dewdropdinosaur · 4 days
Cocoa, Not Chanel
Summary: After a rough night with Val, Angel comes home to his loving partners and a night of tough conversations and cuddles.
Warnings: Cussing, mentions of r*pe, drugs, etc. Rating: PG-13
For the lovely @little-bloodied-angel and I hope you enjoy your first ever request my dear!
REQUESTS OPEN, see masterlist for details
The flickering neon lights of the Hazbin Hotel cast a lurid glow over the ashen alley where Angel Dust stumbled, clutching his side. His breath came in ragged gasps, each step sending sharp pains through his bruised and battered body. Val had been particularly brutal tonight, one session too many, leaving Angel with more than just physical wounds.
Husk stood by the entrance, a half-empty bottle of whiskey in one paw and a cigarette in the other. His keen eyes narrowed as he spotted Angel’s staggering form. With a gruff sigh, he tossed the cigarette aside and moved to support the fallen spider demon by allowing him to lean his body on his shoulder.
“Jesus, Angel. You look like you’ve been hit by a truck,” Husk muttered, his tone of annoyance masking his concern.
“Yeah, well, it feels like it too,” Angel rasped, wincing as Husk helped him inside.
Y/N, who had been lounging in the lobby, reading a worn-out book, looked up at the commotion. Their eyes widened in alarm when they saw Angel’s condition. Dropping the book, they rushed over.
“Oh my God, My Starlight! What happened?” they exclaimed, their voice filled with worry.
Angel tried to muster a smile, but it came out as a pained grimace. “Just another fun night with Val, babe. Nothing to worry about.”
Husk and Y/N exchanged a look, both knowing better. They guided Angel to the couch, where he collapsed with a groan. Y/N quickly fetched a first aid kit, their movements efficient yet gentle. 
Husk took a swig from his bottle, watching as Y/N carefully cleaned Angel’s wounds. “He’s gonna kill him one of these days if this keeps up...”
Angel flinched, not just from the pain but from the truth in Husk’s words. He didn’t reply, simply staring at the ceiling as Y/N worked.
Y/N’s hands were steady but tender as they bandaged Angel’s injuries. “You’re not alone, Angel. You’ve got us. We care about you,” they said softly, their voice soothing.
Angel’s eyes filled with tears, a mix of physical pain and emotional torment. “I know, Y/N. I know. It’s just…its not that bad.”
“Star, dear…what did we say about this?”
“It’s fine, I promise ya…he was just in a bad mood and–”
“Anthony!” Y/N sighed and cupped Angel’s cheeks in their hands. 
“What does Val to do you?”
“He…he just–”
“He …rapes me. And that is not okay.
Y/N gently cupped Angel’s face, their eyes meeting his. “I know it’s hard, but you’re strong. You don’t have to face this alone. We’re here for you, always. Remember you can always lean on us.”
Husk leaned down to eye level of his partners and spoke, a low tone eoching. “Angel…you know how Y/N has dealth with this too yeah? And you always supported them during it? Were never mad?” Angel nodded and slowly started to understand. 
“Things like this don’t define you like they don’t define Y/N, and people like Val certainly don’t get to define or defile you in any way. To us, you’ll always be our partner, my boyfriend…the one who gave me a second chance at love.”
Turning back to Angel, Y/N spoke once more. “Now, let’s get you into something more comfortable.”
They pulled out a pair of soft, striped pajamas from the dresser. Angel watched them with a mixture of amusement and affection. “Really? Pajamas?”
Husk smirked, crossing his arms. “Hey, it’s either these or you sleep in the buff. Which, I know you’re use to but still. Your choice.”
Angel chuckled, the sound weak but genuine. “Alright, pajamas it is.”
With Husk’s help, Y/N carefully dressed Angel, mindful of his injuries. They worked together seamlessly, a comforting presence that eased Angel’s discomfort. Once he was settled in his pajamas, Y/N tucked him back into bed, smoothing the blankets over him.
“Now, how about some hot cocoa?” Y/N suggested, their eyes twinkling.
Angel raised an eyebrow. “Hot cocoa? You guys are really pulling out all the stops tonight, huh?”
Husk shrugged, a faint smile tugging at his lips as he nudged Y/N’s ribs. “What can I say? They are a  sucker for a happy ending.”
As Y/N went to the small kitchenette to prepare the cocoa, Husk sat beside Angel, his usual gruff demeanor softened by concern. “You’re gonna be okay, Angel. We’re not letting you go through this alone.”
Angel reached out, squeezing Husk’s hand. “Thanks, Husk. And… sorry for being a pain in the ass sometimes.”
Husk snorted, a genuine laugh escaping him. “You ain’t a pain in the ass, well at least when you are its pleasant.”
“You flirtin’ with me Whiskers?” Leaning in closer together, Angel cupped Husk’s chin. 
“What if I am?”
“Well then, how about we get Y/N and we all can fu—”
Y/N returned with a steaming mug of hot cocoa, busting open the lobby door and carefully handing it to Angel. “Here you go. Drink up. It’ll make you feel better.”
Pulling away from each other quickly to accept the drink, both Husk and Angel’s faces were red beyond belief. Angel took a sip, the warmth spreading through him and soothing his frayed nerves. He looked at Y/N and Husk, his heart swelling with gratitude. “You guys are the best. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Y/N smiled, their eyes shining with affection. “You’ll never have to find out. We’re here for you, always.”
Angel leaned back against the pillows, his face pale and eyes half-lidded with pain. He glanced over at the small bag of powder he'd hidden in his jacket, a familiar temptation tugging at his resolve. 
Husk noticed Angel’s gaze and followed it to the jacket. His eyes narrowed, and he snatched the bag before Angel could react. “Not tonight, Angel,” he growled, holding the bag aloft.
Angel tried to sit up, a mix of frustration and desperation in his eyes. “C’mon, Husk. Just a little. It’ll help with the pain.”
Y/N knelt by the bed, placing a gentle hand on Angel’s arm. “No, star. You don’t need that. We’re here for you. Let us help, okay?”
Angel sighed, his shoulders slumping. “I don’t know if I can do this without it. It’s just… easier.”
Y/N’s eyes softened as they reached up to cup Angel’s face. “We know it’s hard, but you’re stronger than you think. We believe in you.”
Husk, still holding the bag, looked at Angel with an uncharacteristic tenderness. “You’ve got us, Angel. You don’t need this crap. Trust us.”
Angel’s eyes darted between Husk and Y/N, their sincere expressions breaking through his resistance. He let out a long breath, nodding slowly. “Alright. No drugs.”
Y/N smiled, relief washing over their features. “Thank you, Angel. And so that means it goes for us too!”
Husk snorted in disbelief. “Us too?!”
“Yes, kitty, now put that bottle down!”
“Ugh…fine. But only for you both got it?”
“Understood.” Leaning in to kiss his cheek, Y/N placed their soft lips utop Husk’s head. 
As Angel sipped his cocoa, surrounded by the unwavering support of his partners, he felt a flicker of hope. With Y/N and Husk by his side, he knew he could face whatever came his way. And for the first time in a long while, he believed he might just be okay.
The neon lights outside Val's club cast eerie shadows as Y/N approached, determination etched on their face. They'd had enough of Val’s treatment of Angel, and tonight, they were going to make sure Val understood the consequences of his actions.
The bouncer at the door barely had time to react before Y/N pushed past him, their eyes blazing with righteous fury. Inside, the music thumped loudly, the air thick with smoke and the stench of desperation. Val was in his usual spot, lounging on a plush, oversized chair with an air of smug superiority.
Y/N’s presence cut through the noise like a knife. They marched up to Val, their expression dark and menacing. Val looked up, a sneer forming on his lips, but it quickly faltered as he saw the intensity in Y/N’s eyes.
“Well, well, if it isn’t Angel’s little friend,” Val drawled, attempting to mask his unease with arrogance. “What brings you here?”
Y/N didn’t waste any time with pleasantries. They leaned in close, their voice low and deadly, owl-like wings open in a display of dominance against the moth…the natural prey. “You’re going to leave Anthony alone. No more hurting him, no more using him. If you so much as lay a finger on him again, I will make sure you regret it.”
