eaterofman · 5 months
Ever since I consumed your work I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT JAKE KWBSUWNAOSH HE'S BLONDE AND HE LOOKS GOOD AJJWJAJSNEJ MORE HEADCANNONS ABOUT HIM PLS? I love a silly blonde guy with his silly ties with his silly suits I jus wanna kiss him
Sorry it took me so long to respond, but here's a bit of an expansion on Jake's character, and some other little odds and ends about him <3
Jake is definitely the most... inconspicuous of the coworkers, at least at first. You probably won't even realize anything is wrong for awhile, if you ever do. He's great at coming off as a very discrete yandere. Even if he's completely obsessed with you, you may never even realize the true extent of his obsession.
You'll probably see Jake the most out of all your coworkers outside of work. He just so happens to frequent all your usual spots, and tends to run his errands around the same time as you! What a funny coincidence.
Even if you somehow managed to get out of your contract, you're not escaping Jake. He'll build himself up to be a presence in your personal life to ensure that he'll always have a reason to be in your life. He doesn't care if it's as a friend, coworker, or something more, he just wants you in whatever way you'll give him.
While he doesn't have superiority over you like the other coworkers, he absolutely utilizes the unease and isolation they cause you. He's very opportunistic, and he'll adapt to your wants and needs, so long as it gets him closer to you. Feel like you don't have any friends in the office? Don't worry about it! Jake is there to comfort you, always.
Jake really just wants to dote on you, 24/7. Whether that be through cooking for you, baking, or just making you laugh, he puts his all into making his darling happy. After all, the happier he makes you, the less you need other people to make you happy, right?
Speaking of baking and cooking, Jake is an amazing chef. Once he knows you like something, or even overhears you imply that you like something, he's putting 101% of his free time into perfecting his own recipe for said food, but he'll pass it off as if he simply had leftovers. Strangely, no one else in the office is ever given these "leftovers", but you're not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.
Jake has a huge array of "definitely pushing company policy" suits and ties. He sticks out like a sore thumb, but he's great at his job and the higher ups love him, so he gets away with a lot of shit.
More recently, he may or may not be offering even more incentive for the CEO and HR to look the other way in the form of information about you. He keeps the particularly juicy stuff to himself of course, but he definitely utilizes the others' obsessions with you for leverage to get away with more shit, even if he sees them as competition. Even if he throws them a few crumbs, he's confident he'll still win you over in the end.
Definitely wears themed ties around the holidays. It's particularly bad around Christmas... those ones sing.
He's very into stupid, gen z-esque humor. Tons of lame dad jokes and puns. Definitely scrolls through tiktok on company time.
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eaterofman · 5 months
I <3 You!: Serial Killer Yandere x Detective Reader
This was your chance to shine, to finally rise up in the pecking order... but have you bitten off more than you could chew?
The answer is yes, yes you have.
CW: Murder, Stalking, Obsession, Violence NOT directed towards reader, Manipulation, Mild gore/grossness towards the end
A/N: I have learned how to make aesthetic moodboards like the cool blogs. I am unstoppable.
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Of course you took the case, why wouldn't you?
You were sick of being at the bottom of the food chain, forced to run meaningless errands and getting stuck with the paperwork for the rest of the division.
This was your big break. Finally an opportunity to prove your worth.
How hard could it be?
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He knew you were watching him.. or at least, watching the aftermath of him.
And what a beautiful aftermath it was, specially tailored, just for you.
He hadn't known who you were before all this. He'd even been insulted at first when he learned the detective on his case was some nobody that'd been tossed on his kills like a stray dog being offered a bone.
He really had been planning on making you his next target, spitting on the face of the department that decided that he was so unimportant that his work was only deserving of an amateur. He'd show them what happens when he's underestimated-
...but you'd thrown yourself onto his case with a diligence he wasn't quite prepared for. You were taking him seriously, treating the lowlifes he brutalized as important as the rich bastards the rest of your department was worried about.
It was cute.
Despite your efforts, you were nowhere near discovering who he was. He wouldn't let you, at least, not until the time was right.
No, he would make you great, just as you would make him known, and then and only then, would he reveal himself to you. The two of you were so intricately connected after all, both of you unknown to the world around you.
By hell or high water, the city would know the both of you. He'd make sure of it.
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You wearily rested your head on your desk, pressing your face into the wood as your eyes blinked in and out of reality.
You were tired.
You wouldn't admit it to your colleagues, you refused to show weakness. You knew what happened when sharks smelled blood in the water. Showing them, that after all these years of being relegated to coffee running and borderline secretarial duties, that you couldn't handle the first case you'd been trusted with?
No, you wouldn't let yourself be thrown back to the bottom again. You were going to prove your worth to the team.
But the disappearances weren't disappearances anymore. They were clear murders at this point, and they were escalating.
What had started as simple disappearances with no confirmed body had evolved into... statements, for lack of a better word. Brutalized bodies proudly displayed in a clear mockery of your efforts.
The killer was getting bold.
It seemed at first as though they were getting sloppy as well, a few times you had stumbled across a victim that had obviously been alive just a few moments before you'd gotten to them, blood still fresh and their eyes still hauntingly gleaming at you.
No, the killer wasn't getting sloppy. You weren't any closer to finding them then you were a year ago.
This was intentional. They wanted you to see it. Despite their brutality, they were careful, never leaving any trace of themselves behind.
The case had escalated to the point where the rest of your division had to acknowledge it. At first, your colleagues simply hadn't cared about a few disappearances of the city's less respected residents. It was practically a joke when they assigned you the missing persons case, like a wild goose chase you couldn't possibly in.
Despite this, you'd put your all into the case. Even if your colleagues didn't care about the occasional missing prostitute or tourist, you did. They were still people, even if they didn't make headlines.
Your division still didn't actually care about the people when they assigned a more advanced detective to your case. No, they cared about their reputation. A serial killer on the loose did not bode well for their public appearance.
You were happy that attention was now being directed towards what you'd known to be a problem since the beginning... but it was too little too late in your opinion. It wouldn't change the fact that lives were lost because you lacked funds and access to necessary equipment and time.
As your eyes drifted shut, you figured that even if this new detective took over your case completely, it'd be okay as long as the killer was stopped.
You didn't need to known, after all, you just needed to protect your city.
That was enough for you.
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White hot anger broiled in his chest, threatening to explode as he paced his hotel room.
There was another man with you, another detective.
No, not a detective, a piece of trash that didn't recognize how important the two of you were.
The piece of shit thought he was better than you, than him.
After all the effort and work he had put into gaining notoriety, the fucking pigs had stepped in, placed an intruder between the two of you. Worse yet, an intruder who would surely take all the credit from you.
He wouldn't allow it.
As he eyed the two of you investigating the display he'd arranged for you from his vantage point, watching you be forced into the role of a sidekick, he played with the knife in his hands.
This would be his best work yet.
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Just as you had feared, you'd been relegated to side work once your more senior colleague stepped in.
At least you hadn't been completely removed from the case, you supposed, but it had still been a bitter pill to swallow. You'd worked so hard, only to be pushed aside and undermined once again.
You wouldn't have even minded as much, if he'd at the very least listen to what you had to say.
Instead, you'd gotten lectured like a small child, chastised for not solving such a simple case.
You chewed on the words as you walked, coffee in your hands from yet another chore you'd been forced into running.
The bastard had even made you pay for it.
"Forgot your wallet my fucking ass..." you mutter to yourself as you stomp up the stairs to the small office your superior had claimed for the investigation.
Or at least, his part of the investigation. You typically weren't allowed to "cramp up his space" while he "worked". You were used to getting kicked out into the general shared office space to work on the additional paperwork he deemed himself too important to touch.
You knock on the door, hoping to not have to struggle to open it with your hands full of hot coffee.
But there's no answer.
Of course there isn't, god forbid he actually gets up off his ass and helps you for once.
You roll your eyes and go to reach for the doorknob... only for the door to crack open on its own. Huh.
You shrug, turning to hip bump the door open the rest of the way. Easier for you, you supp-
You're snapped out of your thoughts when you step in something... wet. Back still turned, you jump in surprise at the unpleasant sound of wet carpet smooshing up against your shoe.
"Ew, what th-"
You stop mid sentence, now facing the inside of the room. You drop the cups your holding in your hand, barely registering as the brown liquid mixes with the now deep red carpet.
There's blood everywhere.
Soaked into the carpet, splattered onto the walls, dripping from the desk your colleague is sitting at.
Or what remains of your colleague, at least.
Most of what was once him is now covering the small office space, you feel bile rising in your throat.
Even in your shock, it's hard not to notice the oddly pristine, brightly colored paper in the space where your superior's face used to be.
You refuse to step into the room to get any closer to it, survival instincts howling at you to not getting any closer.
But you don't need to, you can clearly make out the almost childishly placed paper cutout letters on the paper.
