I love this so much. Pretty Mof
1. Show your most recent wip
might have to put this in undercut bc eyes djdjrjr
Tw scopophobia??? Giant space mof tbh
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knowing that someone actively ENJOYS the things you create.. is an absolutely wild feeling. like, my entire chest is just full of warmth rn because i was able to make someone’s day just a teensy bit better ya know? catch me in the corner, gently crying
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"You two keep it down! You're not going to get anyone's attention but mine. To be truthful it's getting on my nerves really fast. Colonel Gigglecheeks needs to sleep. Now pipe down before I decide to use this stuff on you again. I don't know what side effects it'll have if I keep using it but I'm more than happy to find out!" Miss Power looked quite frustrated by their attempts at escape. They had been dragging their chairs around the best they could. Alex and Alan glared at her, unable to respond due to Miss Power gagging them with torn cloth she had found somewhere. Whatever she had used on them had still not worn off. She had used it on the two more than once since she had taken them. Having been too loud for her liking. Alex wanted nothing more than to escape from his confines and deal with this revenge crazed woman. He couldn't imagine the distress his spouses were in. As well as Becky. This had no doubt brought up horrible memories of her kidnapping before. Alan glared as well. He hated every moment of this. The feeling of being absolutely useless, vulnerable at the hands of Miss Power. If he had been more vigilant during his patrol around the city, maybe she wouldn't have taken him. Maybe he could've helped prevent her from taking Alex as well. There was Hugh as well. Alan knew that his dear boyfriend would take his disappearance hard. How Alan missed him so much. Wishing he could be at home with Hugh at that moment. Sleeping within each other's arms. It made his heart ache. Both of them had stopped dragging around their chairs as they kept glaring at her. "That's what I thought." The smug expression on her face made them even more angry. "Are you two feeling lonely? Well don't worry. Soon enough, you'll have more company." A sinister grin spread across her face. Alex wished he could break free of the ropes. He didn't want her to involve even more in this plan of hers. "It's funny. You two are supposed to be strong. Powerful. Yet look at you. Pathetic. Weak. Completely at my mercy. It was too easy taking you two. Much easier than it should've been. Barely keeping up a fight too! I bet that idiotic doctor will be more challenging than you two were. I mean, he doesn't even have super powers! Yet he managed to evade me. In his place, Lame-o guy here was taken. He looked so confused about it too! It was almost too sad to laugh at. Almost." Of course she would come to tell them to keep quiet while also being the one now being the one talking. Mocking them. She couldn't resist the chance each time. Taking pleasure from this. One thing both Alan and Alex knew, when Gene and the others found out. When they get a hold of Miss Power, they won't take it easy on her. There was yet another person wide awake. Eudora was staring at all her written up plans, frowning. All of her attempts at persuading that now soft half brother of hers into joining her went horribly. Well, she wasn't going to give up so easily. Eudora was going to immortalize her name one way or another. She didn't need Maddrix to do that. She was going to do something even better than him. The woman couldn't help but feel disgusted at this nice facade he was putting up. He was faking it. She just knew it but Maddrix simply refused to give up the act. He didn't matter anymore though. Her plans weren't ruined but merely changed. Another person would go with her plans. One not as disappointing as Maddrix was.Though perhaps she could make one last attempt before moving onto plan B. She doubted he would listen to her once again but it couldn't hurt to try. Though if he were to change his mind and join her, Eudora definitely wouldn't look up to him anymore. He had lost her respect but the help would be much needed. The moment he wouldn't expect it, she would throw him under the bus if he did help. All of the memorabilia she had collected over the years, Eudora looked at them with disdain now. Taking them and throwing them into the garbage. “It's like I've been telling you, the only one you can truly trust is yourself!” She seemed extremely satisfied with that.
Heart of chaos
A year had passed since the B.E.A.W Labs organization had fallen. Since all the events had taken place. Becky being taken along with Bob. The poor girl being experimented on by a cruel scientist who had no love for anyone but himself. Matthew had broken out of the facility with her, Carl and Steven. Gene's true identity being revealed along with losing his Dr.Two-Brains persona. Shocking revelations unfolded. Betrayals and redemption. Things had calmed down significantly since but that didn't mean life had been dull. It certainly wasn't for Fair City. Especially with the villains, heroes and its eccentric inhabitants livening up the city. Becky had been making a wonderful recovery. Though she still wasn't at her full recovery Becky was still making so much more progress than the year prior. Gene still had identity issues, dealing with the loss of Squeaky. Though he didn't go through it alone. The still mad scientist had his family and friends help him through everything. Matthew and Carl took up residency within the city. A house that wasn't too far from their sons. Life in this place was definitely lively and peaceful in comparison to the hellish place many innocent souls were imprisoned in. Matthew was less exhausted than before. Relaxing within the living room in his son's house, watching whatever was put on the television. Matthew felt his eyes beginning to droop. Sleepiness hitting him out of nowhere. He simply allowed himself to doze off, not fighting it. Knowing that he was safe there. It wasn't until he felt weight on him that Matthew opened his eyes. Usually a dog or cat would be the cause for this but Matthew met many eyes. Fluffy had snuck into the house yet again. A small warm smile spread across his facial features, patting the spider on its head. Fluffy leaned into Matthew's hand, making soft happy noises. It was funnily cute to him. Though he understood as to why Gene was so afraid of him. Even Carl was squeamish around the giant spider. “Aw, who's a good boy? You are! You're a good boy!” Matthew couldn't help but baby talk the arachnid. He looked up, wriggling his chelicerae in response. As to say ‘Me! I'm a good boy!’ He chuckled at that, giving Fluffy gentle scritches. It was like a huge puppy in a spider's body. Though the peacefulness was interrupted by a sudden shout. “NO! WHY IS IT HERE AGAIN?!” Gene was in the doorway of the living room. Looking quite terrified at the huge arachnid. Fluffy instantly moved around on Matthew's lap to look at Gene. Excitedly jumping off of the supervillain's lap in favor of his son. He bolted right for the mad scientist, causing him to yelp loudly and make a run for it. “SOMEONE KEEP THAT ABOMINATION AWAY FROM ME!” Matthew gave a small laugh. “Can't help but feel abit rejected there.” Archie, who was quiet until then, responded. “I know that feeling.” This caused Matthew to jump up startled. “Don't do that! I'm old. Also I could accidentally blast you.” Archie blinked in confusion. “You didn't notice me? I came in with Fluffy. He got loose and snuck into the house. I just came to bring him back before he got to Gene. Too late for that now.” Archie frowned. “I can't help but be jealous at how much Fluffy loves him. Though Gene is terrified of him. That spider just won't listen to me when it comes to his favorite person.” He shook his head disapprovingly. “You want me to help you?” Matthew was being genuine with his question. He didn't want his son dying of fright from the giant arachnid. “That would be greatly appreciated. I have to take him back home. He can't avoid taking his medication this time.” Matthew got up, stretching first before doing anything else. This earned him a strange look from Archie. “What? I said I'm old. If I don't stretch I'll pull a muscle.” The hero shrugged. “Let's go get him soon. I have to look after Charlotte as well.” Archie always had the brightest smile when Charlotte was brought up. Either by him, Sunshine or anyone else. It was sweet. “Alright, alright.” They were completely unaware of an enemy observing them. Waiting.
Miss Power growled in frustration at the display she was witnessing through a window to the Boxleitner or rather the Woods household. A display she thought was very disgusting. How badly the alien conqueror wanted to charge right in their and obliterate everyone in her sights. She couldn't do her usual tactics and tricks right now, not after what she learned after coming back. She was still ticked off after that little alien brat Wordgirl and her parents dupe and tricked her into leaving the planet in defeat. There was no way she could go back to her planet and face her people with such a shameful stain to her otherwise brilliant record. Fueled by revenge and hatred, Miss Power spent her time preparing, training, and waiting so she could exact her revenge against those who wronged her, against the little hybrid girl and her freak of a family that humiliated her. Sadly when Miss Power and her loyal sidekick Colonel Gigglecheeks did decide to return, they were not prepared for the recent changes that had happeend in their absence. Miss Power did not care much for this Darius person or B.E.A.W labs, she had seen those like them a dime a dozen before on other worlds. The alien wished she could have congratulated the person who tortured and dehumanized Wordgirl and her sidekick. If it was up to her, Professor Ross Moran would receive high honors among her people for his actions. She did give her condolences at his unmarked gravestone. While the recent trauma Wordgirl and her sidekick have suffered gave Miss Power an opportunistic advantage, the alien conquerer unfortunately could not risk using it especially with her grandfather around. Miss Power was amazed at hearing about the past and recent exploits of Maddrix the Malicious. She was shocked that someone so bloodthirsty and powerful was the father of that scientist who used to have a mouse brain attached to his skull as well as a weird cheese obsession. To her disappointment, Miss Power could clearly see the man was too human and had regretted his actions in the past. Actions that would have made him highly respected among her people despite him being human. Still Miss Power wasn't going to risk striking back while that old coot was still alive. Age did not always equate to weakness according to what she had been taught. Even though he was old, Maddrix was clearly still powerful. It was likely that her and Gigglecheeks would wind up dead by the man's hands before they could claim revenge and victory. A chittering sound snapped Miss Power out of her musings. She turned her head to see her sidekick give her a concerned look. He chittered again and asked 'So what are we going to do?' Miss Power smiled and scratched her sidekick's head which he enjoyed. "Don't worry Colonel Gigglecheeks. We'll get our revenge soon. We just need to learn more about Mr. Malicious and what weaknesses he might have so we can use it to defeat him." Miss Power cooed. She then took her sidekick and flew off without anyone being the wiser. Miss Power was brash and bold and could be tricked sometimes, but she was no fool. The alien conqueror learned long ago that the best way to win your battles was to be prepared and know your enemy more than they know themselves. Carl sighed with relief and slight exhaustion as he sat down in a comfy chair. He had just finished sweeping the floor of his and Matthew's home. Now all he had to do was sit and relax until his husband got home. Carl wanted to try a nice 'mom and pop' owned restaurant that one of Gene's friends, Chuck, had recommended to the man. Carl had been itching to get out and do something more and more recently. If he had to be honest, he was getting bored. In the past, Carl had his job and work as a scientist to keep him occupied along with spending time with his husband and kids. Unfortunately after his 20 year imprisonment, Carl couldn't step in another official science lab ever again without a severe anxiety and panic attack @dualnaturedscientist
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Yessss I love this so much
Ahhhh I love Carrie!! Such awesome lore!
