exdreamerlydia-blog · 10 years
Huh, I just discovered this guy's site today so idk anything, but thanks for pointing it out. And yeah, those are the two things that came to my mind when I looked at his portfolio. First was "Wow, this guy sure isn't shy about his art". And hey, it's really cool! I wish I had this kind of confidence in my art at some point. And it's his right and choice to do that, too.
But my second thought was "...yeah, but still, he draws porn and femslash and nude girls. Even though it may seem inapropriate for a portfolio it's still popular stuff that won't be hated as much as art with gay boys and pin-up'ish nude guys." So... yeahhhh, I guess it's cool to be this confident, but you need to be a hell of a good artist to pull out something like that with gay art and fanart that don't have nude chiks in it.
Okay, you know how artists (almost everyone I know at least) are usually shy to put fanart, nsfw and homo-stuff in their portfolios? I think I don’t even need to tell you, it’s like a rule: YOU SLOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOUR YAOI and nude boys, and porn, and basicly everything you drew for yourself or friends or fun, and portfolios should be all about SERIOUS ART and stuff.
Well, THIS GUY, grown up man btw and a great artist as anyone can see, has a lot of nsfw art and fanart in his portfolio. Most of the nsfw are nude pretty girls in different poses, also girlXgirl pics. Hell, he has a bestiality fanart of Alice in Wonderland here! Think again - bestiality and gay art in a portfolio! 
It made me wonder, if this kind of thing is okay, why nude dudes and slashy fanarts in a portfolio are bad? Do we restrict ourselves subconsciously or is it simply some kind of double standarts?
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exdreamerlydia-blog · 10 years
Okay, you know how artists (almost everyone I know at least) are usually shy to put fanart, nsfw and homo-stuff in their portfolios? I think I don't even need to tell you, it's like a rule: YOU SLOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOUR YAOI and nude boys, and porn, and basicly everything you drew for yourself or friends or fun, and portfolios should be all about SERIOUS ART and stuff.
Well, THIS GUY, grown up man btw and a great artist as anyone can see, has a lot of nsfw art and fanart in his portfolio. Most of the nsfw are nude pretty girls in different poses, also girlXgirl pics. Hell, he has a bestiality fanart of Alice in Wonderland here! Think again - bestiality and gay art in a portfolio! 
It made me wonder, if this kind of thing is okay, why nude dudes and slashy fanarts in a portfolio are bad? Do we restrict ourselves subconsciously or is it simply some kind of double standarts?
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exdreamerlydia-blog · 10 years
dear internet friends i've lost touch with
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exdreamerlydia-blog · 10 years
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exdreamerlydia-blog · 10 years
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Whoa, hey guys! I'm sorry I didn't reply to anyone, there's a lot of messages in my inbox, and when I left I believe I had something like... 99 folowers and now it's 170+ and WHOA that's a lot of people! 8O
So yeah, I apologise again for my absence. This blog is kind of abandoned now because I changed fandoms and moved to somewhere else. I feel guilty it took me so much time to finally chek this account and find all of the months old messages. I'll answer them anyway, just in case anyone still wonders about that video post.
1. The author of the video (if you didn't guessed yet since I mentioned her nickname in the description) is xamag-homestuck. Go chek and follow her blog, she's an awesome artist. 8)
2. Homestuck team had one more video, the opening one. You can watch it here, it's a fanvid - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMv14Jv3OmI They used it to introduce russian HS fandom to new audience. It was made specifically for...
3. ...Fandom Combat. It's a russian summer multifandom event. Basicly it's a contest between fandoms. Different fandoms compete with each other, making new content - arts, fics, videos (AMVs and fanvids), crafts, avatar sets, fanmixes and a lot of other different stuff. There's quests (different ones for writers, for arters and for crafters) and there's levels (each has five quests in it, levels are divided by rating - in other words, there's Introduction lvl , G - PG-13 lvl and R - NC-21!kink level). All kinds of fandoms take part in this event, from most popular ones (KHR and HP for example) to the ones noone ever heard of before the Combat. Llike, there's fandom teams for Laziness (you wanna read fic about being lazy? go there), for Cats (they just really love cats, ok. Don't ask what they have for R - NC-21!kink level.) or for Math (yeah, Math has it's own fandom in Russia. I wish I was kidding but it's real. There's fics and art and everything else.). So yeah, once a year russian multifandom goes nuts and tries to compete with each other. There's deadlines, there's dramas. there's fun and hate and love. Also, in the end, there's voting and the winners. KHR team got the first place second time this year, because it's one of the biggest fandoms and also they do have a lot of good writers and arters. Homestuck team took part in the event in 2012 and 2013. Sadly, they got disqualified in 2013 because of the failed quests, but they got 33 place out of 148 in 2012 and, for the team that attended FC for the first time it was an incredible result. 8) Even though they failed FC2013 they're still awesome and talented people. 8)
Sadly, due to the new laws about information in Russia, you won't be able to track FC - you will need to be registered on russian website FC takes place at for that. Also, it's all in russian so I don't think it'll make much sence to anyone else.
Sooo that's it. Guys, you're free to unfollow me anytime, I don't think I'll be much active on this account anytime soon. Have fun and good luck! 8)
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exdreamerlydia-blog · 11 years
Got my bad baby by my heavenly side I know if I go, I’ll die happy tonight. Oh, my God, I feel it in the air Telephone wires above are sizzling like a snare. Honey, I’m on fire, I feel it everywhere Nothing scares me anymore
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exdreamerlydia-blog · 11 years
.....and I thought siren's acrobatics was silly....
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can we just take a moment to appreciate Zer0’s thoroughly unnecessary acrobatics in the bandit technical
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exdreamerlydia-blog · 11 years
Kodaline - Big Bad World ♥
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exdreamerlydia-blog · 11 years
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exdreamerlydia-blog · 11 years
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Pre-breakfast warmup
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exdreamerlydia-blog · 11 years
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exdreamerlydia-blog · 11 years
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exdreamerlydia-blog · 11 years
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hearing rumors of a Soul Reaver reboot has me excited and hoping that maybe some of Raziel’s old concepts may be integrated into a new game if the rumors are indeed true 
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exdreamerlydia-blog · 11 years
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124lbs of awesome.
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exdreamerlydia-blog · 11 years
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10 Favorite Disney Villains: ↪(#9) Helga Sinclair "And relax, he doesn’t bite… often”
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exdreamerlydia-blog · 11 years
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exdreamerlydia-blog · 11 years
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