el-ansia-de-sangre · 10 years
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el-ansia-de-sangre · 10 years
Staring outside the glass window Cristian tried wrapping his mind around the news he had just received, but most importantly he was thinking of his father. His Father who was devious and sly. Always two steps ahead of anyone he considered an enemy. Growing up with the man he learned his ways, and knew Cephalus had a plan up his sleeve. "We need to get them back here if we knows what's best. Going to my father isn't a good idea knowing him, it would be a death sentence. I don't say that to scare you, Imogen. I'm thinking like my father."
Once feeling his mates eyes on him, he turned his attention back to Eve, "My father probably knows Jackson came here by now. He has had someone watching. Knowing this type of news is out between us, it will cause trouble." he stepped closer towards his mate, "It will not be like last time, he isn't going to control me anymore. Nor will he lay a hand on you, I will make sure of it. I'm going to protect you. I swear to you."
Secret's Out~ || Imogen, Evelyn and Cristián
"They’ve already left." Imogen said looking up at Cristian, "David made me come here, said to stay with you until he got back, he wanted to confront Cephalus, I tried to talk him out of it I did. But he wouldn’t listen." a frown spread across her lips. Raising a hand Imogen wiped a few stray tears from her eyes and eyes, "I just want him to come back, I want to talk to him, it feels like an eternity since he’s been gone." Imogen knew Cristian was getting angry at the thought of his- well their father arriving here in Santa Carla. She was having mixed feelings about him coming here, one side told her he wasn’t welcome here and she hated him, but the other side wanted to know Cephalus due to him being her father. Her whole life Imogen believed Alec was her father, now knowing he wasn’t made her hate him more. "No, Megan is Alec’s daughter. My Mom got pregnant with her before she left. As for how she got pregnant with me… it’s unknown."
"… Cristian, maybe we should let him come here. I can try to get a hold of David tell him to come back. If Cephalus knows of Jackson letting out the secret he wanted to keep in, and you said he would come. Maybe we should let him." Imogen scooted closer to Eve, resting her head on her friends shoulder. "I just… I want this fighting to stop. For once, I’ve tried for months to find, Meg. And I know I won’t unless Vivian gives her up again. I’m tired, Cristian. I need a break. Please, I don’t want a war." by the sound of her voice Imogen meant every word.
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el-ansia-de-sangre · 10 years
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el-ansia-de-sangre · 10 years
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el-ansia-de-sangre · 10 years
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TO ladies + outfits - Hayley Marshall (Season 1A)
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el-ansia-de-sangre · 10 years
A Demon’s Fate - Within Temptation
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el-ansia-de-sangre · 10 years
"Jackson... he was here?!?" A deep growl was heard from Cristian as his hands turned into tight fists by his sides, his knuckles could be heard as they popped from the pressure that was applied to them. "Imogen, why wouldn't you tell me? I should've gone with David at least, he went alone with him which isn't a smart idea." his anger was beginning to grow worse, knowing Jackson wasn't to be trusted after he betrayed him. Cristian looked at Jackson was if he was his brother, but he soon learned he wasn't to be trusted for the things he had done in the past. "Where did they go, you must tell me before-"
Cristian froze from hearing Imogen's words. Sister? Brother? It couldn't be possible. How could Vivian known his father, and have had a baby with her? Out of all the years Cristian lived with his father, he never recalled Cephalus mentioning having other children, or him even having a sibling. "... Imogen, we can't be siblings, my father is a vampire, your mother..." he stopped himself and began to let his mind race. Cephalus did tell him the truth behind his Mother being able to have him. A witch. Who casted a spell for royal blood line of vampires to be able to have the ability to have children. His father was part of that bloodline. "How could it be, my father, your mother. They had to have... Hijo de gran puta." he cursed under his breath turning away, "He never told me, he did it for a reason, he does everything for a reason. That means... if Jackson came to inform you, my father would know, he has a tie to him. Just like me. He has to know he came here and told you." His worries of his Father slithering back into his life had come true.
Looking across the room at Imogen, he sighed heavily. He had a little sister. He already looked at the younger girl as a sister, but know to know she was his actual blood changed everything. "I need to go find David and Jackson before this gets out of hand. I don't want my father coming here, he doesn't need to be here." he needed to protect Evelyn, his mate, if any harm came to her, he wouldn't be able to live with himself, and now he had to protect his younger sibling if he knew what was best for her.
