enretrogue · 2 days
10 Years
Chibs Telford x F!Reader
30 Day Fic Challenge
Word Count: 4k A/N: I'm realizing now it took me so long to write all these fics because they're all easily over 1k lololol. Back in my chibby erraaa <3
Warnings: All my fics are 18+ regardless of content. Mentions of guns, violence, blood, bullet wounds, getting shot, death, and pining.
SOA Taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics
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You gave up the hope that the bell on the door gave you years ago. Everytime they hit the door, you’d look up to see who was there. It started with a smile, everytime you looked up you had a smile on your face, then it eventually faded to a neutral one, then somewhere along the line, you didn’t even bother looking up and just greeted the door with some remark. 
“Welcome to Ashby’s, holler if you need anything.” You didn’t even look up from the inventory you were doing. 
“Take your time, love.” 
The voice was enough to trigger all that hope again. You felt your body shake, your heart skipped, and your eyes immediately looked up to a sea full of leather at the door. 
“Mother of Christ.” You mumbled the words as you looked at the group of them, but mainly just at Chibs. 
“I’m looking for Maureen Ashby.” The blond you knew as Jackson Teller spoke up, his face looked tired, between the black bags under his eyes and the stubble growing from chin. 
“Maureen!” You called out, not taking your eyes off the boys. 
“Aye, don’t blow a fuse.’ She also had her head down similarly to you earlier.
“We got company.” You knew that would get her attention. 
Maureen didn’t seem as shocked to see them, but more so just not expecting them so soon. She brought them to the apartment out back, leaving you no time to talk with Chibs. It didn’t stop him from coming to leave a quick kiss on your forehead before he walked with the rest of the group. 
Work went by so slowly, your eyes were watching the clock and the door and you swore time went back minutes instead of forward. It didn’t help that the store wasn’t exactly booming with business, large groups of bikers hanging outside seemed to deter a lot of everyday business. 
You were closing up, locking the cash register and turning off the lights. As you went to the front door, you stretched up to grab the metal arm of the locking mechanism drilled to the top of the door. 
“Was coming to see you.” His voice didn’t startle you like one would have during closing time. You simply just turned around to see him standing at the doorway in the back that connected to Maureen’s place. He still had his SAMCRO jacket on, his hair was oily, likely the result of a long, stressful day. 
“Funny enough, so was I.” You went back to locking up the door, grunting to make sure the locks were tight. 
“Drink on me? Outside?” Chibs was pointing over his shoulder behind him. 
You nodded and walked towards but not without stopping to grab the gun you kept behind the counter and tucking it in your waistband. 
“In case you boys brought fireworks to the party.” It was said dangerously close to Chibs as you paused in front of him before walking up the stairs to Maureen’s place. 
“Mother of Christ.” He mumbled under his breath and looked up to the sky before following you upstairs. 
“Locked up, sent in the inventory order and I’ll be here tomorrow mornin’ for the keg shipment.” You spoke to Maureen who was smoking a cigarette at her kitchen table. 
“Aye,” she nodded, “don’t worry about the kegs, I’ll have McGee put a prospect on it, it’s theirs anyways.” She smirked slightly and looked at Chibs behind you. “Enjoy your night, loves.” 
You nodded with a gratuitous smile and opened the door to walk downstairs. The noise was loud, it was incredible what Maureen’s house muted, it was insane out here. Tons of yelling, laughing, fighting, a large fire pit going on. 
Stopping on the landing of the stairs you looked out to take it all in, despite you working so closely with the Ireland charter, you never went to these types of things. 
“We can go somewhere more private if you’d like.” Chibs’ voice was precariously close to your ear. 
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you.” As you looked over your shoulder you saw how close you were to him and it was hard to stand by your statement of not wanting to be somewhere private with him. But you held strong and started your descent down the stairs. “Get me a beer, will ya?” 
Plopping down on one of the wooden picnic benches, you made yourself comfortable, eyes glued on the fight happening between some of the guys until it moved onto Jax who was getting ready to fight. 
“Looks like Jackie boy made himself a bet.” Chibs spoke up placing the bottle in front of you and sitting down on top of the table, his head looking over his shoulder to continue looking at Jax. 
“Crazy to see him so grown up. Remember him in naps practically.” You teased. 
“We’ve all done some growing up, I think.” Chibs wasn’t looking at you as he said it but you knew what he was insinuating. 
“Have we?” Your eyebrows raised, curious how he was going to respond. 
One word, spoke enough volume to you though. 
“How’s Kerianne?” You matched how he was carrying himself, not looking at him as you spoke, sipping your beer as a way to give yourself something to do. 
“She’s good, upstairs with Trinity in her room.” 
“How was the ride over?” You were exhausting your small talk options. 
“A pile of shite.” He laughed at that one remembering the mess of just trying to get here. 
“It true?” You nodded towards Jax who was starting to get into the ring. “‘Bout Jax’s boy?” 
“Not too sure, was going to ask you if you knew or heard anything?” 
That made your face drop. “You’re kidding me, right?” Now you weren’t afraid to look at him. “That’s why you came to speak with me, to pull out any information I might have, what was your plan, Filip? Sleep with me and get me to pillowtalk any information I had? Maybe drown me in a little Irish courage and hope I’d spill it? Well here, I’ll save you the trouble, love, I don’t know shite, I’m lucky if I get a heads up about the fucking kegs let alone club business.” 
After you went off on him, you started to stand up to leave when he caught your arm. “You know that’s not why I asked.” 
Turning around with speed and fury, the anger faded almost immediately when you looked at him. After all these years, you could still tell when he was being genuine. 
“I don’t know anything about Jax’s boy, just know Jimmy’s boys like to come around a lot and rough up anyone who's not down with the cause.” 
It was like you spoke it to existence because as the words left your mouth, the gunshots from outside the fence began. 
Chibs was quick to jump in front of you and bring you down behind a couple crates and kegs. You were in his lap, his left arm was holding you tight against him, while his right was following his body and peering over the side of the wooden crate letting out shots back to where they were coming from. Your mumbled grunt of pain caused him to look back down at you where he saw the blood slightly pooling at his hand. 
“You’re hit.” He scrambled to find where the bullet was to apply pressure. 
“No shit, Chibs.” His nickname flew out of your mouth like it was so effortless, any other time he might’ve smiled at it but he was too busy pressing his arm against your shoulder. Despite the pain you were in, you were trying to take your good arm and reach for your waistband. 
“Stop squirming, you’ll bleed out.” He whispered it so he didn’t compromise your position. 
“I’m trying to get my gun.” You whispered back. 
That’s when his eyes fell on your pants and saw the handle of the gun. He knew he was low on ammo, one of the reasons why he stopped shooting haphazardly along with the fact that you were bleeding all over the place. 
He reached down to grab the gun from you and you practically slapped him with your head as you turned up to look at him. 
“What are you doing?! That’s MY gun, let me shoot at them.”
 “Trust me, I much rather you have it, love.” Chibs said with humor knowing very well that you could easily take out a person for every bullet in the magazine. “But you can’t even reach for it, so I’m afraid I’m going to have to use it.” 
“Might as well shoot me with it while you’re at it.” You said jokingly, out of frustration, as you leaned over so Chibs could grab it. 
“Hate to break it to you, sweetheart, but someone already beat me to it.” He was leaning over himself now and looking to see where the shooting was but it had just stopped and the sound of tires squealing filled the air. 
After a brief second of silence, the terror and chaos on the lot began. Yells and screams replaced the silence. You heard the SAMCRO boys calling out for one another, you heard other names first but then you heard them call out for the man who was stopping you from bleeding out. 
“Over here! We’re hit!” He yelled out, now trying to adjust you in the best way possible. 
“We aren’t shit, Filip, I’m hit!” You corrected him despite part of you being smug by his use of we. 
“Love the commitment to the attitude, love, but let’s focus on just keeping you from bleeding out.” 
Jax materialized in front of you and was helping to stand the both of you up. Chibs moved in front of you now, still holding your shoulder with pressure, but the blood was still dripping down your chest. 
“We gotta bring her upstairs.” 
“Yea, her and a few others.” Jax said as he looked quickly at the lot where a good chunk of people were injured, some likely dead. 
“I’m fine, I’m fine, just give me a patch up and take care of me last, it’s my shoulder not an artery, I’m dripping blood because you’re using the arm of your jacket to apply pressure, give me gauze or something.”
“Hap!” Jax yelled and within seconds the bald, tall, skinny, and a little bit scary man appeared. “Get a rag or a shirt or something and come put pressure on this and then bring her upstairs.” Just as quick as Jax was delivering orders was as quick as both of them were walking away. 
Now with Chibs in front of you, the only thing you could really do was look at him. The adrenaline was obviously still coursing through both of your bodies as your chests rose and fall.  Your grip on him was tight and as the two of you just stood there with the madness happening around you. The reality began to settle in and the pain in your shoulder started to throb and to make matters worse you started to take in the scene around you. 
The screaming was now more apparent and you heard it alongside the ringing in your ears. As your mouth opened, and your heart sped up, your voice got hitched in your throat and almost inaudible sound came from your mouth. A hand was then cupping your cheek and lightly pushing your head to face forward. That’s when you looked at his eyes and they were calm, and grounded while yours must’ve looked panicked and worried. 
“Breathe.” He said it so soft it was insane to think someone could be so relaxed at a moment like this. In fact, you had once been the type to be relaxed at moments like this, years ago, which at this moment felt like lifetimes ago. But all that changed when you were shot, the first time, in a situation so similar to this. 
“I know what’s happening and you just gotta breathe.” Chibs spoke again, this time wiping the tear from your cheek with his thumb, while his other hand pressed against your shoulder. 
Before you could answer, Happy had come back and everything changed within seconds. Chibs was no longer applying pressure to your wound, Happy was, and you were being rushed up the stairs. 
You took one more look around and saw Chibs helping Jax with the chaos, and that’s when you told yourself to keep it together. As you were ushered up the stairs, you swallowed your panic and just fully went into disassociation. 
“So why they call you Happy?” You spoke to the man who was applying rough pressure to your shoulder now. 
“Because I’m a happy guy.” He grunted, not bothering to look you in the eye when he spoke. 
As you reached the top quarter of the steps, only about 7 of them left, the door swung open. You expected to see Maureen but instead were met with Trinity and Kerianne looking mortified and curious as to what was happening. 
“Inside, NOW!” You yelled at them as you made it up the rest of the stairs. 
“Just like that.” Happy was a little impressed by your shout and comparing his explanation of himself being a happy guy to your outburst. 
Both of you stepped into the house and Maureen appeared and yelled similarly at the girls but ordered them to grab first aid. 
“Bring her here.” Maureen was clearing off the kitchen table. Happy helped you up on the table and stood there pressing the rag deep into your shoulder. It worked, the blood had stopped dripping down your body, you felt the throbbing ten times now. 
The chaos continued around you, you heard Chib’s voice a few times, giving medical orders, a few of the other guys too. 
“Talk to me, Happy.” It was the only way your mind wasn’t going to spiral. 
“Uh,” He said thinking of what to say, he wasn’t much of a chatter, he just did what he was told and killed people. 
“Think of something, anything.” You begged him as the panic started to set back in. “Talk to me about the fucking weather, about your hobbies, about your fucking favorite food, I don’t care, Happy but I need you to talk to me.” Your eyes were burning into his skull. 
“I like noodles.” He said confidently. 
“Noodles?” You questioned as you let out a laughy breath. 
“Noodles.” He nodded. 
“Well Happy, I make a mean Lo Mein and after this, I’ll owe you a meal.” 
There was a slight smirk to Happy’s face before he nodded. “Does it hurt?” 
“Not my first time being shot, so the pain’s familiar.” You spoke up through your gritted teeth. 
Happy leaned down to show you the scar on his head that looked about a year old. “Not my first rodeo either.” 
“Forgive me, Happy, but that doesn’t surprise me.” You laughed. 
“Why?” He genuinely looked confused. 
“You’re terrifying, Happy.” Your head now was turned the other way trying to get a glimpse at what was happening down the hall. 
“Thank you.” This time his smile was large as he accepted what he thought was a compliment. 
What felt like hours passed but it was likely only minutes. The sweat was starting to pool at your forehead, the chills were starting to take over your autonomy. It was obviously alarming enough because Happy was calling out for help. 
One of the guys from the SAMBEL charter, Paddy, Chib’s nephew, came over and immediately started to pour liquid down your arm and grab whatever he could to pull the bullet out of your shoulder. Your screams were drowning out everything around you. As a few more people moved around you to help, you hoped one of them would be him but when you didn’t see his face, you didn’t have enough time to ask for him because everything eventually went to black. 
You woke up feeling someone rubbing your leg, the pain in your arm was more achey now, more stiff, and you felt exhausted. Sitting up, you saw Chibs at the foot of the bed you were in. 
“Trinity’s room?” You looked around taking in the posters and chachkeys around the room. 
“Aye.” He nodded, not looking at you. 
“I yelled at the girls earlier, told ‘em to go inside, think I scared ‘em.” 
“You did.” Chibs let out a chuckle. “But it was good, they needed to be scared so they stayed inside.” 
“You scared me too.” His head turned to look at you for the first time since you woke up. “I was patching up this lad who got a bullet to his abdomen. Heard your screams, reminded me of–.” His sentence stopped short, his words getting stuck in his throat. 
“To your point, it was extremely reminiscent of what happened all those years ago.” You bent your legs closer to you and patted the bed for him to get closer to you. “Paddy sewed me up good, though.” You referred to his nephew who was the one taking care of you, your eyes looking down at the gauze on your shoulder, a little blood was leaking through but it was normal. 
“Yea, after he spent 5 minutes trying to find the bullet in you that went straight through, the dumb lad.” Chibs shook his head at the stupidity of his nephew. 
“Just didn’t want me losing my life on a kitchen table in Belfast.” You shrugged with one shoulder, your good one. “Reminds me of another Scottish lad.” 
“You, uh, wanna come back to the states with me?” Chibs’ face was frowning, he was confused like he was trying to figure out what to do. 
“If it was that simple, I would’ve come with you when this first happened.” 
“When this first happened, I was in the IRA, this is different now, the club can protect you, I can protect you. Take you away from here, from Jimmy, from the mess of this Irish Catholic shiteshow.” 
“What would I do in the lovely United of States?” You asked him, entertaining his idea. 
“Could run the books at T M, could get you something at the club, or I don’t know, you could just be an ol’ lady.” 
“Ahhh yes, where I wait for you to come home and sit completely in the dark on everything happening, does that sound like my type of life, love?.” 
“Doesn’t sound too far off from what you’re doing now, love.” A female voice sent both of your gazes to the door to see Gemma holding a tray with an orange pill bottle, a bowl of oatmeal and a glass of tea
“Gemma.” The greeting wasn’t cold persay, but it definitely wasn’t a warm welcome. 
