elysiansparadise · 4 months
hello! I hope things are well with you 💕 if it’s possible, I would love to hear your thoughts on Neptune in the 3rd house :)
Hello love! I have been slightly busy these days, but everything is fine. I would love to give you my takes on this placement. 💕
Neptune in the 3rd house
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Talking to them is a unique thing, they have very deep perspectives on life, wonderful ideas capable of surprising many and the ability to see beyond the things, people and circumstances that occur around them. Naturally poetic, they dislike things that are too simple and for them a soul-touching pinch is necessary in everything that enters their minds [books, movies, music, videos, etc]. Their words can easily move the audience, there is an ethereal and touching beauty in their way of speaking. Captivating speakers even without intending to. They are an interesting and valuable mystery to discover, and I define them as a mystery because they do not usually share their ideas or thoughts with anyone, since they border on the introverted and reserved side, or in some cases even shy. They may have a great interest and knack for some branch of art, especially that which includes communicating ideas or feelings, being very effective in doing so. Many of them may doubt their abilities and also their intelligence or ability. They may be very interested in obtaining all kinds of knowledge, especially about topics that people do not dare to investigate, spiritual topics or topics that make them know themselves better on a deeper level.
In these people lies the wound of not feeling heard by their close circle, of feeling that for others what they had to say was not important, which made them close down. Within them there is a mind full of amazing ideas, an outstanding creativity that allows them to find many solutions and see things from different perspectives. They tend to be frequently distracted by the tendency to want to do several things at the same time. Daydream tendency regarding doing things they want to do or what their ideal life would be like. They may prefer deep conversations over small talk. However, these people stand out for being amazing counselors, this is due to their empathy, which makes them not advise from the point of view of what they would do, but rather what they would do if they were and lived in the context of the person. who comes to them. They have the quality of making others feel heard and understood, making conversations with them feel comfortable and natural, even if it is the first time you speak to them.
They may have difficulty following very demanding schedules or routines, preferring to do things at their own pace. They are more likely to be easily distracted and change the subject quickly. Their mind is intuitive, their sixth sense is rarely wrong, as they are excellent when it comes to reading and understanding everything around them, having the ability to read between the lines and detect all kinds of discrepancies. They adapt very easily to their environment and it is extremely difficult to lie to them. If you're not part of their inner circle or if they don't trust you yet, you'll suddenly have that epiphany: they know so much about you while you seem to know little about what lies within them. They are people with multiple interests, a curious and creative mind that leads them to dream big. Great minds that can doubt their own potential, the value of their thoughts and words even when beauty and uniqueness can be found in them. People with compassion and an ability to understand things that perhaps others are not ready to understand. They have the feeling of not finding the right words to explain what is happening inside them. Their heart can often guide their minds. The human quality in them is something that makes them beautiful beings with whom to cross paths, always leaving teachings and words that remain marked in the core of those who know them.
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elysiansparadise · 4 months
a very, very basic introduction to medical astrology
Medicine was among the first and most popular applications of astrology until the 18th century. In its various forms, it was practiced widely across the Middle East, Western Asia and much of Europe. The medical astrology we know today follows mostly Indian, Egyptian, & Greek traditions and was further developed for modern use by Italian occultists and physicians of the 17th century who called it iatromathematics. Due to its origin at the intersection of ancient medicine & philosophy, medical astrology is one of the core defining bodies of knowledge which astrology as a whole is built upon.
Medical astrology was used to delineate an individual’s bodily constitution, strengths, vulnerabilities, and the nature of their physical reactivity to their environment. To analyze a birth chart from a medical perspective means to measure the potential biological effects of astrological arrangements with extreme precision and attention to detail; medical astrologers used every possible indicator to make concrete diagnoses, including the signs, their decans & terms, the planets, their declinations, dispositors, & trajectories, the houses & their lords, aspects, midpoints, and symbolic degrees. In order for this branch of astrology to be useful, such strict precision is absolutely necessary. When practitioners in the mid-1700s tried to over-simplify it, it became largely inaccurate & disreputable and fell out of common practice.
The principles of medical astrology originate within a conceptual system of congruence and essential similarity between all expressions of biology. The ancient Greeks characterized all natural phenomena using four fundamental qualities: hot, cold, wet, and dry. These qualities were a predominant influence on the formation of medical astrology (and astrology in general). Hot: warm, bright, changeable, rapid, expansive Cold: cool, dark, deliberate, constant, conservative Wet: moist, soft, malleable, formless, mixable Dry: parched, hard, brittle, well-defined, solid
The most dynamic measurement of the nature of these qualities is based on their combined actualization, established with Aristotle’s theory of “being and becoming” which followed a model of the four seasons. Hippocrates’ four humors were, in part, a version of those combinations applied to the body. The humors and classical elements developed alongside each other, and came to represent not only corporeal occurrences but also human temperaments.
Aristotle’s model: Spring: wet becoming hot Summer: hot becoming dry Autumn: dry becoming cold Winter: cold becoming wet
Humors | Elements | Temperaments, as informed by Aristotle’s model: Hot & dry: yellow bile (choler) | fire | choleric temperament Cold & dry: black bile (melancholy) | earth | melancholic temperament Hot & wet: blood (sanguis) | air | sanguine temperament Cold & wet: phlegm | water | phlegmatic temperament
This structure is the root of most medical associations in astrology. The body is understood through the lens of these qualities, and so are the planets and astrological signs; their correlations are a result of their congruent categorization, in addition to symbolism, mythology, chemistry, and general observation. A simple example of this would be blood – a literally warm and wet substance, ruled by a hot/wet (air) sign, Aquarius. Bones, on the other hand, are literally dry, solid, well-defined, and long-lasting – suited to the attitude of Saturn. The correspondences are much more complex than this, of course, but the basic idea is that there is an apparent alignment of physical reality with astrological energy. From there, astrologers developed a system of astro-physical rulerships.
*The sources I used for these rulerships drew from multiple separate practices ranging from traditional Vedic to medieval European, often presented through a contemporary perspective. I tried to narrow it down and stay consistent despite that, but some of the more specific associations are not broadly supported.
ARIES: head, skull, cranium, brain, pineal gland, pituitary gland, face, eyes, nose, muscles, adrenal glands. TAURUS: ears, neck, throat, vocal cords, jaw, chin, mouth, lips, tonsils, tongue, thyroid gland, jugular nerve/vein, larynx, eustachian tubes. GEMINI: shoulders, arms, hands, fingers, nervous system, lungs, airways, bronchi, trachea, thymus gland. CANCER: chest, rib cage, breastbone, breasts, mammary glands, diaphragm, alimentary system, stomach, solar plexus, pancreas, ovaries, uterus. LEO: heart, spine (spinal cord, spinal column), upper back, circulation. VIRGO: hands, fingers, nails, nervous system, dorsal nerves, abdomen, pancreas, spleen, intestines, bowels, liver. LIBRA: equilibrium, bodily symmetry, lower back, loins, lumbar region, buttocks, kidneys, endocrine system, blood vessels, skin. SCORPIO: appendix, excretory system, urinary system, bladder, urethra, anus, colon, rectum, prostate, cervix, genitals. SAGITTARIUS: hips, thighs, sciatic nerve, liver, iliac arteries & veins. CAPRICORN: skeletal system, bones, teeth, knees, joints, structural & connective tissue, scar tissue, cartilage, skin, hair, gallbladder. AQUARIUS: calves, shins, ankles, joints, circulatory system, blood. PISCES: feet, toes, lymphatic system & lymph nodes, sweat glands, fat tissue.
SUN: vitality, heart, aorta, arteries & veins, blood, circulation, circulatory system, marrow, spine (spinal cord, spinal column), spinal fluid, cerebrovascular system, eyes, right eye of males, left eye of females. MOON: chest, chest cavity, rib cage & ribs, glandular tissue, mammary glands, breasts, breastbone, sweat glands, lymphatic glands, lymphatic system, lymph nodes, spleen, saliva & salivary glands, pineal gland, ovaries, uterus, pancreas, stomach, digestive system, nutrition, pregnancy & birth, infant & child growth, puberty, left eye of males, right eye of females. BOTH SUN & MOON rule the circadian rhythm; sun is associated with wakefulness & consciousness while the moon is associated with sleep. MERCURY: brain, nervous system, nerves, vagus nerve, shoulders, arms, hands, fingers, lungs, trachea, respiratory system, speech, senses, cognition. VENUS: ears, eustachian tubes, cheeks, chin, lips, gums, tongue, taste buds, neck, throat, esophagus, vocal cords, alimentary system, thyroid gland, thymus gland, kidneys, fat tissue, skin, pores, hair follicles, senses, female anatomy. MARS: sinuses, nose, gallbladder, bile, bile ducts, hair, nails, muscles, sinews, tendons, genitals, appendix, pelvis, male anatomy. JUPITER: right ear, cell growth, endocrine system, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, pineal gland, liver, pleura, sciatic nerve, legs, thighs, calves, feet, toes. SATURN: left ear, teeth, skin, structural & connective tissue, scar tissue, veins, bones, skull, skeleton, cartilage, joints, elbows, knees.
CARDINAL: short, intense, singular, and momentous illnesses. FIXED: chronic, persistent, prolonged, stable, and recurring illnesses. MUTABLE: volatile, inconsistent, rapid, and unpredictable illnesses.
Each sign & planet rules any illnesses related their respective physical rulerships (i.e. Aries governs brain abnormalities, the Moon governs stomach issues, Libra governs kidney complications, Saturn governs bone diseases, etc). The nature of an illness or injury often aligns with the energy of its astrological signification (i.e. Jupiter can denote mysterious diseases related to overgrowth & excess; Mars can denote intense, painful diseases related to high temperature & over-activity; the Moon can denote issues of fluid retention or over-sensitivity; Saturn can denote grave, burdensome long-term diseases related to contraction, blockages, or decline; Aries can denote fast-paced, acute illnesses; Taurus can denote illnesses related to over-indulgence, habit, or dependency; fire influence can denote inflammation and fevers; and so on).
The houses were not traditionally considered to rule bodily parts or processes, but were instead used to orient the condition of celestial influences on the body in a positive or negative sense, and to represent the circumstances surrounding an individual’s health. The houses also function as points of actualization, where celestial influences can be triggered to manifest. Generally, the first house & Ascendant represent an individual’s overall physique, vitality, stature, and the basic disposition of their health; the sixth, eighth, and twelfth houses are related to illness, disease, injury, and death; and the fifth & eleventh houses are related to remedies, healing, relief, and improvement.
In the birth chart, health is measured in terms of vitality, predisposition, and susceptibility. Transits may determine changes in these terms over time and throughout various dynamic circumstances. In conjunction with modern scientific medicine and the insight of genetics, medical astrology can be used in a nuanced, non-fatalistic way to guide lifestyles, inform treatments, and help predict potential illnesses – if practiced with immense care & clarity. All significations which point to possible illnesses should be exact, precise to the minute, specific, detailed, and supported multiple times in a chart.
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elysiansparadise · 4 months
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Last Updated: January 5, 2024.
My Midpoint Masterlist.
Beginner's Guide.
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Beginner Information
⎯ What are Midpoints?
In astrology, midpoints refer to specific points in a natal chart that result from the mathematical midpoint between two planets or sensitive points, such as the Ascendant or Midheaven.
These calculated midpoints provide additional insights into the dynamics between the planets involved, offering a nuanced perspective on the individual's personality, relationships, and life events.
Each midpoint is a unique blend of the energies of the planets it connects, creating a symbolic fusion that enriches the astrological interpretation. Astrologers often analyze midpoints to uncover hidden patterns, potential strengths, and challenges within a person's birth chart, enhancing the depth and precision of astrological insights.
The study of midpoints adds a layer of complexity to astrological analysis, allowing practitioners to discern the subtleties of planetary interactions and their impact on an individual's life journey.
⎯ Guides
Quick Midpoints Guide
How To Guide: Find Your Midpoints
Asteroid Midpoints
Reading The Midpoint Table
⎯ Other Sources
Another Midpoint Calculator
Midpoint Calculator Between Two Planets
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Midpoint Notes
⎯ Midpoint Archive
An archive of all my midpoints. This archive does not contain observations or other miscellaneous posts related to midpoints.
⎯ Observations / Other
Emotional Healing: Moon/Chiron Midpoint
Relationship Healing: Venus/Chiron Midpoint
Sensual Midpoints
⎯ Readings
Marilyn Monroe - Brief Midpoint Reading
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elysiansparadise · 4 months
Schedule: What posts to expect soon?
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Aspects of Mercury in the Composite Chart || Neptune in the 3rd house || Sun in the 1st house || Jupiter in the 9th house || Pisces Rising
Other Risings: Taurus Rising || Gemini Rising || Cancer Rising || Leo Rising || Virgo Rising || Libra Rising || Scorpio Rising || Capricorn Rising || Aquarius Rising
☕A guide to composite charts
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elysiansparadise · 4 months
I'm experiencing for the first time Chiron-Venus conjuntion with someone and that left me wondering, have you ever experienced this or any other Venus-Chiron aspect in synastry? I'd love to read it.
I feel like sharing my experience with this later...
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elysiansparadise · 4 months
Composite Chart observations
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🤍Jupiter or Part of Fortune in the 1st house not only indicates that you feel more joyful with the other, but that when or after being with the other, many opportunities of any kind can come to you. The relationship will bring with it a lot of self-improvement for both and a feeling that things in life become simpler.
🤍When Sun it's in the 7th, 8th or 12th house we find ourselves in a mirror relationship, in which you will show each other the other sides of yourselves that you had never been aware of. They will be more similar than they look, because in terms of core they can be very alike. The other will openly display behaviors that you repress.
🤍A peculiarity of Mars and/or Mercury in the 11th house is that both are likely to have very different personal opinions but very similar goals. They may be very different at first impression and even have very different ways of behaving, but they can understand each other well and go after what they want as a team.
🤍I have noticed that when Saturn is making just positive aspects on a composite chart, it is capable of helping the tensions that some squares can cause, as it adds stability and durability to the dynamics of the relationship, but above all the willingness to solve problems by fact that both see in this relationship something to maintain in the long term.
🤍The Moon-Venus conjunction gives us that relationship in which if one of the parties is moody and the other enters the room, their day immediately brightens. It seems that they only need to see each other to be happier. They evoke a lot of sweetness and tenderness in each other. They will love to take care of each other in every way, from the most practical to the emotional side, without forgetting to mention how comfortable they feel simply being by each other's side.
🤍Jupiter or Saturn in the 10th house cause there to be a mutual and very strong admiration for the person the other is, what they achieve and their ambition. If these planets positively aspect the Sun, Venus or Mercury will constantly let each other know, and even other people.
🤍Having a Stellium in the 11th house makes the dynamic lighthearted, fun and very pleasant for both of you. You will feel that you can be yourself uninhibitedly and be able to express your ideas and emotions without being judged. Likewise, they will have a great willingness to help each other and will awaken the empathetic and altruistic side of the other. They can have very similar worldviews despite differences in temperament and attitude.
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🤍Venus in Aries allows the duo to spend many moments of joy and laughter. They may have many similarities between them and love to joke with each other. It is an indicator of playful teasing, of a lot of enthusiasm and fun. They really love each other's company, even if it's just few minutes. They highly value being authentic and transparent with others.
🤍When the Moon or Venus is in the 12th house, it shows us a duo or a couple who is affectionate or more affectionate in private, they may prefer a moment of greater intimacy since it makes them likely to be very reserved people with their feelings but, surprisingly , very open between them.
🤍Neptune in water houses favors emotional connection and the ability to intuit the feelings of the other, also giving the sensation of understanding each other without words and without much difficulty. They can have a very great feeling of adoration and fascination for each other, as well as devotion.
🤍The Moon-Neptune aspects make them deeply connected to each other on an almost inexplicable level. Both not only read and understand each other like no one else, but they seem to quickly feel what the other feels. They can infect each other with their moods. It is even likely that, for example, if one is thinking about the other, the other will send a message or call them on the phone. They absorb each other's mood and can quickly adopt their usual behaviors or phrases even without realizing it.
