egg-emperor · 1 day
"I can't see Eggman as gay like I can *insert young skinny character I can easily feminize here*" they say, as they clearly only ever hc characters if they can see them as feminine twinks and act like big fat hairy masculine old man leather daddy bears (aka the best thing ever in the world) don't exist :P
he isn't just all the entire color palette of the bear flag like that for you to go ahead and do this bfsbkgsbkgsbf. plus he's the character to have a hallway of statues of muscular toned male torsos in sexy poses and proudly eats rainbow shaved ice and has had fruity ass dialogue
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entirely color picked flag lol
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egg-emperor · 1 day
June 1st time to bring back powerful pride Eggman 🌈
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real and true btw lol
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egg-emperor · 1 day
I've been block4block for a long time now btw. if you're like "I'm out" I'll be like "and stay out" and block back because I assume it's better for both of us lol. I'd assume it usually keeps one from looking back at my accs which is doing a favor, if they felt they needed to block me. so don't be shocked when you're blocked back
however I can give the chance to be unblocked, if they DM or send an ask (on a diff site if I haven't blocked them there yet Ig). but granting is rare unless I'm sure they genuinely changed their mind/overcame discomfort/want to see my stuff, won't cause drama/feed it back to those that do, and won't complain about what they see on my accs when they do
but usually no, I don't block people just over different views and opinions. I usually just block over bad faith when someone thinks of me as a bad person over my posts/engage in rumors because I don't want that negativity and drama in my life, or if I just made them uncomfortable and it's better we don't see each other
but I like keeping my mind open and seeing people express views different to mine as long as we can have a mutual respect in that. so I find it unfortunate whenever we end up blocking each other simply over different opinions because they blocked me first. that's why I pretty much only block if I've been blocked first 99% of the time
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egg-emperor · 2 days
⛔ for the f/o meme
⛔ Is there anything your F/O could ask you to do that you wouldn't?
I'd say try me. If Eggman told me to jump I'd say how high, if he were to drown I'd follow him down, if I had to kill or bleed or die for him I would. I'd give him my heart and soul figuratively and literally. I'd go through hell, especially if he'd take my hand and walk me through it. I'd know it was bad for me and/or others and the world and it wouldn't stop me when it's for him. All the terrible things it takes just to see his smile
He's sure to test it in every way to make sure my words have weight. His requests get darker and scarier but my love and devotion only strengthens as I give everything, move heaven and earth, leave my old life and the old world behind, burn it all into the ashes the empire will be built on. He says I never needed it, I'm better off without the things I lose or give away, he's all I ever need. And above all else, he deserves it
He corrupts me and lead me down a dark but beautiful and path of evil. I give him everything I have and lose more due to my actions until there's nothing to lose but him but at the same time, it makes me feel worth something in a way I never felt before so it doesn't feel like loss. That's something he enjoys a lot and wants to keep me around for, it makes me useful in multiple ways, for both his plans and personal entertainment
Though he of course expects and demands people to bend to his will all the time, my extreme level of devotion with such willingness and enthusiasm can pleasantly surprise him sometimes! He always knew he was worthy and deserving, brilliant, and admirable but he's delighted to be shown such deep passion by someone with hearts in their eyes before even attempting to force, deceive, or brainwash them into it!
He's happy to find someone who already recognizes his brilliance before he's taken over the world and forced all the attention on him. He's sure to use me as an example of what a loyal devoted member of the empire should be, how everyone should open their eyes and admire and worship him in the same way too! More often it'd just disturb and concern than inspire lol but it makes him happy and that's what matters
These are the three songs that sum up the deep devotion on my side. With that you can conclude there's nothing I wouldn't do for him, to disturbing, diabolically destructive degrees hehe. If it means I get to sit at his feet as proud property of the empire while he sits high and mighty on his throne, it's worth it all. Even if I eventually have to die for him or by his own hand, or he goes down and I willingly follow him, it was all worth it 💜
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egg-emperor · 2 days
Dark Villain F/O Asks
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😍 What's the most attractive thing to you about your F/O that other people hate?
🥰 What's the worst thing your F/O has ever said to you that you found romantic?
🤤 What's the worst thing your F/O has ever said or done that made you feel attracted to them?
🤣 What's the worst thing your F/O has said or done that got a laugh out of you?
😽 Where's the weirdest or creepiest place you and your F/O have ever made out or had sex?
😈 Has your F/O ever done something to you that someone else would be horrified by, but you enjoyed?
💓 Has your F/O ever done something for you that someone else would be horrified by, but you were flattered by?
🎁 What's the strangest or most alarming gift your F/O has ever given you?
🔪 Have you ever done anything immoral for your F/O? Did you choose to, or were you forced?
⛔Is there anything your F/O could ask you to do that you wouldn't?
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egg-emperor · 2 days
AmiguruMay 2024 Day 16: An old Amigurumi⁠
I chose Robotnik for today's theme because it was one of the first patterns I made 🥰⁠ ⁠ He was the one who made me fall in love with creating patterns, so he's a very important amigurumi for me ❤️⁠ ⁠ Pattern available in my Etsy Shop.
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egg-emperor · 2 days
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you know he’d do this
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egg-emperor · 2 days
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Boy, that Eggman victory screen goes hard Social media  + Commissions  + PAPERCUT
Posted using PostyBirb
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egg-emperor · 2 days
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back at it again with the Ivok brainrot
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egg-emperor · 2 days
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egg-emperor · 2 days
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The one and only, REAL and AUTHENTIC Sonic The Hedgehog!
Accept NO imitations!
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egg-emperor · 2 days
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egg-emperor · 2 days
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bad future
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egg-emperor · 2 days
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egg-emperor · 2 days
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egg-emperor · 2 days
I'm reliving 2023 arts
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These were for my favourite person
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egg-emperor · 2 days
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This legitimately gave me the most undignified laugh.
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