drnikolatesla · 2 months
Tesla's Obsession With the Ancient Pyramids
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Nikola Tesla's fascination with the Egyptian pyramids stemmed from his belief that they held profound secrets of ancient technology and engineering. He was particularly intrigued by their precise construction and alignment with astronomical phenomena, such as the cardinal points and the movements of celestial bodies.
In 1904, Tesla met with British occultist Aleister Crowley in Cairo, Egypt, and aided Crowley in writing his book, The Book of the Law. According to Crowley's accounts, he and Tesla received the idea for his book through a series of transmissions from a spiritual entity known as Aiwass while staying in Cairo. This event marked a significant turning point in Crowley's life and his development as a prominent figure in occultism and esotericism.
Tesla's interpretation of the messages from Aiwass differed significantly from Crowley's. Tesla speculated that the Great Pyramid of Giza might have served as an enormous power plant or transmitter of energy, based on its unique geometric properties and the possibility of it containing hidden chambers or conduits. He proposed theories about energy, frequency, and vibration, suggesting that the pyramids could harness and transmit free energy through the Earth's crust.
In 1905, Tesla filed a patent in the U.S. titled “The Art of Transmitting Electrical Energy Through the Natural Medium,” in hopes of mimicking the engineering of the pyramids to provide the world with free energy.
While Tesla's ideas about the pyramids were unconventional and not supported by mainstream archaeology or Egyptology, they reflect his visionary approach to science and his willingness to explore unconventional theories. Despite lacking concrete evidence, his fascination with the pyramids demonstrates his belief in the interconnectedness of ancient wisdom and modern technology.
There is literally no evidence that suggests Nikola Tesla showed any interest in the Egyptian Pyramids. These conspiracies are derived from silly people using Tesla’s inventions to correlate and further promote their far-fetched, evidence-free theories that the Egyptians were visited by extraterrestrials.
Have a good day everyone! (((:
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drnikolatesla · 4 months
The Lifestyle of Nikola Tesla
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Nikola Tesla was a very tall and skinny man, standing over six feet and weighing around one hundred and forty pounds. He had light blue-gray eyes, which was considered odd because he was of Serbian descent who were typically known to have darker eyes. Tesla, probably joking, said to a reporter that his eyes used to be dark, but using his mind so much had made them many shades lighter. The inventor was known to be very elegant, stylish, meticulous in his grooming, clothing, and regimented in his daily activities.
Tesla never married and remained a celibate and a bachelor his entire life. Tesla was solely committed to the principles of science above all else, and for this reason, he denied the love and companionship of a female counterpart. He chose to lead a solitary life, hoping only that this sacrifice to work would make his name live on through many centuries still to come.
One of his few hobbies other than work was feeding birds. Tesla’s respect for birds began when he was a child growing up in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. He and his local friends made a sport out of catching live birds, and when Tesla himself caught a couple of keepers, he and his friend found themselves getting attacked by a murder of crows. The revolt forced the boys to release the birds and take cover. In America, he made it a specialty of his to treat sick pigeons, which seems odd because he was quite the germaphobe. He would feed them every day on his daily walks and would also take in wounded pigeons and nurse them back to health at his hotel in New York. He seemed to have had a better connection with birds than with most people. In 1917, he was awarded the Edison Medal, and upon receiving the award, the inventor could not be found. He was later found feeding pigeons near a local library and was persuaded back to the ceremony to give his speech.
Tesla suffered from an obsessive compulsive disorder, and because of this, he developed some very strange idiosyncrasies and phobias, such as having a strong dislike against earrings, pearls, peaches, and touching other people's hair. He counted the steps in his walks and calculated the cubical contents of soup plates, coffee cups, and pieces of food. All repeated acts or operations he performed had to be divisible by three.
While living in New York, Tesla kept his laboratories absolutely clean and pure, refused to touch other people, would wear gloves while shaking hands, and insisted upon personally cleaning his own plates and silverware at restaurants with his requested 18 napkins. This cleanliness was all intentional because, as a child, he almost died from cholera, which raged in the region of his hometown Lika due to contaminated water. Many found Tesla’s actions strange, but to him, it was a very important measure to protect his health.
In another way to keep his body clean and pure, Tesla invented an electrical apparatus that could give the human body a dry bath by passing millions of volts of electricity through it (similar to his demonstrations in the early 1890s where he passed electricity through his own body). His oscillator was a small, drum-like object about two feet long by one foot wide and could apply half a million volts of electricity through his body. The large amount of electricity would affect the germs without destroying the cells of the tissues of the body. Though his oscillator seemed like a fountain of youth, Tesla maintained his conventional ideas of health. He bathed daily, believed in plenty of exercise, and would walk eight or ten miles every day. He said that he never would take a cab or other conveyance and relied on his leg power for transportation.