“Meds.” She lifted the tray and placed it on the desk to your right. “Don’t let your stubbornness stand in the way of your happiness.” 
There were a million things you could respond back to her with, but you weren’t exactly in the best position to argue with her, nor did you honestly want to. 
“All I’m saying is, we’d be happy to have you.” It was said in the most kind way for Gemma, still with a little control and attitude in her tone, but probably as genuine as she could be. 
Chibs stood up to grab the medicine and bowl of porridge for you, placing it on the nightstand so it was easily reachable. 
Before either of you could speak to what Gemma said, Jax was knocking on the door. 
“Sorry to interrupt. Just wanted to check in.” He wasn’t cleaned up at all, there were still smudges of blood on his neck, his shirt, in his hair. 
“It’s like a bus station in here anyway, the more the merrier.” You waved him in. 
“Just wanted to see how you’re feeling, darlin’.” He didn’t step in further, just stayed leaning on the door. 
“Like shite.” You laughed as you popped the pill into your mouth and grabbed the mug of tea to wash it down. “How’s Happy? Hope I didn’t give ‘em a scare when I passed out.” 
Jax laughed, “I think you made an impression on him. He keeps talking about how you’re gonna make him Lo Mein?” Jax spoke confused but with a chuckle. 
“Glad I could provide a silver lining.” 
‘Maureen told me to give you these.” The packaged gauze was lifted up and then tossed on the desk next to the tray. 
“We should probably change those out soon.” Chibs nodded to the exposed shoulder that had the bloody gauze on it. 
“Couldn’t help but overhear.” Jax raised his eyebrows, knowing his window was closing, he didn’t want to interrupt an intimate moment of bandage changes between you. “And for what it’s worth, we’d love to have you.” 
“Would love to sit in anxiety in tandem with the other SAMCRO women.” You teased. 
“Yea,” Jax’s head fell. “Well, you could do that with Tara, at the hospital, where she works, as a doctor.” It was a humble brag that usually didn’t work in Jax’s favor, people tended to look at their relationship with confusion and wonder but he knew it’d help Chibs in this situation. 
You took in what he said, your idea of an ol’ lady was very old school, very misogynistic, and you were absolutely positive it still was, but hearing that Jax’s ol’ lady was a doctor, had her own path, well that was something that sat differently with you. 
“Coulda used her here, instead of Paddy.” This was your way of making light of the conversation, not wanting it to feel too heavy since you knew it was exactly that for Chibs. 
Jax smiled and looked at the ground and nodded. “Well, if you were in Charming you’d be taken care of.” And with that statement he was kicking off the door. “Holler if you need anything.” It was his way of lightening the mood, repeating what you said when they first arrived, trying to convince you to come back home with them. 
Chibs was starting to take your bandage off, not in the mood for the airy back and forth. He looked at the bullet wound and then his eyes flashed down to your hip where he knew where your other wound was. “This one isn’t going to heal as nicely as the one I patched up.” He was tossing the bloody bandage in the trash. 
You lifted your shirt to show the first scar. “But it’ll make for a good story.” 
“Everyone in Charming will love to hear it.” He tried to be nonchalant but it was everything but. 
“I can’t just jump into this, Filip. I haven’t seen you in almost a decade. Haven’t heard from you, not a note, not a phone call, nothing. And now I’m just supposed to give up my life to come with you to a whole other country?” 
“Well it ain’t like we’re leaving yet.” He was placing the new bandage over the wound. “We could spend some time together, catch up, you could make your decision once we’re getting on the cargo plane to go home.” 
“Cargo plane?” You raised your eyebrows and laughed. “You sure keep me on my toes, Filip.” 
He laughed, bringing his hand up to your face, cupping your cheek again. “I love you, lass.” His lips were moving onto yours and you melted into it. This was the only medicine you needed, it made every thought of pain and ache fade to nothing. 
Pulling away, he rested his forehead on yours and sighed. “And when I’m out, you could uh, catch up on these.” His hand was reaching into his jacket and a pile of letters were being dropped to the bed. “I did write. Just never sent ‘em. Really thought not bein’ in your life would be better but I never stopped thinkin’ of ya.” 
Staring at the letters, you let it all sink in. You were weighing the options, even though you knew which one you’d end up with. 
“Stay with me? Here?” You moved over on the bed so he could slide in next to you. “Tell me about the last 10 years.” 
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enretrogue · 3 days
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summary: bi-han comes home wounded, trying his best to keep it from you warnings: mention of blood/laceration, stitching notes: i can only think of writing for bi-han rn 😭
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You knew that Bi-han was hot-headed, ironically. You knew that he liked to fight and even though he would most likely win, he would still have battle scars.
It was something you expected, but never looked forward to. Bi-han has a problem being vulnerable and asking for help, so whenever he would get injured in battle he would do his best to hide it from you. Sometimes he'd get away with it and you'd eventually find out after the fact, but sometimes he's a bad liar.
It was the middle of the night when Bi-han stumbled into the temple, his brothers at his side. "Please brother, let us-" Tomas began before Bi-han shut him down. "I can deal with my own wounds." He beckons as he pushes them off and begins walking to your bedroom, holding a hand at his side. "He will be fine Tomas, the pain of us helping him would cause more damage than the wound itself." Kuai Liang reassures his younger brother as they turn and return to their own rooms to rest.
A small groan falls from Bi-han's lips as he rips the mask off his face, his teeth grinding together. He swiftly opened the door of your shared bedroom, trying his best to not wake you. As he quietly shuts the door, he turns back to see you sleeping peacefully on your side of the bed. A sigh of relief fell from his mouth at the sight of you, just knowing you were safe was enough to put him at ease.
His eyes darted to the bathroom, thinking that he could make his way there and clean up, while being quiet enough to not wake you. Bi-han would be lying if he said it wasn't difficult with the large wound at his side, but he would rather die than admit that. He took a breath before slowly beginning to walk towards the bathroom, a small wince caught in his teeth as his hand shot to his side.
As if you had super sonic hearing, you tossed in bed and turned your body to face him as your eyes slowly begin to open. Once you saw the shadowy figure in the dark, you quickly sat up. As you realized it was Bi-han, your heart began to relax for a moment. "I didn't think you were going to be so late." You whisper, still half asleep. "We ran into some trouble, it was a quick fight." He bluntly tells you, relieved you weren't able to see his wounded body in the dark. His relief is quickly gone when you reach over and turn on the soft light next to your bed. Your eyes instinctively shut as you held a hand over your eyes and try your best to focus on Bi-han. When your eyes adjust as best they could, you finally noticed the dark red on his blue uniform.
"What happened!?" You ask, now awake and pushing the covers off of your body.
Bi-han just groans before quickly walking into the bathroom. He tries to shut the door on you, but you quickly make your way into the bathroom.
"Are you okay?" You ask with your eyes glued on his wound. "I am fine." He hissed, keeping his gaze away from you. "Clearly not." You said, a bit of anger setting in.
You pushed him back and made him sit down on the edge of the tub. You turned to grab a small bit of bandages and stitching kits from under your counter. You crouched down next to him as he exhaled deeply. His hands reached down and tried to take the needles from you but you pulled your hands away from him.
"Stop." You began to open up the sewing kit. "I can dress my own wounds, go back to sleep." He tries to demand. You look up and give him a sour look before gripping his shirt. "Take it off." You demanded as you pulled up on the upper part of his uniform.
He reluctantly abides, knowing that you are too stubborn to let him do this on his own. Now with his skin exposed, you could see the wound in full. It was a large cut from his upper ribcage down to the side of his lower abdomen. "Bi-han." You breathe out as you touch the skin around the wound, feeling dried blood around it.
"You act as if I am fragile." He snarls, still looking away from you. "I know you are not fragile which is why this is a bit much, but I knw you will be fine." You nod before pouring a bit of alcohol on a rag before dressing his wound. The alcohol on the wound causes Bi-han to wince loudly as he tightly grabs hold of your leg as you stood next to him.
"Do not treat me like a child." He shakes his head, his eyes tightly pressed together. "I am not treating you like a child, I'm treating you like my husband. It is my job to worry about you, to want to help you." You explain, feeling his grip on your leg soften as he finally turns to look at you. "I know you do not want my help even when you need it, but I am always here to provide it. Because I wish for you to be safe and not in pain, just as I hope you'd like that for me." You hold his face in your hands as he looks up at you, his cold demeanor completely faded as soft eyes stare at yours.
"I would freeze the world over to keep you safe."
A soft smile goes across your lips before pressing a sweet kiss to his lips, pulling away and pressing your forehead to his.
Although you interpreted his saying as a metaphor, he meant every single word.
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enretrogue · 3 days
Not sure if your requests will be open by the time you see this but I want to know it you would do a scenario where Bi-Zhan and the Y/n who were childhood friends who were gonna be bethroned when their were older for a alliance between both their clans, however Y/N’s clan is attacked and disbanded due to a coup/enemy or something. So Bi-Han and the rest of the Lin Kuei thinks they have died until years later. (How ever you write I would be thankful)
A/n: Omg, the very concept makes me feel so😭 I hope I did your request justice. If there are any rewrites or changes you'd like to make feel free to send another ask❤️ C/w: Arranged Marriage, Mentions of violence, angst, fluff
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Bi-han always remembered you kindly. Though you were from a different clan, you were allowed to interact with the Lin Kuei.
When you were children, he remembered how you used to play with his brothers and how he always watched from a distance. He wasn't the most social when he was younger, and not a fan of interacting with people. But you did something to him, you brought out a more adventurous side to him.
He loved to spend time with you, he loved to hear your laugh, your smile was so enchanting, and he found everything about you enchanting. Whenever he would talk down to Tomas you wouldn't hesitate to defend him and argue with Bi-Han, You never backed down from him. Others had respected Bi-Han even at a young age and feared him even, though he was next in line to become grandmaster, but you didn't. You never hesitated to argue with him, giving him a piece of your mind. You had spunk, he admired that. Even though he hid it all under a cold and harsh facade, he really liked you.
As you both grew up, you had more duties to fulfill so you could not spend much time together. But that didn't stop Bi-Han from thinking of you. You would race around his mind often. Every word you said, every gesture you made, your...body...etc.
If Bi-Han found you attractive when you were a kid, he finds you even more beguiling now at this age. You walked with an air of confidence and elegance that took his breath away. His bitter and harsh nature grew with time while you still kept your joy and loving nature. Many times Bi-Han had to leave the room whenever you were around to calm down, you still made him feel that warm feeling inside after all these years.
Years passed and the day came when the talk of you two marrying to form an alliance.
When Bi-Han first heard the whispering of your potential arranged marriage, he had a mix of emotions. Half of him was upset, he had no desire to marry and it angered him that his right to choose was being made for him. On the other hand, this was you he was being married off to. He struggled to fight his desire for you. The need to have you. By his side, in his arms, on his lips.
Bi-Han would argue at first, that though he really liked you, he still refused to marry. But he silently relented when the news of your marriage became official. His fury was now replaced with a nervousness about you.
As was the custom, Bi-Han and you would meet alone (mostly) and he presented you with gifts. when he saw you arrive in your most formal and elegant attire he swore he almost melt right then and there. He has never seen you like this before, and he liked it.
Bi-Han was so silent and distant during the meeting that you thought he wasn't interested. When in reality he was barely holding it together. His mind was racing with thoughts about you. He wanted to know what was going through your head. If you were as nervous as him, do you even want to do this? His eyes never left you the entire time.
Bi-Han waited anxiously to hear back from you after departed from each other, he had hoped he had made a good impression. He knew that you'd be married if you wanted to or not, but still felt the desire, no, the need to know that you wanted him as much as he wanted you.
Bi-Han waited anxiously for a response, the future plans for your wedding day, the living arrangements afterwards, anything. But days passed and he didn't hear a word from your clan.
Unbeknownst to anyone trusted members of your clan had been plotting a coup against you and your family for years. The planning of the marriage to Lin Kuei had given them the perfect moment to strike.
You can remember it, you being awoken by a sudden and loud loud commotion outside. Like an entire battle was taking place, clan members rushed into you and took you away. It took only a few days and nights before anyone knew it, your clan was gone. reduced to ash, rubble, and memories.
Word of the sudden uprising took weeks before they could reach the Lin Kuei. When it did, the grandmaster dreaded breaking the news to Bi-Han. He was not blind, he could see how desperately he waited to hear from you. He knew this would destroy him. Fortunately, Kuai rose and offered to be the one to tell him.
"What is the meaning of this?" Bi-han asked gruffly, he was sitting by the window sill in his personal chambers, Kuai stood before him awkwardly. "Bi-Han, I come to bring news about Y/n and your marriage arrangements". Bi-han looked over to his brother almost instantly. He hated how quickly he looked, but he was desperate to listen and he couldn't care right now. "Well? Out with it." he barked. Kuai bit his and stared at his brother. He saw the anguish in his eyes. How could he possibly tell him?
"Well?" Bi-han asked again, getting impatient. With a gulp, Kuai told him everything about the coup and your potential death. The room went painfully quiet for a minute. Kuai searched Bi-han's eyes to see some kind of response. He swore he could have seen his brother's heartbreak. "Well...that is unfortunate," Bi-Han said abruptly, a strain in his voice. Kuai sympathetically looked at his brother "I am so sorry, I know how much you-" Kuai began to say. "That is enough. " Bi-Han interrupted. "you have delivered me this news. I thank you for it. Now, would you be so kind as to leave?" he said coldly. Turning his back to Kuai.
Kuai was taken aback by this. He clenched his jaw and turned to the door. "I understand. I-If you ever want to talk I am here. Kuai quickly left the room and closed the door behind him. but he didn't leave quite yet, he leaned close to the door to listen in. He heard a cry of anger and a cacophony of things being thrown, walls being punched, and muffed sobbing. After some time, couldn't bear to listen to this anymore and he left.
After this moment, Bi-han changed. he was already cold before, but he became even more frosty and apathetic. He began to bark orders more aggressively, and he became more ferocious and violent whenever he trained, he never hesitated to snap at Tomas, Kuai, or anyone who caused any minor inconvenience to him.
Kuai attempted to reach out to Bi-han many times to get him to talk about it. But Bi-Han didn't hesitate to hut him down at every turn.
As time passed Bi-han grew older and became Grandmaster after his father's untimely and mysterious death. It was obvious that he wasn't over you. He would sometimes send spies to hunt down anyone who was any bit involved, as well as investigate the aftermath. He held on to hope that you miraculously survived and came back to him. but as the years passed, that idea seemed less and less likely.
Eventually, he just gave up hope that you survived. It hurt him to let you go but had no choice but to move on. Part of him still desperately clinging to your memory, hoping that the day would come that he would see you again.
As Grandmaster Bi-han soon grew to have many responsibilities. One of them included looking after lesser clans and villages that he took under the Lin Kuei's protectection. One day he had news that he had buisness in one of those small villages, thus he made his way there. Once there, he found himself in a meeting. He listened intently, not breaking eye contact and making sure they had his full attention.
