ready.
Muzan Kibutsuji
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Takes full advantage of the situation.
Has to take a step back to steady himself the first time he smells you.
Is initially worried you’re injured at first.
Plays his cards right and shows initial concern despite your body doing a normal biological function.
Is more physically affectionate to get you to lower your guard even more.
Gets you to admit out loud that you’re in physical pain.
Suggests helping you ease the pain.
Had never buried his face between your legs before.
Was actually kind of sexist about it and would’ve felt inferior if he placed your legs on either side of his head, because why would the demon king do that?
Still tried to refuse but smelling your marechi blood didn’t help.
Having a monthly supply of marechi blood sounded tempting enough.
So he suggests easing your pain.
Surprises you by finally spreading your legs after laying between them.
Keeps you around him for the entirety of the week.
Takes you wherever he needs to go to keep you close.
But never near any demons.
If necessary, he has Kokushibo watch over you.
Doesn’t necessarily refuse to not have you in his presence.
But refuses to leave you alone and unguarded for other demons to try and eat you.
Knows that Kokushibo won’t even consider so much as laying a finger at you.
Still refuses to get on his knees for you.
You always have to lay down for him.
Forbids you from wearing anything under your kimono to have easier access.
Instantly smells whenever your blood’s about to stain the expensive fabric of your kimono.
Licks you clean every time he smells you starting to bleed.
Which is multiple times throughout the day.
As soon as you express being relieved from the pain, he uses it as an excuse.
Prefers you thinking he genuinely and solely wants to care for his favorite human rather than admitting that he needs to feed like any living creature.
Because he refuses to so much as get on his knees for you, he obviously even more so refuses to have you sit on his face.
Not even hover.
If you ever suggest it, he’ll give you the meanest side eye and refuse to speak to you for days.
Still will not eat you out outside of your period.
The moans entering Muzan’s ears easily sounded different than usual, similar to the first time he had you take his heavy cock in your lower area, where he was currently lapping at you for the first time with half lidded eyes in a relaxed expression while laying on his stomach for you, hands on either of your thighs which obediently remained spread open for him with ease due to how the rest of your body had fallen limp upon the first lick.
He had his doubts at first, but he had to admit, it’s awfully convenient to have a marechi lover who was so willing to hike up the expensive kimono and spread open the legs beneath it to allow him to feed rather than having to go through the trouble of going out of his way for people to eat. A louder moan fills the room as he dips his tongue inside your sensitive opening after having licked clean your labia.
A shaky hand reaches for his hair in attempt to pull him closer only to be pushed away rather gently by the man at your thighs. Normally, he would’ve slapped away the hand because despite actually bearing affection for you, how dare you try to command him in any way, however, he supposes the meal you’re offering him is enough for him to turn a blind eye to your insolence… once.
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Very concerned for your health when he finds out.
Initially thinks you’re injured upon smelling your blood for the first time.
Takes a second (one too long in his opinion) to regain his composure after the scent of your blood makes him feel dizzy.
The opposite of Muzan.
Has eaten you out before.
And doesn’t mind doing it.
Genuinely suggests relieving your pain for your benefit.
Takes great pride in taking care of you.
Hardly even thinks of you as a source of food with how much he prioritizes easing your pain.
But does acknowledge that you’re keeping him well fed.
Another one that keeps you with him every time you’re on your period (they all do).
Doesn’t think much about if he likes or not getting on his knees for you.
But knows your height differences would make it a bit uncomfortable.
And prefers you lay down for your own comfort.
Will also eat you out whenever he smells blood on the way.
Enjoys doing so but does it mainly for your safety as to not attract any demons.
Doesn’t just drink your blood but also plays with your clit to actively give you orgasms to counter your cramps.
Gently rubs your lower stomach to further help with your cramps.
Or grazes it very lightly with his fingertips to give you goosebumps if he’s in a teasing mood.
Slows the pace after each orgasm as to not overstimulate you before picking it up again.
Overall treats you like a porcelain doll.
Would give you a break if you asked.
Even if you’re still bleeding
So long as you’re always close to him so he can keep you safe.
Soft gentle tugs to your clit force heavy breaths out through your nose, the occasional pinch making you clench around the soft pink tongue moving along your insides with your back tensing and arching off the futon briefly before a hand gently pushes down your stomach to press you back against the fabric beneath you in attempt to get you to relax, the tongue carefully moving back and forth as to not overwhelm your sensitive insides.
His eyes peek open when he feels your legs starting to tremble on either side of his face, the hand over your lower stomach carefully rubbing over the skin doing little to soothe you, his first pair of eyes looking at you due to your different than usual movements, unable to read any expression from your head being thrown back. “Are you alri-” He’s interrupted by your body falling limp against him and the unmistakable noise of you hitting your orgasm.
He’s quick to react and have his fingers gently rub at your clit, slowly licking over your leaking opening, his reasoning settling on your different reactions being from your current sensitive state. His eyes fall back shut again without his own hands failing to continue their ministrations, set on taking care of you and making sure you’re carefully brought back down from your own high as to not overstimulate you while you let him eat his fill.
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Doesn’t even occur to him that you might be injured.
Knows that he would’ve been notified if you’d been injured.
Also takes full advantage of the situation.
Absolutely delighted to find out you’re a marechi.
He’s been surrounded by plenty women before and has eaten enough to know what a period is obviously.
As well as eaten marechi women before.
But has never stumbled upon a marechi woman on her period.
Is baffled that it never occurred to him to keep a marechi woman by his side for a monthly supply.
Immediately asks to feed off of you rather than asking to help with your cramps.
Used to have you on him 97% of times, now it’s 100%.
Eats you out wherever, whenever and however.
Very vocal about it.
Constant praises on your taste.
Gets actually hungry while tasting you.
But remembers that you’re a fragile human who he genuinely enjoys having around and therefore would rather not hurt you.
So he treats you as an appetizer instead.
And proceeds to eat one of the other women around after you’ve stopped bleeding.
Keeps you on him under every circumstance.
Even if Muzan calls him over.
Promises to do as Muzan says and be on his best behavior which he actually fulfills much to Muzan’s surprise.
If you were to actually be apart from him, he would ask in all seriousness for you to save your blood for him for later in a jar.
Another one who would forbid you from wearing anything under your kimono.
Probably forbids you from doing so even when you aren’t on your period.
Doesn’t even warn you when he smells you starting to bleed and immediately goes under your kimono.
If there’s anyone nearby when you start bleeding, immediately orders them to leave.
For your sake.
If it were up to him, he’d bury his face between your legs right then and there.
Messy eater.
Will definitely take you on his beanbag.
Will treat your period (as well as your fucking sessions) like some type of bingo or a list that needs to have locations where he’s taken you crossed off.
You feel yourself sink further into the large pillow beneath you with your legs kept hiked to your chest, loud continuous moans coming from the blonde between said legs, the incessant noises coming from him having won long ago against your own. A slight shift of your body moves your untied kimono further open with it finally slipping off your breasts and exposing your nipples to the cold air, the elegant fabric bunching around your torso between the folds of the pillow.
“Ohh, you taste just heavenly my darling.” Douma smiles after lifting his head from your bloodied messy folds, letting you take in the sight of his chin drenched in your blood, fluids starting to trickle down to his neck followed by his tongue swiping across it. “Now sit pretty for me and let me eat…” He coaxes in a low tone while slowly lowering himself, continuing to delve his tongue into your opening.
While a knot started to form in the pit of your stomach, the hollow filling in the pit of Douma’s own stomach started to grow, tempting him with having more than just a taste of your blood, but he couldn’t, he’d never forgive himself. He shuts down his thoughts and instead licks you with more vigor, his mind wandering to other women who he’d much rather eat before you, maybe the one who’d been just slightly less polite than usual when attending you, maybe she’d be able to satiate his hunger for a while.
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Is terrified when he smells your blood for the first time.
Especially when he notices what type of blood it is.
Immediately assumes the worst.
Thanks whatever higher power there is when he sees you’re fine.
Gets headaches from trying to keep himself in control.
And still refuses to leave you alone.
Absolutely would never under any circumstances let Douma get remotely near you regardless of whatever situation you’re in.
Would never suggest eating you out to relieve the pain because he doesn’t want you to think he’s using you for food
But wouldn’t blatantly tell you no if you asked.
Would need a lot of convincing to say yes.
Would be really worried because what if he accidentally hurts you.
Is also worried that what if he genuinely gets hungry while trying to make you feel better.
Would be very hesitant due to his rule against eating women.
But tries to convince himself it’s alright because he’s not actually eating you.
Because he secretly is very curious and tempted to try it out.
Finally says yes when your cramps get unbearable.
Absolutely loses it upon his first taste.
Would already eat you out regularly for his own pleasure.
But would do it with dignity composure.
Now gets overly pussy drunk.
Doesn’t stop even after you’re clean.
Just continues while waiting for the next wave of blood.
Eats you out like a starved animal when you’re on your period.
Another messy eater.
Doesn’t leave your side for your safety.
And your mutual pleasure.
Would enjoy you sitting on his face.
But fails to notice how he refuses to let you leave your seat once you’ve sat.
Despite eating you out mostly for his own pleasure, doesn’t forget yours and uses his fingers to give you as many orgasms as he can as a thanks for keeping him fed.
Has no shame in licking his fingers clean in front of you.
Makes sure to still give you plenty of head regularly after your period so you don’t feel like he just sees you as food.
Would wonder in the back of his head if your blood alone can make him strong enough to surpass the other upper ranks.
Would be damned if Douma found out what he’s doing.
“Are you su-” “Yes.” Akaza’s quick to respond, trying to hold himself back from yanking you down, instead, gently guiding you lower to take a seat on his face. It’d been a few cycles since he finally started eating you out during your period and in that time, he’d grown addicted, though that would be an understatement. And though he still much enjoyed spending his days face buried between your legs even outside your cycle, during was something far preferable.
