flesh-in-to-gear · 9 days
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transgender tapestry 1997
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flesh-in-to-gear · 9 days
you deserve your f/o's love. right now. as is. you do not have to change for it and you do not have to suffer for it, you do not have to do anything to earn it. not now. not later. not ever. there are no tricks and there is not a catch. it's not too good to be true. your f/o loves you. you deserve it, you will always deserve it. and you can just enjoy it.
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flesh-in-to-gear · 20 days
hi!! can you write something about Raiden giving the reader backshots??? please add aftercare, too…
Sure, sure! Here's some headcannons, hope you enjoy 💜💜💜
MGR!Raiden x Fem!Reader backshot + aftercare headcannons (NSFW)
-So, what is a backshot anyway? It's where a couple has intercourse doggystyle--but can also mean when the penetrator cums all over the penetrated's back. In Raiden's case, it's both.
-He pounds you doggy style; his robotic body makes each thrust very powerful and fast, slamming into you so hard your cheeks jiggle and clap.
-Loooves giving those rippling cheeks a good slap or two while he's at it.
-Sometimes he talks dirty to you, sometimes not. When he doesn't, it's usually because he's trying really hard not to cum on the spot.
-Pulls your hair and uses it as reigns to direct your attention, like you're a horse and he's riding you.
-He has the strongest pullout game; when he cums, he yanks himself out immediately and orgasms all over your lower back, cum pooling in the small of your back and dripping down your sides.
-Sometimes the cumshot is powerful enough to get in your hair, sometimes it hits the wall in front of you; it all depends on how pent up he was prior to banging you.
-After your passionate fucking is over, Raiden will pull your head back and plant a (somewhat) soft kiss to your forehead before pulling out and gently scooping you into his arms.
-He'll set up a bath for you, (won't get in it or he'll electrocute you and his armor will rust) and when he's done, give you a peck on the cheek before tucking you into bed.
-Once you're all nice and comfy, Raiden will hop on top of the covers, hook his arms around your shoulders, and hold you while you sleep.
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flesh-in-to-gear · 20 days
doggystyle/backshots mgs2 raiden x female reader?? :3 (can you make the reader chubby.. if not that’s fine.)
Sure, here you go and enjoy 💜
Doggystyle (MGS2!Raiden x Chubby!Fem!Reader NSFW)
Loud moans and plopping sounds filled your bedroom as your naked, groaning boyfriend Raiden plowed your pussy so fiercely it made your asscheeks ripple.
You could feel his cock, flushed and throbbing with heat, rip through your insides like a jet through the sky. He was going so fast and hard, your pussy walls were going numb; the only things you could focus on were the jolts of unbelievable pleasure when he hit your g-spot, as well as the burning heat within your core.
You could hear the slapping of skin against skin as Raiden's hips slammed against yours; your plump ass jiggling violently with each motion, like ripples on a pond's surface. Raiden was mesmerized by the sight of it, unable to take his eyes off your wobbling flesh.
Gripping your hair like reigns on a horse, Raiden's pace sped up, his fat cock burrowing deep inside you even faster than before. He was getting close to cumming, you could feel it in the way his dick throbbed and could hear it in the pitch of his moans.
The tight knot in your lower stomach burned with all the rage of a forest fire; your walls tightened and clenched around Raiden's dick, squeezing it, milking it, driving both him and yourself closer and closer to the edge. With one wild, unanimous shout, your orgasms crashed down on both of you, making your pussy tense and his cock shake. Like lightning, Raiden yanked himself out of you and came all over your lower back, cum shooting out everywhere, thick globs even splattering into your hair.
It was several moments before you could come down from your dizzying highs; then and only then did your arms give out, causing you to collapse onto the floor wearily, thick, creamy liquid dripping from where it had pooled in the small of your back. Raiden, who knelt on the floor beholding this sexy, sexy, scene, couldn't help but give your nice, juicy ass one last slap, savoring the way your flesh bounced in response.
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flesh-in-to-gear · 20 days
selfship ask game ₊˚⊹⋆
wanted to celebrate hitting 300 followers so i thought i'd make an ask game!!! <3 please practice reblog karma if possible and have fun!!! feel free to answer these for yourself or a s/i, whichever is most comfortable 💌
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🍬 - if you were in canon, what would the fanbase for your ship be like?
🧁 - your f/o is planning a surprise date for you two! what do they choose?
🍵 - do you have any pets with your f/o? if not, what kind would you like to adopt? how do they act around animals?
🍓 - what's a bad habit your f/o has?