But then he heard something. A laugh. The most enchanting laugh that he has heard before coming from outside. His entire focus was disturbed as jumped at this sound. his head snapped to the direction he heard the noise, causing the people he was having a meeting with freeze in confusion and ask if he is okay. Bi-han doesn't respond, instead he rises to his feet and begins to follow the place he heard the laugh. It was like he was in a trance as he walked outside. His mind was racing. It can't be? Can it? Please, let it be....
His eyes darted this way and that to look for the source of the noise. He prawled the premises, searching every corner for the chance to see whatever that noise was coming from. But he found nothing, he sighed, feeling silly for doing this. He turned to return inside, until he heard it again. It was closer this time. Bi-han didn't waist a second as his feet moved like lightning. He turned the corner...and there you were. Walking the down the street with two warriors walking with you to keep guard.
Everything in Bi-Han froze. All hecould do was stare at you. It all was coming back to him, the times you would spend together as children, arguing you did as teens, you to-be marriage you had as yound adults. An icy trailed down his face, he hadn't realized just how much he missed until today, until this moment. he wanted to speak, call out to you and let you know that he was there, you could be together. But he couldn't find the strength to utter a single word. he could only watch as he watched you walk away.
Even after he retreated back the building and finished the building. afterwards he went he resting place for the night. But he couldn't sleep. Not after seeing you again. The years had passed but you had retained your youthful smile and you were more beautiful than ever. Visions of your smile haunted Bi-han mind. You looked so happy, as if you didn't have a care in the world. Didn't you even remember him? If he had approached you, would you have welcomed him into your arms with joy, or would you just stare at him like he was a stranger. He turned over in his bed and looked at the empty spot next to him. If things hadn't happened the way they did, it would've been you laying next to him.
The next day, Bi-Han's buisness with the people was done and he prepared him and his men to return home. But Bi-han still couldn't get you out of his head. He exscued himself as he went back into the streets, hoping to catch a glimpse of you. But you were nowhere to be seen. Bi-han lowered his head inshame, he had lost you again. He felt a strange feeling erupt inside of him, loneliness, if he couldn't be with you, he couldn't be with anyone else. Perhaps this was his destiny, being alone. maybe that was the best for him. he turned once more to go back inside the house.
"Bi-Han...?" he heard a gentle voice behind him. His heart dropped in his chest. He had heard his name being called many times before, but this voice mad him feel like he was hearing it all for the first time. He spun around to face who was addressing him. It was you, staring up at him with you awe-inspiring eyes. "Y-Y/n..." he stammered, something he never usually did. All his life, Bi-han had been a dominant man. Never stuttering or faultering in his words and would be move with an intimidating confidence. But before you, he was a dodderig fool. His eyes shoot all around you face, there was a hundred different things he wanted to do but he was unsure on what to even say.
Thankfully, you act for him. you rush into his arms and tightly embrace him. Bi-han's arms wrap around with an incredible strength, as if he feared you would be taken from him all over again. You pull a way for a few moments to look at each others face. Bi-Han's hands gently touched your cheeks as he stares into you eyes. Tears were forming in them, and tears were forming in his as well. "Y/n, how are you...I..." He struggled to find the right words. All he could do was look into your eyes and weep.
When you both had finally calmed down, you explained to him how you managed to escape, how you went into hiding for so many years struggling rebuild your clan. It had gotten easier when many of the people who launched the coup began to mysteriously die. You had finally managed to rebuild your clan back to a decent state, still working on retaining it former glory, but it would do for now. Bi-Han could barely contained himself, he was overwhelmed with emotions he had suppressed when he had first though you were. dead. He smiled at you, marveled with how much a great leader you have become.
You continued to talk. The world was moving around you, but you couldn't care less. You were lost in each other, talking about everything and nothing at the same time. Soon you began to talk about your failed arranged marriage. You laugh, admitting how nervous you were to meet him...and how much you wanted to marry him.
Bi-Han stared in silence for some time. He took it all in. For years he had agonised on whether or not you even wanted bo in the same room as him.You saying this had an unknowingly powerful effect o him. "Y/n..." he said, taking your hand. "I...I always lov-was fond of you. Perhaps you are still interested in joining our clans through marriage....If that is what you desire of course. Even if that is not the case, I would still be honored to be allowed to support your clan, help bolster it's proper status. Anything for you..."
Bi-Han patiently waits for you reponse, immeditalty regretting saying that. "Forgive me, that was foolish. I-" he tries to explain himself. "I accept." you say abruptly. Bi-Han was struck dumb for a second. You quik response left him speechless. He places his hands back onto cheeckas he looks into you eyes. His lips quivered as his eyes get watery. "Y/n...I won't let a single soul take you away ever again...I swear this to you."
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enretrogue · 3 days
How the Lin kuei trio react while you are giving birth to their child? PART II FINAL
Part 1 here ( bi han)
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Credit image: void on tik tok
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You had started labor a few hours ago. You are in immense pain and you are trying to hold on as best as possible.
Your husband is next to you while he holds your hand.He looks more worried than ever, he didn't know how to help and he felt guilty about that.
-Come on Y/N you can do it.-Smoke said, trying to cheer you up.
You pushed harder, but there were no results.Tomás took your hand, wrapping it with both hands, giving it a kiss.He felt more useless than ever.
He couldn't stand seeing you like this
-"Is there anything else we can do?"- He asked as he continued holding your hand.
-Just keep holding his hand.- The nurse responded without looking at him, she was focused on her work.
That gave him more frustration, you are sweating and moaning in pain, your husband have never seen you like this.
-Don't worry, soon you will give birth to our son, our life and we will know him.-Tomas said as he caressed your head and held your hand.
You just nodded trying to smile, you wanted to hide that deep down you wanted to cry.
The pain was so unbearable, That you decided to stand firm and pushed with all your strength.
-I can see the baby's head, Y/N keep pushing.- Said de nurse.
When the nurse said that, your husband looked in his direction and began to feel butterflies in his stomach. He couldn't believe he was going to meet his son.
You continued pushing with all your might as you felt your baby come out.
Your baby's cry was beautiful...Tomas looked at his baby as his eyes began to water. It was love at first sight it was a (boy/girl).
-Oh my god Y/N it's beautiful, it's perfect.-The Shirai Ryu said excitedly.
The nurse brought him to you and you took him in your arms for the first time.
-Hello my love, calm down here is mommy.- You spoke to your little life while you kissed his forehead, then your baby stopped crying.
Your husband also kissed his baby on his forehead while caressing yours.
Your calm was short-lived as you began to feel contractions again.
-My love, what's up ? - Tomas asked, worried, he didn't understand what was happening, however you did understand...
The nurse checked you again below.
-There is another baby, cut the umbilical cord and bring more hot water.- The nurse told the others who were attending the delivery.
You handed your baby to the nurses. Your husband was in shock, he began to doubt whether to go, with his son or stay with you.
But in the end he decided to stay with you while he was attentive watching how they took care of his son.
Smoke has never felt so many emotions in a moment...
You started in the same way as the beginning, your husband never let go of your hand, the difference is that now he couldn't stop looking at his other son while trying to see the birth of the other.
-There's little left Y/N push.- The nurse said.
And that's what you did while you squeezed your husband's hand tightly.
You could feel your baby coming out. But he/she didn't cry.
Tomas got up a little.
-Why doesn't he/she cry? .- He asked worried.
-What's happening? .- You asked desperately as you watched the nurses pat your baby.
Your desperation and that of your husband did not last long as you heard your baby cry. Tomas heaved a loud sigh of relief.
For your part, you began to cry with emotion as you extended your arms to take your baby. When the nurses brought him to you, you gave him many kisses. Your husband caressed his /her small head and later kissed.
Then you handed him over to the nurses to bathe him and cut his umbilical cord.
Your husband followed them to see how they were preparing their two children, he looked excited at their lives, he felt that his love for you had grown like never before and that of his babies too.
Then you see how your husband has his two babies in each arm while he brings them to you.
-Give me both.- You told Tomas. He carefully left a baby on each side of you.
He was hypnotized, he couldn't believe they were his.
-It's incredible.-Began to say the shirai ryu while he put his hand on the tummy of his first born.
-Hello my babies, here is mommy and daddy.- You said sweetly to your babies as they looked at you with those little eyes.
-I think they have daddy's eyes- You said happily as you turned to look at your husband, he let out a small giggle.
-Thank you Y/N -Your husband said proudly, looking at you with those beautiful eyes.
You just kissed him. Although you knew that having twins was not going to be easy, you were grateful that they were both safe and healthy.
For Tomas, seeing his twins reminded him of him and his sister. He will do everything possible so that his children do not go through the same thing as him. His love was unconditional for the three of you.
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The Grandmaster was sitting in the dining room, he was analyzing the papers delivered from his brother Tomas regarding the location of Bi han.
It was already very late and you wanted your husband to go sleep with you.
So you got up with difficulty, your big belly prevented you from seeing your feet, so you went barefoot to look for your husband.
- Here you are.- You said smiling as you touched your belly.
Your husband turned around surprised.
- You shouldn't be up at this hour, much less barefoot in your state - Scorpion said, scolding you.
-Oh please, honey, I've been like this for 8 months now, I can't even see my feet anymore.- You responded while putting your hand on his shoulder.
Your husband gave you a small smile and kissed your belly while he placed his hands caressing it.
-What is that?- You asked him.
-Bi han is in Sun do, Tomas found traces of him.- he began to say seriously.
-I must leave immediately.- said the pyromancer.
That surprise you, you had little left to give birth and he only cared about his revenge.
- Kuai Liang, our son is about to be born, really Bi Han can't wait? - You asked, worried, you felt like he cared less about you and your son.
-Y/N understand, finding him has been the most complicated, you yourself have witnessed that, until today it has been the first trace we have had.- The Grandmaster said, getting up from the chair.
You just turned to look away from him... deep down you understood it, but it hurt you that you could miss the birth of his child and leave you alone..
-I know, I know you've worked hard all this time... it's just that right now, I want you to see our son born, I don't want to stay.- You were interrupted by strong pain...
Kuai Liang looked at you worried, he thought that that pain you have was caused by his fault.
-What's wrong? - The Grandmaster asked as he put his hand on your belly.
- It just gave me a twinge, I think it's normal, and there's little time left. - You responded, trying to regain your composure.
However, he gave you another stronger stitch, which you couldn't hide with your expressions.
Your husband looked at you worried.
-"I'll take you to the town doctor now,"- your husband said worriedly as he put his hand on your waist.
- No, it's really not necessary, I think the news made me a little nervous is all. - You said, trying to minimize what was happening.
-Im going to go to bed again, just don't leave immediately please- you begged him.
- Don't worry Y/N, I won't leave without warning, wait for me and I'll accompany you in a while - The pyromancer said sweetly.
You just nodded, however you wanted to hide the fact that you were about to cry, you want your husband to be with you during the birth, to see your child being born, and he was going to miss all that.
Now you didn't know if these pains were contractions or just pregnancy pains, however you felt like your water broke .....
It was truly a miracle that you started labor now, you were scared, your baby was going to be born.
-Kuai Liang- You said nervously as you walked.
You entered the dining room again. Your husband turned to look at you and immediately understood what was happening. You extended your hand towards him with difficulty while holding your belly.
-The baby is coming.- You said with a trembling voice.
He quickly ran towards you helping you stay up.Then I carry you carefully in his arms to leave you in the bed.he put his hand on your cheek
-I'll go look for the town doctor quickly.- He said trying to reassure you.
You just nodded while trying to contain your pain.
And this is how the Grandmaster ran faster than ever to seek help.
*Hours later *
Your husband is outside your room waiting for the nurses to let them in.
While he waited he couldn't help but feel guilty, deep down he knew that the unexpected news he gave you had triggered all of this.
You and your son are his only family he had left (and Tomas), if he lost them both he wouldn't stand it.
What could he do now? His father taught him that he should always be there to help his wife. But he couldn't help, it's more like he didn't know how.
His thoughts were interrupted when the door opened.
-Grandmaster can now enter - The nurse indicated.
He obeyed and entered quickly. When he entered, he saw you sweaty and tired like never before, you were shaking.
When you saw him you extended your hand towards him.
He ran towards you and took your hand and with the other he caressed your head.
-I'm here Y/N.- your husband said sweetly.
-I must say, I'm grateful this is happening now.- You said weakly. Your husband smiled a little.
-I'm not going anywhere- Said the Grandmaster.
That gave you a little happiness but deep down you knew that later he would have to leave.
The contractions became stronger and you went into labor.
You pushed with all your strength for a long time, 20 minutes passed and still nothing, your husband never let go of your hand.
Deep down he was desperate, he felt worthless and there was nothing else he could do.
But he seemed calm next to you, you couldn't see his side.
His thoughts were interrupted when he saw how your son came out, however this baby was not crying.
- What's going on? Where is my baby - You asked anxiously, you knew something was wrong.
Kuai Liang went to where the nurses were with your baby, when he arrived where your son saw something that made his blood run cold...
Your son came with the umbilical cord afflicting him.
The Grandmaster's world stopped, he just looked at the scene in shock.
-What's going on? Why don't you bring me my baby?.-You asked again desperately
Your husband turned to you and hugged you, comforting you.
That confirmed your suspicion. You tried to get up to go to your baby. But the Grandmaster wouldn't let you go, he didn't want you to see the same thing as him. He started to talk to you but his words didn't reach you, you were worried about your baby.
Kuai Liang gently took your head in his hands so you could look him in the eyes.You started to cry, your husband kissed your head while he continued talking to you, but none of his words reached you again.
You knew he was also distressed but he didn't want to show it to you.
But as if it were a miracle, you heard the beautiful cry expected from your baby.
Your husband, without thinking twice, went to look for your baby. He gave an excited smile while tears began to appear in the Grandmaster's eyes. It was the first time you saw your loved one cry.
When he held his son/daughter, he gave him many kisses, then he took him to you who had your arms extended impatiently.
Until you were finally able to hug your baby, you also filled him with kisses.
-You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life...I love you (name of your baby).- You told your little life.
Your husband planted a kiss on your forehead and with his hand he held his baby's hand.
- Thank you. - Said the Grand master with his eyes illuminated
You were lying with your baby in the middle of the bed. Appreciating it while you had a hand on his/her tummy and your husband had his finger trapped in his baby's little hands.
-I will stay as long as necessary- Kuai Liang began to speak without stopping to see his baby.
- My love, if you have to go, it's fine, the fact that you were there for the birth of our son makes me feel complete, and I also know that you have worked hard all this time - You said sweetly. Today was the happiest day of your life, for your baby to be healthy is the best you could ask for.
-But if something happens to you - the Grandmaster began to say.
- We'll be fine, I promise, just swear to me that you'll come back alive.- You said.
The pyromancer smiled, he felt that he loved you more than ever, he thought that he did well in choosing you as his wife.