His diet was a crucial part of his daily routine to remain healthy and to prolong the length of his life. He was very fussy and particular about his food: he ate very little, but what he did eat had to be the very best. He wasn’t a complete vegetarian; he ate meat, just not very occasionally (perhaps once or twice a year). He did believe though that humankind should move towards a vegetarian diet, not just because eating meat the way we do is “barbarous,” as he said, but because he believed the vegetarian diet is more beneficial to the human body.
In his later years, he never smoked, drank tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages, or consumed any other stimulant. Since he saw life through the lens of his mechanistic theory of life, he took great care of his body as if it were a machine properly maintaining its best efficiency.
As for sleep, Tesla reported that he was a poor sleeper and had very unusual resting patterns. He claimed to only sleep a few hours each day and would oftentimes practice polyphasic sleep where he would take short naps for restoration instead of sleeping for a long period of time.
Unfortunately for Tesla and his clean and healthy lifestyle, in 1937, at the age of 81, he was hit by a taxicab during one of his regular walks. It is likely he was jaywalking because he admittedly was known to do so. He broke three ribs and seriously injured his back. Tesla would be bedridden for months while refusing to see a doctor, and on top of this would catch pneumonia, which would plague his health for the last 5 years of his life. I believe this accident and sickness would play a major role in the rapid decline of his health, both mentally and physically, and his goal of living past a century would never be realized.
Nikola Tesla had a unique and eccentric lifestyle and was known for his intense work habits, often spending long hours in his laboratory. So much so that his friends would seriously worry about his health. Financial difficulties were a recurring theme in his life, and he died in relative obscurity. Despite these challenges, Tesla's legacy is marked by his groundbreaking contributions to the field of electrical engineering.
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drnikolatesla · 5 months
X-Ray Image Taken By Nikola Tesla (1896)
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Though not widely known, Nikola Tesla spent a great deal of time intensively researching X-rays, publishing his results during the period between March 11, 1896 to August 11, 1897. He also gave a lecture on April 6, 1897 presenting designs of several different devices that could generate these powerful rays. During this lecture, he shared similar data and conclusions from his earlier experiments with Crookes tubes in 1894. Crookes tubes were invented by British scientist William Crookes in order to study electrical discharges in vacuum tubes. During Tesla’s experiments in 1894, he observed that some of the tubes that produced only feeble visible light had more effect on photographic plates than tubes which were brighter. Since it was obvious that there must be some kind of energy coming from the tubes with feeble light, and their properties were still unknown, Tesla used the term “radiant matter" to describe these radiations. With these tubes, Tesla produced some of the first X-ray imaging, which he called “shadowgraphs,” due to their dark nature, but still did not realize the importance of these radiations. To him, the photographs taken seemed to be spoiled due to unaccountable marks and defects. In March of 1895, a fire broke out in his laboratory, destroying practically all of his equipment and experimental data to date. It took several months before he could resume his work, and in the meantime, a German scientist named Wilhelm Röntgen made his X-ray discovery in the same year (December, 1895). Roentgen first detected the radiation by accident in his experiments where he was testing whether cathode rays emitted from Crookes tubes could pass through glass, and or other solid objects, but was astonished to find that the rays emitted would pass through thinner objects and leave shadows of the more solid objects behind (such as with skin and bones). When Tesla heard this news, it was immediately obvious to him what had been problematic in his laboratory work. Realizing and regretting that he had missed out on making a major scientific discovery, Tesla would say, “I realized that my guiding spirit had again prompted me and that I had failed to comprehend his mysterious signs.” He repeated Röntgen's experiments, and came to much better results than Röntgen and others since he had his newly developed Tesla Coil. With this apparatus, he immediately realized the importance of high voltages for producing powerful rays and suggested using his newly developed single-terminal tubes and connecting them to the secondary coil of the transformer. In 1896, Röntgen acknowledged Tesla’s discoveries and in a lecture before the Physical Medical Society in Wurzburg, Germany, discussed the advantage of using Tesla’s high-frequency transformer in generating X-rays. Tesla would also become one of the first scientists to point out the harms of these rays and developed safer ways to utilize them for medical use. Methods we still use today. On the other side of town, others like Thomas Edison thought these newly discovered rays could cure the blind. Many patients who were experimented upon starting showing terrible illnesses, one being his assistant who later had to have both arms amputated. Edison was quoted in an interview saying, “Don’t talk to me about X-rays…I am afraid of them.”
Nikola Tesla would later give all credit to Röntgen for the discovery, and throughout the next few years, produced some of the best X-ray imaging that even Röntgen praised. In a letter to Tesla, Röntgen wrote, “Dear Sir! You have surprised me tremendously with the beautiful photographs of wonderful discharges, and I tell you thank you very much for that. If only I knew how you make such things!”