🤍With Pluto in the 9th house, both will profoundly change the way the other sees things. Being together and having a regular conversation with each other entails many epiphanies, seeing things from other perspectives and feeling that things finally make sense. Both have the goal of teaching each other a lot and fully trust that the other positively influences their lives. They simultaneously add depth and fun to the other person's life.
🤍Having Mars in the angles makes both of you motivated almost instantly. Being next to each other makes them feel energized, motivated and they easily make the other feel capable of achieving and going after everything they want. They can bring out the confident and sociable side of each other.
🤍When you have Venus or Moon in the 10th house, the duo shows others, consciously or unconsciously, the high degree of affection and appreciation they have for each other. People tend to see them as very similar and compatible like each other and they tend to provoke adoration in others. It may even be a couple or pair of friends that others find admirable or your dynamic may be something that people would like to have in their lives.
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elysiansparadise · 4 months
The gentleness that holds a strong and powerful soul. Moved by passion. They put their everything on things that set in motion their inner world. 
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Taurus Rising: Strength & Softness
Consistency, loyalty, support and autonomy are perfect words to describe this rising. People with enchanting and natural beauty, accompanied by gorgeousness and a calm attitude in the eyes of others that protects a brave and passionate heart. Life encourages them to develop patience and a persevering attitude. They are people who remain strong and unbreakable, seek to appear stable, strong and very independent even if inside they feel that things are collapsing or if their surroundings are breaking, they want to show that they are strong and that they can handle anything. More easily being the support of others rather than being able to open themselves to being helped or seen vulnerable. 
With Gemini in the 2nd house are people who highly value their intelligence, they take great pride in their knowledge, especially in those topics that matter a lot to them. For them, learning is something crucial in their lives, so they try to know a lot about many different things. They may have a lot of interest in design, gardening, music [specifically singing], writing and reading. Financial topics can attract their attention and they can acquire a lot of knowledge about it. This position can show someone very skilled with money or sales. Being a house linked to value and self-esteem, this specific overlay tells us about people who find themselves constantly questioning their own value, however, it is not just something that only applies to them, as they will question value in those things in which they society puts value. They will question the values ​​of their home or the groups they interact with. Another common thing with them is this inconsistency in their sense of security, feeling unprotected on many occasions. Clear, honest and direct communication is something they deeply appreciate, they love the feeling of being able to have a long and pleasant talk for both parties. They tend to prefer those where they are one on one due to their reserved nature.
Later, we find Cancer in the 3rd house, a placement that could be one of the main reasons behind the soothing and soft essence of this particular Ascendant. With this overlay we see natives with such an appealing way of speaking, sweet and very pleasant, there is something about them that allows them to be very understandable with other people and their emotions. These people are very curious about knowing the depth and complexity behind everything and everyone. When it comes to relating to others, they put a lot of emphasis on knowing the core of others, their emotions, their past and everything that allows them to have a better and more personal understanding of others. They are people with a warm way of speaking, they aren't usually impulsive when communicating and they think very carefully about their words before speaking. We have very capable, talented writers and speakers with the ability to easily evoke feelings in others. They stand out for their good memory and a light touch of warmth in their speech. These people may have melancholy tendencies or may think a lot about the past. If the Moon is making tense aspects or if Saturn is in this house, a tendency to constant periods of depression is likely. Writing can be a way for them to better express their emotions, and reading can be very relaxing as well. One of their ways to better connect with others can be deep talks and in some cases sharing food. If they have siblings, they may have a somewhat variable relationship but they may have a deep affection for them or at least one of them. They can assume the role of older sibling regardless of their age.
Inside Leo in the 4th house, lies a person with a warm heart, a generous disposition towards all those with whom they have a strong emotional bond, and someone who fiercely protects those they consider family. They are without a doubt people who become restless, fun and very charismatic once they trust the person next to them, being more authentic and effusive with them, as well as more warmly open. In family matters, there may be a very strong connection with one of them in particular, likewise, it may indicate a very busy, somewhat dramatic and in some cases noisy environment. These people hide their hearts very well from others, making it visible only to those with whom they feel they really connect, they are capable of loving very strongly and publicly, they are not the type of people to hide their emotions. No matter how calm or reserved they may seem, deep down they are people with great brilliance, with a lot of emotion and great creativity and ideas that brighten the lives of those around them. From a very young age they learned to think about themselves, about doing things that make them happy before wanting to make other people happy. In some cases, it is likely that the native has had to deal with family members who thought only of themselves, who were egotistical, or who did not take into consideration what others or the native felt or wanted. These people may have a tendency to take things personally, they hate feeling that they or their feelings are not taken seriously or valued. Another likely thing is that they are relatively more independent than other members of their family. They hate feeling ignored more than anything in the world, they like to feel and make those they love feel that they are heard.
For Virgo in the 5th house, romance is something sublime when there is devotion and dedication on the part of both parties. These people are capable of loving too much, always establishing the importance of making their partner feel supported, understood and motivated, actions that they seek to receive in return. They are always looking for the relationship to improve, they will seek to know their partner better and more deeply, the conversations about ways to make each other feel better will be very constant as well as the small and significant details. They are people who notice the slightest thing about their partner, changes in their look, tastes, preferences and other areas of their personality. They are very loyal, stable and gentle when they love. They think a lot before allowing themselves to have a romance with someone, they analyze the person in question. They are quite demanding of themselves, and may have the mistaken idea that they could be loved until they are that way or achieve that thing, when the beautiful fact of being themselves already makes them worthy of that love that they so doubt if they can have. . As this is the home of talents and hobbies, it makes them people not only very dedicated to them, but also very perfectionist when it comes to dealing with them, practicing a lot and never settling, remaining willing to learn more and continue improving. They like to do things well and think that if they can't do it to the best they can, it's better not to do it. Their confidence, their gentleness and charm that they are not aware of, makes them people who can attract admiration from others, many even admiring them for all the hard.
In the workplace, people with Libra in the 6th house are extremely capable and excellent. They are very good people at finding solutions to all kinds of problems, from problems related to their work, such as problems of or among others. Diplomatic, responsible and willing to help and collaborate in their work and/or their co-workers. Even if they consider themselves independent and are very skilled on their own, they make teamwork enjoyable and comfortable for themselves and others. Self-care routines are something of utmost importance to them and they will always enjoy taking care of themselves in every way. Their body is their temple, one that they care for with delicacy and attention. These people are very likely to attract a lot of attention from their co-workers, a common placement for romances in the office or work area. They will be able to make good contacts through their work and will be seen as very approachable, helpful and polite people. They are people sensitive to noise or any negative hustle and bustle, preferring to work in quiet environments, with music they like in the background and, in general, in an environment where they do not feel so tense. They can have that tendency to be very perfectionistic, especially when it comes to doing their homework or activities that they really like. They have an excellent eye for aesthetics and decoration, they are very sensitive and appreciative of art, loving the idea of ​​personalizing and decorating the spaces in which they are.
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To say that people with Scorpio in the 7th house take relationships seriously is an understatement, and I am not referring to the matter of seeking to get married quickly but to the level of emotional connection that they want with their partner. They are people who want to see beyond the sublime appearance of their partners, but rather the beauty, darkness, secrets, complexity and details of their soul. They long for a very deep emotional connection with that person to whom they swear forever. These people have the ability to make you feel completely loved, from those virtues that you have, to those things that you do not share due to fear or insecurity. They love completely and give absolutely everything in their relationships, which they expect in return. They can have a marriage in which the dynamic is very intense but above all very devoted, one in which your partner's matters become yours and vice versa, where you protect and show yourself completely to the other. Throughout their lives they may experience tense experiences in the field of love or even in any type of relationship. They may have a tendency to be overly wary of the intentions of others, bordering on distrust. They may fear never being able to be loved sincerely or never being able to enjoy the beauties and soft side of love. Future spouse is likely to be a person with very intense emotions, with a lot of appeal, self-confidence and a slightly more serious and mysterious appearance of that emotional and devoted interior.
The sensuality of those with Sagittarius in the 8th house is accompanied by a feeling of liberation, an insatiable curiosity and an open and inquisitive attitude towards sex. These natives are people who enjoy exploring every peak of all the pleasures of life. The emotion of connecting deeply with your partner, exploring every corner of your soul with each caress and reading the complex mind of your loved one with your gaze. Seduction becomes an exciting, fun and very enjoyable game for these natives. There is a deep desire to bring light to your partner's darkness and for your partner to do the same. Traveling through each part of their body becomes the journey they most fantasize about. For them, it is necessary that there be something deeper in the connections to be able to fully enjoy the relationship, that there is the feeling that they are on the same level, that the other person is interesting and open with them. There is a fear of getting lost in the superficiality of life, especially in the aspect of love. There is a feeling of hopelessness in them, the thought that faith is gradually disappearing from their being, the feeling of being left on their own, without guidance. They are very introspective people, sometimes they can spend a lot of time analyzing themselves in their minds. They have a very rich inner world, and a need to find deep and meaningful things in what seems to be a somewhat superficial life.
When we see Capricorn in the 9th house, we can be sure that we find a very intelligent person capable of standing out in the subject of their interest. A great mind that sees the harshness of the world and is aware of it from a very young age. Existential and deep questions are very common, and a tendency to pessimism can become greater if Saturn makes many harsh aspects. They are people who try to be realistic at all times, do not get carried away by the initial beauty of situations and seek to take into account all possible results. Their ambition leads them to want to acquire more and more knowledge, and they can have many academic achievements throughout their university years if they decide to attend it. They may have to work abroad, travel a lot thanks to work or interact with people from other countries because of it. They are very selective people with what they want to learn, they pass the information through filters and always prefer to create their own opinions on topics, especially the most complex or moral ones. As mentioned in the previous point, there may be a tendency to doubt that good things can happen to you, falling into a somewhat negative thinking regarding what you may or may not experience.
When Aquarius is in the 10th house, the native can work in fields related to science, astronomy, physics. It is a common placement for people with interests, skills and work as astrologers. They often choose a career different from what their family has chosen, or something that their family or others consider unusual. These people seek to make a change through their work, and they can also become very notable and remarkable in themselves. These people usually prefer and end up having a job that allows them to meet many people, experiment, learn new things and explore their originality and ideas. They tend to be people who attract attention very quickly, there is a peculiarity about them that makes them stand out from the crowd, likewise, from a young age they know that they want to be different compared to the people they grew up with or lived with when they were young. You can achieve great things if you work on your own, embrace your independence and authenticity. An idealistic and ambitious quality hides in them, these natives dream of achieving many things on their own and making themselves feel proud. They can more easily inspire the masses through their unique personality, perseverance, authenticity and ideas.
One of the things that is not usually mentioned with this rising is their enormous devotion to their friends and the great importance they give the natives in their life, this is given by Pisces in the 11th house. They are people who connect very deeply with their friends, being able to easily sense when they are emotionally bad and, likewise, knowing how to help them in the best way. It is very common for these people to send messages or seek to communicate with them just at the moments when their friends need it. They are the kind of friends who are there through thick and thin, who are a great emotional support and leave beautiful lessons in their friendships. For them it is crucial that their friendships can go through from the most lighthearted and fun moments to the deepest and most emotional ones. They stand out for their empathy and ease of understanding people well even if their experiences and background are completely different. They will seek to genuinely help those they see in poor conditions and treat them as equals instead of further marking their differences. They can have various incomes, but more in fields such as art, through activities in which they help others or even in esoteric matters. They have a great ability to solve other people's problems, usually problems that they find difficult to solve for themselves.
The inner desire to be an independent person and capable of resisting everything that life brings to them is born from the need for protection. What is left to do when there is nowhere or no one to find that stability? Will there even be stability in this turbulence called life? Within them lies someone active, intent on striving until they can finally find and enjoy some peace. A resounding fear in them comes from always being in search of something they cannot have: inner peace, a comfy and peaceful life. With Aries in the 12th house, everything feels fast and spontaneous, from their deepest emotions to the environments in which they grow. In their mind and subconscious are recorded all those times in which they had to stand up for themselves, times in which perhaps there was no one to rely on, in which they came to the conclusion of never being able to rely on anyone other than them. them, in having to tame the tides of life on their own. The fear that it would always be like this grew in them. Not many are allowed to know their core/what they really are for fear of different things, of getting hurt, of being judged, but in them we can find people full of passion, ambitions and with an endearing quality of joviality. They are somewhat restless and spontaneous people deep down, something that is not usually perceived by their calm appearance. They are gifted with a strong temperament, and although they are sweet and kind, they will not be afraid to bring out that impetus and anger if you hurt or touch something very personal to them. These people focus a lot and use a large part of their energy in facing their inner struggles, to which they never give up no matter how tense they may be. It is likely that at many points in your life you felt that in some cases you were about to lose the battle, but your perseverance and inner strength will mean that in the end you will be able to overcome those problems that you usually do not talk to anyone about.
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elysiansparadise · 4 months
Schedule: What posts to expect this January?
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Aspects of Chiron || Neptune in the 2nd house || Jupiter in the 1st house || Moon in the 5th house || Composite chart observations II || Taurus Rising
🤍Risings done so far: Gemini Rising || Cancer Rising || Leo Rising || Virgo Rising || Libra Rising || Scorpio Rising || Capricorn Rising || Aquarius Rising
Planets in the houses masterlist || Aspects to the Ascendant || Aspects to the MC || Conjunctions || Oppositions || Sextiles || Squares || Trines and talents
🤍PS. Taurus Rising will be posted on January 29th!
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elysiansparadise · 4 months
The gentleness that holds a strong and powerful soul. Moved by passion. They put their everything on things that set in motion their inner world. 
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Taurus Rising: Strength & Softness
Consistency, loyalty, support and autonomy are perfect words to describe this rising. People with enchanting and natural beauty, accompanied by gorgeousness and a calm attitude in the eyes of others that protects a brave and passionate heart. Life encourages them to develop patience and a persevering attitude. They are people who remain strong and unbreakable, seek to appear stable, strong and very independent even if inside they feel that things are collapsing or if their surroundings are breaking, they want to show that they are strong and that they can handle anything. More easily being the support of others rather than being able to open themselves to being helped or seen vulnerable. 
With Gemini in the 2nd house are people who highly value their intelligence, they take great pride in their knowledge, especially in those topics that matter a lot to them. For them, learning is something crucial in their lives, so they try to know a lot about many different things. They may have a lot of interest in design, gardening, music [specifically singing], writing and reading. Financial topics can attract their attention and they can acquire a lot of knowledge about it. This position can show someone very skilled with money or sales. Being a house linked to value and self-esteem, this specific overlay tells us about people who find themselves constantly questioning their own value, however, it is not just something that only applies to them, as they will question value in those things in which they society puts value. They will question the values ​​of their home or the groups they interact with. Another common thing with them is this inconsistency in their sense of security, feeling unprotected on many occasions. Clear, honest and direct communication is something they deeply appreciate, they love the feeling of being able to have a long and pleasant talk for both parties. They tend to prefer those where they are one on one due to their reserved nature.
Later, we find Cancer in the 3rd house, a placement that could be one of the main reasons behind the soothing and soft essence of this particular Ascendant. With this overlay we see natives with such an appealing way of speaking, sweet and very pleasant, there is something about them that allows them to be very understandable with other people and their emotions. These people are very curious about knowing the depth and complexity behind everything and everyone. When it comes to relating to others, they put a lot of emphasis on knowing the core of others, their emotions, their past and everything that allows them to have a better and more personal understanding of others. They are people with a warm way of speaking, they aren't usually impulsive when communicating and they think very carefully about their words before speaking. We have very capable, talented writers and speakers with the ability to easily evoke feelings in others. They stand out for their good memory and a light touch of warmth in their speech. These people may have melancholy tendencies or may think a lot about the past. If the Moon is making tense aspects or if Saturn is in this house, a tendency to constant periods of depression is likely. Writing can be a way for them to better express their emotions, and reading can be very relaxing as well. One of their ways to better connect with others can be deep talks and in some cases sharing food. If they have siblings, they may have a somewhat variable relationship but they may have a deep affection for them or at least one of them. They can assume the role of older sibling regardless of their age.