You feel your stomach contents finally leave your body, mixing with the other fluids on the ground.
The message of "I <3 You" mocks you from the other side of the room as you scream, falling backwards as your mind tries to process what you're seeing.
The killer was just here, had to have been you were only gone for twenty minutes at most and-
-and he knows you, you realize with dread.
You scream.
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eaterofman · 7 months
Yandere Coworker Harem
A Meeting With The CEO
Yandere Vampire Neighbor
Introduction (NSFW)
Yandere Serial Killer
Yandere Serial Killer x Detective Reader
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eaterofman · 7 months
Yandere Vampire Neighbor x Reader NSFW
Things have been... odd, since your charming new neighbor moved in.
It's probably just a coincidence though... right?
Content Warnings: Stalking, noncon touching, home invasion, manipulation, mind control, blood drinking, slight somnophilia, NSFW
A/N: Enjoy! This is definitely not inspired by a fright night movie marathon from the other day. Definitely not.
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Your new neighbor, Casimir Baran, wasn't bad by any means. In fact, he was rather charming... at least, he'd been charming on the very few occasions you'd actually managed to see him. He seemed to be non-existent during the day, the only signs of life coming from his house occurring at night, and even those were barely noticeable. One or two lights on and the rare sound of his car leaving were the only indications your neighbor was actually still alive....
Embarrassingly, one of the few encounters you'd had with your admittedly very attractive neighbor came in the form of you tripping and busting your knee open right in front of him. The gravel had cushioned your fall, making it hurt like a son of a bitch to take the walk of shame back to your house.
You'd been surprised, and a bit wary, when Casimir offered a helping hand back to your house. You weren't super keen on allowing a random man inside your house, especially when you were injured... but he just seemed so earnest, y'know?
So, you let him help you. You even invited him into your house, pleasantly surprised by his insistence that you give him your full consent in going into your house. You couldn't help but be a bit impressed with how much of a gentleman he was being. He even helped you bandage up your knee, so intently focused it almost seemed like he was in a trance.
You thanked him as he left, relaxing on your couch and nursing your knee. Wrapped up in your blankets and in your own world, it's really not your fault that you hadn't noticed the hunger in his eyes, or the way he sucked the most delicious blood he'd ever tasted off his fingers before he'd even shut the front door to his house behind him.
You really shouldn't have let him in your house.
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The first thing you notice are things going missing. It was an odd mixture of items, a mostly used chapstick here, a pair of underwear there. Nothing of any real value, but noticeable nonetheless. You wanted to chalk it up as just simply misplacing things, but you couldn't help but feel a sense of dread in your stomach when you really thought about it.
Casimir just couldn't help himself, he needed you in any way he could have you. If that was in the form of a few pairs of underwear he could bury his face in as he buried his hand in his own, who could blame him?
You could swear you were running into him more often, whether that be when you're taking trash out or coming home from work. He was always just... there, almost like he was waiting for you. But that was silly, right?
You blamed your growing paranoia on your lack of sleep recently. You found yourself waking up more often in the middle of the night, the feeling of someone watching you lingering in the back of your mind.
Casimir really tried to be patient, but you were special in so many ways. Were most people wouldn't notice such an experienced vampire lurking in their house, you seemed to have a good sense of when he was there. He almost felt bad about waking you so often... but the cute expression of fear on your face and the enticing drum beat of your racing heart made it hard to stop.
You really were made for him.
It did make it harder for him, as cute as it was. He had no time to feed, and he didn't dare give in to the temptation of sating himself on the occasional cut or scrape. He knew he wouldn't be able to stop when he started.
Even the patience of an ancient vampire ends at some point though. Really, it's your fault for being so damn tempting, he assures himself as he finally sinks his teeth into you neck.
Of course, you waken almost immediately to the man currently gorging himself on your life force. You struggle, but you're nothing compared to a vampire's strength, forcing you to stay still in fear of causing any more damage to your neck.
In your panic, you notice its your neighbor currently pinning you down and sucking on your neck like its the only thing he's drank in months. You don't have time to question why or how, before you're once again distracted by him beginning to grind against you. It was almost unnoticeable at first, but soon he was grinding against you hard, still fully clothed as he dragged his crotch against yours.
Even though it feels like an eternity, pinned under your neighbor as he uses your body to satiate himself, it ends within minutes. Your brain is going foggy when he pulls himself off you, panting like a dog as his now ruby-red eyes stare wide eyed and lustful at you.
You don't get to ask any questions before he casts a hypnosis on you, making you forget and quickly fall back to sleep. You'll wake up groggy, but his bite will have healed and you'll be none the wiser.
Casimir knows this was wrong. He had lost his patience, and almost paid for it. He couldn't let your first time together happen like this it was... crude. Un-gentleman like. Unbecoming of him, and improper for someone as special as you. You weren't like the riff raff he invited in nightly to feed on.
He hadn't finished, but he figured it was a good enough punishment for his impatience. The lingering taste on his lips was almost enough to push him under the edge, but he clearly needed a self-induced lesson in patience... at least, until he got to his own house and could safely take care of his problem without being tempted to jump onto you again.
No, you weren't ready yet, but you would be.
He just needed time, and he had all of it to spend waiting for you to come around.
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eaterofman · 8 months
Request Rules and Info
General Blog Info:
Minors DNI.
This blog centers around yandere and monster content, and the darker concepts commonly associated with both are common here. If that makes you uncomfortable, this is not the blog for you.
I put content warnings before the "read more" in all of my writings. Please read them before engaging. I try my best to put everything I can there.
I am a very busy full time college student who's also balancing a full time job. Aside from breaks, I'm typically pretty busy. If I am not interacting back or answering asks, it's probably because I'm in over my head. All interaction is greatly appreciated.
I will write for any gender, although I typically stick to gender neutral.
Request/Ask Info:
At this time, I typically don't "close" my inbox, I just pick and chose what I write about. If I don't respond, it's likely not personal, I just don't have any inspiration to write for the topic at that time.
Topics I will write about:
Things I will write about, but NOT restricted to: Obsession, Stalking, Power imbalances, Age differences, Dubcon, Murder and violence (NOT directed towards the reader), Isolation, Manipulation, Monsters
Topics I will not write about:
Minors, Scat, Pregnancy/Birth, Incest, Zoophilia, Anything relating to age play, Necrophilia, Physical abuse/violence towards the reader
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eaterofman · 8 months
Yandere Coworker Harem x New Hire Reader: A Meeting with the CEO
Follow up to this post
Finally fed up with it all, you decide to leave... but you learn it may not be that easy.
Content Warnings: General creepiness, yanderes, financial manipulation, manipulation, power difference, gaslighting
AN: Holy shit the first part blew up, more so than any post I've ever made on tumblr... ever. Thank y'all, and I hope this lives up to everyone's expectations? Had to ignore a few asks since they were essentially the plot to this part, haha.
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As nice as Jake is... it starts to wear on you. The seclusion from your other coworkers, Warren and Jax's constant attention, it all becomes too much. This was the easiest money you've ever made, but it almost felt... condescending in a way. Seriously, you feel like you haven't actually worked in months, just given simple tasks to complete so that Jax could praise you. Otherwise, you felt like you were just eye candy set in a pretty office. No more, you figure. You make up your mind to go back to HR, it's been a long time coming. They either fix it, or you're gone.
With your mind made up, you return to Leon. He'd been so kind before, surely he'd help, right? As you explain your problems to him, he nods and gently smiles. In your distress, you don't notice his hand moving to cover yours, massaging yours comfortingly. You welcome the comforting sensation, overwhelmed to the point of not really considering the implications. You look into his dark eyes as you finish, silently pleading with him for help.
"That really is something. I'm sorry to hear your experience with the company has been so distressing. Tell me, do you have any proof?"
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His demeanor seems to shift instantly back to the colder man you remember from your first sight of him. His fingers rubbing gentle circles into your palm shift into a harsher grip.
"Proof? I-I mean, the cameras have probably caught something?"
You'd say there were eyewitnesses, but all of your other coworkers had been avoiding you. You barely even knew their names...
"Unfortunately, our cameras have been malfunctioning lately, I doubt they'd catch anything. Without any actual witnesses, I'm afraid I can't do anything for you."
"How can you say that without even looking? This place is insane- you know what? I'm just quitting. I can't take this anymore."
You try to remove your hand but he keeps it there. His gaze is suddenly ice cold. He lets your hand go after a few moments of tension, fingers lingering before you yank your hand to your chest.
"Ah, you could quit... but I'd really recommend against it. You'd of course have to pay the dues you signed in your contract, as well as any additional fees. I'm not in charge of finances, but my estimate would be somewhere around... 200 thousand or so?"
