faustquillpen · 16 days
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faustquillpen · 29 days
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faustquillpen · 8 months
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Alright so I'm trying to draw without picturing the end product, and not forcing myself to clean it up unless I have the energy. And I am enjoying drawing a lot more already. I do want to try to make the pictures in my head one day, but for now making myself think of just the basic idea and seeing how it goes as I do it helps me not spiral into loathing. :D however I did forget her horns. They're small nubs anyways but. Pretend there are nubs. I already uploaded it. Djhdhd
Big big big thanks and shout out to my friendo @dreamsy990 for advice on how to not get super upset at my own drawings, it's really helping. Hope it's okay to tag you i can undo it if you want
Me rambling about lore under cut
Ri does a thing where they can go into a berserk frenzy and ignore pain and massive wounds as part of having a dragon lineage, but due to not being a full dragon the recoil afterwards is Very Bad. (So that the character I also use as my fursona isn't completely a Mary Sue lmao)
At some point later in the universe she's in I am heavily considering that she eventually loses an eye in a fight and gets a glass eye. Luckily their universe has magic so at least it's enchanted so that she doesn't completely lose depth perception. That would probably be bad for flying. The turn of events has some story symbolism and stuff but I've already talked a lot on a post that I just meant to show a semi decent sketch on. Woops.
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faustquillpen · 9 months
Writing down both of these to try to think About which sounds better
Faust: Hey, Lucas... I was wondering...
Lucas: Mph?
F: Do you ever want to find the people who killed you?
L: Eh, why would I?
F: You're always hunting down bad people for justice's sake... But what about yourself? Don't you want to find who did this to you?
L: .... Hmph. In lotsa stories I've heard, whenever there's a vengeful ghost or some sort of spooky weirdo, when they complete the whatever stupid thing that kept them tied down to the mortal realm, they disappear. I don't exactly know what I am. But if I'm a ghost...
... I don't wanna disappear.
F: ... But what if they do it again?
L: .... I've never really thought about that being possible before... But... I have to think of myself. *Touches his neck scar* this is a reminder... that I come first. To never let anyone in, not anymore.
F: *genuinely upset* you really mean that?
L: *not quite realizing the implications of what he's saying* No one, ever again.
Faust: Have you ever... Thought about hunting down the people who murdered you, Lucas?
Lucas: Mmm... Sometimes. I'm sure some of the cult members are still around. Maybe even worshipping still. Just don't know where.
F: Oh...
*A few beats of silence*
F: ... It just makes me nervous to think about.
L: ?
F: in those old movies and ghost stories, whenever there's a spirit that needs to do something important... they disappear after... to wherever we go.
L: ... Hm... Guess we'd just have to see.
F: ... i dont want anyone i care about to disappear...
L: ...
F: ...
L: ... we'll just have to see.
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faustquillpen · 9 months
Was told to draw an oc in Victorian Dress, 'n I decided to choose Miles, who would act like he hates it. Sorry my dude that I finally drew you again and instead of a proper ref sheet it's a shit post...
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Not bad? My own opinion in my art is admittedly really abysmal tho. I think I'd give him darker fur in future drawings if there are any.
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faustquillpen · 9 months
I've decided that in Crystalverse the main character (who is basically my fursona but just also her own character) is older she'll have lost one of her eyes in a fight, paralleling her father losing his eye, and that being his turning point to a path of murder and resentment, her turning point in her arch is learning to control her temper and be less egotistical and understand the hardships others go through. Also the new glass eye will look mostly like her original but have slightly different colors around the pupil, it will be the color of her late mother's eyes. Possibly more symbolism that she is taking more after her mother.
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faustquillpen · 10 months
Artfight attack on @justketerthings :3
Couldn't reach my AF goal, but I did really good I think on number of drawings. Sorry it's sketchy, still recovering. Such a cute lil fox character tho, I can't resist foxes.
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faustquillpen · 10 months
My partner needed a fursona so I Assigned him one
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faustquillpen · 11 months
ATTACK!!!! On @u3pxx of squidified and octofied Caviar Gafin and Apollo Jusquid!
Silly meme reference hehe, I always thought Apollo should be the grinning one in this template, I feel like klav would cry if in prison.
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I hope it's alright, I am admittedly not the best artist. I tried my best!!!
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faustquillpen · 11 months
WEREWOLF ATTACK! (Art Fight 2023) Bip from @jayrockin appears to be trapped inside of some sort of.... Device?
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At least there's some minigames on this thing...
Very new to pixel art attempts... Hope you like it still!
Based on this irl Tamagotchi shell! (one of my favorite ones as a kid as well!)
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faustquillpen · 11 months
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Werewolf Attack AF 2023: Vennie!
Character owned by Clooooverr on Art Fight!
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faustquillpen · 11 months
Been bouncing back and forth between "I don't deserve this I'm not good enough for views and don't even draw enough" and "well maybe I should at least try..." So I'm gonna post a reply!! Aaaaaa. Dude Bogleech you're so sweet to do this for people.
(My main is @ridragon, this is my art and writing blog!)
If you like Pokémon I'm trying to do a care guide series for them on @shilo-sumac
Sososo on that blog, that's kinda in a hiatus for now due to a bit of a depression run/lack of motivation, basically using a combination of my own HCs and official lore, I'm making Pokémon care guides! One by one... By one by one by one. Guides include when and how to train them, their diets and habitat requirements, their temperaments, health issues, and more!