“Carrie…not this again.”
“He's got a decent job as he mentioned…just give him a chance, Papa.”
Felix knew exactly who his daughter was referring to.
Steven Boxleitner. 
And frankly, Mr. Catswell did not approve of him.
The conversation had escalated into an argument. They've been having more and more lately as Carrie grew to be more independent. None however was as bad as this one.
“You are not going out with him Caroline!” Felix said, putting his foot down on the matter. His tone was on the line of not wanting to hear anything of the matter. He truly thought she would listen to his decision. She wasn't backing down, proving to be stubborn if not equally as him.
“YES I AM!” Carrie screamed with all her might. In an instant Felix had found himself slammed into the wall. Knocking down a few photos. His lungs burned as he tried to regain the oxygen he lost when he was flying backwards.
The worst part of it was that she hadn't even laid a finger on him. His anger turned into one of horror and realization. 
There was a moment of silence. The tension in the air was thicker than butter. Neither father, nor daughter broke eye contact. Carrie's breathing was harsh, almost like a rabid animal. If there was one thing Carrie shared with her mother, it was her fury.
Felix struggled to stand up on his bruised legs. He had been a fool. An absolute fool. How could he ever assume any of his kids had been normal? They were just like him. They had shared part of his DNA after all. His expression was still one of shock as he stared at his daughter.
Carrie's rage melted into a broken sob. Seeing she had harmed her father and  the fear in his eyes snapped her out of anger that was clawing at her soul. Regret filled her.
“Carrie.”  He stepped forward. His tone neutral, no longer holding the angry tone he had before. 
“Carrie….come here.”
She shook her head. Hesitant to be near him. Not after she had flung him to the wall. A small trail of blood dripped from her nose joining her tears on the floor. She stood in her former room crying.
“Is everything alright up there? I heard shouting.” 
Felix quickly spoke up after hearing his wife call from downstairs. “Uh yea. I just dropped a box of old antiques.” He fibbed. Carrie glanced at him puzzled. His response seemed to quell his wife's inquiry for the time being. No doubt, Catherine was ready to return to her afternoon nap. Silence returned back to the room as Felix faced Carrie.
“How long…?” He asked. He was referring to the earlier outburst of her telekinesis.
Carrie sniffed, wiping the blood away from her nose. Her eyes looked at the floor silent for a bit. “Sometime during junior high…” 
She was in her early twenties now…nearly a decade had gone by and Felix had been none the wiser. He had assumed she hadn't gotten the gene. He had hoped she didn't. She hadn't displayed any signs like Clayde had as a baby. It really wasn't fair. She didn't deserve this horrible fate.
Carrie looked cautiously at her father, taking note of his out of character silence. “Are…are you upset…?” The ginger wasn't a foreigner to her parents' dislikes of mutants and the like. She was not sure if she could face getting disowned. But they were parents…her family. The people she's known and loved the longest. 
Felix shook his head and embraced his daughter. He had kept hushed about his past to everyone. Even Catherine, the love of his life. There was no way he would send another of his kids away. Mr. Catswell would have to keep this incident a secret. Carrie knew she could never tell her mother about the damaged wall.
He just hoped she would stay away from that no good Boxleitner.
@blueweirdness @lartmacabre @dualnaturedscientist @ninjastormhawkkat @spaaceeboyy @liloskull343
Clayde belongs to @spaaceeboyy
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"It was supposed to be me... please, no, [name], please..."
Today was supposed to be the start of something new. Something that Professor Boxleitner had been looking forward to doing since he got that idea in his mind. Peering into the rodent intellect. He was going to make a huge change with this new invention of his. The scientist couldn't help but feel excited for this. Until the scent of pastrami filled the air. His stomach growled as he sniffed. Professor Boxleitner jokingly spoke out loud to himself. “Hey, make sure that no one presses the holy cow don't press this button button!” Squeaky had been looking grouchy until the scientist left the room for his sandwich. The rodent had the most sinister look as he quickly rushed over to the button. The moment he touched the button, Professor Boxleitner had returned to the lab with the food. He had a look of regret. “Oh, this is going to sting.” He braced himself for the inevitable pain. “Dad! No!” Within the blink of an eye, the scientist was pushed out of the way, the mind reading device had been removed from his head. There was a blood curdling scream that chilled Professor Boxleitner to the bone. He stared at the sight before him. His daughter had not been so lucky and didn't have the time to release the device. Wordgirl was now lying motionless on the floor. Hair having turned white, now having rodent features. Professor Boxleitner felt his blood run cold once he saw the second brain attached to the young girl's head. “No…no! No no no! Becky! Oh my starlight, I'm so sorry!” He quickly scooped her up within his arms. Tears flowing from his eyes. “It was supposed to be me. I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry my little girl!” He cradled her, not wanting to move the girl just yet in case she had other injuries. Wordgirl was barely conscious, looking up at her father. Holding up a hand as much as she could, trying to comfort him. “Save your energy, please.” He quickly placed her arm back down. His heart ached when he noticed where her gloves burnt away. Burn marks covered where she held the mind reading device. “This is all my fault, I'm so sorry.” Guilt filled him. His careless mistake had resulted in such serious consequences. What was worse is that he wasn't the one to suffer from it but his daughter. She had taken his place when saving him. It could've been prevented if he had just paid closer attention. The scientist had no idea when his assistant had finally arrived but he had found Professor Boxleitner with Wordgirl in his arms. Crying incoherently. “Professor Boxleitner! Sir! What happened!” He rushed over to his employer, a worried expression on his face. It haunted Jenkins to see his boss looking so…broken. They looked after her when Professor Boxleitner finally let himself calm down. Treating Wordgirls wounds. What they didn't expect was for Steven's heart to break even more the next day. Upon waking up, his daughter had immediately gone missing. His heart sank when news spread of a new cheese stealing villain. To his horror, it was indeed his daughter. Steven had driven to the store she was currently robbing at a terrifying speed. It left Jenkins shaken by the time they got out. “Wordgirl! Please stop! You can fight this!” She gave him such a strange look. Staring at him in silence for a moment before speaking up. “I don't know who this Wordgirl is but I'm Mousebraingirl thank you very much.” She doesn't remember who she was? What had he done to her? What kind of father was he? Allowing his daughter to put herself in danger to keep him safe. He couldn't help but feel immense guilt and shame. “Why are you crying?” Steven hadn't realized he had started crying once more. “I'll buy you cheese, please stop this. I'll get you as much cheese as you want.” Mouse considered it over. “Fine but I get to pick as much cheese as I want. No taking it back.” Steven nodded, wiping away his tears. He just took away the city's hero. What could he do to rectify this? Sherbet genuinely didn't know what to do. Steven couldn't just take up the mantle himself. He didn't have the powers to do so. Nor did he trust in his own inventions now.
