dummysmile · 2 years
Get with the program, Y/n
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Genre: SOL, Smut, drama
Pairing: sub! non-idol!Choi Beomgyu x "Weird" fem! Dom! reader
Warning: Cross-dressing? spanking, thigh riding,
Summary: Y/n is sorta new to Dullington and has already branded herself as the weird girl. Her weird personality, weird wardrobe and strange interests causing disruption among everyone in town.
EXPECT A PT2 (I swear this won't turn out like iceberg T T)
Is how Y/n decided she was going to walk amongst the squares of the hallway.
"Oh my gosh, she is literally so weird." A girl snickered.
Of course, she was blonde with her giant water bottle in front of her face to 'hide' her cruel words.
"Bitch, you weird." Y/n said flipping her purple braids continuing her journey to her creative writing class. "HHS, the worst school to attend if you have a personality." She huffed, walking into the classroom.
Y/n was everything she wasn't. She was patient, but short tempered. Forgiving, but the most petty. The only thing that made sense in her personality was her free spirit.
When she walked into the class she was met with smell of detergent and bland air. Everyone was jean clad and basic colored t-shirt wearing losers. She wasn't one to talk since she was wearing ripped jeans and plaid leggings and a long sleeve shirt that was cropped enough to show off her belly ring. It was a basic outfit, but not as basic as everyone else's everyday wear.
"Y/n, welcome. You're failing this class." The teacher blurted, causing students to snicker. This teacher was kind of scared of Y/n.
"What? Why? HOW!" Y/n asked, shook. She was literally the best writer.
"I said write about a TRUE event." He announced once the girl sat in her seat. "You wrote about skydiving in Canada and landing in a cornfield." He continued.
"But I did do that." Y/n groaned, softly throwing her head on the table.
Her head immediately popped up. "If you don't believe that, then you really won't believe I fed lion cubs in New Delhi." She laughed, showing her Lock Screen of her feeding a lion cub. The teacher threw his old veiny hand at her.
"Anyway class. Our A+ student is going to read his writing." Mr. Teacher happily sang.
Choi Beomgyu. The boring of the boring. Good golly. Y/n'd give anything to wipe that straight line off his face. Like damn, smile. "I went to my aunts how on Christmas and our tree caught on fire." He started. Y/n zoned out and nearly fell asleep while doing so. 10 minutes later he finished.
"How did it take you 10 minutes to finish that boring story?" Y/n asked.
"Dude? That was so entertaining, he literally watched a firefighter put out a fire. You're weird bro." A guy said across the table.
"My kitchen caught on fire and my cousin got carbon monoxide poisoning, but weirdly she's not dead. Just cockeyed."
"That's not funny. You need help." He cringed, moving seats.
"Beomgyu, meet with Y/n please. Hopefully you rub off on her." The teacher mumbled with his hands over his eyes. Beomgyu slowly walked towards the girl, silently hoping she didn't say much.
"Hello gyu." She smiled at him.
"Beomgyu." he corrected, "I have your paper, so like, I'll read it then tell you about it at lunch." He slowly and awkwardly said, walking away.
Lunch rolled around. "How would he know I'm here?" She slowly mumbled looking around the library.
"I figured you'd eat in a weird place." He dully said.
"It's the library. What's weird about that?" She said shifting to lay on her other arm.
"Well it's not the lunchroom for one." Your face contorted into annoyance as he spoke with no emotion.
"Lighten up, smile." Y/n pushed his shoulder.
"No, you need to get with the program. you're weird okay?"
"Okay then." Y/n rolled her eyes. "Teach me how not to be weird." She said, picking up her chopsticks to eat. She began eating when she heard dry laughter.
"You want me to teach YOU to be normal? You don't even hold your chopsticks right." He continued on with his laughing fit.
"Damn your laugh stiff as hell." Y/n laughed.
He immediately stopped, "I'll teach you to be normal."
Y/n had a plan. Mhm, you were gonna get that boy to get used to doing things your way. Beomgyu was top boy at the school so there wasn't a soul aching to be any different to him.
"Wanna come over to my house and analyze things?" You asked standing. The boy nodded pulling out his lunch. 'Gosh, he even eats boring.' You thought. It's the same each time. He lifts his sandwich, bites softly, puts it down, chews a few times, and repeat. It was kinda gross.
"You have a little mayo on your lip." The girl said, watching as his tongue lapped up the white substance. He nodded in return. He stared up at you where he momentarily stopped chewing.
"Why are you watching me?" The boy said, after making a face trying to swallow.
"You eat weird."
"You too."
And with that both teens took bites out of their lunch, side eyeing the other.
Y/n spotted the boy at the entrance, he was looking around. Like he was waiting for something. Could this guy be anymore strange?