You gasp, blood running cold. 200 thousand?! You don't remember signing that, but you also don't recall really reading over the contract in your excitement. You try to think of a way out, surely there had to be some sort of loophole-
"Of course, there's always the option of asking the CEO to change your contract, but..."
You'd tuned anything after that out, insisting to meet with the CEO as soon as possible. Which, to your surprise, was almost immediately. Almost like he'd been... waiting for you? Leon himself lead you to the CEO's room, at the very top of the skyscraper your office resided in. As you're let in, you're met with the biggest office you'd ever seen. It composed of the entire top floor of the skyscraper, massive windows encircling the entire ornate office.
You really try to ignore the feeling that you're walking into a trap.
The CEO was patiently waiting for you. Like a king on a throne, he sat in the middle of the room in front of a surprisingly simple desk. You'd heard of the CEO, Kennedy Grey, but you'd never met him in person before. He had an air of sophistication around him, an older gentlemen with salt and pepper hair and a well trimmed beard. His suit was pristine and looked expensive, probably costing more than your entire yearly salary. He smiled, urging the two of you to sit. His eyes glanced over to Leon's, a slight smirk on his face as if the two were in on a joke you weren't.
"So, what brings you two here? I've heard very good things about you from Jax. Things are going well, I presume?"
You fidget, despite his welcoming tone, he felt oddly... menacing. Like you weren't supposed to disagree with him, even if he asked you a question. You begin to explain your issues, but are quickly stopped with a firm look of disapproval when you bring up the idea of leaving the company.
"Now now, we can't have that, can we? With your contract, that wouldn't be a very smart idea, would it?"
Before you can even respond, he simply continues to talk over you.
"No, no it wouldn't. And you've just been such a good worker, we'd just hate to lose you."
"Well, I was actually hoping we could talk about the contract, I just don't think it's fair-" you can barely get your thoughts out as he cuts you off again.
"Unfair? But my dear, you signed it. I'd just hate to get my lawyers involved... they're top of the line, y'know? Besides, you don't actually want to leave, you're just... stressed. What do you need, a paid week off? A bonus for your hard work?"
"Well, now that that's done, let's get back to work, shall we? You'll have a bonus on your next pay-"
You've had enough of his condescension and interruptions, it's time for you to interrupt him.
"You know what, I'll take the lawsuit. You people are insane. You can have the money if you want, but I'm out of here."
As you get up, you find you can't. Leon has moved behind you, surprisingly strong arms holding your chair in, preventing you from moving. You look up at him in angered confusion, but he's sharing a look with Kennedy. You once again feel like you're missing an important part of an inside joke again. You try to struggle, but you're stopped as Kennedy interrupts.
"Apartment 101, Evergreen Apartments, right?"
"You know, I've been venturing into the rental market recently. Very profitable at the moment. I actually just bought a few buildings in your area, including your little apartment. Such a shame, you know you could do better, right? All you have to do is ask..."
He smiles at you as if this was a normal conversation to him, like he was doing you a favor.
"I guess that makes me your landlord now, if you think about it!" his smile turns colder, eyes crinkling like he's laughing at you, "That being said, I just don't see how you're going to pay for the rent increase without this job. I hate to do it, but it's a necessity, y'know? Cost of living and such."
He waves his hand like it's no big deal, like he isn't playing with your livelihood and threatening you.
"You could move out, of course, but well, word gets around, and I just don't know how the other investors in the area would react to your... history."
You feel dread well up in the pit of your stomach and tears in your eyes. He... has you. What could you even do? Moving out of the city would mean starting over, and that's if you could even find a place and a job to pay for said place, and paying for the lawsuit-
In your panic, you can only whimper, "I just... why? Why me? i don't understand-"
"That's the beauty of it all, you don't have to. All you have to worry about is coming in and doing your job. We'll handle all the rest."
You jump, having almost forgotten Leon was behind you in your panic. You go to open your mouth-
"Wonderful insight, Leon. Now that we're all on the same foot, let's get back to work, shall we?"
You can only numbly nod your head, too overwhelmed to continue fighting.
You're finally allowed to sit up and begin walking towards the door, trying to speed walk out of the huge room that somehow managed to feel claustrophobic. You just wanted out at this point, you needed somewhere to think.
As you step into the elevator, Leon staying behind in the office-thank god-you're interrupted one final time.
"Oh, and I meant what I said. If you ever need any assistance, anything at all, just come to me. All you have to do is ask."
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eaterofman · 8 months
Yandere Harem Coworkers x New Hire Reader
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Now with a part 2 <3
Good news: You landed your dream job! Bad news: Your coworkers are fucking insane.
CW: Yanderes, workplace harassment, possessiveness, implied stalking, power dynamics, dubcon touching
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You hadn't expected a job like this to come so easily.
It really had been a dream job from the moment you laid eyes on the job posting, and they'd even offered you better during the interview! They'd even thrown in an extra sign on bonus! You couldn't believe your luck. You were finally going places.
Really, how could you say no?
Your interviewer was the HR manager, Leon Jacobs. He was a stern looking man, clearly in his late 40's, and didn't seem to have a single flaw in his appearance. His age showed in the beginnings of grey hairs atop his tidy, shortcut black hair, and the creases beneath his eyes. His appearance was beyond intimidating. Dark, scowling eyes picked you apart from behind his glasses as you fidgeted in your chair. Whatever nightmare of an interview you thought was coming, never happened. Instead, you were surprised when he almost immediately offered you not only the job, but an even better salary and bonus than was advertised. You were almost too stunned to speak, as he held out his hand to shake, his dark expression lifting with the slightest twitch of his lips. You took his hand shakily in agreement. In your excitement, you didn't notice the way his hand gripped yours a hair too tight, or how his touch lingered for a few moments longer than it should have. The way his gaze intently followed your figure as you walked out was also missed by you.
"We're so happy to welcome you to the team. Our team will make sure your time working here is as pleasant as possible."
Your trainer is a well respected man, Warren Pen. Warren is a huge man, easily towering over you. While he'd be otherwise intimidating at his size, his warm expression and demeanor quickly puts you at ease. How could you be afraid of him, with his warm brown eyes and bouncy red curls and gentle smile? You quickly learned that he must have a pretty high position in the company. His office alone was almost as big as your entire apartment! The office they give you is nearly as big, much to your surprise. Warren reassures you that it's not a mistake, that they just want you to be comfortable in your new position. You are so very important to the company, after all. As he helps you settle in, you're amazed by his generosity and kindness. You're too happy to question why there's such a big office space right next to his open for you, or why such a high ranking worker would be assigned to train a newbie. You're initially confused about why all your other coworkers seem to cower away from him... until you see him lose it on a poor intern. His demeanor changed from a gentle giant to a raging monster within the blink of an eye, screaming at the intern over a simple filing mistake. You find yourself suddenly on your toes around him, waiting for a verbal barrage over one of your mishaps, but it never comes.
"Don't worry, I'd never treat you like that. They deserved it. You're doing perfect."
Your department's boss is a man named Jax Wright. Jax is a charming man, and the childhood best friend of Warren. He's slim and tall, with black hair and a slightly rugged appearance. He always seems to be in a rush, hair usually rustled and a 5 o'clock shadow a constant on his face. Yet, he somehow takes time out of his busy day to visit you. Or, more accurately, he finds the time to corner you when you're alone or with Warren. You don't want to lose this dream of a job, so you don't mention the way the childhood friends always find a way to crowd around you in the more narrow hallways or the breakroom. They insist you have lunch everyday with them, why would you want to eat by yourself? You really shouldn't deny your superiors' lunch requests, y'know. You ignore the lingering touches as he leans in far closer than necessary to examine your work, hands placed possessively on your shoulders. He loves to give you overwhelming praise, even for the most minor of accomplishments. You're afraid your other coworkers will think the worst of you because of the special treatment, but they seem to be avoiding you nearly as much as they avoid Warren.
"Good job. You're exceptional as always. It's been an absolute pleasure to work with you. Keep being good and you're bound for a raise."
With the rest of the department seeming to avoid you like the plague, you start to believe that you're stuck with just the overbearing childhood friends to talk to. That is until the secretary, Jake Moor, begins to talk to you. Jake is flamboyant, to say the least. He's bright, from his beaming white smile to his wide array of cute, colorful ties he matches with his suit. He's young, in his early 20s, and his bright blonde hair only adds to his youthful appearance. He's almost too much, talking at light speed and somehow being more touchy than your boss. He always finds a reason to pull you into hugs, or rustle your hair playfully. It doesn't bother you much though, he's just being friendly, right? And you really don't want to lose one of the few friends you have in the department. He has some sort of treat for you everyday, usually a homemade meal or pastry you have to find the time to eat alone before you're coworkers steal you away to have lunch with them. His cheerful nature motivates you to stay with the company, he really is your "beacon of light". You even find yourself giggling to yourself as he sends you silly motivational cat pictures throughout your day. He's so cute you don't even question how he got your number when you never gave it to him yourself. You do find it a bit odd that he knows exactly where to go when your car breaks down one day and he gives you a ride home, but you'd told him you lived in those apartments on the east side, remember? He'd never use his position to look at confidential paperwork. Never.