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drnikolatesla · 5 months
Nikola Tesla on Human Energy
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In an article written in 1900 titled “The Problem of Increasing Human Energy,” Nikola Tesla shares his ideas aimed at revolutionizing the way energy is generated, transmitted, and utilized, with the ultimate goal of enhancing human well-being and progress.
Tesla starts with his philosophical perspective on human life–what is it, and where is it going? He implies that human life is a movement, and since the existence of movement naturally implies a body which is being moved and a force which is moving it, then wherever there is life, there is a mass moved by a force. Since action and reaction are coexistent (Newton’s third law of motion), then human movement, along with all movement in the universe, is rhythmical. He explains how we are witness to this rhythm in the motion of the stars, the surging and ebbing of the oceans, the changing of seasons, and the infinitely varied phenomena of organic life. Tesla then identifies humanity as a unitary whole, and comes to the conclusion that the same general laws of movement that govern the whole physical universe must be applicable to all living things, including humankind, and we may understand this movement by using mechanical principles. Consequently, Tesla implies we may measure human energy using the formula for kinetic energy, E=MV²/2, which is one of the fundamental physics equations that describes a moving object's energy. E represents energy, M being human mass, and V a hypothetical velocity. Tesla goes on to consider humans analogous to machines and asks how do we increase the energy of this machine positively and decrease the negative forces decelerating it? In answering this question, Tesla suggests:
Promoting marriage
Having more children and raising them to a higher velocity, or enlightenment, than their parents
Attention to health
Improving quality of drinking water
Providing healthful food to those in need
Encouraging a vegetarian diet rather than a carnivorous one
Discouraging artificial food
Moderation of exercise between both mind and body
Discouraging bad habits with alcohol, tobacco, tea, coffee, and other stimulants
Discouraging gambling
Improving hygiene, education, and morals
Reducing ignorance, stupidity, imbecility, religious fanaticism, etc.
Improving the productivity of soil by electrical means
Increasing the workforce
Ending warfare by developing machines (remote controlled robots, drones, etc.) to fight battles leading to fewer human casualties
Encouraging peace by bringing humans in closer contact
Improving methods of manufacturing (i.e., coal, gas, iron, aluminum)
Withdrawing from traditional energy sources and tapping into renewable energy
Tesla shares his invention of a radio controlled boat and its possible use. He also shares his experiments involving burning of nitrogen in the atmosphere, wireless transmission of power, and more. He discusses his vision for harnessing natural forces to help increase the energy needs of humanity. He proposes a global system of wireless power transmission, using the earth as a conductor and waterfalls as a power source. He also explores the possibilities of interplanetary communication and ideas related to tapping into cosmic energy sources and utilizing them for the betterment of humankind.
Tesla finishes his article saying:
"I anticipate that many, unprepared for these results, which, through long familiarity, appear to me simple and obvious, will consider them still far from practical application. Such reserve, and even opposition, of some is as useful a quality and as necessary an element in human progress as the quick receptivity and enthusiasm of others. Thus, a mass which resists the force at first, once set in movement, adds to the energy. The scientific man does not aim at an immediate result. He does not expect that his advanced ideas will be readily taken up. His work is like that of the planter — for the future. His duty is to lay the foundation for those who are to come, and point the way. He lives and labors and hopes with the poet who says:
"Schaff’, das Tagwerk meiner Hände, Hohes Glück, dass ich’s vollende! Lass, o lass mich nicht ermatten! Nein, es sind nicht leere Träume: Jetzt nur Stangen, diese Bäume Geben einst noch Frucht und Schatten."
(Daily work — my hands’ employment, To complete is pure enjoyment! Let, oh, let me never falter! No! there is no empty dreaming: Lo! these trees, but bare poles seeming, Yet will yield both food and shelter!)
*Goethe’s “Hope." Translated by William Gibson, Com. U. S. N.*
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drnikolatesla · 5 months
A Letter From Mark Twain to Nikola Tesla
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On November 8, 1898, Nikola Tesla made a public announcement of his wirelessly-controlled boat the same day his U.S. Patent was granted to him. Wireless was still very much in its infancy, so the announcement was beyond the comprehension of the layperson. Tesla described his invention as having many uses, including wirelessly controlled boats, vehicles, or aerial devices of any suitable kind to be used as life dispatch, or for carrying letters, packages, or other provisions. It could also make it easier to establish communication with inaccessible regions and explore such regions in the same, and for many other scientific, engineering, or commercial purposes. But the greatest value of his invention was its possible use in warfare for, for his own reason, it had certain and unlimited destructiveness. He could load a boat with explosives and direct it toward any enemy, and by the sheer destructive effect, he would force the opposition in retreat.