Val’s eyes widened, a flicker of fear crossing his face. He tried to maintain his composure, but Y/N’s unwavering gaze shook him to his core. “And what makes you think you can threaten me?” he spat, though his voice wavered.
Y/N’s lips curled into a cold, dangerous smile. “Because I’m not afraid of you, Val. And I have friends who would love to see you get what you deserve. So, unless you want to find out just how far I’m willing to go, I suggest you stay away from my boyfriend.”
Val swallowed hard, realizing he was outmatched. He’d faced plenty of threats before, but something about Y/N’s calm, unyielding demeanor told him this was different. This was a promise.
“Fine,” he muttered, trying to sound nonchalant. “I’ll stay away from your precious Angel. But don’t think this is over. I still have his contract”
Y/N straightened up, their eyes never leaving Val’s. “Oh, it’s over, Val. You just don’t know it yet.”
With that, they turned and walked away, leaving Val sitting there, stunned and shaken.
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dewdropdinosaur · 8 days
Could I please request another Luci x M reader:
So when Luci came back into Charlie’s life, one of the guests at the hotel he notices is I suppose bashful the right word around him.
Vaggie explains she knows him because he had a similar experience like Vaggie being sent from Heaven to exterminate sinners. Only a huge difference having a kid too with someone years ago and no mention of the mother.
The kid is half of Charlie’s age and they (they do not have a clear gender in my mind) and one night when awake after a storm Luci getting a midnight snack, hears singing. He follows and finds the M reader singing a story of the presumed other parent of his kid. However with what little is said, plus similar physical features (eye color and between grey and white skin) Luci realizes that M reader was a past lover of his whom since has transition 🏳️‍⚧️ into a man and the kid is Luci’s. He puts two and two together and accidentally catching the M reader about to bath and accidentally squeaked a rubber duck that was louder than expected.
Plus, M reader had faint scar of what can be assumed another Angel ripping his wings feathers out.
Luci also accidentally clumsily tripped against the door and both have a very VERY teary eyed talk of Luci thinking M reader died in a past extermination.
M reader explains he had to turn his back to the Angels and especially Adam who was terrible to M reader when he founded out the unlikely ally ship of M reader and Luci (which Luci can in a time skip reveal to Charlie he was scared of her going to Heaven because the last ally ship was twisted as more sinister than good). Especially Adam was furious when found out the two (Luci x M reader) been intimate as Adam saw M reader pre-transition as his second in command and implied forced M reader to be intimate with Adam.
So when Adam found out M reader was pregnant forced M reader to choose between him and Luci, which reader revealed he loves Luci, but mistaken Luci not love him back.
Adam kicked M reader out of Heaven and to Luci’s misimpression was killed.
Back to present day Luci and M reader now holding each other crying as both apparently did loved each other.
Luci asked why M reader thought he did not care for M reader.
M reader pointed out with the poor treatment of Adam who would lie to Sera (M reader twin) of such poor treatment, and M reader said nothing as again already was attempting to make an ally ship with Luci.
Unlike Charlie who wants to redeem Souls, Luci and M reader wanted to attempt to make life not such black and white or virtue and sin so extreme. If that makes sense?
This way purgatory could continue but after Adam letting his ego get the worse of him, he scrapped the idea and resumed the extermination. As well when continuing lied to Sera of her twin, M reader, dying by Luci going against his part of the deal.
ALL this is explained to the main cast the next day after Charlie comes from cannibal town.
In doing so Charlie finds out about her half-sibling and welcomes M reader as her family.
Time skip and when in finally fight, Adam realized M reader lives and tries to kill M reader, but Charlie protects both him and her half-sibling. Only gets hurt like in the original show, to have Luci help her.
However both him and M reader fight Adam. Plus with Niffy, the two’s kid kills Adam.
After recovering, Luci asks M reader if they can try being together again, plus says something like “unlike before where you my girlfriend, can you please be my boyfriend and our families work together”, which was during a romantic surprise date, which M reader agrees, and both kids, both men laugh as they see Charlie smiling with her half-sibling on her shoulders screamingly happy “our dads are boyfriends”.
Of course! Since I have a few other requests I have to do first, expect about two and a half week wait!
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dewdropdinosaur · 9 days
Baby Don't Hurt Me
Summary: You and Lucifer were never really a labeled thing until when your very life is at stake, does the King of Hell truly take into account his feelings.
Warnings: PG-13 for implied sex, sexual language, vulgar language.
For the lovely @pixie-skull
In the dark and tumultuous realm of Hell, a sinister yet charismatic figure ruled supreme. Lucifer Morningstar, the embodiment of rebellion, carried himself with a confidence that belied the chaos of his kingdom. At least that is what it looked like to his subjects. Among the twisted landscapes and restless souls, there was one being who managed to capture Lucifer’s true self like no other—Y/N.
Their relationship was an enigma, even to them. Late nights were spent in shadowed alcoves, hidden from the prying eyes of Hell’s denizens. Whispers and stolen glances became their secret language. The thrill of sneaking around, of keeping their connection hidden, added a dangerous allure to their meetings. In the privacy of Lucifer's opulent chambers, they would share moments of passion, both knowing but never saying that there was something more between them.
Neither of them dared to label what they had. It was easier that way. For Lucifer, admitting to love was a vulnerability he couldn’t afford, especially not after Lillith and just getting Charlie back in his life. Y/N, strong and independent, valued their freedom and feared the chains that love might bring in a place like Hell. They reveled in the attention from Lucifer but to admit true feelings might do more harm than good in Hell, especially with all the people who love to take advantage of others. Both men and women alike had only used them so why wouldn't the King of Hell himself, Y/N was convinced, only use them too?
Ye even as the war of love raged on, the forces of Heaven prepared their assault, and Hell and the Hazbin Hotel braced for the inevitable clash. The day of the battle arrived with a ferocity that shook Hell to its core. Angels descended with blinding light and righteous fury, led by the vengeful Adam, Heaven’s warrior. The air was thick with the sounds of clashing weapons and the cries of the damned and divine.
In the midst of the chaos, Lucifer fought, albeit a little late to the party, with a fury born of centuries of defiance. His eyes constantly darted around the battlefield, always finding their way back to Y/N. 
Standing utop the roof, sword glinting in the light of the battlefield, Y/N stood guarding a fallen Charlie. 
“I would suggest you back the fuck up, Adam.”
“Awww, isn’t this cute, the little lover wants to save Luci's little girl.”
“The closest you get to brainstorming insults Adam is a light drizzle.”
Slicing his guitar towards Y/N, they met it with a block. Both parties slashed through the air, perry and block one after the other. Sweat poured down Y/N’s face, their short hair sticking to their face. he moonlight cast a silver sheen over their blades, creating an almost ethereal glow as the two adversaries faced off.
Adam's eyes narrowed, a sinister smile playing on his lips. "You really think you can stop me, Y/N?" he taunted, his voice dripping with contempt.
Y/N tightened their grip on their sword, the weight of the steel comforting in their hand. "I won't let you hurt them," they replied, their voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through their veins.
Without another word, Adam lunged forward, his blade slicing through the air with deadly precision. Y/N parried the blow, the clash of metal ringing out like a thunderclap. Sparks flew as their swords met, the force of the impact sending vibrations up Y/N's arm.
Adam was relentless, his attacks coming fast and furious. Y/N matched him blow for blow, their movements fluid and precise. The two danced a deadly ballet, their swords weaving intricate patterns in the air.
"Impressive," Adam sneered, his eyes glinting with malice. "But you're only delaying the inevitable."
Y/N didn't respond, their focus razor-sharp. They could feel the strain in their muscles, the burn of exertion, but they pushed it aside. They couldn't afford to lose focus, not now.
With a sudden burst of speed, Adam feinted to the left and then swung his blade towards Y/N's side. Y/N barely had time to react, twisting their body just in time to avoid a fatal blow. Pain lanced through their side as the tip of Adam's sword grazed their skin, but they gritted their teeth and pressed on.
Using the momentum, Y/N counterattacked, their sword arcing towards Adam's chest. Adam deflected the strike, but Y/N was relentless. They pressed forward, their attacks becoming more aggressive, each swing fueled by their determination to protect Lucifer and Charlie.
