fishcemetery · 10 hours
Dr Dominic Newlow is, by all means, a true relic
Old, cursed, used in religious rituals, and passed down the generations of TS2 PSP fans to the most unfortunate ones
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fishcemetery · 3 days
Am I really going to live my whole life with Pavlovian response to men in red and women in purple
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fishcemetery · 8 days
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I remember about my other self-imposed obligations. I really do. Here, have another one, you people (like, all five of you), and remember to leave nice comments under his videos, for he grows more terrified of his own community with each passing day
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fishcemetery · 9 days
Man, it really is the Grox from Spore to Nox from Starbound pipeline
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fishcemetery · 10 days
In due time.
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he is waiting
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fishcemetery · 10 days
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fishcemetery · 11 days
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A couple of particularly bloody pieces, as well as the combined art and my commentary below.
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Threw every major thought about her onto this piece of canvas so that I don't have to return to the subject for another year.
The thing about Nox is that, aside from being a spectacular disastrous edgelord (edgelady?) all by herself, she's essentially a symptom of something very, very wrong with the world. It's not like people are born with a terrorist gene.
Orphaned by a mixed alien gang, huh? Avians, Apex and Florans, huh? And exposure to "better" aliens at the Protectorate didn't help, and years upon years of peace-and-order ideology didn't help, and whatever therapy she should've got didn't help, and nothing helped, and her teacher never understood, and a murder deity is apparently great ally material.
There had to have been some counteractive force constantly pushing her in the other direction. I refuse to believe in Ruin influence or whatever. This one is on her.
If we still had legacy lore in place, I'd say she'd just been too perceptive for her own good. And she could've had a place with the legacy. There was even some cult mentioned. In the dragon entry, no less.
...they really dropped a confident line of "the world's biggest problems are created by entitled, overpowered, morally bankrupt authorities" and instead pushed a line of "the world's biggest problem is a nebulous ancient evil that came from fuck knows where and likes to reawaken for fuck-all reasons". God. God. Much obliged, chucklefucks.
I think about this whenever I have another Starbound phase. Usually it doesn't go beyond forcing my friends to listen to my unreasonably pissed-off rants about a mid-tier sandbox, but this time I found a Regal Worm song with suspiciously matching tune and lyrics. It couldn't have gone any other way. What a true future tyrant situation.
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fishcemetery · 18 days
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fishcemetery · 21 days
The desire to sing out USCM to the tune of Village People – YMCA
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fishcemetery · 21 days
as the eurovision final takes place this year, please take this time to instead please reblog, and donate (if you can) instead of watching:
fundraiser for selma cheurfi
help evacuate nisreen shaheen's family from gaza
bring najlaa's family to safety in canada
help evacuate dr ahmad's family from gaza
donate an e-sim to gaza here (several options available) (holafly tutorial)
donate to provide feminine hygiene kits for women in gaza
urgent evacuation for rafah's family from gaza
donate to careforgaza here (twitter) (paypal)
rescue lulu and baby adam from the siege on rafah
help firas and his family escape to egypt
an entire google doc of gofundme's for palestine
help this family evacuate from gaza
donate to the palestinian civil relief
donate to the children of gaza
please read through and support operation olive branch, a cohesive and detailed spreadsheet of fundraisers and links
donate to the palestine children's relief fund
please also reblog other aid posts (especially recent ones), or flood the tag with posts about palestine. this doesn't have to be just donation posts, but also information and updates on rafah/gaza. anything helps and make sure not to give eurovision your view or your vote! do not take your eyes off rafah.
please boost, and add other resources and links to this post.
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fishcemetery · 26 days
hearing the sims being called a "cozy game" is so ??? because i grew up playing the sims 1 and thats one of the most evil games ever created. and no, not intentionally evil, this is beyond will wright's hands. what i'm saying is that a foul fae spirit invaded the sims files and has permeated every sims 1 installation since. there is a malicious, foreboding presence in that game hiding behind the quirky, comic-sans labelled veneer, and if you meditate quietly for too long in its presence something tragic will happen
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fishcemetery · 27 days
Dru, I could've understood if it was with a rotting waft, but no
It's fresh, perky and delightful. In fact, so delightful, that it's more of an idealized thought of strawberry aroma than a mental copy of the real deal
It's the smell of a Stardew Valley gold-tier strawberry patch. It's the air current that precedes and follows Strawberry Shortcake. It makes me want to chew into a tentacle like it's a strip of fruit leather candy. I don't even like strawberry candy. I've given in and switched to painting it pink, which actually goes great with all the reds, purples and oranges, but goddammit
Worse than a shampoo situation, really. So tantalizing; will give you unbelievable toxic damage if you put it in your mouth. And probably won't even taste like strawberries
I keep smelling phantom strawberries while drawing the Ruin
Something in my brain is dead certain that the Ruin would smell like strawberries, when the only thing on the "likely to smell like strawberries" list that's below the Ruin is probably Glitch sewers
Ancient, evil and scented. I'm going to cry
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fishcemetery · 1 month
I keep smelling phantom strawberries while drawing the Ruin
Something in my brain is dead certain that the Ruin would smell like strawberries, when the only thing on the "likely to smell like strawberries" list that's below the Ruin is probably Glitch sewers
Ancient, evil and scented. I'm going to cry
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fishcemetery · 1 month
Thanks Abe...
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It rolls a different palette for the same word every time, and I rolled one right after seeing your tag just to test how it works, and now I kind of wish I hadn't lost it because it had "half-baked" right in the middle, which is a banger name for a color and yeah. YEAH.
Not too sad though, because I'm very fond of teals and cyans and anything that lands between blue and green. They remind me of city bays and foamy waves where I live.
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Not doing that music one tho, sorry pal. It's twelve letters of sifting through gay prog rock and contemporary piano and washing machine sounds, and sometimes a tumblr user just can't be bothered
Now watch me spin this thing and launch it towards a different fandom entirely. Catch it @kozonaut, @lumenadev and @benjameowbjm
Colour palette generator based on your name… 🌈
I was tagged by @capptrash, thank you Beautiful!!🥰
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My favourite colour is green but this isn't bad! I like coral tree in particular and will totes use it in CAS when I am blending my next lipstick colour.
I would like to tag @mysimsloveaffair @muses-circle @stargazer-sims @profoundlyburningsimscollection @anamoon63 and @woohoojuicesimoleons2 No pressure ever, feel free to ignore!
(anybody else notice that Tumblr will now only let you @ 5 people?? Tumblr fuckery at its finest!!)
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fishcemetery · 1 month
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I won't tag you for every single one, so just check the tag every now and then, I've quite a stash
Are you on the server, by any chance?
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fishcemetery · 2 months
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Here champion, I'll split 'em up by theme and style and post with intervals so that my followers don't get niche-youtuber-megapowerblasted into smithereens with no prior warning, plus I've also got two older ones via the same tags that I don't know if you've seen
I can give you my word I've witnessed at least one other person doing FtF fanart on here, but I've no idea where they went. It's a mystery.
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fishcemetery · 2 months
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Tilted flattened brainless purple
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