In the last few times he’d helped you through your difficult time of the month, he started feeling as though it wasn’t enough, no, rather he wanted more, and so he suggested something new, something you’d never know if he’d thought about himself, seen somewhere or heard of. Once you feel your lower area come into contact with him a sigh escapes you with his tongue starting to move along you, pressing over your clit, licking between your folds, circling your opening and licking clean every crevice.
He continues to suffocate himself in the intoxicating smell of your blood and decides it still isn’t enough, not with you hovering. A yelp leaves your mouth at the sudden yank of your legs being pulled upward folded against each other by a pair of strong hands with you falling completely sat on Akaza’s face, a muffled moan heard from under you pulling your gaze toward him, taking in the expression of his eyes rolled to the back of his head while his tongue invaded your insides, refusing to stop tasting you.
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derpy-dogs-n-cats · 5 months
Main Masterlist
BNHA Masterlist
Yandere! Izuku Midoriya x GN! Reader.
Warnings: Somewhat suggestive themes.
Summary: After keeping your feelings quiet for so long for the sake of others, a breaking point is finally found.
W/C: 2.1k+
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“The thing is, recently, my heart’s been all stirred up about something.” You hear an all too familiar voice say as you exit the kitchen with your bottle of water in hand. “It’s love!” Another of your classmates yells, having you stopping in your tracks with your eyes setting on the sight taking place in the living room of the dorms. “WHAT DID YOU SAY?! GLOVE?! SHOVE?! DOVE?! I’VE NEVER SEEN ONE, WHAT’S THAT?!” Uraraka shouts while waving her hands frantically.
“Who is it? Midoriya or Iida? You’re always hanging out with those two boys.” Mina continues to press all while you clench your teeth. “You’ve got it all wrong!” Uraraka denies while covering her face with her hands, resulting in her accidentally activating her quirk on herself and floating to the ceiling with what little of her cheeks she’s unable to cover being overly red, the sight having you knitting your brows in frustration.
This isn’t the first time her crush on Izuku was called out, nor is it the first time that you’re forced to swallow your words, having them burning at your throat like bile threatening to rise. You can’t even recall the last time you actually felt comfortable in your group of so called friends, having been put through too many conversations encouraging Uraraka with her crush on the sunshine classmate yet none to you.
They’ve all been too busy lending their support to her crush that she’s not even willing to admit yet is still willing to get possessive and jealous over, too busy to notice you looking at him similarly, too busy to notice that you were the first one to actually like him and get close to him. But it doesn’t matter that you’ve liked him for longer, because they’ve only known of Uraraka’s crush on Izuku, so if you were to say anything of your own crush of him…
So instead, you’re stuck unable to act on your feelings for him as to not have your ‘friends’ glare daggers at you, and have to leave it to someone who doesn’t even have the guts to admit her crush to her friends, let alone to the one she likes. You grip the bottle in your shaky hand and walk to the entrance of the dorms, wanting to leave the building for some fresh air instead. After shutting the door behind you, your ears fill with the sound of crickets instead, soon followed by a long sigh slowly leaving your mouth.
You move to sit at the steps that lead to the entrance while you unscrew the cap of the bottle, bringing it to your parted lips just as you’re about to sit only to once again stop in your tracks. “That’s not it, Iida looked different; bent his back I think. He’s so flexible, I can see his shape in my head…” Your eyes trail to Izuku on his knees bent over some of his notes and take notice of the thin layer of sweat coating him, no doubt having been practicing his moves.
“Hey.” You call out to him with your arm stretched towards him, offering him your water. His face immediately brightens from the neutral expression as soon as he sees you and stands on his feet to rush over to you and take the bottle. “Thank you so much.” He smiles at you with rosy cheeks, probably from the workout, and then downing almost the entire bottle, unknowingly giving you a show in a perfect side angle of his adam’s apple smoothly bobbing up and down.
Izuku finally brings the bottle back down and takes in a deep breath followed by a small awkward chuckle at how you just witnessed him almost choking by depriving himself of air in favor of water. “Sorry about that.” He apologizes with his blush deepening a few shades. “It’s okay, don’t-” You clear your throat. “Don’t worry about it.” You assure, averting your eyes to try and compose yourself after the front row seat of the show he just gave you.
“Oh, are you thirsty? There’s still some left.” He offers you back the bottle with innocent eyes, the blush on his cheeks fading away. “No- it’s okay, I just… thought you were thirsty, so I gave you the water.” You wave your hand dismissively. “It was… yours?” He asks. “Yea- don’t think about it too hard, I can just go get another one.” You try to assure him with a smile, starting to turn around. “No!” He blurts out, startling you.
“I mean, this was your bottle first and there’s still some left.” He looks away almost shyly while offering you back the bottle with about a quarter of water left as his cheeks start to feel warm again. You stare at the bottle briefly and look back at Izuku and take in his nervous form, seeing how he averts his eyes with pink cheeks, fiddles with his shirt with his empty hand and ever so slightly traces his shoe along the ground and suddenly, something buried deep beneath you finally takes hold.
You grab the bottle with confidence, something that has Izuku looking at you again, and bring it to your lips, tilting your head back with the same side angle he gave you and stare him down for a few seconds as you drink the water before closing your eyes and drinking the last of the water, taking in the taste of the last thing he ate, the piece of mint chocolate he had after dinner, the same mint he’s been having every day for the past few days now leaving a fresh taste on your tongue.
Finally, you bring the bottle back down and forward it to him with your face in a neutral expression aside from the way one of your brows is lightly raised with the corner of your lips ever so slightly turned upwards as if daring him to take it back. Izuku looks at you with his eyes faintly widened, a look in the emerald irises that you can’t quite recognize. “Do you…” He pauses in a low voice that contrasts his usually higher-pitched and softer voice.
“Want to… drink more water?” He suggests, his voice remaining low in an alluring tone, his half-lidded eyes staring deeply into yours, and if it weren’t for how warm you felt inside, you’d find his supposed double-meaning line funny rather than arousing. “Yeah…” The word leaves you in a breathy manner. “Wait, you have some…” His hand slowly reaches forward and holds the side of your face, his thumb touching the corner of your lips and smearing a drop of water along your skin before wiping it off.
He leaves his hand on your cheek and then slowly brings his other one to your other cheek, holding your face gently in his rough hands without breaking his gaze from you. “Don’t move.” He whispers, his face closing in on yours. You stare back at his eyes which seem darker than usual and let him lean in closer until his nose touches yours, your eyes barely open, and until he pulls you in with his hands to press his lips deeply into yours.
You breathe out a startled gasp at what you thought would be a soft gentle kiss instead being a deep one filled with an underlying passion heavier than you initially thought. While Izuku’s eyes easily fall shut into the kiss, yours get blown wide open at the unexpected roughness of the kiss, one of your hands reaching to the front of his shoulder to push lightly away only for one of his hands to immediately leave your face and grip at your wrist firmly, keeping you from pushing him away.
As if understanding the reason behind your startled reaction, he slows down the kiss but remains on the same level of passion as he continues to press his lips as deeply into yours, only slowing his movements enough for you to keep up. The slower pace helps lull you to a sense of comfort and eases you enough to have your eyes fluttering shut and start to move your lips along his, your softer movements contrasting his rougher ones, his own seeming almost desperate.
The hand holding at your wrist loosens its grip and slowly drags yours up to his face with you starting to catch up to his pace, your other hand rushing to wrap your arm around the expanse of his shoulders and pull him deeper in the kiss with your hand on the side of his jaw. Instinctively, his own hands waste no time rearranging themselves with one setting at the back of your head and his other arm wrapping around you, forearm pressed along the length of your back with his hand pressed against your upper back.
While he pulls your entire body into his, he fails to fight the urge to grip the back of your shirt in his rough hand, desperately wanting to feel the skin hiding beneath the cloth. As your lips continue to mesh together, you return the same desperate feeling by gripping at the back of his shoulder, feeling the strong muscles under the shirt urging you to further explore him.
You give in to the temptation and let your hand travel back along his shoulders, the back of his neck, and then over his front as you kiss, at this point both of you are breathing heavily into the kiss against each other, not wanting to break apart even to steady your breaths. With your hand pressed on his chest, feeling the muscle hiding under his shirt, the warmth in his chest reaches a scalding temperature that spreads throughout his body until it grows too scorching to handle.
The hand on your back leaves to your arm that keeps your hand pressed on his chest, pleased to feel your body remaining close to his of his own free will. You feel his hand give your arm a small squeeze before releasing it and following its length with his fingers just barely brushing along your skin, the feather-light grazing giving you goosebumps until his hand reaches your wrist once again, taking hold of it much more gently than last time in a silent cue to signal your departure.
Izuku finally breaks the kiss with a moan and pulls back, only enough to still have his lips skimming against yours as you rest your foreheads against each other. Your eyes open to gaze into one another briefly before closing again, instead focusing on catching your breaths, feeling your hot breaths colliding in small pants with his thumb tracing small patterns along the underside of your wrist, tenderly pressing over your fast pulse and giving a reassuring squeeze as if to help gently bring you back down from the kiss.
Your eyes part open to find his already staring at you with half-lidded eyes and seeing someone other than the shy skittish boy you’d grown used to seeing, instead, seeing a confident young man staring back at you. “Where did you learn how to kiss like that?” You ask, your voice barely above a whisper to which he lets out a small breathy chuckle. “You know me… I just study a lot.” He smiles, the dark look in his eyes having faded away to a more tender one.
You smile at him in amusement with an airy chuckle of your own leaving you, not knowing if to assume him having read up on how to kiss or having seen others do so. “I haven’t kissed anyone else, if that’s what your wondering…” He says in a somewhat hopeful manner, unbeknownst to you how he hoped you having wanted to be his first kiss, and how he hopes to have been your first as well. “I…” You speak while pulling away enough to look at him properly, the smile on your face suddenly fading away.