For a moment, it seemed like Y/N had the upper hand. Their blade cut through the air with precision, forcing Adam to stay on the defensive. But Adam was cunning, his eyes never leaving Y/N's. He saw an opening, a split-second lapse in Y/N's defense, and he took it.
With a swift, brutal strike, Adam knocked Y/N's sword from their hand. The weapon clattered to the ground, and Y/N stumbled back, breathless. Adam advanced, his sword raised for the final blow.
“Go ahead and cry to your boyfriend, he isn’t here. I will enjoy destroying you, sinner.”
Watching this all unfold, Lucifer's heart clenched—a sensation he hadn’t felt in eons. With a roar that echoed across the battlefield, he unleashed his full power, tearing through the ranks of angels to reach Y/N. He arrived just as Adam’s sword plunged into Y/N’s side, a scream of agony ripping from their lips.
Lucifer’s vision turned red. In a blur of motion, he struck Adam with a force that sent the angel sprawling. Adam, now unconscious under a pile of rubble, laid motionless. 
Rushing back to the roof, Lucifer knelt beside Y/N, cradling them in his arms, the world around him forgotten. Blood seeped from the wound, and Y/N’s breaths came in ragged gasps.
“Stay with me,” Lucifer commanded, his voice breaking in a way it never had before. “You can’t leave me, not now.”
Y/N’s eyes fluttered open, a weak smile playing on their lips. “I’m not going anywhere, you stubborn devil.”
Lucifer felt the sting of tears. He pressed his forehead against Y/N’s, a silent plea for them to hold on. As the battle raged around them, he realized the depth of his feelings. This was more than a fleeting connection, more than a casual fling. This was love, raw and undeniable. This man had given him love, passion, kindness, heck even tried to save his own daughter.
“I…I think I love you,” he whispered, the words heavy with the weight of a thousand unspoken emotions.
Y/N reached up, cupping his cheek. “I know. I love you too.”
“Lucifer, for Heaven’s sake, it will heal on its own!”
“I know ducky, but please….just let me look at it!”
“No you worried devil, I will be okay!”
Letting out a light chuckle, Y/N laid in Lucifer’s plush bed, surrounded by bandages and pillows. While Lucifer’s concern over his new found love was touching, the constant mothering was a tad annoying but mostly endearing. 
“Promise, me ducky?”
“I promise, Puggle, now come cuddle with me!” 
With a grin, Lucifer plopped into the bed with Y/N, burying his head into their shoulder. After a moment of silence, Lucifer shifted…and then shifted again.
“Yes, platypus?”
“You wanna make out yes?”
“....only if you are okay with that?”
“Darling, if I ever say no to that question there is a gun in my top dresser drawer. Shoot me with it.” 
Stealing his lips into a searing kiss, Y/N tangled their hands into Lucifer’s hair. Rolling ontop of Lucifer, Y/N kept kissing him with fevor. A thousand past kisses didn’t compare to the fiery nature of this single one, it felt like even their fingertips deliciously burned at each other’s touch. Popping the buttons off one by one of Lucifer silk shirt and then removing his own, the dance of tongue and teeth continued. Nips, soft bites, and moans eoched around the spacesou bed room. Tilting his knee up, Lucifer ground his leg into Y/N’s crotch. Lewdness sprung forth from their mouth as they clamped down onto Lucifer’s shoulder. 
Outside the doorway, however, was a very concerned Charlie who had been hearing the commotion and was worried about the injured state of Y/N. Softly pushing the door open and immediately regretting her decision, Charlie stood dumbstruck. 
“Fuck, just like that Luci, mhmmm….so close.”
“Ducky, come on, come for me!”
The scene came to a halt! Caught in a rather…precarious position, Lucifer and Y/N stopped their movements. Throwing the covers swiftlyt over them as Charlie shielded her eyes, all parties stared at each other. 
“I’ll knock next time I am so sorry, I was just so worried about Y/N and you and the fight and—”
“Charlie! Its okay. Luci…I guess this is a good a time as any….Charlie dear your father and I are dating—”
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dewdropdinosaur · 12 days
Either Way, What Bliss
Summary: With the impending war against Heaven looming, who better than to ask for advice than Rosie and her very affectionate husband?
Warnings: NONE.
Requested by @pixie-skull Enjoy!
In the dark, decadent heart of Hell, the Hazbin Hotel stood as a sanctuary for wayward souls seeking redemption. Rosie, the charming and enigmatic demoness, had carved out a reputation as the go-to source for advice on matters of the heart, head, and herasy. Her husband, Y/N, a calm and wise presence by her side, was equally revered for his counsel on friendship and loyalty, though he preferred to differ to his wife on most matters. Mainly because he was too preoccupied holding her hand to care of the matter at hand. 
The hotel was bustling with activity, demons and sinners of all kinds milling about, seeking solace and guidance. The looming threat of war with Adam’s angels and Heaven had cast a shadow over the denizens of Hell, and the patrons of the Hazbin Hotel were no exception. Amidst the chaos, Rosie and Y/N found themselves inundated with requests for advice.
One evening, as the crimson sky outside darkened further, Charlie approached the couple.Y/N had his arm linked with Rosie’s, placing a tender kiss on her cheek. Only a cough from Charlie and nudge from his wife, stopped his affection with a sour look upon his face. Her eyes were filled with worry, her hands wringing nervously, though she kept a plastered smile on her face. 
"Rosie, Y/N, I would…no need your help," she began, her voice trembling. "Vaggie and I have been…struggling a bit, and with the angels threatening us, I'm scared we'll drift apart due to her…previous alignments."
Rosie offered Charlie a warm smile, her eyes twinkling with understanding. "Why, love is tested in times of crisis, my dear!" she said gently tugging on her cheek a little.
Y/N stepped forward, placing a reassuring hand on the princess’ shoulder. "Communication is key. You need to sit down and talk, really talk, about your fears and worries. Be honest and open. Remember, you're in this together." Gently grabbing Rosie’s hand, Y/N spun her in a display. “Gotta trust each other even when random stuff happens, you gotta go with the flow with your partner, easy as dancing child.” He then dipped Rosie and placed a soft kiss on her neck.
The princess nodded, a glimmer of hope returning to her eyes. "Thank you, both of you. I'll try to talk to her tonight."
As the night wore on, Rosie and Y/N continued to offer their wisdom and support to the hotel patrons. Despite the impending threat from the angels, a sense of unity and hope began to blossom within the Hazbin Hotel. The couple's guidance helped the demons forge stronger bonds of love and friendship, giving them the strength to face whatever challenges lay ahead.
After a long day of offering counsel to the worried patrons, Rosie returned to Cannibal Town, her shoulders slumping with exhaustion once she entered the dark hallways of the Emporium. The faint light of the bedroom’s dim lamp cast a warm glow across the room, highlighting the elegant yet cozy decor that spoke volumes about the couple's shared taste. Y/N was already there, waiting for her, his eyes lighting up the moment she walked through the door.
"Hello, Cher," he greeted her softly, crossing the room to envelop her in a tender embrace. "You look tired."
Rosie melted into his arms, the tension easing from her body as she buried her face in his chest. Y/N gently tilted her chin up, his eyes locking onto hers with a depth of affection that made her heart flutter. "You're incredible, you know that? The way you help everyone, the way you care… I'm in awe of you every single day cara mia."
Rosie blushed, a rare sight that Y/N cherished. "Oh you flatter me, Y/N."
He led her to the plush sofa by the window, where they could see the dark, fiery landscape of Hell outside. But the view didn't matter to them; it was the comfort of each other's presence that provided solace. Y/N sat down and pulled Rosie into his lap, wrapping his arms around her waist as she leaned back against his chest.
For a moment, they simply sat in silence, savoring the closeness. Y/N's hands moved gently, one tracing soothing patterns on her back, the other threading through her hair. Rosie closed her eyes, a contented sigh escaping her lips.
Y/N's hand slid down to intertwine with hers, their fingers fitting together perfectly. "No matter what happens, Rosie, I want you to know that I'll always be here for you. We'll get through this together, just like we always have."