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Too many beds
Accidentally kidnapping a mafia boss
Really nice guy who hates only you
Academic rivals except it’s two teachers who compete to have the best class
Divorce of convenience
Too much communication
True hate’s kiss (only kissing your enemy can break a curse)
Dating your enemy’s sibling
Lovers to enemies
Hate at first sight
Love triangle where the two love interests get together instead
Fake amnesia
Soulmates who are fated to kill each other
Strangers to enemies
Instead of fake dating, everyone is convinced that you aren’t actually dating
Too hot to cuddle
Love interest CEO is a himbo/bimbo who runs their company into the ground
Nursing home au
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Why am I like this
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Reblog to hug prev poster (they need a hug)
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"You have amazing self restraint. I wouldn't have been able to hold myself back." Patricia spoke up. It was satisfying to see that bastard get what he deserved. Especially when he had the nerve to antagonize Gene. If Tristan hadn't done something, it was a safe bet that someone else would've stepped in. They knew if Jenkins hadn't been queasy at what happened, he would've been cussing out the demon himself. Years of picking up the pieces and helping the mad scientist, Corbin knocked most of those pieces back down with that stunt of his. They knew Gene had harbored guilt from what happened to Sapphire and Cody. They remember when Becky was the one to kidnap them instead of Dr.Two-Brains. To show them the poor state the villain was in. It took much convincing from Becky and the four to allow them in. He even shut out the henchmen before then and he trusted them so very much. Dr.Two-Brains was an absolute mess when the henchmen filled him in on what happened. The henchmen told them that he looked physically ill. Being told that Squeaky ate the remains of the cheese that once was a man. He never allowed Squeaky to take over since. Their friend's guilt grew tremendously when he learned that Cody and Sapphire were siblings. Especially when he met Maeve. That encounter tore the villain's heart into shreds. Seeing someone dealing with such loss and pain caused by his actions or lack of actions. Tristan turned to his husband, his heart aching for the other. Dealing with missing people and this horrible man opening up old wounds. Gene allowed himself to be held by both of his parents. He let out all of his emotions. Clinging onto their shirts as he sobbed. "It's okay, my love. He's gone now." When Tristan spoke up, Carl and Matthew had released their son. Gene didn't want them to let go but understood why they let go when Tristan pulled him into a tight, protective embrace. He always felt so safe in his husband's arms. After a few minutes, Gene had calmed down. Now sniffling into Tristan's shoulder. He didn't register a pair of smaller arms wrapping around him until Becky spoke up. "Are you going to be okay? Dad?" She looked up at him with sadness. Sad that her dad was in this emotional state. "I'll be okay, sweetheart." She frowned at that. Becky had heard everything but only came down after that vile man had left. She was angry he made her father break down like this but all Becky wanted to do was cheer her dad up. It was a while before Jenkins had finally come back down from the bathroom. Looking pale but much better than he was before. He gave Gene a sympathetic look. Today was a rough day for him as well as Tristan and Becky. He exchanged looks with the other three, wordlessly asking what they should do. Archie was the one to answer. “It's becoming late, I think we should allow them to recover. That…was very emotionally draining. Especially for Gene.” The other three nodded. They would get back to work on what to do with the missing Alex and Alan. They quickly left. Giving the others a farewell before stepping out. Archie had asked Constance if she wanted a ride back to her house but she declined. Telling him that she wanted to stay for Carl, not wanting to leave him quite yet. Victor and Emily said their goodbyes to them as well. Giving their sibling a well needed hug before leaving. Though Matthew and Carl decided to stay longer than the others as they still wanted to talk to Gene in private before leaving. Carl was honestly grateful for Constance to stay with them. It was nice to have this support from her. Becky and Tristan didn't let go of Gene for the longest time. It was when Tristan went upstairs to put Becky to bed that Carl spoke to Gene. “I'm sorry that all happened to you, Gene. Please don't be so harsh on yourself, okay? Don't listen to that man. He just spews garbage from that mouth of his.” Matthew nodded in agreement. “I know but what he said was true. About what happened. It still bothers me so much. I hate that she's the one he had to claw his talons into. Of all the people he had chosen, it had to be her.
Heart of chaos
A year had passed since the B.E.A.W Labs organization had fallen. Since all the events had taken place. Becky being taken along with Bob. The poor girl being experimented on by a cruel scientist who had no love for anyone but himself. Matthew had broken out of the facility with her, Carl and Steven. Gene's true identity being revealed along with losing his Dr.Two-Brains persona. Shocking revelations unfolded. Betrayals and redemption. Things had calmed down significantly since but that didn't mean life had been dull. It certainly wasn't for Fair City. Especially with the villains, heroes and its eccentric inhabitants livening up the city. Becky had been making a wonderful recovery. Though she still wasn't at her full recovery Becky was still making so much more progress than the year prior. Gene still had identity issues, dealing with the loss of Squeaky. Though he didn't go through it alone. The still mad scientist had his family and friends help him through everything. Matthew and Carl took up residency within the city. A house that wasn't too far from their sons. Life in this place was definitely lively and peaceful in comparison to the hellish place many innocent souls were imprisoned in. Matthew was less exhausted than before. Relaxing within the living room in his son's house, watching whatever was put on the television. Matthew felt his eyes beginning to droop. Sleepiness hitting him out of nowhere. He simply allowed himself to doze off, not fighting it. Knowing that he was safe there. It wasn't until he felt weight on him that Matthew opened his eyes. Usually a dog or cat would be the cause for this but Matthew met many eyes. Fluffy had snuck into the house yet again. A small warm smile spread across his facial features, patting the spider on its head. Fluffy leaned into Matthew's hand, making soft happy noises. It was funnily cute to him. Though he understood as to why Gene was so afraid of him. Even Carl was squeamish around the giant spider. “Aw, who's a good boy? You are! You're a good boy!” Matthew couldn't help but baby talk the arachnid. He looked up, wriggling his chelicerae in response. As to say ‘Me! I'm a good boy!’ He chuckled at that, giving Fluffy gentle scritches. It was like a huge puppy in a spider's body. Though the peacefulness was interrupted by a sudden shout. “NO! WHY IS IT HERE AGAIN?!” Gene was in the doorway of the living room. Looking quite terrified at the huge arachnid. Fluffy instantly moved around on Matthew's lap to look at Gene. Excitedly jumping off of the supervillain's lap in favor of his son. He bolted right for the mad scientist, causing him to yelp loudly and make a run for it. “SOMEONE KEEP THAT ABOMINATION AWAY FROM ME!” Matthew gave a small laugh. “Can't help but feel abit rejected there.” Archie, who was quiet until then, responded. “I know that feeling.” This caused Matthew to jump up startled. “Don't do that! I'm old. Also I could accidentally blast you.” Archie blinked in confusion. “You didn't notice me? I came in with Fluffy. He got loose and snuck into the house. I just came to bring him back before he got to Gene. Too late for that now.” Archie frowned. “I can't help but be jealous at how much Fluffy loves him. Though Gene is terrified of him. That spider just won't listen to me when it comes to his favorite person.” He shook his head disapprovingly. “You want me to help you?” Matthew was being genuine with his question. He didn't want his son dying of fright from the giant arachnid. “That would be greatly appreciated. I have to take him back home. He can't avoid taking his medication this time.” Matthew got up, stretching first before doing anything else. This earned him a strange look from Archie. “What? I said I'm old. If I don't stretch I'll pull a muscle.” The hero shrugged. “Let's go get him soon. I have to look after Charlotte as well.” Archie always had the brightest smile when Charlotte was brought up. Either by him, Sunshine or anyone else. It was sweet. “Alright, alright.” They were completely unaware of an enemy observing them. Waiting.