Izuku’s smile falters after yours, taking in your line of sight set on something off to the side behind him and turning around to follow it, his eyes falling on the group of girls staring through the window with horror in their eyes as if offended at what just took place. His gaze shifts over to Mina holding a teary Uraraka and the way he feels you rip away from his hands pulls him back to reality.
Turning back around to you, he barely has time to register you running away from him. “No! Wait!” He shouts for you, voice back in his higher pitched tone and arms instinctively reaching out for you, seeing you disappear in the trees that surround the dorms, his body freezing in place with his arms staying open for you. “Please.” He utters, his vision starting to water with his hand trembling.
“Don’t leave me.”
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derpy-dogs-n-cats · 5 months
Main Masterlist
JJK Masterlist
Man whore! Satoru Gojo x Fem! Reader.
Warnings: Smut, mentions of sexual themes, sexual thoughts, irresponsible parenting.
Summary: Gojo never cares about any of his hookups, it was only a matter of time until he made a mistake.
W/C: 1.4k+
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A loud ringing pierces through a pair of ears that triggers a grunt to elicit from parted lips that’s quickly followed by more groans of annoyance, a hand reaching for the nightstand next to the bed to search for the ringing phone only to knock it over. Gojo throws his bed sheets off of him with a louder grunt and swipes his phone off of the floor to set his eyes on the brightness of the screen that cuts through the darkness of the room with an even louder groan falling from his mouth with an eye roll.
It was the fourth time you were calling him, in just one day, and in the dead of night. A string of curses leaves him as he’s quick to decline your call again, this time having had enough and immediately going to the settings of your number to block it. He lets out a raspy sigh and drops his phone back down before tossing over on his bed to lay on his back, desperately trying to catch whatever sliver of sleepiness was left in him.
It’d been two weeks of your incessant calls, two weeks of nonstop work, back and forth, work, calls, work, more calls, he’d been so busy he’d been forgetting to block your number, and now that he was finally going to be able to sleep in, wake up when he wanted to, you called. He could’ve silenced his phone, but what if there was an emergency? He could only do so much when it came to disconnecting from his work, in his type of work line, one could never fully disconnect.
He admits you were a good fuck, though he thinks that’d be putting it mildly, and he hadn’t had a virgin in a while, and you took longer than he initially thought in calling him at all, but ever since the first call, it’s just been nonstop. First, two weeks of nothing, and then two weeks of calls, one after the other, the first of which he was going to answer, maybe… but he was just so busy with work, and when you kept calling him, he thought that maybe it wouldn’t be a good idea to go back with you.
If you were losing it after just one time with him, he didn’t even want to think of twice. “Damn.” He curses under his breath. “I forgot virgins could be so clingy.” He mutters, managing to blink some drowsiness back into his head, taking in a few slow breaths as he feels his body grow heavier, making him feel as though he sinks deeper into the mattress until he manages to fall back asleep again.
One Year Later.
A beep is heard at the doors of the grocery store opening with Gojo walking in and moving past the produce section onto the aisles at the back. He doesn’t usually come in this store, but this was the only store still open this late at night given that it’s a 24-hour store and that he had only barely finished with his latest task given to him by the higher-ups, one that he would’ve finished sooner if he hadn’t been pushing it off for so long.
He walks by the aisles and checks each one in search for the snacks aisles, just wanting to eat something quick before he gets back to his place and passes out on his bed. Walking by the aisles, he sees a few people lingering by, some seeming to be grabbing their entire weeks-worth of grocery shopping at almost midnight but other than that, none of them really seeming to catch his attention, none but one in particular.
Just as he’s passing by the cereal aisle, he nearly passes onto the next one before stopping and backtracking to said aisle. He raises one of his hands to dip a finger behind his blindfold and pull it down slightly to peek at the only person standing in the cereal aisle with his own eyes. He sets his eyes on a woman from a side angle and rakes his eyes from the pair of legs leading up to the swell of the ass, and slowly trailing higher up to you.
His eyes widen at the sight of your familiar face and briefly widen even more, taking in how much you’ve changed. Your breasts… are visibly bigger, they even seem somewhat swollen, he knows you were young when he bedded you, but could they have really grown that much in a year? He didn’t think it was possible but how he ached to bury his face in the pair of tits, hold them in his hands to press them tight as he fucks them…
The ¾ profile from behind you provided him with perfect view of the swell of your tits and hips, which seemed fuller as well. Your hips must’ve grown in the past year, and were just begging him to grip at them hard enough to bruise while he held you still to fuck into your sopping cunt. And your ass… the added fat on your ass would bounce on his hips when he decides he wants to pull at your waist for you to meet his thrusts from behind.
Your legs had gotten thicker as well, it made him wonder how it’d feel now to have them wrapped around his head, waist, pulling him in deeper with your soft legs wrapped around his him, would you press them against his behind to keep him from pulling out? The same way everything seemed to have grown to a pleasant size, your stomach looked like it had a few more pounds than last time too, it made the challenge of reaching deep enough into you until the print of his cock was prominent sound all the more entertaining.
He wonders if you’ll let him pound you until he’s ever so slightly stretching the skin of your stomach to slightly poke his dick through after having ignored you for a whole year. It shouldn’t be too hard to get you to spread your pretty legs for him again, after all, it wouldn’t be the first time he managed to get back in the pants of someone he had already ghosted, and he’s sure you’ll be begging him to rearrange the insides of your plush tummy.
A small cry interrupts his fantasies much to his annoyance to which he rolls his eyes only to stop mid eye roll, seeing you instantly set the cereal in your hand back down and bring out from your other side a newborn baby. The baby lets out a louder cry as you quickly embrace him with both arms to hold him against your chest and press a kiss on top of his head. As soon as the kiss is placed on his head, the crying starts to fade into small grunts and moans while Gojo’s head is overwhelmed with questions.
A baby? Why did you have a baby? What were you doing out so late at night? And with a baby? Did you not know how dangerous it could be at night? And the baby, is it… his? He doesn’t really have much to go by, the baby barely even has any hair yet except for a light peach fuzz that hardly shows any color. “Mm.” The baby wiggles in your arms before sniffling against your shoulder and finally opens his eyes.
Gojo’s body stiffens and he freezes in place, his eyes widening and staring into the pair identical to his. The baby stares back at him with his own bright blue eyes, slightly glossy from the crying and after staring for a few seconds, he lets out another cry and turns away. “It’s okay, don’t worry.” You smile at the newborn and gently rock him in your arms, your words drawing his attention back up to you and finally noticing your actual appearance.
There’s deep dark rings under your eyes that make him wonder when was the last time you’ve slept, if maybe that’s why you’re at the store at midnight, because time’s so short. The thought of how back when he first met you, you were just barely starting your first year of college makes his heart clench, were you even able to get through it? Did he really just… ruin your life? Did he keep you from furthering your studies? Do you even have a job? … Anybody to help you?
If you did, you wouldn’t be out all alone.
He watches as you bring the baby up in your arms and press a kiss on his cheek to which he lets out a small giggle, and despite how sleep deprived you look, you still smile at the little being in your hands, and Gojo decides he won’t leave you alone again.
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derpy-dogs-n-cats · 6 months
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derpy-dogs-n-cats · 6 months
Christmas Wish.
Main Masterlist
Obey Me Masterlist
Simeon x Fem! Reader/MC.
Warnings: Sexual themes, smut, dry humping, clothed grinding, teasing, orgasm denial, cumming in pants.
Summary: After pining for each other for so long, Simeon's Santa outfit on Christmas sets in motion something to finally happen.
W/C: 1.8k+
A/N: Tried to get this done DURING Christmas, but here it is.
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Loud voices fill the dining room of the house of lamentation with pairs of footsteps being heard back and forth, some slow, others as loud as the banter in the room with the steps being heard rushing into the kitchen in attempt to prevent the need for damage control. “Solomon no! I can handle decorating the desserts!” You hear Luke’s voice fade into the kitchen followed by a muffled chuckle and small protests of how Solomon doesn’t mind ‘helping’.
“I’m hungry…” Beel whines as Belphie yawns. “Don’t worry Beel, Simeon’s almost here.” You comfort him. All seven brothers and everybody from purgatory hall were already at the house of lamentation, except for Simeon who’d gone to pick up Diavolo and Barbatos for christmas dinner, having insisted on accompanying over. “No one’s touching any food until Diavolo and Barbatos show up.” Lucifer informs to which Beel whines again.
“But what about Luke?” He complains with a frown which causes Lucifer to give him a stern ‘you know what I mean’ look. “Hello.” A familiar voice says that has you and the brothers looking over to see Simeon walking in the dining room with Diavolo and Barbatos beside him. Everyone greets each other as they approach one another for a warmer welcome in a hug or small talk to fill the gap of dinner getting finished but none of it is registered in your head, to entranced in Simeon.
He’d always looked breathtaking in his usual attire- any attire, but tonight was even more so than usual, dressed in a beautiful white suit with baby blue patterns topped with small golden colored designs pairing with the golden ornaments adorning the wool at the end of his sleeves and edges of his snow white hooded cloak matching with a Santa hat of the same design. “Sorry we’re so late.” His gentle voice apologizes before he calls your name in a questioning tone, opening his arms for you with a smile after a small pause.
You finally react and walk over to him and wrap your arms around his torso with his falling to your upper back and holding you close to him, embracing you in his warmth and letting you feel the soft fabric of his clothes. “How do I look?” He asks when he finally pulls away, still somewhat holding you in his arms by keeping his hands on your arms. You open your mouth to answer him only for nothing to come out, still at loss of words at the sight before you, though there’s someone who was never at loss for words.