In that moment, the world outside faded away. The looming war, the fear, and the uncertainty were all distant concerns. Here, in the embrace of the one she loved, Rosie found the strength and comfort she needed. And as Y/N held her close, he silently vowed to protect and cherish her, come what may.
The next day, in the grand foyer of the Hazbin Hotel, Alastor, the Radio Demon, stood with his usual air of eerie confidence. His ever-present grin and vintage microphone added a touch of old-world charm to his otherwise intimidating presence. Despite his sinister reputation, there was an unspoken bond between him and Rosie, and by extension, Y/N.
Y/N approached Alastor with a determined yet respectful demeanor. The Radio Demon raised an eyebrow, his grin widening as Y/N drew closer. "Ah, Y/N! What a lovely surprise!”
Y/N smiled, his gratitude evident in his eyes. "Alastor, I wanted to thank you."
Alastor's grin faltered for a split second, replaced by genuine curiosity. "Oh? And what, pray tell, have I done to deserve your gratitude?"
Y/N glanced around, ensuring they had a moment of privacy. "For introducing me to Rosie. I don't think I ever properly thanked you for that."
Alastor's eyes twinkled with amusement and a hint of nostalgia. "Ah, yes. Our dear Rosie. It seems like just yesterday I was playing matchmaker, doesn't it?" He chuckled, the sound echoing with a touch of static. "But tell me, Y/N, what brings on this sudden burst of sentimentality?"
Y/N shrugged, his smile softening. "With everything going on—the war, the fear—it made me realize how lucky I am to have her. I owe a lot of that to you."
Alastor's grin returned in full force, but there was a warmth behind it that he rarely showed. "Well, well, well. I must say, I do have a knack for bringing people together." He leaned in slightly, his tone conspiratorial. "But in all seriousness, Y/N, I'm glad she has you. You've been good for her."
Y/N's expression turned earnest. "And she's been everything to me. So, thank you, Alastor. For everything."
The Radio Demon waved a hand dismissively, but the gesture was softened by a rare look of genuine affection. "Think nothing of it, my friend. Just promise me one thing."
"Anything, as long as your green voodoo ain’t attached." Y/N replied without hesitation.
Alastor's eyes glinted with a mix of mischief and sincerity. "Take….care of her.”
Y/N nodded, his resolve unwavering. "I will. I promise."
With that, Alastor's grin took on its usual sharp edge, but the moment of camaraderie lingered. "Good. Now, off you go. I'm sure our dear Rosie is wondering where you've wandered off to. Though she has always made it a habit to lose a husband one way or another."
Y/N chuckled, giving Alastor a grateful nod before turning to leave, his eyes brightening upon seeing his wife inthe foyer and rushing to her side; which he would not leave until his second death did them part.
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dewdropdinosaur · 14 days
Low key feel like once I complete the last two requests that came in I may quit writing. My stuff just isn’t getting much traction.
EDIT: Not quitting don’t worry lol, found my love for writing again thanks to a really good few people on here! 💕💕💕
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dewdropdinosaur · 17 days
Follow My Lead
Summary: You and the rest of the patrons of the Hotel take a well deserved break at a local bar. Unfortunately for you, walzting was never taught in school but Alastor takes the opportunity to teach you.
Warnings: NONE.
REQESUSTS OPEN!! -> I have no requets rn so defiently feel free to DM me my lovelies!
The dimly lit bar in the heart of Hell was bustling with activity. The neon sign outside flickered, casting an eerie glow over the hellfire and stone streets. Among the crowd, the worn patrons of Hazbin Hotel had claimed a corner booth, their laughter and banter a sharp contrast to the more erotic and drunk atmosphere. 
“Y/N! Over here!” Charlie waved enthusiastically, her smile bright enough to outshine the neon.
Y/N weaved through the crowd and joined the group, greeted by a mix of cheerful welcomes and playful banter. Alastor, the Radio Demon, sat at the booth, a glass of wine in his hand and his signature grin plastered across his face.
Y/N sat next to Alastor, the Radio Demon, who was regaling the group with one of his many tales. His voice, smooth and charismatic, had an almost hypnotic quality. Charlie, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Nifty and even Husk were all there, most contributing to the lively conversation.
“Evening, my dear,” Alastor greeted, his voice carrying that old-timey radio static. “Enjoying the festivities?”
“It’s definitely lively,” Y/N replied, taking a seat beside him. “How about you? You don’t seem like the bar type.”
Alastor gave a beguiled chuckle “Oh, I do enjoy a good social gathering. It’s fascinating to observe everyone’s…less inhibited behaviors.”
As the night wore on, the DJ in the corner changed tunes,  and a slow, hauntingly beautiful song began to play. The sudden change in tempo caught everyone's attention, and the bar seemed to fall into a hush. Couples headed to the floor, most engaging in slow erotic movements but there were a few older couples who seemed to grace the dance floor with intentional loving movements that caught Y/N’s eyes. 
"Care to dance?" Alastor asked, extending a hand to Y/N with a flourish.
“I…I don’t really know how to slow dance Alastor.”
“Well my dear, allow me to teach you the sophisticated ways of the waltz!” 
“Didn’t take you for the teaching type.”
“There are many things you don’t know about me,” he replied, extending his hand. “Shall we?”
Giving a low chuckle and with his hand still extended,  Y/N hesitated for a moment but found herself captivated by his charm. She nodded, placing her hand in his. Alastor led her to the small dance floor, the other patrons giving them a wide berth.
The music wrapped around them, creating an intimate bubble that seemed to separate them from the rest of the world. Alastor placed a gentle hand on Y/N's waist, guiding her with a surprising tenderness. His usual mischievous grin softened though the facade still remained  as he began to lead her in a slow, graceful dance.
"Just follow my lead," he murmured, his voice a low, soothing hum.
Y/N nodded, feeling a bit nervous but trusting Alastor, after all she knew of his…past and current ways. 
She focused on his movements, matching his steps as best as she could. His grip was firm yet gentle, offering support and guidance. They moved together in perfect harmony, the outside world fading away until it was just the two of them, lost in the music. At first, she stumbled slightly, but Alastor’s firm yet gentle guidance soon had her moving in sync with him. They glided across the floor, the rest of the world fading away as they danced. Y/N couldn’t help but be captivated by the Radio Demon’s unexpected elegance.
Around them, the rest of the Hazbin Gang watched with a mixture of amusement and surprise. Angel Dust whistled appreciatively, while Charlie and Vaggie exchanged knowing looks. Even Husk seemed mildly impressed, a rare smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, feeling surprisingly sober. 
“You’re a natural,” Alastor complimented, his smile softening. “See? Nothing to it my dear. Why soon you may even be a fine waltzer with the rest of us!”
Y/N laughed softly. “I think you’re just a good teacher.”
As the song drew to a close, Alastor spun Y/N in a graceful twirl before pulling her back into his arms, their faces inches apart. For a moment, time seemed to stand still. Then, with a final, lingering note, the music ended, and the spell was broken.
Alastor released Y/N, his usual grin returning. "You did wonderfully, my dear," he said, his eyes twinkling with genuine warmth.
Y/N smiled, her heart still racing from the dance. "Thank you, Alastor. That was... amazing."
He gave a small bow, ever the gentleman. "The pleasure was all mine."
They returned to the group, where Charlie and Vaggie were grinning, and Angel Dust was giving a slow clap, clearly impressed.
“Who knew the Radio Demon had moves?” Angel teased.
“There are many things you don’t know about me,” Alastor repeated while taking his place back at the booth, a glare on his face to signal the end of Angel’s pestering questions.
The night continued with laughter, stories, and camaraderie, but the memory of that dance lingered in Y/N’s mind, a reminder that even in the chaotic world of the Hazbin Hotel, there were moments of unexpected beauty.
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dewdropdinosaur · 18 days
this is how I write my Y/N and Alastor exactly!
Y/N:If I die during the operation?Would you do one thing for me?
Alastor:Anything for you Y/N.
Y/N:Blow up the hospital.
Alastor:Hmm...Well...I said I do it so I guess I'll have to.