"Do you have a car or like take the bus?" He finally asked.
"I ride a bike."
"I walk, so don't go too fast or else I can't keep up."
"You could just get on the back."
"I don't think that is how you ride a bike."
"Gosh, your childhood must've been lame." Y/n groaned, pulling her bike from the rack.
"That is far too decorated, you should invest in a solid colored bike."
She looked at the boy sharply. The bike had a few jewels placed on it in her early teen years.
"Fuck off."
"You should also stop swearing."
He was met with a huff.
After 10 minutes of walking side by side you grew impatient, "Could you just hop on the damn bike so we can get there before night?" The purple haired girl snapped getting on the bike to which the boy followed suit.
"I'm only doing this because I'm tired of walking."
The teens finally got to the house after another 10 minutes which could have been 5-7 minutes had the boy not've been screaming for the girl to go slower every time her foot touched the pedal.
She turned around to sneak a look at the boy who's jaw was basically on the ground. "Why is your house normal!?" Beomgyu yelled out. "I don't know, maybe because I am normal." Y/n snapped, pushing the bike into the grass and bringing the boy inside your house. "The interior is normal too." He whispered.
After showing him around he was stunned. He just couldn't fathom someone like the purple haired girl living in a house that wasn't bright green and didn't have dead animals set up as decoration. "Welcome to my room." She said stepping in front of him with your arms out.
"Why do you have so many lights?"
"Stuffed animals? What're you 8?"
"I suggest investing in an photo album—"
blah. blah. blah. He was talking for so long the girl had time to change her whole outfit, inside the closet of course, to something more comfortable.
"Shut the fuck up please." She said sitting in the desk chair.
"You're still wearing skirts? I thought girls stopped after 8?"
"Yea, wanna try it on?"
"What? Boys can't wear skirts."
"Mhmm~ wanna see?"
The girl began pulling up some videos of twitter that she had saved for personal use. His eyes attached to the screen. "Aren't they pretty?"
She slid over to the next one. "Aww Beomgyu isn't he the cutest."
Beomgyu stared at Y/n with big eyes as you kept complimenting those boys. Cheeks becoming pink as his eyebrows furrowed. After calling the last boy gorgeous he fled the room.
"What the fuck"
He came back slowly walking in. His milky white thighs exposed by the skirt. His shirt was off, but he still hugged it against himself.
"Am I cute like those boys?"
"You're fucking gorgeous."
Y/n completely focused on the boy as he came closer. He reached for the phone that was releasing incredibly lewd sounds. He stood there for a moment biting his lips as his excitement became more visible.
"How about you come sit here pretty." You suggested, pointing at your lap.
"okay" He whispered coming to wrap around Y/n's waist.
Y/n instant wrapped her hands around his little hips digging into them. He released a little moan and grinded himself on her thigh. His face flushed and he covered his face with his hand.
"You can keep going."
He stayed still for a moment, face still covered, before he slowly pushed up against your thigh.
"Go ahead and uncover that cute little face."
He didn't listen because he was of course still Beomgyu. Y/n did what any Dom would do to a bratty boy.
Smack right to the ass cheek.
He gasped, but remained.
"lemme see you."
"uncover your face."
"c'mon, this isn't pretty behavior."
His hands wrapped around the girls as he used them to go a little faster. The pressure between Y/n's legs became too much to handle as she began sweating because of the desperate boy who whimpered with every movement. She began slowly grinding yourself onto his knee that was conveniently place right in front of her clit.
The girl peppered kisses onto his milky chest leading up to his neck while twisting his nipples. The boy released loud squeals of pleasure causing him to push his head into your neck. Just to drive him a little more nuts she squeezed his tip causing hot pre-cum to cover her hand.
"Ah fuck!" he moaned in response.
"Don't say those words baby." She said pushing her thumb against his mouth. He nodded at your words before taking your thumb on his palate. She noticed that Beomgyus hips had become more quick and short.
"Are you gonna cum?"
"Mhm, I'm gonna do it soon." He whined with his eyes closed.
Beomgyu held a sharp breath as came undone.
"Fuck beomgyu don't hold your breath for so long." She laughed not even bothering to finish Herself off.
Out of breath, he got up.
"So, I'm gonna go home now." He said running out of the room, not bothering to take his clothes with him.
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dummysmile · 3 years
{4:24 PM} - Choi Beomgyu
Smut (16+)
pairing: Sub! non-idol! Victim! Beomgyu x Femdom! Bully! Y/n
Warning! - Cuss word galore, spitting, cum eating?, degradation. hand and blow job. It's weird cause they have sex-sex because I was too lazy to write it. maybe next time.
please tell me how I can make this better.