Inside Leo in the 4th house, lies a person with a warm heart, a generous disposition towards all those with whom they have a strong emotional bond, and someone who fiercely protects those they consider family. They are without a doubt people who become restless, fun and very charismatic once they trust the person next to them, being more authentic and effusive with them, as well as more warmly open. In family matters, there may be a very strong connection with one of them in particular, likewise, it may indicate a very busy, somewhat dramatic and in some cases noisy environment. These people hide their hearts very well from others, making it visible only to those with whom they feel they really connect, they are capable of loving very strongly and publicly, they are not the type of people to hide their emotions. No matter how calm or reserved they may seem, deep down they are people with great brilliance, with a lot of emotion and great creativity and ideas that brighten the lives of those around them. From a very young age they learned to think about themselves, about doing things that make them happy before wanting to make other people happy. In some cases, it is likely that the native has had to deal with family members who thought only of themselves, who were egotistical, or who did not take into consideration what others or the native felt or wanted. These people may have a tendency to take things personally, they hate feeling that they or their feelings are not taken seriously or valued. Another likely thing is that they are relatively more independent than other members of their family. They hate feeling ignored more than anything in the world, they like to feel and make those they love feel that they are heard.
For Virgo in the 5th house, romance is something sublime when there is devotion and dedication on the part of both parties. These people are capable of loving too much, always establishing the importance of making their partner feel supported, understood and motivated, actions that they seek to receive in return. They are always looking for the relationship to improve, they will seek to know their partner better and more deeply, the conversations about ways to make each other feel better will be very constant as well as the small and significant details. They are people who notice the slightest thing about their partner, changes in their look, tastes, preferences and other areas of their personality. They are very loyal, stable and gentle when they love. They think a lot before allowing themselves to have a romance with someone, they analyze the person in question. They are quite demanding of themselves, and may have the mistaken idea that they could be loved until they are that way or achieve that thing, when the beautiful fact of being themselves already makes them worthy of that love that they so doubt if they can have. . As this is the home of talents and hobbies, it makes them people not only very dedicated to them, but also very perfectionist when it comes to dealing with them, practicing a lot and never settling, remaining willing to learn more and continue improving. They like to do things well and think that if they can't do it to the best they can, it's better not to do it. Their confidence, their gentleness and charm that they are not aware of, makes them people who can attract admiration from others, many even admiring them for all the hard.
In the workplace, people with Libra in the 6th house are extremely capable and excellent. They are very good people at finding solutions to all kinds of problems, from problems related to their work, such as problems of or among others. Diplomatic, responsible and willing to help and collaborate in their work and/or their co-workers. Even if they consider themselves independent and are very skilled on their own, they make teamwork enjoyable and comfortable for themselves and others. Self-care routines are something of utmost importance to them and they will always enjoy taking care of themselves in every way. Their body is their temple, one that they care for with delicacy and attention. These people are very likely to attract a lot of attention from their co-workers, a common placement for romances in the office or work area. They will be able to make good contacts through their work and will be seen as very approachable, helpful and polite people. They are people sensitive to noise or any negative hustle and bustle, preferring to work in quiet environments, with music they like in the background and, in general, in an environment where they do not feel so tense. They can have that tendency to be very perfectionistic, especially when it comes to doing their homework or activities that they really like. They have an excellent eye for aesthetics and decoration, they are very sensitive and appreciative of art, loving the idea of ​​personalizing and decorating the spaces in which they are.
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To say that people with Scorpio in the 7th house take relationships seriously is an understatement, and I am not referring to the matter of seeking to get married quickly but to the level of emotional connection that they want with their partner. They are people who want to see beyond the sublime appearance of their partners, but rather the beauty, darkness, secrets, complexity and details of their soul. They long for a very deep emotional connection with that person to whom they swear forever. These people have the ability to make you feel completely loved, from those virtues that you have, to those things that you do not share due to fear or insecurity. They love completely and give absolutely everything in their relationships, which they expect in return. They can have a marriage in which the dynamic is very intense but above all very devoted, one in which your partner's matters become yours and vice versa, where you protect and show yourself completely to the other. Throughout their lives they may experience tense experiences in the field of love or even in any type of relationship. They may have a tendency to be overly wary of the intentions of others, bordering on distrust. They may fear never being able to be loved sincerely or never being able to enjoy the beauties and soft side of love. Future spouse is likely to be a person with very intense emotions, with a lot of appeal, self-confidence and a slightly more serious and mysterious appearance of that emotional and devoted interior.
The sensuality of those with Sagittarius in the 8th house is accompanied by a feeling of liberation, an insatiable curiosity and an open and inquisitive attitude towards sex. These natives are people who enjoy exploring every peak of all the pleasures of life. The emotion of connecting deeply with your partner, exploring every corner of your soul with each caress and reading the complex mind of your loved one with your gaze. Seduction becomes an exciting, fun and very enjoyable game for these natives. There is a deep desire to bring light to your partner's darkness and for your partner to do the same. Traveling through each part of their body becomes the journey they most fantasize about. For them, it is necessary that there be something deeper in the connections to be able to fully enjoy the relationship, that there is the feeling that they are on the same level, that the other person is interesting and open with them. There is a fear of getting lost in the superficiality of life, especially in the aspect of love. There is a feeling of hopelessness in them, the thought that faith is gradually disappearing from their being, the feeling of being left on their own, without guidance. They are very introspective people, sometimes they can spend a lot of time analyzing themselves in their minds. They have a very rich inner world, and a need to find deep and meaningful things in what seems to be a somewhat superficial life.
When we see Capricorn in the 9th house, we can be sure that we find a very intelligent person capable of standing out in the subject of their interest. A great mind that sees the harshness of the world and is aware of it from a very young age. Existential and deep questions are very common, and a tendency to pessimism can become greater if Saturn makes many harsh aspects. They are people who try to be realistic at all times, do not get carried away by the initial beauty of situations and seek to take into account all possible results. Their ambition leads them to want to acquire more and more knowledge, and they can have many academic achievements throughout their university years if they decide to attend it. They may have to work abroad, travel a lot thanks to work or interact with people from other countries because of it. They are very selective people with what they want to learn, they pass the information through filters and always prefer to create their own opinions on topics, especially the most complex or moral ones. As mentioned in the previous point, there may be a tendency to doubt that good things can happen to you, falling into a somewhat negative thinking regarding what you may or may not experience.
When Aquarius is in the 10th house, the native can work in fields related to science, astronomy, physics. It is a common placement for people with interests, skills and work as astrologers. They often choose a career different from what their family has chosen, or something that their family or others consider unusual. These people seek to make a change through their work, and they can also become very notable and remarkable in themselves. These people usually prefer and end up having a job that allows them to meet many people, experiment, learn new things and explore their originality and ideas. They tend to be people who attract attention very quickly, there is a peculiarity about them that makes them stand out from the crowd, likewise, from a young age they know that they want to be different compared to the people they grew up with or lived with when they were young. You can achieve great things if you work on your own, embrace your independence and authenticity. An idealistic and ambitious quality hides in them, these natives dream of achieving many things on their own and making themselves feel proud. They can more easily inspire the masses through their unique personality, perseverance, authenticity and ideas.
One of the things that is not usually mentioned with this rising is their enormous devotion to their friends and the great importance they give the natives in their life, this is given by Pisces in the 11th house. They are people who connect very deeply with their friends, being able to easily sense when they are emotionally bad and, likewise, knowing how to help them in the best way. It is very common for these people to send messages or seek to communicate with them just at the moments when their friends need it. They are the kind of friends who are there through thick and thin, who are a great emotional support and leave beautiful lessons in their friendships. For them it is crucial that their friendships can go through from the most lighthearted and fun moments to the deepest and most emotional ones. They stand out for their empathy and ease of understanding people well even if their experiences and background are completely different. They will seek to genuinely help those they see in poor conditions and treat them as equals instead of further marking their differences. They can have various incomes, but more in fields such as art, through activities in which they help others or even in esoteric matters. They have a great ability to solve other people's problems, usually problems that they find difficult to solve for themselves.
The inner desire to be an independent person and capable of resisting everything that life brings to them is born from the need for protection. What is left to do when there is nowhere or no one to find that stability? Will there even be stability in this turbulence called life? Within them lies someone active, intent on striving until they can finally find and enjoy some peace. A resounding fear in them comes from always being in search of something they cannot have: inner peace, a comfy and peaceful life. With Aries in the 12th house, everything feels fast and spontaneous, from their deepest emotions to the environments in which they grow. In their mind and subconscious are recorded all those times in which they had to stand up for themselves, times in which perhaps there was no one to rely on, in which they came to the conclusion of never being able to rely on anyone other than them. them, in having to tame the tides of life on their own. The fear that it would always be like this grew in them. Not many are allowed to know their core/what they really are for fear of different things, of getting hurt, of being judged, but in them we can find people full of passion, ambitions and with an endearing quality of joviality. They are somewhat restless and spontaneous people deep down, something that is not usually perceived by their calm appearance. They are gifted with a strong temperament, and although they are sweet and kind, they will not be afraid to bring out that impetus and anger if you hurt or touch something very personal to them. These people focus a lot and use a large part of their energy in facing their inner struggles, to which they never give up no matter how tense they may be. It is likely that at many points in your life you felt that in some cases you were about to lose the battle, but your perseverance and inner strength will mean that in the end you will be able to overcome those problems that you usually do not talk to anyone about.
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elysiansparadise · 5 months
Schedule: What posts to expect this January?
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Aspects of Chiron || Neptune in the 2nd house || Jupiter in the 1st house || Moon in the 5th house || Composite chart observations II || Taurus Rising
🤍Risings done so far: Gemini Rising || Cancer Rising || Leo Rising || Virgo Rising || Libra Rising || Scorpio Rising || Capricorn Rising || Aquarius Rising
Planets in the houses masterlist || Aspects to the Ascendant || Aspects to the MC || Conjunctions || Oppositions || Sextiles || Squares || Trines and talents
🤍PS. Taurus Rising will be posted on January 29th!
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elysiansparadise · 5 months
Hi Elysian. Can you talk about moon in 5th house please? Take care 💕
Hello love, of course I can. 💕
Moon in the 5th house
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Here we find beautiful, fun, warm and very jovial souls, who although somewhat reserved at the beginning, their enormous heart soon comes out to those who manage to gain their trust. They seek to express themselves authentically, through hobbies or activities that they enjoy doing and are usually very spontaneous when it comes to doing so. They have great creativity and the ability to devise sublime and pleasant things before the eyes, ears and palates of others. There are qualities in them that make people feel alive again, with the desire to experience and enjoy life. Like a ray of sunshine, they illuminate the hearts of others and inspire them to make their lives something they can enjoy and fill with things they really want. A unique magnetism, great charisma and the ability to attract positive reactions when they expose their emotions. The public can easily be moved and amazed by the natives, who will have a subconscious ability to attract others. Their sensitivity makes others feel fascinated and their independent, enchanting and lighthearted nature makes them very attractive in the eyes of potential partners. They are romantic people by nature, and in addition to that, very dreamy in matters of the heart.
Since I mentioned it, these people are looking for a genuine, very emotional connection and love, one in which they can feel like children again, excited and joyful in the presence of that special person who makes their heart race. They are very attentive, sensitive and expressive lovers, for them it is necessary that there be a very trustworthy and stable emotional bond to be able to enjoy moments of intimacy, especially in the sexual sphere. They love the thrill of falling deeply in love and this can make them feel euphoric and very comfortable. They are highly passionate people, when they really like something, they put all their energy, attention and enthusiasm into it. There is a desire and need to have a romance that is liberating, fun-loving and does not fall into monotony. Romantic gestures are crucial for them, flowers, gifts, spontaneous dates, photos with the couple and all kinds of details. They enjoy the idea of ​​protecting their partner and feeling protected with them. This placement tells us about people who are very in touch with their emotions and who, just as they know them well, seek to know those of their partner. They enjoy learning about their partner's childhood, past, and core.
These people may have a tendency to watch the same movies over and over again because of the feeling of comfort they give them. Likewise, apart from watching movies, for example, from their childhood or youth, they may also find themselves listening to music that they used to listen to since they were younger. They tend to be very protective and attentive not only with their partners, but also with their closest friends, always seeking their well-being. If they decide to have children, they will have a strong emotional connection with them, they will care for and guide them very well and love will abound, making them feel safe, protected and very loved. Their children may be very sensitive, somewhat shy and very attached to them. For these natives, a certain amount of time alone is necessary to recharge their batteries and process what happened in their day. They are not cold and inexpressive people, they will detest frivolity and cruelty of all kinds, they will have a loving, emotional and considerate attitude towards others, along with strong empathy.
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elysiansparadise · 5 months
Thank you so much, love! Your words mean a lot. 😚🤍
Aspects of Chiron
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⚷ Chiron is a comet-asteroid that helps us spot some of our wounds. You can get to know yours on Astro.com in the section “additional objects”. If you want to take a closer look to yours click here -> ⚷
⬜Chiron conjunct Sun: These people have wounds related to acceptance, either from themselves or from others. They may seek to help others in a selfless way, but they do not dare to ask for help or appear very vulnerable. Issues with the father or father figure. They may have confidence problems. They have a lot of charisma and people see them as very kind and polite people. It is likely that both the father and them have had a complicated life.
⬜Chiron conjunct Moon: They immediately make others feel good emotionally, they know what others need to feel good easily. They are very empathetic, caring and attentive people with those they love. They may have differences or issues with the mother. The mother and them could have had a complicated life. They may have trouble setting boundaries. Melancholic tendencies and remembering a lot about what once hurt them in the past.
⬜Chiron conjunct Mercury: These people have the ability to listen and understand well what other people want to express. They are excellent listeners and great advisors. They have a lot of wisdom. The wound lies in not feeling heard or understood by the people around them. They know what it's like to not feel heard, so they always show respect to others by being attentive. May have a tendency to hesitate about their own knowledge.
⬜Chiron conjunct Venus: These natives usually look for emotionally deep relationships in which they can open up to their partner and have them do the same. They may have wounds related to their beauty, feminine side or love life. Their partners can improve a lot thanks to the native and vice versa. They can see beauty in things that others don't. Usually shows an enchanting beauty rather tender and adorable. Great charm.
⬜Chiron conjunct Mars: These people may have had trouble standing up for themselves when they were young, but they never hesitate to stand up for others. Wounds with male figures, sex, or by the anger of others or their own anger. Setting boundaries could have been harsh for them.  They long to be people who guide others through justice, understanding and motivation. Over time they develop a strong temperament.
⬜Chiron conjunct Jupiter: These people have a lot of wisdom in themselves and can be developed souls. They learn from their mistakes and provide support, advice and healing to others. They could have gone through very tense things, which is why they mature before their time. They may doubt your skills and knowledge. Wounds by teachers. They can teach others to see the good side of themselves and look for ways to heal.
⬜Chiron conjunct Saturn: Feeling of not having been supported or of not having had the necessary guidance. They matured before their time and that led them to acquire a lot of wisdom. They will actively work to heal themselves and may become frustrated if they feel that they are not yet there. Their lesson is to learn that healing takes time and that they will eventually achieve it. Wounds related to not feeling enough or underestimating your successes.
⬜Chiron conjunct Uranus: Wounded by having felt different from the rest and/or judged for their uniqueness. These people may seek to help their friends alleviate their emotional problems. They have an eccentric charm and authenticity that attracts attention, becoming inspiring to others. They learned to solve their problems on their own and may have difficulty relying on anyone. Fear of becoming dependent on something or someone.
⬜Chiron conjunct Neptune: True healers, they can give themselves deeply to the work of helping others heal. Great counselors, they instinctively say and do the right thing to support others. Betrayals, deceptions and lies could have hurt them. Great artistic talents, great ability to dazzle many. Sweet, empathetic and very kind to their peers. Music, art and spirituality can be healing for them. Tendency to dissociate to avoid thinking about their problems.