Y/N:Thats my boy. (Patted his face)
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dewdropdinosaur · 18 days
I am Aromantic but i wanna see how ppl think we are valid
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dewdropdinosaur · 26 days
Bound to Break Boundaries
Summary: Y/N is the Hotel's desk clerk but in reality the unofficaly therapy friend. But even therapy friends need therapy so what happens when Y/N gets fed up?
Warnings: Mentions of therapy and alcohol. Rating-PG
For the amazing @gxstiess
Also part inspired by @irkimatsu blurbs which I adore 😅
Requests Open - See Masterlist for Details
In the heart of Hell, the Hazbin Hotel stood as a beacon of hope for the damned. Within its eccentric and chaotic walls, there was one individual everyone turned to when their sins and sorrows weighed too heavily: Y/N, the hotel's front desk clerk but in reality the unofficial therapist. Her room, cluttered with mismatched furniture and flickering candles, was a sanctuary where demons came to unload their burdens.
Every day, Y/N listened to the rants of the hotel's inhabitants. The hotel's ragtag group of residents had come to see her as a beacon of calm and understanding amidst their endless turmoil. Every day, demons and lost souls would seek her out, eager to unload their problems and frustrations. Whether it was Angel Dust's relentless complaints about his latest escapades or Alastor's cryptic musings, Y/N listened with unwavering patience, offering advice and a compassionate ear.
Yet, as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, the weight of everyone else's problems began to take its toll on Y/N. She was always there for them, always ready to help, but no one ever seemed to notice when she was struggling. The endless cycle of listening and advising started to wear her down, chipping away at her own sense of well-being. A day will typically contain the following: 
Angel Dust comes bursting into the room, dramatically throwing himself onto a couch. "Y/N! You would not believe the day I've had! That slimeball Valentino tried to mess with one of my gigs again. Ugh, he just can't leave me alone!"
"I'm sorry to hear that, Angel. What happened this time?"
"He sent one of his goons to 'remind' me who I belong to. Can you believe that? I told him where he could stick his reminders, but it's getting exhausting."
"I know it's tough dealing with him. Have you thought about what boundaries you can set or how you can stay out of his way more?"
"Boundaries? In Hell? Ha! You're a real optimist, Y/N."
Or something like this: 
"Y/N, I'm really struggling to keep everyone's spirits up. I just want to help everyone find a better path, but sometimes it feels like no matter what I do, it's not enough. Do you think I'm doing the right thing?" Charlie cries into one of the soft pillows Y/N keeps on the “therpay” couch. 
"Charlie, you have such a big heart and you're doing your best. It's natural to feel overwhelmed sometimes, especially with a task as monumental as this."
"Thanks, Y/N. It's just hard to keep going when it feels like we're making so little progress."
"Small steps can lead to big changes. Don't lose hope."
Or like this: 
“Y/N, I can't stand it anymore! Alastor is driving me up the wall with his constant meddling. How am I supposed to keep things under control with him always undermining me?"
"That sounds really difficult, Vaggie. Have you tried talking to him directly about how you feel?"
"I have, but he just laughs it off or turns it into some twisted joke. It's infuriating!” 
"Mybe we can come up with a different strategy together. You shouldn’t have to handle it alone."
One evening, as the sky burned a deeper crimson and the hotel hummed with restless energy, Y/N found herself overwhelmed. Vaggie had stormed into her room, venting about Charlie's latest overly optimistic scheme. Before she could even catch her breath, Niffty appeared, anxiously rambling about a mess she couldn’t clean up. When Angel Dust burst in, dramatically recounting another altercation, Y/N felt her patience snap.
“I can’t take this anymore!” she finally exclaimed, her voice shaking. “I’m not a bottomless pit for everyone’s problems. I need a break!”
There had always been one person in the hotel who never seemed to darken Y/N’s doorstep or in this case, therapy couch. Husk tended to keep to himself, serving also as a pseudo therapist for the more alcholically inclined patrons of the Hotel. Maybe he could offer some advice, because he never seemed to tire of other’s issues at least that s how it seemed to Y/N. 
"I told you, kid, I ain't interested in your therapy sessions. But if you must know, the bar's been low on stock, and running this joint is a pain in the tail. Happy?"
"I understand, Husk. Running the bar is a lot of responsibility, and it sounds like you're dealing with a lot of stress."
"Shut up with the therapy crap. Just gotta keep pouring the drinks and hope for the best."
With a sigh and a deep sip of a glass of some strange amber liquid she didn’t bother asking the name of, Y/N softly spoke up. 
"Husk, I don't know how much more of this I can take. Everyone just keeps unloading on me, and it feels like no one even notices that I might need a break too."
"You've been everyone's rock for so long, kid. It's okay to need a break yourself."
"But who am I supposed to talk to when I’m the one feeling down?"
He poured himself a drink and took a sip, his gaze thoughtful. “You’re a good kid, Y/N. Too good for this place sometimes. But even good people need to look after themselves. Otherwise, you’ll just end up as broken as the rest of us. I ain’t too good at the advice part but I am here to listen if you need it kid.”
The unexpected comfort in Husk’s words brought a lump to Y/N’s throat. She hadn’t realized how much she needed someone to tell her it was okay to take care of herself. “Thanks, Husk. I really needed to hear that.”
He gave a gruff nod. “Anytime, kid. Now, drink up and take a damn break. Let someone else handle the chaos for a while.”
Y/N smiled, a genuine, relieved smile, and raised her glass. “To boundaries and breaks.”
Husk clinked his glass against hers. “To keeping our sanity, one drink at a time.”
As she took a sip, she felt the weight on her shoulders lighten, just a little. For tonight, at least, she could breathe easier, knowing she wasn’t alone in this hellish hotel. And maybe, just maybe, she could find the strength to set her own limits and reclaim a bit of peace amid the chaos.
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dewdropdinosaur · 1 month
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dewdropdinosaur · 1 month
Not Your Mother's
Summary: Lucifer and Alastor hate each other, no suprise. But what happens when Alastor threatens one of the only things Lucifer loves?
Warnings: Cussing, Violence. Rating: PG-13
For the dearest, @adeptusxiaohere, who read 'Our Mom' and thought of a different interpretation to Alastor's veiled threats!
This one is a bit longer, around 1.5k words.
See Masterlist for Request Status
In the bustling chaos of the Hazbin Hotel, where demons sought refuge and redemption, there existed a peculiar dynamic between two prominent figures: Lucifer and Alastor. Their disdain for each other was as notorious as the flames of Hell itself, an open secret whispered among the denizens of the hotel. Their clashes were legendary, echoing through the halls with the thunderous force of opposing titans. Yet, amidst their perpetual animosity, there was one figure who held a special place in both their hearts - a shining oasis of warmth and kindness, Y/N. Y/N's nurturing nature had endeared her to all, earning her the title of "mother", “mom”, “momma”, and even “abuela” among the residents of the hotel.
Of course, Lucifer found himself drawn to Y/N in ways he couldn't quite comprehend. Her compassion sparked something dormant within him, a longing for solace in the midst of his eternal torment. And so, they found solace in each other's company, their unlikely bond blossoming amidst the chaos of their surroundings.
However, Lucifer's newfound happiness did not sit well with Alastor. Beneath his jovial facade lurked a mad streak, his own rival taking something that he himself had provided to the Hotel. He owned Y/N's soul, how dare that insolent fallen angel touch something that he had rightfully won. Alastor, ever the enigmatic presence, watched their burgeoning relationship with a mixture of disdain and concern. To him, Lucifer was a rival not just for Y/N but for the very soul of the hotel itself. She provided something that even the Radio Demon could admit was special, reminding him of his own mother in a way; not that he would ever admit it. As Lucifer and Y/N's love blossomed, Alastor's facade began to crack. He masked his disdain with veiled threats, cloaked in the guise of protecting Y/N from Lucifer's supposed dark intentions. But with each passing day, his resentment festered, threatening to consume him whole.
Then, one fateful evening, in a moment of unchecked rage, Alastor's carefully constructed facade shattered. Per normal, the fit began as the two men challenged each other again. 