"Why're you so mean?" Beomgyu pouted. His big brown eyes stared at you, shifting of course, because he didn't want to get yelled at for prolonged staring. You contemplated an answer not really knowing.
"I'm not mean," you shoved him to the ground, "I'm just acknowledging your pathetic ass the way you deserve." You finished, delivering spit to his face.
The clump clear liquid sprung across his face making him the most beautiful you'd ever seen him. You watched his reaction—it wasn't anything special, he was just sitting there on the floor on the verge of tears with his mouth hung open.
You crouched down, pulling the boy's long hair harshly. Beomgyu's mouth closed quickly and he visibly gulped at the harshness. His eyes fluttered closed as you leaned close to his reddening ear.
"Does the pathetic baby like my spit?" You quietly purred into the boy's ear. Bringing small kisses from his lobe to his exposed clavicle.  With his eyes closed he slowly shook his head, denying his love for the warm liquid on his face.
You hummed in response. You had yet to let go of his hair, but you did pull your face from his collarbone where two bruises began forming from your tiny bites. His eyes opened lightly, initiating an intense and quiet eye contact. With your free hand, you dragged it from his cheekbone to the corner of his mouth. Bundling your spit between your two fingers. The boy's mouth opened and his pink tongue relaxed over his plump bottom lip.
Your fingers laid against his pallet where he began to suck on them. You both maintained eye contact— that broke for the nth time because you stared at the boy who had your fingers buried in his warm mouth.
"Em I 'till patetic?" Beomgyu asked slightly above a whisper. His speech was slightly fucked up because of the fingers slowly massaging his tongue.
You then harshly thrusted in his throat. Making his eyes screw closed.
"Slightly less." You smirked, pulling your fingers from his throat, that weren't free without a thick trail of spit following it. You pushed your fingers into your own mouth taking in the taste of boy.
You moaned in delight, "Someone's been eating candy."
"Cherry fun-dip" He whispered, showing multiple packs in pocket that just so happened to be next to his extremely visible hard on. He looked down knowing your line of vision also lined up with his dick.
"Wanna come to my dorm?" He asked, looking away.
"As if I'd fuck your pathetic ass," you said watching him stand, "lead the way." You said looking at his cock pushing against his pants.
He nodded, turning. He turned back around not too long after. He yanked your shirt down, revealing one of your super hard nipples. Beomgyu gave you a cute smile before gently covering you back up and patting it safe.
"I really like boobies."
You chose to ignore him.
Once you rounded the corner he pulled out his keys.
"Are your roommates coming anytime soon?" You asked, stepping into the slightly clean living room. He shook his head going to the kitchen.
He was sitting on the kitchen island with a bottle of water. You placed yourself between his legs trailing his thighs. It was quiet, peaceful even. He pulled your shirt up over your head and not bothering to unclip your bra, he also pulled it over your head.
"Holy shit, they're fucking huge." He quietly gawked, grasping onto the same one he exposed in the hall. "And they're super warm." He moaned. "Fuckkkk~" Beomgyu dragged, gripping both nipples and dropping over your shoulder. You softly sighed as his grip tightened.
You pulled his shirt over his head. Immediately place your mouth onto his shoulder harshly. As a reaction, Beomgyu grasped your body into his. Pulling your body closer, allowing himself to whimper at the pleasure of you making him. You let your hands travel to his hair and begin caressing the ends of his hair. You sat in one another's embrace, before making eye contact for the nth time today. Your lips connected and lingered upon each other.
It was a truly beautiful moment.
Beomgyu's body began thrusting against your stomach. "You're making me feel so good." He moaned out.
"You'll get to cum—" You began, but you were cut off by loud  speaking and squeaky sneakers.
"I thought they weren't coming home."
"I thought you wouldn't want to hmm anymore."
At that you yanked him down by his hair and dragged him to his room.
"You fucking pathetic piece of shit!" You yelled at him harshly in the midst of your journey. You weren't concerned about the boy whimpering under your hold, nor were you concerned about the 4 boys watching you walk across their dorm with their friend in one hand and your boobs in the other.
You pushed him into his room—you figured it was his since 'BEOMGYU's room' was on a piece of copy paper and taped to the door.
"Who the hell do you think you are?" You asked, looking at Beomgyu who was scrambling to his feet.
"You're no one—No, you're nothing."
His tears fell off his chin and you dropped down in front of him similar to how you were positioned earlier. You grabbed his chin. pulling him into your gaze.
"Poor baby," you cooed, drying his face although the tears running down his face turned you on. "C'mon, repeat after me."
"I am nothing, but a pathetic loser."
"I am nothing, but a pathetic loser."
"Good boy." You smiled, kissing the pouting boys lips.
