enygma0710 · 2 hours
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Game of Thrones (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen Characters: Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen Additional Tags: Jonerys Week Summer 2018, prompt: make up sex, not as smutty as I usually do Summary:
Reflections after a fight.
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enygma0710 · 2 hours
A gift for the Realm's Delight by Alex_Stark (me on Ao3)
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A late birthday gift for a friend @arielchelby
Sneak peek:
"Knowing the war would be over before your twentieth name day, I asked the best blacksmith in Qohor to forge me the perfect gift for you." He held the weapon at her with smile, and Dany accepted it, fascinated by the weapon. On the pommel was a dragon egg, while the hilt was made of Dragonglass and dragon bone. The guard, on the other hand, had three dragon heads. Two came out on the sides, while the blade came out of the mouth of the third. She drew it, finding the blade light, dark but at the same time shining. "Valyria Steel, Princess. One of the few made after the Fall of Valyria." "It is so beautiful," she said, swallowing a heavy knot that wanted to make her cry, especially when she saw what was written in Valyrian high. ‘Ñuha dāria! Ñuha ōños! Ñuha jorrāelagon!’ Dany looked up at him with shinning tearful eyes.
Read here on Ao3
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enygma0710 · 3 days
Charles has OPINIONS about music and is used to full dominion over whatever plays in the office while he and Edwin work. Work is, of course, Charles packing and repacking his bag while Edwin meticulously files casenotes.
But now Crystal's here, idly searching the internet for interesting cases.
Charles is playing The Specials or The Beat or something on an old cassette player hooked up to speakers. Crystal keeps sneakily using the power of bluetooth to change it to whatever the kids are listening to these days. Not because she doesn't like ska or particularly cares about music, but because it's hilarious to watch him wave his arms about music like an old man shooing kids off his lawn.
This has been going on for a while when the music suddenly changes again. Charles turns, ready to yell at Crystal, but she looks confused. And then he sees Edwin, standing by the desk, grinning from ear to ear, holding Niko's phone.
And Charles cannot even be mad, cause his best mate just figured out how to blast Kpop.
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enygma0710 · 3 days
crystal palace is literally the reason anything happens in the show, she's the catalyst for everything. ghosts are stagnant, they're unchanging. edwin literally says that the living are messy and it's true.. crystal is such a messy, complicated human. but conflict and messes are what instigate change and conversation. without crystal, they wouldn't have saved that little girl. they wouldn't have gotten stuck in port townsend. edwin might've never found out about the extent of charles' trauma without crystal spelling it out for him. edwin might not have reexamined his and charles' relationship. they wouldn't have resolved their afterlife problem!! crystal dragged edwin scowling and bitching into the messy affairs of the living and it was honestly for the better. say thank you crystal palace
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enygma0710 · 10 days
Okay so in regards to the whole discussion about why Charles hadn't talked to Edwin about his dad but did tell Crystal, it's obviously complicated and there's probably a combination of reasons at play but I want to put forward two reasons I haven't seen just to add to the discussion
First, it can be a lot harder to tell people who are closer to you than people you don't know as well. It canbchange the way someone views you and your relationship, and even if you know that will only be a good thing, it's hard to do that with someone who is heavily integrated into your life and have a long established and comfortable dynamic with. In contrast, while Charles had already become to care for Crystal a lot, their relationship and dynamic wasn't established yet, it was still settling.
Second, Charles may feel guilty talking about his parents because Edwin's family is all gone. He may not have wanted to remind Edwin of what he lost and the xhance he never got to check in after he'd died. He might feel especially guilty or selfish about speaking negatively about it all, because he's worried about 'taking it for granted'.
Anyway, those are just some thoughts
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enygma0710 · 10 days
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Niko Sasaki | Dead Boy Detectives 1.05
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enygma0710 · 10 days
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Drive Me Crazy | Ch. 5
Summary: Officer Asshole is back to drive Dany crazy. When boundaries are pushed too far, she finds that resisting Jon is easier said than done.
Read it here on AO3
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enygma0710 · 11 days
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My love Crystal Palace
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enygma0710 · 12 days
I think Crystal would make a point of, at least once every few months, taking flowers to the graves of Edwin and Charles. Because she would never give them the flowers face to face and because she wants people to see their graves and now that they matter.
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enygma0710 · 12 days
I am actually so emotionally destroyed by Crystal’s arc in this season. She comes in with no memories but she’s still angry, impatient, and rude sometimes—nothing like how she used to be, but her brain definitely remembers her habits even if she doesn’t remember the context.
And then Charles doesn’t get angry when she insults him, and Edwin matches her snappiness perfectly but still grows to value her. Her parents were so neglectful she probably became an asshole as part of a way to protect herself (causing an “any attention is good attention, including negative attention” mindset). So with the boys, she is faced with people who will actually engage with her when she intentionally challenges them, instead of just yelling at her or ignoring her. And it begins to change her immediately.
She goes from making someone walk into traffic to “I just want to help.” To “I have friends, I’m helping people, what more do I need?” She immediately volunteers to help Becky Aspen. She stops using her powers on random people. She takes Charles’ words to heart when he tells her she needs to let them in. She learns how to work with Edwin when Charles is in trouble.
And even though she has no memory of her parents, she still desperately wants to be reunited with them, even though if she had remembered them, she probably wouldn’t have bothered. “My parents won’t even care”, she says flippantly on the phone. And then when she does call them, they don’t care. But without her memory, at her core, Crystal wants her parents to care. She wanted them to care even when she would hide it behind recklessness and cruelty. This is common in kids with neglectful parents. She had so much hope when it was the anglerfish, and she had so much hope even after she began to remember her old life.
Old Crystal never would’ve tried to talk Esther Finch down by telling her about how toxic anger is and how important it is to choose to do good. And New Crystal wouldn’t have done that either if she didn’t truly believe it.
And at the end, when she gets her memories back, she is horrified by what she sees, by the kind of person she used to be.
Michael from The Good Place says: People improve when they get external love and support. How can we hold it against them when they don’t?
Crystal is a perfect representation of this statement and I will not sit here and let people talk bad about her.
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enygma0710 · 12 days
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pls notice that i made her eyes purple i just think its kind of neat
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enygma0710 · 13 days
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enygma0710 · 16 days
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#jenny is a mood
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enygma0710 · 16 days
What the fuck was Edwin doing, what did he think was gonna happen, that is so not how you wind up for a punch, what was this posture what the fuck
He saw that Charles got hit and absolutely lost all brain cells
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enygma0710 · 16 days
aesthetically pleasing shots from dead boy detectives (part 1)
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will be doing a few parts like this including every episode ♥️
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enygma0710 · 16 days
it’s insane to me that crystal could possibly think of herself as a bad person when the very first thing she did after waking up with no memory of her identity was to drag two ghost boys all the way to the other side of the world to save the life of some random little girl because she’s alive and she’s in pain and we have to help her NOW
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enygma0710 · 16 days
not now kitten, daddy's about to have a mental breakdown from seeing the prices at the grocery store
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