Any adults want smut headcanons for one of the creeps?
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I love that you write Liu with DID especially as a system who took such comfort in him and Masky (head canon him and Tim as a system) as a preteen
I've always read fanfic with Liu and big fan of David Near so when his jeff the killer story came out and talked more about it I loved it! But so glad u liked it!
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Liu+Sully headcanons
Oh I love asks about them! He's such an interesting character especially since DID isn't talked about enough. No worries this is minors safe hcs.feel free to send more ♡
So Liu is into art but not like Helen he mostly just draws with like pencils(not art ones but more like those number 2 writing pencils) and maybe charcoal..and people don't know thus but it's usually an image of how Sully looks
Sully likes spicy food but more so to just see others cringe in pain or wonder how he can have like the hottest food ever snd its like just like nothing to him
Liu pays a lot of attention to people's needs especially with certain disorders or say someone has autism or adhd and need sensory toys or certain fabrics or things along those lines he keeps an eye on them or suggests things.
Sully lowkey likes Smile but bc he hates Jeff he says he wants to kick the dog in the face
Liu loves to swim he's not the type to really like summer but he does like the warm breeze, getting popsicles/otter pops or just getting an excuse to go in a pool
Sully I feel like watches stuff on YouTube or Netflix that you at least expect him too like he's kind of Mr. Grumpy and protective but he prefers to watch things that make him laugh so...definitely watching people hurt themselves like fail compilations
Liu hates bring called pretty boy just bc he has smaller and more desirable features that society likes especially those who like anime
Speaking of which Sully wants to punch anyone who mentions anime he's not the type
Liu likes little kids because he feels happy remembering how it must feel to be innocent see the world in a bright shiny way where you had promise in your future so growing up if he had to babysit he didn't mind plus he likes how kids come up with things or imagine.
Sully wants to get a dog that's bigger than Jeff's just bc you know why not?
Liu is good at painting nails at least he makes sure his hand is steady and u do get polish all over your cuticles or skin
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Masky x F. S/O : Teasing Queen (18+)
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"Why did you bring those?"
aYou cast him an innocent look on your face as you fish out another cherry lollipop out of the pocket of your hoodie. "What? I like them."
You throw away the wrapper not liking to pile them into your pocket. This had been quite a trip. You two had left early in the morning, barely any time to get dressed and due to weather conditions you had no choice to wear clothes that were dangerous in the woods.
It was hard to believe that he could still suit a short sleeve under his jacket along with pants while you were still dying while wearing a black tank top that was tighter near the breasts to make your boobs more noticeable along with shorts that left your legs vulnerable to ticks, snakes, poisonous plants,.etc.
It was so hot you didn't even bother with a bra.
And Masky could tell as he didn't see your other strap that belonged to it, just your tank top and how your boobs just looked more natural and not something trying to perfect them...even though they were already perfect to him.
"I can tell...just...why didn't you bring other candy?" he huffs, already feeling overheated because of his mask blocking one of his ways to cool off. "Why do you have such a problem with me sucking on a lollipop?" you ask in a soft tone, looking over your shoulder purposely making the candy miss your mouth before you let it slide all over your red plump lips with lustful eyes before pushing it past your lips, walking away.
He growls to himself, clenching his fists as he watches the way you move your hips as you created more distance between you two.
It was mostly silent during your walk but his mind was all over the place, finding it hard to concentrate while he could hear your lips smacking as you suck it harder, sometimes creating more saliva then needed to let it drip to your chin before wiping it off. "Gosh, I'm so messy." you fake complain, huffing a little but with your back turned towards him you grinned to yourself.
"Oh, I got a text from Jeff." you announce before grabbing the lollipop and place the white part of the stick between your breasts, it tucked safely while the tip of it stuck out as you 'texted' Jeff.
"What does that bastard want?" he says, crossing his arms and narrowing his dark eyes as he stares at the phone clutched in your hand. "Just asking if we are almost done." you shrug, stuffing your phone back in your pocket.
You sigh, really wanting to get this mission over done with as it was hot and making you feel sticky. "We're close to the house." he says, picking up speed to walk in front of you as a way to protect you even though you've had all your training and had muscles even more now.
You steal a glance looking at the back of his pants, smirking at the sight of his ass as you suck on the lollipop slowly, your mind wandering off before snapping out of it and followed him.
"Your ass looks great in those pants."
"Y/N!" He growls snapping his head to look at you and you tilt your head like a confused puppy. "What? I was just giving you a compliment."
He rolls his eyes before continuing towards the house a few feet in front of you. Your eyes quickly locate a male pacing back and forth in his house. Letting out a hum and watching Masky as he hides before coming up with his next move.
Rolling your eyes, you finished your lollipop before tossing it into the bushes before walking right past his hiding spot. "Y/N- wait what are you doing!?" he whispers yells as you start to sway your hips, getting yourself in the mindset as you walk towards the front porch.
