Real footage of just before they robbed the convinence store in Powerlunch
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>be Noodle
>love the powerpuff girls ever since you were a kid
>hear you're going to be meeting someone who was on the show (he's gonna be the bassist!)
>AND he was a villain
>hope it's Mojo Jojo (your favorite)
>or at least someone cool
>its fucking ACE
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I think might be alone in thinking this but ace gives off Jesse Pinkman vibes. Like idk I think I'm genuinely insane but they feel the same to me. They talk and dress the same
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Saw this in Instagram and I thought it was cute that it's their version of a Coachella poster, till I read one part that got me freaking happy. Ace+Gorillaz. 🤩💚💚💚
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I honestly think Snake has more common sense than Ace, who probably immediately trusted Sedusa the second she promised them love. Ace being on the verge of tears vs Snake who looks exasperated and mad is very telling
okay I have to say something here Snake is always characterized as this
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Which yeah I get it, it’s his default, especially when he knows he’s about to get his ass beat either by Ace or the Powerpuff Girls BUT 
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On more than one occasion Snake’s gotten really pissed even when the rest of the gang wasn’t. Surprise at getting caught by Wednesday? Nah Snake just got mad. Buttercup showed up at their door even when Ace said it was okay? Snake’s not buying that bs. And in Aspirations
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Even when Ace himself was a few scenes away from being in tears Snake’s got this ‘are you fucking kidding me?’ look going on. Also there’s always the whole
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you know ‘sin with a grin’ thing he’s got going on when he’s about to drop two kindergartners into a melting plant  I’m just saying that yes he’s a sniveling yes-man to his boss, but I’m also saying Ace probably isn’t the only one in the gang people need to watch out for. 
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Mr green deadbeat dad confirmed
oh they are so related
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they even have the same eye color like come ON
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I think they should let Ace swear, angrily, and full volume always. But be sure to cover Lil Arturos ears cuz he’s too little to hear all that, he’s not even a teen yet I’m pretty sure.
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Transfem Ace headcanons are the absolute most valid and awesome on this entire site. It makes so much sense. Universe is fully connected.
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Something from my tiktok
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(for ref I sent that anon ask lol) I theorize/headcanon that Ace knows essentially nothing about his family at all, it's all buried under fuzzy memory and maybe even ptsd induced amnesia (if you wanna go for the like idk super potent angst bullshit route) so he just made up something that he THINKS sounds cool in his stupid ass teen brain head. Which, if that's true, that's actually a really cool character bit from McCracken, that one of his characters just made up his own first and last name, and we will likely never know what his birth name is. It's very, uh... Insightful? Unique? Idk but it's a cool way to communicate a character
I have a personal theory about Ace's name, and it's this: not only is Copular a fake last name he made up for a number of reasons, but so is his first name. I can't decide whether Ace legit wouldn't know his own birth name, or just wants to depart himself from it, but I think both his names are "fake" cuz to me it's weird that Snake+Arturo+Billy all have legal names to them that sound normal, Sanford+Arturo+William, but Grubber and Ace don't. And Grubber definitely sounds like a totally faked nickname, which leads me to believe Ace isn't Ace's birth name. Personally if this was true I think Ace's birth name would be some normal shit like Anthony. In fact, I may put that in a fic later lmao
oh!! yeah I used to have a headcanon that his birth name is Acerbo which is green in Italian but he started going by Ace bc nobody could pronounce it correctly
not sure how I feel about it now
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He is not dishwasher safe so instead I will lovingly hand wash him
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It’s locker-shovin time here are some key HCs I have about the role of this mf in the Anti World:
He and the gang are still A Thing except instead of committing crimes and ditching school, they’re THE top-scoring mathlete group out of all the competing schools in the city. Straight-A honor roll students etc etc and Will roll up to class half beaten to death to keep that perfect attendance record
PPG Ace is a stereotypical cartoon bully. PPAU Ace is a stereotypical nerd. PPG Ace would beat the shit out of PPAU Ace
Yall know how the girls routinely beat the shit out of the gang for crimes? It’s the same here except this time it’s for lunch money lmaooo
PPG Ace lives in a city dump without any qualms abt it whereas PPAU Ace is Very Clean
….and that’s it so far lol I’m trying to build a full role for him and the gang feel free to leave ideas lol
Aaaand SURPRISE BONUS here’s a voice claim 🎉
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Ace and Seye canonically besties
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Ace in Acapulco
(Via Seye)
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Headcanon Ace wears his glasses partially to look cool, but mostly because he looks like a baby without them.
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We've all completely slept on Ace and Russel being friends. Like girl, fuck 2Dace, fuck Acedoc, fuck nuace, I would like to hear about how Ace annoys the living shit out of Russel and how Russel gives Ace the "I'm not mad I'm just disappointed" look, but likes him anyway. Dream scenario is that there's another radio interview like in the earlier phases, but where Noodle and 2-D are absent, so it's just Russel and Ace talking and bantering and pestering each other like Ace is the unruly child and Russel is the tired babysitter.
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In hindsight, it's the craziest, most insane, bonkers bananas fucking out of left field thing ever that Ace, Ace from the Powerpuff girls, Ace from the gangreen gang, was the bassist of Gorillaz for a whole fucking phase. He literally helped make my favorite Gorillaz album. Jamie Hewlett said "oh, Murdoc Niccals, this character I've designed and written, is gonna be in jail for this phase of Gorillaz due to lore purposes. Who should replace him, a character I create myself? Maybe bring back a previous character, like Paula Cracker or Del? Oh, I know, Ace from the fucking gangreen gang, Ace from the mother-fucking Powerpuff girls. Craig McCracken's character. That dumpster-dwelling teenager. That scrappy little kid is gonna age 20 years and be a highly talented bassist in my band, the Gorillaz.
And then that literally actually happened and I don't think the Powerpuff girls have ever officially acknowledged it and that's such a fucking WASTE. HAVE SOME KIND OF DIALOGUE ACKNOWLEDGE IT PLEASE CARTOON NETWORK. YOUR CHARACTER LITERALLY LEFT TO MAKE AN ENTIRE BANGIN' ASS ALBUM WITH A FAMOUS BAND. HAVE SOMEONE SAY SOMETHING IN THE ACTUAL SHOW PLEASE
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It's canon that he bottoms in bdsm sessions so y'all are just straight up ignoring the canon if you deny it lol
murdoc is and has always been a bottom
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Definently feel like if this were ace's dad, ace and him would have the same relationship as Marceline and her dad hunson abadeer. Ace is like "yeah he's my dad but he also left me, let me go homeless, and doesn't try to speak to me or visit me so fuck that guy"
You Mean To Tell Me They’re NOT RELATED?
Mr. Green just has to be some sort of relative of Ace’s. Come on now just LOOK at this resemblance.
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If that’s not enough to convince you, this should be.
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I hope we’re all in agreement that this is canon. Case closed.
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