Miss Power growled in frustration at the display she was witnessing through a window to the Boxleitner or rather the Woods household. A display she thought was very disgusting. How badly the alien conqueror wanted to charge right in their and obliterate everyone in her sights. She couldn't do her usual tactics and tricks right now, not after what she learned after coming back. She was still ticked off after that little alien brat Wordgirl and her parents dupe and tricked her into leaving the planet in defeat. There was no way she could go back to her planet and face her people with such a shameful stain to her otherwise brilliant record. Fueled by revenge and hatred, Miss Power spent her time preparing, training, and waiting so she could exact her revenge against those who wronged her, against the little hybrid girl and her freak of a family that humiliated her. Sadly when Miss Power and her loyal sidekick Colonel Gigglecheeks did decide to return, they were not prepared for the recent changes that had happeend in their absence. Miss Power did not care much for this Darius person or B.E.A.W labs, she had seen those like them a dime a dozen before on other worlds. The alien wished she could have congratulated the person who tortured and dehumanized Wordgirl and her sidekick. If it was up to her, Professor Ross Moran would receive high honors among her people for his actions. She did give her condolences at his unmarked gravestone. While the recent trauma Wordgirl and her sidekick have suffered gave Miss Power an opportunistic advantage, the alien conquerer unfortunately could not risk using it especially with her grandfather around. Miss Power was amazed at hearing about the past and recent exploits of Maddrix the Malicious. She was shocked that someone so bloodthirsty and powerful was the father of that scientist who used to have a mouse brain attached to his skull as well as a weird cheese obsession. To her disappointment, Miss Power could clearly see the man was too human and had regretted his actions in the past. Actions that would have made him highly respected among her people despite him being human. Still Miss Power wasn't going to risk striking back while that old coot was still alive. Age did not always equate to weakness according to what she had been taught. Even though he was old, Maddrix was clearly still powerful. It was likely that her and Gigglecheeks would wind up dead by the man's hands before they could claim revenge and victory. A chittering sound snapped Miss Power out of her musings. She turned her head to see her sidekick give her a concerned look. He chittered again and asked 'So what are we going to do?' Miss Power smiled and scratched her sidekick's head which he enjoyed. "Don't worry Colonel Gigglecheeks. We'll get our revenge soon. We just need to learn more about Mr. Malicious and what weaknesses he might have so we can use it to defeat him." Miss Power cooed. She then took her sidekick and flew off without anyone being the wiser. Miss Power was brash and bold and could be tricked sometimes, but she was no fool. The alien conqueror learned long ago that the best way to win your battles was to be prepared and know your enemy more than they know themselves. Carl sighed with relief and slight exhaustion as he sat down in a comfy chair. He had just finished sweeping the floor of his and Matthew's home. Now all he had to do was sit and relax until his husband got home. Carl wanted to try a nice 'mom and pop' owned restaurant that one of Gene's friends, Chuck, had recommended to the man. Carl had been itching to get out and do something more and more recently. If he had to be honest, he was getting bored. In the past, Carl had his job and work as a scientist to keep him occupied along with spending time with his husband and kids. Unfortunately after his 20 year imprisonment, Carl couldn't step in another official science lab ever again without a severe anxiety and panic attack @dualnaturedscientist
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A Shocking Discovery
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dualnaturedscientist · 2 months
"I'm serious about this! Stay away from her! She doesn't need you causing her any more problems! I'm not going to allow it! I won't let you use her as a form of sick entertainment for you!" Archie wouldn't back away, staring down the demon. Though it just made him grin as usual. What were they expecting? For Corbin to be genuinely remorseful? "I'd hate to burst your bubble but we've already made plans to meet up for coffee again. I couldn't help but be drawn to her nature. Heh. I admit that I like your courage to actually threaten me. It's rare for anyone to have the courage to threaten a demon. Look. Why would I jeopardize my chance at breaking this wretched curse of mine by causing her more misery than she already had? Though I would have to congratulate Gene on causing that. You did absolute wonderful work there. Truly you've got demon blood in you." He gave Gene a taunting look that caused Carl's blood to boil. How dare this man antagonize his son! Matthew and the others seemed to share his feelings about that. "Hey! Leave Gene alone! I don't know what happened but it clearly doesn't concern you!" Corbin feigned shock, placing a hand over his mouth. "You don't know? Well, since everyone else here knows-" Victor cut him off. "You wanted to talk to dad. We're letting you but I'm not going to let you mock my brother like that." This made Corbin chuckle. He could feel their intense glares burn holes into him. "But they aren't caught up! You see, Maeve was a mother of two. The keyword being was. It just happened that one of those kids of hers actually worked with your son! Sapphire. That was her name. Funny thing about her." Corbin knew he was getting them riled up. It was funny watching them get more angry by the second. Meanwhile Gene couldn't look at anyone. Becoming more solemn and ashamed by the moment. "Sapphire seemed to have taken a liking to Archie. So much so she followed him everywhere, so I'm surprised that you out of everyone is so upset by this. I'd think you'd rejoice that she's gone." Archie was shaking with rage. "She didn't deserve to die and quit making it sound like Gene was responsible! There was a man with a grudge against both Maddrix and Professor Terror. He happened to threaten Professor Terror to come out and face him. Gene of course had been long retired from that persona for a long time. The man targeted the labs. Sapphire was unfortunately caught up in it. She didn't make it." Corbin honestly shrugged off the angry looks he got. "You forgot to mention that brother of hers! Maeve's son! Cody. Oh she speaks so lovingly of them as well." Jenkins was seeing red by this time. "Can't you see just how devastated Gene is?" Corbin shook his head. "I'm just telling the truth but if you insist. You tell them what happened then." Jenkins couldn't believe this man. Gene spoke up. "It was my fault, Jenkins! I didn't mean for it to happen but it did! When I was Dr.Two-Brains, Squeaky liked to take over from time to time. This time, it was voluntary. I didn't realize what happened until Squeaky gave control back to me. He got too close to Squeaky's cheese for his liking and..." Gene's throat tightened with emotion. Tears flowing down his cheeks, regret in his eyes. "He turned Cody into blue cheese crumbles." Corbin couldn't help but chime in. "And proceeded to devour what was left of poor Cody. Kudos!" Carl was torn on what he wanted to do there. No one noticed faint glowing runes appearing on him, well no one but Corbin. It was only when Gene let out a sob that snapped Carl out of it. Choosing to rush over to his son with Matthew to pull him into a tight hug between them. “Hey, hey it's okay Gene. You weren't in control of yourself. Don't be so harsh on yourself.” Gene shook his head repeatedly. “Both of them, both of them are gone because of me! She suffered because of me! Because I didn't show up and Sapphire paid the price for it! Because I let Squeaky take over! Maeve lost both of her children because of me! I caused her the pain of that! Of course it's my fault!” Gene was inconsolable, they held him.
Heart of chaos
A year had passed since the B.E.A.W Labs organization had fallen. Since all the events had taken place. Becky being taken along with Bob. The poor girl being experimented on by a cruel scientist who had no love for anyone but himself. Matthew had broken out of the facility with her, Carl and Steven. Gene's true identity being revealed along with losing his Dr.Two-Brains persona. Shocking revelations unfolded. Betrayals and redemption. Things had calmed down significantly since but that didn't mean life had been dull. It certainly wasn't for Fair City. Especially with the villains, heroes and its eccentric inhabitants livening up the city. Becky had been making a wonderful recovery. Though she still wasn't at her full recovery Becky was still making so much more progress than the year prior. Gene still had identity issues, dealing with the loss of Squeaky. Though he didn't go through it alone. The still mad scientist had his family and friends help him through everything. Matthew and Carl took up residency within the city. A house that wasn't too far from their sons. Life in this place was definitely lively and peaceful in comparison to the hellish place many innocent souls were imprisoned in. Matthew was less exhausted than before. Relaxing within the living room in his son's house, watching whatever was put on the television. Matthew felt his eyes beginning to droop. Sleepiness hitting him out of nowhere. He simply allowed himself to doze off, not fighting it. Knowing that he was safe there. It wasn't until he felt weight on him that Matthew opened his eyes. Usually a dog or cat would be the cause for this but Matthew met many eyes. Fluffy had snuck into the house yet again. A small warm smile spread across his facial features, patting the spider on its head. Fluffy leaned into Matthew's hand, making soft happy noises. It was funnily cute to him. Though he understood as to why Gene was so afraid of him. Even Carl was squeamish around the giant spider. “Aw, who's a good boy? You are! You're a good boy!” Matthew couldn't help but baby talk the arachnid. He looked up, wriggling his chelicerae in response. As to say ‘Me! I'm a good boy!’ He chuckled at that, giving Fluffy gentle scritches. It was like a huge puppy in a spider's body. Though the peacefulness was interrupted by a sudden shout. “NO! WHY IS IT HERE AGAIN?!” Gene was in the doorway of the living room. Looking quite terrified at the huge arachnid. Fluffy instantly moved around on Matthew's lap to look at Gene. Excitedly jumping off of the supervillain's lap in favor of his son. He bolted right for the mad scientist, causing him to yelp loudly and make a run for it. “SOMEONE KEEP THAT ABOMINATION AWAY FROM ME!” Matthew gave a small laugh. “Can't help but feel abit rejected there.” Archie, who was quiet until then, responded. “I know that feeling.” This caused Matthew to jump up startled. “Don't do that! I'm old. Also I could accidentally blast you.” Archie blinked in confusion. “You didn't notice me? I came in with Fluffy. He got loose and snuck into the house. I just came to bring him back before he got to Gene. Too late for that now.” Archie frowned. “I can't help but be jealous at how much Fluffy loves him. Though Gene is terrified of him. That spider just won't listen to me when it comes to his favorite person.” He shook his head disapprovingly. “You want me to help you?” Matthew was being genuine with his question. He didn't want his son dying of fright from the giant arachnid. “That would be greatly appreciated. I have to take him back home. He can't avoid taking his medication this time.” Matthew got up, stretching first before doing anything else. This earned him a strange look from Archie. “What? I said I'm old. If I don't stretch I'll pull a muscle.” The hero shrugged. “Let's go get him soon. I have to look after Charlotte as well.” Archie always had the brightest smile when Charlotte was brought up. Either by him, Sunshine or anyone else. It was sweet. “Alright, alright.” They were completely unaware of an enemy observing them. Waiting.