🍦 - what's your f/o's favorite way to show affection? are there any little things they do to indicate their appreciation for you?
🥥 - talk about a memorable moment in your relationship.
🍾 - who confessed first, and how did it happen?
🍧 - which of you is the better chef? what's their favorite thing to make for the other?
🍒 - what is your f/o's love language, and how do they express it with you?
🥞 - who spoils the other more?
🍮 - what's something you do that always makes your f/o smile, and/or vice versa?
🫐 - what's your sleeping arrangement with your f/o like? do you share a bed? do they cuddle you, or talk in their sleep?
🍩 - what are some irl things that remind you of your f/o?
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proship/comship + variants do not interact
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flesh-in-to-gear · 1 month
Imagine your serious and stoic F/O still being very in love and passionate about you but in their normal neutral manner. Maybe the strong silent type, or they just don't connect and catch cues the way most folks do. Either way, it intimidates people.
Everyone knows them as being so serious, almost to the point that they'd be single forever. Maybe they're very work oriented, or perhaps someone outright scary just for how they look. They never really smile, it's even considered a myth that they CAN smile.
But when they got with you? Took everyone by surprise, SHOCK in fact. It was no secret, both of you were very open about the fact! Your personality type could be any dynamic, but it has shaken everyone who knows your F/O. It becomes the topic anyone talks about, but one day someone mentioned you and your F/O just appears. F/O is as scary and stoic as ever, and everyone flinches then F/O reaches into their pocket.
Boom, whips out a photo. Well, not just a photo, but a booklet. It unfolds in a comical way while F/O is still stone faced. Pictures just of you looking nice, maybe you both got a couple pictures together, some showing comfortable date nights, all of which your F/O still isn't smiling.
You know they're smiling in the photo of course, you can read your F/O better than anyone!
But there are so so so so many pictures, the booklet will unfold all the way to the damn ground in one long sleeve.
As everyone stares, your F/O begins talking about you, still in their serious normal tone with no smile. They begin listing off all the things they love and adore about you, small quirks you have and things that make you special to them.
Everyone just stands there completely stunned, F/O going on and on about you as they point at each photo individually to explain what was going on at that time. What they like about you in the pictures specifically, sometimes going on side tangents before moving onto the next photo.
Your F/O only stops rambling when their phone rings, they whip it out of their pocket with calm precision because it was your ringtone specifically. And then the impossible happens.
Your F/O actually cracks a smile, maybe even a single minute chuckle, right in front of everyone while still talking to you. If there weren't witnesses, no one would've believed it. F/O doesn't notice their stunned looks, too busy talking with their favorite person in the whole world.
From that day forth everyone knew that if your name was mentioned around F/O, there is a 100% chance that they'll whip out new photos of you to ramble about.
Everyone finds it cute though, so they happily listen every time. 💖
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flesh-in-to-gear · 1 month
Hi hi
I really like the way you write, your writing is amazing! 🩵🩵🩵
I recently had a thought. What would the chat between Raiden and the Reader look like? I think Raiden would always put a period at the end, haha. Can you write headcanons? I'm very interested now.
Aww thank you 💜 this was fun to make! 😁 enjoy!
Raiden x Reader texting headcannons
-Raiden never uses texting abbreviations for some reason. He seems to think it's easier to spell out the whole thing.
-Additionally, he almost always sends his texts in the form of a fragment, never a complete sentence.
-For this reason, each text is a separate thought, leading to you having 300 notifications because he sent you 300 separate texts talking about one thing.
-Never uses emojis, and if he does send a complete sentence for once, it'll end in a period or otherwise properly punctuated.
-Texting with him is like texting your grandma.
-A typical morning chat with Raiden would look something like this:
Raiden: Morning
Y/N: Heyyyy 😁
Raiden: Do you
Raiden: Have work today
Y/N: Yup
Raiden: So do I
Raiden: Be home at 5
Raiden: what for dinner
Y/N: Idk, what do u want?
Raiden: you decide
Y/N: Kay love u ❤️
Raiden: You too
Raiden: I love you.
Raiden: Have a
Raiden: Good day at work
Raiden: Be safe
Raiden: While driving
Raiden: Love you
-As you can see, texting with him is kinda hard on the eyes, but at least he responds super quickly.
-Often texts you pictures of places he visits during work with no context. One moment you'll be checking on him to see how he's doing and the next, you're met with a massive, random picture of a forest with no caption.