“Oh Simeon!” Asmodeus practically moans and steps in front of you, breaking Simeon’s hold on you. “Well aren’t you a cute little Santa, darling. Tell me, am I on your naughty list tonight? Do you think you should punish me? Or have I been good this year? Do I deserve some reward?” Asmo tries to seduce him, his arms placing themselves around his neck. “Um…” Simeon looks away without knowing how to answer. “Something tells me Santa has you on a list all by your self.” You resist the urge to cross your arms at him.
“No need to be jealous dear,” He smiles at you. “You can help Santa give me my reward for being such a good boy this year.” His voice trails off to the same seductive tone while he looks back to Simeon. “Maybe not.” Simeon pulls Asmo’s arms off of him while looking away with an almost annoyed expression. “Simeon!” Luke yells and rushes over to hug him despite having been apart for only a few hours.
“You were so late I thought these demons had done away with you.” He exaggerates. “I’m alright Luke.” Simeon smiles as plates lightly clink in the background at the table being set. “What do you say if while Barbatos serves dinner, you tell Santa what you want?” He sits on the closest chair. “To make up for being late.” He adds and pats on his lap. “B- Wh- what? I’m not a child anymore! I know how Santa really works!” He points an accusatory finger at Diavolo and the brothers starting to take their own seats as well.
“Come on, just tell me what you want.” Simeon insists with Luke staying put, and despite him being older than you, seeing a child be so against asking Santa for a christmas present felt saddening, even if it’s a job that’s actually taken upon demons. “Well I want to ask Santa for a christmas present.” You state as you sit on Simeon’s lap, missing the way his eyes widen. “Stop treating me like child!” Luke insists, obvious to how Simeon’s eyes nearly pop from their sockets at how wide they are.
“It’s okay, I didn’t know about Santa until I was your age.” You assure him. “I’m over a millennium years old.” He says in a deadpan expression. “But you’re also sort of 10.” You say. “Hmph” He squints his eyes at you and leaves to take his own seat. “So… what does the pretty girl want from Santa?” Simeon nervously runs a hand through his hair with warm cheeks. “The… what?” You quietly turn around to face him, slightly moving in his lap which has him clearing his throat.
“The… pretty girl said she wanted to ask Santa for a present?” He repeats with a bashful smile. “Well… you see, I might actually need to think about it for a bit.” You subconsciously press yourself further into his lap, and though the action goes unnoticed by you, it doesn’t go unnoticed by Simeon who nearly chokes on thin air, swallowing thickly and reluctantly placing his left hand on your waist while the other one goes for the side of the chair, gripping it tightly.
“Maybe sit on Santa’s lap until you know what you want?” He suggests, struggling to steady his left hand enough to gently pull you closer to him, slightly spreading open his legs enough to slowly lodge you in between them. He’d never felt something like this and never really felt actual interest in these type of acts before, until he met you, and now that he finally has you so close to him, to where an unknown warmth was starting to blossom, he wasn’t going to let you go.
“Dinner is served.” Barbatos’s voice interrupts, both of you lightly jumping in your seats and staring straight ahead wide eyed at being caught red handed, expecting a scolding. But when you look over at him, he’s instead giving you a knowing look with a smirk on his face before leaving to his own seat beside Diavolo. You both stay sat in place quietly with both of you looking around nervously, seeing everyone else immersed in conversations along with small spats starting to form distracting from you and Simeon.
You look back to Barbatos again to see him silently eating his food with his eyes glued to the wall ahead of him and simply tuning out, but despite him minding his own business, it felt odd knowing that he knows what was happening. A small whisper of your name comes from behind you and you take in the noticeable difference with your seat form just a few seconds ago. “Please.” Simeon whispers again, his legs overly tense under you with his left hand gripping at your waist tightly, erection pressing into your ass.
You give a last quick glance around the table and look at him over your shoulder, squeezing the sides of his thighs nervously and finally give in. You move your hands to his knees and spread his legs apart just a bit further, moving to wedge yourself deeper in between them, unaware of the show you give him of swaying your hips side to side against his groin followed by you arching your back and leaning forward just slightly, enough to press your clothed cunt onto his hardness.
You open your legs as well to better welcome him against you and proceed to slowly grind back and forth on him, gently moving along the tent of his pants but pressing deep into his hardness. With his hands pulling your back and forth into him, you feel a wetness starting to seep from within you and soak your underwear, wondering if he would be able to feel you through the material of his pants keeping him away from you as your own do the same.
You give a small glance over your shoulder and see him struggling to keep his eyes from fluttering shut with his jaw visibly clenched tight, trying to not draw any attention with his length growing harder by the second starting to feel painful. His grip on your waist gradually tightens while he grinds you harder onto him, starting to hump back into you with his hips lifting in tune with your own, making sure to keep the movements slow so that no one notices.
By the time his hold on you starts to get painful, you manage to hear a small muffled noise from him with a small twitch from his length warning you of his impending orgasm with his teeth clenched tightly. Your own hands grasp harder on his thighs as well, biting back a plead that desperately wanted to escape you, wanting to bend over further over the table to grind your clit onto him rather than your clothed entrance drenched in your wetness, begging to reach it’s own release and clenching on nothing.
Having enough of what felt like teasing, you switch from your back and forth motions and move your hips side to side against him, hoping to finish him off to stop what almost feels like torture for your empty cunt. “Ngh.” A noise finally escapes him with his hips raising from the chair and holding you as tight against him as possible, stilling against you with his nails digging into your sides with his cock twitching beneath you, emptying his balls with you pressed onto him.
His hold on your waist slowly loosens until it goes limp, his hips settling back down slowly as well, cock softening with a quiet sigh leaving past his lips and eyes finally falling shut. You swallow a small whimper when you feel his release start to soak through your pants and bite your lip in frustration and despite having wanted something to happen between you after so long, you find yourself wishing for it to have happened in a better location.
Maybe next time you’ll be able to feel him inside you, or at least be able to play with your clit, maybe he’ll be the one to play with yours instead and you’ll actually be able to cum with him, but for now, you’re forced to take what you can get and enjoy simply having his cum soak through his pants and onto yours, leaving a dark patch on both your clothes and hoping to feel his warm cum reach your drenched pussy.
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derpy-dogs-n-cats · 1 year
No one:
Me: *Living for Neteyam patting Lo'ak's head*
(Gif credits to me)
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derpy-dogs-n-cats · 1 year
Haven't seen anyone point out these parallels yet (Gif credits to me)
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derpy-dogs-n-cats · 1 year
I haven't seen anyone talk about this but Neteyam's forehead and nose freckles make a cute little deer
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derpy-dogs-n-cats · 2 years
JJK Masterlist
Yandere! Satoru Gojo x Fem! Reader, light Suguru Geto x Reader.
Warnings: Yandere themes, sexual themes, smut, handjob, masturbation, voyeurism, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, vaginal sex, creampie, fingering, oral sex; fem receiving, overstimulation, forced squirting.
Summary: Gojo's incessant begging to his best friend about swinging partners finally pays off.
W/C: 4.6k+
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“Are you sure about this?” You ask Geto for the fifth time in the morning. “I already told you, if you don’t want to do this-” “It’s not that.” You interrupt his assurance. “It’s just… weird.” You repeat, glancing to the other end of the hallway that leads to the entrance of the students’ dorms, anxious for Gojo’s arrival. “We’ve already talked about this, it’s only going to be one week, but you can call it off whenever you want.” Geto places his hand on the side of your face, directing you to look at him and caressing your cheek lovingly.
“I know.” You sigh. “And don’t worry about me, have some fun yourself.” He smiles. You hear a door being kicked open and jump into Geto’s chest who instinctively wraps his arms around you, being startled at the sudden sound and seeing that understandably; Gojo’s the one to blame for the dramatic entrance, his own girlfriend following behind. Gojo’s mouth starts moving in what you assume is a greeting but all you can focus on is the girl clinging to his arm; the one you’ll be switching places with.
You take a look at her while she stares at your boyfriend, eyeing her bigger chest, slimmer waist and shorter stature, starting to feel a bit self-conscious and wondering if Geto will even miss you. You think back to the start of the situation and remind yourself that Gojo’s the one who wanted to swing partners, not Geto, and that the only reason why you and Geto said yes was to stop Gojo’s weeks of pestering to swap partners, whining about how he’s ‘always wanted to try it’.
You look back up to your boyfriend with a soft smile, feeling reassured and taking in his words. “Remember, just one week.” He says. “I know, I know.” Gojo rushes out, trying to get on with the situation. “I’m serious Satoru, I don’t want you to then turn around and say two weeks.” Geto starts speaking in a stern voice, further assuring you. “Okay, I get it, are we doing this or not?” Gojo responds in an annoyed tone while looking away nonchalantly.
Geto looks down at you lovingly and gives you a soft smile, holding your face in his hand and stroking your cheek tenderly, before gently pressing his lips against yours in a long soft kiss, unaware of how Gojo rolls his eyes behind his glasses while sticking his tongue out at the display of affection. After pulling away, Geto leans in your ear and whispers loud enough for only you to hear while holding you close to his chest.
“Remember, Gojo will most likely try to bed you in the first night- if he waits that long.” He pulls away. “You can come back whenever you want.” He repeats out loud. “After a week.” Gojo adds to which Geto gives him a dirty look. You finally pull yourself away from him and take the few steps between you and Gojo, ignoring how his own girlfriend walks to Geto a little too eagerly for your liking.
As soon as you're in within arms reach of Gojo, he restrains himself from yanking you to him into a kiss and instead wraps his arm around your lower back while leading you to his dorm, visibly pulling you as close to him as possible while giving Geto a smug smirk to which he gives a glare in return. You nervously look to your moving feet at the sound of Geto’s temporary girlfriend telling him all the things she wants to do with him before night while Gojo guides you through the opened door of his room.