"I brought you in some cookies I baked last night, and here, I even made some dog treats! I've never made them before, let me know how he likes them! How did I know you have a dog? ...you told me, remember? Silly!"
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As the weeks pass, you start to become more accustomed to your coworker's odd mannerisms. They still wear on you, but the money is just so good. You need it, where else would you even go? There's no chance you'd find anything near as good, if you found anything at all. You needed this job, Jax and Warren's overbearing natures aside. At least you had Jake, who always seems to know exactly what you need whenever you need it.
You can tough it out... right?
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eaterofman · 9 months
Yandere!Alien Superhero x GN!Reader
An alien crash-lands on Earth, saving the day and quickly becoming a renowned, well respected superhero. You're just a basic, "slightly above average", but good intentioned superhero yourself. Content with fighting petty criminals and helping the big shots when needed, you didn't expect the best new superhero around, Solarex, to set his sights on you as a sidekick! Unfortunately, Solarex might not have the best intentions after all... for anyone besides you, that is.
Warnings: Yandere, manipulation, mild gore, death
Solarex came out of nowhere, right smack dab in the middle of yet another alien invasion. Wherever he came from, he came JUST in time to turn the tides of the battle.
Solarex is SO kind that he even helps the city's most beloved superhero, SuperDude, run into burning buildings to save the citizens of Earth.
Unfortunately, one of these rescue missions result in tragedy, SuperDude getting cornered by a group of straggler aliens. He's beaten to a pulp, barely recognizable when Solarex carries him out.
Your one of the first to know of Superdude's passing, rushing towards Solarex thinking he's one of them, but he assures you he's not.
Why would he be helping civilians if he was one of the bad guys?
Isn't it cute that you think that you could have done anything anyways?
You don't have time to mourn your childhood icon, or even really question this strange alien's alibi, as you rush back into the crowd to help with other recovery attempts.
You were in such a rush that you didn't notice the fact that the very fresh blood and viscera coating Solarex's arms wasn't quite the right unique shade the enemy alien blood was supposed to be.
Solarex soon wins the city over, despite his very alien, intimidating appearance. He's just so kind and noble.
Easily 8 feet tall, with dark red skin, an imposing set of horns, and built like an absolute tank, most criminals don't have the guts to face him. Not to mention his nearly god like powers he gets from the sun itself.
He never has to sleep, the citizens call him "The Sun that Never Sets", because he's able to always watch over the city. His species doesn't need sleep, like a weak, tiny human does.
This makes it all the more surprising when he not only chooses a sidekick, but chooses you, a borderline nobody in the superhero world.
Regardless of what you, or anybody thinks, he is very adamant that he's right in choosing you. You were just so helpful during the invasion, didn't you know?
He will not take "No" for an answer.
So, you find yourself under his tutelage. This includes fighting what few petty criminals you can find now at night. Sure, it sucks that he has to throw off your sleep schedule, but it's when all the bad guys come out!
It's just SO much more convenient when you sleep when the sun is up... how else is he supposed to watch you? Someone has to keep you safe!
The day comes when he finally decides you're "ready" to become a member of The Order! You're so excited, all of your childhood icons in one room! A full room of the crème of the crop superheroes!
He seems a bit put off by your enthusiasm. You like them, but he's your favorite, right?
It wouldn't matter soon anyways... today's the last day anyone gets in his way.
He tells you to wait outside the meeting room, top secret superhero stuff and all that.
"You're safer out here, it'll only be a moment."
You're confused by his wording, where else is safer than a tower full of the world's best superheroes? Oh well, you've waited your entire life for this, you can wait a bit more.
You're further confused by the muffled sounds you hear once the door closes, was that... screaming?
Just as you're about to open the door, Solarex is standing in front of you... absolutely soaked in blood and gore. You catch a small the sight of The Order behind his massive body blocking the door.. or what's left of them.
You stumble back, attempt to turn around and flee, but don't get far before muscular arms are wrapping around you, pressing your back to a chest that feels like a steel wall.
Gentle shushing noises come from the hero, no, the monster, behind you, as he begins to nuzzle your neck.
"You don't have to be scared, I would never hurt you."
You can only get your head together enough to ask "why?"
"Because, they were useless. They did nothing the day I came here, and have done nothing since."
You can't even try to struggle away as he mouths up your neck. He'd never acted like this before, you would have never guessed he had been interested in you, let alone obsessed like this-
"I've been watching you for so, so long. I almost lost you the day of the invasion... that couldn't be forgiven. They had to pay penance for their uselessness."
Before you can say anything else, he's tilting your head back with one enormous hand, lips grazing yours as he talks.
"Now... we can save the world properly. Together."
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eaterofman · 9 months
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Should’ve read the fine print...
Minors DNI
Warning(s): NSFW, dubcon
Authors Note: First time; necessary feedback, pls! Taking requests!
It’s been about a week since you’ve moved into your new apartment. Everything about it was perfect except for one thing: you’ve explored every room but one, which was locked for some reason. (If only you had read the entire catalog ad, you would’ve understood why and that all past tenants never stayed too long). You complained about it to your landlord, who hired a locksmith free of charge, thankfully. This is what your actions have come to, sadly: you, standing before hundreds of slimy, purple tentacles, coming from all around the mystery room.
You try and back away quietly toward the door in hopes of being able to leave unnoticed. Pitifully, the floorboards creek(damn, this shitty building). The tentacles immediately move in your direction as you run for the door, only to be blocked off by more tentacles. They push you to the ground and squeeze around your arms and legs, probing at your torse.
They’re not hurting you; they seem pretty curious, actually. The tentacle's touch is soft and gentle. One tentacle stops at your face...it’s...caressing your cheek? Their touches were seemingly affectionate at first but quickly became provocative. They began to slip under your clothes, feeling you up.
Again, their touch was gentle but still violating nonetheless; they groped your breasts, sucking on your nipples and coiling around them. You try and keep as much dignity you have left, biting your lip to hold back your moans. The tentacles seem to sense your defiance and dislike it very much. They tear through your clothing, leaving only your thin panties to cover you. They curl around your thighs, spreading your legs to tease you, rubbing against your clothed cunt, and nuzzling your clit; their suckers find it and abuse the little bundle of nerves.
A blissful whine escapes your lips; you can’t remember the last time you felt this good. The tentacles stroke your body with satisfaction, assumingly rewarding you for your submission. You can feel yourself getting wetter by the second. Your sense of dignity is long gone by now; you’re a wailing mess. Hair sticking to your sweat-coated skin, tear-filled eyes rolled up into your head, and while your mouth hangs open with a bead of drool leaking from the side.
The tentacles can sense your arousal, not to mention your drenched underwear. They move your panties to the side and continue to toy with your aching pussy, stroking your wet hole and sucking on your sore clit until you cum.
The tentacles let you catch your breath, lovingly massaging your body. Soon enough, you’re suspended in the air as more tentacles hold you, creating a makeshift bed to place you comfortably. Another tentacle approaches your face again, latching itself to your mouth and pushing past your lips to curl around your tongue. Is this its way of kissing you? Is it showing affection?
It’s a bit gross, but the tentacles mean well. Your body suddenly jolts as you feel a tentacle push against your sopping hole. It uses its suckers to tease you again, but as you grind yourself against it, the tentacle penetrates you, pressing against your walls to search for your sweet spot. The tentacle in your mouth begins to thrust in and out as you feel another tentacle enter your ass. The tentacle in your pussy moves rhythmically with the others as it’s sucker hit your g-spot. At this point, your mind is nothing but mush. All you see are white spots as your legs quake under the tentacles, unable to hold yourself up longer.
The tentacles wrap around your waist and lift you. You’re now ass up, face down, and being fucked mercilessly in all three holes. You can’t take it; it’s too good, too much, too many. You feel more tentacles enter your already full holes. Doesn’t this monster know you have a limit?
It doesn’t care, really. All it wants is to see you cum, and cum, again. You can feel yourself getting dizzier after each orgasm, one after another. Before you know it, you’re waking up from your fucked out haze. The tentacles seemed to have stopped fucking your brains out a while ago; they’re all curled up around your protectively, some still inside you. You try and crawl towards the door, but you’re body is useless at this point.
The tentacles drag you back to them, curling around to massage your worn-out body. It seems you won’t be leaving this room any time soon...or ever.
Might as well move your stuff in here.
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eaterofman · 9 months
Nature's Losers (Yandere Anglerfish x Reader)
CW: body horror, violence, non-graphic death depiction, reader is kinda useless in this, swearing. stalking and general creepiness, monsterfuckery, bad writing, dead dove.