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On November 17, 1898, Samuel Clemens, aka Mark Twain, wrote a letter to Tesla regarding his wireless-controlled boat:
Dear Mr. Tesla
Have you Austrian & English patents on that destructive terror which you have been inventing?—& if so, won't you set a price upon them & commission me to sell them? I know cabinet ministers of both countries—& of Germany, too; likewise William II.
I shall be in Europe a year, yet.
Here in the hotel the other night when some interested men were discussing means to persuade the nations to join with the Czar & disarm, I advised them to seek something more sure than disarmament by perishable paper invite the great inventors to contrive something against which fleets and armies would be helpless & thus make war thenceforth impossible. I did not suspect that you were already attending to that, & getting ready to introduce into the earth permanent peace & disarmament in a practical & mandatory way.
I know you are a very busy man, but will you steal time to drop me a line?
Sincerely yours,
Mark Twain
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drnikolatesla · 5 months
The Anniversary of Nikola Tesla's Death
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January 7th marks the anniversary of Nikola Tesla's death, who passed away on this date 81 years ago in 1943. He died in poverty, but his achievements, along with his hope and dreams for the future, place him among the greatest scientific icons in human history.
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January 7th in the Orthodox Christian Christmas calendar also marks the date when the birth of Jesus Christ is celebrated. It aligns with the Julian calendar, and for Orthodox Christians, this date is significant as the day to commemorate the nativity of Jesus, similar to December 25th in the Gregorian calendar used by Western Christianity. The choice of the date is rooted in historical and calendar differences between the Eastern and Western Christian traditions.
Coincidentally, this date also marks Nikola Tesla's last diary entry in his "Colorado Springs Notes." Apart from the usual description of photographs, Tesla writes about experiments he intends to carry out on his return from Colorado Springs. He qualifies the experiments to date as satisfactory, considering that his aim in Colorado was "to perfect the apparatus and make general observations." The apparatus, which he was then envisaging for future experiments, was to be an improved oscillator which would enable better results than any he had so far obtained. This improved oscillator would become his Magnifying Transmitter. It was meant to transmit signals via telephony, and most importantly power to any part on the globe, regardless of distance, providing the world with cheap and clean energy.
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On January 7th, 1905, Nikola tesla would also publish an article titled, “The Transmission of Electrical Energy Without Wires As a Means for Furthering Peace.“ The article discusses Tesla's idea of transmitting electrical energy wirelessly as a means to advance global peace. Tesla believed that this technology could enhance accessibility to resources, fostering cooperation and harmony among nations. His vision was centered on using scientific advancements for the betterment of humanity and international relations.
Even though it has been 81 years since his death, the legacy of Nikola Tesla continues to live on in his achievements which are almost beyond calculation, and are a major integral part of the entire world as we know it. Today, we honor this great genius. We celebrate his extraordinary life, his triumph which is our triumph, a victory to everyone on earth. We celebrate his many contributions to our livelihood, and his visions of the future that we have yet to realize.
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“Let the future tell the truth and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine.”
–Nikola Tesla
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drnikolatesla · 5 months
The Evolution of the Tesla Coil
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Nikola Tesla invented the Tesla coil as part of his exploration into lighting, wireless power transmission, and radiofrequency experiments. He developed the coil to produce high-voltage, low current, high-frequency electricity. The Tesla coil consists of primary and secondary coils that are inductively coupled, and the circuit is designed to resonate at a specific frequency. This resonance enhances the efficiency of energy transfer between the coils, enabling the generation of high-voltage, high-frequency alternating current.
His first Tesla coil was a bipolar coil created around 1891, and was demonstrated before scientific institutes from 1891-1893. His patents reveal that they were essentially intended for light production using both high frequency and high voltage at the same time. He also mentions in his patents how he discovered that a single wire could be used to light a light bulb. Generally, light bulbs require two wires to operate – one for the positive (live or hot) and one for the negative (neutral). He also discarded wires completely lighting bulbs wirelessly. Tesla improved upon the bipolar coil over many years using them for gas engine ignition, wireless, ozone production, and to create undamped waves.
In 1893, Tesla developed the bifilar spiral coil, which is a type of coil wound with two parallel wires, known as bifilar winding. The wires are wound side by side in a spiral pattern, maintaining close proximity throughout the coil. It was built in an attempt to avoid the employment of condensers, which are expensive and difficult to maintain. The coils themselves were meant to accomplish the same ultimate object as the condensers.
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In 1894, Tesla evolved his coil into a conical coil. A conical coil refers to a coil or winding in the shape of a cone. These coils were sometimes employed in his wireless power transmission experiments and other electrical investigations. The shape of the coil can influence its inductance, capacitance, and resonance properties, impacting its performance in different applications. This coil allowed Tesla to reach tensions of 1 million volts.