"Thank you, mommy." He said blushing deeply as he kissed you again. You were about to deepen the kiss when the boy gained access to your mouth and began softly biting at your tongue.
"Fu—Fuck Beomgyu!" You moaned, but soon turned into you yelling at him due to his teeth harshly gripping your tongue. "Get on the bed." You demanded.
He quickly got in the bed and laid with his arms behind his head. "Is Mommy's baby ready?" You asked, stalking to the bed.
You began palming him through his pants, making sure you were in charge of the kiss. He pushed his pants down, kicking them, not breaking the kiss.
You hated to ruin his effort of keeping the kiss unbroken, but you kissed down his jaw until you were laying in front of him with his pretty dick in your face.
Beomgyu watched you with intense eyes, as you licked the tip of his red and swelling cock. "My sweet boy." You cooed, rubbing him before swirling on a sensitive part of his tip.
"Mommy, you're mouth—fuck," he moaned out of breath, "I need your boobies." He said reaching to play with your nipples. You took all of him in suddenly, rubbing whatever you couldn't take.
After a few moments of Beomgyu groaning and occasionally screeching from holding his orgasms.
"Why aren't you cumming?" You asked annoyed.
"I-I-I—Fuck, I don't deserve to. I'm so pathetic." He whined bucking his hip.
"Just cum baby, I won't be upset with you."
He nodded before letting out loud moans. "Kiss me mommy."
You happily leaned up and captured his lips. His body shook rapidly.
"Oh fuck, shit, I'm cumming" He nearly screamed as his veiny dick shot streams of cum onto his stomach. Beomgyu was out of breath and his face showed how worn out he was. He leaned over to grab the towel on his night stand only for your tongue to sit on his torso, just about to lick up his juices.
"No!" He yelled moving away from you. That didn't stop you as you held him down and licked his cum smiling at him as he began wailing. He immediately clutched into you
"The fuck is wrong with you."
"You ate it and it wasn't worthy of going into your beautiful mouth. "
"Aww gyu. Your cum isn't pathetic, just you."
"I love you."
Your mouth hung open at the boy.
"Can I suck on your boobies like a baby?"
You nodded still dumb struck by his L bomb, laying next to him.
"I'm pretty sure I love your pathetic ass too." You mumbled to the sleeping boy who was attached to your nipple.
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dummysmile · 3 years
Update - 8/21
I made some edits to some stuff lol.
Enhypen :
How they kiss you - Added an unbiased POV to Heeseung and NIKI cause at the time I didn't like Heeseung.
Stray kids:
My Baby - I added some words, but its still sorta garbage. Slightly better.
Leaving - This one is my favorite so you already know I fixed her all up.
Iceberg - I made edits, but its still garbage. expect a part 2 that's better.
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dummysmile · 3 years
Can you do a part 2 to ice berg? Only if requests are open💕
I'll link it here when it's finished! :))))
I reread it and I swear it'll be better. part 1 was garbage and I'm sorry you read it lol. T T
Requests are always open.
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dummysmile · 3 years
Absolutely loved the minghao as a bf fic! Can you please do a similar one for Joshua as well! Cannot find much for shua baby 😋😘
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note: I'm sorry, this took awhile! Tumblr doesn't load requests as quickly as I thought.
----------------------under the cut
love language: Touch AND affirmation
so, basically you allow him to do whatever
he's cute so I don't blame you
he cuddles you 75% of the time
he'll cuddle you after work and tell you alll- about his day
"Me and the guys did this awful game and all I could think was holding my face between your boobs."
He enjoy's holding your hand, not really.
^ only because that means he most likely can't wrap his whole body around you
having someone as humble as josh means you have to remind him that he's so much more than he lets on
he loves hearing affirming words while you stroke his hair
y/n: "I saw a tweet today talking about you. You truly are my amazing boy."
and to that he'll blush and his face in your...you guessed it. in the boobs.
Relationship (general):
Probably the most stable relationship
like there is full trust because the both of you just click.
he's the cutest little thing
example, when you're feeling down he'll bring out shua-bot just for you
"Shua bot wants to know why the pretty y/n is sad. Shall I eat your toes?"
he teases you pretty much all the time
which will turn into a competition
did I mention ya'll are mad competitive?
"Why are you trying to out laugh me?" y/n: "are you mad because I have a louder laugh?" Shua: "oh yea? AHAHAH"
Y'all progressively got louder -_-
y'all relationship mainly consist of those elements: Teasing, competing, and cuddling.