Minors DNI
In nature, there’s winners and losers. Although enthusiastic biology professors throughout your school years had argued that, by virtue of surviving and continuing to survive and reproduce, there weren’t any losers among the living.
Late-night nature programs made it hard to agree, when they featured hapless creatures like the male anglerfish, doomed to fumble through the darkness through smell to find an elusive mate with the only end goal of holding onto the mate they found, ultimately, dying a parasite. Nature certainly picks losers, or so you had thought back then.
You hadn’t spared much thought for the female anglerfish in your assessment, it just seemed obvious that the loser in the equation was the male.
That day too, the day you met it.
It was a simple day by the oceanside, you were trying to enjoy a warm summer day through an increasingly harsh breeze, emphasize on trying, as the breeze seemed determined to outgrow its label of breeze to become a gust of wind, an achievement of personal growth that you were not in support of.
That’s when you spotted him. By the rocky hillside, where the rowdy waves crashed against rocks out amidst the water, before growing still and reaching its end by the hillside, but not without having splashed said hillside wet in the process. A small figure laid, collapsed, among the rocky land.
“Is that a child?!”
Panicked, you rushed out there, navigating between slippery rocks and wet sand. Your outfit clinging to your legs, which you ignored in your pursuit to reach the collapsed child. Getting closer, it didn’t seem to be a child at all.
Though, he was small. He seemed barely big enough to go to your armpit, even as his figure was fully splayed out. But he didn’t seem particularly young, or even youthful. He didn’t seem old or mature either. He just seemed odd. He felt undefined, like something that hadn’t been developed or fully rendered, with colors washed out.
Stepping closer, your heart rate spiked as you noticed the way his skin seemed too pale and paper-thin, he almost felt transparent, so much so that it felt as if a lazy sunbeam would reveal shadows of bones encased in flesh. Christ, had you found a corpse? He didn’t look bloated like a drowned corpse ordinarily would, quite the opposite but still, was this really a living person?
With his brittle and scrawny figure laid out, bruised and still upon the rocks, it really felt as if you were watching a shattered doll carefully positioned. You swallowed.
“Hey, uh, are you- are you okay?”
At this, he opened up his eyes, revealing one key characteristic of note. Big, milky-white, and slightly bulging eyes. You startled a little at the sudden intensity as he fixed you with a relentless stare, for how lifeless the rest of him had seemed, it appeared as if all life in him had been dedicated to those eyes, and yet their dedicated stare felt purposeless, as if it he saw nothing.
You quickly snapped out of it, instead shifting to relief at the fact he wasn’t dead.
“Hey, what happened?” You asked, but he simply continued staring at you, not even shifting his head, instead following your movements with his eyes exclusively. You cleared your throat before trying again with a gentler tone. “Hey, it’s okay. Can you tell me who are you?”
He repeatedly opened and closed his mouth slightly, and while you weren’t sure what that really meant – and you were increasingly unsettled by the lack of blinking – you decided to brush the growing discomfort aside. Really, given his situation, acting a little unsettling didn’t seem too unreasonable, the guy was probably in shock, so you took the fact he reacted at all, as a good sign.
You laid a hand on his shoulder, hoping it might offer some comfort, but almost retracted it per reflex at his cold, clammy skin.
“Goodness, you’re freezing.” You were about to take off your cardigan for some kind of cover, when you realized that your clothes was, of course, soaking wet and clinging to you, from the climb here. So, instead you held him, hoping your body warmth could provide anything, as you frantically fumbled with your phone to call for an ambulance. Honestly, with a temperature like this, you were surprised he wasn’t a corpse yet.
He burrowed further into your embrace, his head resting in the crook of your neck, as if desperate to get closer than what the laws of physics allowed. His breathing grew heavier, and his teeth accidentally scratched you in what you assumed was clumsily expressed distress, you couldn’t tell if the drips you felt was tears or simply ocean water. You tried to soothe him by rubbing his back as your call got through.
Sitting like this, more than anything, you had felt that nature really did pick losers, a pitiful truth.
You weren’t sure how long it took before the ambulance arrived, but the chill of his body felt as if it had seeped through you, zapping out most of your own warmth, and you were now shivering yourself as well. You were planning on going home for a warmth bath and then going to bed, since you had work in the morning, and your boss weren’t exactly lenient, so even with your spare time being spent like this, you hoped to at least be well-rested physically.
But when they tried to usher him off you to cover him in a blanket, he clung desperately onto you, nails digging into your skin. Your heart ached for him, it really did, you were sure he were feeling disorientated and scared, but it was best to leave this kind of thing in the hands of professionals, and, while you felt like a jerk for it, you still had to think about yourself and your depressingly early shift tomorrow morning, a shift you’d only survive through with the company of your friend and coworker Julia, and the upcoming weekend off.
Prying him off you was easy. Even his desperate, fumbling grasp around you didn’t amount to being much more than feathery, with even gentle prying leaving him stumbling a bit from the force. It was hard to tell if it was due to his sickly state or just general, physical weakness.
You did really hope the best for him.
On your way home, as you separated from the crowd after a good ten minutes of walking, you took notice of steps behind you that echoed out with a loud, inelegant thud, thud, thud. You turned around and furrowed your brows in perplexation. The sickly complexion and the stare was undeniable – it was him.
Walking with clumsy steps, he moved forward with the blank, staring expression he had donned when you first found him as well, a poorly wrapped blanket still around him but gliding off as he continued to move forth slowly but resolutely, paying it no mind.
“Did you… Follow me?”
All the way from the oceanside? Your hands felt clammy at the thought of him following you between the crowds and many corners – it couldn’t be an accident, and in the first place, he was supposed to have been in a hospital by now, or at the very least, still inside the ambulance.
He didn’t answer, though you hadn’t expected him to, he just kept moving closer and closer. Perhaps it was his empty stare and clumsy movements, but it felt as if he moved with one singular purpose, not as in he was driven, but rather, he lacked any other intentions behind his movement than his goal.
Something deep within you seemed to come undone at that, an unsettling feeling grasping hold of you. You didn’t think he was able of hurting you, really, you were surprised he could even stand, yet goosebumps littered your skin, there was just something wrong about him.
He can’t do anything to you, it’s okay. It’s fine. You reminded yourself through a shaky breath. That’s right, you bested him physically, so, you ran. With the speed he was at right now, you could surely manage to lose him, and then that would be that.
You’d avoid this area for a while, it wasn’t like you came here a lot anyway, and that would be the last of this. It felt more like you were pleading with yourself rather than stating a fact, and you hated that sense of irrationality, after all, that was all it was.
This was creepy but not dangerous, you were sure, you had to be sure. So, you ran. You ran and didn’t stop. Not until your lungs and sides burned, and you stood before your apartment complex. Looking around, he was nowhere to be seen. Even after entering the building, which only residents could enter, and your dingy apartment, you didn’t see him from your small window.
The warm bath helped calm your nerves a bit and you went to bed, to face a new day, one devoid of him.
“Okay, so you think he went Wolverine on the door. Wasn’t he like, super weak?” Julia asked, as she unloaded the cargo of the day, prompting a sigh from you.
This morning, when you had woken up and left for the bus, you had noticed scratches on the door to the building, and had had a sinking feeling, but you hadn’t seen anything of him or any other sign of him. you had confided in Julia about the experience, though Julia seemed skeptical about whether the scratches even made up a sign about him having managed to find your apartment to begin with.
“I don’t know, I know it sounds stupid, but seriously, he just kept following me.” You reiterated this for what must have been the thousandth time, and judging by Julia’s expression, that estimate couldn’t be far off.
“Have you considered calling the police about stalking?”
“Well, it’s not like he’s done anything, or that I know he’s stalking me. It’s not like I saw him by my apartment to begin with.”
And stalking didn’t feel like the right word. It felt more like you were being pursued. Less thought-out and hidden, instead he seemed to be following the most direct path he could perceive towards you in the most literal way possible, and while it should feel less threatening and invasive, the simplicity and literalness of his behavior didn’t do much in the way of comfort.
Most of all, you didn’t feel like it warranted a call to the police, especially with a pursuer this ineffective at pursuit. Not when you had heard stories of others reporting stalking, cases much worse and more explicit, yet getting dismissed, you were sure your case would get you laughed out of the station.
And then, a bump took them out of the conversation, and your heart dropped. At the door, he stood. Fumbling around, lightly bumping into the door in attempts to open it or bypass it. “No fucking way.”
Julia glanced at the small, scrappy guy clumsily failing to open a door, with a raised eyebrow. “And this is the guy that’s got you all worried? I mean, freaked out I get, but…”
But I doubt he could do much, even if he tried.
You looked away, frowning. Julia took notice and sighed, putting a gentle hand on your shoulder. “Hey, I’m sorry, are you okay?”