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In 1897, Tesla developed the flat spiral coil, similar to his bifilar coil. This type of coil forms a flat, spiral pattern. The specific shape and dimensions of the coil can influence its inductance and other electrical properties. The main reason Tesla started using flat spiral coils was because they were relatively safe, since the highest potential terminal is at the center, and also because they better suppressed the sparks, which were essentially losses in the circuit, allowing him to achieve higher voltages:
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Another version of his coils was his Helical coil. A helical coil is a coil wound in the shape of a helix or spiral. The helical coil configuration is characterized by the wires being wound around a cylindrical form in a continuous spiral pattern. Tesla utilized helical coils throughout the late 1890s and in his Colorado Springs Experiments. The coils were used in his wireless transmission experiments, and he employed helical resonators to investigate the behavior of electromagnetic waves. The helical shape offers specific electrical properties and can influence the resonance and performance of the coil in certain applications.
Finally, the Tesla coil would eventually evolve into his Magnifying Transmitter. Tesla designed it as part of his wireless power transmission experiments. The magnifying transmitter was intended to efficiently transmit electrical energy over long distances without the need for wires. The system involved a large coil, often called the magnifying transmitter coil, which could produce high-frequency, high-voltage electrical currents. Tesla believed that this technology could revolutionize global communication and provide a means for delivering electrical power wirelessly by using the earth itself as a conductor.
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The magnifying transmitter would become his Wardenclyffe Tower. Unfortunately, Tesla ended up lacking the investments and funds to finish his work in its entirety. Some say he failed because his idea didn’t work, but that’s not true at all because his Colorado experiments proved that they did. In his head, the transmission of energy was a matter of engineering. If he had a machine that could send energy 20 miles, then he could build a machine that could send energy a thousand miles. As long as he understands the motive power, he could build a machine that will do all that he requires of it. He simply underestimated the cost of his system. His failures to finish his work would leave him with the public persona as being the mad scientist who had unrealistic ideas for the future.
Ultimately, Tesla would not realize his dream of providing humankind with cheap, unlimited energy in his lifetime; however, his legacy forever lives on through the incredibly impactful experiments, and the evolution of the Tesla Coil.
“Technical invention is akin to architecture and the experts must in time come to the same conclusions I have reached long ago. Sooner or later my power system will have to be adopted in its entirety and so far as I am concerned it is as good as done. If I were ever assailed by doubt of ultimate success I would dismiss it by remembering the words of that great philosopher, Lord Kelvin, who after witnessing some of my experiments said to me with tears in his eyes: ‘I am sure you will do it.’”--Nikola Tesla
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drnikolatesla · 5 months
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On May 20, 1891, Nikola Tesla delivered a lecture titled "Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency" before the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. In this lecture, Tesla discussed his experiments with alternating current (AC) electricity, high voltage, and high-frequency currents.
During the lecture, Tesla demonstrated various experiments, including the effects of high-frequency currents on the human body, wireless lighting, and the principles of his Tesla coil. The demonstrations were so far ahead of their time that the people in the auditorium literally started panicking and running out the doors because they thought he was doing the devil’s work.
Tesla's lecture would introduce the basic principles to the wireless transmission of energy we all use today in our everyday lives. His contributions to electrical engineering, particularly in the development and promotion of AC power and wireless, had a profound impact on the field and the wider adoption of electricity for practical use.
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drnikolatesla · 5 months
One of the Greatest Inventions of All Time
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Nikola Tesla has many revolutionary inventions to his credit, but he is best known for his pioneering work in the development and promotion of alternating current (AC) electrical systems. Tesla's innovations in AC technology revolutionized the generation, transmission, and distribution of electrical power, becoming the foundation for the modern electrical power systems that we use today.
There is a common misconception made that Tesla was the first to invent, or discover, AC, but this is not true. It is well-known that Hippolyte Pixii was the first to discover AC in 1832. Pixii was an instrument maker from Paris who built an early form of an alternating current electrical generator (based on the principle of electromagnetic induction discovered by Michael Faraday), and thus started a new industry in power transmission. Tesla was not the first to discover or invent an AC motor, but he was the first to invent a practical AC induction motor with commercial value that could outperform all other motors. It must be noted that Italian inventor Galileo Ferraris also invented an induction motor similar to Tesla's, but it had no commercial value, and he even admitted himself that it was useless. Tesla's induction motor operates on the principle of electromagnetic induction, properly utilizing a rotating magnetic field that induces a current in a stationary conductor, resulting in rotational motion. The utilization of the rotating magnetic field makes the motor more simple, robust, versatile, efficient, and cost effective in that it has less moving parts reducing the likelihood of mechanical failure (as was common in other motors).