It gives 'high school couple everyone believes is gonna get married after graduation' vibes.
they're all 50/50
they hate when you come to the studio because everyone gets off task
Vernon: "Y/n, you should totally join the band!" Jeonghan: "so we can kick you out, that way you can sign a NDA and pretend you don't know us." :D
but love when you come to boring events
Jeonghan: "I wish you didn't have to leave. Please take me with you!!"
you know how Josh is quiet? mhm, once you're in the door frame he's DK + Seungkwan.
Joshua get slightly jealous T T
"everyones Eddie Murphy?" cue eyeroll
Carats are trying to find out who's bruising their joshikins (???)
Super comfortable
like nothing's awkward
occasionally when you're in the shower he'll rip one out, turn off the light, and lock the bathroom door from the inside.
"Sorry baby, I was feeling silly. " He'll cackle
He'll toss out those I love you's like a frisbee
He bites too.
he'll go under the sheets and bite your booty cheeks
"I did that cause I love you."
You know that "Can you feel the love tonight" song?
lets just say you be feeling it
that's a nasty boy
his hands steadily trace over your curves
his lips graze yours super slow and softly
he'll bite over your lips and tongue
Pulling it occasionally
it'll go on for minutes and feel like seconds
you'll have to beg him for seconds
and his lips are so smooth too..JEEZUS
He doesn't get "angry", he gets annoyed.
which is way scarier than angry.
He'll try talking to you about the situation
"Let's talk like ADULTS. I didn't pay the light bill"
if he feels like you're not listening or constantly blaming him he'll get annoyed
He speaks scary calm
"Okay, im a dumb bitch or not paying the light bill."
he doesn't do anything he just sits back and sighs while you talk
"You done?"
Thankfully arguments never happen unless they're playful
Dinner dates are the only thing he knows
if he's feeling bold, he'll take you to a city event
you both switch between who pays
many pictures get taken so they can go to photo album
compliments don't stop
"you lookin good babe, sucks you have a boyfriend. OH WAIT, I be the boyfriend."
they're cute and corny that's all.
One word: switch
how ya'll day went determines who's in what position
He prefer bottom, but jeez this man is a HARD Dom.
"What the fuck did I just say?" He'll lash out, continuing to pound into you. He hums waiting for a response. "Not to cum." You mutter whining as you felt him insert a bullet vibrator into your ass. "And what did you do?" He seethed, teasing your rim. "I came." You cried out feeling nothing, but static and bliss. "But you keep adding fucking vibrators to me." You barked, as you neared your orgasm again. He flicked your mouth, showing he didn't like your tone. You got unfocused by the pop that you accidentally allowed yourself to cum again. "Did you just cum?" He stares at you. You violently shook your head no. "You're gonna lie to me? I felt that your pussy nearly swallow me whole." He whispers holding your face tightly. "Repeat after me: I'm a dumb slut who doesn't follow directions."
A whole cuddle bug after
"Sorry baby, you're so smart." As he lays in you boobs.
As a bottom, he's a whore.
"Please fuck me." "tie me up and do it." "Hurt me please" are some of the things you'll hear with him
he has a possession kink
"Mark me, so those staffs know I fucking belong to you."
he wants to own you, but also wants to be owned by you.
josh has hella kinks
Orgasm denial, degradation, choking, slobbing, restraining, anal, overstim, edging, you know throw in the whole BDSM dictionary. H
he's probably into it.
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dummysmile · 3 years
for seventeen (i forgot to mention the group for boyfriend series) sorry
Got it!
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dummysmile · 3 years
hi! could i request for you to continue the 'as your boyfriend' series for the rest of the members?
Will do! Is there a specific person you want me to do next? Any other groups?
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dummysmile · 3 years
Hi sweetheart!
Can I request to Minghao as a boyfriend?
Please? Thank you so much ♡~
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Minghao as a boyfriend
Genre: Fluff/smut - head canon
Word count: 969
note: I am soooo sorry I did see this sooner. Also thanks for being my first request. lastly sorry if it's not up to par. I didn't know him as well as I thought I did. Hope you still like it. :)
------------- under the cut.
love language: Affirmation
Some days he needs to be reminded he's important
he won't beg for it, but it's like you can tell when he needs it
"Hao, you're such an important part of my life."
*looks over his book with a deep blush*
he needs to hear words from his s/o right after work
because he's so shy he barely puts in any input at the studio which makes him feel like he did a bad job.