Miss Power growled in frustration at the display she was witnessing through a window to the Boxleitner or rather the Woods household. A display she thought was very disgusting. How badly the alien conqueror wanted to charge right in their and obliterate everyone in her sights. She couldn't do her usual tactics and tricks right now, not after what she learned after coming back. She was still ticked off after that little alien brat Wordgirl and her parents dupe and tricked her into leaving the planet in defeat. There was no way she could go back to her planet and face her people with such a shameful stain to her otherwise brilliant record. Fueled by revenge and hatred, Miss Power spent her time preparing, training, and waiting so she could exact her revenge against those who wronged her, against the little hybrid girl and her freak of a family that humiliated her. Sadly when Miss Power and her loyal sidekick Colonel Gigglecheeks did decide to return, they were not prepared for the recent changes that had happeend in their absence. Miss Power did not care much for this Darius person or B.E.A.W labs, she had seen those like them a dime a dozen before on other worlds. The alien wished she could have congratulated the person who tortured and dehumanized Wordgirl and her sidekick. If it was up to her, Professor Ross Moran would receive high honors among her people for his actions. She did give her condolences at his unmarked gravestone. While the recent trauma Wordgirl and her sidekick have suffered gave Miss Power an opportunistic advantage, the alien conquerer unfortunately could not risk using it especially with her grandfather around. Miss Power was amazed at hearing about the past and recent exploits of Maddrix the Malicious. She was shocked that someone so bloodthirsty and powerful was the father of that scientist who used to have a mouse brain attached to his skull as well as a weird cheese obsession. To her disappointment, Miss Power could clearly see the man was too human and had regretted his actions in the past. Actions that would have made him highly respected among her people despite him being human. Still Miss Power wasn't going to risk striking back while that old coot was still alive. Age did not always equate to weakness according to what she had been taught. Even though he was old, Maddrix was clearly still powerful. It was likely that her and Gigglecheeks would wind up dead by the man's hands before they could claim revenge and victory. A chittering sound snapped Miss Power out of her musings. She turned her head to see her sidekick give her a concerned look. He chittered again and asked 'So what are we going to do?' Miss Power smiled and scratched her sidekick's head which he enjoyed. "Don't worry Colonel Gigglecheeks. We'll get our revenge soon. We just need to learn more about Mr. Malicious and what weaknesses he might have so we can use it to defeat him." Miss Power cooed. She then took her sidekick and flew off without anyone being the wiser. Miss Power was brash and bold and could be tricked sometimes, but she was no fool. The alien conqueror learned long ago that the best way to win your battles was to be prepared and know your enemy more than they know themselves. Carl sighed with relief and slight exhaustion as he sat down in a comfy chair. He had just finished sweeping the floor of his and Matthew's home. Now all he had to do was sit and relax until his husband got home. Carl wanted to try a nice 'mom and pop' owned restaurant that one of Gene's friends, Chuck, had recommended to the man. Carl had been itching to get out and do something more and more recently. If he had to be honest, he was getting bored. In the past, Carl had his job and work as a scientist to keep him occupied along with spending time with his husband and kids. Unfortunately after his 20 year imprisonment, Carl couldn't step in another official science lab ever again without a severe anxiety and panic attack @dualnaturedscientist
102 notes · View notes
dualnaturedscientist · 2 months
Hugh sighed as he knew what Patricia was going to rant about.  "Gene, you're the one with the most signs second after Matthew. I've been around you for how long and have I noticed? Nope! Even though it was clear as day! Victor. The way you've handled your work, with such precision. Emily. I haven't seen much but to be honest you terrify me just as much." She would've sent on more if Victor hadn't cleared his throat loud enough for her to notice. Corbin seemed especially pleased with their eyes now all on him. It didn't matter that they were mostly glares. "I'm glad you could see that as well. So as I was saying, my help isn't for free of course. In order for me to hold up my end of the deal. My dearest Matty must first hold his end up! You see. I've yet to see any progress being made on breaking this silly little curse of mine! I'm not asking you to solve my problem in one go." Of course Carl's temper was flaring. This guy just couldn't wait until more serious matters were dealt with and barges into his son's home. He was quite honestly more concerned with the whereabouts of Alex and Alan than that stupid curse. It was Corbins own fault for it as well. Allowing himself to get cursed by that witch he was messing with. Honestly, what else did that bastard expect? That was the consequence of him surely messing around with her. Carl had only known Matthew's biological father for a short time but he absolutely grated on his nerves. Though he obviously grated on the others' nerves as well.  Matthew took a deep breath. He was going to take care of this business without the rest of his family involved. Honestly the former supervillain wished to have done so later on. Matthew had to deal with this now if he wanted any chance of getting Becky and his unborn grandchild the help he so desperately wished he had himself while growing up. If he were to be completely truthful, he would've given anything to have that guidance, he was going to make sure Becky had that. As well as Emily's unborn child. He was going to act as mediator here.  Keep the peace for their sake. "Alright, Corbin. I'll deal with this but don't expect us to just drop this situation just for you. We can handle both  issues." This made the demon look absolutely pleased with himself. "That's all I ask! It is no business of mine what you do with the rest of your time. Just as long as you make good on this. Thank you for being so open minded, unlike the rest of them. I'm glad I didn't have to track you down for this. I do have a soluti-" That was an unexpectedly genuine question from Corbin. Lacking the usual mocking tone he had when speaking with him. “You said genuine love could-” The others were watching in disbelief at the nerve this man had. Matthew gave them a pleading look, that was the only thing keeping them from saying anything. Everyone Gene who wasn't going to take this. “My husband is missing and you want to learn about how to genuinely love? Hah!” This would've gotten on anyone's nerves but not Corbin. He just seemed amused. “He's missing. Right? Nothing you can do right now to fix that. Besides, kiddo. It's nothing but a waiting game for you! Really. Just wait for whoever took them to come back for you. You'll quickly find out where they went. Of course I wouldn't leave my son in such distress. I'll be keeping an eye on you as well. I wouldn't want Matty being distracted by this while dealing with my issues.” Gene blinked. That was slightly…helpful? In a way. “Fine.” Corbin seemed to enjoy how the youngest of three siblings seemed to challenge him. “Great! Now moving on. I truly did try to find genuine love. Of course with Matthew's mother. Didn't work unfortunately. I tried again with Eudoras mother. Up and left that quick when I realized there wasn't an ounce of love in that. I tried to fix this situation with lust. Which I admit wasn't the best approach to this.” Of course he would try to solve that problem with something so superficial. “So. I want to learn more about this genuine love. I have a solution we can go with for now. I want to observe you.”
Heart of chaos
A year had passed since the B.E.A.W Labs organization had fallen. Since all the events had taken place. Becky being taken along with Bob. The poor girl being experimented on by a cruel scientist who had no love for anyone but himself. Matthew had broken out of the facility with her, Carl and Steven. Gene's true identity being revealed along with losing his Dr.Two-Brains persona. Shocking revelations unfolded. Betrayals and redemption. Things had calmed down significantly since but that didn't mean life had been dull. It certainly wasn't for Fair City. Especially with the villains, heroes and its eccentric inhabitants livening up the city. Becky had been making a wonderful recovery. Though she still wasn't at her full recovery Becky was still making so much more progress than the year prior. Gene still had identity issues, dealing with the loss of Squeaky. Though he didn't go through it alone. The still mad scientist had his family and friends help him through everything. Matthew and Carl took up residency within the city. A house that wasn't too far from their sons. Life in this place was definitely lively and peaceful in comparison to the hellish place many innocent souls were imprisoned in. Matthew was less exhausted than before. Relaxing within the living room in his son's house, watching whatever was put on the television. Matthew felt his eyes beginning to droop. Sleepiness hitting him out of nowhere. He simply allowed himself to doze off, not fighting it. Knowing that he was safe there. It wasn't until he felt weight on him that Matthew opened his eyes. Usually a dog or cat would be the cause for this but Matthew met many eyes. Fluffy had snuck into the house yet again. A small warm smile spread across his facial features, patting the spider on its head. Fluffy leaned into Matthew's hand, making soft happy noises. It was funnily cute to him. Though he understood as to why Gene was so afraid of him. Even Carl was squeamish around the giant spider. “Aw, who's a good boy? You are! You're a good boy!” Matthew couldn't help but baby talk the arachnid. He looked up, wriggling his chelicerae in response. As to say ‘Me! I'm a good boy!’ He chuckled at that, giving Fluffy gentle scritches. It was like a huge puppy in a spider's body. Though the peacefulness was interrupted by a sudden shout. “NO! WHY IS IT HERE AGAIN?!” Gene was in the doorway of the living room. Looking quite terrified at the huge arachnid. Fluffy instantly moved around on Matthew's lap to look at Gene. Excitedly jumping off of the supervillain's lap in favor of his son. He bolted right for the mad scientist, causing him to yelp loudly and make a run for it. “SOMEONE KEEP THAT ABOMINATION AWAY FROM ME!” Matthew gave a small laugh. “Can't help but feel abit rejected there.” Archie, who was quiet until then, responded. “I know that feeling.” This caused Matthew to jump up startled. “Don't do that! I'm old. Also I could accidentally blast you.” Archie blinked in confusion. “You didn't notice me? I came in with Fluffy. He got loose and snuck into the house. I just came to bring him back before he got to Gene. Too late for that now.” Archie frowned. “I can't help but be jealous at how much Fluffy loves him. Though Gene is terrified of him. That spider just won't listen to me when it comes to his favorite person.” He shook his head disapprovingly. “You want me to help you?” Matthew was being genuine with his question. He didn't want his son dying of fright from the giant arachnid. “That would be greatly appreciated. I have to take him back home. He can't avoid taking his medication this time.” Matthew got up, stretching first before doing anything else. This earned him a strange look from Archie. “What? I said I'm old. If I don't stretch I'll pull a muscle.” The hero shrugged. “Let's go get him soon. I have to look after Charlotte as well.” Archie always had the brightest smile when Charlotte was brought up. Either by him, Sunshine or anyone else. It was sweet. “Alright, alright.” They were completely unaware of an enemy observing them. Waiting.