⬜Chiron conjunct Pluto: Betrayals, death and abandonment could have deeply hurt the native. Problems trusting other people but incredibly reliable for those who they love the most. Loyal people who would like someone who would be as loyal as they are. Difficult childhoods in which they did not feel respected or loved. Ability to transform your wounds into your strengths and make them something truly beautiful. Interest in psychology and self-improvement.
⬜Chiron conjunct Rising: They can be very magnetic people to others and will evoke a sense of peace and comfort in others. They will actively seek to help other people feel good about themselves. They may have self-acceptance problems either because of their personality or their physical appearance. People can easily trust them and see in them someone very wise who has been through a lot. Very assertive and constantly wanting to improve.
⬜Chiron conjunct Midheaven: They most likely work on something related to supporting, healing and encouraging other people. From young people they think that the best thing would be to find a path in which they do more good for others. Tendency to set too many expectations for themselves and become frustrated and harsh when not meeting them. People feel naturally drawn to them and feel that they can be understood by them.
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⬜Chiron trine Sun: They are people with a very intelligent and perceptive personality of the people around them, as well as themselves. They can have the gift of healing and be people with a nature that appeals to people because they are not judgmental or criticize or speak badly of others. People not only find them charming, but also kind and admirable. Ease of raising the self-esteem of others and helping them love themselves more.
⬜Chiron trine Moon: You give great emotional comfort to others and seem to understand them better than anyone. People deeply appreciate your support and the willingness you show to get to know them well. Your hugs are the most comforting and you can make others feel through small gestures. Mystical, charming and very empathetic. They love to make others feel safe and protected. You are very sensitive to the emotions of others.
⬜Chiron trine Mercury: Natives with a strong and highly developed intuition, a great ability to analyze the people around them. Your words can be of great help to another and bring them a lot of relief. They are very rational people capable of seeing many sides of the same situation. They may enjoy meditating or other methods to calm the mind. They can work well under pressure and help calm others with just words.
⬜Chiron trine Venus: Ability to help their partners find healing and will seek to accompany them during the process. Love can be healing for them and they have a deep liking to help those who need it most. Can transform their pain into beautiful things through art and/or hobbies they have. Of great tact and assertiveness. They like relationships in which there is mutual protection and where they seek to understand the other deeply.
⬜Chiron trine Mars: We encounter great leaders who, through motivation and meaningful actions [whether big or small] encourage others to help themselves. They have the goal of healing themselves to improve as people and let go of everything that stagnates them and does not help them. Assertive and blunt when it comes to establishing limits. They have a strong sense of self and do not allow themselves or others to be trampled on by anyone.
⬜Chiron trine Jupiter: They have the ability to teach and inspire others, and help them in the process of finding meaning in their own lives, as well as showing them that they can recover from the tragedies they experience. They can bring out the good side in people and encourage them to improve. Charitable, humanitarian and kind. They do not minimize the suffering or difficulties of others. They validate and support people who need it.
⬜Chiron trine Saturn: They do not let their wounds define them and have a great ability to overcome and heal from what once hurt them. Great maturity and resilience. Another indicator of leadership skills, these people teach others to find their power after they have found theirs. They seek to be the support of others and the support figure that they would have liked to have. They respect limits and beliefs even if they do not share them.
⬜Chiron trine Uranus: These people have the ability to move, let go and get rid of everything that does not contribute to their life or that does not make them happy. Altruistic but with their feet on the ground, they help those who allow themselves to be helped. They inspire others to be themselves without fear of what others say/think and can easily heal the wounds of the public, peers or those who feel they do not fit in.
⬜Chiron trine Neptune: They are people with a very strong imagination and great talents for creating beautiful things. Compassionate, understanding and generous with others. They may have a unique way of wowing others without trying very hard. They support and help others selflessly and can go out of their way to help those who need it. Altruistic and they have an old soul vibe. Very spiritual people who want to help others in their journey in this life.
⬜Chiron trine Pluto: They have a natural ability to get to the bottom of others' wounds, great capacities to help others find their inner power. They are people who have gone through many changes and who see in their wounds something that has made them strong enough to face what life presents them. There is something very appealing about them. Their strength may be something that others find dazzling and inspiring in many ways.
⬜Chiron trine Rising: They are very cordial and fascinating people in the eyes of others. A mixture of friendliness, intelligence and talent. They immerse themselves in a path of healing from a young age and kindly support their loved ones in the process. Ambivert, calm and patient. Many of them want to contribute positively to the lives of people significant to them, showing support and lending their ear and presence. 
⬜Chiron trine Midheaven: They are people perceived as friendly, caring and reliable, many people go to them and open up easily. It is common for many to lean towards a profession in which they provide support and care to other people. They see empathy and altruism as crucial values ​​for creating a better society. Many professional and academic successes await you. Noble heart and actions to contribute to society.
⬜Chiron sextile Sun: Here we find very understanding and empathetic people who are willing to lend a hand to help those who need it most. They are sensitive and altruistic people. It is very likely that they have a very healthy level of self-esteem.They use their experiences and knowledge gained after personal situations to help others find solutions to their problems. 
⬜Chiron sextile Moon: Gentle and loving on the inside regardless of their exterior. They love to show love to those they love and know how to do it well. They adapt to people's love language and unconsciously make them feel comfortable. They are consistent, understanding and very giving when it comes to their bonds.
⬜Chiron sextile Mercury: A calm way of speaking, they know how to get to the core of others. Their words leave a positive mark on others. Constant search for knowledge, especially on spiritual or social issues. Deep understanding of people. They listen and fervently try to make everyone feel like they fit and are part of the group.
⬜Chiron sextile Venus: They like people in contact with their most intense and deep emotions. Love in the most wholesome way possible. A liking for comforting relationships with a strong emotional bond. They help others accept their body and beauty. They can be very good at resolving any conflicts or helping others see the good side of things.
⬜Chiron sextile Mars: They tend to be assertive when communicating what they don't like. They are brave, compassionate and charming. They actively look for ways to help themselves and others. These natives always try to give that feeling of security and protection to those they love and are not afraid to defend those they love from anything.
⬜Chiron sextile Jupiter: They help others see their positive traits and aspects. They are people who have become intelligent and wise because of what they have been through. Search for wisdom, both internal and external, and willingness to be wisdom for others. The trips they take can be healing for them. Kind heart and an appropriate level of empathy. Resilient.
⬜Chiron sextile Saturn: People who are strong in mind and heart, get ahead no matter what. They can provide positive lessons and a lot of support to those they love. They remain kind and compassionate no matter the hardships of life. Independent and highly devoted. Observant and attentive when it comes to others, they respect their own boundaries and those of others.
⬜Chiron sextile Uranus: They have come a long way to find self-acceptance and appreciation for all sides of themselves. Your actions and personality can be inspirational to others. Great sense of friendship, they are altruistic and very considerate of their friends. They feel proud of what makes them different from the rest and share/inspire this feeling with others.
⬜Chiron sextile Neptune: They are amazing at providing emotional support, perhaps sometimes more than practical. People feel good about your presence and readily accept your help. They intuitively know things that can affect or heal other people. They can use spirituality to heal and understand others deeply and to understand themselves better.
⬜Chiron sextile Pluto: They can transform themselves at a deep mental & emotional level, a sensation of reborn after a crisis, whatever it may be. These natives have a great intuition to know about the emotions and wounds of the other. Deep capacity for emotional, psychological and mental connection with many people, regardless of age, gender or background.
⬜Chiron sextile Rising: From a young age they are inclined to help, support and be there for other people. Interest in self-knowledge, psychology and self-improvement. They like to and usually come across as a strong person with whom you can vent, someone kind who understands your wounds. They always treat others as they would like to be treated. 
⬜Chiron sextile Midheaven: Easily gain the appreciation and trust of the people, because they seem approachable, kind and polite. Their work is related to healing issues or other forms of support for sectors of society. Others often see in them a good leader, someone who actively strives to improve the emotional state of the people.
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⬜Chiron opposite Sun: The differences with their fathers could have brought about many issues between them. They may put on a very confident and independent appearance out of fear of being seen for who they are and being judged or criticized for it. He can be a good leader. Issues with your ego, either being too big or too little.
⬜Chiron opposite Moon: People feel safe with them, but they don't usually have that feeling. Issues expressing their feelings and/or communicating their emotional needs. They want to be there for those they love because they know what it feels like to not feel that support. Whether they want to be parents or not, they always show respect and kindness to children.
⬜Chiron opposite Mercury: Sometimes your own mind can hurt you, negative self-talk and view of yourself. They are people with great intelligence and great communication skills. They can have perfectionist tendencies and be very demanding of themselves. Excellent listeners, they can find quick solutions to problems of others but not of themselves.
⬜Chiron opposite Venus: They tend to be people who doubt the love they can receive. Some have the wound of thinking that they will not be loved. Very selective with their partners for fear of getting hurt. Many may ask for their advice on matters of love, regardless of the native's degree of experience. Their love can be very healing and pure.
⬜Chiron opposite Mars: They tend to put barriers between themselves and others, be somewhat defensive, and feel like they have to be alert. Tendency to anxiety and/or nervousness. They allow others to rely on them and do not hesitate to stand up for them. Very well established boundaries and do not allow anyone to be disrespectful to them.
⬜Chiron opposite Jupiter: They may be people who bring positivity to the lives of others but have issues with them staying positive. The hope that good things can happen to them is usually wounded. They are very spiritual people who seek knowledge regarding matters of this type. They seek a deep meaning in all things. Try to stay strong no matter what, 
⬜Chiron opposite Saturn: Tendency to expect the worst to happen. Skeptical and difficult to convince. They do not trust others easily. They could’ve felt that there was no one to rely on and they may have matured due to the absence of a stable and constant figure. Dislike being seen as vulnerable. Independent, logical and seen as strong by others.
⬜Chiron opposite Uranus: Feeling of always being different from the rest. They don’t feel accepted by others. Wounds related to loneliness or some abrupt change in their lives. They accept everyone regardless of their differences and hate making others feel like they are not included. May not want to be seen as weird, but embracing their identity fully will bring healing to them.
⬜Chiron opposite Neptune: Healing abilities that you may not be aware of. They can be very empathic and there is a risk of putting other people's problems on their shoulders. They have a noble and loving heart that they are afraid to show for fear of being deceived or hurt. Looking for physical ways to express their feelings can be very healing for them.
⬜Chiron opposite Pluto: Wounds related to trusting others, betrayals or little support in the past. They may have problems forgiving and/or forgetting. Constant feeling of not being safe, need to be alert and avoid betrayal at all costs. You may have a tendency to isolate yourself. These people definitely change the lives of those around them on a great level.
⬜Chiron opposite Rising: They may have many wounds regarding themselves, their value and abilities. They have a hard time trusting themselves and hate projecting that. Tend to overthink a lot before daring to do something. Help others with things they don't help themselves with. Fight the idea of ​​not being loved. They give themselves completely to loving someone.
⬜Chiron opposite Midheaven: People can see them as a person who has been through a lot and still has a noble heart. Differences with authority figures, it is likely that one of them has hurt them. They may have problems accepting help and having emotionally intimate moments with others. They provide the emotional and/or verbal comfort that they would have liked to receive.
⬜Chiron square Sun: Differences and wounds resulting from the father, his actions or words towards the native. Trouble feeling happy with yourself or proud of who you are. Lack of validation in childhood. Ability to identify the wounds that others hold with themselves. They do not judge others and it's easy for them to be accepting and a positive influence on others. Tendency to doubt oneself a lot and have confidence problems. Helpful and generous. 
⬜Chiron square Moon: These natives carry many childhood wounds, their emotional needs may not be fully met. The relationship with the mother may be somewhat strained at certain points and they may feel that they cannot rely on her. These people are able to give a lot of emotional comfort to others and make them feel truly understood, but they hardly feel understood or connected to others. It is crucial that they heal their inner child.
⬜Chiron square Mercury: Painful words or memories seem to wander around your head constantly. Wounded by cruel comments from people close or significant to the native. They greatly doubt their intelligence. They are very understanding, observant and somewhat shy people, they dislike arguments and never waste their time talking to people who do not want to understand. They give the impression of being very wary, intelligent and rational.
⬜Chiron square Venus: Problems integrating your feminine energy and/or in your relationships. They may enjoy giving sincere compliments to others but have trouble accepting compliments. Your vision of your relationship or marriage may be damaged or you may have seen a lot of pain in the relationships of people you loved. They love intensely and want something genuine that will give them hope in love. Trouble seeing your own beauty.
⬜Chiron square Mars: They may have wounds related to male figures, their masculine energy, and frequent tensions or arguments in their childhood. They like to project themselves as strong and do not like to feel very vulnerable. They are afraid to take risks or initiative. They could feel that they themselves had to save and help themselves. They likely grew up in an environment that was boisterous, aggressive, or tense in some way.
⬜Chiron square Mars: They may have wounds related to male figures, their masculine energy, and frequent tensions or arguments in their childhood. They like to project themselves as strong and do not like to feel very vulnerable. They are afraid to take risks or initiative. They could feel that they themselves had to save and help themselves. They likely grew up in an environment that was boisterous, aggressive, or tense in some way.
⬜Chiron square Jupiter: They may have had great hopes or dreams that were disappointed in some way. They are people who can be hurt easily. Sensitive, very empathetic and compassionate. May have crises of faith, where they feel abandoned by God or another deity. They do not let anyone they love be immersed in sadness, being the natives who motivate them to find their own joy. Wounds are a product of the religion or beliefs that were transmitted to them.
⬜Chiron square Saturn: The father figure or figures that are supposed to be supportive could have hurt the native. Feeling of loneliness and deep sadness. They look for ways to motivate themselves to keep going. Silently caring and attentive with others. They don't put expectations on people but on themselves. Humble people. Respectful, responsible and hard workers. They feel better about themselves by achieving things and feel that it is the only way.
⬜Chiron square Uranus: Wounds from feeling separated, judged or not accepted by members of a community or people your age. Feeling like an outcast. They may have the feeling of being alone even with people. Wounds of abandonment or unstable people/situations in their lives. They may have difficulty loving all sides of themselves, but they want the ones they appreciate to succeed. Family chainbreaker vibes.
⬜Chiron square Neptune: Wounds for feeling forgotten or for feeling that others took advantage of your love and kindness. Evasive tendencies about their own pain, from addictions, overworking, or using humor to hide that the topic hurts them. Unconditionality and great devotion. Wounds of betrayal and/or disappointment from someone they loved. They don't want to worry those they love, so they isolate themselves when they have problems.
⬜Chiron square Pluto: They have a wound related to loss or abandonment, or even a lack of control over their own lives. They are too reserved with what torments them emotionally due to the fear of being judged or betrayed after opening up. They often feel like they can't rely on someone. May have a strong inclination towards spiritual themes as a way of helping themselves and others find inner peace and understanding of their inner demons.
⬜Chiron square Rising: The wound lies in physical appearance and this in turn can affect the way they see other areas of their lives. They are people who are too understanding of others, perhaps more than themselves. They will want and be able to help others not feel or go through what they do. They may have wounds that they have carried since childhood and/or because of one or both parents. They help others but hardly allow themselves to be helped.
⬜Chiron square Midheaven: Natives are likely to doubt their ability to achieve great things and may have a tendency to self-sabotage. They help others but refuse to be helped for fear of looking very vulnerable or weak. The father figure may have hurt the native in some way. They can work hard to not think about their problems. They may have problems trusting themselves and their potential. They are seen as wise and strong by others.
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elysiansparadise · 5 months
Aspects of Chiron
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⚷ Chiron is a comet-asteroid that helps us spot some of our wounds. You can get to know yours on Astro.com in the section “additional objects”. If you want to take a closer look to yours click here -> ⚷
⬜Chiron conjunct Sun: These people have wounds related to acceptance, either from themselves or from others. They may seek to help others in a selfless way, but they do not dare to ask for help or appear very vulnerable. Issues with the father or father figure. They may have confidence problems. They have a lot of charisma and people see them as very kind and polite people. It is likely that both the father and them have had a complicated life.