Secret's Out~ || Imogen, Evelyn and Cristián
Letting her eyes study Cristian’s features Imogen noticed, he had inherited all of his fathers looks. He was a spitting image of a younger Cephalus. Their father. “Your both probably not gonna believe me if I tell you this. But it was hard for me to believe when Jackson first told me.” she said, running her fingers through her hair. Seeing the reaction from them both Imogen raised her hand, “He didn’t harm me or David, he said he had to tell me something. And believe me, I didn’t trust him at first, but this time it felt different. It really did.” she took a few steps back away from Cristian, her hands shaking by her side. “It’s about Cephalus. Jackson came here to look for you, Cristian. But he didn’t know where to find you, or if you would even trust him again…”
"He told me that my Mother was keeping something from me, as was Cephalus." At the mention of the name most hated by the two others in the home Imogen rested her hand on the couch. "I really don’t know how to tell you, so I might as well just say it before I get sick." Her stomach was turning as she tried processing the information she was going to have to give. "Cephalus is my Father, which means your my brother Cristian…" Imogen said looking up to meet her older brothers eyes, "I’m your little sister."
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el-ansia-de-sangre · 10 years
"Estoy confundido." Confused is what could be described listening to Imogen and Evelyn talk. Leaning against the wall across from them Cristian was close to leaving the two friends to talk alone, but once hearing David had left Santa Carla, Cristian became concerned. "What? Why would he leave Santa Carla? First off you aren't even with him. I know you wouldn't let him go anywhere out of Santa Carla alone." He said, raising an eyebrow he crossed his arms over his chest. "Imogen, what's going on that you aren't telling us?" Cristian could tell she was holding something back.
Seeing her stand up from the couch and walk towards him made Cristian look back at Evelyn in confusion, "...Imogen, are you okay? Has something happened?" staring into her tear filled green eyes, he raised his hand pressing his fingers against her forehead. She felt fine, not a fever. Hearing her comment Cristian took a step back, "Look like me?" he asked, "Imogen, what's wrong?"
Secret's Out~ || Imogen, Evelyn and Cristián
Imogen was finding herself staring at Cristian attempting to find any similarities between them, eyes no, lips no, nose no, she even looked over his ears, but found nothing. Evelyn walked Imogen into their home and let her sit down in the living room, “No, no. No one’s hurt. I’m fine. Megan… I still don’t know where her whereabouts are sadly.” a frown quickly spread across her lips at mentioning Megan, it stung.
But she had to ignore the pain and do what she came here to say. “David is… well not here in Santa Carla anymore, he left.” she felt her hands shake as she rested them in her lap, hoping they would calm herself down. As Cristian was about to excuse himself Imogen stopped him, “No, you need to stay here, it’s something I need to tell you.” she stood up from the couch and walked towards Cristian as her eyes looked over his face, she chuckled shaking her head, “We look nothing alike, I don’t understand…”
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el-ansia-de-sangre · 10 years
Concern quickly came over Cristian as he saw the look written across Imogen's face, he couldn't read her. That's the problem, he could always tell if something was bothering her but now he seemed to not be able to read her. Stepping back away from the door Cristian closed and locked the door behind them.
Listening to Evelyn try to calm her friend Cristian followed behind them. He wondered where David was, it was rare he left Imogen's side nowadays due to Megan being gone and Imogen's mood had been slightly down since. Taking a seat across from the two, he eyed his mate as he tried calming Imogen down through the tears, "... Imogen, you can tell us. You know that, if you are more comfortable with just Evelyn, I will give you both some privacy-"
Secret's Out~ || Imogen, Evelyn and Cristián
"… Evie, I’m sorry I barged in on you like this." Imogen crossed her arms over her chest, her eyes glassy from the crying done earlier that night. Seeing Cristian come out from behind she gulped starring at him, this was her brother, her actual blood, after discovering the news Imogen couldn’t stop staring at him. "Cristian…" she whispered under her breath looking away. She needed to calm herself down, or else she would break down. Her mind began to race in those few seconds, hoping her mate was safe with Jackson, and he would come back safely.
"May I come in?" her voice cracked asking the question, "I really need to discuss something with you both, it’s important."
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el-ansia-de-sangre · 10 years
It was a relaxing day for Cristian and his mate as the two laid in bed, sun had set and night had fallen which meant hunting time for the vampires in town, though the two didn't rush out of the home. Instead they had planned to stay in tonight, it was turning out to be a more frequent thing for them both. Evelyn held back on going to see her friend due to Megan being taken, and Cristian wished to go check on them, but restrained himself not wanting to seem as if were barging in on helping them.
