flanaganfilm · 6 hours
I'm a big fan of your work and I'm shocked you have a tumblr
Oh I love having a Tumblr! When it isn't being cherry-picked by internet journalists for context-less click-bait articles, it's the absolute best. :)
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flanaganfilm · 7 days
I can't wait to see your Exorcist Film! Are you as excited as us the filmgoers?
I am equal parts elated, excited and terrified. I think it's going to be really special, and I can't wait to dive in.
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flanaganfilm · 8 days
This is gonna be a bit of a weird question (and I'm sort of writing in draft here but): Is there a way to write horror that's in service to God? I write horror, love horror - but I struggle with what it means to invest time and energy into themes that quite literally sometimes center the opposite of God. I don't know - it's been on my mind. Wondering if there's anything you've learned along the way...
Well... I'm an atheist, so probably not the best person to ask. But I'd encourage you to let yourself off the hook. If god can abide childhood cancer without being compelled to act, I don't think a few horror movies are going to register. Also, the horror genre breeds empathy, and allows us to explore darkness without harming others, so I'd think any god should be in favor. Heck, just read the Old Testament, or Revelation - the Bible is straight-up horror all over the place, that book is a literal bloodbath, so it'd be pretty hypocritical to divinely inspire that and then get snippy about THE SHINING. I wish you all the best with your writing, and in all things.
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flanaganfilm · 11 days
Hello, Mike! I hope you’re doing well! Can I have hope that, after the ending of “HUSH”, Maddie went into surgery and got her broken hand fixed, please?
You can rest assured, she got that looked at right away
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flanaganfilm · 14 days
Aw, thank you for this!
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Happy Birthday @flanaganfilm! Thank you for all the incredible gifts you've given us fans throughout your career!
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flanaganfilm · 29 days
You said Six Feet Under is one of your favorite ones ever, so i wonder what your top 5 series are that are not focused on horror.
Honestly, there are no horror series in my top 5 at all - or even in my top 10. There aren't many horror series in the world PERIOD, never mind as good as:
The Wire Six Feet Under Breaking Bad Friday Night Lights The Shield Deadwood Treme (And, quite embarrassingly, I've never seen The Sopranos or Twin Peaks, so... I expect those will find their way onto this list once I finally catch up with them) The thing is, if you asked me to make a Top 5 list of my all-time favorite "horror" series, that's way harder. I dunno, I guess... The Twilight Zone The X Files Hannibal ... ? (For those suggesting Interview with the Vampire - a show I love so far - or other shows that are still ongoing, I can't include them in an "all-time" list until I see how they stick their landings. I've loved a lot series that didn't maintain a consistent level of quality, like Walking Dead, but for me to include them in an all-time list they've got to have ended and maintained their excellence throughout).
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flanaganfilm · 1 month
hi! so i was reading through the hush wiki and just realised that maddie’s close friend is named sarah greene. as maddie is the author of midnight mass (in universe) was it intentional that erin and her share a surname? :)
Yep, and great catch! ... also, there's a Hush wiki?
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flanaganfilm · 1 month
Dear Mr. Flanagan,
I was wondering if you had seen, and eventually could share your thoughts about Late Night With The Devil? I recently ran into it because of its AI (kind of silly) criticism, and enjoied it quite a lot despite its flaws (starting with the mockumentary style being thrown out the window...)
I loved that wonderful movie and shared my thoughts on my Letterboxd account as soon as I saw it. The AI "controversy" was wildly misguided, and I disagree with you about the mockumentary style being an issue.
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flanaganfilm · 1 month
I'm in the middle of a Six Feet Under binge, it's been like decade I think, and I thought, there's no way Flanagan hasn't seen this. So I have to ask, are you a fan at all?
One of my all-time favorite series EVER, and I'd argue that the series finale is the greatest series finale of all time.
