elsa-fogen · 1 hour
can u do an AU master post of your AUs pls
I'M GOING TO but i need so much time to do it, first i need masterposts for every AU, then i need to collect them in one post..... ryeutyrtygeruyyueeriuteoutiyeueitoei
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elsa-fogen · 1 hour
One more thing! (on your new au)
alastor was also tasked to kill powerful beings that he can handle, so when the possible battle DID happend atleast it would make it easier for heaven to win
Yeah as i said, i love your thoughts >:3
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elsa-fogen · 1 hour
so i have a theory about your new creation au
when he was created. He was tasked to be a spy on hell to get information of this so called "hazbin hotel"
He was made as a seraphim (atleast what i assume since the shadow casted 3 wings) powerful enough to destroy half of hell.
When alastor collected enough "information" (their intentions, names, possible attack to heaven, what's their plan, etc.) Sera would weigh the pros and cons and would plan an attack to the hotel with MUCH STRONGER angels, stronger than exorcists.
And alastor was made to LEAD the whole army, He was supposed to be heartless.
it's also why adam didn't know alastor because he wasn't involve to the project, not even lute.
ofcourse it's just a theory, so i could be wrong 😅
Ohh i like ur thoughts, rrreally interesting >:3
Not confirm anything tho...
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elsa-fogen · 1 hour
about your new au...
ehEHEHEHERH Yes that's him
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elsa-fogen · 22 hours
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oh no, new AU....
i'll leave you guessing for now. TELL ME YOUR THOUGHTS!!!!! I'm still not sure about AU name, so, i'm leaving this post without AU tag for now...
BTW, i now have 10 aus (don't count Rosie in Rubicon lmao), and 2 of them were never shown here (yet...)
also, these are just random angels i don't have any lore about them except that Sera erased their memory about this project after it was finished
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elsa-fogen · 1 day
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this is a gift for; @elsa-fogen
nothing too special here, alastor was listening to modern music but..... errr... the problem is he asked ANGEL and angel's music taste is very inappropriate! ✋😅
Poor al was so traumatized. Now he thinks this is what all modern music sounds like and he's never going to listen to it again. 😂
hope you like it tho elsa.
I'm in a terrible art-block rn and I'm probably gonna disappear for who knows how long 😭
and you can tell too 💀 (literally drew alastor with no monocle and he's in a HOODIE holding A PHONE 😭)
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elsa-fogen · 1 day
Hello! This is my first time asking anything ever so I'm not sure if I'm doing all this correctly, but I saw some people sending you their Alastor drawings so I decided to do the same! I feel like he's looking at me, but in the same way I would feel if a corpse was "looking" at me, yk? Although I think it's not bad for my first time drawing him. Anyways, this is the perfect opportunity to tell you that I absolutely adore your RadioRose art and every day I refresh tumblr hoping you posted something new! <3 Also I hope you're doing okay!! In general, not just despite all the chaos that you had to deal with on your blog.
Cheers! :D
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Hi! The feeling you described is uncanny valley (wikipedia link), in case you wanna know
Great first attempt tho!!
And thank you 💖💖
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elsa-fogen · 1 day
Here's a gift!
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sorry again i hope this will make you feel better
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elsa-fogen · 1 day
elsa... Since lots of people think you ship r*pple and i understand your anger and frustrations since they don't really understand that you don't ship that...
I'll cut to the chase;
being completely honest with you i like r*pple (this is what i get for being an multishipper 😮‍💨) obviously i don't want it to be canon that would ruin the whole show.
And i respect your decision of not shipping and everybody has different opinions on things especially when it comes to ships.
SO! here's the thing.... how about i help you? since i interact with r*pple and other ships.. everytime i found your art in either tumblr or youtube that is tagged as that ship i can ask/comment on them that you don't ship r*pple and will ask them to remove the said tag/video, and give you the link of the blog/video that has them so you can check it out yourself too!