Running his fingers through his mates repeatedly Cristian sighed, he was thinking of when they first meet, how Evelyn hated his womanizer act and the charm he tried on her earned him a slap in the face. His memory was interrupted by a knock on the door, he watched his mate jump from the bed and run to open the door. It wasn't long before he joined her side, "Imogen...?" he asked with wide eyes, he hadn't seen her since Megan had been taken. "Estás bien? I'm sorry... I mean, are you alright?"
Secret's Out~ || Imogen, Evelyn and Cristián
Knocking on the front door to Eve and Cristian’s apartment Imogen bit back her tears that were forming in her eyes, it took everything she had to not follow after David, but knowing Jackson was going to be there to protect her mate, and they would be catching Cephalus off guard helped her through the stress that was bothering her.
Now she was supposed to tell Cristian she was his sister, and they shared the same father. Her hands shook by her sides while hearing movement behind the door, she had never felt this nervous, and could feel a lump rise in her throat, “I can’t…” she quickly turned on her heel to leave and go after David, but the sound of the doorknob rattling made her stop in her tracks, and hearing her friends voice made her freeze.
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el-ansia-de-sangre · 10 years
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el-ansia-de-sangre · 10 years
He nodded, taking a deep breath before noticing the same group of men step into the diner. "...Mierda. " He muttered, lowering his head in hopes that they wouldn't find him. "They just won't fucking quit, will they?" He brought up the menu to hide his face and practically shrunk under the table. 
He heard a loud crash which caused him to rise. "What the..." He furrowed his brow, watching the young waitress slowly rise until the entire diner went dark. Cristián didn't question the strange occurrence and simply took the opportunity to escape. His snake-like abilities kicked in, allowing him to navigate through the dark just enough for him to bolt out of the diner through the back door. He wasn't sure what the hell happened back there, but he considered it to be a blessing in disguise. "I guess coffee is out of the question now..." He growled low in his throat, quickly taking a look around to see where he should run to next. "This game of cat and mouse is getting old real fast." 
Ronnie let out a breath that teased her bangs when he noticed her standing there. She turned a light shade of pink and nodded her head. She didn’t bother to let him know she knew what he’d said, thanks to her ‘boss’ having taught her Spanish.
"Sure. Just give me a…..minute." Ronnie swallowed at seeing the three walk into the diner. She recognized them, knew very well sadly. "Uh, y-yeah just a—a.." she stepped back and knocked into another waitress who was carrying a tray of dirty dishes back to the kitchen.
Ronnie fell flat of her back, just missing getting hit in the head with dishes. She felt a lump form in her throat at the stares—but her fear started to grow as the three men’s eyes on her.
The blonde turned the whole diner dark, just to give her enough time to get out without being caught.
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el-ansia-de-sangre · 10 years
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el-ansia-de-sangre · 10 years
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el-ansia-de-sangre · 10 years
Cristián groaned, stretching his arms across the table before folding them and resting his head against them. It had been another long evening, dodging the men who were in search of him. It seemed like there was no escaping them no matter how hard he tried. After a few hours, he finally managed to slip away, but he was exhausted. "Maldito..." He muttered under his breath, glancing over at the palm of his hand. His palm was beginning to take on its snake like qualities, scaling up from the beginning of his pointer finger all the way to his wrist. He closed his hand into a tight fist and hoped he could stay awake long enough to find somewhere to stay for a few days. 
He jumped slightly, hearing a young woman's voice call his attention. "Oh... Hi." He forced a tired smile, resting his chin against his scaled hand to avoid her catching sight of it. "Puedo tener una... uh... can I have a coffee please?" 
Even after six months of this stuff, Ronnie still wasn’t used to the lunch rush. She let out a breath, set her shoulders back and launched back into scrambling around the diner, all the while keeping a smile on her face.
It amazed her the amount of people they were able to fit in here without everyone stepping on one another. Ronnie cleared a table which was taken just after she’d left it
She pulled up short at said table and gave them a smile. Ronnie smoothed her apron down quickly and grabbed up her notepad.
 ”Hi, what can I get ya?” she asked, withdrawing the pen from behind her ear, fully intending to ignore the craziness going on behind her.
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el-ansia-de-sangre · 10 years
                                     When you are as old as I am                                              You will quickly learn                   That [immortality] is not as ɢʀᴀɴᴅ as one would seem.
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el-ansia-de-sangre · 10 years
"Where are you, mi amor? Maybe I could meet you, I've been gone too long. And I wish to see you."
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"Te extraño, mi amor."
"I miss you too, love~ So much." 
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