It felt unfair, but somehow you almost felt worse from her words. Julia had always lived by the idea that, even if something wasn’t necessarily real, it still felt real to the person who was upset. But you knew that this was real, this pit in your stomach, it wasn’t for nothing, it wasn’t just nerves, you just couldn’t… explain it.
Julia understood it was terrifying to see someone possibly following you, and even though the store was public, she understood it being scary to see him here all of a sudden, without knowing if it was a coincident or on purpose, but for you, it was more than that, but you couldn’t put it into words. You didn’t understand it. The frustrating acid of “it’s real for you” poisoned Julia’s good intentions, but you swallowed the bitterness, and smiled a forced smile.
“Don’t worry about it, it’s… it’s fine.”
Julia shook her head. “It’s not. You don’t feel safe, and that’s not okay. Listen, we’ll be going on our weekend camping trip tomorrow, and there’s no way that the guy who can’t figure out doors, can find you out there, so… Stay at my place tonight, then we’ll go camping, and we’ll figure this out, alright?”
She squeezed your shoulder reassuringly, and you felt a pang of guilt. God, you were such an asshole. You nodded, but your eyes were still fixed on him, luckily no one had gone through the door, thus giving him access, because you needed this job, you couldn’t afford any more late rent and your boss was an asshole, so bailing wasn’t an option but if he got into the store, you’d… Fuck, you wished you could barricade the doors.
Then suddenly he stopped his fruitless attempts, maybe even he had a limit wherein he recognized something to be futile. His vacant eyes shot up and stared directly at you. And he simply stood like that, absentmindedly clenching his jaw as if chewing. Your heart pounded against your chest, it felt almost painful as if you felt an actual recoil from its force, but you couldn’t focus on that when the world seemed to blur together around you, leaving only his eyes, pooling in all light despite their own pale shine.
Julia glanced at you, worry barely hidden on her face, before clapping her hands resolutely. “That’s it – By now, even our boss will accept us having called the cops on this guy for being a public nuisance. Or, if nothing else, he’ll agree that the guy is definitely scaring customers away, what with the blocking of the door and general creepiness.” Julia said, though you suspected she’d be scolded for it regardless, and you knew that she knew that too.
He had begun to lean against the door. Man, you couldn’t wait for camping trip…
Even when time seems to stand still, eventually it caves in, making way for the approaching future, settling into the current present, which was, unfortunately, you sweating profusely as you fought to set up a tent, but even the frustrating battle of tents could not deter your relief and joy at finally having arrived at the weekend, and more importantly, the camping trip.
“I don’t think it’s supposed to bend that way.” Julia commented. You rolled your eyes at it.
“A lot of words coming from the person not helping me set it up.”
“Hey, you oh so cruelly banished me from helping, remember?”
“You’re just not that good at it.”
“Right, because this is the pinnacle of putting up tents. I salute your hard work.”
Julia’s unhelpful commentary aside, you were almost done, you just needed to focus. As if that was a cue, your focus was shattered by something rushing through a bush, and instinctively let go of the tent, as you tensed up.
And then a rabbit jumped out, making its escape from the loud sound of tent gear clattering. The world felt woozy for a moment as you collected yourself, breathlessly laughing. The tension still lingered in the air, but Julia made quick work of it.
“I gotta say, I think I’m a little better at putting up tents than that.” She said, gesturing to the pile of now fully undone work. The tension dissolved and the nervous laughter turned sincere. Julia was, benevolently, allowed to assist with setting up the tent – to her great dismay – and you laughed and talked together as you set up camp.
After a job well-done, you both felt a meal was in order, so Julia found the ingredients as you collected firewood while the sun was still out. With your arms full of twigs, your attention suddenly snapped to a bush, at the sound of the leaves being rustled quite harshly. No doubt by a particularly ungraceful critter, hopefully one as cute as the rabbit.
You were about to laugh and comment on how they must be a magnet for forest animals when a small but very humanoid figure stepped forth instead.
Her blood seemed to freeze.
It wasn’t like it was impossible to follow them. With the smarts and know-how, one could find out where they were camping. And then, it was just as simple as taking an uber. Or you could simply trail Julia’s car here.
Except, the torn clothes. The scarred and bruised skin. The ruffled, dirtied look. He had not gotten here by car.   
“Fucking hell.” Julia’s whispered words said it all, fucking hell was right.
You stood frozen. Unable to tear yourself from his stare. He opened his mouth-
“Let’s go!”
It was first when Julia’s frenzied voice called out, and pulled your arm, that you began to move. Absentmindedly, you took notice of his bloody, jagged nails. It took a moment before the adrenaline kicked in, and you stopped being dragged rather than running yourself.
The car, they just had to get to the car and leave. Recoup, figure something out, cool their heads, just, they needed to get away. You practically flung the door open when the two of you reached the old car. Neither of you bothered with seatbelt before starting the car.
But all it did was cough sadly.
“Huh? It can’t have run out of gas.” Julia looked bewildered, trying to start it again, only for it not to turn on at all. “Oh – Oh. You have got to be kidding me”
“Care to clue me in?” Your voice cracked slightly, and Julia glanced at you, before composing herself, and trying to smile reassuringly, though her smile wavered.
“Well, it’s just, the battery. It’s dead. But” she hurriedly added, seeing the way your face fell at her words, “I have an extra one. Since we were going on a trip away from any kind of mechanic.”
“Right… But we didn’t park that far from the camp.” He’ll reach us before.
Julia nodded seriously. “That’s why, we’ll run. We’ll circle around, since he’s following you, if we get him far enough away, we can probably give ourselves enough time. We’ll run straightforward till we reach the cliffs, and then back.”
You didn’t like that idea very much, willingly letting yourself be chased and running around in the forest when dusk was approaching, neither felt appealing. But they didn’t have a lot of options.
“Since I’m the one he’s following, why don’t I do that while you change the battery?”
“And leave you to run around alone with a freak after you? No way. ‘sides, I wouldn’t freeze up in a fight.” Julia said, her smile no longer wavering. You weren’t sure if there was enough words to fully show your appreciation for Julia, warmth pooling in your stomach, despite everything, it felt a little more okay with Julia by your side.
So, the two of you got out of the car, and waited anxiously for the sound of him approaching. Neither of you had talked about how he had gotten here, or known where to find you, perhaps none of you wanted to breach the topic.
Finally, you heard footsteps. And you sprinted. Then after a while, you’d wait for him to get closer. Then sprint again. On repeat. The darkness was rapidly increasing, forcing you to lower your speed, lest you injure yourself, and with the night animals awakening, it was both harder to hear and see him approaching.
“Just a little more, alright?” Julia said, between heavy breaths. The small sound of bells from her necklace and the way she held your hand, was a comforting reminder of her presence, amidst the darkness of the forest, each dancing shadow and crunching leaf reminding you that, hidden somewhere, was he. “Waves, listen, thank god, waves.”
Just as Julia had said, when you strained your ears, you heard the waves crashing into the cliffside. On burning, wobbly legs, you reached your destination, the trees giving way for the cliff edge.
“We probably don’t need to wait for him to be within hearable range, this time. Let’s just make our way ba-“
Out he stepped. Only meters away. He lifted his hand up, as if reaching out to you already. You needed to move but only your beating heart seemed to get the memo. Then Julia flashed by, lunging at him.
Watching them both fall to the ground; it was a reminder. No matter how creepy he was, no matter how relentless – he was basically a stack of cards waiting to be knocked down by the wind. But you couldn’t help but feel like there were something more to it, a danger lurking within him.
Even as he was wrestled to the ground, his eyes stayed on you.
“Ouch!” Julia yelped, accidentally letting go of him, clutching her hand. “He bit me. it’s- it’s fine.”
You had seen the red liquid running between her fingers, even though she tried to hide it. It wasn’t fine. He, in the moment of being released, got up and returned to his goal of reaching you. Julia grabbed onto his ankle, forcing him down once more. You noticed that she used only one hand, the other curled up against her chest still.
He kicked his legs while continuing to attempt to crawl closer, somehow not paying attention to Julia beyond “hindered movements”, he seemed to just keep going despite his severe weakness. His kicks were weak but even so, a kick to the face was still unpleasant, enough so that he managed to squirm out of her hold to stand up.
But the sight of Julia’s pained expression, her hand bleeding profusely – you felt angry. Far angrier than the fear that gnawed at your core. Your hand searched for something, landing on a branch, and you jumped forth, hitting him.
You hadn’t expected him to be this frail and light, that it would practically send him flying, edging closer to the edge of the cliff. He stumbled around, the stones beneath his feet too loose for him to regain balance. He grasped blindly out for something to support him, as his body threatened to take a plunge down the cliffside.
His hand reached Julia’s necklace, as she was still laid on the ground. Before she could swat his hands away or do anything – a force stronger than either of us overpowered them, gravity pulling them downwards.