Relationship (general)
The relationship is average sike that lil mf teases you so much
it's to the point where you question whether he's an adult or a literal child
playing basketball with Minghao: "Babe, what even was that?", "HEHE are you even trying?", *scores* "OMG! Someone get my baby a contract." or "Oh, you think you're a hotshot now?"
spoils you to the max
"You obviously need a whole Louis outfit."
like this man would become a sass queen if you refuse any of his gifts
"Why would you get with a Kpop Idol if you didn't want gifts?" *giant eye roll*
he insists that he must flirt with you at any given moment
"Hey baby, lookin' all good in that Louis outfit." ;)
but trust me he will regret it
he is embarrassed so easily!
he's not big on cuddling, sadly
he'll do it if it's something you'll initiate
he'll be super tense for the next few minutes, but he will relax and fall asleep in your arms in the next 45 minutes
he's also not big on sharing clothes (he'll pass you a hoodie or a hat every now and again)
he likes to read his books to you
he also likes talking with you, just engaging in conversation...and hoping to get a bit of praise
teaching you Chinese swear words
The trust in the relationship is a solid 10/10 because somehow both of you are afraid of the relationship being messed up.
The group lowkey doesn't like you
they think you treat him badly because Minghao is usually upset when he comes into work.
"I really want this to work, but I'm scared of doing something wrong."
he tells them how he wishes he could voice certain things to you. like how he appreciates you and stuff, but instead he does it through spending money.
other than that he doesn't talk about you
Seventeen also thinks you use him for his money until they witness one of your arguments
after seeing both make out afterwards they left your relationship alone
not Seungkwan, if anything that made him more nosy
carats don't know about the relationship since he's such a closed book.
It's not there yet, but its there
he's a little self conscious and insecure
I love you's are THE most awkward part of your relationship
mh: *random* "I love you" y/n: "I love you too" mh: "okay." *big blush*
of course, you both are a normal couple. y'all are just ass at communication. T T
he destroys your bathroom beyond air freshener
but he refuses to let out a tiny toot
almost cried because you heard him once.
He kisses you romantically
its always perfect
his hands will be on your waist and then he'll start massaging your waist
when you bite his lip (his favorite) he'll dig his nails into you
if he could he would definitely cream his pants every time you bit his lip.
sometimes he'll teasingly peck you
"You're so cute, I can't."
he kisses you all over your face
you argue over money occasionally
y/n: "Minghao! Stop buying stuff for fucks sake. Focus on the rent."
he will sit at the table while you talk with his head in hand
or more often leant back on a chair with an annoyed look
"You don't want it? Give it back, simple." He'll groan/growl in a husky voice standing from the chair
the new outfit is being thrown on the ground
y/n: "what kind of man are you?"
he gets pissed by that sentence because you know he struggles to talk about his feelings.
to show you that he's your man he'll harshly pull you into a equally harsh kiss
that ends up with you harshly being fucked by Dom Minghao
"I really, really fucking love you." He'll moan while undressing you
He will angrily fuck you wherever you two had argues not too long ago
everything you two have wanted to say comes out during that moment of love improvement. (get it? love making? love improving?)
Then you talk about it.
"You felt like I was trying buy your love?" He'll pant while laying down next to you.
The dates be mad expensive
he takes you to places where full steak and lobster is considered an appetizer
he'll get an expensive red wine
openly talks about the future
"our child will really grow up in this restaurant."
teasing still
"You look like that breadstick"
other teasing ;)
"Baby, do a little nip slip."
Sometimes he wants to stay home and order take out.
NOW this man gives off top energy, but he is a BOTTOM.
technically a switch, but this man just loves bottoming
this is the only time he'll beg for praising
He'd come from between your legs mouth covered in slick and spit
"Am I being a good boy?"
DOE eyes.
He will lay under you and stare at you with big eyes
his favorite position is missionary so he can directly watch your face
he's into degradation (depending on the day), praise, choking, spitting, edging, and he is the ultimate rope master when he's feeling Dommy.
he's pretty vanilla ngl
clarity because the relationship seems toxic:
Minghao is comfortable with you to the extent where he can joke and play. He is just his shy and introverted self. He can't voice out his feelings for you without a gift and y/n wants to help him with that. They are very much in love.
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dummysmile · 3 years
my ult looking so good around here.
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minho 🎶 song camp ep.04
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dummysmile · 3 years
DK as your boyfriend
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Genre: Fluffy/smut
Request here
WK: 761
-------------------------- under the cut
love language: Physical touch
He's always touching you or kicking you softly
he always wants you to be petting his head
kisses on 10,000
sleeps pretty much on top of you
always holding your hand
he just needs you so that he feels loved
Relationship (general):
you already know the relationship is never boring
he has so much energy omg
the trust in the relationship T T 10/10
he's always talking about his dreams with you
"I want 7 kids and 2 dogs, but you can love them more than me, capeesh?"
always popping his face in yours and making faces at you
tries to cook, but it turns into him being your assistant
purposefully mixes his clothes with yours
he's a cuddle bug
"I want to be apart of you"
They liked you, the just didn't like hearing about you
he talks about you all. the. time.
dk: "Me and y/n fu-" Dino: "OMG shut uppp-"
Seungkwan: "No, tell us."
dk tells ALL your business so it gets quite awkward
like they look you up and down then turning away
when you're with the guys DK isn't jealous, they're all his brothers
always tryna dedicate a song to you
most likely trying to convince staff to let you in a video
carats at first hated you when they thought you'd make him less dk
they went back to not liking you because everything that came out his mouth started with y/n.