Miss Power growled in frustration at the display she was witnessing through a window to the Boxleitner or rather the Woods household. A display she thought was very disgusting. How badly the alien conqueror wanted to charge right in their and obliterate everyone in her sights. She couldn't do her usual tactics and tricks right now, not after what she learned after coming back. She was still ticked off after that little alien brat Wordgirl and her parents dupe and tricked her into leaving the planet in defeat. There was no way she could go back to her planet and face her people with such a shameful stain to her otherwise brilliant record. Fueled by revenge and hatred, Miss Power spent her time preparing, training, and waiting so she could exact her revenge against those who wronged her, against the little hybrid girl and her freak of a family that humiliated her. Sadly when Miss Power and her loyal sidekick Colonel Gigglecheeks did decide to return, they were not prepared for the recent changes that had happeend in their absence. Miss Power did not care much for this Darius person or B.E.A.W labs, she had seen those like them a dime a dozen before on other worlds. The alien wished she could have congratulated the person who tortured and dehumanized Wordgirl and her sidekick. If it was up to her, Professor Ross Moran would receive high honors among her people for his actions. She did give her condolences at his unmarked gravestone. While the recent trauma Wordgirl and her sidekick have suffered gave Miss Power an opportunistic advantage, the alien conquerer unfortunately could not risk using it especially with her grandfather around. Miss Power was amazed at hearing about the past and recent exploits of Maddrix the Malicious. She was shocked that someone so bloodthirsty and powerful was the father of that scientist who used to have a mouse brain attached to his skull as well as a weird cheese obsession. To her disappointment, Miss Power could clearly see the man was too human and had regretted his actions in the past. Actions that would have made him highly respected among her people despite him being human. Still Miss Power wasn't going to risk striking back while that old coot was still alive. Age did not always equate to weakness according to what she had been taught. Even though he was old, Maddrix was clearly still powerful. It was likely that her and Gigglecheeks would wind up dead by the man's hands before they could claim revenge and victory. A chittering sound snapped Miss Power out of her musings. She turned her head to see her sidekick give her a concerned look. He chittered again and asked 'So what are we going to do?' Miss Power smiled and scratched her sidekick's head which he enjoyed. "Don't worry Colonel Gigglecheeks. We'll get our revenge soon. We just need to learn more about Mr. Malicious and what weaknesses he might have so we can use it to defeat him." Miss Power cooed. She then took her sidekick and flew off without anyone being the wiser. Miss Power was brash and bold and could be tricked sometimes, but she was no fool. The alien conqueror learned long ago that the best way to win your battles was to be prepared and know your enemy more than they know themselves. Carl sighed with relief and slight exhaustion as he sat down in a comfy chair. He had just finished sweeping the floor of his and Matthew's home. Now all he had to do was sit and relax until his husband got home. Carl wanted to try a nice 'mom and pop' owned restaurant that one of Gene's friends, Chuck, had recommended to the man. Carl had been itching to get out and do something more and more recently. If he had to be honest, he was getting bored. In the past, Carl had his job and work as a scientist to keep him occupied along with spending time with his husband and kids. Unfortunately after his 20 year imprisonment, Carl couldn't step in another official science lab ever again without a severe anxiety and panic attack @dualnaturedscientist
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dualnaturedscientist · 2 months
"Sorry, kiddo. That's just how the cookie crumbles. You've gotta wait. I bet you've got so many questions, don't you? Like how they could possibly get caught up with the likes of me. You've got to wait for the juicy details. Well until Matty returns. So for now, you've gotta deal with me being here. I won't cause much trouble so you don't have to draw that gun of yours." Victor's expression was one that wasn't impressed at all. This guy was definitely toying with him. Knowing just how to press his buttons. It irritated him every more that Corbin seemed to know just how much it bothered him. The grin never left his face. Patricia couldn't stop staring at the smug man. Not only because she didn't trust him. Not just because he infuriated her to no end but something about him was bothering her. She hadn't noticed right away since Patricia was only interested in pummeling him due to his involvement in what happened. Something about Corbin seemed off to her. Yet Patricia didn't know how to describe it. It was unlike anyone else she's met. Staring too hard at him caused shivers to go up her spine. This was going to bother her for the rest of the day. Possibly longer. She was just as curious as the others as to why he was there as well. Constance noticed that Carl was getting riled up by this man's interaction with Victor. She honestly couldn't blame him for it. She would've raised hell if Archie was being messed with like that. Carl realized she was still with him just then. Turning to her with speed that genuinely startled her. "You don't have to stay. We can get you a ride back home. I can call a taxi." Constance immediately shook her head. "I'm not leaving you, Woody. Especially with that man here. Stewart can deal with me being gone for a bit. He'll understand." Carl smiled at her. Of course he knew it would've been futile to argue with her. Constance would've stayed even if he tried to get her to go back home. "Fine. You're lucky I know how stubborn you can be." That earned him a gentle smack to the shoulder. "I'm the stubborn one?" This made him chuckle a bit. Of course she would be able to cheer him up, even just a tad bit. It felt nice to have a friend with him. Scratch that. It felt nice to have his best friend with him to support him. It was comforting to know she would be there for him. No matter how crazy they drove each other. Meanwhile, Matthew was busy with tasks at the library. Sure he managed to grab a few snacks and nibble at them when he could. Matthew still felt rather hungry. Though his hunger wasn't the thing on his mind. No, not at all. What was on his mind was what his son had told them. Alex was now gone? Just minutes after seeing him? Matthew had hoped his son-in-law was alright. Wishing he could help comfort Gene about his missing spouse. What could've happened? Who could've taken Alex? He hated not being able to do a thing yet all he could do was wait. To finish up his remaining hours of community service for the day. He remembered just how shaken up Gene looked when he got out of that van of his. A few hours went by slowly. By the time he was finally finished for the day, he barely said his goodbyes and signed out. He went straight to Gene's house, knowing his husband would likely be there with their son. He was right. Though when Gene had answered the door, he was met by a sight he didn't want to see. Gene, Emily and Victor were there. As well as his husband. Constance was with him as well, leading Matthew to believe she hadn't left him since earlier. But that's not what he didn't want to see. There, still on the couch was Corbin who greeted him rather cheerfully. “Hello again, Matty. Surprised to see me so soon?” Matthew was of course not very pleased to see Corbin in his son's house. “What are you doing here?” He narrowed his eyes. Suspecting him to be up to something. “Aw, I'm hurt by your suspicions! Matty, come on. We're family here!” Matthew glared at the grinning man. “Why are you here? What is it that you want?” Corbin grinned. “To speak with you about an important matter of course!”
Heart of chaos
A year had passed since the B.E.A.W Labs organization had fallen. Since all the events had taken place. Becky being taken along with Bob. The poor girl being experimented on by a cruel scientist who had no love for anyone but himself. Matthew had broken out of the facility with her, Carl and Steven. Gene's true identity being revealed along with losing his Dr.Two-Brains persona. Shocking revelations unfolded. Betrayals and redemption. Things had calmed down significantly since but that didn't mean life had been dull. It certainly wasn't for Fair City. Especially with the villains, heroes and its eccentric inhabitants livening up the city. Becky had been making a wonderful recovery. Though she still wasn't at her full recovery Becky was still making so much more progress than the year prior. Gene still had identity issues, dealing with the loss of Squeaky. Though he didn't go through it alone. The still mad scientist had his family and friends help him through everything. Matthew and Carl took up residency within the city. A house that wasn't too far from their sons. Life in this place was definitely lively and peaceful in comparison to the hellish place many innocent souls were imprisoned in. Matthew was less exhausted than before. Relaxing within the living room in his son's house, watching whatever was put on the television. Matthew felt his eyes beginning to droop. Sleepiness hitting him out of nowhere. He simply allowed himself to doze off, not fighting it. Knowing that he was safe there. It wasn't until he felt weight on him that Matthew opened his eyes. Usually a dog or cat would be the cause for this but Matthew met many eyes. Fluffy had snuck into the house yet again. A small warm smile spread across his facial features, patting the spider on its head. Fluffy leaned into Matthew's hand, making soft happy noises. It was funnily cute to him. Though he understood as to why Gene was so afraid of him. Even Carl was squeamish around the giant spider. “Aw, who's a good boy? You are! You're a good boy!” Matthew couldn't help but baby talk the arachnid. He looked up, wriggling his chelicerae in response. As to say ‘Me! I'm a good boy!’ He chuckled at that, giving Fluffy gentle scritches. It was like a huge puppy in a spider's body. Though the peacefulness was interrupted by a sudden shout. “NO! WHY IS IT HERE AGAIN?!” Gene was in the doorway of the living room. Looking quite terrified at the huge arachnid. Fluffy instantly moved around on Matthew's lap to look at Gene. Excitedly jumping off of the supervillain's lap in favor of his son. He bolted right for the mad scientist, causing him to yelp loudly and make a run for it. “SOMEONE KEEP THAT ABOMINATION AWAY FROM ME!” Matthew gave a small laugh. “Can't help but feel abit rejected there.” Archie, who was quiet until then, responded. “I know that feeling.” This caused Matthew to jump up startled. “Don't do that! I'm old. Also I could accidentally blast you.” Archie blinked in confusion. “You didn't notice me? I came in with Fluffy. He got loose and snuck into the house. I just came to bring him back before he got to Gene. Too late for that now.” Archie frowned. “I can't help but be jealous at how much Fluffy loves him. Though Gene is terrified of him. That spider just won't listen to me when it comes to his favorite person.” He shook his head disapprovingly. “You want me to help you?” Matthew was being genuine with his question. He didn't want his son dying of fright from the giant arachnid. “That would be greatly appreciated. I have to take him back home. He can't avoid taking his medication this time.” Matthew got up, stretching first before doing anything else. This earned him a strange look from Archie. “What? I said I'm old. If I don't stretch I'll pull a muscle.” The hero shrugged. “Let's go get him soon. I have to look after Charlotte as well.” Archie always had the brightest smile when Charlotte was brought up. Either by him, Sunshine or anyone else. It was sweet. “Alright, alright.” They were completely unaware of an enemy observing them. Waiting.