The atmosphere in the Hazbin Hotel crackled with tension as Lucifer and Alastor found themselves locked in yet another heated exchange. Their words were barbed, their insults cutting like knives as they circled each other with predatory intent.
"You're nothing but a pathetic excuse for a demon, Alastor," Lucifer spat, his voice dripping with disdain. "A mere puppet with delusions of grandeur."
Alastor's grin widened, his eyes gleaming with malice. "And you, Lucifer, are nothing but a fallen angel clinging to the remnants of your former glory," he retorted, his tone laced with venom. "A pitiful relic of a bygone era."
Their words stung, each barb sinking deeper into wounds long festering. But Lucifer, never one to back down from a challenge, pushed the boundaries even further.
"At least I'm not hiding behind a mask, pretending to be something I'm not," he sneered, a cruel smirk twisting his lips. "Unlike you, Alastor, I have the courage to face the truth. That you are weak and worth no note of attention or fear."
Alastor chuckled, stepping forward and placing a hand on Y/N’s shoulder, leaning down so his head was right next to her head as he looked toward Lucifer. "You dare insult me, Lucifer?" Alastor growled, his voice dripping with jovial menace. "You dare to mock me while you hide behind the skirts of this pathetic mortal? Let’s see how you like things being taken from you just as you took from me."
The line struck a nerve within Lucifer, who lost all resolve at the threatening of his loved one. Throwing a punch, it barely nicked Alastor’s head who slunk awya in the shadows. 
“Oh now, this is what I have been waiting for!” Slinking and dodging every punch and attack thrown his way, Alastor contininued to mock the King of Hell until Lucifer finally landed a punch and broke Alastor’s monocle. 
Y/N's heart pounded in her chest as she struggled to comprehend the sudden turn of events. She had always been a beacon of peace and understanding, a guiding light in the darkest of times. But now, she found herself caught in the crossfire of a battle she had no part in. Having been caught in the wake of blasts, her body now was bruised and bloodied. 
"Alastor, please," she pleaded, her voice trembling with emotion. "This isn't like you. We're all friends here. Can't we find a way to resolve this without resorting to violence?"
But her words fell on deaf ears as Alastor's rage consumed him whole at viewing the piece of broken glass. With a snarl of contempt, he turned his back on Y/N, his focus squarely fixed on Lucifer.
"This isn't over, Lucifer," he growled, his voice a low, menacing rumble. "Not by a long shot."
And with that ominous warning hanging in the air, Alastor summoned shadows, leaving behind a trail of destruction in his wake. As the echoes of his departure faded into silence, Y/N was left to pick up the pieces, her heart heavy with sorrow and regret. For in the world of demons and sinners, even the purest of souls could find themselves tainted by the darkness that lurked within.
The hotel trembled with the weight of Lucifer's wrath as he beheld the sight of Y/N, crumpled and wounded at Alastor's feet. In that moment, all pretense of civility vanished, replaced by a primal fury that consumed him whole.
With each blow exchanged between the two adversaries, Y/N's heart ached with a sorrow deeper than any physical wound. She had never imagined that their feud would escalate to such a destructive extent, nor had she ever anticipated becoming collateral damage in their battle of wills.
Through bleary eyes, Y/N watched as Lucifer and Alastor grappled with one another, their movements a blur of fury and desperation. Each punch landed with bone-crushing force, echoing through the hall like thunder in a storm-torn sky.
Summoning every ounce of strength within her battered body, Y/N pushed herself upright, determination burning in her eyes despite the agony that coursed through her veins. With shaky steps, she stumbled towards Lucifer and Alastor, her voice a hoarse whisper in the din of battle.
"Stop," she pleaded, her words barely audible above the din. "Please, stop..."
For a fleeting moment, the chaos seemed to abate as Lucifer and Alastor turned their gaze towards her, their expressions a mixture of shock and guilt. Y/N refused to back down. With a steely resolve born of love and compassion, she stepped between the warring demons, her outstretched arms a barrier against the violence that threatened to consume them all.
"Enough" she declared, her voice ringing with a clarity that cut through the chaos like a beacon in the darkness.
Both men let go of their death grips on each other and looked at the battered woman. 
“Go to your rooms.”
“But ducky–”
“I said go to your room Lucifer, you too Al. I don’t want to see you till morning. Then this place better be cleaned spotless!” 
Both men slunk away, as Y/N sighed, viewing the mess of the lobby around her. Plopping down on the nearest couch, Y/N drug her hands over her face. 
“Shit, did hot momma just put the Radio Demon and the King of Hell in time out?” 
“Angel, shut your fucking mouth.”
“You could always find ways to shut it up, Whiskers.”
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dewdropdinosaur · 1 month
But Momma, I Love Her
Summary: After the battle, Alastor finds himself wounded while Y/N seeks to help him out. But no one is invincible.
Warnings: ANGST. [Oh the way I giggled evilly when writing this.] Rating-PG
Requested by @anon-of-the-void
See Masterlist for Request Status and Fics
 In the aftermath of the colossal clash between Heaven and Hell, the once bustling streets of the infernal realm lay in ruin. The once proud Hazbin Hotel now laid a bare pile of brick and mortar on the dusty ground. Among the debris and chaos, Alastor, perched in his towering abode, shining red lights flickered with green – an ominous beacon amidst the devastation. His once immaculate suit was torn, and his charismatic grin was replaced by a grimace of pain.
Alastor's radio tower echoed with static as he clumsily attempted to patch up his wounds. His fight with Adam had gone…worse than expected. But his stitching efforts were in vain, for every stitch only seemed to unravel further, his crimson essence staining the makeshift bandages. His momma had taught him to stitch better than this, but even now, he seemed to fail her teachings. 
As frustration threatened to consume him, a familiar voice broke through the static. "Alastor, what in Lucifer's name have you gotten yourself into now?" Y/N's exasperated tone cut through the air, their footsteps echoing up the stairs of the tower. Storming into his tower, Y/N rushed to Alastor’s side. Like him, their clothes were marred and hair matted but otherwise no worse for wear. 
Alastor turned to face his best friend, a mixture of relief and pain in his face. His grin, while returning to save face, was tight. 
 "Ah, Y/N, fancy seeing you here. Just a minor setback, nothing to worry about," he said, attempting to downplay the severity of his injuries.
Y/N's expression softened as they approached, taking in the extent of Alastor's wounds. "Minor setback? You look like you've been through a meat grinder, Al," they chided, shaking their head in disbelief. "Honestly, sometimes I wonder if you have a death wish."
Alastor chuckled weakly, wincing as Y/N gently began to assess his injuries. 
"Carelessness is not a trait I would readily associate with myself, my dear friend," he replied, though the pain in his voice betrayed his bravado. 
“So it ain’t carelessness when my best friend decides to fight a freaking angelic being? Let alone the first man? What were you thinking, Al?”
“He got lucky, he lacked discipline, any sort of control. The man was sloppy!”
Grabbing the supplies off the desk and plucking the needle out of Alastor’s hand, Y/N set to work; their touch firm yet gentle as they began to stitch up Alastor's torn flesh. Despite the discomfort, Alastor found solace in their presence, the familiarity of their touch grounding him amidst the chaos. Alastor winced as the needle pierced his flesh, the pain a sharp reminder of his recent brush with mortality. Yet, a tension lingered in the air, unspoken words weighing heavily on both their minds.
"You still need to be more careful, Alastor," Y/N admonished, their voice tinged with concern. "You can't keep throwing yourself into fights you won’t win."
Alastor's gaze flickered upwards, meeting Y/N's eyes, a flicker of vulnerability shining in his own. "But sometimes, the battle chooses me, not the other way around. Ha ha." he replied, his voice laced with false humor. 
Y/N huffed out a sigh, gaze hardening with a mixture of frustration and affection etched across their features. "That's not an excuse, Al. You're not invincible, despite what you may think," they said, their tone gentle yet firm.
Silence hung between them, the weight of unspoken words lingering in the air. And then, in a moment of uncharacteristic vulnerability, Alastor spoke, his voice barely above a whisper.
Alastor's brows furrowed, a flicker of defiance in his gaze. "And what would you have me do, Y/N? Sit idly by while angelic chaos reigns and threatens everything I have worked for?" he retorted, his tone sharp with frustration.