-Also sends you videos of things he finds funny. These videos are often not funny to you, but they are to him. For some reason he thinks a toaster falling over is hilarious. Must be cyborg humor you'll never get.
-Takes the time out of his day to text "Love you" 100 times over the course of 3 hours. It's a sweet gesture, showing how much he cares about you, but the millions of notifications you get quickly grow really annoying.
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flesh-in-to-gear · 1 month
your f/os are spinning YOU around in their head btw
pro.ship dni
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flesh-in-to-gear · 2 months
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Okay now time to imagine your f/o pressing you against the wall, their arms pinning you there as their kisses feel almost desperate— practically taking your breath away until you're both left a panting mess.
"I missed you," They said, parting their lips from yours for only just a moment before they continue kissing you.
☁︎ proship/comship DNI ☁︎
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flesh-in-to-gear · 2 months
Dating Raiden headcannons
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-Despite his tough exterior and serious demeanor, he is the sweetest, most protective and loving baby boy in the world, he just doesn't know how to express it.
-Wants nothing more than to protect, care for, and cherish you for the rest of his life.
-While Raiden has no nicknames for you, as he just calls you by your name, Jack does.
-And OHHH BOOOY are there many, not all of them good. He calls you Sweetie, Babe, Dollface, Sexy, Hot stuff, Psycho, B*tch (affectionately), and Mine.
-Loves to do arts and crafts with you, those long nails claws of his are perfect for precise placements of tiny materials, cutting tiny objects with remarkable accuracy, and can also be dipped in paint to create perfectly thin lines.
-Will also let you paint his metal nails, though you'll have to do it often because the polish gets chipped a lot during battle; it's honestly a miracle if the coats stay on for more than 24 hours.
-Loves it if you help him polish, clean and/or buffer his armor.
-You are free to use his face however you please, no not like that don't get dirty thoughts now you can paint it, cover him in makeup, or make goofy masks for him to wear--he'll do it all.
-Very protective of you and cuddles you whenever you have a nightmare or just need him in general, though you must voice your needs, or he'll just lay there like the metal plank he is.
-Sometimes his alter ego Jack gets out without his permission (no idea how that happens), prompting a dramatic change in behavior and speech. He essentially becomes a different person--but that doesn't stop you from living your best life with him. You and Jack manage to get along very nicely.
-Trains you so you can always be ready for battle, because he knows someday, he might not be around to protect you.
-Randomly comes up to you and drapes himself across your lap, then just lounges there, pretending he doesn't notice you're sitting there. He'll just sit there, scrolling through his phone or reading a book, casually ignoring your existence.
-It's OK though, cause the weight and warmth from him is quite nice.
-Smells like cucumber baby wipes.
-Sometimes steals your eyeliner when his runs out.
-When you guys go to the store, people get really confused cause they see the bar code on his head and wonder if he put that there as a joke or if he's actually a piece of merchandise that somehow came to life and is now roaming free.
-If Raiden is in control, nothing notable happens, but if it's Jack, he slices the cashier's head in half when the cashier attempted to scan his head, then says with a smirk: "Don't even think about it, I already belong to someone."
-You guys should probably use the self checkout from now on.
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flesh-in-to-gear · 2 months
Your F/O loves you.
Yes, even if you’re disabled.
Yes, even if you can’t get out of bed.
Yes, even if you struggle doing things that are seen as easy and basic.
They love you for you. Not who society wants you to be. Not who anyone else tells you should be.
[Proshippers, kindly do not interact with this post please!]
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flesh-in-to-gear · 2 months
teehee same person that requested the mgs4 raiden thingy
what if the moment of being repaired lead to a make out or even more? (okay with nsfw)
(tysm for doing the previous request, i adore mgs4 raiden <3)
You're welcome, I'm glad you liked it. 💜 Hope you enjoy this one too.
Repairs (MGS4!Raiden x Fem!Cyberneticist!Reader NSFW)
"Thanks, Y/N, you're a lifesaver--literally."
You chuckled at that, tightening one of the screws on Raiden's shoulder before moving on to the next one.
"Thanks," You responded, a grin on your face as you ratcheted in the few screws, then jiggling his arm to make sure it was attached properly. "You can count on me to fix you up anytime. Is there anywhere else that needs repairs?" Raiden was silent for a moment before pointing to his jaw.
"It's a little wobbly and I can feel something poking my cheek. Mind taking a look?" You nodded, picking up a flashlight and shining it on his jaw guard. You examined it for a few moments, but nothing seemed to be wrong with it. The bolts were tightened just right, the polish was only a little scuffed, and there was nothing jutting out that could poke Raiden's cheek.