Miss Power growled in frustration at the display she was witnessing through a window to the Boxleitner or rather the Woods household. A display she thought was very disgusting. How badly the alien conqueror wanted to charge right in their and obliterate everyone in her sights. She couldn't do her usual tactics and tricks right now, not after what she learned after coming back. She was still ticked off after that little alien brat Wordgirl and her parents dupe and tricked her into leaving the planet in defeat. There was no way she could go back to her planet and face her people with such a shameful stain to her otherwise brilliant record. Fueled by revenge and hatred, Miss Power spent her time preparing, training, and waiting so she could exact her revenge against those who wronged her, against the little hybrid girl and her freak of a family that humiliated her. Sadly when Miss Power and her loyal sidekick Colonel Gigglecheeks did decide to return, they were not prepared for the recent changes that had happeend in their absence. Miss Power did not care much for this Darius person or B.E.A.W labs, she had seen those like them a dime a dozen before on other worlds. The alien wished she could have congratulated the person who tortured and dehumanized Wordgirl and her sidekick. If it was up to her, Professor Ross Moran would receive high honors among her people for his actions. She did give her condolences at his unmarked gravestone. While the recent trauma Wordgirl and her sidekick have suffered gave Miss Power an opportunistic advantage, the alien conquerer unfortunately could not risk using it especially with her grandfather around. Miss Power was amazed at hearing about the past and recent exploits of Maddrix the Malicious. She was shocked that someone so bloodthirsty and powerful was the father of that scientist who used to have a mouse brain attached to his skull as well as a weird cheese obsession. To her disappointment, Miss Power could clearly see the man was too human and had regretted his actions in the past. Actions that would have made him highly respected among her people despite him being human. Still Miss Power wasn't going to risk striking back while that old coot was still alive. Age did not always equate to weakness according to what she had been taught. Even though he was old, Maddrix was clearly still powerful. It was likely that her and Gigglecheeks would wind up dead by the man's hands before they could claim revenge and victory. A chittering sound snapped Miss Power out of her musings. She turned her head to see her sidekick give her a concerned look. He chittered again and asked 'So what are we going to do?' Miss Power smiled and scratched her sidekick's head which he enjoyed. "Don't worry Colonel Gigglecheeks. We'll get our revenge soon. We just need to learn more about Mr. Malicious and what weaknesses he might have so we can use it to defeat him." Miss Power cooed. She then took her sidekick and flew off without anyone being the wiser. Miss Power was brash and bold and could be tricked sometimes, but she was no fool. The alien conqueror learned long ago that the best way to win your battles was to be prepared and know your enemy more than they know themselves. Carl sighed with relief and slight exhaustion as he sat down in a comfy chair. He had just finished sweeping the floor of his and Matthew's home. Now all he had to do was sit and relax until his husband got home. Carl wanted to try a nice 'mom and pop' owned restaurant that one of Gene's friends, Chuck, had recommended to the man. Carl had been itching to get out and do something more and more recently. If he had to be honest, he was getting bored. In the past, Carl had his job and work as a scientist to keep him occupied along with spending time with his husband and kids. Unfortunately after his 20 year imprisonment, Carl couldn't step in another official science lab ever again without a severe anxiety and panic attack @dualnaturedscientist
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dualnaturedscientist · 2 months
Patricia had given Corbin one last glare before taking a few deep breaths in order to calm herself down. The only thing that kept her from giving this horrible man a black eye was her friends and their reasoning. "Fine. Fine. You're right. He isn't worth it. My hand would probably rot from just contact. Considering how rotten he is." Her tone was rather bitter. Corbin gave an exaggerated gasp and clutched at this chest with a dramatic flare. "You wound me, Miss Acteevity. Your words cut right through me!" This earned him glares from various people though it only made him grin once more. "It's funny just how small this world truly is! If you're wondering why I'm here, well. That is rather funny. I'm here to discuss something very important with my son and son-in-law." Corbin of course didn't give a single damn about the ones who went missing. Victor and the four gave Corbin a strange look. As well as Agent AA. Corbin turned his attention towards Patricia once more. "It's good to see you handle your newfound condition. But many would be able to handle being undead. Especially one who tends to fall apart as easily as you do. For you, it's true figuratively and literally!" He had a laugh that sent chills down their spines. As if he just told the funniest joke. "Look. I don't know how you know that but you aren't going to waste our time. I personally don't give a single.." Patricia glanced towards Gene, seeing that Becky was present. She decided to forgo her swearing. "I don't care why you're here. We're here for Gene on more important matters and they certainly don't involve you. For your sake, you better hope you don't." This only made Corbin laugh long and hard. "I like your guts. I truly do. I respect that." He just seemed to keep rubbing her the wrong way. Jenkins and Archie went over to Gene. Worried about what they were called for. Hugh stayed back with a fuming Patricia. Though he seemed to be running on fumes himself. Dark circles underneath his eyes. Looking like he hadn't slept a wink in days. Which was honestly true. Jenkins was the first to speak up. "What happened? You said Alex went missing too? When did this happen?" Gene seemed devastated himself along with Tristan and Becky. "That's the thing. It was.." He looked at his daughter. Gene didn't want her to relive this terrible news. "Honey, why don't you work on homework with Dad T?" Becky didn't want to leave him with this stranger but he gave her a look. One that said he didn't want her to hear about this. "Okay Dad." With that said, Tristan had taken Becky up to her room where Captain Huggy Face was waiting for her. Once they made it upstairs Gene had finally begun to explain it to the four. “Alex was taken right in front of my eyes, it had happened so fast! I was too slow to stop it! I still can't believe it. He was snatched from us right under my nose!” Gene's eyes showed such pain and sadness. The four felt so terrible for their friend. Hugh knew exactly how Gene felt. He also knew that Gene lost someone once more. They didn't know for how long this time. Hopefully sooner than before. For their friends' sanity. Well, what was left of it anyway. “What happened before he was taken, I saw something in the alley. Of course I'm going to check it out. It doesn't hurt. Well that's what I thought at the time. I go check. Only whooshing. Like you'd hear when Alex or any flying hero would sound like. I thought it was Alex messing with me when he showed up. He told me he just noticed me in the alley when he showed up. So it wasn't him zooming around just before. He told me something about my parents. Well, he tried to. In the middle of him speaking, whoever it was struck. Alex was gone right before his eyes and I couldn't do anything to stop them!” Gene grew more distraught as he relived the horrible moment once more. A few tears had threatened to fall from his eyes. He quickly wiped them away. “Whoever took Alan now has Alex. I think they're picking off the super powered ones. We should keep Tristan. Becky. All other super powered ones under careful surveillance.”
