epicmusic42 · 4 hours
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hey artists just in case you feel despair at the rise of ai art please remember that the talking points of pro-ai people are as genuinely “ai art bad? but what if there was a PUCK girl who had Steampunk Tube Arm Prosthetic No Hand Syndrome that couldn’t draw because of no hands and you poured a biiiig vat of pencils in front of her really big and made her look at it sadddd style and she can’t just Pick Up Pencil and draw because No Hand ? what if that happened? then ai art… goood😃😄?”
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epicmusic42 · 4 hours
@nutmegan17 on tiktoks eating tray hack
By keeping a tray full of no prepare necessary food, in the fridge it can be used to aid neurodivergent or fatigued people.
By putting food like, cheese and crackers, or whatever is a safe food for you personally on the tray, it can be taken easily to the couch or bed to be eaten from whenever you are hungry.
This prevents executive dysfunction or fatigue and any reason preventing you from eating. You need to care of yourself because everyone needs food to stay alive including you.
You deserve to eat even when on a bad brain day and are unable to prepare a meal for yourself.
If not having a full meal doesn't satisfy you, a snack may even give you the energy to make a full meal afterwards!
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epicmusic42 · 4 hours
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@love-life-dead-or-alive kofi requested some Skywalkers apart au with Obi-Wan!!! his job in this au is 90% batting anakin on the head with a newspaper when he angsts
(support me on kofi! -- REQUESTS CLOSED)
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epicmusic42 · 4 hours
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Doctor Who has unfortunately been review bombed on IMDb - this is in no way saying people aren’t allowed to criticise the show and people are absolutely allowed to have their own opinions, but unfortunately a lot of the reviews are coming from a private DW group on Facebook who preach racist and homophobic views, and they’ve all collectively decided to review bomb to try and take Doctor Who down. (I’m not in this group, I’ve seen screenshots on X)
If you could spare a minute - and I know it’s a lot of work - but I took two seconds to create an account and wrote a quick, honest review in the hopes of drowning out the blatant hate. I’ll always do whatever to help my little time-travelling show stay safe.
Link here: IMDb
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epicmusic42 · 4 hours
Florida bans on trans care have been overturned! 🏳️‍⚧️
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epicmusic42 · 4 hours
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sibling energy
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epicmusic42 · 4 hours
i know that "unalive" is part of larger worrying trend of self censorship but if you really are in a situtation where you have to avoid the words "die" or "kill" the english language already has centuries worth of much better euphemisms. the iconic and perennial "six feet under"? the lovely imagery of "pushing up daisies"? "shuffle off this mortal coil"????? literally anything from the monty python dead parrot bit???? you have so many options. please try to be more creative at least
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epicmusic42 · 4 hours
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im into aus theres obi1, satine and cody all in timeline of mandalore civil war but they have silly teen shenanigans
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epicmusic42 · 4 hours
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im into aus theres obi1, satine and cody all in timeline of mandalore civil war but they have silly teen shenanigans
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epicmusic42 · 4 hours
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if I had to see this while I literally was writing and being distracted by instagram (and now by tumblr since I am posting this instead of writing), y’all shall suffer the same fate
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epicmusic42 · 4 hours
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May the 4th be with you
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epicmusic42 · 4 hours
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I don’t really Go Here but u can always rely on this man to read a right wing politician’s outfit for filth
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epicmusic42 · 4 hours
I don’t know if I’ve ever shared my pet headcanon for obitine on here specifically but here it is:
they’re married. Straight up. Have been since they were seventeen. Are they together? Not even a little bit. Are they on good terms? Heck no. How long have they been married? Like twenty years. How many times have they been in the same room in that time? Like, twice. Will they ever get divorced? Absolutely not, Mandalorian divorces are too public and the Death Watch already calls Satine a Jedi bedder, so let’s not give them confirmation. Are they still absolutely, irrevocably, catastrophically in love with each other? Also yes. Do they both have abandonment and intimacy issues? You got it.
This way you get lines like —
Satine: I would die for that man but if I’m alone in a room with him for longer than five minutes, I might kill him.
Obi-Wan: She is the most insufferable, superior, obnoxious woman I’ve ever met. I’d kill for her, though.
You guys thought Anidala was star crossed and intense? They got nothing on Obitine in terms of Unwellness.
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epicmusic42 · 4 hours
The culture shift is so weird, I'm used to like... if you get ticketed for some minor violation you just pled guilty and paid the thing and went dang and moved on with your day. It was also all done online. I moved to a pretty smallish town and got ticketed and was like "ah dang it" and I had to physically mail in my ticket (weird) and then it got mailed back to me with a handwritten note going "Welcome to [place]! You should come on in and plead not guilty, I'm sure the officer will understand you're new here." So I did and they waived it am I going insane
That being said back home the courts were so packed that if you had time and money enough to try and contest it in a trial, there was a fair chance the cop who ticketed you would just not show up and you could get the entire thing struck, whereas here they're like "Ahh you should have told Andy you're new, he's a softie we have barbecues together" insane!!
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epicmusic42 · 4 hours
Thinking about how Satine Kryze, founder of the Council of Neutral Systems, designated regent of 1500 star systems, would have been an invaluable asset to the Rebel Alliance.
And, pacifist or not, she absolutely would have joined it. Like, this woman was so angry over some children being poisoned that she burned a warehouse down and set up a whole plan to catch those responsible even if that meant putting herself in danger and arresting the head of her own cabinet. Can you imagine how she would react to Palpatine ordering the execution of the Jedi and demolishing galactic democracy? Satine would be up there with Bail Organa and Mon Mothma in the "powerful people who want Palpatine and his Empire to die" club.
I mean, she would be completely opposed to, say, Saw Gerrera's method of rebellion, but with her connections she'd have the whole intelligence-operation information-warfare thing down, and on that front at least she would definitely not be pulling any punches.
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epicmusic42 · 4 hours
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A little resume of stars cats from this and previous month! (=`ω´=)
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epicmusic42 · 4 hours
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hamilton quote in 2023 again? yeah
now animated
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