You make sure you're still in Masky's sight as you fix your shorts to show more of your hips and your shirt to make your boobs look even more full behind the tank top. Tossing your hair a little to make it look more kinky before you knock on the door, silently waiting as you hear footsteps.
A man probably in his early 30's, dark hair gelled, recently shaved face and sculpted cheekbones, greenish eyes and only a few inches taller than you open the door.
You noticed how he went from looking perplexed to almost glad that you were on his property. "Can I help you?" he asks and you get a little closer to him. "Sorry, mister. My phone died and I'm just trying to get a hold of my friends so they can pick me up...could I borrow your phone?" you ask politely, making a point to bat your eyelashes at him.
"S-sure. Come in." he moves aside, opening the door more and lets you in. You give him a grin before walking in. From there Masky could see how he just stares at your ass as you walk further into his house.
It didn't take long before he just thought fuck it and went inside, wasting no time on killing the guy. While you heard him ripping the man skin open, you helped yourself to the living room couch, sucking on another lollipop as you look around the room. "Looks like he was living well."
"Not anymore." Masky growls, stomping over to you with blood on his face, arms and hands. He rips the lollipop out of your mouth, throwing it and it shatters into a million pieces. "Hey, I was enjoying that."
"Well you're about to enjoy something else too." He pulls you up so your back touches the couch. "You think your whole bullshit was okay today??" he asks through clenched teeth.
"I didn't do anything wrong...maybe if you just took care of yourself more you wouldn't think everything I do is to provoke you." you smirk, pulling your shirt down more for him see the outlines of your breasts.
He grabs your face, making it squish a little as he gets closer to your face. "You're gonna get a punishment." to which you shrug in response.
His face contorts into anger as he pushes you off the couch, switching seats with you before making your lie down across his lap. You could feel his bulge poking at you as he held you down. "Count." He wastes no time before giving a well deserved slap to your ass, hard enough to make it echo through the spacious room.
"One." You say, trying not to hiss as your ass was starting to burn a little but you only raised it more in the air and spread your legs. "Stop being a whore-" He slaps your ass harder but you let out a moan. "Two....mmm I'm so wet....you should feel." you giggle, biting your lip as you look over to him.
He glares daggers at you before taking his knife out and takes a good chunk of his sleeve where it had blood on it before shoving it in your mouth like a gag, making you taste a mixture of blood and sweat. "Stop talking." he orders before cutting the fabric that was blocking your cunt from him.
So your pussy would be visible on the walk back. He just rushes to take his pants down before slamming himself into you.
It went on for a while, you doe eyed looking up at him with drool hanging out of your mouth and boy did you make a good cock sleeve.
This is all I can stomach to write right now and this has been sitting in my drafts for over a year so I'll just post this
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I would love to get to 400 followers soon and I've had this account for years so I'd greatly appreciate if someone could give a shout out or recommend me for creepypasta stuff! Xoxox
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Creeps during Christmas headcanons?
So one I think Liu would still be into holidays but just doesn't talk to his brother about it and most of their gift exchanges is kind of more if you've seen supernatural where Sam and Dean give each other shaving cream and like motor oil it's kind of like that too
But it's more so bc they can't really go shopping so it might be clothes they find at victims houses or Liu will give jeff dog food and treats for smile.
Jeff would probably just give a candy bar or something idk really
Cody would love to bake but for love of hod keep Jane with him while he bakes she has more tolerance with him
Clockwork lowley will hide in her room and binge watch like Disney Christmas movies maybe barbie ones (ssh they're classics) I think Jane would know but clockwork didn't really have a trusting or safe family environment so her being locked in her room with snacks is it
Toby will try to help everyone with decorating if they have any but he's more so into just the Christmas dinner and everyone gathering at the dining table(even tho it usually breaks out into a fight of some kind but what kind of family dinner doesn't include violence of some sort?)
Jack (eyeless I don't write for laughiing) he would be kind of confused bc u know demon but he does enjoy the smell of the house with the scented candles and the food he just doesn't really eat it but it's nice to see people together I don't think he'd want to get gifts unless it was food.
Brian/hoodie would help cook the food and would help cut the turkey or ham (my family makes both so yeah) and helps serve food
Tim/Masky would help alongside Brian on cooking it's actually one of his hobbies but doesn't do it as much and also if someone needs help wrapping presents he's the guy he makes anything that maybe be awkward to wrap look very neat and pretty
Kage would definitely be the shithead that climbs quietly and steals food before anyone gets it and so whoever is cooking has to keep making more...he maybe steal some gifts or hide things in the house and keep moving items and somehow scare someone but he tells Liu ahead of time
Ben is a salty little shit bc he can't physically eat the food and it's so delicious and he scams people online so he can give people that he likes at least one gift
Sorry this came late my life has been quite the Shitshow lately and for people who don't know I'm a mom so I'm constantly needed but hope u enjoyed!
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Hello. I am sorry to disturb you but I was wondering if you can do a Creepypasta match up for me please. I will send info ❤️❤️.