Heart of chaos
A year had passed since the B.E.A.W Labs organization had fallen. Since all the events had taken place. Becky being taken along with Bob. The poor girl being experimented on by a cruel scientist who had no love for anyone but himself. Matthew had broken out of the facility with her, Carl and Steven. Gene's true identity being revealed along with losing his Dr.Two-Brains persona. Shocking revelations unfolded. Betrayals and redemption. Things had calmed down significantly since but that didn't mean life had been dull. It certainly wasn't for Fair City. Especially with the villains, heroes and its eccentric inhabitants livening up the city. Becky had been making a wonderful recovery. Though she still wasn't at her full recovery Becky was still making so much more progress than the year prior. Gene still had identity issues, dealing with the loss of Squeaky. Though he didn't go through it alone. The still mad scientist had his family and friends help him through everything. Matthew and Carl took up residency within the city. A house that wasn't too far from their sons. Life in this place was definitely lively and peaceful in comparison to the hellish place many innocent souls were imprisoned in. Matthew was less exhausted than before. Relaxing within the living room in his son's house, watching whatever was put on the television. Matthew felt his eyes beginning to droop. Sleepiness hitting him out of nowhere. He simply allowed himself to doze off, not fighting it. Knowing that he was safe there. It wasn't until he felt weight on him that Matthew opened his eyes. Usually a dog or cat would be the cause for this but Matthew met many eyes. Fluffy had snuck into the house yet again. A small warm smile spread across his facial features, patting the spider on its head. Fluffy leaned into Matthew's hand, making soft happy noises. It was funnily cute to him. Though he understood as to why Gene was so afraid of him. Even Carl was squeamish around the giant spider. “Aw, who's a good boy? You are! You're a good boy!” Matthew couldn't help but baby talk the arachnid. He looked up, wriggling his chelicerae in response. As to say ‘Me! I'm a good boy!’ He chuckled at that, giving Fluffy gentle scritches. It was like a huge puppy in a spider's body. Though the peacefulness was interrupted by a sudden shout. “NO! WHY IS IT HERE AGAIN?!” Gene was in the doorway of the living room. Looking quite terrified at the huge arachnid. Fluffy instantly moved around on Matthew's lap to look at Gene. Excitedly jumping off of the supervillain's lap in favor of his son. He bolted right for the mad scientist, causing him to yelp loudly and make a run for it. “SOMEONE KEEP THAT ABOMINATION AWAY FROM ME!” Matthew gave a small laugh. “Can't help but feel abit rejected there.” Archie, who was quiet until then, responded. “I know that feeling.” This caused Matthew to jump up startled. “Don't do that! I'm old. Also I could accidentally blast you.” Archie blinked in confusion. “You didn't notice me? I came in with Fluffy. He got loose and snuck into the house. I just came to bring him back before he got to Gene. Too late for that now.” Archie frowned. “I can't help but be jealous at how much Fluffy loves him. Though Gene is terrified of him. That spider just won't listen to me when it comes to his favorite person.” He shook his head disapprovingly. “You want me to help you?” Matthew was being genuine with his question. He didn't want his son dying of fright from the giant arachnid. “That would be greatly appreciated. I have to take him back home. He can't avoid taking his medication this time.” Matthew got up, stretching first before doing anything else. This earned him a strange look from Archie. “What? I said I'm old. If I don't stretch I'll pull a muscle.” The hero shrugged. “Let's go get him soon. I have to look after Charlotte as well.” Archie always had the brightest smile when Charlotte was brought up. Either by him, Sunshine or anyone else. It was sweet. “Alright, alright.” They were completely unaware of an enemy observing them. Waiting.
Miss Power growled in frustration at the display she was witnessing through a window to the Boxleitner or rather the Woods household. A display she thought was very disgusting. How badly the alien conqueror wanted to charge right in their and obliterate everyone in her sights. She couldn't do her usual tactics and tricks right now, not after what she learned after coming back. She was still ticked off after that little alien brat Wordgirl and her parents dupe and tricked her into leaving the planet in defeat. There was no way she could go back to her planet and face her people with such a shameful stain to her otherwise brilliant record. Fueled by revenge and hatred, Miss Power spent her time preparing, training, and waiting so she could exact her revenge against those who wronged her, against the little hybrid girl and her freak of a family that humiliated her. Sadly when Miss Power and her loyal sidekick Colonel Gigglecheeks did decide to return, they were not prepared for the recent changes that had happeend in their absence. Miss Power did not care much for this Darius person or B.E.A.W labs, she had seen those like them a dime a dozen before on other worlds. The alien wished she could have congratulated the person who tortured and dehumanized Wordgirl and her sidekick. If it was up to her, Professor Ross Moran would receive high honors among her people for his actions. She did give her condolences at his unmarked gravestone. While the recent trauma Wordgirl and her sidekick have suffered gave Miss Power an opportunistic advantage, the alien conquerer unfortunately could not risk using it especially with her grandfather around. Miss Power was amazed at hearing about the past and recent exploits of Maddrix the Malicious. She was shocked that someone so bloodthirsty and powerful was the father of that scientist who used to have a mouse brain attached to his skull as well as a weird cheese obsession. To her disappointment, Miss Power could clearly see the man was too human and had regretted his actions in the past. Actions that would have made him highly respected among her people despite him being human. Still Miss Power wasn't going to risk striking back while that old coot was still alive. Age did not always equate to weakness according to what she had been taught. Even though he was old, Maddrix was clearly still powerful. It was likely that her and Gigglecheeks would wind up dead by the man's hands before they could claim revenge and victory. A chittering sound snapped Miss Power out of her musings. She turned her head to see her sidekick give her a concerned look. He chittered again and asked 'So what are we going to do?' Miss Power smiled and scratched her sidekick's head which he enjoyed. "Don't worry Colonel Gigglecheeks. We'll get our revenge soon. We just need to learn more about Mr. Malicious and what weaknesses he might have so we can use it to defeat him." Miss Power cooed. She then took her sidekick and flew off without anyone being the wiser. Miss Power was brash and bold and could be tricked sometimes, but she was no fool. The alien conqueror learned long ago that the best way to win your battles was to be prepared and know your enemy more than they know themselves. Carl sighed with relief and slight exhaustion as he sat down in a comfy chair. He had just finished sweeping the floor of his and Matthew's home. Now all he had to do was sit and relax until his husband got home. Carl wanted to try a nice 'mom and pop' owned restaurant that one of Gene's friends, Chuck, had recommended to the man. Carl had been itching to get out and do something more and more recently. If he had to be honest, he was getting bored. In the past, Carl had his job and work as a scientist to keep him occupied along with spending time with his husband and kids. Unfortunately after his 20 year imprisonment, Carl couldn't step in another official science lab ever again without a severe anxiety and panic attack @dualnaturedscientist
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dualnaturedscientist · 2 months
Awww yes yes yes I love this AU so much!!!
The Exciting and Whacky Adventures of Star Girl and her partner Electroboy
Gene Woods is a mischievous but kind hearted 11 year old kid who discovers one day he has powers over electricity. Along with his best friend Rebecca Fuller, the two kids decide to become the best hero team out there. They get special help from Gene's other friend (secret crush) Alex Guyson aka Amazo Lad, on learning what it takes to be a true hero. Gene also has to hide his powers from his family and protect his secret identity in order to keep his family safe. Gene nor his friends are aware though that Gene's dads are the infamous top super villain couple of Dr. Vexation and Maddrix the Malicious. Outline Gene wants to be a hero like Rebecca and those in comic books. He may or may not also want to be a hero to impress his friend *cough* crush *cough* Alex. Matthew and Carl are aware Gene is Electroboy. Gene isn't aware his parents are villains. Its not because of them hiding secrets, its because Gene's obliviousness doesn't allow him to make the connection. Gene: My dad is a scientist and my pops is a House Husband. They don't have time to be villains. Matthew did have a freak out initially when Gene discovered his powers until Carl calmed him down. They have secretly and subtly tried to teach Gene to control his powers in and out of costume. This is a light-hearted au mixed with a few dark and angst stuff because of some characters and hidden secrets. It combines some Phineas and Ferb elements along with Wordgirl elements. @dualnaturedscientist @melodythebunny
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dualnaturedscientist · 2 months
Aww poor Patricia
I love this so much
"I had finally forgotten about you. I had finally started to live again. And now you decide to come back."
Patricia was going to kill the person or people responsible for this supernatural event. That was a guaranteed promise. Her heart felt like a vice was squeezing it tightly. Her cheeks were hot and wet with tears streaming down her face. 'This would be only temporary.' She told herself again and again in her mind. She knew spells like this were. Still that painful ache reminded her of the intense heartbreak she was feeling right now. "I had finally forgotten about you. I had finally started to live again. And now you decide to come back!" Patricia yelled at the ghost of her long dead wife. The ghost did not respond, correction it could not respond. She only looked at her with a sad and sympathetic expression. As if she did not blame Patricia for her emotional outburst. Yep, Patricia was going to kill those responsible. Nothing was going to stop her.
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dualnaturedscientist · 2 months
"You look really good in my shirt." (Matthew and Carl)
“You look really good in my shirt. It's a sight that I will never tire of.” Carl couldn't help but blush bright red at his husband's flirting. He truly knew what to say in order to fluster him. Though this time, Carl had given a small laugh. Shaking his head in an amused manner. “Matthew, you've seen me in your shirt thousands of times and yet you always say that every time.” Matthew was quick to pull his husband close. Placing gentle, loving kisses along his jawline. ‘I've seen the sunrise more than a thousand times as well and its beauty never ceases to amaze me. Yet, it pales in comparison to you. You are always so gorgeous. You make my jaw drop so many times. Just because of how damn attractive and amazing you are.” Carl turned bright red due to Matthew's words. Letting out the tiniest of squeaks once Matthew decided it was time to scoop him up and carry him to the couch. “You'll never know how lucky I feel, when I see you. When I wake with you in my arms, cuddling up to me.” Matthew gazed down at his husband with the most lovestruck expression. Enjoying the fact he got Carl to become quite flustered yet again. It was true. He could never tire of this.
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