Y/N's hands paused mid-stitch, their expression a mixture of hurt and exasperation. "That's not what I'm saying, Alastor, and you know it," 
“Then what are you saying dear? That I am weak, a fool? When you speak your rancid insults do annunciate, it’s the polite thing to do..”
They replied, their voice barely above a whisper. "I just... I can't bear the thought of losing you."
The admission hung heavy in the air, the weight of unspoken emotions finally coming to the surface. Alastor's façade faltered, his crimson eyes softening as he met Y/N's gaze. "Y/N, I..." he began, the words catching in his throat as he struggled to find the right words. He had messed up. 
Before he could continue, Y/N shook their head, a tear slipping down their cheek. "Forget it, Alastor. I shouldn't have said anything," they whispered, their voice thick with emotion.
As the last stitch was set in place, a silence washed over the radio tower, a brief respite from the chaos of the world below. Standing up slowly, Y/N moved to take their leave. Suddenly, Alastor grabbed their wrist, forcing them to stay in place. 
"Perhaps I'm not as invincible as I'd like to believe," he admitted, his gaze falling to the floor. "But in a world as chaotic as ours, sometimes protecting the person you…cherish… that’s the only way to survive."
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dewdropdinosaur · 1 month
Thanks for the tag @macabr3-barbi3
Last Song: Homesick by Noah Kahan
Favorite Color: Turqiouse
Currently Watching: Communinity, Blood of Zeus, Castlevania
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: Savory
Relationship Status: Happily taken for the past 3 years
Current Obsession: Hazbin Hotel :0
Last Thing You Googled: Who was the Italian Artist who could write backwards and upside-down?
Tagging My Lovelies(no pressure): @tsukiko26 @anon-of-the-void @ohbother2 @sanguineselene666
9 people you’d like to know better
Thank you for the tag @clockwork-ashes and @lovely-vanserra-sunshine
Last song: Riot by Hollywood Undead- trust me I regret a full shuffle too. Lol
Favorite color: pastels but pink
Currently watching: Does GTLive count?
Sweet/Savory/spicy: sweet
Relationship status: Chronically single
Current obsession: -gestures around- acotar
Last thing you googled: atmospheric gravity wave experiment
No pressure tags: @acourtofladydeath @mybestfriendmademe @tilseptemberends @tsunami-of-tears @hieragalbatorixdottir @shadowdaddies @mika-no-sekai-blog @wickedfelinaxo @achaotichuman
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dewdropdinosaur · 1 month
Lay All Your Love On Me
Summary: Insecurity bites harder than one would think in the underworld, and you are no stranger to its sting. However, with two affleunt and attractive boyfriends, you may learn just how beautiful you are. (AKA: My lovely you are beautiful the way you are and these boys wanna show you)
Warnings: NSFW/18+
Oral sex/cunnilingus, implied P in V, nipple play, Dom/Sub dynamics, use of names such as "Daddy"/"Ducky" in sexual context, restraints, SMUT
Only my second time writting smut so...sorry
Requested by @boogiewoog
Requests OPEN
In the vibrant, chaotic realm of Hell, where redemption seemed like a distant dream, a unique bond blossomed among three unlikely souls - Alastor, Lucifer, and Y/N. Alastor, the radio demon with a twisted sense of humor, Lucifer, the suave and sophisticated ruler of Hell, and Y/N, a human soul, whose presence brought light to the darkest corners of their world. Nothing could ever compare the joy that Y/N had awoken within the two demons, loving them both equally proved no challenge for her bright soul. With her love and guidance, the relationship bloomed and soon all three parties fell head over hooves in love with each other. From dates in Alastor’s radio tower, to Lulu Land, or helping Y/N work around the kitchen; Hell seemed like Heaven. 
However, not everything was sunshine and rubber ducks. At least for Y/N. One evening, as the crimson sky draped over the cityscape of Hell, Y/N found herself consumed by her own insecurities. She sat alone in her room, the flickering candlelight casting shadows across the space. Her fingers traced the scars and imperfections on her skin, each one a reminder to herself that even in death, she couldn’t look how other people did. Dating one handsome and affluent demon was one thing, but two was another all together. What if she wasn’t good enough for them, what if someone else came along? What if Lillith came back, heaven forbid, Y/N just knew Lucifer would leave her in the dust the second that demoness walked through the doors., Y/N couldn't shake the nagging whispers of doubt that plagued her mind, centered around her own insecurities about her body. She just couldn't help but scrutinize every curve and contour of her form. The voices of doubt echoed in her mind, taunting her with their cruel words, as she fought to hold back tears.
Just then, a gentle knock sounded at the door, and in walked Alastor, his signature grin brightening the room like a ray of sunshine. Beside him stood Lucifer, his elated gaze filled with slight concern as he took in Y/N's troubled expression.
“Ducky, we just came to get you for dinner! Al made a real nice…something. What did you say was in it again?”
“It’s just jambalaya, I promise all normal ingredients. Why don’t you join us darling?”
“That’s alright, guys. I think I’m not super hungry right now.” Shying away from Lucifer’s embrace, Y/N wrapped her arms around her waist. 
Alastor and Lucifer sensed her distress, looking at each other the moment the words passed her lips.  With silent understanding, they came slowly to her side, their presence comforting and reassuring. Y/N looked up, her eyes filled with tears that threatened to spill over.
"Ducky, what’s going on in that head of yours?" Lucifer's voice was smooth like velvet, soothing her troubled mind.
Y/N hesitated, her voice barely a whisper. "I... I feel so insecure about my body. I can't help but compare myself to others, to feel like I'm not enough for you two."
Alastor knelt beside her, his grin warm and genuine. "Now, now, my dear. You are perfect just the way you are. Perfect just for us."
“But, I am not. Just look at me! I am not slender, heck you couldn’t put me next to anyone without noticing. Let alone Lillith or–” Holding her arms just to gesture to herself, Y/N could feel herself spill all her emotions manically. 
Suddenly, Lucifer grabbed her wrists and pinned her down against the bed. His smoldering gaze glowered down at her as his face leaned down to whisper in her ear. 
“I don’t want to hear that name off your pretty little lips, okay? You are mine, the one for me. Not her, not anyone else.” 
Coming to their side, Alastor joined his partner in looking down at Y/N. Using his hand to reach around and cup her chin, bringing her gaze to him. 
“My dear, I think out little darling needs to learn a little lesson. Mhmm?” 
A dark chuckle erupted from Lucifer’s throat, as he stood up and let his grip go. Both men now stared down at their partner, who laid on the bed; half near tears from her thoughts and half near moaning at the sight of her boys looking at her in such a manner. 
"We love you, Y/N," Alastor murmured, his voice soft like a melody. "Every inch of you, flaws and all." Slow kisses started down her neck and chest, heat blooming in her core. Attempting to maneneur her shirt lower, her hands werre halted by Lucifer; who grabbed her wrist and pinned them to the headboard as the red demon continued a show of his devotion. 
“Ducky, you are going to learn very quickly. Your pleasure, is our only concern.”
With a quick snap of his fingers, all clothes were removed from Y/N and both men were left shirtless; toned and slender bodies on full display. Both men’s eyes darkened with hunger at the sight of her bare form, a silent understanding among them of what was about to happen. 
Alastor leaned down and took one of her hardened nipples in his mouth, the warmth of his tongue teasing the aroused bud. Dragging her hands across her torso, he slowly marked her skin with his hands. Lucifer, instead dipped down and spread her thighs, enjoying the way they felt in his hands. Slowly kissing up her thighs, just barely ghosting over where she needed him most, Y/N let out a soft moan. 
“Darling, see what you do to us? You are absolutely breathtaking.”
“Driving me mad ducky, fuck, you are just so good to squeeze.” 
Finally giving into her whimpers, Lucifer licked one long stripe up her dripping slit. Y/N gripped the sheets below her, legs attempting to get away from the overwhelming sensation. Alastor pinned her legs to the bed, as his mouth came off her nipple with a pop. 