⬜Chiron conjunct Moon: They immediately make others feel good emotionally, they know what others need to feel good easily. They are very empathetic, caring and attentive people with those they love. They may have differences or issues with the mother. The mother and them could have had a complicated life. They may have trouble setting boundaries. Melancholic tendencies and remembering a lot about what once hurt them in the past.
⬜Chiron conjunct Mercury: These people have the ability to listen and understand well what other people want to express. They are excellent listeners and great advisors. They have a lot of wisdom. The wound lies in not feeling heard or understood by the people around them. They know what it's like to not feel heard, so they always show respect to others by being attentive. May have a tendency to hesitate about their own knowledge.
⬜Chiron conjunct Venus: These natives usually look for emotionally deep relationships in which they can open up to their partner and have them do the same. They may have wounds related to their beauty, feminine side or love life. Their partners can improve a lot thanks to the native and vice versa. They can see beauty in things that others don't. Usually shows an enchanting beauty rather tender and adorable. Great charm.
⬜Chiron conjunct Mars: These people may have had trouble standing up for themselves when they were young, but they never hesitate to stand up for others. Wounds with male figures, sex, or by the anger of others or their own anger. Setting boundaries could have been harsh for them.  They long to be people who guide others through justice, understanding and motivation. Over time they develop a strong temperament.
⬜Chiron conjunct Jupiter: These people have a lot of wisdom in themselves and can be developed souls. They learn from their mistakes and provide support, advice and healing to others. They could have gone through very tense things, which is why they mature before their time. They may doubt your skills and knowledge. Wounds by teachers. They can teach others to see the good side of themselves and look for ways to heal.
⬜Chiron conjunct Saturn: Feeling of not having been supported or of not having had the necessary guidance. They matured before their time and that led them to acquire a lot of wisdom. They will actively work to heal themselves and may become frustrated if they feel that they are not yet there. Their lesson is to learn that healing takes time and that they will eventually achieve it. Wounds related to not feeling enough or underestimating your successes.
⬜Chiron conjunct Uranus: Wounded by having felt different from the rest and/or judged for their uniqueness. These people may seek to help their friends alleviate their emotional problems. They have an eccentric charm and authenticity that attracts attention, becoming inspiring to others. They learned to solve their problems on their own and may have difficulty relying on anyone. Fear of becoming dependent on something or someone.
⬜Chiron conjunct Neptune: True healers, they can give themselves deeply to the work of helping others heal. Great counselors, they instinctively say and do the right thing to support others. Betrayals, deceptions and lies could have hurt them. Great artistic talents, great ability to dazzle many. Sweet, empathetic and very kind to their peers. Music, art and spirituality can be healing for them. Tendency to dissociate to avoid thinking about their problems.
⬜Chiron conjunct Pluto: Betrayals, death and abandonment could have deeply hurt the native. Problems trusting other people but incredibly reliable for those who they love the most. Loyal people who would like someone who would be as loyal as they are. Difficult childhoods in which they did not feel respected or loved. Ability to transform your wounds into your strengths and make them something truly beautiful. Interest in psychology and self-improvement.
⬜Chiron conjunct Rising: They can be very magnetic people to others and will evoke a sense of peace and comfort in others. They will actively seek to help other people feel good about themselves. They may have self-acceptance problems either because of their personality or their physical appearance. People can easily trust them and see in them someone very wise who has been through a lot. Very assertive and constantly wanting to improve.
⬜Chiron conjunct Midheaven: They most likely work on something related to supporting, healing and encouraging other people. From young people they think that the best thing would be to find a path in which they do more good for others. Tendency to set too many expectations for themselves and become frustrated and harsh when not meeting them. People feel naturally drawn to them and feel that they can be understood by them.
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⬜Chiron trine Sun: They are people with a very intelligent and perceptive personality of the people around them, as well as themselves. They can have the gift of healing and be people with a nature that appeals to people because they are not judgmental or criticize or speak badly of others. People not only find them charming, but also kind and admirable. Ease of raising the self-esteem of others and helping them love themselves more.
⬜Chiron trine Moon: You give great emotional comfort to others and seem to understand them better than anyone. People deeply appreciate your support and the willingness you show to get to know them well. Your hugs are the most comforting and you can make others feel through small gestures. Mystical, charming and very empathetic. They love to make others feel safe and protected. You are very sensitive to the emotions of others.
⬜Chiron trine Mercury: Natives with a strong and highly developed intuition, a great ability to analyze the people around them. Your words can be of great help to another and bring them a lot of relief. They are very rational people capable of seeing many sides of the same situation. They may enjoy meditating or other methods to calm the mind. They can work well under pressure and help calm others with just words.
⬜Chiron trine Venus: Ability to help their partners find healing and will seek to accompany them during the process. Love can be healing for them and they have a deep liking to help those who need it most. Can transform their pain into beautiful things through art and/or hobbies they have. Of great tact and assertiveness. They like relationships in which there is mutual protection and where they seek to understand the other deeply.
⬜Chiron trine Mars: We encounter great leaders who, through motivation and meaningful actions [whether big or small] encourage others to help themselves. They have the goal of healing themselves to improve as people and let go of everything that stagnates them and does not help them. Assertive and blunt when it comes to establishing limits. They have a strong sense of self and do not allow themselves or others to be trampled on by anyone.
⬜Chiron trine Jupiter: They have the ability to teach and inspire others, and help them in the process of finding meaning in their own lives, as well as showing them that they can recover from the tragedies they experience. They can bring out the good side in people and encourage them to improve. Charitable, humanitarian and kind. They do not minimize the suffering or difficulties of others. They validate and support people who need it.
⬜Chiron trine Saturn: They do not let their wounds define them and have a great ability to overcome and heal from what once hurt them. Great maturity and resilience. Another indicator of leadership skills, these people teach others to find their power after they have found theirs. They seek to be the support of others and the support figure that they would have liked to have. They respect limits and beliefs even if they do not share them.
⬜Chiron trine Uranus: These people have the ability to move, let go and get rid of everything that does not contribute to their life or that does not make them happy. Altruistic but with their feet on the ground, they help those who allow themselves to be helped. They inspire others to be themselves without fear of what others say/think and can easily heal the wounds of the public, peers or those who feel they do not fit in.
⬜Chiron trine Neptune: They are people with a very strong imagination and great talents for creating beautiful things. Compassionate, understanding and generous with others. They may have a unique way of wowing others without trying very hard. They support and help others selflessly and can go out of their way to help those who need it. Altruistic and they have an old soul vibe. Very spiritual people who want to help others in their journey in this life.
⬜Chiron trine Pluto: They have a natural ability to get to the bottom of others' wounds, great capacities to help others find their inner power. They are people who have gone through many changes and who see in their wounds something that has made them strong enough to face what life presents them. There is something very appealing about them. Their strength may be something that others find dazzling and inspiring in many ways.
⬜Chiron trine Rising: They are very cordial and fascinating people in the eyes of others. A mixture of friendliness, intelligence and talent. They immerse themselves in a path of healing from a young age and kindly support their loved ones in the process. Ambivert, calm and patient. Many of them want to contribute positively to the lives of people significant to them, showing support and lending their ear and presence. 
⬜Chiron trine Midheaven: They are people perceived as friendly, caring and reliable, many people go to them and open up easily. It is common for many to lean towards a profession in which they provide support and care to other people. They see empathy and altruism as crucial values ​​for creating a better society. Many professional and academic successes await you. Noble heart and actions to contribute to society.
⬜Chiron sextile Sun: Here we find very understanding and empathetic people who are willing to lend a hand to help those who need it most. They are sensitive and altruistic people. It is very likely that they have a very healthy level of self-esteem.They use their experiences and knowledge gained after personal situations to help others find solutions to their problems. 
⬜Chiron sextile Moon: Gentle and loving on the inside regardless of their exterior. They love to show love to those they love and know how to do it well. They adapt to people's love language and unconsciously make them feel comfortable. They are consistent, understanding and very giving when it comes to their bonds.
⬜Chiron sextile Mercury: A calm way of speaking, they know how to get to the core of others. Their words leave a positive mark on others. Constant search for knowledge, especially on spiritual or social issues. Deep understanding of people. They listen and fervently try to make everyone feel like they fit and are part of the group.
⬜Chiron sextile Venus: They like people in contact with their most intense and deep emotions. Love in the most wholesome way possible. A liking for comforting relationships with a strong emotional bond. They help others accept their body and beauty. They can be very good at resolving any conflicts or helping others see the good side of things.
⬜Chiron sextile Mars: They tend to be assertive when communicating what they don't like. They are brave, compassionate and charming. They actively look for ways to help themselves and others. These natives always try to give that feeling of security and protection to those they love and are not afraid to defend those they love from anything.
⬜Chiron sextile Jupiter: They help others see their positive traits and aspects. They are people who have become intelligent and wise because of what they have been through. Search for wisdom, both internal and external, and willingness to be wisdom for others. The trips they take can be healing for them. Kind heart and an appropriate level of empathy. Resilient.
⬜Chiron sextile Saturn: People who are strong in mind and heart, get ahead no matter what. They can provide positive lessons and a lot of support to those they love. They remain kind and compassionate no matter the hardships of life. Independent and highly devoted. Observant and attentive when it comes to others, they respect their own boundaries and those of others.
⬜Chiron sextile Uranus: They have come a long way to find self-acceptance and appreciation for all sides of themselves. Your actions and personality can be inspirational to others. Great sense of friendship, they are altruistic and very considerate of their friends. They feel proud of what makes them different from the rest and share/inspire this feeling with others.
⬜Chiron sextile Neptune: They are amazing at providing emotional support, perhaps sometimes more than practical. People feel good about your presence and readily accept your help. They intuitively know things that can affect or heal other people. They can use spirituality to heal and understand others deeply and to understand themselves better.
⬜Chiron sextile Pluto: They can transform themselves at a deep mental & emotional level, a sensation of reborn after a crisis, whatever it may be. These natives have a great intuition to know about the emotions and wounds of the other. Deep capacity for emotional, psychological and mental connection with many people, regardless of age, gender or background.
⬜Chiron sextile Rising: From a young age they are inclined to help, support and be there for other people. Interest in self-knowledge, psychology and self-improvement. They like to and usually come across as a strong person with whom you can vent, someone kind who understands your wounds. They always treat others as they would like to be treated. 
⬜Chiron sextile Midheaven: Easily gain the appreciation and trust of the people, because they seem approachable, kind and polite. Their work is related to healing issues or other forms of support for sectors of society. Others often see in them a good leader, someone who actively strives to improve the emotional state of the people.
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⬜Chiron opposite Sun: The differences with their fathers could have brought about many issues between them. They may put on a very confident and independent appearance out of fear of being seen for who they are and being judged or criticized for it. He can be a good leader. Issues with your ego, either being too big or too little.
⬜Chiron opposite Moon: People feel safe with them, but they don't usually have that feeling. Issues expressing their feelings and/or communicating their emotional needs. They want to be there for those they love because they know what it feels like to not feel that support. Whether they want to be parents or not, they always show respect and kindness to children.
⬜Chiron opposite Mercury: Sometimes your own mind can hurt you, negative self-talk and view of yourself. They are people with great intelligence and great communication skills. They can have perfectionist tendencies and be very demanding of themselves. Excellent listeners, they can find quick solutions to problems of others but not of themselves.
⬜Chiron opposite Venus: They tend to be people who doubt the love they can receive. Some have the wound of thinking that they will not be loved. Very selective with their partners for fear of getting hurt. Many may ask for their advice on matters of love, regardless of the native's degree of experience. Their love can be very healing and pure.
⬜Chiron opposite Mars: They tend to put barriers between themselves and others, be somewhat defensive, and feel like they have to be alert. Tendency to anxiety and/or nervousness. They allow others to rely on them and do not hesitate to stand up for them. Very well established boundaries and do not allow anyone to be disrespectful to them.
⬜Chiron opposite Jupiter: They may be people who bring positivity to the lives of others but have issues with them staying positive. The hope that good things can happen to them is usually wounded. They are very spiritual people who seek knowledge regarding matters of this type. They seek a deep meaning in all things. Try to stay strong no matter what, 
⬜Chiron opposite Saturn: Tendency to expect the worst to happen. Skeptical and difficult to convince. They do not trust others easily. They could’ve felt that there was no one to rely on and they may have matured due to the absence of a stable and constant figure. Dislike being seen as vulnerable. Independent, logical and seen as strong by others.
⬜Chiron opposite Uranus: Feeling of always being different from the rest. They don’t feel accepted by others. Wounds related to loneliness or some abrupt change in their lives. They accept everyone regardless of their differences and hate making others feel like they are not included. May not want to be seen as weird, but embracing their identity fully will bring healing to them.
⬜Chiron opposite Neptune: Healing abilities that you may not be aware of. They can be very empathic and there is a risk of putting other people's problems on their shoulders. They have a noble and loving heart that they are afraid to show for fear of being deceived or hurt. Looking for physical ways to express their feelings can be very healing for them.
⬜Chiron opposite Pluto: Wounds related to trusting others, betrayals or little support in the past. They may have problems forgiving and/or forgetting. Constant feeling of not being safe, need to be alert and avoid betrayal at all costs. You may have a tendency to isolate yourself. These people definitely change the lives of those around them on a great level.
⬜Chiron opposite Rising: They may have many wounds regarding themselves, their value and abilities. They have a hard time trusting themselves and hate projecting that. Tend to overthink a lot before daring to do something. Help others with things they don't help themselves with. Fight the idea of ​​not being loved. They give themselves completely to loving someone.
⬜Chiron opposite Midheaven: People can see them as a person who has been through a lot and still has a noble heart. Differences with authority figures, it is likely that one of them has hurt them. They may have problems accepting help and having emotionally intimate moments with others. They provide the emotional and/or verbal comfort that they would have liked to receive.
⬜Chiron square Sun: Differences and wounds resulting from the father, his actions or words towards the native. Trouble feeling happy with yourself or proud of who you are. Lack of validation in childhood. Ability to identify the wounds that others hold with themselves. They do not judge others and it's easy for them to be accepting and a positive influence on others. Tendency to doubt oneself a lot and have confidence problems. Helpful and generous. 
⬜Chiron square Moon: These natives carry many childhood wounds, their emotional needs may not be fully met. The relationship with the mother may be somewhat strained at certain points and they may feel that they cannot rely on her. These people are able to give a lot of emotional comfort to others and make them feel truly understood, but they hardly feel understood or connected to others. It is crucial that they heal their inner child.
⬜Chiron square Mercury: Painful words or memories seem to wander around your head constantly. Wounded by cruel comments from people close or significant to the native. They greatly doubt their intelligence. They are very understanding, observant and somewhat shy people, they dislike arguments and never waste their time talking to people who do not want to understand. They give the impression of being very wary, intelligent and rational.
⬜Chiron square Venus: Problems integrating your feminine energy and/or in your relationships. They may enjoy giving sincere compliments to others but have trouble accepting compliments. Your vision of your relationship or marriage may be damaged or you may have seen a lot of pain in the relationships of people you loved. They love intensely and want something genuine that will give them hope in love. Trouble seeing your own beauty.
⬜Chiron square Mars: They may have wounds related to male figures, their masculine energy, and frequent tensions or arguments in their childhood. They like to project themselves as strong and do not like to feel very vulnerable. They are afraid to take risks or initiative. They could feel that they themselves had to save and help themselves. They likely grew up in an environment that was boisterous, aggressive, or tense in some way.
⬜Chiron square Mars: They may have wounds related to male figures, their masculine energy, and frequent tensions or arguments in their childhood. They like to project themselves as strong and do not like to feel very vulnerable. They are afraid to take risks or initiative. They could feel that they themselves had to save and help themselves. They likely grew up in an environment that was boisterous, aggressive, or tense in some way.
