hmm. thinking about play with artfight this year. to make self draw more.
n more disabled characters >:)
worry will be busy tho
n not know how it work
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. don’t. wanna admit can’t do this but. so many signs pointing to it
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I think what low support needs people get wrong when they feel invalidated by the terms low support needs vs high support needs is that they think "low support needs" implies "insignificant support needs/no support needs". But that's not what it means. Every disabled person has support needs. Just because they are on the low end compared to certain other disabled people's, that does not imply that they aren't real and valid. Someone else needing more support than you doesn't imply that your disability isn't a real disability
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need help w task that need undress. n. not have sense of privacy or shame. think is good combo.
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reality of be higher support needs n have someone help for me is
wish able buy things whenever want. buy base on whim sometimes. spend a lil too much regret a lil sometimes.
wish able buy things don’t want other / carer see.
wish able own thing don’t want other / carer see.
wish able go toilet middle of night without worry reveal am still up late n get scold about it
wish able do thing spontaneous.
wish not need discuss own life options with other people.
wish not need other people help everyday cut up food for own pet.
wish able tell carer off n not have it be awkward next task shower naked. or worry if it mean they withhold care.
wish able clearly communicate what want n not want n like n not like n need n not need. wish able be easily understood with communication already have.
wish not be paint as bad person terrible temper selfish ungrateful when overwhelm overstimulate scream throw thing be visibly upset bc can’t hide because not able communicate & keep be misunderstood n that has become trigger
wish able ask help without “you need help with this basic of task?” sentiment
wish able exist without hear “want your disability gone but it’s all for you want you better life (n apparently that only way get it) but i accept your disability i promise”
wish able do bad thing have lil dignity of risk have lil privacy
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I would love to see voice control and eye tracking technology used on screen buy actual disable people in present day settings.
I swear I only see it in futuristic sci-fi settings, or in dystopian settings where is used to show that a character is getting too absorbed in social media.
I just wish that I could see it being used how it is, buy regular disabled people in the current day doing every day things
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not perfect but marginally better now hopefully! slightly lengthened body + more natural seating position (… may not be best posture but. also dont have good posture here so.). oh n shoulders perspective big fix. fixed legs. made lines more defined. then molded chair more fitting to person.
now looking back at original, not as terrible as thought. foot to foot plate situation definitely look better in original than this one though (altho current one kinda like how personally sit so…). tweak that in later rendering.
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[id: same drawing as before but with above changes. end id]
when draw wheelchair user always get too excited abt wheelchair n draw that first especially if Good Idea Need Jot Down about wheelchair
n even though look like drawing different people different things. really all just. trying create One Character. but wants keep changing & keep erase dump in trash n restart. hopefully this one sticks tho bc really do like design so far.
… don’t draw wheelchair n then draw person….. anatomy all wonky …
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not perfect but better now :D slightly lengthened body + more natural seating position. then changed chair to fit person. roughly. when do polish need fix feet to foot plate position
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[id: same drawing as above but with better + more defined anatomy & more fitting wheelchair. end id]
… don’t draw wheelchair n then draw person….. anatomy all wonky …
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ok anyway here’s… them before have to fix anatomy & wheelchair fitting. bc currently there No Cushion
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[id: sketch of wheelchair user. manual wheelchair colorful pastel rainbow & rear wheel is windmill candy. wheelchair rigid n have high back rest + headrest. person just black line sketches right now & mainly body. end id]
… don’t draw wheelchair n then draw person….. anatomy all wonky …
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… don’t draw wheelchair n then draw person….. anatomy all wonky …
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permobil’s photo for tilite twist (pediatric custom manual wheelchair) color choice chefs kiss next chair if still get manual chair want same color combo!!!!!!!
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[id: pediatric manual wheelchair with one tall push handle. frame color neon pink & accent color at caster & rear wheel metallic blue. end id]
cotton candy trans chair cotton candy trans chair
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want community vs hate new unfamiliar people
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"I'm autistic and I don't think it's hard to-" Great! Then acknowledge your privilege, shut up and take a step back so that we can focus on those who DO need that advocacy and those accommodations
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I want people to understand this.
Nonverbal and nonspeaking people are capable of going into higher education, and many have.
Does this mean every nonspeaking and nonverbal person will go into higher education? No. Lots of nonspeaking and nonverbal people are not able to go into higher education for various of reasons. This however does not mean that every nonspeaking and nonverbal person is unable to go into higher education.
College is something that a lot of people want, including nonspeaking/nonverbal people. If you’re able to, then go for it! If you want to, then go for it!
Nonspeaking/nonverbal people have been kept out of higher education for a very long time, and to see blog posts and articles about nonspeaking/nonverbal people going into higher education, it just makes my heart happy, because I’m not alone. Stop underestimating nonverbal/nonspeaking people. Stop saying we can’t do things. Some of us can’t, and that’s completely ok, but we need to start making it more possible for nonspeaking/nonverbal people to achieve their goals and dreams.
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changed queue time to more match US time… ish
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"Autism traits that are actually advantages-" Hey guys did you know that the problem with eugenics and ableism is the act of assigning different degrees of worth and moral value to different people and abilities and not that we were simply attacking the "wrong" group?
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think there definitely is criticism (edit: VALID criticism. left out important word) about how bullet journal system formally invented by someone w… think adhd & specific learning disability? that geared towards function n then got turned into “must make it very fancy full of fancy highlighter stickers washi tape stationery colorful pretty” & making neurodivergent ppl feel peer pressure of make their bullet journal like that n thus inaccessible… not saying there isn’t.
but also like… can we be less… US centric? “big western country English language social media” centric? about it because. bullet journal not end all be all of journaling, it not first style of journaling, & won’t be last. plenty of east asian people (have seen specifically japanese & chinese, 手帐) journaled & is still journaling, at varying level of minimalistic practical vs highly decorative scale, with washi tape & stickers & different colored pens maybe & fancy n “fancy” stationery (…gotta remember that while there definitely expensive stationery there but. even most affordable most common stationery in these countries, way more options & colors than in like say US UK). some of them act more like diary some them do contain to do list, even before bullet journal became popular. what happened probably is some english speaking people on social media saw these east asian small creators doing their journaling that way n then wanted to integrate their aesthetic & decoration into their bullet journal.
n then evolved to nowadays.
like valid criticism for current situation of bullet journal trend but can we like. remember creator of bullet journal didn’t invent journaling as whole & there more journaling types n circles than bullet journaling n people (including lots non white people / east asian people!!!) formed communities for journaling before bullet journaling became thing or because you got introduced to journaling community via bullet journaling. okay?
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