“Now darling, let the man finish his meal. He hasn’t even started yet.” Lucifer then dived into her cunt like a man starved, sucking on her clit and slurping her jucies that it was better than heavenly ambrosia; while Alastor moved his minstratitions to her neck, sucking softly. It was only a matter of time before that familiar band became taut in her stomach. 
“Fuck, Luci…baby please.”
“Let go ducky, cum all over daddy’s face.” 
That’s what did it, Y/N felt the coil in her stomach snap as she cried Lucifer’s name. Cum now coated his face and the bedsheets below as her high overtook her senses and she saw stars. Lifting his head up slowly, slick shone and glinted. Licking his lips, he pressed a soft kiss to her lips and both moaned at the salty taste. Pulling back, Lucifer looked at Alastor who smirked; grabbing Y/N’s chin and forcing her gaze to him. 
“Now darling, how would you like your beautiful lips to scream my name next?” 
As the night unfolded, Y/N found solace in the arms of her two loves, their embrace a sanctuary from the harsh whispers of doubt that had plagued her for so long. In their presence, she discovered a newfound sense of confidence, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she would always have Alastor and Lucifer by her side, guiding her through the shadows and into the light of self-acceptance.
In the heart of Hazbin Hotel, amidst the chaos and clamor, a quiet moment of love blossomed, as Alastor and Lucifer vowed to stand by Y/N's side, their bond unbreakable and their love unconditional.
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dewdropdinosaur · 2 months
Dew Drop Dino's Hazbin Hotel Masterlist:
As the World Caves In
Only For You
Hazbin Having Blues
Quite Fond
Well Ain’t You a Looker
Flush Little Baby, Don’t You Cry
Go Heavy on the Red
I Wanna Ruin Our Friendship 
Green May Be His Color
Fixer Upper
White Gold Glitters Too - NSFW
But Momma, I Lover Her
Follow My Lead
Redemption is Best Served Hot
Our Mom
Rubber Ducky, You’re The One
Original Sin
The Whole Being Dead Thing
Smoker, Mid-Night Toker for Love
Lay All Your Love On Me (+ Alastor) - NSFW
Not Your Mother's
Baby Don't Hurt Me
Falling for You 
Falling for You Part Two
Screen Time Is Bad For Your Brain
Bound to Break Boundaries
Cocoa, Not Chanel [Huskerdust x Reader]
Either Way, What Bliss
Angel Dust
Cocoa, Not Chanel [Huskerdust x Reader]
166 notes · View notes
dewdropdinosaur · 2 months
DewDrop Dino's Masterlist
Enjoy Your Day My Lovelies!
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Hazbin Hotel Masterlist
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dewdropdinosaur · 2 months
Smoker, Mid-Night Joker for Love
Summary: You’re a ring fighter at the most popular bar in Hell. Maybe your cigarette break lights a spark in the King of Hells heart.
Warnings: Smoking, implied illegal fighting. Rating: PG-12
Wrote this on my phone cause laptop crashed so apologies for any typos, format issues, or inconsistency.
For the amazing @tsukiko26
In the bustling streets of the demonic underworld, where sinners sought refuge in the vibrant chaos of the afterlife, stood a peculiar establishment known as the "Sinners' Sanctuary." It was a haven for the damned, where drinks flowed freely, laughter echoed through the air, and mischief lurked in every shadow.
On this particular evening, the eclectic crew from the Hazbin Hotel—Charlie, the hopeful and compassionate princess of Hell decided that team bonding was necessary. Angel Dust, of course, recommended “Sinner’s Sanctuary” and the princess, distracted by the face value of the name heartily agreed. So Charlie, Angel, Husk, and Alastor; were accompanied by none other than Lucifer himself, per Charlie’s invitation. Charlie, ever the optimist, had insisted on a night of bonding to strengthen their camaraderie.
Amidst the cacophony of voices and clinking glasses, they found themselves at the heart of the Sinners' Sanctuary, surrounded by a motley crew of sinners and demons indulging in various vices. As they settled into their seats at the bar, Lucifer's piercing gaze swept across the room, his crimson eyes alight with curiosity.
His attention was soon captivated by the sight of a fighting ring nestled in the far corner of the bar—a spectacle of sin and violence that drew a crowd like moths to a flame. Within the ring, a figure moved with effortless grace, their every movement a symphony of precision and power.
“Your winner and ten-time champion - Y/NNNNNN!”
The mysterious and powerful demon whose allure was as captivating as her prowess in combat raised her hand in victory. Her form was a blur of motion as she danced around her opponents, delivering swift and decisive blows with a grace that belied her demonic nature.
Lucifer found himself transfixed by her beauty and skill, his heart quickening with each victorious bout. There was something undeniably alluring about her, a magnetic pull that stirred something primal within him.
As the night wore on, Lucifer found himself drawn closer to the fighting ring, his gaze never leaving Y/N's mesmerizing form. He watched in awe as she emerged victorious time and time again, her confidence never faltering even in the face of the fiercest opponents.
Finally, as the last challenger fell before her, Y/N stepped out of the ring, her breath coming in exhilarated gasps as she basked in the adulation of the crowd. As the clamor of the bar gradually subsided and the last patrons stumbled out into the darkness, Lucifer approached her in the backalley behind the bar with a confident smile, his charm as potent as any spell.
"Quite the impressive display," he remarked, his voice smooth as silk as he offered her a charming smile.
Y/N turned to him, her eyes flashing with a mixture of surprise and intrigue. "And who might you be?" she replied, her voice tinged with a hint of mischief.
"I am Lucifer." he declared, his tone imbued with a regal confidence that left no room for doubt.
Y/N's lips curled into a playful smirk as she studied him with a knowing glint in her eyes. "Well then, Lucifer, to what do I owe the pleasure of such a compliment from a gentleman as yourself?," she said, her voice dripping with promise.
"Oh nothing owed, I promise. Just impressed by quite the spectacle you put on tonight," Lucifer remarked, his voice a low rumble that cut through the silence of the emptying bar.
Y/N turned to him, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of exhaustion and defiance, unwrapping the bandages from her wrist. "It's a living," she replied, her tone edged with bitterness.
Lucifer arched an eyebrow, sensing the weight of her words. "A living, you say?" he pressed, his interest piqued.
Y/N's lips twisted into a rueful smile as she met his gaze with a shrug "More like a curse," she admitted, her voice heavy with resignation. After unwrapping her wrists, she pulled out a small cigarette. Struggling to get a light, Lucifer snapped and it sparked into flame.
Intrigued, Lucifer leaned in closer, his eyes narrowing with curiosity. "You can thank me by explaining." he urged, his tone gentle yet insistent.
“It’s nothing, the owner and I just ain’t…getting along with it comes to my job.”
Lucifer began, his tone tinged with urgency as he drew closer to her. "I couldn't help but notice... the owner of this establishment, do they own your soul?"
Y/N's eyes widened in realization, a shadow passing over her features as she nodded slowly. "Yes," she confessed, her voice heavy with resignation. "In exchange for my safe existence in this realm, I am bound to fight in the ring every night. I know I know, some safety right?”
Lucifer's resolve hardened like tempered steel. With a steely glint in his eyes, he spoke steadily “The safety of my citizens is my top priority. I—I think I can help you. I would like to at least.”He wanted to break the chains that bound her and grant her the freedom she so desperately craved.
“But what could you do? And what would you want? Every action comes with a price down here.”
"But what do you want, Y/N?" Lucifer asked, his voice soft yet resolute. "In exchange, would you allow me the honor of escorting you on a date?"
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise, her breath catching in her throat at the unexpected offer. For a moment, she hesitated, uncertainty flickering in her gaze like a fleeting shadow.
But then, with a defiant tilt of her chin, she met Lucifer's gaze head-on, her eyes blazing with newfound determination. "You flatter me, your majesty. I would not mind that at all.” she replied, her voice ringing with conviction.
“But first, mind giving me another light.”
And as they made their way out of the dimly lit confines of the Sinners' Sanctuary, a sense of hope blossomed in their hearts—Lucifer metaphorically setting off a beacon of light in the darkness, a promise of redemption in a world consumed by sin and despair. One could hope they didn’t snuff out like that cigarette.
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