Thank you for reading this and sorry that I wasted your time. Have a good day or night and take care. До встречи!
I haven't done them in a while but if you'd like to go ahead and send ur info and I'll gladly match you with someone! 🥀
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I want to write some Christmas type of stuff for creepypasta, send in your requests!
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draganasimpsforjeff · 2 years
Y/N: Hey Hoodie, so I have two tickets for a movie and-
Hoodie: Oh that’s nice, I’m happy for you, you can go two times.
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draganasimpsforjeff · 2 years
Hello! Haven't been on here in forever but right now I'm currently working on my own original story about a serial killer if you'd spare a moment to read it! Thanks!
Might retitle but need a cover for it!
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draganasimpsforjeff · 2 years
Toby, directly into the intercom: Attention Walmart shoppers. My friend is hot and ready to trot. He is single and ready to mingle. He is-
Tim, physically wrestling the mic out of his hands: TOBY-!!
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draganasimpsforjeff · 2 years
To those who have read my story or are currently still reading it, it is coming closer to the end once i figure out how i want it to finish, but sometime soon after that I will be making the second part, but I will have a poll up once i have ideas on other things i want to work on. If you are curious, the link is here, read at your own risk and thank you for all of the support: https://www.quotev.com/story/13452275/Hunting-Dogs-proxies-x-reader
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draganasimpsforjeff · 2 years
Sully: You can choke and die.
Jeff: Jokes on you, I like being choked and I also like death.
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draganasimpsforjeff · 2 years
Ben: I'm not gay but my boyfriend is
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draganasimpsforjeff · 2 years
Smile: [At 3AM, barking nonstop]
Y/N: Jeff, please make him stop.
Jeff: [Starts barking too]
Smile: [Barks back louder]
Jeff: He says he won’t stop.
Y/N: …
Y/N: This house is a fucking nightmare.
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draganasimpsforjeff · 2 years
||Jeff The Killer NSFW Headcanons!||
getting back into it! as usual my asks are open im gonna be active again and wanna hear from you guys, so send me that good shit!
I hope you enjoy and dont forget to like and reblog!
starting off, anything with this man is gonna be messy, rough and sudden
he'll grip your thighs so hard it'll leave bruises and fucks you against the door
thats one of his favorite things, holding onto his S/O for dear life while going down on them
its also one of his favorite places aswell
fucking you in the hall, against his bedroom door
risky as hell but he loves it that way
fucking ya dumb, to where you can barely think straight
trying your best not to lose yourself and stay quiet, terrified of being caught
after a while of watching you struggle to keep it down, he gives in and helps you
wraps his hand around your throat and uses it as more leverage to pump his cock into you
jeff just loves anything that has to go with holding onto his S/O for dear life
the rare times he gives you head, the marks on your thighs aren't hickies or bites
they're from his hands
holds your thighs open and grips them tight, partially to give himself easy acess and partially for his own needs
just feeling his partner makes his heart swell and dick hard
the trust between you means the world to him, that he doesnt have to be afraid of hurting you
now he would he atually voice this to you? hell no, he does it in his own way
Jeff has a huge praise kink both giving and recieving
When giving it, he's a bit patronizing, asking how much his little slut loves being split open by his cock
or how pretty his dumb little whore is, hands tangled in your hair while your doing your best to deep throat him
When he receives it though, he straight up melts
It doesn't take a lot, just hugging him closer to you and whimpering in his ear about how good hes doing, that he always takes such good care of you
Mans will be creaming seconds later
He shows his love for you with physical intimacy, not always in the bedroom
Besides being a voyuer, Jeff's also a big fan of PDA
Almost everytime you cuddle up on the couch, he'll run his hands under your shirt to rub your sides and hips
Usually has his face buried in the nape of your neck, littering your shoulders and collar with hickies and love bites
The longer hes in a realationship the more he'll open up in the bedroom
Makes a playlist of songs to fuck you too, hums and sings along under his breath while railing you
Starts letting you borrow his clothes which is a huge turn on
No matter where or when, if he sees you in one of his shirts or hoodies shits going down quick
Despite this, he's not a huge fan of quickies
He likes fucking his S/O dumb everytime, wants to do the job right
Jeff's broken a lot of stuff while having sex
Bed frames, lamps, one time even a sink
Its a normal occurance and each time he just laughs it off, thinks it the funniest shit ever
On the rare occasion you guys do have sex in his room, afterwards he'll turn on a movie and talk for about an hour and a half straight
Some extra things that are a bit on the goofier side
Mans always has his hair tied back during the deed
Getting hair in your mouth and pushing it back every few seconds kinda ruins the mood
Definetely gets scammed by those clickbait porn games atleast once a month
It's a good thing he stole those credit cards
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draganasimpsforjeff · 2 years
Liu: We need to talk about your inability to open up emotionally.
Jeff, leaning out a window: Wow, it sure would be a shAME IF SOMEONE SHOT ME IN THE HEAD RIGHT NOW.
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