The door closes after walking in and you hear the ominous noise of the lock clicking while you look back at him, suddenly feeling small under his piercing gaze despite his pitch-black round glasses. “You mind taking a shower?” He suggests, the lack of a smirk on his face having you thinking he doesn’t mean it in a sexual manner. “… I just showered.” You meekly respond. “Well, then shower again.” He insists in a stern tone, making you feel uneasy at the absence of his loud personality.
“… Okay.” You quietly agree, walking to his bathroom. “Make sure to brush your teeth.” Gojo adds, making you glance back to catch a glimpse of his bright eyes staring at you through the side of his glasses before stepping in the bathroom and closing the door behind you. You’d always notice he’s a clean and pretty well-groomed young man, but you had never actually thought he could be that picky about germs.
After going through his cabinets, you find a spare toothbrush and make sure to brush your teeth thoroughly and scrub your tongue, washing the leftover paste from the brush and setting it next to Gojo’s brush afterwards. You absentmindedly unclothe yourself and step in the shower, pulling the glass door shut and starting to wash yourself, feeling your thoughts wander to Geto and what he must be doing by now with Gojo’s girlfriend.
Before you know it, you’re scrubbing your body for the last time, having zoned out and been staring at the wall ahead of you until you were left staring at the floor with an emotionless expression, your hands settling on either side of your neck in deep thought. “Why’d you stop?” You hear a low cocky voice ask. Startled, you let out a small noise of surprise with your head snapping to your side to see Gojo leaning against the wall by the door, facing you with his arms crossed and glasses hanging low to let you see his eyes.
“What are you doing here?” You rush out of your mouth, an arm over your breasts and a hand over your lower region in attempt to cover yourself. “Isn’t it obvious?” He asks in the same low tone. “I’m enjoying the view…” He responds in a seductive tone while you continue to stare at him, the water suddenly feeling awfully cold. “Go on, don’t mind me.” He coaxes you to further your actions, making your cheeks start to burn.
You return your gaze to the floor with wide eyes, slowly starting to remove your hands from your body to rub more soap on it. You start with your shoulders, slowly rubbing with your hands past to your arms and leaving your body completely bare for him to stare at, dreading what comes next. Your hands reach up for your breasts with hesitation, holding the mounds only to hear a soft somewhat relieved moan from the door.
You fail to keep your eyes to yourself and take a small peek to your side at Gojo, seeing how his hand slowly slips into the front of his pants to a painfully prominent erection, slowly rubbing himself. You quickly avert your gaze while your hands subconsciously rub at your peaked nipples, continuing with the rest of your breast and dipping in the underside. One of your hands work over the rest of your torso as the other one reaches behind your shoulder, spreading the soap along your back.
Soon, both hands are drawing slow circles on your lower back, exposing your front again and having your back forming a small arch that pushes your tits further out, an audible sigh making its way to your ears to which you force yourself to keep your eyes on the floor. Your hands keep moving lower until they reach your ass, rubbing softly at the cheeks and pressing on the underside to Gojo’s delight before moving to the back of your thighs.
With your body starting to bend over as your hands stroke at the rest of your legs, Gojo finds himself unable to decide whether to keep his eyes on the curve of your ass or on your tits and the way they start to hang obscenely from the new angle. He bites down on his lip after his tongue briefly lolls out past his lips while jerking his painfully hard member against the wet patch of precum on the front of his boxer briefs.
You finally finish at your ankles and move to stand straight again with your hand reaching to the knob to turn the water off. “Ah ah ah.” He protests, interrupting you before you can touch the knob. “Aren’t you forgetting a spot?” He points out, pausing his movements. Your breath hitches in your throat with your hands lightly trembling, a shiver running up your back with a small whimper getting stuck in your throat.
You bring your hands back to your body and slowly run them down over your stomach to your lower area, stopping briefly in hesitance before feeling a finger brush against your clit to which your body responds by clenching your thighs together despite your opposing orders. “Good girl…” Gojo praises in a small moan as he starts to jerk his length again, this time successfully eliciting an audible whine from you that in turn makes him groan.
Skimming your hand lower, your fingers run through your folds, rubbing the last of the remainder of the soap on them while your other fingers tend to the outer lips. The pad of your finger reaches your entrance while soft pants start making their way to your ears through the running water, your body continuing to respond to Gojo’s actions judging by the way it releases a wave of wetness onto your fingertip.
Before you can notice, you’re slipping a finger through the plush walls of your insides as deep as you can, trying to reach your g spot to no avail. A grunt coming from your right interrupts your movements and draws your attention to the sound, seeing him with his eyes clenched shut and head thrown back against the wall, hand still in his pants yet unaware of how tightly he grips the base of his cock to keep himself from cumming, refusing to empty himself anywhere but inside you.
His eyes crack open to the sound of a familiar creak with the water being shut off, seeing you step out of the shower onto your pile of clothes and wrapping his towel around yourself as he catches onto his breath, pulling his hand out of his underwear. “You’re acting like you didn’t just finger yourself to me fapping to you.” He comments after letting out an airy laugh regarding the towel. “Well? Come on.” He waves his hand over with a grin, waiting for you to approach him.
He places a hand behind your shoulder to lead you to his bed and manages to sneak a small squeeze to your covered ass cheek, getting a feel of it before going further. You crawl over his bed with him slightly bending over to get a peek of your pussy that his towel fails to cover before you turn around to sit on the center of his bed with your knees to your chest.
Gojo removes his glasses and sets them aside with a confident expression, shows off his eyes for a small moment and then proceeds to follow you onto his mattress. Crawling on top of you, he forces you to lay back onto his pillows and soak the covers with the water left on your skin before he sits back on his calves, slowly running his hands between your ankles over your bottom and the back of your thighs, spreading them open in a quick motion that has you letting out a noise of surprise.
He sighs in relief at the sight of your cunt that followed with your legs and spread open slightly, taking in the way your clit is barely covered by the lips and the way your folds leave your opening exposed. You feel his hands grip at your waist and pull you harshly into his crotch in a fake fucking motion that makes you moan in surprise, keeping you pressed to his hardened cock. “A little help doll?” He asks while grinding down on you hard.
After some hesitation, your hands move forward to slip your fingertips in the waistband of his underwear, getting him to stop humping you as you press him further into you, pulling him closer to reach better his button and zipper. Slowly pulling open his pants, you eye with a nervous expression the more prominently visible bulge hidden by the dark thin fabric of the underwear, subconsciously hooking your ankles behind his thighs to keep him close.
Gojo watches carefully how you pull down the waist agonizingly slow, uncovering his lower abdomen and staring at his v-line that trails your sight lower to a soft patch of white hair starting to peek over the underwear. You stare at the tufts of hair with your mouth suddenly going dry, continuing the slow pace of uncovering him and despite his desperation, he stays composed and lets you give yourself a show at unveiling him.
With his cock still sitting on the mound of your cunt, you finally manage to see the base, revealing the thickness and pulling the cloth lower to further expose the length of his erection until the neglected cock eventually springs out of its confines standing proud against his lower stomach with a string of precum dripping onto your own sex from the almost red tip of the swollen head. “Enjoying the view?” He asks in a low tone, grinning widely at you.
You swallow thickly at his words with burning cheeks just before his arms reach behind him to grab at the back of the shirt of his uniform and pull it off over his head, showing off his toned arms and torso with a smug expression. After a small pause, he pushes his pants along with underwear down to his knees and manages to kick them the rest of the way off, leaving himself completely naked to your eyes.
Taking a hold of his pulsing cock to lay it flat over your pubic bone, his heavy balls press tightly against your swollen clit, showing you how deep he’ll reach once inside you, making you let out a shaky breath at the sight. His free hand slowly trails over your stomach under your towel and slowly spreads it, reaching for your covered tit with a pleased moan and groping it harshly, his nails digging into the soft skin.
You spread open the towel the rest of the way to his surprise and press your tits together for him, urging him to play with them to which he responds to by pressing down on your nipple. Suddenly, he starts breathing heavily and yanks your legs to him to press your knees on either side of you and barely even grinds his dry length on your soaked folds before shoving himself inside you with a grunt that has you moaning loudly.
You continuously moan despite him not moving in response to desperately trying to accommodate his size in your unprepared cunt with him panting above you and keeping you locked in a mating press, slowly pressing his weight on top of you feeling your arms wrap around his back with your shaky hands needing to hold onto something as he presses the front of your legs painfully flat against the bed.
In the guise of letting you adjust to him, he bites harshly on his lower lip while trying to get used to the feeling of your tight walls wrapped around him, keeping his chest pressed to yours with his lips muffling grunts next to your ear and upper arms on either side of your head as he grips tightly onto the bed sheets under the pillow where your head rests. As you get accustomed to the feeling of him inside you, you start letting out light pants against his ear, catching his attention for him to look over at you.
Turning his gaze to the side, he stares with his eyes half closed at your parted lips, soft wet tongue resting just past them and making him realize he hasn’t kissed you yet. The whole reason as to why he wanted you to brush your teeth, the whole reason as to why he wanted you to rid yourself of your boyfriend’s essence and he hasn’t even kissed you yet. Gojo takes your jaw in a hand, pulls your face over to him and finally; takes your lips in his own in a kiss.
A noise of surprise is muffled in his mouth along with your eyes shooting wide open in shock while he wastes no time in shoving his tongue past your lips and continuing in a rather soft pace, kissing you tenderly as opposed to his previous actions. Your eyes flutter shut again at his tongue pressing with yours, sliding along each other and taking your own drool in his mouth, he finally takes in the taste of you with the light flavor of mint still noticeable.
Loud noises of your lips smacking together and pants for breaths fill the room with him starting to grind deeply into you, the tip of his member rubbing your cervix making you moan into the kiss. He humps into you for a while longer, seemingly trying to press himself deeper in only to have his heavy balls pressed harshly to the lower part of your cunt, almost as if he were trying to shove them in as well with the pristine white hair adorning the base of his shaft brushing your clit with a pleasant amount of stimulation.