He take your hand and plant a kiss on it.
-I promise.- he said sweetly.
This was just the beginning, but you and your son were the most important thing to him, his love for you was unconditional.
Author's note
Hello everyone, thank you for reading me, I hope you liked it, if you have ideas do not hesitate to tell me
I will let this here for who not reading it yet
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enretrogue · 3 days
I loved the Headcanons about sleeping in with Bihan, how would it be during lazy mornings?? Specially during cold seasons 💕💕
tehe thank you 💕
Staying in with Bi-Han while it's snowing (σ´∀`)σ
Bi-Han fluff- nothing more
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It's much too cold for you this morning
Those were Bi-Hans's words, not yours
When you woke up actually, he was already awake and had gotten thicker blankets to surround you in
Yesterday was a lot for the both of you, it was hard work
Building more training and farming areas
Making plans to get more recruits
And you were not near each other for the majority of it
So today was going to be an easy morning
He has wrapped you in two wool blankets and then wrapped himself around you
You kiss him a few times to let him know you both need to get up
But he only rolls over ontop of you
‘Bi-Han, it is already sunrise, we should be getting ready’
‘I already have people reciting what we did yesterday. We can check on them later. But, for now, we have no responsibilities’
You run one of your hands through his hair, okay with sleeping in today
He returns the favor and kisses your cheeks, playing with some strands of hair
He's lying on your chest, listening to your heartbeat
‘If you are ready to eat we have just gotten more meat. I will make you something warm for you’
He is always on edge when the weather gets colder, you aren't like him, you can't handle it like he can
‘I'm fine right now, thank you though..’
You kiss the top of his head, to show him you appreciate the thought
You stay like that until you both are ready to get up, that isn't for a while though
Both of these you fall asleep for another couple of hours, with him on top of you
It was a warm morning for you, a nice one
And it was a rewarding morning for him, a peaceful one
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enretrogue · 3 days
Can you write about Bihan having feelings for the reader but doesn't know how to ask her out on a date?
What a cayutie patootie idea! Here you go, hope u like it 🩵
~ KISS THE GIRL (there’s no kissing I’m just referencing the song)
Bi han was never one to have crushes, which was why he was frustrated and baffled by the slightest increase in his heart rate around you.
You’d been a part of the Lin Kuei’s special forces for 3 months, training hard and keeping your own under the Grandmaster’s direct command. While ever so handsome, you found him to be as cold as the cryo in his veins.
You knew you’d stutter around that man if you ever opened your mouth to say anything other than ‘Yes master!’ with your comrades.
Bi han was aware of your weariness in his presence and appreciated the respect you gave him, but he silently wished that you’d be less afraid. The permanent scowl on his good looking features… it’s just his resting face. (Johnny told him he had a resting bitch face, and he took offense to that and froze Johnny’s lips shut.)
Around the spring, flowers bloomed and blossomed in bright cool colors around the compound, sending their sweet fragrances into the morning air. Bi han took notice of a certain flower in particular.
It reminded him of you. Beautiful, bold, and bright, the flower swayed gently in the wind, its coloring identical to your uniform. Bi han thought about asking you to walk in the garden with him, but was at a loss for words when he thought about what he’d say.
Bi han’s brows furrowed as he looked away from the spring beauties, annoyed by his sudden incompetence. He was THE grandmaster for god’s sake, how could he not find it in himself to ask you on an outing?
As if things couldn’t get any worse, you showed up on the path he was on, talking with Kung Lao and Raiden during your break time. Bi han stood in his place off to the side, watching your every move, down to the way you tilted your head when you smiled and used your hands to talk.
As soon as you noticed your grandmaster’s presence, you stopped in front of him and bowed respectfully, greeting him like always. Kung Lao and Raiden nod their heads at him.
Almost immediately, Bi han’s mouth moves before his brain does, a complete rarity for his character.
“Y/n. I must speak with you,” he started before eying the boys to his side, “Alone.”
Kung Lao smirks at you before pulling Raiden along, leaving you to speak with the scariest man you know. What did you do? Were your reps earlier that bad? As if Bi han heard your mental fretting, he crossed his arms and shook his head.
“You are not in trouble, y/n.” He says, but the graveness of his tone does little to settle your nerves.
If only you could hear his heart race.
“Then.. what’s the matter?” You ask politely.
“The flowers have started to bloom…” Bi han holds his mask for a second, as if he thinks it’d fall if he didn’t. He was embarrassed now. How the great grandmaster has fallen, pitifully pining for more of your sweet presence.
“Walk with me in the garden at dusk. If you get hungry, we can visit Madame Bo’s.” Bi han mentally cursed himself for making his request sound like a command.
You hoped your jaw wasn’t on the floor. Had the grandmaster of the Lin Kuei asked you out? On a date? He was staring straight into your eyes, you felt his hard gaze pierce right through you. It would be threatening if he didn’t ask you on a date a few seconds prior.
“Sure—uh, grandmast—“
“Bi han. Address me as bi han.” He interrupted, voice gruff.
“Right. I’ll see you this evening, Bi han…” You say carefully, feeling your cheeks burn and your stomach flutter. You felt like you were more excited than he was, but trust, Bi han is subtly smiling under that ninja mask.
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© vinaxxo 2024. Do not use my works for ai, or reposting to different platforms. Thanks for reading <3
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enretrogue · 3 days
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NSFW THOUGHTS ON THE LIN KUEI TRIO pairing: Bi-Han/reader | Kuai Liang/reader | Tomas Vrbada/reader wc: 1.2k warnings: 18+ only, smut, p in v sex, cunnilingus, hickeys, biting, minor dacryphilia, fingering, mentions of minor burns, panty sniffing, panty stealing, minor cum play, afab!reader, no pronouns used !! a/n; okie i wanted to try something a little different and decided to share some smutty thoughts i have on the lin kuei trio, i just think they're neat! i'm also feeling a particular way right now, nobody contact me <3 (kidding) MDNI | SMUT UNDER CUT
BI-HAN ---------------
⟢ Bi-Han likes fucking you from behind, he loves being able to see all of how you take him, he enjoys the needy way you rut back into him, the desperate grinding and wiggling you do to try and gain more pleasure has an amused smile plastering itself on his face ⟢ he has greedy eyes, he’d eye fuck you as soon as you walked into a room and he’s not any better in the bedroom, always wanting to see everything he can from whatever position he’s got you in ⟢ If he has you facing him while balls deep, he’s making you keep eye contact, he wants to see the fucked out look in your eyes as he takes you how he likes ⟢ depending on the day he’d either fuck you nice and slow, pulling you apart meticulously, wanting to see the whole process of how you go weak for him, loving how you completely melt for him ⟢ OR he’s fucking you hard and fast, jackhammering into you, only goal making you cum and making you cum quick, he’s not in the mood to play, he just wants you cumming as many times as he can get you to ⟢ his hands are always on you, holding onto something, though he likes holding your hips the most, he has good leverage to manhandle you like that ⟢ he’s a bit of a freak with his words and he knows it, at first he was just blunt and observant but when he saw how viscerally you reacted to him, he started doing it purposefully, saying things just to embarrass you and feel how your cunt clamps down tight on him ⟢ “so wet, can you hear that? Filthy thing.” ⟢ he’d fuck you faster just to make the sound of your devastatingly wet pussy louder, wanting to have you crying from how good it feels and from how ashamed it makes you ⟢ he likes when you feel red, raw and exposed, the way you’re so pliable and ruined after he’s finished with you never fails to fill him with a sick kind of pride the he relishes in ⟢ when he’s finished with you, you always walk away marked up, wherever he can reach, his teeth marks and hickeys are left in very visible and not so visible places and he will continue to do this, the joy he gets from seeing you walk around with his mark on you is immense
KUAI LIANG ---------------
⟢ i’ve made this clear before but Kuai Liang is a thigh man!!!!! He LOVES your thighs, he especially loves when you’re on top, he can grip and pull at your thighs while you ride him and that drives him feral, sometimes he worries about finishing too quickly when you’re sat on him, his mind reeling with how soft and warm you are ⟢ he’d swear he’s seen heaven when he’s convinced you to sit on his face the first time, he’d stay there until he died if you let him ⟢ marks are often found on your thighs, he digs his teeth into them, the plushness of your thighs bring out a primal urge in him to mark you up, make you his ⟢ circling back – he loves when you ride him, he’d enjoy the way you control the pace and he’d let you have that control but he’d also thrust up into you every now and again just to throw you off and make your expression stupid ⟢ he loves teasing you, loves making you look dumb for him, his favourite pastime is fucking you until you’re drooling for him, he’d wipe it clean for you and chuckle like he has no idea why you’re reacting like that, like he didn’t just fuck you so insanely well that you can’t even think straight ⟢ Kuai also likes taking you from behind, loving the way your thighs move and ass shakes as he pounds into you, he’d grip you tight, wanting you to stay completely still, he’s fucking you how you need, all you need to do is stay still for him ⟢ his hands would wander over you frequently, always drawing back to your thighs and your cunt at the apex of them, his fingers playing with your pussy over your clothes, he’d tease you immensely before slipping his fingers in and under your panties ⟢ he’d play with you, just wanting to work you up, he loves how desperate you get for him, he loves the unshed tears in your eyes and the way you beg for it when he doesn’t let you cum, his cock is never harder than when he’s making you beg for him ⟢ he’d play it cool but his body temperature would be through the roof and his thoughts would be overwhelmed with thoughts of your tight cunt wrapped around him ⟢ you walk away with light burns on your person almost 90% of the time because of how worked up he gets for you
TOMAS ---------------
⟢ Tomas is an incredibly giving partner, your pleasure is his pleasure, and that’s almost quite literally, he loves giving you head, he’d tongue you over your panties just because he can’t be bothered to take them off and needs his mouth on you now ⟢ he’s 100% sniffing you over your panties too, his nose pressing into you and inhaling deeply, he’s not ashamed over this, not when you’re so warm and so close and smell so good ⟢ he would eventually rip them from you, getting sick of not being able to taste you properly, he’d hold you open too, if he weren’t so pussy drunk maybe he’d feel bad about your embarrassment but when he’s got his tongue inside you, he suddenly doesn’t care ⟢ he’d pocket your underwear, what if you go away or he’s home alone? he’s keeping them so he can use them later, he’d have a shy smile on his face about it but that’s mostly for your sake, he doesn’t feel shame over how much he loves your cunt ⟢ he likes fucking in missionary, he likes to see your face, he likes being able to see how much you’re enjoying it, how much pleasure he’s giving you, the more frequent your moans and the more pinched your brows are, tell him how well he’s doing and that gets him off more than the actual sex ⟢ he loves kissing you during, he has his mouth on you, any part of you really, just wanting to cover you in kisses and tell you how beautiful you look, he praises you so much, so often in bed, he wants to make sure you never forget how good you look when he’s fucking you right ⟢ he enjoys when you praise him too, his dick would twitch and he’d borderline whimper when you tell him how good he’s making you feel, he’d worry about cumming too soon just from you telling him how pretty he is and how well he fucks you ⟢ he has cum prematurely one time but that didn’t mean he was done, there’s no way he’s walking away from sex with you when you’ve not cum ⟢ he’d have finished inside you so suddenly and quickly from everything about you, he’d feel so guilty but he’d make up for it by finger fucking you, making a mess of all his cum that’s leaking from you ⟢ cumming in you just to finger it back inside your tight pussy would become more frequent for him after that, he loves playing with your cunt and he especially loves making you take his cum again
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enretrogue · 5 days
Waiting For a New Arrival
Um yeah..so I wrote a semi fluffy Bi-Han x reader fanfic. This is my very first fanfic so I hope you like it.
Bi-Han x F! Reader
Tags and notes: Domestic fluff, MK1 AU, Childbirth, Family Fluff
Warnings: Mentions of childbirth I guess?
Word Count: 3.137
・———— ・ ✦୨୧✦ ・———— ・
There was two things Bi-Han hated: waiting and not being informed on what was happening in his home, he hated the latter more as he was the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei, he was supposed to know what was going on.
Bi-Han paced back and forth in the main sitting room of his quarters waiting for news. Hands behind his back, his eyebrows were knitted together, his lips formed into scowl which were bigger than usual. Every few minutes He stopped pacing, looked up at the clock on the wall then resumed pacing near the bedroom door. Being one the biggest rooms in the Lin Kuei temple, His quarters were large and spacious. Fitting for their Grandmaster to retire after fulling their duties to the clan. The room was flooded with lanterns and candles illuminated the room after the sun set long ago.
On one of the sofa in the room sat Kuai Liang and Tomas. Silently they watched their older brother pacing near the door to his bedroom. They were also worried and anxious about any news but hid it better than Bi-Han; Kuai-Laing was the first to speak up.
“Brother, I know you’re worried, but we need to be patient what can’t do anything right now but wait.”
Bi-Han stopped pacing and looked at his brother with a bit of annoyance “Of course I know that it’s just frustrating I can’t even be in there with her due to tradition.” He growled.
Kuai-Liang was not offended by his brother’s outburst, he and Tomas were long use of their brother’s impatience, but they knew this time that impatience was out of concern.
The birth to his child was happening and couldn’t be in the room to see.
After rushing to return home after getting the news, he was told he could not enter his own bedroom where you were. He wanted to be by your side, but tradition forbids it. Normally Bi-Han was the first to support following tradition in the clan, but this moment made him think not all traditions needed to continue.
Just then they heard a loud moan of pain was heard from the closed doors that broke his concentration, you have been in labor for hours and every hour that passed was torture for you. Hearing your pain was enough to hear and Bi-Han quickly walked back to his quarters to be with you tradition be dammed.
Bi-Han burst through the doors; he saw a few servants near the bed they all turned to see where the loud noise came from. They all felt his cold aura filling the room none of them spoked, fearing the anger from their leader.
Until one of them a familiar face, stepped forward.
“Grandmaster you know it forbidden for you to be here during this time.” Madam Bo spoke firmly.
“I came to see my wife and soon my child.” With a slightly annoyed voice.
Madam Bo stood her ground and Bi-Han couldn’t help but admired her stubbornness.
“I know you’re worried about your wife and child but they’re in my good hands. I have helped deliver many babies even helped your mother deliver you and your brother.”
She stepped close to Bi-Han meeting the man eye to eye. “Plus, it doesn’t help your wife when you come in bursting in making all that noise and bringing in that freezing air.” She gave the Cryomancer a sympathetic hand on his shoulder.
“Trust me I have it covered, you can see her before you leave.” She gestured towards the bed.
Bi-Han walked to the bed where you were sitting. Your hair soaked with sweat, face red. Breathing hard you reached out your hand, and he grabbed it instantly. You were so happy to see him at your side. You were overcome with emotion and just let it all out, how you were scared, afraid you might lose the baby, lose your life, or both. He reassured you would be okay as much as you wanted him to stay, he had to leave. Before leaving their bedroom, He gave your hand a squeeze one more time before exiting.
