everytime buck says tommy
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Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game
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I don't know who needs to hear this
But if you go into the comments section on AO3
And type
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Then replace image url (keep the " marks) with the url of a picture
You can leave fan art in the comments of a fic
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I'm the Astronomer (and not even because it's Hansi!) without autism, and also TH-1 without the last thing. Also, I LOVE this album so much.
tag yourself.
or tag a mutual or tag prev or find your biblically accurate source character
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Shameless self reblog because uuuuh I can 😂
My BuckTommy fics
In the Dark | 14,612 words, T Tommy is a guy to touch you in passing, not one to throw around pet names. He calls him Evan because that's his name, “Buck is a collective noun for your infamies,” he once said. Buck has already thrown a multitude of pet names at him, trying them out on him like on a blank canvas, calling him honey and darlingand love to see what resonates. Tommy is a mischievous man, but he remains serious in this matter. Just like now. Yet it’s only when Buck’s body suddenly decides to stop the adrenaline rush, it’s only when the pain sets in that he begins to understand. He has to think of the tsunami again, a huge wave, only it seems to start from his hand and spread all over his arm, and Buck forces himself to turn his head. To his right there’s Tommy, somehow spared from the falling ceiling pieces, but to his left they have come down relentlessly, trapping Buck's arm. This is the moment he realizes that the tsunami is the wrong analogy, because this, oh, this is like the fire truck on his leg.
Watch Me Burn | 3210 words, E Once, Evan needed a dance partner for his sister’s wedding, and he wanted it to be Tommy. Things went differently, as life goes. But Evan is a dancer, definitely. His hands firmly on Tommy's hips, he pushes him forward, or backward rather, moving with somnambulistic confidence. This is a dance Evan is practiced in, skilled even. They end up with Tommy’s back to his kitchen counter, Evan’s lips on his, and yes, he’s definitely hungry. There's a little voice in the back of Tommy's head saying Evan needs to stop numbing his worries with sex. And they will talk about it, yes, later, because Tommy is hungry too, and not for the neglected meat in his fridge.
Before the Ashes Hit the Ground | 790 words, T Evan has a dozen emotions portrayed directly on his face, bare like an open wound. Tommy wishes nothing more than it being easy to kiss the worry away, to smooth that little wrinkle above Evan's perfect brow. He averts his eyes – only very briefly, he can't stop looking at the man – to look at his plate. Evan has set the table as if for a date, and yes, that had actually been the plan. The food looks fantastic, and even though Tommy isn't really hungry, he needs to taste it. That’s not mere politeness, it's a necessity. Evan hangs on his lips as he brings his fork to his mouth.
I'll Be Your Hero | 1,562 words, T Buck is quite distracting. Since he has this medal around his neck, he looks like a Labrador puppy who has been given his first treat. That's a praise kink, for sure, and Tommy just knows he's gotta store this information deep in his mind. Most of all, the man just looks so happy. So content. Tommy never knew that seeing someone else so happy could be so important to him. He looks at Buck – his boyfriend, for goodness sake, how did that actually happen? – and his throat constricts, and it has nothing to do with the fact that he has stuffed far too big a piece of cake into his mouth.
Love Can Only Heal [BuckTommy Tumblr Prompts] | 7,248 words, T 4 individual stories that emerged from Tumblr prompts.
And How My Heart Sang True That Day | 2,309 words, T Buck considers what to say. But what on earth do you answer to such a revelation? Should he negate the fact that Eddie has just admitted to cheating? Should he scold him or comfort him or trade his monthly therapy slot with him? Buck's mind is on a rollercoaster, and maybe he's sweating a little, and maybe... There's Tommy's hand again. Tommy puts his bottle down, takes Buck's hand and presses it gently on the table with his own. He grounds me, Buck thinks, and before he can open his mouth and say something potentially stupid, Tommy chimes in.
Set It Off Tonight, Baby, Just Like Fire & Gasoline | 3,378 words, E His heart is beating like a drum, so hard Buck almost believes Tommy can hear it. In any case, he could feel it, if he would put his hand on Buck’s chest. He does not. Instead, his fingers move slowly down Buck's belly, tickling the fine hairs on his skin. He starts to kiss him again, with an intensity as if he wanted to carve his request in stone, and the stone is Buck’s flesh, and he’s eager to be formed. Desert Dreams | 4,691 words, T "We crashed," Buck explained, "and it wasn't my fault. I mean, uh, that's probably important for insurance or something." "Are you saying it was my fault?" Tommy asked, blinking. "What? No, no way, right before the crash you said something about the engine... wait, y..you're kidding? Now?" "Now is as good as any time, Evan," Tommy said softly, and Buck's heart went into a big but very pleasant stumble. "Are you okay?" "Me?"
3 Times Buck's Date With Tommy Went Awry – And The One Time It Didn't | 7,954 words, M "Look, the whole 118 is back on shift, your sister won’t be here until breakfast, and the nurses have been in here 15 minutes ago, I guess we’re safe." "Exactly," Buck returns, "no need to worry someone will walk in on us eating cake." "Not eating cake, Evan." Maybe it's the medication that's clouding his mind, but the penny only really drops when Tommy's mouth is on his, and then Buck thinks nothing more for a while. It's only their second kiss, he hasn't forgotten the first; this one is different. It's almost as if he can feel the relief behind Tommy's desire. Much later, Buck will realize why: the adrenaline is a rush, one reason they do these jobs, but it's all different when it’s about someone you care for. 
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This! Is the best fic I've read in the BuckTommy tag so far. It really, really is. @dorothygf Hi, I loved this. ❤️
Deep in the Desert, I Longed for the Snow by Inchoate
Fandom: 9-1-1 Pairing: Buck/Tommy Rating: Teen Word count: 6.2k Summary: Tommy wakes up in the hospital in 2025, thinking it’s 2015. He doesn’t remember anything from the previous ten years and the last thing he expects is to have a boyfriend and a supportive group of friends to lean on.
Read on AO3
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Repeat after me:
It is OKAY to have content preferences and to be uncomfortable with certain ships or topics, controversial or not. It is OKAY to distance yourself from such content and block certain tags or creators.
It is NOT OKAY to actively hate and harass real people for creating content of fictional characters that features things that make you uncomfortable.
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That one twister mat pride flag post that makes the rounds every June since around 2016 (you know the one) appeared on my timeline again today and for some reason it gave me real ✨them✨ vibes this year.
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which demon do i have to make a deal with to watch the deleted henren + tommy scene?
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I'm still dead RIP me (thank you everyone who has ever done anything listed below, it's all amazing)
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i need buck not knowing what beard burn looks like on his own thighs so he asks chim, hen and eddie to inspect the "allergies" on his thighs only for tommy to walk in with a beard
buck, pulling up his pant leg: uh hey guys? i think im getting allergies on my thighs.
hen: i don't know. kind of looks like a rash.
chim: yeah. eat anything you're allergic to, bud?
tommy, with a beard: hey guys
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(It's funny how a certain branch of the Witcher fandom can relate to this, too)
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Keanu Reeves photographed by Simon Emmet for Esquire UK (2017)
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9-1-1 -> 1x6 ❝ heartbreaker ❞ / 7x9 ❝ ashes, ashes ❞
— requested by anon
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you would not BELIEVE the friendship between two people who don't talk to each other... mutuals when i like your posts i'm imagining us frolicking in a field together holding hands
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reblog and put in the tags a show you can watch over and over again without getting sick of it.
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