flamingfoxninja · 2 hours
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Multiple Mabels
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flamingfoxninja · 2 hours
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flamingfoxninja · 2 hours
Mystery Inc. but it’s the 1890s
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Who had late Victorian Scooby Doo on their 2024 bingo card? Hmm?
The idea came to me when I was thinking about Sherlock Holmes and then remembered the iconic mystery solving gang hehe
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flamingfoxninja · 2 hours
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babe wake up new none pizza with left beef just dropped
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flamingfoxninja · 2 hours
Hanging out with old people rules because after a while they trust you enough to confess to murder totally unprompted
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flamingfoxninja · 2 hours
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flamingfoxninja · 2 hours
Having anotheg 'gork we have got to get out of bed faster then this' morning
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flamingfoxninja · 8 hours
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kitty kins fucking obliterated in the comments section of a knitting video
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flamingfoxninja · 8 hours
People are so stupid about snakes. If there's a little black racer chilling outside just leave it alone, you don't have to kill it, it's probably dealing with all your pests for you, jesus christ
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flamingfoxninja · 8 hours
Did anyone ever think of titling a painting of Mary breastfeeding baby Jesus "The First Supper"?
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flamingfoxninja · 8 hours
i think “video games aren’t really the violent child-corrupting threat some parents worry they are” and “certain circles of gamer culture are incredibly toxic and can lead people down dangerous/hateful ideological rabbit holes” are ideas that can absolutely coexist
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flamingfoxninja · 11 hours
I just love The Mummy (1999) so much like I've always felt it was a masterpiece, I was never able to pinpoint the exact reason but I think I got it in my last rewatch: every single character is extremely competent in a very concrete, punctual and once-in-a-lifetime helpful skillset, and then they're ABSOLUTE DISASTERS on literally EVERY OTHER ASPECT of their lives. Evy can read and Sherlock her way through literally any egyptian riddle like she was born for it, but PLEASE, DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE, leave ANY sharp objects, unstable structures or even-remotely inflamable objects ANYWHERE near her she WILL find a way to unleash HELL IN HER SLEEP. Rick can smash-parkour-swordfight his way out of any scenario but he has to have ALL neurons completely focused on the ONE (1) task at hand and if he gets out-DudeBroed he loses all his hit points his health meter goes red and he surprise-resets like a forced Windows update (see following scene for reference)
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And don't even get me STARTED on Jonathan. This absolute gem of a man really is willing to let his sister drag him to hell and back with only mild complaining and will stop her human sacrifice ritual while the priest is mid-swing with an "hey Evy look we found the book!" with the same energy as if he was proudly announcing he found his long-lost car keys behind the couch but we DON'T blame him because he correctly spent his one braincell on THIS scene that changed the history of cinema forever:
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In conclusion everyone is so very capable and so very pathetic at the same time and thus we have no choice but to stan
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flamingfoxninja · 11 hours
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what the fuck
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flamingfoxninja · 11 hours
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tumblr staff shaking in utter fear and dread of the terrible spectre
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flamingfoxninja · 11 hours
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Sockeye salmon, if he was just a little buddy
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flamingfoxninja · 22 hours
Every time we vend at Pride, there are times when I have to fight breaking down.
It's probably not when you'd expect. Yes, I get misty at the Big Moments and the Conversations, and we have those every time. I love seeing the parents who are buying their kid's first Pride item, the trans girls spinning in skirts they just bought, the curve of fresh scars across a chest that's clearly seeing sunlight for the first time this summer. I love it all. I devour every minute of it.
But it's the parents who hand their kid a $20 or tap their Apple watch on our card reader and look slightly bored that get me, sometimes.
My G-d. It's not scary, it's not overwhelming, it's not tense and nervewacking. It's boring to them.
2 weeks ago, my brother tells me, my parents used the right name and pronouns for me through an entire dinner with Jake and his partner.
I turned 47 three days ago.
Today, a parent looked bored escorting their teenager around at Pride.
My G-d.
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flamingfoxninja · 22 hours
when you go from a bad situation into a better one you may collapse exhausted and unsure what to do and full of grief, you may need time to regain the ability to do things as yourself or motivated by anything other than terror, you may need time to process or mourn or fall apart in ways you could not before,
and people may use this as proof that the old situation was better for you, proof that you need to go back, and it is not proof that it was better for you or proof that you need to go back
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