⬜Chiron square Jupiter: They may have had great hopes or dreams that were disappointed in some way. They are people who can be hurt easily. Sensitive, very empathetic and compassionate. May have crises of faith, where they feel abandoned by God or another deity. They do not let anyone they love be immersed in sadness, being the natives who motivate them to find their own joy. Wounds are a product of the religion or beliefs that were transmitted to them.
⬜Chiron square Saturn: The father figure or figures that are supposed to be supportive could have hurt the native. Feeling of loneliness and deep sadness. They look for ways to motivate themselves to keep going. Silently caring and attentive with others. They don't put expectations on people but on themselves. Humble people. Respectful, responsible and hard workers. They feel better about themselves by achieving things and feel that it is the only way.
⬜Chiron square Uranus: Wounds from feeling separated, judged or not accepted by members of a community or people your age. Feeling like an outcast. They may have the feeling of being alone even with people. Wounds of abandonment or unstable people/situations in their lives. They may have difficulty loving all sides of themselves, but they want the ones they appreciate to succeed. Family chainbreaker vibes.
⬜Chiron square Neptune: Wounds for feeling forgotten or for feeling that others took advantage of your love and kindness. Evasive tendencies about their own pain, from addictions, overworking, or using humor to hide that the topic hurts them. Unconditionality and great devotion. Wounds of betrayal and/or disappointment from someone they loved. They don't want to worry those they love, so they isolate themselves when they have problems.
⬜Chiron square Pluto: They have a wound related to loss or abandonment, or even a lack of control over their own lives. They are too reserved with what torments them emotionally due to the fear of being judged or betrayed after opening up. They often feel like they can't rely on someone. May have a strong inclination towards spiritual themes as a way of helping themselves and others find inner peace and understanding of their inner demons.
⬜Chiron square Rising: The wound lies in physical appearance and this in turn can affect the way they see other areas of their lives. They are people who are too understanding of others, perhaps more than themselves. They will want and be able to help others not feel or go through what they do. They may have wounds that they have carried since childhood and/or because of one or both parents. They help others but hardly allow themselves to be helped.
⬜Chiron square Midheaven: Natives are likely to doubt their ability to achieve great things and may have a tendency to self-sabotage. They help others but refuse to be helped for fear of looking very vulnerable or weak. The father figure may have hurt the native in some way. They can work hard to not think about their problems. They may have problems trusting themselves and their potential. They are seen as wise and strong by others.
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elysiansparadise · 5 months
Chiron: Our wounds in the chart
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⚷ Chiron is a comet-asteroid that helps us spot some of our wounds. In addition to that, Chiron usually symbolizes the way in which we can heal, as well as show a little charisma through the chart, however in this post I will only talk about wounds and healing. You can get to know yours on Astro.com in the section “additional objects”.
🟫Chiron in 1st house: The wounds fall on oneself, the natives with this placement may have problems accepting themselves, both some facets of their personality and themselves. Self-esteem issues, dissatisfaction with your body, and a desire for a change in your body. The natives have problems to show themselves as they are, to be themselves when surrounded by other people, they are somewhat introverted. They help others to feel better about themselves, to see their good and positive sides, but many times they cannot see something bright in themselves. They question themselves a lot, they may have a tendency to doubt themselves and be somewhat insecure.
🟤Chiron in Aries: The wound lies in the feeling of not being able to be themselves without feeling judged. Ego wounds. Tendency to repress anger. Feeling that in the past they were very submissive and not wanting to be so anymore. Fear of taking the initiative. Much focus on body imperfections that others do not notice.
🤎Ways to work on this: Make a list of things you are good at. Look in the mirror and say loving or positive words to yourself. Find ways to express yourself. Wear comfortable clothes that allow you to feel good about your body. Do not compare yourself with people and progress independently. Accept yourself little by little and just as you are aware of your flaws, become aware of your virtues. Take the advice you give to others. By helping others you help yourself.
🟫Chiron in 2nd house: Insecurity lies in self-worth and self-esteem. The native can be very critical of themselves, they can feel that they aren’t safe no matter where they are. They feel that they have never known stability, and may have had a life with many ups and downs and a sense of little consistency from others. They may not fully enjoy indulging or spoiling themselves. Fear of becoming too attached to things or people.They may feel empty inside, as if something is missing to be completely happy. These natives always make others feel good about who they are, show them that they are enough, that they are beautiful, and open their eyes to see all the good that surrounds them. 
🟤Chiron in Taurus: They do not feel stability in their life or in their relationships. Feeling of not being worth as much as others. They do not value themselves or their abilities. They may either have a tendency to develop some kind of attachment or have difficulty sticking to something. Dissatisfied with the way your body looks.
🤎Ways to work on this: Look in the mirror and tell yourself that you value yourself. Buy nice details. Organize your space and throw away the things that you no longer use or do not serve you. Try to get some exercise to clear your mind or go for a walk. Find and play with  your style and aesthetic. Sleep when you need to, eat when you need to, listen to your body. Massage your body, your legs and buy essences to purify your environment. Take long showers or baths.
🟫Chiron in 3rd house: The wounds can come from the native's school days, they could have difficulties connecting with others and even difficulties feeling ready or able to learn. They can talk to themselves in a brusque and somewhat insensitive way. Some of them have been judged for their way of thinking and their opinions, people could make them feel unintelligent. They tend to doubt their abilities. You may have trouble connecting with others, feel like you don't make yourself understood, that others don't listen to you, or that what you say isn't important when in fact, it’s really important. You are an excellent listener and an amazing counselor, your words heal and are valuable.
🟤Chiron in Gemini: The voice in their minds can be a bit cruel and overly critical. They don't trust their thoughts. They doubt a lot. Wounds caused by brothers or cousins. Feeling of not being understood when you want to say something. They feel that they are not being heard or that others don’t appreciate what they are saying.
🤎Ways to work on this: Keep a journal where you constantly vent. Writing can be healing for you. Sing. Look for activities to spend your mental energy. Take walks with music to relax. Write the ideas you have. Draw. Talk to the people you love, say what you feel you want and don't care what others think. Write a letter to yourself, either telling how your day was or a love letter to yourself. Learn on your own and don't be afraid to ask questions.
🟫Chiron in 4th house: Yesterday's wounds feel as fresh as the sun through the window of a new day. The native has an excellent memory, so excellent that it makes them remember things that hurt them in the past. Carry many emotional wounds in relation to the family, parents and childhood. Could have had a sad and lonely childhood, feeling left out by family. May not have allowed you to be sensitive or have judged them for being very emotional, so they keep what they feel to themselves and may feel uncomfortable having to talk about their emotions and heaviness. Feeling of having lost home. You make others feel comfortable and safe, you do not judge their emotions and you emotionally nurture like no one else.
🟤Chiron in Cancer: There are wounds caused by childhood and the mother. You may feel that your emotions and needs are ignored or unappreciated. Feeling unloved. Fear of being too sensible or vulnerable in others eyes. Difficulty opening up. Fear of being abandoned or feeling that they were abandoned. Fear of being forgotten.
🤎Ways to work on this: Hug yourself. Cook or eat something you like. Write everything you feel. Watch movies you watched in your childhood. Find activities that nurture your inner child. You can meditate. Sleep when you're sleepy, not when you're bored or sad. Cry if you feel like you want to. Satisfy your needs before those of the rest. Swim a little. Take a long bath. Identify your emotions and look for solutions just as you do with others.
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🟫Chiron in 5th house: The wound lies in the self-expression and the ego. These natives may feel unappreciated or undervalued, and may deal with the feeling of being ignored and judged by others. May be judged for being “not so rational” when young, becoming more reserved and self-conscious. They may have trouble believing in the potential of their talents or even seeing themselves as talented. They are afraid that others will see them as immature, ridiculous or very incoherent. They decide to be guided more by the mind due to the distrust of being guided by the heart and getting hurt or badly off. They help others see their brilliance and be who they really are without fear of public opinion.
🟤Chiron in Leo: Their fears often block their creativity. Fear that others will harm them and make them feel inferior. Lack of spontaneity. Fear of being ignored or being judged by others. An internal desire to shine and to be recognized for their virtues, for being who they are. Desire to be accepted.
🤎Ways to work on this: Express yourself through art, writing, dance, painting, music. Look in the mirror and say that you love yourself and that you are worth it. Recognize your virtues and talents first. Make a list of everything you're good at. Make a list of virtues that define you. Do the things you want because you want to, not to impress others. Get rid of the opinion of others. Become aware of virtues and flaws, value yourself for the good and work on the bad.
🟫Chiron in 6th house: The wound falls in living in the expectations and trying to be perfect. Natives with this placement have difficulty relaxing, they are prone to demanding a lot from themselves and setting very high standards for themselves. Work hard to improve themselves, too critical of what they do and very hard once they make a mistake. Could feel that family or superiors put more pressure on them. They need to feel productive and useful, they enjoy helping others both on a practical and emotional level, but they do not allow themselves to be helped. Make others aware that they don't have to be perfect, that they are great just the way they are and make them treat themselves more gently.
🟤Chiron in Virgo: Excessive desire for self-control and not showing vulnerability. Inability to accept or ask for help. You can help others so much that you forget to help yourself. You feel like you never do enough or that you don't do it that well. They may have overthinking and anxiety problems.
🤎Ways to work on this: Interact with animals, pet a cat or a dog. Clean your room or area where you spend more time. Water the plants. Go shopping. Make lists where you set small goals and reward yourself when you achieve them. Give yourself a compliment in front of the mirror. When you finish doing something, thank yourself for having done valuable work. After helping others, give yourself some time to fix your own problems. Make it a habit to write in a journal.
🟫Chiron in 7th house: The wound falls in relationships and in the way of interacting with other people. Many people may feel that they connect easily with the native, that they are understood and appreciated, but the native has trouble connecting with others, feeling loved or comfortable with other people. You can have problems in your relationships attracting hurt people, with problems or in the worst cases, victimized people. They have a tendency to keep their distance from others so as not to get hurt, they fear the idea of ​​infidelity or that their partner does not trust them. They are people with a lot of tact and understanding of the pain of others, empathetic and people trust them easily.
🟤Chiron in Libra: They have trouble finding a balance between others and themselves. They feel that their lives are out of balance. Trouble opening up romantically or with a partner. Sensation of being alone even if accompanied. Wounds from injustice and betrayal. Feeling that you must always be alert.
🤎Ways to work on this: Get together with fewer people but give you a more positive relationship. Be open to meeting people. Identify what went wrong in other relationships and learn from those mistakes. Go shopping and dress as you like. Analyze and give yourself the time to get to know people before you open up. Do not let others' issues eclipse yours. Practice some kind of art. Give yourself time to heal before opening yourself up to a new relationship [love or friendship].
🟫Chiron in 8th house: The wound lies in the betrayals of the past that are etched in their minds. Tendency to blame themselves for things that weren’t in their control. Fear of generating some type of attachment with another person, since it is not easy for them to trust others and their intentions. When someone betrays them, they prefer to close their hearts with a triple lock and never trust others again. May be issues related to a person who should have been there for the native but never was, a feeling of little support. Wounds related to sexuality or sexual life. Some may judge you based on your sexual preferences or your sex life. They give others intensity and stability, they never judge, they only understand.
🟤Chiron in Scorpio: Some of these natives fear losing a loved one, they fear change or being very close to someone. They don't forget or forgive easily if you hurt them. There is a strong emotional wound related to lies, betrayal, deception, or estrangement. Either afraid or fascinated by death. Fear of being dependent.
🤎Ways to work on this: Shadow work, use esotericism in your favor. Astrology to understand you better and accept you. Swim or do other activities in the water. Forgive, practice forgetting if you can't forgive and stay away from those who don't bring you anything positive. Meditate or do some sport to vent your emotions. Establish healthy boundaries and break down some blocks that you put between yourself and others.
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🟫Chiron in 9th house: The wounds of the native fall on the issue of faith and feeling discriminated. They are people who for things in life have become skeptical, have lost faith that there is goodness in the world, and have even lost faith in themselves and their abilities. People can offend or annoy them because of their way of thinking, because of their beliefs, or because of things like their gender, their religion, or their race. They could have coexisted with people who are intolerant. May have problems with teachers. They make others feel full and happy very easily, they like to surround themselves with people who are different from them and do not discriminate against them for their differences.
🟤Chiron in Sagittarius: Problems seeing the bright side of life, tendency to skepticism and excessive pessimism. They constantly feel judged. Problems for being different or having opinions that differ from those of the family. Lack of faith in life. Feeling that people do not understand your point of view.
🤎Ways to work on this: Look for answers to the questions you have. Write your dreams and things that make you happy. Remember that happiness is moments not eternity, do things that give you happiness even if it is momentary. Travel, physically or spiritually. Learn about a topic that interests you. When you think about the bad, make a list of the good. Try new things and connect with people from other places. 
🟫Chiron in 10th house: The wound of these natives is tied to their need to want to go far and fear of failure. The native's parents could have demanded a lot from them, but at the same time not having valued the achievements that the natives had and simply asking for more and more. The native fears being judged, but wants their efforts to be recognized. They are afraid of failing, making mistakes and that people will point them out for it. It is likely that they grew up in a tense environment and had to learn to have inner peace despite external chaos. Problems with the father and/or authority figures. They give a sense of peace and stability to others, ease to guide them and value their efforts.
🟤Chiron in Capricorn: Feeling of being in the crosshairs and constant judgment of your father. Misunderstandings with him. They feel that much is required of them and that others have results more easily than they do. Lack of recognition for their work. Problems with authority figures. They matured before their time.
🤎Ways to work on this: Reward yourself once you achieve something no matter how small you think it is. Allow yourself to feel angry. Acknowledge your own efforts before wanting others to do so. Write a list of your goals and aspirations. Write your talents and abilities that you have. Be patient with yourself and do not want immediate results. Look at yourself in the mirror and tell how capable you are to achieve whatever you want.
🟫Chiron in 11th house: The wound falls into the feeling of not belonging and being invisible. These natives may have difficulty finding their place in a group of people, they may feel that they do not fit in with people their age because of how they think, with their "friends" or even with their family. Loneliness hurts them but they have already gotten used to it in a certain way. Some fear being themselves and adapt to what is trendy to fit in, many others prefer not to fit in and continue to be themselves, whatever it is, they rarely feel like they belong. They may feel that society or others do not accept them. They have the ability to accept others as they are and make friends with anyone.
🟤Chiron in Aquarius: They feel that it is there for friends but they are not there for the native. Trouble feeling like you fit in and having friends. Friendships that hurt them. They feel judged because others see them as weird. You feel misunderstood, abandoned and ignored. Fear that their freedom will be taken away. Some fear of commitment.
🤎Ways to work on this: Be selective about the people you surround yourself with. Meet people through the internet. In your privacy, dance and sing like crazy. Get rid of the opinion of others. Put creative ideas you have into action. Make a list of what makes you unique. Have a blog. Enjoy your time alone trying new things, or doing what you like the most. Understand that you are not the problem or others, you just haven't met the right people. Get creative and authentic.
🟫Chiron in 12th house: The wounds fall on the feeling that their suffering is ignored or less important than that of others. They tend to hide when they suffer, when they are sad or emotionally ill because they feel that it is not something that others pay attention to, or that they are not very interested in. They have a tendency to solve other people's problems so as not to think about their own. They are more sensitive and understanding with others than with themselves. They may fear looking or feeling victimized by seeing their own problems. They may have been made to think or feel that their suffering was not of great importance. They are sensitive, compassionate and true healers and love to help others.
🟤Chiron in Pisces: They are defensive because they feel very vulnerable. They fear that others will use them and their empathy. They may feel insecure about themselves. They want to help others but they do not help themselves. Some may have faith problems. They put others before themselves.
🤎Ways to work on this: Write what you feel, paint something that reflects how you feel. Balance your time with others and alone. Meditate or do some yoga. Make a playlist for yourself, write yourself positive notes, listen to music, sing. Have creative isolations from time to time, but don't forget to connect with others. Daydream when you have free time. Taking a bath with rose petals or rosemary. Write what you dream.