"I love my y/n guys, don't worry I love you guys too. "
gets comfortable way too fast
"I farted while you were gone." 1 week in the relationship
"I probably shit my pants." 2 weeks in the relationship
uses the bathroom with the door open
gets shy when you see him
he knows his limits though
he kisses you all over your face
like it has spit trails
if you wipe it off he will place an even wetter one on your face
your best bet is to wait for him to finish so you can wipe your face
his actual kisses are GLORIOUS
when he pulls away you're still subconsciously pushing towards him
he'll laugh then peck you
in some cases this man will believe you're sleeping and he'll just kiss your forehead and stare.
the relationship is pretty stable
there is rarely an argument unless you catch him on a bad day
this man is scary when he's angry
he just looks like he'll eat you
when you argue he automatically believes you'll break up
"So what? You gonna leave me now?"
he doesn't yell, but if you cut him off a million times
"Will you let me talk, damn!"
he'll apologize immediately
"baby, I didn't mean to yell. we're both frustrated."
genuinely tries to fix all of you guys' problems
DK never takes you on a sit down date unless it's super fancy
Dave and busters workers follow you on instagram
gets super jealous when he sees other people looking at you
"can't they see we're on a date?"
he makes it seem like he doesn't want to pay, but trust me, he wants to.
DK: "I always pay no fair, you're always using me for money."
Employee: "who's pay-"
smacked by DK's card.
spoils life out of you
"6 piece chicken nuggets? Okay."
"Hello, can I get a 20 piece chicken nugget MEAL."
this man has Johnny sins quacking
he could do it anywhere, but he prefers to have you in the bedroom or anywhere in the house
"We're the only people who eat on the counter, at least let me eat your ass on it."
total switch
"Please master, give it to me how I deserve it." He'd beg in broken whimpers
"Aw my perfect cum socket, look at your quivering body in the mirror." He whispers holding you up by your throat and hair
Dk is a freak
he likes cum play, degradation, sir/master, orgasm denial, spit play, face fucking, choking, and anal on both ends.
basically anything where he can have fun and turn it into a game
he's into role playing
his favorite scenario fan x idol
Dk likes cumming on your face because its easier for him to finger scoop it into your mouth
he also likes mixing your cum and his then tasting it
"Baby, tell me why we're so sweet."
his drive is so high that there are indents in the wall and literal sweat figures engraved in the sheets.
thank goodness for mattress covers
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dummysmile · 3 years
You owning a toy - TXT
Head canon
Pairing: TXT x reader
Genre: Suggestive.
Discovered it by seeing you with it
he heard you calling out his name
was happy you were thinking about him
"Did I not put you down yesterday!?"
when he's too angry for angry sex he'll hit you with:
"Go fuck on that piece of plastic"
makes sure to add it into sex when he doesn't want to overstimulate himself
begs you to send him pictures with it inside you.
discovered it while looking for some Tylenol
doesn't say anything because he doesn't want you to be embarrassed.
when you leave he measures himself to make sure he's bigger
gets jealous when he hears you shuffling in the bathroom
"Please use me y/n"
low-key worried you'll get bored of his dick.
eventually tells you how worried he was after long sex while laughing about it.
"I thought you'd be over me because I don't vibrate."
Discovered it while picking out an outfit that for some reason needed your clothes
Examines it
throws it in the garbage
confronted you as soon as you got in the house'
"So you're cheating on me?"
literally rails you after
"No more sex toys, you have me"
discovered it in your drawer because he opened the wrong one.
he didn't care that you had one
as long as you aren't cheating on him and still begged him to fuck you.
he was insecure because it was a little bigger than him.
He just doesn't give a shit
HK: "where's Y/n?" T: "Probably masturbating, why?"
was happy to know you never used it
"well do you want to use it? like in front of me."
[Huening Kai]
Was shook when he saw it neatly in your night stand
he was snooping like the nosy boy he is
he pushed every button
ended up letting it vibrate on his pants
then onto his tip
then was caught by you
"babe can you use this on me?" *shy*
lets just say his g-spot was rattled that night.
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dummysmile · 3 years
Please help me, I’m STILL thinking abt 4K given-taken Jay. He’s not my bias. I’ve never shown interest in him until yesterday.