I'm very sorry that i resurfaced some frustrations for telling you this and i understand if you're upset with me for that, but i want to help you since something similar happend to me in real life not the exact thing ofcourse just something similar and i want to atleast make it easier for you.
first of all: thank you for your consern. But i hope it will be the last one about this situation, because i want to forget about it as soon as i can, so, to anyone reading this, PLEASE STOP WRITING ABOUT THIS even if you have only the best in mind. Thank you.
Second, and the most important. If you see MY ART anywhere but here on this blog (or here), GIVE ME THE LINK! No matter the tags, it's my art, i've seen it lol. I wanna get the link, see the comments and tell the person myself what they should do (credit me/change tags/delete the whole thing).
Later i'll make the post where i'll collect all links like this, for myself
That's all. Thank you again.
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elsa-fogen · 2 days
Will you remember me?
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you could've thought it will be angst post, but it's a joke AHAHAHAHA GOT YOU!
I could reserve it for radiorose week but i can't leave you without anything today
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elsa-fogen · 3 days
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@curiouslytuckered *COMBUSTS*
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I GUESS ALASTOR IS THE SAINT NOW??? which is funny because usualy i parallel him with Arti... And now Rosie is Arti? And Artisaint IS MY OTP--
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congrats, new AU unlocked, Rosie is now chilling in the Rubicon (well, "chilling" isn't the word i'd use...)
btw Rubicon looks (and FEELS FROM GAMEPLAY) more like hell than Hell in hazbin which is funny
idk if i'm gonna make anything else for this AU but here's the tag for it anyway
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elsa-fogen · 3 days
fixed this part too
First day in Hell | Part 2
<< Previous part (start) - next >>
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Wohoo letsgoo new part! I really hope it'll gat AT LEAST half of that attention that first part got or i'll explode😬
Alastor explores his new look and his abilitues and doesn't seem surprised by the fact that he has some... and it seems like he already used to it?
anyway have two jokes that appeared in my head while i was drawing (i think i forgot one...)
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Next part soon?
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elsa-fogen · 3 days
Reblog, because i fixed few things, such as some typos, new text boxes that reflect my vision better, and messed up colors in few plases
also reminder that i'm working on it... still.
First day in Hell | Part 1
Next >>
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insert joke about that 50k animation
is that a bird? is that a plane? No! That's Elsa is starting new comic! That's the third one and it's finally pure radiorose AHHAHAAHA well almost. Don't tell me that your friendship with your bestie didn't start with them trying to murder and eat you?????? Impossible (i don't have friends)
I have such a funny twist prepared ohh this is gonna be good!
I need to draw human Alastor at last! But i'm... afraid??? idk-
next part soon?
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elsa-fogen · 3 days
Cheese challenge..??
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Headcanon: Rosie is allowed to film him, but only if no one will ever see these recordings. Se got a phone for that and Alastor made sure himself that Vox won't be able to steal anything from it
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elsa-fogen · 3 days
Im sorry there’s been so little chill with notp. It’s wild to me that you say you hate something and the internet is like ‘but what if we throw it at you forever?’
Even me mentioning it to say ‘hey sorry this sucks’ is probably annoying so sorry about that.
I just wanted you to know not everyone is actively trying to piss you off and I hope things chill.
Hate what you hate you don’t need to justify it to us!
QPR RadioRose is top tier ship and I’m so happy your blog exists. I love it.
Thank you so much, sweetheart 💖
i just hope this wave will end soon, eh...
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elsa-fogen · 3 days
i love ur art so much
ppl need to respect your wishes about r*apple
personally i like it but everyone has opinions and that’s okay and people need to get over themselves and respect ur opinion
anyways this is a drawing of alastor that took me three hours i hope u like it :)
(Colouring takes a long time 😭)
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Thank you dear 💖
and yeah coloring bee ass, that's why i found the laziest way possible of coloring lmao
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elsa-fogen · 3 days
Another doodle for you because you seem to be enjoying them :]
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that little face 🤲🥺🥺 cute
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