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Tesla's induction motor became a fundamental component in the field of electrical engineering and is used today in various applications, being one of the most widely used devices in the world. The motors play a crucial role in transmitting electrical power to homes and businesses. They are commonly used in power generation plants to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy, which is then transmitted through the power grid for distribution to various locations. Induction motors are also widely employed in appliances and machinery within homes and businesses for various applications. These applications include conveyor systems, hoists, cranes, lifts, pumps, fans, ventilation systems, compressors, manufacturing machinery, wind turbines, washing machines, refrigerators, garbage disposals, microwaves, dishwashers, vacuums, air conditioners, robotics, electric vehicles, trains, power tools, printers, etc. Basically, anything that requires a spinning action for power.
The induction motor is widely considered one of the most important inventions in the history of electrical engineering. Its importance lies in its transformative impact on industries, its efficiency and reliability, and its role in the broader electrification of society.
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drnikolatesla · 6 months
Was Nikola Tesla an Alien, or was he in contact with aliens?
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Nikola Tesla was, and still is one of the most unique and influential people in history, so much so that his life's work has inspired some of the more absurd conspiracy theories of today. These include Tesla being an alien from another planet, or that he was in contact with aliens who guided him in his work, or that he was obsessed with the Egyptian pyramids and found the secrets to ancient technology. These very colorful narratives, although very intriguing, falsely portray and exploit the genius of Tesla.
So where to these conspiracies stem from?
In 1959, sixteen years after Tesla's passing, Margaret Storm wrote a novel titled Return of the Dove. She revealed that Tesla was originally born on board a spaceship traveling from Venus to Earth in 1856, and was delivered to a Serbian family with the purpose of bringing the world electric power and mass communication systems. She also stated that Tesla developed an apparatus for interplanetary communication in 1838, and his assistants rebuilt it after his death in 1950. This device allowed them to communicate and maintain a relationship with "Space People" who told them of Tesla's origins. The book is actually pretty good, and might resonante more with people who enjoy spiritual and mystical quest stories, but in all it's just a fictional story. This story would even reach the FBI, but not because they were curious about "Space People," but because Nikola Tesla's nephew, Peter Savo, was in contact with them about Storm's exploitation of his uncle.
The conspiracy that Tesla was in contact with aliens comes from his experiments in Colorado Springs where he confessed to the press that he had recieved a signal from an unknown source, possibly Mars. He wrote a letter to the Red Cross in 1900 where he says: "I have observed electrical actions, which have appeared inexplicable. Faint and uncertain though they were, they have given me a deep conviction and foreknowledge, that ere long all human beings on this globe, as one, will turn their eyes to the firmament above, with feelings of love and reverence, thrilled by the glad news: “Brethren! We have a message from another world, unknown and remote. It reads: one… two… three.” Tesla would continue to promote the possibility of interplanetary communication for the rest of his life, but he was not in contact with aliens.
A far as Tesla being obsessed with the Egyptian pyramids there is no evidence back these claims. These conspiracies are derived from silly people using Tesla's inventions to correlate and further promote their far-fetched, evidence-free theories that the Egyptians were visited by extraterrestrials.
Ironically enough, the Office of Alien Property Custodian of the United States did confiscate Tesla's property after his death in 1943...so maybe he was an alien! ✌️👽
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drnikolatesla · 7 months
In 1937, at the age of 81, Nikola Tesla was hit by a taxicab during one of his regular walks. It is likely he was jaywalking because he admittedly was known to do so. He broke three ribs and seriously injured his back. Tesla would be bedridden for months while refusing to see a doctor, and on top of this would catch pneumonia, which would plague his health for the last 5 years of his life. I believe this accident and sickness would play a major role in the rapid decline of his health, both mentally and physically, and his goal of living past a century would never be realized.
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drnikolatesla · 9 months
"Unlimited Power."
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"It was clear to me many years ago that a new and better source of power had to be discovered to meet the ever increasing demands of mankind. In a lecture delivered before the American Institute of Electrical Engineers at Columbia University May 20, 1891, I said: “We are whirling through endless space with inconceivable speed, all around us everything is spinning, everything is moving, everywhere is energy. There must be some way of availing ourselves of this energy more directly. Then, with the light obtained from the medium, with the power derived from it, with every form of energy obtained without effort, from the store forever inexhaustible, humanity will advance with giant strides.”
"I have thought and worked with this object in view unremittingly and am glad to say that I have sufficient theoretical and experimental evidence to fill me with hope, not to say confidence, that my efforts of years will be rewarded and that we shall have at our disposal a new source of power, superior even to the hydro-electric, which may be obtained by means of simple apparatus everywhere and in almost constant and unlimited amount.“
—Nikola Tesla
“Our Future Motive Power.” Everyday Science & Mechanics. December 1931. Pg. 230-236.