I want to be a rag doll for this man. Yes sir, throw me on this glass table. Contort my back til your heart is content😭
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dummysmile · 3 years
[How They Kiss You] - Enhypen
pairing: Enhypen x reader
genre: Fluff , suggestive if you close your eyes.
Note: Jungwon and NIKI are in here too.
He is shy
You mainly initiate all kisses
If he ever got the courage it'd be while you two are hugging
He'd pull up your chin painfully slow which looks weird asf to everyone else.
it doesn't last long
"I'm sorry, that was bad" with an awkward chuckle.
would go home and kick the wall because he's embarrassed.
[unbiased pov]
He is shy, but more comfortable depending on how many months you've been together
You both kiss when it's convenient
he'll peck you if a lot of people are near
If there aren't many people he'll be the PDA prince.
King of biting your lips ;)
He be slow with it, but it's not like exaggerated, it's a good slow.
then he'll run his tongue over your lips
then boom, lip bite and a moan from both parties.
Now this man, gah dang
he kisses you so many different ways
first there's a peck
like he'll be mad from an argument and to end it he pecks a kiss to your lips
you'll be with the rest of the group and he'll be needy ass boy
"I wanna kiss you." He'll sing.
then the choking kiss
when he's mad at someone or tryna get some coochie coo, he'll wrap his hand around your throat
"Hey baby, you look so fuckable." Jay purrs. "You asshole, I'm wearing granny panties." You'd laugh.
last is forehead galore.
Jay is a jealous person so yea anymore explanation?
A guy staring at you on the other side of the store? Boom, forehead kiss.
Riki wanna know the wifi password? Boom, forehead kiss.
Hitman bang asks for your number? BOOM, forehead kiss.
"You know, I love you? I don't want people messing with what's mine." Head ass.
This boy is always tryna seduce somebody
he'll give you a shoulder massage and somehow end up giving you hickeys and kisses up your shoulder
"Baybe you just look soh good."
"Jake, no head."
"Naur baybe, can't I just kiss my favorite girl."
On a rare day that he doesn't want to seduce you, it'll be constant temple kisses
He looks like he plays mobile games a lot
imagine forehead kisses in the middle of clash of clans. T T
Awkward king alert
Imagine you're just chilling at a secluded place. (cause Sunghoon dfw pda)
"Hey look up." He'd say
Kisses you
That's it
let you have been the one to initiate the kiss
he'd switch to fuck boy Dom
neck grabbing and biting like he wasn't just struggling.
Unlike the others, he won't initiate the kiss for shiz.
"y/n!!! kiss me." Puppy dog eyes
"Boy just kiss me" You beg
"I won't do it like you"
when he finally kisses you, he won't stop smiling resulting in you both laughing
at one point Sunoo bursted out laughing so hard his spit hit the back of your throat.
This boy is a heart thief
He'll start by holding your hand
or playing with your jewelry.
he'd stare at you making you stare back
you'd swoon most definitely.
"im gonna kiss you now."
it'll be sorta long
but he's holding your cheek
stroking it softly
once the kiss is over he won't stop sneaking side glances
"I think im craving another one"
A literal child
He'll see you
kiss you on your face
then run away
he'll text you: tonight was fun xx
and then never text you back.
this whole cycle repeats until he gets tips from the other members. lmao.[Unbiased pov]
Would most likely do it without any words
He'll be playing on his switch and there, a nice kiss on the face somewhere
"I don't want you to think I'm ignoring you."
He's just a sweet boy who doesn't know how to respond to text messages.
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dummysmile · 3 years
Find everything you need in here. ;)
Master lists:
ATZ | EN- | P1H | SVT | SKZ | TXT - So many groups might as well write for everyone in Korea.
Prompts - Request for prompts because the list is constantly being updated. Theres quote, ideas, and little summaries in there.
WIP - Things that haven't been finished yet, but you can still look forward to.
RULES - The things you need to follow in order to know what going on.
Misc - About me, Music, and whatever fits.
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dummysmile · 3 years
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Ateez Master List
Request Here
S - Smut/suggestive
F - Fluff
A - Angst
✦ - Little space
✄ - Series
O - Drabble
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
0 notes
dummysmile · 3 years
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Tomorrow x Together Master List
Request Here
S - Smut/suggestive F - Fluff A - Angst ✦ - Little space ✄ - Series O - Drabble -----------------------------------
➤ You owning a toy - (s)
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
{4:24PM} - (s)
Nothing yet
Huening Kai
➤ Iceberg - (s), (a), (f), ✄
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dummysmile · 3 years
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Enhypen Master List
Request Here
S - Smut/suggestive
F - Fluff
A - Angst
✦ - Little space
✄ - Series
O - Drabble -----------------------------------
➤ How they kiss you - (s) , (f)
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
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