Your heart sank but even moving as fast as you could, you couldn’t reach Julia in time, her strangled scream cut off by the pull of her necklace must have been cutting off her airway before the unruly water ever got a chance.
It was a long fall, directly into deep water, with jagged cliffs, even so, Julia had to… she had to be… She’d be alright. She just had to be. Frantically, ignoring the growing darkness and your own exhaustion, you ran. You had to get down there, to search for Julia.
You ignored the way your legs and lungs burnt, the way you only managed shallow breaths – you needed to find Julia, to see that she was okay. You don’t know how long it took until you got down to the bottom of the cliffside, but only the bright moon served as any light by now.
Your heart sank further as you stood at the edge of the water. How were you supposed to get over there, it was so far away, it would take you an hour to swim over there when well-rested – more importantly, how was Julia supposed to ever make it back here? With an injured hand to boot.
You ran out anyway, water going up to your ribs, as you desperately called out her name. It was futile, perhaps, but you just couldn’t accept it. If you called and looked, maybe you’d find her, maybe she had managed to get closer. Even though it was an impossible hope, you continued to search.
Each stray touch of seaweed wrapping around your legs made both dread and hope to shoot up in you, only for the same hope to crash into despair once more, that it wasn’t Julia, it wasn’t her. You spent so long out there in the darkness before you finally dragged yourself back to land, and only because the already unruly water had gotten worse, threatening to pull you down, and you knew, if it knocked you down, you wouldn’t be able to get back up, not as you were now.
You sat down on the sand, with legs numb from exhaustion and the cold, and just stared into the water. If you hadn’t used that branch, then Julia would… Julia would still… Exhaustion and grief made both your mind and body feel so incredibly heavy.
Then you heard it. Something else walking out of the water, and the small metallic clang of bells. Your head shot up. “Julia?” you voice couldn’t manage more than hoarse whisper at this point. But out of the water wasn’t Julia, of course, how could it be. It would be impossible to survive falling into such deep water, even if you hadn’t hit any of the sharp edges of the cliff.
That’s why, stone-cold dread turned into lead in your stomach at the sight. From the water emerged a small, soaked figure. It was him, no, it, because no human could have survived this long underwater. It was walking with the same expression as always, eyes finding and locking onto you, and it walked, with the same stumbling ease as always. And around his fingers and hand, Julia’s necklace was entangled, the bells clinging.
Whatever this was, it wasn’t human. Whatever this was, it had dragged Julia down with it.
You had to run, even though the world was spinning from dizziness and exhaustion, you had to run. Even standing up again was a struggle. On numb legs you clumsily ran. Even putting your all into it, you and it was evenly matched in speed now.
It got closer. Each step is accompanied by wet drips and clinging bells.
Drip, drip, cling, cling.
You couldn’t see the ground before you. You had run into the forest, you needed to get to the car or civilization, or anything. The trees kept out most of the moons light.
Drip, drip, cling, cling.
Branches and bushes caught onto hair and clothes. Leaving stinging nicks on your skin. No matter, continue, run, run, run.
Drip, drip, cling, cling.
What way was the car? How had you gotten down here to begin with? Not this way, that’s for sure. Just continue forward, no time to think.
Drip, drip, cling, cling.
You felt a pull, your foot getting caught by a root. Falling to the ground, dirt and stones stuck to you. You needed to untangle yourself.
Drip, drip, cling, cling.
Oh god, you needed to get free and get back up. You couldn’t see the root, so fumbling blindly in the dark, you tried to pull, pull, pull.
Drip, drip, cling, cling.
Cold, clammy hands touched you. Slowly look up from the root, it had crouched down before you. It’s eyes were the only source of light in the darkness of the forest, and you were almost mesmerized. Despite you being the only one out of breath, your jagged breaths were matched by it.
It leaned closer and you realized, the deep breaths – it was sniffing you.
It curled up against your stomach, as if settling to sleep. Was this the goal? It had gotten to you, was this it? Lie together like your first meeting? And then, searing pain shot through the exhaustion. It bit you, teeth tearing through flesh and holding on.
You felt light-headed and nauseous from the pain, or maybe the exhaustion? You couldn’t tell, growing disorientated, unable to focus on anything but the pain, so as the corners of your eyes darkened, you gave in to the numb darkness. As you fell unconscious, you thought you heard bells once more.
Your head hurts… That was the first sensation you noticed when you awoke.
It felt as if it was being split in two, a searing fire burning away any sense of emergence and thought, leaving you in hazy pain. Then again, your entire body felt heavy and warm in a drowsy and exhausting type of misery.
It took a moment to connect the sudden pain with anything, blinking yourself back into consciousness. You had been in cold water, maybe it was the flu? But it felt different, your head felt full but more than that, your body was too. There was a foreign sense of fullness, amid the dull, throbbing aches throughout her body, like something burrowing in between the fiery heat.
It was like a steady flow throughout your body, of something cold amidst the warmth. It felt wrong. That’s when you had half a mind to notice the most soaring pain of all was perhaps related to the weight of a very real thing, a very real presence.
On top of you, he… no, it laid, resting its head on your stomach, where it had bit you. God, it had bitten you, maybe it was an infection, no, that didn’t matter, not now.
Off, off, needed it off you.
Though the world spun around you, as dizziness clouded your mind from the simple act of lifting your arm, you managed to place your hands, your awfully clammy hands, on it, and push.
It didn’t budge, rather, the action seemed to hurt you. Like something attempting to tear your flesh off, oh god, was it still biting you? Was that why the pain felt so searing still? As your attempts to push it grew more frantic, it remained unmoved by it.
“Why, why, why the fuck won’t you- god,” tears prickled at the corner of your eyes, and the sensation seemed to bring you further into reality, the pain growing more and more real, and while you somehow had not been crying before, tears turned into full-out sobs and screams.
“You’re so weak, just, god why, why can’t I- off, off, off! I need you to-“ get off me. It had been so weak before, easily pushed and shoved. Then why, why couldn’t you make it budge now, each attempt hurting you further, at some point, you were convinced you heard the sound of flesh tearing, but you weren’t in your right mind to stop hopelessly trying through brute force.
As the pain became too much, the fight ebbed out of you, replaced by exhausted agony, moving already felt so hard, when you felt icy fire alongside the burning inside, and your skin felt… tight, as if it was housing more than it could, something prodding and poking uncomfortably at your own skin.
Had it not been because you could so clearly see the creature, you’d have frantically checked your clothes, at the feeling of intrusion, even if said intrusion seemed to be everywhere within you, all at the same time. As your fighting died out, replaced by breathless sobs, it lifted its head ever so slightly, its milky eyes finding yours, somehow, they didn’t look quite as empty now. You could have sworn the look in its eyes was joyful.
You broke eye contact because (it’s unbearable), because… Right, biting, was he still biting you? You stared blankly for a moment when you finally looked further down. You blinked. Once, twice, thrice. No, no, no, no. You hadn’t woken up yet. That’s it, this wasn’t real. Oh god, no, no, no. You blinked again, four times, five times, six times.
But the sight before you remained the same.
His lower face seemed as if melted, seeping into your skin. You couldn’t tell where his skin ended and yours began, as his face stretched out awkwardly, like melted wax, only the top retaining a semblance to his earlier appearance, though the skin around his eyes felt awfully loose, as if dragged down by the weight of… You? This?
Its nails dug into your skin, drawing blood, as its arms encircled you, and it nuzzled closer as if this proximity still wasn’t enough; more skin breaking loose and absolving before your eyes, as if watching a melting clay figure, the skin burning as it melted into yours.
Nature really did pick losers.
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eaterofman · 9 months
Monster hunter reader who has no idea that they’re a monster hunter and are literally wired to attract monsters.
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You find an injured dog on the side of the road and take it home and suddenly there’s a hot wolf lady sitting on your couch and insisting on thanking you for patching her up.
A bat accidentally flies into your bathroom and you call animal control. However when you open the door the bats been replaced by the palest guy you’ve ever seen who has immediate hearts in his eyes at how your first reaction is to throw the nearest object at him.
Cutting through a cemetery as a shortcut and suddenly your chin hits the ground and there’s a decomposed hand clasped around your ankle. Ever so slowly an entire person springs forth. Even with all decomposed bits you can tell they’re smiling at you in a not so platonic way.
If you step foot in the forest you can bet they’ll be at least a couple fae traps. All they want is to whisk you away to their world where you can be happy and together forever.
The ocean is also a task but far less dangerous. You’re sure to bump into a mermaid or two but instead of trying to take you to their world, they’ll try to follow you to yours. They’ll give you gifts as their way to propose and should you ever accept they’ll be bound to you and able to follow you to land.
A demon and Angel appear at your door and become a fixture in your life. Always arguing in the background about what’ll happen to your soul and who you’ll spend your eternal afterlife with.