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drnikolatesla · 11 months
Nikola Tesla and His Cleanliness
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It is known that Nikola Tesla suffered from an obsessive compulsive disorder, and because of this, he was an extreme germaphobe. While living in New York, Tesla kept his laboratories absolutely clean and pure, refused to touch other people, would wear gloves while shaking hands, and insisting upon personally cleaning his own plates and silverware at restaurants with his requested 18 napkins. Tesla himself reported that this was intentional. As a child, he almost died from cholera, which raged in the region of his hometown Lika due to contaminated water. He was cured by a special remedy made by an old woman, and also because his father gave him his word that if he recovered, he could study technology instead of entering the clergy, as was intended. Many found Tesla's actions strange, but to him, it was a very important measure to protect his health.
“There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the latent power fully exists in man to greatly prolong the average length of his life by the exercise of extraordinary care and the proper utilization of the various instruments which science, day by day, is placing at his disposal. A large proportion of the people who die nowadays before reaching what is commonly called old age can trace the cause of their death to the fact that microbes of every kind are allowed by them to enter their bodies through the swallowing of microbe-laden water and food, and through the inspiration of microbe-laden air. How many people are really careful today about the water they drink, the food they swallow, and the air they breathe? And how many millions of people would be careful if they knew the difference between microbe-laden food and air and those which are really pure?”
–Nikola Tesla
“Man May Be Made To Live 1000 Years.” New York World, September 5, 1897.
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drnikolatesla · 1 year
Nikola Tesla and His Achievements
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Although the system of world wireless power transmission consumed most of his attention throughout his life, Nikola Tesla still brought the world many wonderful inventions and discoveries. Stated in chronological order, some of the more notable ones are:
The rotating magnetic field, 1882;
System of arc lighting, 1886;
Tesla motor and system of alternating current power transmission that utilized the rotating magnetic field discovery creating polyphase systems of AC, 1888;
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System of electrical conversion and distribution by oscillatory discharges, 1889;
Generators of high-frequency currents and effects of these, 1890;
Transmission of energy through a single wire without return, 1891;
The “Tesla coil,” or oscillation transformer, which was the basis to his wireless transmission of energy making Tesla the true father of radio, 1891;
Investigations of high-frequency effects and phenomena, 1891-93;
System of transmission of intelligence and power without wires, 1891-1905;
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Neon light signs, 1893;
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Researches and discoveries in radiations, material streams and emanations, today known as X-rays, and X-ray imaging, 1893-1898;
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Mechanical oscillators and generators of electrical oscillations, 1894-95;
Radioactivity and cosmic ray discovery published in a series of papers in the "Electrical Review,” New York, 1896-1898;
High-potential vacuum tubes, 1896-1898;
Explained the harms of X-rays and safer ways to use them, 1897;
High-potential magnifying transmitter, 1897;
Economic transmission of energy by refrigeration, 1898;
Remote control, or what Tesla called his “Art of Telautomatics,” 1897-99;
Discovery of stationary electrical waves in the earth, 1899;
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Art of transmitting energy by stationary waves through earth, 1899-1900;
Burning of atmospheric nitrogen, and production of other electrical effects of transcending intensities, 1899-1900;
Apparatus for the utilization of cosmic radiation, 1901;
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Art of Individualization. Tesla described this as a method of absolute privacy in wireless communication, 1902-1903;
Magnifying transmitter on a large scale, 1902;
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Speedometers on new principles, means for lightning protection, types of steam and gas turbines, pressure and vacuum pumps and other apparatus, 1916-1926.
Teleforce, or his “New Art of Projecting Concentrated Non-Dispersive Energy Through Natural Media.” This is his particle beam weapon, circa 1930s.
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drnikolatesla · 1 year
After Nikola Tesla gave a lecture before the Royal Institution in London, he became very good friends with British scientist Sir William Crookes who was in attendance at the lecture. The next day, Crookes invited Tesla to his laboratory where Tesla showed Crookes how to build Tesla Coils on his own. They would have dinner that night and converse over a wide range of topics such as their own research, the importance of electricity in the future, metaphysics, religion, and even some of Crookes experiments which involved mental telepathy, spiritualism and human levitation. Crookes would notice Tesla's poor health from overwork, and after Tesla's departure would write him this letter:
My dear Tesla,
You are a true prophet. I have finished my new coil, and it does not do so well as the little one you made for me. I fear it is too large. I have fitted it with two sets of Levden jars; six quart jars on each side, but the spark is not long or thick, and there is scarcely any brush to be seen. The phosphorescence through my body when I hold one terminal is decidedly inferior to that given with the little one. I am actuating it only with the ordinary make and break of the large coil, as the alternator is not yet here, I do not think I have made any mistake in the winding of the coil, as your coil does just the same as mine.
I hope you will get away to the mountains of your native land as soon as you can. You are suffering from over work, and if you do not take care of yourself you will break down. Don't answer this letter or see any one but take the first train. I am thinking of doing so myself, but I am only thinking of going as far as Hastings.
With our united kindest regards,
Believe me,
very sincerely yours,
William Crookes.