Not long after, he goes to slowly move his hips back while maintaining the rest of his body glued to yours only to feel your tight insides sucking him back in, forcing a deep groan that breaks your kiss to emit from his throat. “You’re, ah- sucking me back in.” He moans with a small smile as he slowly moves in and out of you bit by bit, gazing into your eyes lovingly before noticing you staring between your chests instead.
He follows your line of sight to your compressed chests and finds out with ease of your desire to see where your bodies meet, keeping the encounter purely sexual in his opinion to which he grips your cheeks after letting out a frustrated huff to pull your face back to his and keep your eyes on his. He smiles again at your eye contact, but it easily gets broken again with your eyes rolling to the back of your head and mouth left agape at the first pull of his member nearly all the way out and push back in.
If you wanted him to give you a reason to have a hard time maintaining eye contact, fine, he’ll give it to you. Deeply narrowing his eyes at your unsuspecting form, he finally breaks and starts slamming his hips into yours without letting you further adjust, making you instantly start to let out loud moans and screams. He didn’t want it to be like this, he didn’t want it to be just sex, he wanted to take it slow with you, to be intimate with you but his patience can only go so far.
It’s all your fault. It’s also your fault that he immediately went straight to the point and skipped over all foreplay. It was all you and your voluptuous body that tempted him and kept him from laying his head between your legs and pleasuring you rather than yourself, not to say he can’t do both at the same time, but he wanted to show you how much of a selfless partner he can be. He’d just waited for so many weeks that when he finally saw you, he just couldn’t take it anymore.
Gojo continues to hammer into you mercilessly with gritted teeth and furrowed brows in an angered expression, dumping out his frustrations on you and feeling how your juices soak his balls along with the inside of your thighs while you cry loudly at the overstimulation. With your arms crossed over his back, your nails find their place at the base of his shoulders, digging into the skin while the sound of your squelching fills the room and the skin slapping on his reaching all the way to the halls.
With your nails slowly dragging lower and lower down the expanse of his back and leaving a harsh burning that has him hissing in return, your hands reach the tensed mounds of his ass and grip tightly at it. He feels you taking handfuls of him and pulling him toward you as if trying to shove him deeper as if he wasn’t poking deeper than you could handle judging by the tears trailing down your cheeks that he couldn’t stop eyeing.
A particularly louder cry leaves your mouth with your thighs tensing harder in Gojo’s hands at a familiar coil starting to quickly form in your lower stomach, your insides tightening even more around him making him grunt in return and thrust harder through the newfound resistance. “Damn!” He grunts in frustration, curses starting to fall from his lips while he tries to deny the blush on his cheeks as well as the fact that he’s feeling himself embarrassingly close to his own release.
He blames you once again for bringing him so close to his orgasm so easily while digging his nails into your skin because it’s not like he wasn’t already used to this whole feeling, he just wasn’t used to you, and still isn’t. It’s all you, always you. A shaky breath escapes past his lips with his eyes staring down at your trembling form, relishing in the signs that soon he’ll be able to let himself loose, refusing to reach his high before you do.
Suddenly, the feeling of him slamming into your cervix and the soft patch of hair continuously rubbing your sensitive clit becomes too much and you finally release yourself on him with a loud cry, drenching him even further with the way your hands unintentionally spread his ass cheeks apart to pull him in closer setting him off as well. Burying himself as deep as he can with his eyes clenching shut, he cums with a loud grunt, flooding your insides and hearing you whine in return.
After emptying himself inside you, a relieved sigh leaves his mouth with his eyes fluttering open, smiling tiredly to himself and basking in the fact that other than finally bedding you, he managed to cum inside you without a condom. His eyes look down at you and take in the sight of you in your post-orgasmic haze, feeling your hands losing their grip on his ass to which he chuckles, watching you pant lightly in an effort to catch up with your breath.
He slowly pulls out with a pleased moan, watching how as soon as he leaves you, his cum starts leaking from you. A shaky moan filling his ears makes him look over at you, seeing the flustered look on your face and looking back to your cunt to see a stream of his white liquid rolling out of you, realizing that you’re pushing it out. His ring and middle finger instantly go to it and trail it back up, shoving it back inside you with his hand twisting to have the pads of his fingers pressing uncomfortably towards your ass.
Before you can protest, he’s twisting his wrist again and pressing into your g spot, curving his fingers and rubbing harsh lines with your noises starting to fill the room again. Your legs start to falter and move to lay flat on the bed only for Gojo to immediately press them back on either side of you with his forearm, taking the flesh in his free hand and gripping and releasing it as he moves lower on the bed to be faced with your sensitive opening, after all, he still has to show you he’s not a selfish lover.
He wastes no time in taking your clit in his mouth and sucking, kissing and licking while pressing hard on it with his tongue in effort to bring you to another orgasm before you can properly come down from your previous one. His tongue trails down to your folds, taking them in his mouth as well while thrusting his fingers relentlessly into you, keeping them curved to rub at your spongy spot with his leftover cum leaking between them as his mouth continues its descent to your loose opening.
You feel his tongue press softly at the edge wrapped around his fingers, feeling him prodding while you whimper uncontrollably until his tongue wedges in between his fingers and your pulsing walls, drawing a small gasp from you before more of your wanton moans fill his ears. The hand on the back of your thigh leaves you to reach your swollen clit and rubs harsh circles on the nub with your leg instantly falling to his shoulder and pressing to the side of his face, your other leg remaining restrained by his forearm.
You cum with a loud scream onto his tongue and fingers and expecting his movements to stop only for his fingers to continue moving inside you incessantly, tongue still licking at your insides and the motion of his thumb on your clit unfaltering. Your back arches off the bed with your hands fisting and pulling the sheets with your throat quickly growing sore at your screams and cries at his merciless movements prolonging your orgasm.
A burning feeling quickly starts to form in your lower area with your hands going to grab at his arm and shoulder instead to push him away to no avail, unaware of the slight frustration filling him at wanting to see you squirt, hoping that you can do so otherwise he’ll just continue abusing your poor hole. Your wails muffle an irritated grunt coming from him but you undoubtedly feel the vibrations reaching your convulsing sex and let out a louder scream through your burning throat while gushing on him.
The liquid squirting on his face takes him by surprise to which he jerks away with wide eyes, hands removed from you and face drenched in your essence with his mouth slightly agape. He blinks your liquids out of the corner of his eyes and wipes some of it off with the back of his wet hand, the sound of your short quick breaths interrupting him before he can even revel in the fact of being covered in your juices and having him looking at your trembling frame.
He takes in your tear-stained face and quivering body, slowly crawling over you and gently taking your lips in his own briefly before staring at you, seeing your eyes still rolled to the back of your head, tears still leaving your eyes, mouth agape with your tongue peeking out and chest quickly rising up and down with your short breaths. He brushes the hair off of your face and smiles smugly at himself at being convinced that it was your first time squirting and moves to lay next to you, carefully turning you over to your side.
His arm pulls you close to him to embrace you until you finally come down from your high while he continues to smile triumphantly to himself, knowing that no doubt he’s given you your best fucking yet unaware that despite it being the best sex you’ve had, you still missed and desperately needed the level of intimacy that only you’re boyfriend can give you and that by the end of the week, you’ll still run back to Geto and he’ll only be a memory left behind.
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derpy-dogs-n-cats · 2 years
Yandere No Sutoka 2.
Main Masterlist
Yandere Simulator Masterlist
Part 1
Fem Reader Version
Yandere! Ayato Aishi x Male! Reader.
Warnings: Smut, sexual themes, non-con, knife play, oral sex; male receiving, jerking off, ass-eating, rimming, rim jobs, cumming untouched (male).
Summary: Ayato greedily takes advantage of your promise of doing anything he wants.
W/C: 1.7k+
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"We... are going to have so much fun..."
You feel the tip of the knife gently trail from the start of your thigh downwards, cutting through the material of the pants while careful to not pierce the skin, the hand on your jaw pulling your head to face the opposite direction. You squeeze your eyes shut in a vain attempt to keep tears from leaking while feeling something soft yet wet press against your cheek, followed by a moan. He licked you. Ayato licked your blood. And he moaned at it.
He moves to lower his body closer, legs between your own to let you feel his stiffening member against your crotch. A sob escapes you as he parts his legs to force yours to follow, having your pants stretching uncomfortably over your clothed cock while he pulls away from you to face you. “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.” He assures despite the sadistic smile on his face before ducking closer to your ear.
“Not if you do as I say.” He sternly whispers, making you take in shaky breaths. “I promise I’ll even make you feel good.” He changes his tone to a more seductive one, tracing a small lick at the outer side of your ear, making you visibly shiver. “You’ve never done this before, have you?” He asks and you’re quick to shake your head no, hoping that it discourages him to continue.
“Good.” He slowly unbuttons your shirt, a finger trailing over your shivering stomach as he forcefully pulls your pants over your hips after he’s done with your shirt, exposing your underwear while he licks and kisses at the side of your neck. Your hands instinctively go to his shoulders to push him away, but they freeze in place at the reminder of the cold knife tracing down your thigh as he makes work of pushing your pants the rest of the way down, his left forearm placed next to your head to keep his body above yours.
Instead, you settle for fisting his shirt with shaky hands as the pants reach your ankles. “You mind pushing them off for me?” He suggests in an alluring tone in between his kisses against your neck, the knife that carefully slips under the side of your underwear with the sharp tip that gently presses at your skin without yet piercing it reminding you of your situation. You quickly nod your head shakily, slowly moving your feet to gently kick off your shoes followed by his pants, careful to not spite him in any way.
Not long after, he finds the soft spot at your neck, having your mouth opening to let out a muted moan with a pleasure-filled look on your face due to the new feeling. You quickly pull yourself together and close your mouth, brows knitting together in attempt to stay quiet, reminding yourself of the background of your current situation. Ayato chuckles darkly against your neck and takes in a deep breath of your scent, giving you the impression that he knows he found your spot.