A witch who you go to for help getting rid of the monsters but instead she gives you potions to calm your fears and anxieties. Who convinces you to give the harem a chance, they just want to love you after all.
Buying a larger house to fit all of your new companions and gaining yet another. A cynical ghost who takes great pleasure in seeing the others upset but acts like a perfect golden child around you.
Will be writing more for this because I’m in a monster mood!!
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eaterofman · 9 months
Stuck in The Dark Alone... or Not. (Monster x F!Human) 1.8k
An unlucky adventurer, you find yourself once again the victim of fate as you become locked in a dungeon room... with something else inside.
Content warning: Dub-con bordering strongly on non-con, non-con touching, mentions of death (but no actual character death), overstimulation, yandere monster.
This was supposed to be a quick first foray into writing on tumblr... and ended up being an almost 2k long beast. Oops.
'Another adventure gone wrong'
You find yourself thinking, head leaning against the cold, stone wall as you gaze into the darkness. The room was rather small, but spacious enough that the candle you had lit did not light up the entire room, causing shadows to gather at the far corners of the room. Finding the candles had been your only stroke of luck today, without it, you'd be trapped in complete darkness.
'When I manage to get out-'
You stop yourself in your thoughts, as the very real possibility that this is where your journey ends sinks into you. You had already exhausted yourself looking for a lever, a button, a switch, any possible escape from this dungeon trap. The walls, while craggy with the ancient stone they were made of, were completely barren of any and all features. You'd been tempted by the chest on the far side of the room. Looking back, you should've known better. Too obvious, too perfectly placed... but that didn't matter now. Nothing really mattered now. You doubt that the small party you had been adventuring with would even notice your disappearance. You were just another temporary member in yet another party. Your unlucky nature, your tendency to seem to just fall right into traps, made you an undesirable companion. This hadn't been your first, second, or even third party, but it may very well be your last. The chest hadn't even had anything in it, clearly a set up by the people who had built this place hundreds of years ago.
Your stomach grumbling distracts you from your spiraling thoughts. Thankfully, you had been carrying your pack with you when you walked into the trap. Within it, you estimated that you had a few weeks of food and water, enchanted to stay fresh longer. Aside from that, you had your sword, shield, and a few other miscellaneous trinkets you had picked up on your adventures. You dug around inside, pulling out a piece of bread and a piece of smoked meat.
Tearing into your small meal, you almost don't notice the movement in the dark corner of the room. It's the slightest shift of a shadow, you'd think it was just a flicker of the candlelight... but it seemed different, somehow. Intentional. You startle, moving to pick up your sword. You stand up, sword in hand, a slight tremor in your body.
You never had been very good at fighting.
Your specialties had always leaned more towards enchantment, healing, and potion making. A good skill to have, but not the most useful when adventuring alone... or trapped alone in a room with something more than likely very undead, and not very friendly. You steady yourself, a single undead or ghoul you could handle. You'd fought many on the way deeper into the dungeon.
As you stare at the wall, minutes pass by... and nothing happens. As time passes by, and the sound of your own breathing begins to wear on you, you find yourself relaxing. Maybe it had just been a figment of your imagination. An attempt at a panicked, overstimulated brain attempting to distract itself. Still weary, you fall back onto the floor, eyes still locked onto the dark edges of the room.
‘... had they gotten darker?’
You brush off the thought, there was no way. The enchantment you had cast onto the candles should keep the candles lit for weeks. You remember the fear you felt as you had fumbled around in the dark, until you’d quite literally fallen right on top of the candles in the corner of the room. They sat on one of the strange, short stone pillars that decorated the room, the only things in the room besides the chest. It seemed like there may be more candles in the other corners, but you can barely make out the vague outlines of the other pillars from where you are, let alone whether they had more candles. You’d go over to check, but you can’t help but feel an echo of the fear you’d felt early when you were completely submerged in the dark when you consider traversing it again. 
It had almost been like there was… something in there with you. You were not a stranger to darkness, an adventurer who goes into as many dungeons as you’ve been into learns to get over their fear of the dark rather quickly. There was something… different about the shadows here. A sort of dreadful feeling like they were staring back at you, waiting for you to make a move. 
You shudder, trying to expel the thoughts in your mind as weariness pulls at your eyes. You were not only mentally exhausted, but your body was sore and tired from a week’s worth of adventuring, fighting, and your frantic searching for a way out earlier. You close your eyes, despite your instincts telling you not to, and lean against the stone pillar hosting your only lightsource. As your eyes close, you make out the faint details of hundreds of inhuman arms carved into the stone, branching up towards the top of the pillar, seeming to grasp desperately at the sun imprinted at the very top of the pillar.
You awake from a dreamless slumber to the ever so faint sound of whispers. You jolt awake, a small ounce of hope welling inside you that your party had come to save you, only to be met with an empty room. The same empty room as you’d fallen asleep too except-
Your heart races.
The shadows were so, so much closer than they should be.
You couldn’t even make out the vague pillars in the other corners of the room anymore. You had maybe enough room to stretch your legs out now. You spare a panicked glance to the candles, wondering if maybe you’d screwed up again, been unlucky enough to mess up an otherwise easy enchantment on your only source of light… but the candle is still as tall as it was when you closed your eyes. There had been no mistake in your enchantment, you realize as dread takes hold of you.
The light wasn’t getting weaker… the shadows were getting stronger.
You feel a sob rise out of your chest. You really were shit out of luck. Everything you’d done in life, culminating in getting trapped in a small, cold room in a dungeon, abandoned by your party and left to the whims of whatever the fuck was in the room with you. 
You yank your foot back with a scream, startled by what felt like fingers dragging across the sole of your adventure-worn sandals. You curl your limbs up to your body, getting as small as possible as the darkness continues to approach you. You don’t even bother with your sword, instead grabbing your shield and cowering behind it. You doubt whatever was in the dark could be hit with the basic, cheap steel sword you’d bought for 2 gold from a small town blacksmith. Your shitty luck had not made getting gold, or stumbling upon legendary weapons, as easy for you as it seemed to be for other adventurers. But that didn’t matter now, whatever was surrounding you was closing in fast… and it had obviously lost its patience. You try to steady yourself, holding onto your shield tighter as the shadows close in one you. Any moment now, they’d be-
And just like that, the darkness engulfs you.
You sobbed, shaking so hard your shield rattles against the stone floor. For a moment, the only sound in the room is the shaking of your shield and your frantic breaths. Until the thing speaks.
“It’s been….. so long… since we’ve…..”
You freeze in fear, as a thousand voices seem to echo around you, somehow both a whisper and deafeningly loud at the same time. You can’t seem to concentrate on any one voice, the voices sounding both masculine and feminine, shy and bold, warm and cold, and all variations therein. It’s both the most soothing thing you’ve ever heard, and the most unnerving. 
You whimper as what seems to be a hand strokes your arm, trying to pull away from the touch. You don’t get very far, as what seems like dozens of other arms join the first in exploring your body. The touch everywhere, some weak, like a faint whisper on your skin, while others roughly pinch and pull at you without any care of their claws scratching you. You cry out as they start to wander closer to between your legs. Your shield is jerked out of your grasp and lands with a clang somewhere in the dark. As one particularly bold one slides against your crotch, the voices continue.
“... had someone to play with.”
You try to get up, to move away, but you only run into more hands, grasping you firmly to keep you in place. They begin to tear at your leather armor, the clawed hands surging underneath to stroke at your bare skin. The pressure between your legs grows stronger as more hands join the first bold one. You can’t help the gasp that escapes you as they descend on your pussy. Surprisingly warm fingers circle your clit while others begin to pry you open. Your fear turns to confusion and arousal as the hands work you over, never staying in one place for long enough to get used to the sensation. 
Your experience before this would be considered limited at best, so there was nothing to prepare you for the feeling of dozens, maybe hundreds, or even thousands of hands caressing, pinching, and prodding at you. You're lost in overstimulation as you quickly reach your peak, much too fast, crashing over you as you scream. The hands work you through it, never letting up on your clit, continuing to shove desperately into your pussy as you shake around them… and they don’t let up afterwards either. They’re relentless.
How many fingers are inside you? You can’t focus enough to count as they continue to mercilessly finger you to another climax. More fingers impatiently push into your mouth, prying your mouth open for them to explore. Your sounds are muffled as fingers play with your tongue, rub against your teeth, and choke you until saliva is running down your chin into the valley of your breasts. Your chest is squeezed and kneaded, saliva rubbed into your skin and nipples by yet another set of hands. 
Your eyes roll back into your head as you reach your peak again.. how many has that been? How many more will there be? Your thoughts begin to slip as you’re ruthlessly overstimulated. Voices follow you as you begin to black out.
“We are going… to take such good care of you.”
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