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drnikolatesla · 1 year
Happy π Day!!!
By J.J.J.
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While experimenting in Colorado Springs in 1899, Nikola Tesla discovered that the earth as a whole had certain periods of vibrations, and by using his large oscillator, he could impress electrical vibrations at the same periods upon it creating more energy within the earth. This process is referred to as constructive interference (the interference of two or more waves of equal frequency and phase, resulting in their mutual reinforcement and producing a single amplitude equal to the sum of the amplitudes of the individual waves). By doing this repeatedly using massive amounts of energy previously unheard of, Tesla was able to transmit energy from his transmitter around earth and back to his receiver traveling at a mean velocity of 292,815 miles per second (over 100,000 miles per second faster than the speed of light). This velocity can be confirmed in his patent No. 787,412, filed May 16, 1900, titled "Art of Transmitting Electrical Energy Through the Natural Mediums." Many electrical experimenters have proven this velocity, including Jonathan Zenneck and Arnold Sommerfeld. The mathematical equation to this speed was developed by English scientist and inventor Charles Wheatstone, who experimented and calculated that the velocity of electrostatic induction through a wire was v=π/2( c ). If we compare Wheatstone's equation with Tesla's measurements, it looks like this:
v = average velocity of Tesla’s electrical current round earth (miles per second)
(You can plug in any metric and get the same results)
c = speed of light (miles per second)
v = π / 2 (186,300)
v = 1.57 (186,300)
v = 292,491
I know most may question the ability to transmit anything faster than the speed of light; however, the speed of light is a constant, not a limit. The velocity of light is an expression of the ratio of energy to mass; Tesla’s waves functioned on different dimensions. The electromagnetic waves we use in today’s technology travel at the speed of light, but due to the nature of these waves, they diminish with distance. This phenomenon is because the electromagnetic lines of force and the magnetic lines of force intercept at right angles to one other, causing resistance (radiation resistance). This is also why the waves eventually lose energy. Tesla, on the other hand, used an oscillating wave (or a longitudinal wave), in which the electromagnetic and magnetic lines of force run parallel with each other (hence there is no friction or loss of energy). As a result, the more power he used, the faster and further these waves could travel.
“What will be achieved by waves which do not diminish with distance, baffles comprehension.“ –Nikola Tesla
Einstein’s Theory of Relativity indicating that "nothing can travel faster than light" is now generally accepted as scientific fact and currently taught in most academic books. However, Tesla’s work challenging this theory certainly warrants further study into this area. First, Tesla’s experiments were far more in-depth than his colleagues’ work, as well as utilizing more advanced equipment to conduct the experiments themselves. Secondly, he provided solid and sufficient empirical evidence concretely refuting Einstein’s theory. Based on this, Tesla’s groundbreaking work should, at a minimum, be acknowledged in today’s world and certainly further explored.
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drnikolatesla · 1 year
A Century Ahead Of Our Time
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After his unfortunate laboratory fire in 1895, which destroyed nearly all his work and research, Nikola Tesla was immediately back in a new laboratory experimenting with his wireless theories. As early as 1896, Tesla was already sending signals from his laboratory in New York City to West Point, located roughly 30 miles north of his lab. He continued these experiments and many others until he realized he needed more space than what the crowded city could offer.
In 1899, he developed a laboratory station in Colorado Springs, Colorado in hopes of developing a transmitter of great power, to perfect means for individualizing and isolating the energy transmitted, and also to ascertain the laws of propagation of currents through the earth and the atmosphere. Tesla ultimately believed that it is practicable to disturb the electrostatic condition of the earth and by developing large enough machinery he could grip the earth with electricity, use it as a conductor, and transmit signals and power through it.
While in Colorado, Nikola Tesla was informed numerous times by his secretary about the many other competitors in the wireless art. There was George H. Clark, who was sending messages up to 3 miles. There was also Professor Marble in Connecticut, Dr. Riccia in France, and Professor D'Azar in Rome. Guglielmo Marconi was the biggest competitor who was sending messages up to 20 miles in America at the America's Cup boat races. Although Tesla's secretary was worried that Tesla might be wasting time in Colorado while others were getting the jump on him, Tesla confidently replied:
"Do not worry about me. I am about a century ahead of the other fellows."
In January of 1900, Tesla would leave Colorado fully convinced that he accomplished all he set out to do. He would then set out to engineer and build his machines on a large scale, but ended up lacking the investments and funds to finish his work in its entirety. Some say he failed because his idea didn't work, but that's not true at all because his Colorado experiments proved that they did. He simply underestimated the cost of his system. Unfortunately, his failings to fulfill his dreams and finish his work would leave him with the public persona as being the mad scientist who had unrealistic ideas for the future. Although we are advancing with great strides in technological achievements, we are still a century behind the future Nikola Tesla hoped and dreamed for.
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