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⚷ Next we will talk about Chiron's aspects. I limited myself to write about certain planets or angles, making either a positive or tense aspect with Chiron to make it easy to read. 
🟫Making aspects with Sun: These natives quickly identify when others have problems with something about themselves. They know how to raise the self-esteem of those they love and how to help them improve their relationship with themselves. These natives have problems accepting themselves, it is likely that they have made them doubt or be very ashamed of some traits of their personality. The relationship with the father can be complicated. Your relationship with yourself can be complicated. Tendency to self-sabotage. The problems with the father are stronger, since the actions of the father could deeply hurt the native. They are an empathetic and understanding person of others, always willing to support someone who is going through a difficult time. They use their experiences and situations to help others find solutions to their problems. Knows how to listen. Excellent advisers. Make others feel better about themselves. 
🟫Making aspects with the Moon: They easily heal other people's emotions, they are trustworthy and people feel safe with them. They may have problems with the mother, have a mother who has had very difficult experiences or a mother that tends to victimize herself. They can perfectly remember past wounds and take time to recover from them. They feel insecure when it comes to projecting their emotions and prefer to keep them to themselves, it can be difficult for them to form emotional bonds due to insecurities or past issues. It is difficult for them to open up emotionally because of the fear or being too vulnerable or others taking advantage because of that. They are extremely sensitive to the suffering of others, they like to take care of those who are most vulnerable. If they have children, the problems of their children will hurt the natives deeply. They may feel that childhood was somewhat complicated and that their needs were not fully met. 
🟫Making aspects with Mercury: Tendency to constantly remember embarrassments and difficult moments of the past. The relationship with siblings can be either very bad or very healing. They are great at understanding other people's problems and looking for solutions, but not for their own problems. They may question their own intelligence, feel inadequate, or feel that it is difficult for them to learn. They may tell you that their voice is very low [unless it’s in a fire sign], some may have dyslexia or stutter. School life could have been complex. Their wound could cause the native to generate nervousness. Their words have a healing quality and in fact many may like the sound of their voice [especially with aspects like trine or sextile], they help others a lot and their advice is often very welcome by others. They have a lot of knowledge of how to help others and understand them. May have an interest in psychology and anything to comprehend how wounds work and how to heal. 
🟫Making aspects with Venus: The subject of love can be somewhat complex. You can attract or seek to be healed through love or heal your loved one. They seek a relationship in which both heal and fully trust each other. Fear of being cheated on or that your partner is lying to you. Great counselors of love even if they consider that they do not have much experience. They love in a very pure way and may have this tendency to not see the flaws in their partner. They may have issues accepting their beauty or feeling attractive. Art can be very healing for them and their artistic work may be able to heal others. They are perfect companions who always help those they love, and may feel unloved at times. Fear that someone is with them just to use them. Their love has a healing quality, they make those they love feel in a unique and beautiful way. The native may have problems with female figures or embracing their femenine side regardless of their gender.
🟫Making aspects with Mars: They may be afraid of taking the initiative for many things, of seeing themselves as too aggressive, but they are also afraid of seeing themselves as too weak. They are excellent leaders who will always defend those who need it or who cannot defend themselves. They may have grown up or been in a very tense, aggressive, or violent environment, which makes them feel like they must always be defensive or alert. They have very well defined boundaries and will do anything to make people respect them. People feel safe and protected by them. Afraid of being seen as fragile, they cover up their issues, problems and rather deal with it independently. They may have problems with male figures in their life. They learned not to rely on others to save them from their problems and instead saved themselves. They can motivate and encourage others to do the same. Tendency to repress anger or desires for fear of taking risks.
🟫Making aspects with Jupiter: They have a facility for understanding and helping others in their emotional crises, both emotionally and in a practical sense. They are very sensitive people and can be easily hurt. They can grow a lot spiritually after overcoming their problems and helping others to get ahead. You may have trouble trusting your own charm and luck, in fact you may sometimes feel like you're out of luck. They can have abundance and luck once they help heal others. You can put so much focus on helping others that you forget to help yourself. They seek to bring positivity to those in need. These people have a lot of spiritual maturity that allows them to learn from negative experiences and the positive aspects of Chiron-Jupiter makes them overcome problems more easily and makes others overcome things more easily too. With the tense aspects it may cost you a bit and you may not see it that way, but you will have the good side.
🟫Making aspects with Saturn: These natives do not treat themselves delicately, they can demand a lot of themselves even after having emotional issues. They may have problems with their dads or authority figures. They do not like to depend on someone to solve their problems. They are excellent at finding quick solutions to other people's problems. They may have trouble having a little fun for themselves or allowing themselves to enjoy life a little, at the same time they feel that they need to be more organized, rational or methodical. They may have a feeling of abandonment or coldness that comes from a somewhat unhappy or difficult childhood. They may have problems with frequent sadness, periods of depression or little desire to do their daily activities. Cold outside, warm on the inside. They prefer to be on their own and are in constant alert. They have a hard time healing but they manage to be the person they would have liked so much to have in the past.
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🟫Making aspects with Uranus: They may feel that there is a problem with them, that there is something wrong that they cannot connect with others easily. They can find healing through being alone, with friends or on the internet doing other activities. There may be problems with some relatives due to incompatibilities. Despite being well alone, they fear that they will never be accepted, that they will be marginalized and alienated. They make others learn to be fine on their own, to feel proud of who they are. The natives go a long way to find beauty in what makes them different. They seek to heal their group, it is usual to see them as the counselors of a group of friends or of some community. They can be very good at healing the inner chaos of others, but not so good at their own. Once they accept their own quirks, they will begin to attract people who love their quirks as much as they do, and who share ways of thinking.
🟫Making aspects with Neptune: They feel the need to help the other person, here we have the true empaths, people who have a natural healing quality. They are amazing at providing emotional support, perhaps sometimes more than practical. They sense the wounds of others but may ignore or not know how to handle their own. Sometimes they feel other people's wounds as their own, they can be too empathetic and that can harm them. People feel good about your presence and readily accept your help. It is easy for them to know when a person or even an animal is having a bad time. Others may have made them feel invisible and even forgettable. They have a noble and loving heart that they are afraid to show for fear of being deceived or hurt. But there is something genuinely beautiful in them, and it is that their tenderness and good treatment are not easily forgotten, they make others believe that there are good people in the world.
🟫Making aspects with Pluto: There is something very powerful in them, they manage to transform themselves at a deep level, to be reborn after a crisis, whatever it may be. They are really strong and powerful, they take their time to heal, but healing for them does not usually include forgiving and forgetting as such. They can be somewhat spiteful if you hurt them and they never forget how you make them feel. They may have felt some kind of rejection or hatred in their childhood. These people definitely change the lives of those around them, they have a great intuition to know about the emotions and wounds of the other, they know how to understand and heal them like no one else can. If there is something they have, it is that they know themselves perfectly and seek to transform and make something beautiful and inspiring of their pain.
🟫Making aspects with Rising: These natives may have a facility for healing other people and may actively seek to help others overcome their problems and overcome traumas of any kind. They are very observant and aware of the difficulties and problems of others. However, they have problems healing their own wounds, they are very critical and demanding with them. They hesitate before daring to do something, they usually do not show themselves completely for fear of being judged. Perhaps from a very young age they felt attracted to the topic of helping and healing others. Interest in meditation, therapy or psychology. They like to come across as a strong person with whom you can vent, someone kind who understands your wounds. They always treat others as they would like to be treated. They may have trouble accepting the way their body looks and may see flaws in themselves that others don't pay attention to.
🟫Making aspects with Midheaven: These natives can easily gain the appreciation and trust of the people, because they seem approachable, kind and polite. People can see them as a person who has been through a lot and still has a noble heart. They actively seek to be a person who helps people get ahead and heal through work. They may have a job related to helping others, or at least a job where they inspire others to excel. They may have many problems or differences with authorities. They may feel that it is difficult for them to go far and may doubt their abilities to improve themselves. People tend to see in them a good leader, someone who actively strives to improve the emotional state of the people. If the aspect is tense, people will still find comfort and trust in them, but they will also know that the native is not dealing with their own wounds. You can find a lot of academic and professional success once you heal your emotional world.
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elysiansparadise · 5 months
Composite Chart observations
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🤍Jupiter or Part of Fortune in the 1st house not only indicates that you feel more joyful with the other, but that when or after being with the other, many opportunities of any kind can come to you. The relationship will bring with it a lot of self-improvement for both and a feeling that things in life become simpler.
🤍When Sun it's in the 7th, 8th or 12th house we find ourselves in a mirror relationship, in which you will show each other the other sides of yourselves that you had never been aware of. They will be more similar than they look, because in terms of core they can be very alike. The other will openly display behaviors that you repress.
🤍A peculiarity of Mars and/or Mercury in the 11th house is that both are likely to have very different personal opinions but very similar goals. They may be very different at first impression and even have very different ways of behaving, but they can understand each other well and go after what they want as a team.
🤍I have noticed that when Saturn is making just positive aspects on a composite chart, it is capable of helping the tensions that some squares can cause, as it adds stability and durability to the dynamics of the relationship, but above all the willingness to solve problems by fact that both see in this relationship something to maintain in the long term.
🤍The Moon-Venus conjunction gives us that relationship in which if one of the parties is moody and the other enters the room, their day immediately brightens. It seems that they only need to see each other to be happier. They evoke a lot of sweetness and tenderness in each other. They will love to take care of each other in every way, from the most practical to the emotional side, without forgetting to mention how comfortable they feel simply being by each other's side.
🤍Jupiter or Saturn in the 10th house cause there to be a mutual and very strong admiration for the person the other is, what they achieve and their ambition. If these planets positively aspect the Sun, Venus or Mercury will constantly let each other know, and even other people.
🤍Having a Stellium in the 11th house makes the dynamic lighthearted, fun and very pleasant for both of you. You will feel that you can be yourself uninhibitedly and be able to express your ideas and emotions without being judged. Likewise, they will have a great willingness to help each other and will awaken the empathetic and altruistic side of the other. They can have very similar worldviews despite differences in temperament and attitude.
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🤍Venus in Aries allows the duo to spend many moments of joy and laughter. They may have many similarities between them and love to joke with each other. It is an indicator of playful teasing, of a lot of enthusiasm and fun. They really love each other's company, even if it's just few minutes. They highly value being authentic and transparent with others.
🤍When the Moon or Venus is in the 12th house, it shows us a duo or a couple who is affectionate or more affectionate in private, they may prefer a moment of greater intimacy since it makes them likely to be very reserved people with their feelings but, surprisingly , very open between them.
🤍Neptune in water houses favors emotional connection and the ability to intuit the feelings of the other, also giving the sensation of understanding each other without words and without much difficulty. They can have a very great feeling of adoration and fascination for each other, as well as devotion.
🤍The Moon-Neptune aspects make them deeply connected to each other on an almost inexplicable level. Both not only read and understand each other like no one else, but they seem to quickly feel what the other feels. They can infect each other with their moods. It is even likely that, for example, if one is thinking about the other, the other will send a message or call them on the phone. They absorb each other's mood and can quickly adopt their usual behaviors or phrases even without realizing it.
🤍With Pluto in the 9th house, both will profoundly change the way the other sees things. Being together and having a regular conversation with each other entails many epiphanies, seeing things from other perspectives and feeling that things finally make sense. Both have the goal of teaching each other a lot and fully trust that the other positively influences their lives. They simultaneously add depth and fun to the other person's life.
🤍Having Mars in the angles makes both of you motivated almost instantly. Being next to each other makes them feel energized, motivated and they easily make the other feel capable of achieving and going after everything they want. They can bring out the confident and sociable side of each other.
🤍When you have Venus or Moon in the 10th house, the duo shows others, consciously or unconsciously, the high degree of affection and appreciation they have for each other. People tend to see them as very similar and compatible like each other and they tend to provoke adoration in others. It may even be a couple or pair of friends that others find admirable or your dynamic may be something that people would like to have in their lives.
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elysiansparadise · 5 months
Thoughts on Jupiter in the first house?
Jupiter in the 1st house
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These people have the quality of having a jovial spirit and a wise mind, making it likely that when they are young they will seem older due to their level of maturity and wisdom but this without ever losing the charismatic touch in their character. Contrary to what is usually said, they can choose the side of introversion and need a lot of time alone; they are very introspective people who seek to understand themselves deeply. They seek to contribute positive things to the world and people can see them as teachers, guides, reliable, experienced and/or knowledgeable people. They are people with spiritual interests, they have a healthy level of confidence, with a deep inner world, their main interest may be self-knowledge, the development of their spirituality or feeding their inner world with data that leads them to become the person that they aspire to be. These natives, even if they are not aware, can easily spread positivity and joy to others, being able to put a smile on the faces of those they love the most. They have a lot of positive karma and can have many lucky moments throughout their lives compared to the average.
They have the brightest, biggest and most expressive smiles, they usually have very attractive bodies, toned legs or whose shape is attractive. It is common for them to be tall and have well-proportioned faces. They attract a lot of attention because they have the right level of mysticism and mysteries as well as a fun, curious and polite personality. They can seek and achieve in the process inspiring and motivating people. They tend to leave positive lessons in each person they meet and are usually memorable for these or other qualities. Generous, friendly and observant, they will never fear what seems different from them and will stand out for having an attitude that is open to understanding people and situations with which they do not usually deal. This placement gives them leadership skills, being people who not only boss around, but can unite a group of people and work with them for the common good. These natives are dreamers and deeply enjoy wandering between their future plans and visualizing themselves in scenarios that they would like to live.
Throughout life, they will stand out for their intellect and interest in social, spiritual and cultural topics. The majority tend to feel enchanted or attracted to various cultures, they may even have one in particular with which they feel a specific inclination. They can be people who, either because of their own issues or because of the environment in which they grew up, place very high expectations on themselves, want to achieve many things and become the person they want to be. Many times unrealistic or perfection expectations can be placed on them. From a very young age they form their own criteria and decide to live their lives based on the morals and criteria that they themselves develop. They are not influenceable people and they never limit themselves to just accepting the information or the first impression they have of something or someone. They are always open to inform themselves and learn more.
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elysiansparadise · 5 months
Oppositions in the chart
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🟤Sun opposition Moon: The native can become very different once you get to know them in depth. You can reject your own needs or ignore them. They have a lot of charisma and a great sense of self-worth. The native is different from their family and their parents in particular. There may be problems between your father and mother or they may be very different. Sensitive to criticism. Your family life can be a rollercoaster. They work very hard to understand their emotions, which are often very complex and intense. They tend to be either very loved by a certain group of people or feel rejected and excluded by others.
🟤Sun opposition Mars: These natives may subconsciously reject their impulses or anger, and fear the idea of ​​reflecting as fearful or weak. Even if they don't look for conflict, they can see a lot of drama around them. Tendency to repress anger and explode once they can no longer hold it. Male figures frequently argue with you. They have a taste or attraction for adrenaline, excitement and fun. They tend to be on the defensive many times, and they can do so even without realizing it. They are likely to make rash decisions. Risk of injury or injury due to hyperactivity. They may feel at war with others or with themselves constantly.
🟤Sun opposition Jupiter: People who can achieve success easily. They may have to learn to resist temptation. They have a desire to know many things, to explore, to have fun and adventure. The father may be arrogant or have ego problems. Disgust for excessively controlling authorities, they will always prioritize their freedom and authenticity. Charming socially, but may need to isolate themselves after prolonged interaction. They have great ambition and desire to go far in life. They can be extreme when they like something, taking it to extremes [if they like such an activity, they can spend a lot of their time doing it].
🟤Sun opposition Saturn: They are very reserved and quiet-looking people. People know about them what they want them to know. They are very demanding of themselves. Differences with father or authority figures. For them, first you work and then you play. They have difficulties accepting and loving themselves. They are very sincere and honest, they always like to do the right thing. Observers who are aware of everything that happens around them. They seek to isolate themselves from ​​meeting new people, they find it difficult to open up and trust. Pessimistic and fatalistic tendencies.
