fairyrona · 9 hours
happy pride to whatever these gay bitches got going on in bnha#424
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fairyrona · 19 hours
Okay, so the truth is that they're not gonna post byler bts or Mike in june if they're keeping such a tight lid on it. It was fine in 2022, but not so close to s5.
They wouldnt risk ruining the plot twist for the ga
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fairyrona · 19 hours
“And I think,” Mike tries again, voice scratchy, eyes still locked on Will’s, “that that sort of thing is just- kind of irreversible, when you think about it. And no matter what happens, there’s a part of you that always stays stuck on that person.”
It’s funny, Will thinks, as he stares blankly back at Mike, how neatly it lines up. Maybe he and Mike are too similar for their own good. Maybe everyone does feel it the same way after all, no matter how different they are, or maybe it’s just him and Mike who love this intensely, and the universe is just torturing Will for fun with the knowledge that it will never line up for them in the one way that matters.
Mike clears his throat, blushing furiously. “Um. Anyway, can I kiss you?”
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fairyrona · 1 day
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It’s pride month so have a wip of these silly little gays
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fairyrona · 2 days
Hello, Mara is with you.
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I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but it's pretty interesting looking that Nancy's appearance in season 1 and Will's appearance in season 5 are very similar.I'm not sure I fully believe that Holly will go missing, as the episode titles have yet to be officially confirmed...BUT! If it is, we do know something.
-Mike will find himself in a similar position as Jonathon was when Will went missing in season 1. That means parallels between Mike in season 5 and Jonathan in season 1.
We know that Nancy and Jonathon will "team up" in season 1, and we remember that Mike has already laid the groundwork for that with his "I think it's easier if we become a team."
Does that mean we'll get parallels between Will in season 5 and Nancy in season 1? I've been thinking about this and while rewatching season 1, I realized something:
plaid shirt on the bottom, blue shirt on top and a jacket over it. I can clearly see peoples similarities, just different color schemes for obvious reasons and whatnot, they are similar enough as it is.
Plus, we remember that in season 1, Will could user gun, and Nancy has gun already as a symbol.
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There used to be other parallels like Jonathon/Will and Nancy/Mike..... Will something change in their dynamic? Or maybe (maybe) the Jonathon/Mike and Nancy/Will parallels won't be as prominent, and we're just shown the fact that Mike will be just as responsible about finding his baby sister, and Will will be just as serious about helping Mike. Maybe also Will will become more stale(?), hope you get my point!
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fairyrona · 2 days
When the episode looked like it was just a “kids these days with their tinktonks” and then suddenly the protagonist kills harry styles and then reveals she’s been racist this whole time
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fairyrona · 2 days
his mouth was dry as a local village summer
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fairyrona · 2 days
honestly this whole debacle with ST on Spain and Tate is convincing me further that Nick 8Flix was sharing real scripts and got sniped for it
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fairyrona · 3 days
my Roman Empire is the deleted scene of Mike crying riding his bike home from the quarry when they found the fake body
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fairyrona · 3 days
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fairyrona · 3 days
happy almost pride month to andrzej kmicic and michał wołodyjowski
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fairyrona · 4 days
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you guys get this early!! congrats ding dongs!!
anyways, I finished the other screencap redraw!! so here it is in its glory. Idk. Anyways enjoy fellow stranger things and byler enjoyers
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fairyrona · 4 days
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“It’s not a big deal,” Mike says, a sentence that is entirely antithetical to everything he has said or done or felt or thought in the last forty eight hours. He doesn’t even have to look at Lucas’s face to know there is a very unimpressed expression plastered there — but he does, and there is — and then, steeling his courage and shuffling some detritus around with his shoe, adds, “It’s just— me and Will have been hanging out more?”
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fairyrona · 4 days
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I miss them 😇
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fairyrona · 5 days
they keep calling me
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will byers as “the desperate man” by gustave courbet
one of my fav paintings ever!
also happy 2 years since ST4 V1 !!! here’s to will byers and his coming of age🥂
close up and refs:
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fairyrona · 5 days
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They're ready to fuck you up
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fairyrona · 5 days
Ok so why are there multiple different versions of Will’s drawing? These are both totally different- one is done with a green crayon, when we see Will drawing in Joyce’s flashback early in s1. And then later in s1, after Will’s disappearance, Joyce shows the drawing to Hopper- except it’s a different drawing, like physically it’s not the same one even though the characters are the same. The second one is definitely done by layering a yellow pencil crayon over a blue one.
Why the two different drawings/fireballs?? They clearly HAVE the drawing in the first screenshot, so why didn’t production is that? Why did they chose to use a different version where someone took the time to layer yellow pencil crayon over blue pencil crayon? ???
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But wait, there more:
There’s not just two different drawings. There’s THREE.
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The first one is the one that Joyce shows hopper. The second one is the first time we see Will drawing the fireballs in the flashback scene. The third one is the end of the flashback scene. These are 100%, physically, different drawings. The last one has the fireballs horizontally AND Will draws rails onto them. But the second one has no tails and the fireballs are diagonal. And the first one has diagonal fireballs but made by layering yellow and blue pencil crayons.
And even though you can’t see it in the screenshot, int he show, with the way Will moves his hand in the 3rd screenshot drawing scene, the diagonal fireballs from the 2nd screenshot drawing scene are NOT THERE. So physically, these are THREE different drawings on THREE different sets of paper. But why??
I don’t 100% know why, but I DO know that when we count up all the fireballs from each scene, there’s a total of nine (there’s one more that gets drawn in the last screenshot scene but I screenshotted it before that happened) And nine is a number that shows up quite a bit in ST (things like channel 9 news, for example- and the fact that there’s a solid chance that Will disappeared at 9pm on November 6th. Plus the fact that 9 upside-down is 6 and vice-versa, and that the party’s Walkie-Talkie channel is channel 6).
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