You soon find out that it’s due to your hands gripping at his shoulders since kissing the hidden spot on your neck. He kisses down your neck, some being open wet-mouthed until he reaches your chest, pushing your shirt open the rest of the way to expose your torso completely. He continues to leave kisses with occasional bites, moaning at the feeling of the soft skin on your chest on his lips. If it weren’t for the fact that he’s trying to wait, he would’ve already wet his pants from being so close to you.
His lips move to your stomach, moving lower with the same wet trail of kisses, sucking softly at the skin of your lower stomach, feeling it raising with every breath. You raise your head to see him slowly going lower, noticing the knife still securely held in his hand and being forced to put up with the reality of having no way out of the situation; laying on the floor of the dark hall with puddles of blood, walls covered in red and a body laying ten feet away from you with who knows how many more nearby.
You feel him stop with his head between your legs, the curiosity making you look up at him with teary eyes, cheeks starting to prickle in a burning sensation. “May I?” He asks, giving you the false sense of having a choice. You glare at him and his flushed cheeks, laying your head back down only to feel the knife poke at you. Your breath hitches in your throat, knife tracing patterns on the unharmed skin of your thigh, making you question for how long you can keep it intact.
You shakily nod your head at the reminder of the threat, your action filling him with satisfaction. He slips a finger in the waist of your underwear and agonizingly slowly pulls it down and over your length, surprised at the sight. You’re hard. But it’s not your fault, what did he expect? You’d never done anything remotely lewd before, and it’s certainly not your fault that your body’s not in tune with your head, it’s just a natural physical response given your situation.
Your eyes squeeze shut with a small whimper from your lips, the same ones that you waste no time in biting to keep your noises to yourself at the embarrassing situation. Ayato peeks his head up high enough to see your face, and unfortunately, he’s not close enough to your semi-hard length. His hands grab onto your waist with a small squeeze, smirking sadistically before yanking you up to the proper height in which he can sit back on his calves and have your erecting member right at his face…
With a perfect view of the priceless shocked yet scared expression on your face after having let out a yelp at the sudden action. He leans back to support some of your weight onto him rather than placing it all on your upper back, his right arm wrapped over your lower stomach. His free hand sneaks over the front of your thigh and wraps itself around the base of your pulsing member, slowly slipping out his tongue while eyeing you closely, missing the stream of precum that leaks your tip.
You let out a small noise of surprise when he presses his tongue flat on your balls, your eyes shooting open. The more his tongue slowly ascends the length of your cock, the more your mouth drops open and eyes widen at the odd feeling. Your body quickly welcomes the sensation and proceeds to leak more precum from the twitching cock while you still resist, shutting your eyes closed again with your brows knitting together as he reaches the slit of the tip.
His tongue flicks the edge of the tip softly with a light breathy chuckle at the sight of your trembling form, then going to suck at it with his tongue lightly pushing the foreskin out of the way. A small whine instantly leaves your lips followed by tears squeezing past your lids, immediately letting him know of your sensitivity, then again; you had never been played with. He leaves a small kiss and pulls your cock to aim the tip at him, licking over the small opening and moaning at your taste.
It takes everything you have to keep yourself quiet, continuing to deny the pleasure he’s giving you, it would be so much easier to drown it out if it was causing you pain. The wet tongue spreads the liquid around the head and your eyes instinctively widen, a small gasp leaving you. “Ah.” You shakily moan after your face morphs into one of discomfort at the overwhelming pleasure, your thighs twitching from either side of his head.
He leans further back on his calves to rest you on his chest and takes your tip in his mouth, wrapping his lips around it while licking you in his mouth with a moan, swallowing repeatedly to taste you. Decided in making you reach the highest point of your pleasure, he keeps sucking on you with his hand starting to jerk you off in a steady twisting motion, quickly starting to overstimulate you by overwhelming you.
A shout leaves your mouth and pulls his sight to you, seeing your mouth agape and eyes watering from the pleasure, getting him to release you from his mouth to let out a breathy chuckle against you, his hot breath hitting the soaked tip. You start moaning uncontrollably while taking in shaky breaths, feeling yourself letting out another stream of your liquids that lands on your swollen balls, feeling it trail down and between your ass cheeks, reaching the puckered hole.
Before you can react to how uncomfortable it feels, Ayato’s tongue moves to lick between your checks and over the clenched hole. While he licks the trail that managed to escape him, he notices how you suddenly fall silent, having him peeking over your bottom half and taking in the horrid look on your face, eyes wide and mouth agape in shock. He smirks and smiles to himself at the sight and licks another thick stripe over your clenched hole, your body shaking while he continues licking.
Your hands make their way to his knees and grasp harshly at his pants as best as you can, silently pleading him to stop. He lets out a dark chuckle but relents, landing a last lick on your drooled hole and returning to your fully hardened erection, licking and sucking the tip more vigorously than before while incessantly jerking off the rest of your length in a fast pace in the same twisting motion, determined to give you your first orgasm.
You scream loudly with your legs threatening to squeeze around his neck, loud noises of his lips smacking against you nearly being drowned completely by your own, your eyes tearing before you finally feel your balls release in his mouth with a desperate moan. You feel yourself shooting load after load in him with his tongue licking you clean until you finished with an audible sigh.
A loud deep groan echos in the halls with you lazily looking up to see Ayato having pulled away with red cheeks, tears prickling the corners of his eyes and a pleased smile on his face. Your cheeks burn in embarrassment at the lack of your cum around his mouth, indicating you that he swallowed all of it; all of you. He lowers your body with shaky arms and sets you carefully back on the floor, letting you see that he’s soaked his pants.
“We’re not done here yet.”
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derpy-dogs-n-cats · 2 years
Yandere No Sutoka 2.
Main Masterlist
Yandere Simulator Masterlist
Part 1
Male Reader Version
Yandere! Ayato Aishi x Fem! Reader.
Warnings: Smut, sexual themes, non-con, knife play, oral sex; fem receiving, ass-eating, rimming, rim jobs, squirting, cumming untouched (male).
Summary: Ayato greedily takes advantage of your promise of doing anything he wants.
W/C: 1.6k+
Tumblr media
"We... are going to have so much fun..."
You feel the tip of the knife gently trail from the start of your thigh downwards, careful to not pierce the skin while the hand on your jaw pulls your head to face the opposite direction. You squeeze your eyes shut in a vain attempt to keep tears from leaking while feeling something soft yet wet press against your cheek, followed by a moan. He licked you. Ayato licked your blood. And he moaned at it.
He moves to lower his body closer, legs between your own to let you feel his stiffening member against your crotch. A sob escapes you as he parts his legs to force yours to follow, having your skirt hiking up while he pulls away from you to face you. “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.” He assures despite the sadistic smile on his face before ducking closer to your ear.
“Not if you do as I say.” He sternly whispers, making you take in shaky breaths. “I promise I’ll even make you feel good.” He changes his tone to a more seductive one, tracing a small lick at the outer side of your ear, making you visibly shiver. “You’ve never done this before, have you?” He asks and you’re quick to shake your head no, hoping that it discourages him to continue.
“Good.” He pulls off your tie, pushing up your skirt higher until it’s left barely covering your underwear while he licks and kisses at the side of your neck. Your hands instinctively go to his shoulders to push him away, but they freeze in place at the reminder of the cold knife tracing back up your thigh, his left forearm placed next to your head to keep his body above yours.
Instead, you settle for fisting his shirt with shaky hands while the knife carefully slips under the side of your panties, the sharp tip gently pressing at your skin without piercing it. Not long after, he finds the soft spot at your neck, having your mouth opening to let out a muted moan with a pleasure-filled look on your face due to the new feeling.
You quickly pull yourself together and close your mouth, brows knitting together in attempt to stay quiet, reminding yourself of the background of your current situation. Ayato chuckles darkly against your neck and takes in a deep breath of your scent, giving you the impression that he knows he found your spot. You soon find out that it’s due to your hands gripping at his shoulders since kissing the hidden spot on your neck.
He kisses down your neck, some being open wet-mouthed until he reaches your chest, tugging down at the bottom of your shirt to expose the valley of your breasts. He continues to leave kisses with occasional bites, moaning at the feeling of the soft skin on his lips. If it weren’t for the fact that he’s trying to wait, he would’ve already wet his pants at having his face stuffed in your breasts.
His lips detach from your skin and move to your clothed stomach, moving lower with the same wet trail of kisses, untucking your shirt from the skirt and sucking softly at the skin. You raise your head to see him slowly going lower, noticing the knife still securely held in his hand and being forced to put up with the reality of having no way out of the situation; laying on the floor of the dark hall with puddles of blood, walls covered in red and a body laying ten feet away from you with who knows how many more nearby.
You feel him stop with his head between your legs, the curiosity making you look up at him with teary eyes, cheeks starting to prickle in a burning sensation. “May I?” He asks, giving you the false sense of having a choice. You glare at him and his flushed cheeks, laying your head back down only to feel the knife poke at you. Your breath hitches in your throat, knife tracing patterns on the unharmed skin of your thigh, making you question for how long you can keep it intact.
You shakily nod your head at the reminder of the threat, your action filling him with satisfaction. He slips a finger in the bottom of your panties and pulls them aside, surprised at the sight. You’re wet. But it’s not your fault, what did he expect? You’d never done anything remotely lewd before, and it’s certainly not your fault that your body’s not in tune with your head, it’s just a natural physical response given your situation.
Your eyes squeeze shut with a small whimper from your lips, the same ones that you waste no time in biting to keep your noises to yourself at the embarrassing situation. Ayato peeks his head up high enough to see your face, and unfortunately, he’s not close enough to your sopping sex. His hands grab onto your waist with a small squeeze, smirking sadistically before yanking you up to the proper height in which he can sit back on his calves and have your crotch right at his face…
With a perfect view of the priceless shocked yet scared expression on your face after having let out a yelp at the sudden action. He leans back to support some of your weight onto him rather than placing it all on your upper back, his right arm wrapped over your lower stomach. His free hand sneaks between the front of your thighs and pulls your underwear aside like previously, slowly slipping out his tongue while eyeing you closely, missing the new wave of wetness leaving your entrance.