He returned to the sitting room and resumed his routine of pacing.  While pacing he thought back to the day you told him you, he had an heir.
・———— ・ ✦୨୧✦ ・———— ・
Bi-Han had just finished training for the day when you found him and told him the news. He stood in silence for a few seconds not reacting; he then pulled you in a tight embrace and kissed your forehead. Inside he was excited you were pregnant with his child; he was going to have an heir. Someone to follow his footsteps and one day received the title Grandmaster like he had with his father, keeping the Lin Kuei bloodline growing strong for another generation.
The first months passed you noticed how Bi-Han changed. He was more attentive to you, bringing your food and tea in bed, being with you during your visits to clan’s medic, and on presenting small gifts. You never saw this side of him before and thought it was sweet and but towards the end of your pregnancy, you started to feel smothered. He began assigning guards to you, limiting your visits outside the temple and finally not letting you do your previous duties around the clan. He explained that the changes was just for safety so you reluctantly agreed but kept your frustrations to yourself.
The breaking point was an incident near one of the Lin Kuei borders; a report of unknown intruders put the temple on high alert, and you were rushed off to your quarters and locked inside in for hours. That was a bit much for your liking and after the incident was over with the help of Kuai Liang and Tomas, you asked Bi-Han to give you more space. You knew he was worried, but you reminded him you can take care of yourself. Bi-Han admit he acted too controlling and pull back on the changes.
Before your due date Bi-Han was summoned for an outside mission for the Fire God Lord Lui Kang.  A few months ago, He would’ve gladly take the mission anytime to show off his skills in Kombat but with you due soon Bi-Han wanted to be on temple grounds for the day, but as Grandmaster had to follow his duty to Lord Liu Kang and protect Earthrealm from any potential threats. On the evening of his departure, you said your goodbyes to Kuai Liang and Tomas and lastly your husband. You hugged him while He gave you a kiss on the forehead and laid a cool hand on your stomach.
 “Please be careful and come back safely so you can meet our child.” You whispered.  
 “I promise I’ll be here when the time comes.” He gave you one more kiss this time he lingered a bit more then left the grounds of the Lin Kuei temple; you watch him disappeared as the giant temple doors closed behind him.
A week passed as you patiently waited for Bi-Han to return. To keep your mind, occupy you went about your days completing your duties around the clan. Which was harder than usual due to being heavily pregnant, but you didn’t want to be a burden.
On the day of the birth, it started off the same you completed your duties for the evening, you and a servant were walking to the dining hall for dinner. You mostly ate in your quarters, but it felt lonely without Bi-Han and wanted company while walking in the hallways suddenly you felt a sharp pain You keel over holding your lower stomach, when you felt something wet down your legs and realized your water broke.
It was time.
Quickly the servant helped you back into your bedroom then left to alert the midwife.
You sat on the edge of the bed keeping your breathing steady. You were in so much pain it was hard to concentrate. You really wish Bi-Han were here with you. A few minutes later the servant returned with the midwife you looked up in surprise to see Madam Bo with another midwife, and a few servants. She looked at you with concern and brushed your already sweat soaked hair from your eyes.
“Don’t worry, I know you’re scared but I promise you it will be okay.”
You smiled at her reassurance and felt a bit at ease until another contraction hit you this one more intense you grab the bedsheets tightly, squeezing your eyes shut you letting out a groan. You were told that contractions were painful but did not know how intense they were when the time came.
“Where’s Bi-Han?” you asked trembling after the contraction ended.
“He’s coming soon, they sent a messenger to alert the Grandmaster. But it will be a while before he arrives” Bo explained.
You were happy someone alerted him but still hated the fact it will take time but hoped he’ll arrive before the birth. The room became chaotic as more servants came in bringing towels, lanterns, and water. They then began to undress you and place you in a simple gown and lay on the bed doing their best to keep you comfortable. As evening slowly crept into night, the servants began lighting lanterns in the room. Hour after hour passed and you were in the worst pain you felt in your life, still no sign of Bi-Han returning.  As the contractions shortened Bo told you the time for pushing came close. You were relieved but still wanted Bi-Han with you.
You silently prayed he would return on time.
・———— ・ ✦୨୧✦ ・———— ・
Bi-Han was running a fast as he ever ran in his life, he could feel his heart pounding in his chest, His breath shallow coming out in a cool mist from his mask. His legs burning but he didn’t care, he had to return home as possible. Glancing over his shoulder he saw Kuai Laing and Tomas not far behind him. Not too long ago they completed their mission for Lui Kang earlier than expected. They caught their enemies by surprise close to the Lin Kuei border, saving them days of tracking. After providing Lui Kang with an update the God of Fire was satisfied and sent them back home, Bi-Han accepted and was glad to be returning home. The entire trek back he thought of nothing of you and the baby. With the mission ending early they can reach the Lin Kuei Temple by morning.
Treading back Bi-Han decided to stop and rest for a bit. After setting up camp Kuai Liang started a small fire. Once the fire was going his solders relaxed drinking water and taking warmth from the fire. Bi-Han away from everyone relaxed against a tree while observing the forest he notices a small shadow moving quickly and headed straight for them.
Bi-Han quickly stood up taking a defensive stance against the unknown intruder, there was no one else in the forest except Lin Kuei as the shadow approached, his guard was immediately dropped when he realizes it was a fellow Lin Kuei foot soldier.
The foot soldier approached Bi-Han and bowed quickly to his leader.
“What are doing here outside the temple without permission.” he said in a disapproving grunt.
“Apologies, Grandmaster but I came to give you an urgent message. Your wife is in labor you need to return to the temple right away.”
Bi-Han ’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, the time finally arrived.
“Kuai Liang, Tomas!!” he called.
His two brothers were relaxing by the fire when he called, they instantly came to his side.
“What’s going on?” Tomas asked first.
“We must return to the temple immediately Y/N is in labor.”
Both brothers “Understand brother but what about the others?” he said gesturing to the foot soldiers.
“Let them still rest and Have Cyrax take charge while we’re gone, he can manage it.”
“Will do brother.” Kuai Liang noodled he ran to tell Cyrax.
After Cyrax was notified, the three brothers quickly followed the messenger back home. Bi-Han in the lead outrunning the messenger. The only thing on his mind was you and the baby he prayed to the Elder Gods that you will be ok.
Finally Bi-Han saw the tall roofs of the Lin Kuei temple and the lights from the watch tower. They watchers in the tower alerted the ground that Bi-Han and the others were approached and open the gate. Bi-Han quickly entered through the giant gate doors and raced to the main quarters, as he entered his main chambers. but was stop by Madam Bo, hear Bi-Han entered and she informed Bi-Han that you were alright, and was about the start the delivery but he needed to wait out in the sitting room as he wasn’t allowed in the room.
“This is ridiculous as Grandmaster I demand to be in there!”
“Grandmaster or not I can’t let you come in during this difficult and stressful time. You will be able to see them in a soon just be patient.”
Before the Cryomancer could counter back, another midwife poked her head in the door alerting Madam Bo to return. The elderly lady hurried back in the room before he had a chance to speak again.
Bi-Han stood by the lock doors his anger brewing, he ran all the way back home then wasn’t allowed to his wife due to tradition. He could easily break down the doors but remember what Madam Bo said about stress, so he sat with his frustrations until they passed in the main sitting room. Tomas and Kuai Liang entered a few minutes later, after Bi-Han explain they both stayed with their older brother. Keeping him company while He grungily listened and waited patiently at the bedroom door.
・———— ・ ✦୨୧✦ ・———— ・
As Bi-Han was replaying the last hour in his mind your scream broke through his concentration one last time the room was dead silent all three men held their breath until they heard it: a small cry coming from the room. Kuai Liang and Tomas rose up from their seats and hurry to Bi-Han. They heard more noise from the room where Madman Bo exit out quickly, she walked up to Bi-Han then bow her head.
“Congratulations Grandmaster you have a healthy girl.”
“A girl.” Bi-Han thought. He has a daughter.
He was a father.
A look of relief was washed across his face.
“Thank you for your help,” he said with genuine gratitude in his voice.
“My pleasure Grandmaster you can go see them now.”
Bi-Han at last was able to enter his bedroom. As he entered the room, he saw one of the midwives holding his crying daughter over a tub of warm water cleaning her off. She was red from crying but appeared healthy, he then came over to you on the bed. You were still panting but now you also had a look of relief, and happiness across your face. Bi-Han leaned down and kissed your forehead.
“Well done wife, she’s perfect and will become a fine warrior.” Bi-Han said proudly.
You laughed. “Thank you, I’m so glad you made it.”
“I told you I would be back in time.”
Bi-Han watched the midwife carefully clean and swaddle your daughter never taking his eyes off her, remaining at your side he started to Brush the hair from your face.
 Once finished the midwife brought the now quiet infant and gently place her in Bi-Han strong arms. He was surprised at how light she weighed. His hard eyes soften upon looking at her. Up close he observes she took after him. She had a full head of his dark hair and had his light brown eyes. Bi-Han couldn’t help himself and found the faintest smile gracing his normally stoic features.
You watched your husband holding your newborn daughter and you thought how gentle he was. His hands trained for combat and killing were now holding something soft and delicate.  You would hold onto the image forever. Bi-Han then left the room with her to show Kuai Ling and Tomas their new family member. While the servants began cleaning you up.
Both brothers still waiting by the doors when Bi-Han stepped out carrying the child. They stepped forward to look at their new niece. Tomas carefully touched her face while Kuai Laing placed a hand on his shoulder and gave his older brother a warm smile of approval.
“Congratulations brother, she’s beautiful. Father and Mother would be proud.”
After a quick wash change of clothes and sheets you were placed back in the bed which you happily obliged you finally had your daughter and husband together and was all you needed now. As she was packing up to leave Madman Bo informed you she would stop by in the morning to check on you. Giving you a final bow and left along with the staff while leaving Bi-Han returned with Kuai and Tomas not far behind. He sat on the edge of the bed giving you the baby to hold while your brothers-in-law gave you their congratulations and accepted them with a smile. After a few minutes of admiring and holding their niece Kuai and Tomas said their final congratulations and goodbyes for the night leaving the two of you alone.
As you laid back on the pillows, admired your child you felt the body growing tired, eyelids getting heavy, the need to sleep was creeping up in your body. The adrenaline was finally wearing off. You reached out and grabbed Bi-Han’s muscular bicep.
“I think it’s time for me to rest now.” You said gently.
He took your hand off his bicep and gave it a slight squeeze.
 “Understood, take your rest now.” Bi-Han then took your daughter. “You can enjoy her in the morning with full strength.”
“Thank you.” You whispered and lay back and closed your eyes after a few minutes your body fell asleep after a grueling day. Bi-Han still on the edge of the bed watching your chest slowly rise and fall. He did not know why he watched but just wanted to make sure you were fine. He realizes too it was time to rest; he walked over to the bassinet and gingerly place his sleeping daughter in he then quietly walked over to the large chair by the window. Letting his body sink in the soft leather. He let out a large sigh releasing all the tension from the day and evening and feeling the muscles in his body unwind. He looked out the window and saw the first sign of dawn approaching, a small sliver of light was coming up in the east.  Today was truly a new day for him he thought and soon became the last person in the room to close their eyes and rest.
Thank you for reading. reviews, edits, and suggestions are appreciated.
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enretrogue · 6 days
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ Bi-Han with a Sun Goddess!Reader
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ᯓ★ fluff, angst at the end, reader is fem!!
Boy oh boy were you two an unexpected match. One was full of grace while the other's full of temper.
Though, despite your differences, your relationship was surprisingly well.
How he fell for you was a story itself, it all started when you had offered to help Liu Kang and his friends to fight against Shang Tsung. When you were given a place to stay at the Lin Kuei's headquarters, that's how you met the man.
He was the first to introduce himself but from his tone you could tell he was forced to offer the hospitality towards you.
During the wait for Liu Kang's orders, you explored the place and had stumble upon Bi-Han when he was training his men. You were bored so you decided to join.
From there was how you slowly started to know him.
Starting by having a friendly duel to having brunch at the garden. He was surprisingly not as scary as he appears to be.
It was probably your patience and elegance that made him fall hard for you.
He can't explain it but there was this aura about you that just seemed to be drawing him in.
So when he confessed to you after he had invited you over for a formal dinner. That was when things took a huge turn.
When everyone found out you two were together, it blew nearly everyone's mind, especially Johnny's. Like how did that happen?
"What do you even see in him?"
"He makes me laugh"
P.S, Bi-Han hates how you and Johnny are very buddy with each other.
There was this one time Johnny had bought you an attire from his earth and had intended to bring you as a plus one to his movie premiere but obviously Bi-Han was quick to snatch you away.
Just imagine him dragging you gently by the waist while looking over his shoulder to glare at Johnny. You on the other hand was unaware of his jealousy since you were confused why he needed your help on watering the pond (?)
Honestly Bi-Han wouldn't be too showy with affection. Sure he loves you, but he also loves his image. Though if you were ever to initiate PDA, he'd be fine with small things like kisses and hugs. Just don't embarrass him in front of his men. He won't be ever live it down.
Did I mention how soft he gets behind closed doors?
Once it's just you two he can finally drop his cold demeanor.
100% canon he's a small spoon type of guy.
Like just run your hands through his loose hair and massage his scalp. HE.WILL.MELT!!!
He'd definitely talk in a whisper tone to you when you guys are cuddling. Not to mention he always have this soft smile on his face.
"I missed you the entire day..."
"Hm... Your hair looks cute when it's messy..."
"Stop... don't look at me like that... quit pouting..."
He also enjoys taking baths together. Nothing extreme of course. He just enjoys the feel of your skin 'cause it helps him to relax.
He calls you sunshine. I wonder why 🤔
Jokes aside, he also calls you other cliché things like baby and love.
Another funny thing, he enjoys it when you choose to mess with him. He doesn't get mad but instead finds your attempts intriguing.
An example of a scenario was when you had decided to put makeup on him. Your excuse being that you wanted to try a new type of style but he knew those were just white lies.
Once you were done, you just couldn't control your laughter. He doesn't even crack a smile but just stares at you with a blank expression before turning to see his reflection on the mirror.
Did you just put clown makeup on him? He sighs but secretly inside, he finds your laughter quite contagious. It takes all his strength not to smile.
"You are an adult yet you behave like a child"
"PAAHAHAHA I AM—NOT— NOT A CHILD!!" You'd struggle to say through your laughter as he turns to stare at you once again with a unimpressed look, the clown makeup still on him making it even more funny to you.
OKAY NOW HEAR ME OUT. He definitely gives you compliments buuuut since he's too embarrassed to just say it outright, he likes to say it in his native language. He's just more comfortable in his mother tongue.
Just imagine him caressing your cheek as he admires you. Nothing but love in his gaze. It was like you were the single most beautiful thing in this world to him.