🟤Sun opposition Uranus: They have trouble asking for help as they prefer to be independent in all situations. There may be estrangement with the father or the native may see him as an eccentric, unusual or very intelligent man. Their energy is variable, being sometimes very restless or needing more rest. They easily adapt to changes and have the need to renew, improve or make adjustments to themselves. Need to be original. Their eccentricities are charismatic, but they usually have a hard time accepting them completely. They feel uncertainty and bewilderment towards the future.
🟤Sun opposition Neptune: Kind, creative and very introspective personality, introverted tints. The natives will feel the father distant, physically or emotionally, sometimes they can see him as someone kind, naive, unrealistic, irresponsible or with escapist tendencies. They tend to daydream when things in the real world get tense or unpleasant. They are very intuitive with people, but sometimes they can feel blocked from allowing the full potential of their intuition to be discovered. They can do a lot for others without expecting anything in return. Inclination or tendency to live paranormal or "magical" experiences.
🟤Sun opposition Pluto: Natives with this placement usually have a tense relationship with their father, they may distrust him or see him as someone very controlling. They often hide some sides of their personality, they show themselves much stronger before others. They dislike feeling or looking weak in front of others. They may have a strained relationship with themselves, from being very critical or negative with themselves. They are very reserved people and do not usually talk much about them. They may distrust their own strength, courage, or themselves in general. 
🟤Moon opposition Mercury: Excellent counselors who don't often take their own advice. Difficulty talking about their emotions. They are very easily distracted and their mind is a great source of ideas. Lots of creativity, they are people who communicate in a very convincing way. Communicating with family, especially mother or other female figures, can be difficult for the native. You may prefer to be silent and not speak, and even believe or feel that you aren’t being heard when you speak. Prone to criticism of any kind. Conflict between emotion and reason. May alternate and be either very mental or very emotional.
🟤Moon opposition Venus: Sensation of not having been loved by the family, by the mother or a female figure. Problems feeling comfortable with themselves. Charisma and kindness towards others, they will take care of those they love but they have to be fair with themselves and let themselves be loved and cared for by others. Conflict between what you want and what you need. Feeling of not having much luck in love. Despite their appeal, they may prefer to spend most of their time alone. Artistic hobbies and they can be very talented in that field. They think they have to work more than the rest to be happy.
🟤Moon opposition Mars: They may be always alert and defensive from a difficult, aggressive, or violent childhood. The relationship with the parents can be somewhat tense. You may see your parents [mostly the mother] as either aggressive or very protective. They will never hesitate to defend the weakest, they have a lot of courage. They get impatient and angry easily. They could have been hurt a lot as children, have scars from accidents or things that happened in their childhood. Tendency to hyperactivity. They are cold or strong people on the outside but affectionate on the inside.
🟤Moon opposition Jupiter: These people radiate comfort and are a great source of joy for their loved ones. They may be people with a tendency to eat or sleep a lot. Some distance from the mother or she may be very different from the native. Great need to experience new things, non-routine people. Tendency to procrastinate or leave activities for the last to prioritize your joy. Naturally charismatic. Kind and giving, they have a tendency to give more than they receive. Constantly forget things when they travel. Remembering the past or living a lot in it prevents them from living those new experiences that excite them.
🟤Moon opposition Saturn: They repress their emotions for fear of being vulnerable or feeling weak. Problems in family life, lack of communication and understanding. They may have irregular sleeping or eating periods. They have a hard time connecting with others on a deep level. Distrustful and melancholic nature. Tendency to live in the past. They can blame themselves for things that they have nothing to do with. Maturity from young. Sensation of not having lived their childhood fully. They may feel emotional and physical exhaustion very often. They know how to be responsible for their actions.
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🟤Moon opposition Uranus: Instability in the home, this being unconventional. The natives may feel different from the rest of their family, they may feel distanced or see them as very cold and inconsistent people. You can find family in friends, whether in real life or online. Tendency to insomnia and not sleeping because of the noise of your mind. Variability in your diet. They can disconnect from their own emotions so they don't have to deal with them, be vulnerable or needy. Mood and emotional changes are very frequent. They get bored and distracted easily. Great and creative minds. May be perceived as distant by others.
🟤Moon opposition Neptune: They feel the pain of others as their own on many occasions, a lot of sensitivity and awareness of the suffering and emotions of others, but not their own. Their empathy allows them to easily connect with others, but they don't feel understood by other people as easily. They may feel rejection or disconnection from the family. An emotionally absent mother or family. The water may be healing for them or they may be afraid of swimming. Compassionate, creative, dreamers and fantasists. They are in their own world because of a disgust or annoyance with reality.
🟤Moon opposition Pluto: Their emotional world is very complex and intense, just like your family life. The native may feel that their family does not trust them or their abilities. They question their values ​​and their emotions. The relationship with the mother can be somewhat tense. Great insight. Mistrust of opening up to the idea of ​​forming emotional bonds with people. Anxiety and trouble sleeping. They can be very doubtful of the decisions they make. They do not forgive themselves easily when they make a mistake. Tendency to remember embarrassing moments very intensely.
🟤Mercury opposition Mars: Tendency to argue with siblings or have argued a lot at school. High-sounding language [may curse a lot], they always say what they think. Lack of tact. A strong, clear and high tone of voice. They are not afraid of arguments. Like to debate or tend to attract situations in which they have to debate. They are people with a very restless mind, they feel the need to be productive and do something. They are sarcastic. They don't like hints or lies, if they don't like you they will let you know as it is. They can make judgments quickly. Likely to be impatient and get annoyed easily.
🟤Mercury opposition Jupiter: Here we meet the natives thirsty for knowledge. They question their intellect and abilities a lot. They radiate a lot of positivity and are very funny. Introverted tendencies, they enjoy getting to know themselves better. Interest in other cultures. They wish they could be more rational. Ups and downs in their relationships with siblings. They question everything and have a curious mind. Difficulty establishing a routine. They get bored easily. Tendency to overthink. They have a hard time concentrating on one thing and can quickly lose interest in a hobby. 
🟤Mercury opposition Saturn: They may have trouble being organized or planning. Depressive or pessimistic tendencies. A lot of intelligence but doubts about it. Friction with siblings or a somewhat cold/distant relationship with them, possibility of being the only child. They are very introverted and reserved people, they do not reveal much of themselves. They are of few words and only speak fluently with few. They are very honest and feel that they must always do the right thing. They judge themselves harshly and can push themselves to the point of mental exhaustion. Some may have dyslexia or stutter.
🟤Mercury opposition Uranus: These people have a natural tendency to focus on the future, although they do not like this. They are somewhat anxious and nervous. Intrusive thoughts are common, as is excessive worry about what will happen. These natives are very honest and can be tactless. There is a distance between them and their siblings, they may feel that they do not connect with them, and there are possibilities of being an only child. They are very intelligent people, they learn quickly but have a tendency to mistrust their own intellectual abilities. Some may talk to themselves. They feel misunderstood by people. 
🟤Mercury opposition Neptune: Forgetful and somewhat distracted people. Their words are often misunderstood or twisted by other people. Sensation of mistrust towards their siblings, cousins ​​or even neighbors. They focus more on possibilities than facts. Imaginative, creative and empathic mind. Great intuition but tend to doubt this. They daydream big, focus on the bigger picture, and have trouble concentrating on one thing. They do not have as much confidence in themselves and it is difficult for them to see their potential, they may feel that they are less intelligent than they are. Aptitude for psychology, esoteric sciences.
🟤Mercury opposition Pluto: Your mind is a blessing, but also your enemy at times. Great analytical skills, but they become demanding with themselves. They distrust many who surround them, even for the smallest thing. Powerful communicators, they make themselves heard. Intrusive thoughts. Tendency to treat themselves badly when they make a mistake. High level of cunning, cautious and planning, but with a tendency to worry a lot. They may have very intense experiences as young people, with their siblings or in their school life. Don’t forgive and do not forget easily, nor their past mistakes.
🟤Venus opposition Mars: They are fiery and passionate feelings. It is very likely that they will fall in love very quickly but just as quickly they will get bored with people. They can be somewhat jealous and attract even more jealous or intense partners. For them love has to be fun. They may notice people with a personality type distant from theirs [i.e. if they are introverts, they may be attracted to extroverts] but deep down they have many similarities. They are into the throng of enemies to lovers. They can attract dramatic romances. These natives can be very eye-catching for the opposite sex. 
🟤Venus opposition Jupiter: They are very sweet, kind and charming people, their kindness to others makes them attract envious people who think their personality is false. They are very loving people who are very generous to others. They can give themselves many luxuries or excesses, so procrastinating tendencies increase, since they prioritize enjoying their leisure time and can leave things for last. They have a lot of power of attraction, people are easily interested in them and they can attract very generous partners with them. They like the idea of ​​marriage and may find comfort daydreaming about it.
🟤Venus opposition Saturn: Problems of self-esteem or to accept themselves and their value as a person. Preference for older couples, either in age or maturity [or in general with an age difference]. Very loyal and constant people in love, it may be difficult for them to express themselves at the beginning but they will be very devoted. A rather natural beauty, elegant and refined. It may seem that they are not interested in love, deep down they crave for a steady relationship. People can put a lot of expectations on them, easily drained by interactions. Feeling of lacking peace and stability.
🟤Venus opposition Uranus: They are fascinated by what is out of the ordinary, what is unique and they have unique tastes both in their aesthetics and in their partners. They may find things attractive that are not in the beauty standards of their country por culture. They are quickly interested in people, but they lose interest somewhat quickly as well. They look for a friend in their partners. May attract friends who have some romantic interest in them or vice versa, but sometimes it isn’t reciprocated. Possibility of dating people very different from them, having long-distance relationships or meeting romances in unconventional situations.
🟤Venus opposition Neptune: Great artistic nature, very creative, dreamy and talented in the artistic field. Tendency to ignore the flaws of those they love, and may idealize potential partners. They may fall in love with people they can't have or people like artists, celebrities, or literary characters. Their self-esteem may be somewhat low and they may have trouble accepting their beauty. Their partners obsess over these people, but not as much as the natives over them. They are afraid that their partner will lie or cheat on them and that may stop them from opening up to them.
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🟤Venus opposition Pluto: They are very intense people in love, for them it is ride or die, everything or nothing at all, and not just in love, but in everything that consist in their feelings. They are very appealing to other people but may dislike the way they look or have self-esteem issues. They have an enormous desire to feel desired by their partner and to be one with them. They can attract very intense relationships that change them, either for better or for worse, and can be difficult for their partners to forget. They are attracted to intense and mysterious partners. They believe in instant attraction.
🟤Mars opposition Jupiter: Strong temperament, they get impatient very quickly but it is difficult for them to get upset, since they usually joke with their anger. However when they get angry they become sharp and explosive. They can make judgments quickly, jump to conclusions quickly, and be very spontaneous. Lots of sex drive and sex appeal. They enjoy challenges, but more to be a challenge to others. Fun, outgoing and very charismatic. Need to stay physically active, very productive and energetic. They easily motivate other people. They are constantly on the defensive. They work very hard for what they want.
🟤Mars opposition Saturn: A lot of ambition and desire to go far. Pessimism or their fear of failure can stop them from daring to do what they are passionate about. Excess control of themselves. They hate to see themselves as reckless or very impulsive. Great work ethic, responsible and good leaders. Tendency to repress their impulses and anger so as not to lose their minds or have a cool head. Constant arguments or annoyances with the father or other figures of authority. Prone to headache and dizziness due to stress. They can be intimidating and very strong people to others. Rather being respected than loved.
🟤Mars opposition Uranus: They are very intense and energetic people, even being able to touch the nervous and hyperactive. They are the true rebels, they hate that others set rules for them or demand things, results or expectations from them. They neither set nor meet anyone's expectations. They like to do things their way. Preference to work on your own. Their frankness often hurts on many occasions. Tendency to attract argumentative or dramatic friendships. They are not afraid to argue with anyone, regardless of their rank or position. They are easily motivated and unmotivated.
🟤Mars opposition Neptune: These natives love to help people, they are very altruistic and actively seek to do a common good. They want to make their dreams a reality. They are very secretive about their plans and don't like to say out loud what they plan to do. They can attract enemies who are disguised as friendly people and friends. People can take advantage of their kindness, so they tend to be very attentive to the actions of others regarding them, they do not trust easily. They can be gossiping targets. They look for in sex, a very strong emotional and spiritual union.
🟤Mars opposition Pluto: They are people of very strong character, they do not make their annoyance very evident, they might not even talk about it. They can be somewhat vindictive if you hurt them or those they love. Sexual and passionate people, they are also very intense with their emotions, whether it is the deepest love, or the deepest hate. Attract envy more frequently. Very appealing and attractive to people. Strategic and talented as leaders, as they will never want to act immediately and impulsively. They usually attack the weak points of their enemies. Observant, cautious and not easily fooled.
🟤Jupiter opposition Saturn: The natives are wise, rational, fair and kind to people. Morality is superior to legality for some of them. They may have periods of either being very positive or very negative, but once they mature, they will become realistic. Admirable people who seem to be more mature and understanding than the rest. They can become highly recognized in their work and it is easy for them to earn the respect and admiration of people. They are afraid of seeing themselves as very boring but also as irresponsible, so they look for a middle ground. They can face hard experiences, but they will be rewarded.
🟤Jupiter opposition Uranus: They are very independent people and can be inspiring to many as their authenticity and aura are often very genuine. They may have many friends or admirers. They stand out for their intelligence, but they do not usually see themselves as such intelligent people, hence their need to continue learning. They learn better on their own. They are usually very inventive and ingenious in finding solutions or creating means in which to express themselves. They fight for their freedom and for the freedom of those who are marginalized. They can evade reality through the internet.
🟤Jupiter opposition Neptune: Great inclination and curiosity towards spirituality, they are empathetic people who love to help others to heal through this, or even through art. Constant existential questions, they question a lot their purpose on earth. They can sacrifice a lot of themselves for the ones they love the most, but many people can take advantage of that. Daydreaming as part of a daily basis. Very dreamy, some may brand them as unrealistic, naive or with an excess of faith. They are very creative people with a very vivid imagination and fascinating ideas. Lots of sensitivity.
🟤Jupiter opposition Pluto: They increase the chances of success, of having a lot of money or reaching a position of power. It is worth mentioning that they can spend a lot of money too. Great leaders who are very suspicious of people and their intentions. Difficulties with teachers, who may see them as arrogant or may argue with them to see who is right. Indomitable, they hate being imposed rules. A lot of convincing power towards the masses. When a cause or activity pleases them, they give themselves totally to it. Passionate and focused. Their confidence is envied and many can see them as arrogant for it.
🟤Saturn opposite Uranus: They will always seek their freedom and do things their way. They may have conflict or discussions with the father or authority figures because they will be very controlling of the native. They seek success by innovating and not being like other people. They can work on something that is seen as very complex by other people. They doubt their intellect at times. The natives may feel that it is more difficult for them than for the rest to carry out their plans or do what they want, they feel restricted in some way. Alternating between having an order or hating schedule everything.
🟤Saturn opposite Neptune: They feel confused and overwhelmed with reality on many occasions. They may have trouble believing that miracles exist or that people mean well. The father may be sick, very noble, addicted, unreliable, or distant from the native in some way. It may take some time for them to grow professionally, but they can go a long way. They can attract older people [bosses, colleagues or “friends”] who want to lower them from that pedestal. They easily attract compassion, as they are very kind and benevolent people. If they learn to be realistic they can make their dreams come true.
🟤Saturn opposite Pluto: They will have tense and complex experiences throughout their lives, whether it is some type of rejection or extreme experiences that will make them develop a lot of inner strength and that hard shell. They hate being weak in front of others and never allow themselves to be destroyed by others. They will always defend themselves and others who fight their same battles. May have a lot of power in life, in the same way, they can attract enemies or people who judge or treat them badly. However, there will always be a group of people to whom the native will seem admirable, strong and respectable.
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