You let out a small noise of surprise when he presses his tongue on top of your hole, your eyes shooting open. The more his tongue slowly ascends to your clit, the more your mouth drops open and eyes widen at the odd feeling. Your body quickly welcomes the sensation and proceeds to leak more slick while you still resist, shutting your eyes closed again with your brows knitting together as he reaches your clit.
His tongue flicks it softly with a light breathy chuckle at the sight of your trembling form, then going to suck at it. A small whine instantly leaves your lips followed by tears squeezing past your lids, immediately letting him know of your sensitivity, then again; you had never been played with. He leaves a small kiss on the bud and moves back to the virgin hole, licking over it in a slow, agonizing manner.
It takes everything you have to keep yourself quiet, continuing to deny the pleasure he’s giving you, it would be so much easier to drown it out if it was causing you pain. The wet tongue slips inside of you and your eyes instinctively widen, a small gasp leaving you. “Ah.” You shakily moan after your face morphs into one of discomfort at the overwhelming pleasure, your thighs twitching from either side of his head.
He leans further back on his calves to rest you on his chest and continues to swallow your fluids, dipping his tongue inside you and bringing it back in his mouth repeatedly to taste you. Decided in making you reach the highest point of your pleasure, he keeps delving into your soft insides with a hand reaching to your clit and mercilessly rubbing harsh circles, quickly starting to overstimulate you.
A shout leaves your mouth and pulls his sight to you, seeing your mouth agape and eyes watering from the pleasure, getting him to let out a breathy chuckle against your core, his hot breath hitting your soaked cunt. You start moaning uncontrollably while taking in shaky breaths, feeling yourself leaking down to between your ass cheeks and reaching the puckered hole, and before you can react to how uncomfortable it feels, Ayato’s tongue moves to lick between your cheeks and over the clenched hole.
While he licks the trail that managed to escape him, he notices how you suddenly fall silent, having him peeking over your bottom half and taking in the horrid look on your face, eyes wide and mouth agape in shock. He smirks and smiles to himself at the sight and licks another thick stripe over your clenched hole, your body shaking while he continues licking. Your hands make their way to his knees and grasp harshly at his pants as best as you can, silently pleading him to stop.
He lets out a dark chuckle but relents, landing a last lick on your drooled hole and returning to your cunt, licking and sucking more vigorously than before while incessantly rubbing at your clit, determined to give you your first orgasm. You scream loudly with your legs threatening to squeeze around his neck, loud noises of his lips smacking against you nearly being drowned completely by your own, your eyes tearing before you finally feel yourself release on him with a desperate moan.
A loud deep groan echos in the halls with you lazily looking up to see Ayato with glistening red cheeks, tears prickling the corners of his eyes and a pleased smile on his drenched face. Your cheeks burn in embarrassment at how you might’ve peed on him but notice the lack of the smell on urine in the air, instead a different odd scent filling your nose, one that could only be described as sex. He lowers your body with shaky arms and sets you carefully back on the floor, letting you see that he’s soaked his pants.
“We’re not done here yet.”
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derpy-dogs-n-cats · 2 years
can we get more Yandere simulator 1980s student council bois with fem reader??
I'm planning on making a second part to student council secrets where they find out the reader's been screwing all the others, but I don't know when it'd be ready 😅
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derpy-dogs-n-cats · 2 years
Midnight Relief.
Main Masterlist
Obey Me Masterlist
Fem Reader Version
Belphegor x Male! Reader/MC.
Warnings: Sexual themes, smut, unprotected sex, creampie, somnophilia, dub-con, anal sex.
Summary: Belphie is having a hard time sleeping and makes his way to your room to receive a different type of help than expected.
W/C: 1.3k+
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“Y/N, are you here?” Belphie quietly asks while walking through your doorway, hand resting on the knob. He had just recently sent you a text stating that he couldn’t sleep and asking if he could sleep with you, but after getting no response, he decided to go over and check on you. “Oh, what’s this?” He innocently asks, closing the door behind him and approaching your sleeping form on the bed, eyeing the naked leg peeking out from under the covers.
His hand reaches forward to slowly push back the sheets, uncovering you and leaving your arms to hug the blanket. He takes in how his previously thought lost sweater rests on top of your body with nothing but your underwear covering your privates, thinking to himself just how… pliable you look. His fingers reach forward to gently trace lines along your thigh with the back of them, just barely caressing the skin and seeing how you shiver in return, goosebumps rising in your skin.
His cow print pillow is set aside on the corner of your bed before he carefully climbs on top, straddling your legs while trying to not wake you. While keeping himself up with a hand pressed on the mattress, his other one lays flat on the top of your thigh, running up and down the skin with the tips of his fingers slipping in your underwear. He continues his movements to test how deep asleep you are, successfully eliciting no reaction for you.
A hand fully slips into your underwear and grabs a handful of your ass, squeezing it in his hand and pulling it apart from the other cheek, no doubt having your puckered hole instinctively clenching. He grabs the waist of your underwear and slowly pulls it down, your underwear soon thrown to the floor, long forgotten while you unconsciously turn to lay on your stomach more, your sleeping body being familiar with what’s happening.
Belphie runs his thumb over your balls teasingly before slipping it between your cheeks and then spreading them apart. “Hmm, what a cute little hole…” He sleepily smiles, eyeing the puckered entrance and prodding with the tip of his thumb, just barely slipping in, feeling your insides trying to suck him in while more slick escapes your tip. The rest of his hand moves to fondle your balls with his thumb sliding over your hole a few times, resting on it after a while to continue to prod.
The pad continues to press on the entrance, slowly adding more pressure each time, pushing down harder to which your body responds by having your hardening length twitching. A small moan leaves through your parted lips while your insides clench on nothing, starting to crave the feeling of being stretched, your twitching member spreading your liquids along your lower stomach.
Belphie’s free hand reaches forward and takes your erection in his hand, teasing the tip with his thumb and feeling the wetness that’s collected on the slit, spreading it to the rest of your length in slow jerks with his soaked hand making him aware of the sudden tightness on his lower region, his pants feeling more constricting than previously. He nudges at your entrance a little more and finally slips in with ease, the feeling of you swallowing him making him all the more painfully hard.
While his thumb slowly thrusts in and out of you, teasing you, he sits back on his calves, leaving your dick aching for his contact while he attends to his pants instead, unbuttoning them and pulling the zipper down, pushing them just below his ass along with his underwear. He reaches inside the soft material and pulls out his hard member, giving himself a few lazy strokes with a soft pleased smile at the sight of his finger disappearing inside you as precum drips from his tip.
He finishes with a harsh curl towards your soft spot, receiving a groan from you, almost waking up. Your leg is hiked over your blanket while you leisurely slip back to the depths of your slumber, exposed to your lover who slips the tip of the head of his member through your soft insides with a small moan. Your mouth falls open with a quiet gasp while his erection fully pushes inside you, carefully yet effortlessly reaching your deepest spots, making a small pause before shoving the last inch in.
A small grunt escapes your mouth at the ruthless action, your hands weakly gripping at the bedcover and brows lightly knitting together while Belphie lets out a light chuckle at your reaction, grinding his length against you in attempt to press deeper the already harshly compressed head. He moves to place his right leg between your own, resting his heavy balls on the top of the inside of your left thigh, having them brushing against your swollen balls.
He starts drawing back his hips, gently doing so a few times to stretch you out before moving at a faster pace. His left hand grabs at your ass, pulling the cheek aside for better access, his other hand landing a slap on your right thigh and grabbing a fistful of it while starting to clap his hips against yours. With his balls dragging along your thigh, he pants while plunging into you at a quick pace, desperate to empty his tight balls into you.
With his thrusts becoming harder, you start to rouse from your sleep, your eyes blinking open with the first thing you notice being the moans you’re letting out in an even rate and the wet trail of drool having streamed down your cheek. Your mind quickly catches up to your body and processes the feeling of your lower half being impaled by something, the pleasure crashing into you and having you moaning loudly, alerting your assailant of your awoken state.
“Oh, hello there.” Belphie casually greets with an innocent smile, purposefully slamming into you to give you a hard time responding, the feeling of his cock seemingly reaching your guts clouding your mind. You grit your teeth with your eyes rolling to the back of your head with a strangled moan while you hold onto your blanket tightly, your ass jutting further out to welcome him in deeper with a loud groan.
“Fuuuuuck.” You helplessly moan at your balls tightening at an unbearable rate, your lover feeling near his release as well. “Ah- Ah- I- I- !” You moan in tune with his movements before clamping down almost painfully tight on him, a muted scream attempting to leave your mouth as you erupt on your blanket, your cum gushing out and soaking your sheets and lower stomach.
“Ah!” He moans, stilling himself deep inside you and flooding your insides with a grunt while clenching his teeth, his eyes squeezing shut. You remain still with your mouth agape and eyes wide, taking in how his cum fills you, his dick twitching inside you and balls clenching and unclenching against you. An audible sigh leaves him once he’s come down his high, letting you know he’s finished while you focus on catching your breath, your eyes falling shut once again.
After regaining his composure, he lazily opens his eyes and smiles at the sight of your spent body, feeling warmth filling his chest. He slips his soft member out of you with his release escaping your insides and pooling on your thigh, bending over your body and pulling your face towards him with his hand to sloppily kiss you. “Good morning.” He smiles almost cheekily.
“Mn.” You hum in response without opening your eyes, too tired all over again. You hear him let out a soft chuckle before he settles behind you, falling asleep as well almost instantaneously and leaving you both soiled.
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