"你到底知道你有多可愛嗎? (Do you even understand/know how cute you are?)" He'd say in a breathy tone as though your beauty took his breath away.
Now to your powers, when he first saw you in action, it left him astonished. A sun goddess? Just when he thought he had seen it all... you never cease to surprise him.
That's why it comes naturally that he would challenge you in a friendly battle which you accepted without hesitation.
It was definitely a massive fight, even some of his men were rounding around or peeking from nearby to get a glimpse of the fight.
You were fast yet so smart with your moves. He had to admit that it had him captivated. Sadly the fight ended in a tie since Scorpion had to come in to stop it when things were beginning to get out of hand.
Without realising, you guys had accidentally damage some of the furniture and such. Ever since then, Bi-Han has been looking forward to competing against you again.
After that you were also considered his equal which is already an achievement itself.
Rarely anyone gets that high of a praise.
When in a relationship, his curiosity would peak and he would ask questions about your powers and your backstory.
While telling him your family reputation and the origin of where you got your abilities, he would be listening closely.
You taught yourself how to control and enhance your skills? He likes you even more.
You have daddy issues? Say less.
Whatever it is, he'll just listen to you with his brows slightly raised as you have his complete interest.
Since you're the only one he feels like he can share his problems to, he would definitely share his frustration concerning his father's beliefs about the Lin Kuei.
You would try to help him through it but even with your endless love and care. His betrayal would be inevitable.
When you learned of his betrayal through his brothers, it left you completely shattered.
How could he do this?
Did he not even consider the harm he could do when he did that?
Did you never cross his mind?
All of these thoughts haunted you.
And so did his consequences did to him.
His thirst for power and control consumed him to the fact that he had failed to realise he had lost you in the process.
Countless nights of staring at the wall as he loses sleep...
Until one day he decided to go and set out to find you. When he did, he hid himself in the shadows while watching you pack your stuff.
You were leaving to Japan with his brothers.
The dark circles around your eyes and the glow you always had on you was gone.
His actions had entirely ruined you...
Once he was sure it was just you and nobody else, he would step out of the bushes and choose to approach you. A dumb but desperate move.
The second your eyes settled on him. There was no warmth... but rage in your eyes.
Without a second thought you would initiate a fight against the man who was once your lover.
Due to your still aching heart, you would fight with tears in your eyes as your emotions got the better of you, something Bi-Han easily caught notice of.
After exchanging blows and countering them, Bi-Han would manage to hold you in his embrace which you struggled against but soon you would give in to the warmth of his body. The feeling you've longed for ever since he was gone.
"Please... don't leave..." He'd plea, afraid that he might never see you again.
"I never left... you did..." You'd say, then gently removing his arms around you which he let's you without resisting.
"You left me... like I was nothing to you..." You looked at him, staring at the way his face was unreadable but you could see the glimpse of hopeless in his eyes.
"I'm just glad this time I get to say goodbye" You'd then reach out to hold the side of his face... before turning to leave with your belongings.
He doesn't stop nor chases after you but rather just stands there and watch as you go.
The heartbreaking realisation that he was no longer the reason for you to stay.. but to run away.
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enretrogue · 6 days
BI HAN X FEM FIGURE SKATER READER?? I man cold man..reader who's constantly in the cold come onnn
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History Maker
Prior notes: Of course I see it, I THOUGHT OF IT BEFORE! Also no one call me out on the title.
Pairing: Bi-Han x Figure Skater! Afab reader
Warnings ‼️: I’m holding onto the edge I can’t skate
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Liu Kang has gained all his champions, you being one of them. You would have never guessed that your ice skating skills made you a potential fighter. Your flexibility, the ability to stay stable and balanced, strong legs, and grace were all aspects of a great fighter. Liu Kang has made no mistake. You might doubt yourself but he sees potential in you. You just need the right mentor.
That’s why Liu Kang unexpectedly dropped in to see Bi-Han and ask him to be your mentor. Bi-Han questioned why he didn’t send you to the Wu Shi Academy with everyone else. The answer is simple, Artika is a better environment for you. Liu Kang has already allowed you to mess around in the area. Bi-Han was not happy with Liu Kang making a decision without consulting him. He got up and told the fire god to show him where you were.
It didn’t take long for them to find you. They followed the music that was coming from the frozen lake. Bi-Han makes his way toward you with annoyance before turning into curiosity.
You moved so gracefully on the thick ice. Your skates left marks on the frozen lake and left bits of shaved ice behind. It was surprising to see you weren’t wearing extra layers. All you had on was a long-sleeved shirt, bootcut pants, and mittens. Gotta keep yourself from getting hypothermia. You started sliding backward on the ice without even looking. You took a deep breath before launching yourself into the air. You spun quickly. One revolution, two revolution, three revolution, four revolution! Four revolutions before you landed on the opposite foot. You kept moving on like you didn’t do a lutz jump. A jump that many would cheat at. Not you, because you’re that good. So good that you caught the eye of the Lin Kuei’s grandmaster.
The cherry on top was when you finished off your routine by doing a camel spin. You lifted your left leg to make a perfect 90-degree angle as you spun on the other leg. You looked so graceful, you were unlike anything Bi-Han had seen. You lowered your leg and brought yourself to a stop. You noticed Liu Kang was nearby watching you with a proud smile on his face. Bi-Han was next to him, staring in awe but it was hard to tell since his eyebrows were still furrowed. You skated up to Liu Kang and asked who Bi-Han was.
“This is the Lin Kuei’s grandmaster, Bi-Han. I was hoping he would mentor you if he so desires.” Liu Kang looked at Bi-Han for confirmation. After what he saw he already made a decision.
“She has potential. It is clear to me that she will fit right in.”
His stance on you changed pretty quickly. He would have refused to deal with you if he didn’t see your wonderful display of skills. But now that he has seen, he can’t let you go.
You were fine with working with him. You just had one condition. You wanted to use the lake whenever you wanted so you could keep skating.
Your time with the Lin Kuei was beneficial. Actually your time was mostly spent with Bi-Han.
The environment was perfect for you. A frozen lake that you could use every day to practice skating. The ice was so thick you never feared falling through. Even if there was a risk, Bi-Han was always there to watch you. He enjoyed watching every special jump or spin you could do. Not only was it impressive but it was majestic. That doesn’t distract him from the fact that he is supposed to be training you.
One of your strengths, as he pointed out through observations, was your flexibility. You could make a straight line with your legs while standing on one foot. You could do a split with no struggle. You could almost make your foot touch your head while standing on one leg. That one is his favorite stretch since it allows him to get close. He liked to “check your form” which meant he’d come up to place a hand on your waist and your thigh. You might have felt him squeeze your thigh once or twice but you weren’t sure. You were more focused on keeping your balance.
You two were very compatible, not much of a shock there. It was a deadly duo that consisted of ice. He can control ice; you can control yourself on ice. A clever trick you guys could perform is when Bi-Han made a path of ice that you can skate on quickly before kicking your opponent at the last second. It catches everyone off guard with how fast you came towards them. It was fun to do, you can’t lie about that.
It became a habit for you two to take walks. You would skate on the ice while he would walk around the lake’s edge. Some of those walks would be quiet, other times you would go on about how you have improved both in skating and fighting. Once in a while when you were close to him he would take your hand and make you do a spin. The first time he ever did that to you, you tried your hardest to stop yourself from giggling. It was romantic you can’t act like he didn’t charm you in that moment. He liked getting a look an all-around look at you.
There was nothing that Bi-Han wanted more than to have you for himself. There was no other woman in his life that had drawn him in like you had. The compatibility when it came to fighting already made him see you as a worthy partner. Ever since the first time he laid eyes upon you, he wanted you. Your beauty and grace were that of a swan’s, but you had the strength and control of a warrior. You were also someone who didn’t pull away from his touch. Not a flinch or a shiver. You acted as if his body wasn’t cold. To you he never was. You never felt like his personality was cold either since he treated you better than everyone else.
The tournament was soon, meaning you wouldn’t need training anymore. It would be nice to return home once the tournament was over but at the same time, you didn’t want to leave. You adjusted to Artika quickly. You fell for Bi-Han quickly. You didn’t want to leave this all behind. Neither did Bi-Han. Perhaps it’s best to establish a relationship now before it’s too late.
You were on your usual walk, him walking at the side while you skated on the lake. You were in your usual spunky mood. You were spinning and giggling as you glided. It didn’t show on Bi-Han’s face but he was thoroughly enjoying you enjoyment.
“I never asked you before, but is there anyone waiting for you back home?” He asked.
“Just my family. But they rarely see me anyways, so this doesn’t make a huge difference.” You replied.
“There is no one back home that is lucky to have you for themselves?”
You knew what he meant by that. He was asking if you were dating anyone. You grew excited by this, in hopes of him wanting to ask you out.
“Nope, no one is lucky. Why do you ask?” You spun around with a smile on your face as you waited for Bi-Han’s answer.
“No reason.” He replied bluntly.
He kept walking before taking your hand into his. He spun you around to face forward again. You thought you made the wrong assumption until you felt his arm wrap around your shoulders. He never let go of your hand. He doesn’t want to let go.
Bi-Han’s not gonna ask you out in the usual way. This is his way of asking you out and making you his girlfriend. His hands are on you, that’s enough to prove that you are his. That move he just pulled was weirdly smooth and slick like ice. Don’t expect less from him. Just appreciate that he did this for you. For his new, special, gorgeous, and talented girlfriend.
After notes: You know I started this and then I didn't know what I was doing. I added the audio cause I felt like it worked idk you don’t have to work with that. I'm hoping I made some sense. If I didn't...damn. Adiós!
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enretrogue · 6 days
Can you Write How would they react if their baby got sick? Please UwU
Im really happy you like it 🥰🥰
Now im really inspired
Pdt: I dont know nothing about babys but im doing my best
Bi han ❄️
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It's only been two days since you gave birth, you were happier than ever, your baby was calm. Also you felt like Bi han softened when he was with you two.
Although he was a present man for you and your baby, he had to attend to Lin kuei matters.
After all he was still the Lin kuei Grandmaster. However, in this short time that has passed he has tried to help as he can, in his absence he left a woman in charge to attend to your demands.
When he arrived he would ask you how you were and then he would go to appreciate his son. When he looked at him, it was as if another feeling was born from him, he loved his son, he felt that he was an extension of him, his blood, It was unconditional love. You also felt that his love for you also grew.
It was early today, Bi Han left on a mission without telling you, it didn't bother you because you are used to it, after all you knew what you would have to face being the wife of the Grandmaster of the Linkuei.
You want to have breakfast, however your baby started crying, you assumed he was hungry, you asked the woman accompanying you to bring him to you. However, your baby did not accept your milk, you tried to calm him down in other ways and see what he had but nothing worked. As you carried him around the room with him you asked the woman.
-I don't understand, he doesn't accept my milk and he doesn't stop crying, what am I doing wrong? -You asked a little desperately.
-My lady, how about I bring you the wet nurse? - The woman suggested to you. At first you hesitated, you didn't want your baby to drink other woman milk, it gave you a strange feeling. But you had to do it for his own good.
-Yes please, but let it be in front of me.- You said to the woman. She nodded and went to look for the wet nurse, however he didn't accept her milk either, then your baby started crying harder.
His crying worried you, it was like he was suffering, something was wrong, your maternal instinct told you.
-Let's take him to the doctor, help me get dressed.- You said quickly.
- My lady, you should stay in bed. - The lady told you worriedly, after all you were still in pain from childbirth.
- Don't worry, I'll be fine, he should be with me. - You responded determinedly, your bond with your son was unbreakable.
They helped you dress, the truth is that you could barely move because of the pain, however you wanted to calm your son's pain.
Fortunately, the doctors were in the Lin Kuei establishments by order of the Grandmaster, to attend to his wife's demands, a wise decision on his part.
When you arrived with them, they asked you questions, examined your baby, and then made you leave the room.
-My lady, due to the hours that have passed without him eating, and given that he was born 2 months earlier than expected, we have the theory that some of his organs are not well developed. Therefore, we are going to feed him through feeding tubes. - The doctor explained to you.
For you it was like a bucket of cold water, it hurt you to think how uncomfortable your baby is going to be, if it would hurt, he is so small and so fragile.
-but there is no other way? he'll be fine? - you asked anxiously
-This is the best option, many hours have passed without feeding, believe me.- The doctor say try yo calm you.
In the end you had to give in, but you demanded to see him as much as possible.
They didn't deny you. Despite everything, you are the wife of the Grandmaster, he would threaten everyone if he was with you, and the doctors were aware of it.
In the end you thanked them, and waited for them to prepare your baby, while you waited you ate forcedly, you weren't even hungry, you did it just so that your condition wouldn't get worse.
Then you went to wait for them to call you so you could see him.
When they finally called you to come in, you went quickly. When you walked in your heart broke, even though you knew your son was going to be full of tubes, seeing him there was more shocking, he was so small, he looked so uncomfortable.
-Oh my life, my sweet baby.- You said to your baby, trying to caress his face.
You could barely touch it because there were so many tubes and cables that you could ruin a connection.
Your heart was shaken, he did not understand anything, you sent someone to notify Bi Han about the condition of his son as soon as he arrived, because you would not be separated from your baby. You felt like something would happen to him if you weren't with him.
So then you were with him, sitting watching him, without realizing it the day was already ending, for you the hours seemed like minutes, it was already 5 in the morning.
Just as you were about to close your eyes you felt a hand on your back.
-Wife....- Bi Han said, when you turned to see the cryomancer he was in shock seeing his son in that state.
He looked exhausted for having just arrived from a mission.
-Sorry, it's my fault, I couldn't breastfeed, he was suffering, so I brought him here.- You couldn't even finish your sentence because you finally broke.
You hid your face from him, you feel weak and vulnerable before him, but surprisingly for you he began to caress your head.
-It's not your fault.- your husband said compassionately.
-You should go to sleep now.- The cryomancer demanded.
-I can't...if I do he will be alone.- You responded weakly. Your husband frowned.
-Y/N, you are recovering, if you continue like this your condition will worsen.- The cryomancer told you somewhat harshly. He didn't like disobedience.
-I can't.- You responded without stopping to look at your baby.
-Obey your husband.- Bi han said harshly, his patience had already run out, the truth is that he was also dealing with many things that he never expresses, adding this situation.
Deep down you understood it, but it made you angry that he didn't understand that you didn't want to be separated from your son, at least being close to him gave you some peace of mind, as if nothing was going to happen to him.
-Okay, I'll do it, but I don't think I'll be able to sleep- you finally told him.
He sat down to look at his son, and he sighed as if he had regretted raising his voice to you.
-I'll stay with him.- the cryomancer said without stopping to look at his son.
That answer surprised you, you knew that deep down your husband was also suffering, but he remained stoic.
-Forgive me, when I finish resting I will come here, and then you will go to rest too.- You told your husband while you kissed his forehead.