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flanaganfilm · 1 month
I know that you're probably sick of me because I keep asking for HUSH's Behind The Scenes but please please please if you have any, share them please??? :"D
I put up a long post about this a while back, here you go :)
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flanaganfilm · 1 month
When do you begin pre-production on your next movie? Have you already written it?
Not exactly sure what's next - we just finished post production on THE LIFE OF CHUCK so we're focused on getting that into the world. There are several other irons in the fire, both in film and TV, but nothing I can announce yet.
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flanaganfilm · 2 months
As one who follows your letterboxd and is a Vermonter, I simply must know: Thoughts on Time Chasers? Have you seen much else by our wacky native son, David Giancola?
I discovered Time Chasers through Mystery Science Theater 3000, which is one of my all-time favorite things on planet Earth. So naturally, I found the movie to be absolutely, positively delightful. "I hope they end up together... at the bottom of a well torn apart by animals"
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flanaganfilm · 2 months
Hi Mike! I hope you're having a great day. I was just wondering if you could tell us where Midnight Mass is set? I know Crockett Island is based on the real-life Tangier Island which is in Virginia. In Book I, Riley gets a letter from Annie that says Washington, but I always imagined Crockett to be off the coast of Maine (or the East Coast in general.)
We were intentionally vague about where the fictional island itself was located. It was written to be in the Chesapeake in the early drafts of the novel, and because we filmed in Vancouver I had considered making it clear that it was in the Pacific Northwest, but by the time we were actually making the show I thought it was stronger to let it be less specific. It made the parable feel a little more potent, and the story a little more universal.
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flanaganfilm · 2 months
Hi Mike! A dear friend and I compiled our dream celebrity D&D party and you're the only person we included who we aren't actually sure plays D&D. Do/have you? If not, do you think you'd give it a go? My mate and I maintain you'd be an excellent DM.
P.S. Thank you for every time you've reduced me to tears, scared me to death and/or made me laugh my head off. All three happen a lot.
My big regret is that I didn't discover DnD until I was an adult. I think it would have greatly enhanced and improved my formative years. Now that I have discovered it, I absolutely adore it and am making sure my kids have every opportunity to play (they love it too), so yes please include me.
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flanaganfilm · 2 months
Hey Mike! I’ve been working on watching all your movies and I can’t seem to find your earlier works like Ghosts or Hamilton Streets, Makebelieve and Still Life. Do you know where we can find them?
I do, and if I have my way, you will never find them... those are student films and aren't fit for public consumption. Some of my closest collaborators have never seen those, and never will. ;)
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flanaganfilm · 2 months
hi mike! I love your work so dearly. OI'm currently writing my undergraduate thesis on the way time is treated in lake mungo and your version of hill house, and I'm having a grand ol' time! for some reason, I had a memory of you saying that Lake Mungo and Don't Look Now both served as inspiration for the Bent-Neck Lady, but I can't find that aaaaaanywhere. any thoughts on why I thought that?
It's certainly true, and I've said it in interviews and Q&A's over the years - not sure where you can find it in print, but both Lake Mungo and Don't Look Now are absolutely inspirations for the Bent-Neck Lady. Both deal beautifully with the idea of a protagonist being haunted by a premonition, and there are other great examples as well, including an episode of the original Twilight Zone series called "Spur of the Moment", which puts an interesting twist on the concept.
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flanaganfilm · 2 months
hello! longtime fan and fellow massachusettsan here! something that has plagued me for years is the choice for methuen to be the setting for hill house - of all the towns in MA, what made you settle on methuen? were you trying to avoid any overtly spooky history (danvers, ipswich, andover, peabody, or any of the Old Salem area)? was it more of an aim for just an unassuming real place? i'm deeply curious!
I have family in Methuen, and spent a fair amount of time there as a kid. My father was born and raised in Gloucester, and I was born in Salem, but most of my childhood visits were to my aunts and uncles in Methuen, so that felt like a good idea for this one. I didn't want to do anything that had a spooky lore to it (Salem would have eclipsed the whole show), and this felt like a good fit.
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