Random art examples I happen to have on my phone atm
(Forgive my quality I don't have a tablet, I draw on the Switch lmao.)
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If you're an artist and are having trouble building followers, especially if you're new on tumblr or back after leaving, reblog this with some of your art. It will be visible to everyone checking the notes. Everyone keep checking the notes and follow whoever puts their cool art in them. People keep telling me I'm Tumblr famous so maybe this helps!
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faustquillpen · 11 months
I have to change Faust's height I don't want him to be taller than Apollo Ace attorney
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faustquillpen · 1 year
[lil short story expanding on Lucas'... Issues.]
"So... how's this gonna work, again?"
"Basically, Faust is just gonna use Negotiation to bypass Lucas' deepest thoughts and fears and try to unblock the memories that his brain locked away to protect himself."
"... Huh?"
"they're gonna force me to remember things my brain doesn't want me to."
"Can't we try another way? This doesn't sound safe-"
"Faust. I know you don't want to do this to me... but we're out of options. We need this information. Now."
"... Okay."
There's silence as Faust attempts to coerce his powers to the surface, staring at Lucas in his unnaturally dark eyes.
"... I don't know if I'm doing this right."
"Just ask me something and see if I can respond different than usual."
"Okay... Okay." *Breathes* "What do you remember .. about your first death?"
"I- I was a child. I was raised in what I now know was some sort of cult. They said I was meant for something. I never found out what but... I can guess in hindsight...
I remember. I remember being dragged to a stone slab. I remember things being spoken in tongues. I remember thinking it was silly before... Before..."
"should I stop?"
"No. I want to remember. Don't lose focus on me."
"... Okay."
"I remember sudden pressure on the back of my head. I remember darkness. Surrounded by a void. My head hurt. My neck hurt. My body hurt. I don't know how long I was in that darkness. Eventually I wandered. I was scared but I didn't want to just... Sit there.
Then I remember that Thing.
Too many arms. Too many eyes. Golden silk and black venom dripping from tarnished fangs. Almost angelic. It was eating something. Someone. It dropped them and turned to face me. I couldn't move. It approached me and... And.."
He swallowed as a realization dawned on his face.
"It was... It was kind to me.
It weaved intricate patterns for me. Swinging baubles and silly faces. I got the sense that it hadn't interacted with anyone for a long time. It's voice was garbled and made my ears ring, even though I could tell it was trying to talk gently. I couldn't understand it verbally, but the meaning of the words still came across to me. It asked why I was here, and I told it what I remembered.
Its face didn't have expressions like ours but. I could tell something darkened in its expression.
It said I shouldn't be here. It said I was sacrificed- I didn't even know what that meant then- to wake it up, and that I didn't deserve that. It asked if I wanted to go back.
Of course I said yes. I was a kid! For so long I hated that thing, and in the end I'm the one who said yes! Idiot!"
"Not yet. Almost done. I reached for an extended claw and...
Pain. So much pain. My head and my neck and my chest and my gut. Searing pain as open wounds scarred over in seconds. My body knew it wasn't supposed to be alive.
Many of the cult members were dead around me. Wounds like giant spider fangs piercing their necks. I found a scroll with a diagram on it... Gruesome details of vivisection... I grasped my still burning neck and knew what they had done.
... I don't think that thing knew, in the end. I don't think it knew that in that moment of kindness it had cut me off from death. That I would now always come back. That I would know the pain of dying forever.
... I've starved, I've been shot, I've drowned! Stabbed burned alive poisoned bludgeoned suffocated I've felt it all I've felt it all I've felt. It. All. No child should go through that I..."
It takes a while to calm him down afterwards as the man broke down. It was the first time he'd shown such weakness in a long, long time. Faust's guilt for dragging it all up was immeasurable, but it was true. They needed that information on the cult. But at the cost of Lucas' sanity? Was it worth it?
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faustquillpen · 1 year
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Local emo kid doesn't grow out of his angst phase more at 11
From my Wayward Academy story script I wanna make an actual thing. Pinned post of a little thingie this blog of a script of part of it.
Extra Bits:
Wrote a sorta poem about him
He Rebirths completely clean every time. Will not have any scarring besides his main scar.
The main scar is from his "original" death
It goes all the way down his body as if he were vivisected
While he does not retain injuries he may have minor pain depending on how he died.
Rebirths the last place he slept within a few hours.
Has sharp teeth that I couldn't get down well
Used to be a vigilante that lured predators into killing him so he could find them later and get vengeance.
Routinely dies on purpose as a shortcut home.
Grabs at his neck when stressed or having panic attacks
Doesn't use a weapon, only claws.
Probably on a technical level the strongest of the protagonists
Was the child of a cult who tried to sacrifice him. It ended up different than they planned. It took pity on him.
Probably more things I'm forgetting.
Thanks for reading and reblogs are super appreciated so I can get more feedback and motivation to create more for this series, but not required!!
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faustquillpen · 1 year
My bad character design habit is I keep making characters who have a martyr complex no one can talk them out of.
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faustquillpen · 1 year
dark and brooding guy with horrible regrets yells "I HAVE BLOOD ON MY HANDS!" in a moment of vulnerability but theres a cutaway transition where hes at a state fair eating a banana and he throws the peel over his shoulder and the tilt-a-whirl operator slips on it causing him to fall on the controls and shift it into a skull and crossbones setting called OVERDRIVE and the tilt-a-whirl spins so fast it lifts off the ground and carries the people away screaming
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