He just nodded, and then you said goodbye to your baby and went to sleep (worried).
When Bi Han was left alone with his son, he got up and put his hand caressing the cheek of his baby.
"Everything will end soon, you are strong because you are my son." He spoke sweetly to his baby.
His son looked at him with those little eyes while making noises.
-Shhh..shhh.- The Grandmaster began to make sounds to his son to calm him down.
And it worked, Bi han shuddered. He didn't like seeing his son like that and he wasn't going to accept that his son wouldn't get better.
He was also tired, however he didn't give it importance, he was trained to endure days without sleep.
After a few hours he was closing his eyes and then his head was situated in a comfortable place.
He realized when he felt hands caress his hair that it was you. His head was placed on your chest, after many hours he had found peace, your perfume seemed pleasant to him.
-My love, you must go rest now.- You asked the cryomancer, he raised his head and directed it towards his son.
-I'm fine, I don't need to rest.- The Grandmaster said coldly, you put a hand on his cheek and made him turn to look at you delicately.
- Eat and rest, you haven't rested since you arrived from your mission, and the nurses are also going to change him and bathe him l.-You told him sweetly as you caressed his cheek. He took your hand and caressed it for a moment and finally accepted.
And so you stayed with your baby, hours passed and your husband returned, and that's how you stayed for the next few days, taking turns, or being together. Bi Han still had to attend to some Lin Kuei matters, you wondered how he could be so strong.
Now you were together looking at your son still in the incubator full of tubes. The baby had gained weight.
-How long are we supposed to wait?-The Cryomancer said, already angry, his patience had run out.
-Patience, husband, remember that he will be like this until his organs develop well-you told him calmly.
-These doctors are incompetent.- He responded harshly.
-My love, please don't be rude, they are doing the best they can, without them maybe our son wouldn't be alive- you told him, trying to calm him down, you were sure he was about to threaten the doctors.
He just growled, after a few minutes you dared to say.
-I swear that if he dies- You started to say but your husband interrupted you abruptly.
-Don't you dare even think about it, he will be fine.- The cryomancer responded harshly.
-I would die with him.- You finished saying with a very low voice.
Your husband just shook his head down. He heaved a sigh and took your hand.
-He is a Lin kuei, he is strong, he will get out of this.- The Grandmaster said stoically.
You just nodded anxiously, you want to believe that what Bi Han says is true, so you decide to decree positively.
All these days that have passed you have asked the universe that your son gets better soon, and if it was some kind of karma for the enemies that your husband has killed, may that karma be for you.
Until the day finally came when they disconnected your baby's tubes, to see if he could eat on his own. The Grandmaster commented "it's about time", you just looked at him insistently so he wouldn't be rude.
So there you were anxious and nervous, you wanted your son to accept your milk to end this hell.
When the nurse brought him to you you were so happy to see him disconnected, he looked more comfortable, although your baby gained weight he was still so small.
It was time, you got into position to breastfeed him, your husband put his hand on your baby's head to help position it.
-Come on my life, eat.- You said sweetly to your baby.
And as if it were a miracle, your baby started drinking, you could feel that connection with your baby, it was something unique and beautiful.
Bi han let out a small smile.
-Look at him my love, he's healthy now.- You said excitedly.
-Very well, we will leave with him immediately.- Said the cryomancer proud.
-Wait, Grandmaster, we must prepare him and do some final evaluations.- The nurse said scared.
Bi Han grunted. You just laughed.
-It's okay my love, the important thing is that our son is healthy, and he will be with us, thank you very much nurse and the doctors too.- You said happily.
Your husband looked at you and kissed your head.
-You did very well, wife.- The cryomancer said with a small smile, it was the first time you saw him so sweet to you.
After this event you couldn't be happier, for your son to be healthy was the best thing that could happen to you, and Bi has also shown that he loved them both.
Author note:
Hello hello I hope you liked it, don't look for inconsistency with the baby's plot, I don't know much about them XD but I did my best.
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enretrogue · 7 days
Bi Han and his Breeding Kink
Just a small little ficlet about Bi Han
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It had been about a year since the birth of his son, and Bi Han's thirst for an heir had been satiated. He was happy that his wife had given birth to such a strong boy who would one day lead Lin Kuei. However, he craved something more. It surfaced one morning as the sun entered their shared bedroom.
The couple slept naked as the sun rose. Bi Han awoke first like normal and his wife was lying on her side in front of him. He took in the sight of his wife as the sun kissed her golden brown skin. He pulled her closer by her waist. Her body had changed since giving birth but Bi Han didn't mind, if anything he thought she was more beautiful. Bi Han began to kiss her neck gently making his way to her shoulders.
"It's early, beloved," Y/N murmured as she pulled away from her husband. Bi Han chuckled at his wife trying to get away from him. He simply pulled her to him again.
"I know," He whispered against her neck and cracked a small smile. Bi Han's fingers began to trace the valley between her breasts before trailing down her stomach. He reached between her thighs and was happy with how wet she was.
"What if we gave our son someone to play with?" Bi Han whispered as he raised one of her legs. He began to stroke her clit ever so gently. His wife took a deep breath and leaned her head back on her husband's shoulder.
"Another baby?" Y/N asked a little confused. Their son was barely one, hell, he was still in diapers.
"Mhm," Bi Han responded. His fingers began to pump in and out of her. She moaned softly at her husband's motions.
"Don't you think it would be good for him," Bi Han tried to convince his wife. He liked seeing her so full with his child, and something about her being seen as his did something to him.
"Okay, okay," Y/N said as he brought her to her first peak. Her bonnet had slipped off revealing her faux locs and Bi Han kissed her cheek.
"Okay?" Bi Han repeated, teasing his wife. He knew he would get what he wanted but it felt nice for her to say.
"Let's have another baby," She whispered, kissing her husband. Surely enough, about three months later, Y/N was with the child once again. Bi Han was in a somewhat happier mood, not that anyone could tell. Y/N's stomach had a slight swell and her one-year-old boy was excited about the idea of having a sibling.
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enretrogue · 7 days
*some more bi-han smut please..*
this turned into to be more wholesome than i thought it would be oh well, it's still smut
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Bi Han could hear the various pattering of small feet as he headed to his quarters. Kuai Liang and Tomas both thought that Bi Han may have had a small problem with the number of kids that he had. It wasn't his fault that his wife was so beautiful. Perhaps, it was his fault for tracking her ovulation cycle but that didn't hurt anyone. He walked into the bedroom to see his son drawing on the floor while Y/N sat in a rocking chair, nursing their newest addition. The baby was eight months old now and was looking more and more like her mother every day. Bi Han would be lying if the sight of her feeding their child didn't turn him on.
"How were the children today?" Bi Han said walking over to his wife. He kissed the crown of her head, just below her edges.
"Tiring," Y/N said removing the nursing baby from her boob and handing her over to her father. The baby smiled as she entered her father's arms and Y/N closed her robe back up.
"Did you help your mother today, boy?" Bi Han said nodding to his son. As soon as his son realized his mother's lap was empty, he climbed to her. Sure, her daughters were daddy's girls but her son was all hers.
"We cleaned," He spoke softly as his mother gently raked through his curls. Her son was very gentle but was a fierce protector of his sisters.
"Yes, our son was quite the little helper when putting his sister's toys away," She said praising the little boy. Bi Han was concerned at one point that she was making the boy soft but then he realized that she made him soft.
"Daddy!" One of his daughters cheered before running into his legs. Bi Han pretended to be caught off guard by his daughters.
"How are my princesses?" Bi Han asked peering down at his two daughters that were near him. They simply gleamed with smiles like their mother's.
"Up! Up! Up!" One of them begged and Bi Han granted it of course. By the time he was done, he had the baby in his arms and two of his daughters on his back. Y/N was glad that he could at least carry all of the kids since he wanted so many.
"It's bedtime for everyone," Y/N announced while picking up her son and dragging them all to their baths.
- Bedtime to Bi Han meant that he could care for his wife in ways that he couldn't while the children were up. Usually that ended in the production of another child. At this very moment, Bi Han was praising Y/N for taking him so well and making him a father.
"Such a good mother," He said as stretched her pussy out. She felt like home to him and there was no other place that he would rather be. Watching her face contort in the pale moonlight while he continued his long and deep strokes was everything to him.
"Bi Han, gentl-, fu-" Y/N could barely get any words out from the pleasure that he brought to her. She was sure she heard the bedframe cracking beneath them. In all honesty, she was surprised that this bed had made it this long without breaking.
"I love filling this pussy," He grunted.
"I'm gonn-" Y/N gasped as she reached her peak.
"That's right, wife. Cum on my dick," Bi Han said slowing his movements to give her a chance to catch her breath. Hopefully, that would be the first orgasm of many.
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enretrogue · 7 days
The Grandmaster and His Concubine
Description: Bi Han uses his personal whore.
Word Count: 1.3k
Warning: Y/N has a severe case of dumb bitchitis, smut, cursing, doggy style, not choking but his hand is on her throat, reverse cowgirl, mild breeding kink towards the end (i think this is the first outright smut I've written so go easy on me)
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Being weak in the Lin Kuei was simply not allowed. It was frowned upon to be so and it was fortunate that Y/N found the favor of Bi Han, the Grandmaster. For a man who rarely pitied anything, he pitied her. So much so, that he wanted her by his side when possible. Now rumors circulate about the exact nature of their relationship, it's hard for anyone to tell if Bi Han enjoys the company of Y/N.One thing is certain, he enjoys spending his nights between her thighs.
Tonight was one of those nights. He had faced a foe in battle that wasn't strong but it frustrated him to no end. Y/N could hear the footsteps of her beloved as he approached her quarters. His footsteps were heavy and his voice was rough as he commanded his subordinates to do something useful with themselves for the night. Y/N smiled with excitement as her doors opened. She kneeled on the bed wearing only a robe with her hair free as can be.
"Grandmaster," Y/N whispered in acknowledgment of the man in front of her. He stood, looking down upon her. His mask was removed so that Y/N could see his face. She reached out to touch his cheek but he caught her wrist. His grip was tight but not enough to hurt her, not yet.
"You're already on your knees for me," Bi Han's hand found its way to her throat, and out of instinct, Y/N's mouth fell open. Bi Han swelled with pride because of how well he had trained Y/N.
"Of course, beloved," Y/N said with a pleasing smile as Bi Han gave a small squeeze to her throat.
"How endearing. Bathe me, whore," Bi Han commanded and Y/N was more than happy to oblige him.
His grip loosened on her wrist and she took this as time to grab his hand and lead him towards the hot spring just outside her quarters. It was surrounded by wooden walls that were at least 10 feet tall. It's not like anyone could spy on them back here, Bi Han would have the head of anyone peeping on what's his. The water was lined with various plants and the faint croaking of frog-like creatures could be heard. Y/N took her time undressing him, he rarely allowed her to do so. Maybe he did care about her beyond the physical. Steam erupted from the spring the moment that he stepped in. She began to slowly scrub away in dirt and blood from his body as he sat in the water. His hair was in a loose bun with a few strands falling around his face.
This felt more intimate than anything they had ever done. Once again, he grabbed her wrist but this time it was to pull her to be directly in front of him. He removed her robe and grabbed her hips. Y/N sat in his lap.
"Can you feel that? That is what you do to me," With his hands still on her hips, he ground his hips against hers. Y/N shuddered and gasped. She had taken him many times before, but every time, she was still surprised by his size.
He kissed her neck and lifted her hips slightly so he could slip into her. Between the warm water surrounding them and her juicy pussy, he truly thought he was in heaven. Y/N could feel his cold hands move from her hips to her plump ass. She was sure that in the morning, her brown ass would have grip marks.
"Ride me as I taught you," Bi Han took pride in being the first man that Y/N was ever with. Meaning that she was his custom whore and all of her little tricks were only for him and would only be for him. She would never take another lover if he could help it.
Y/N whined at the loss of contact when Bi Han moved his hands away from her hips. He leaned back and spread his arms over the rocks behind them. He smirked as Y/N bounced up and down in his dick. He thought the view of her bouncing titties was a sight to behold. He liked to study her face as she did all the work. The way her face would scrunch as she used his dick to hit her spot.
As Y/N's knees began to burn, Bi Han began to grunt slightly and thrust into her hips. His hands found her waist once more, and he took control of her motions. Y/N's hands were grasping for his shoulders as he forced her down on his cock. Her moans grew louder and louder until her pussy clenched around his cock. He filled her womb soon after, and Y/N was happy to feel so warm with her lover's seed.
Abruptly, Bi Han stood up and moved him and Y/N to her bed. He tossed her onto her sheets and soon climbed on top of her. He stroked her cheek with his calloused, cool thumb. He looked at her more sincerely than before and if Y/N wasn't sure before, she was sure now that she would never leave him. He kissed her still-damp cheek before spreading her legs.
Y/N was still a little dazed from the first orgasm he had given her when he slipped back into her. However, she did not forget how it felt to have inside of her. The way that with every stroke she felt closer and closer to being complete. The grip he had on her thighs would have her bruised in the morning but she refused to remove her legs from above his shoulders.
His hips began to stutter as he plowed into her pussy. Y/N was finding it difficult to stay in place. She was sure that she had came at least twice now but he continued to ram into her. As he continued to fuck her, he got more sentimental. One of his hands left her thigh and began to play with her nipples. Carefully, he'd use his abilities to give her more pleasure.
"Tonight, you will make me an heir. Is that clear, slut?" He spoke cumming in her for the second time of the night. His voice was gruff from all of the groaning that he had been doing.
"Yes, Grandmaster," She was a little drunk off the cock when he flipped her over. Hearing Y/N being so delusional over him, made him want to go another round. He flipped her over and pushed her head into the pillow.
"How does it feel the Grandmaster's personal whore?" Y/N couldn't even respond with how hard she was being fucked. Once again her moans filled the chambers. The sounds of skin slapping could be heard well outside of her room but everyone knew not to disturb the Grandmaster once he was in this state.
"Damn," Bi Han whispered as he took in Y/N's form. He took his hand and pressed on her back so that he could reach the deepest parts of her. She was sure that he was kissing her cervix with every stroke.
"Bi Han," Y/N whined loudly when he finished inside her once again.
Y/N tried to move away from him to grab a towel but he pulled her back to his chest. He was cold but in a comforting way. His eyes said words that his mouth could not.
"You will not move. My seed will not leave your womb," Bi Han said kissing her cheek again. Y/N just nodded tiredly. When he returned Y/N was already asleep, so he placed her bonnet on gently and wiped his excess seed from her thighs. He noted the various bruises and a sense of pride came from them.
"She is mine," He whispered before joining her in bed once more.
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enretrogue · 7 days
Bi Han and child no. 8
ngl college is kicking my ass....... but here's more Bi Han with his breeding kink per my last poll. I think I'm gonna write all of them just in order of most to least
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Y/N laid on her side on the bed. Her husband was not home when she had prepped herself and the kids for bed. It was harder to fall asleep without him but it could be done as she deeply inhaled the scent of his pillow. She heard the creek of their shared door before he attempted being silent. Somehow for a ninja, she could always hear his steps. He showered before she felt a large dip in the bed. At first, he simply pulled her by her waist to be closer to him. She welcomed the touch of her husband before he started to grind his hips against hers.
"Bi Han, no," Y/N muttered, rolling over to face her husband. The pale moonlight shined into their room and she could just make out the features of his face. She knew her husband very well. It had been about a year and a half since baby number seven, which meant Bi Han was ready to try again.
"Why not? Do you not want to please your husband?" Bi Han said, tilting her head up so she could look at him. One of her legs draped over his waist and she could feel every inch of him through his pajama pants. It was tempting as one of his hands gripped the bottom of her thigh. Her mumu rose ever so slightly.
"I would love nothing more than to please you but you only want to fuck me 'cause I'm ovulating," Y/N said bopping her husband on the noise.
"That's not-" Bi Han was taken aback but this very true accusation.
"Don't you lie to me," She whispered while wagging a finger at him.
"Do I not make love to you no matter the time of month? Even on your cycle," Bi Han said leaning in closely. He was the king of avoiding the question when it came to his wife. He gave her a quick peck on the lips, hoping that would soothe away her doubts.
"So you don't want another baby?" She asked looking through her lashes.
"I would gladly welcome another child if that is what the gods have intended for us," Bi Han chose the diplomatic answer to not anger his wife.
"You're so full of shit," He angered her anyway as she rolled away from her husband. Her back was facing him as he began to kiss down her neck.
"You'd deny your husband?" He whispered and gained no response. He simply began to trace her thigh with his cool fingertips. He looked for any sign of discomfort or agitation and smirked when he found none.
"I just want to please my wife like a good husband would," He whispered in her ear. Between his voice and his hands, Y/N was soaked through her panties. It would've made for an uncomfortable night if she hadn't let him take care of her.
"Bi Han, fuck, fine. Last one," Y/N gave in to her husband. For the grandmaster, he was a dirty temptation that Y/N could not resist.
"Last one," Bi Han agreed for now and sealed it with a passionate kiss in the moonlight.
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enretrogue · 7 days
Under the cherry blossom tree.
Pairings: Knight!sub-zero (bi-han) x Black!outerworld princess!reader
warnings: none :) just fluff and a grumpy x sunshine trope. A little bit of slow burn .uh non canon au besties :). Reader has braids and is shorter than Bi-Han
Wc: 1.1k
Tagging: @chosoist cause she inspired me to watch and write for MK1!
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The sound of your feet pattering on the floor could be heard throughout the halls of your home. With the impending war between outerworld and netherrealm your mother requested you be guarded at all times to insure your safety. Of course this upset you but you knew protesting this would not work.
Making your way into the throne room you silently thanked one of the servants for opening up the door for you. You saw your mother talking to Liu kang and one of the members of the Lin Kuai
"Thank you for trusting us your majesty" He said with a smile gracing his face
Hearing the doors open the attention was immediately put on you as you made your way down to your chair. Greeting you , you returned a sweet smile before sitting down.
"It's nice to finally meet you princess. Your mother has told me much about you." Liu kang would chirp at you. But the guy who was standing next to him looked like he didn't want to be there. Almost like he was forced (he was) to be there. He had a brooding personality and it didn't help his nose and mouth was covered by his blue mask so you couldnt make out his facial expressions.
"This is Bi-Han your highness, he will be protecting you until the war comes to a resolution."
Turning to look at your mother you smiled nervously before nodding your head at the arrangement.
You knew this was gonna be a long journey.
As the months went by the two of you went with out talking. Mainly because you were too shy/nervous in fear he would blow you off. You soon got over your nervousness by starting small and s greetinghim in the mornings and before you went to bed. Which he would respond with a head nod and a tiny smile you couldn't see due to his mask.
Little did you know he enjoyed doing your simple tasks with you such as going out to the garden to tend to your fruit trees before going over to the koi fish pond to feed the fish for the day. You learned to enjoy his company. You felt safe and comfortable around him even though little was said.
Per usual you got up for the day and met with Bi han in the living quarters where you greeted him with your sickeningly sweet good morning. Which he replied "Good Morning princess. How did you rest?"
To say you were shocked was an understatement. You were more so worried about the way your stomach was filled with butterflies at his words and deep voice. Quickly snapping out of your thoughts you smiled and started to make small talk with him.
He may not exactly show it but he actually liked doing the mudane things you do in the day. Like watching you plant and take care of the fish which pulled on his heart strings a little.
But he would never let it show.
He noticed your nervousness and could tell you wanted to spark conversation with him so he decided to lower his guard and actually talk to you instead of giving you head nods every so often.
One day, he watched you struggle to pick the peach from the tree. He quickly stood behind you effectively reaching the peach and picking it off the tree. The two of you stared at each other as he brung his arm down to put the fruit in your basket. You gawked at his biceps flexing before clearing your throat to tell him thank you.
"Would you like to try one" you asked as the two of you went over to the bench under the cherry blossom tree (which was your favorite spot to sit in). Your peaches had finally ripen and you were excited to snack on them.
Pulling down his mask you finally got to see his full face and goodness was he beautiful under that mask.
Handing him the peach you smiled before grabbing one for yourself. Taking a bite you hummed in delight reveling in the taste of the sweet peach. Looking at Bi-Han take a bite of the peach you watched the way the juice dripped down his chin from the forceful bite. Looking down to meet your eyes he saw the hint of nervousness in your face.
"Thank you princess, I enjoyed it." He said to you with a small smile gracing his usual stern face.
Feeling those same butterflies you gave a shy smile before tucking your braids behind your ear before telling him "No problem"
As the days pass the two of you became closer and started to have lengthy conversations while sitting under the same cherry blossom tree sharing fruits.
About once every two months Liu Kang would come and check on Bi han while also bringing some of his new students he needed to train. You would watch from the balcony watching him and the students spar in the yard (while also kinda destorying everything in the process).
You couldn't help but to stare in awe at his fighting style. You knew Liu kang and your mother made the right decision to have him by your side. After his fight with who you learned to be kung lao his eyes made their way to yours watching you watch him on the balcony. Giving a small wave your cheeks began to heat up in embarrassment from his stare.
You were sure you were in love.
That same night you were preparing for bed. Putting on your night clothes and throwing your braids into a bun. Wanting to get some water to put on your bedside table you quietly walked to the kitchen to grab a cup. Pouring some into a cup and in a pitcher you began walking back to your room before hearing light footsteps coming behind you.
"Ah! Oh- Oh my goodness dont scare me like that." you said turning around slightly spilling some water on your clothes.
"My apologies princess. I just making sure you got back to your room safely."
Accepting his apologized you noticed his hair being down from its usual bun with some droplets of water dripping onto the ground. The two of you made your way back to your room before he set the pitcher of water on your table.
"You're a really good fighter" you complimented shyly
Hearing you he thanked you before making his way towards you slowly.
"Thanks for walking me back I guess. Get some rest ok?" you said looking up at his tall frame with your soft doe eyes
Bringing his hand to your chin your body quickly ran hot as your breaths became staggered. You felt his soft lips meet yours as his calloused hand went to your cheek to caresses it softly.
"Sleep well princess." He said after pulling away from you.
Giving a soft goodnight you watched him leave while closing your door. Smiling to yourself you sighed dreamily before getting in your bed for the night.
Yeah. You were definitely in love.
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enretrogue · 7 days
What If… | Aaron Hotchner
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x female reader
Summary: Aaron gets sick on the way home from a case, and since his symptoms are too similar to pregnancies, Reid introduces him to ‘sympathetic pregnancy’. Which makes Aaron wonder… what if?
Tags/warnings: sick Hotch :(; established relationship; sympathetic pregnancy symptoms; pregnancy scare; suggestive content; Jack and Haley don’t exist in this universe.
Word count: 1.4k
Author's note: something short, sweet and silly to keep my creative juices flowing. Hope you like it!
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The last time Aaron got sick was over four years ago. 
Back then, he had no one to look after him, and he refused to go to the ER because it was just a cold (it took him two weeks to get a full recovery, and if it weren’t because of Penelope’s magic potion, it would’ve lasted a month). 
Now, he couldn’t wait to get home. To you.  
"No offense, Hotch, but could you please sit...over there?" JJ gestured with her head to the empty seat at the end of the jet after Hotch returned from the toilet for the third time. All the color of his face was gone. "I don't want to bring some flu home with Henry."
"It's not the flu," Aaron's voice came out raspy, and chose to sit next to Reid instead of next to JJ. His throat was still burning from puking everything he’d eaten for breakfast. It must’ve been something he ate.
"You've been feeling weird for the two days," Rossi commented, "In the mornings."
"Ugh, morning sickness is the worst," JJ casually said through a small laugh.
Emily laughed, too. "Are you implying Hotch might be pregnant?" 
Everyone laughed except for Reid. "Studies have shown that men can get pregnancy symptoms while their wives are pregnant,” he began. “It's called sympathetic pregnancy."
"You mean Hotch's girl might be pregnant?" Morgan quirked his brows.
A thick silence filled the jet, and then Rossi asked, "Have you guys been trying?" 
Hotch merely shook his head. It had been a topic of conversation before getting married, of course, and the plan of trying for a baby was after five years of marriage (you really liked each other’s company as it was) and it’s only been two. 
The idea of Hotch’s girl being pregnant vanished as quickly as it came, but Hotch didn’t let it go. He didn’t think you could be pregnant, but the constant thought of you carrying his child helped him get through the three-hour journey back home. 
He called your name as soon as he shut the front door, even though he knew you weren’t back from work just yet (he didn’t want to tell you he was feeling sick, or else you would’ve dropped everything to be there when he made it back). 
His entire body was aching by now and all he managed to do was strip out of his work clothes and get in bed, turning himself into a shivering cocoon. 
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The bed sank next to him, and a soft kiss landed on his cheek, pulling him out of his not-so-deep slumber.
“Hi.” Your bright eyes were right there on his face.
“Hey.” He fluttered his eyes open to capture your whole beauty. 
"Why are you in bed?" You asked with half-a-pout. "Are you feeling sick?" Your hand flew to his forehead to feel his temperature, and your face dropped. “You’re burning.”
"I feel better now." He snuck one arm out of the bed covers and caressed your cheek to greet you properly. He’d missed you so much. 
"Why didn't you tell me?” You were quick to reprimand him with a caring frown. “I could've brought you some medicine."
"I don't know, I don't think I need it.” He shook his head, raising his brows. “I feel much better now."
He did feel better now that you were there, but he still didn’t feel quite good. 
"You look pale. Have you eaten?" You asked and he shook his head. "I’m gonna make you some soup," you replied, already getting up.
"No, just…” he grabbed you by your wrist and pulled you back to bed.  “Stay here with me for a while?" 
Your whole body softened. You gave in right away, kicked off your shoes and clasped every bit off you with his body, ending up nose to nose. 
The thought of you being pregnant came to him again and he couldn’t help but smile.
“What?” You frowned.
"You know Reid," he started. "He’s the smartest person I know and he mentioned this thing that happens to men when their wives are pregnant."
"This thing?" you snickered, running your fingers through the side of his head.
"When men show pregnancy symptoms and it's the woman who actually is?"
You paused all movements for a moment. "What are you saying?"
"I don't know." He merely shrugged. "I thought it was...interesting."
You pecked his lips and went back to stroke his hair again. "You think I could be pregnant?"
"I don’t know, could you?" 
"I don’t think so. I haven't felt anything strange." You shrugged, too. 
Aaron placed a soft kiss at the corner of your mouth and stayed there, lips glued on you as he asked, mumbling, "Didn't you say the other day that your...boobs were sore?"
"And that food craving you had at almost midnight?" he then teased by your ear.
"We had," you laughed at the ticklish feeling of his deep voice. 
“Alright,” he laughed, pulling back. “You’re right.”
"But I guess it's…” You breathed in. “Unusual."
"A little." He smiled. "How effective is your birth control?"
"Very, but there’s always the risk."
You stare at each other for a moment. There was a gleam in your eyes he was sure it had some reflection of his own. He loved you so much. It wouldn’t be so bad if you were pregnant. 
“I’m gonna go to the drugstore and get you some medicine. You’re not looking very well.” You kissed the top of his head and left him there.
In the store, you looked up and a bunch of pregnancy tests winked at you. You hesitated whether to buy one or not. You hadn't felt anything odd that could point out to a pregnancy—besides what Aaron had mentioned.
"Is that all?" The cashier asked you.
You paused, looking up again. "And two pregnancy tests, please."
Soon, you were back home and found Aaron half asleep in the same position you’d left him. You told him to sit upright as you went to prepare him some herbal tea for his stomach to complement the medicine.
“This can help you for a few hours.” You sat next to him and handed him the warm mug. “But if you get worse we’ll have to go to the ER.” 
“Thanks, honey,” he replied.
“And…I bought these, too." You showed him the pregnancy tests. You’d made sure they were different brands just in case one of them wasn’t of good quality. "You planted a seed in my brain, so I guessed we could rule it out right away instead of having the uncertainty.”
“Sorry, I just…” Aaron shut his eyes for a second in deep thought. “I didn’t think it could happen before our plans since everything has turned out exactly how we want.”
“I know, but if it’s something you want to talk about… make some plan changes, we definitely should.”
He reached for your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Let’s rule it out first.”
“What if it's positive?" You tilted your brows with curiosity. 
"I don't know.” He smiled. “What if?" 
Maybe it was the tea you’d made him, but the color of his face was back. You went to the bathroom to get it all over with and were in and out in less than five minutes. 
“Now we wait.” You put both tests on the nightstand and set the timer for three minutes. 
Aaron tapped the bed next to him for you to join him and he pulled you close by your waist, kissing your temple. 
"I’m scared, what if it’s actually positive?”
“We’re gonna have to make some… adjustments in our lives. But now or later, I want you to know that I want it all,” he confessed, planting a squishy kiss on your cheek. 
The alarm went off and you reached for both tests right away, holding them up. 
'NOT PREGNANT', showed the first one, and a single line showed the other one.
“Okay, I’m a bit relieved.” You put the tests aside and looked at him. “And you’re… not. Are you okay?”
“I am I just…” he licked his lips. 
“Aaron, do you really want to have a baby soon?”
“No, no,” he shook his head. “We’re perfect like this. Is just… seeing JJ with her baby does make me want to hurry some of our plans sometimes.”
“That sounds like baby fever,” you teased him. 
Aaron shook his head and pulled you down in bed, attacking your face with kisses and making a sweet sound after each one. 
“Oh, someone’s feeling better,” you laughed. “Maybe we could just stick to practicing.”
“Well”—he kissed right below your ear—”I am, in fact, feeling much, much better.”
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