"Are you sure there's something wrong?" You asked, confused. "I don't see anyth--mmmfph--!" Your words were abruptly cut off when Raiden jerked forwards and captured your lips in his. His cold chin bumped against yours, but you didn't mind the pain. You hooked your arms around Raiden's shoulders and practically melted into him, allowing him to lift you by the knees and scoop you into his lap.
"Really, Raiden?" You panted, pulling away briefly. "Here? On my worktable?" Raiden nodded, a soft smile on his face as he pulled you close and delved his tongue deep into the wet cavern that was your mouth. His tongue, though not organic, was still pleasantly soft and fleshy. It moved about your mouth with dizzying speed, marking every inch of it with warm, slimy saliva that tasted oh so very sweet--yet another one of your genius inventions.
You let out a tiny moan, flattening yourself against Raiden's cold, whirring torso, feeling something hard poke your thigh. You parted from the kiss to briefly glance down between his legs, not at all surprised to see his robotic dick having broken free from its protective metal casing, now proudly standing upright.
"Oh my...eager, much?" You giggled, taking the non-organic member into your hand and stroking it.
"Can't help myself," Raiden replied, clawed fingers tugging at your waistband. "I need this--I need you, now." With that, he pulled down your bottoms and your underwear in one smooth motion, hungrily groping every part of your body in the process. Once your pussy was exposed, he guided you towards his hot, throbbing, cock. "It's amazing how you managed to make it so realistic," Raiden remarked, giving himself a few slow pumps before lining it up with your slick hole.
"What can I say?" You smirked, grinding against his meaty tip. "I'm a genius--aaaaahhh!" Raiden had entered you so quickly, it took you your breath away. You fell forwards, panting heavily, as your walls contracted and convulsed in an attempt to adjust to the sudden intrusion. "H-holy fuck," You moaned, clinging onto Raiden's shoulder. "You're...too big..."
"Shh," Raiden hushed, adjusting his grip on your waist so his long claws didn't scratch you. "I got you." You barely had time to register his sentence before he started thrusting into you, rapidly forcing your hips up and down on his cock. You groaned, feeling your pussy automatically tighten around him, clamping down on his dick like it was trying to squeeze the cum out of him. Your legs gave out entirely, as did your upper body, and you just draped yourself over his shoulder, whimpering and moaning as he ravaged your wet cunt with no mercy.
You came nearly three times in quick succession while you were just lying there, being repeatedly impaled on Raiden's cybornetic cock. Tears were streaming down your face; juices were pouring out of your pussy and dripping down Raiden's throbbing dick, making it that much easier for him to piston into you.
"Oh God, Raiden," You sobbed, raking your nails across the shiny metal coating on his arms. "I'm gonna--gonna cum again--oh God, please--" Your words became too unintelligible to understand and soon melted into full-on screams. Raiden was also panting heavily himself, a sign that his stamina was running out. The last straw was when he felt your insides clench around him, surrounding his hypersensitive member in your tight, sticky warmth. He came with a guttural groan, digging his nails into your sides and burying his face in your shoulder.
You felt cold, slimy, synthetic cum pour out of his cybernetic cock and fill you up, coating your insides with a strange, but not uncomfortable sensation. Sighing, you lifted your hips up so his satisfied cock could retreat into its casing, wrapped your arms around Raiden's torso and relaxed, just reveling in the buzzing aftermath of your orgasm.
"Guess I should get back to work now, huh?" You asked, after taking a few minutes to catch your breath.
"You don't have to," Raiden replied, "Could stay like this a little longer."
"Ok," You nodded, adjusting your position in his lap. "Just five more minutes."
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flesh-in-to-gear · 2 months
to just lie in bed with your f/o...
the both of you splayed out among the sheets and blankets, hands linked as you talk about yourselves, your days, the future... anything at all. it comes to you so easily with them.
turning to look into their eyes to see the most loving gaze reflected back at you... their soft, tender smile as they sidle closer to you in bed. pulling their hand away from yours only to wrap their arms around you, blankets and pillows and them surrounding you in a comforting shell.
cuddling as the both of you wind down for bed, your conversation becoming peppered with yawns. the giggling and teasing over who's sleepier.
the moment they catch your eyes fluttering as tiredness overtakes you, their adoration written all over their face. a hand reaching up to cup your cheek, eith their thumb rubbing soothing circles that lull you deeper into sleep. try as you may, the earlier banter melts into hushed whispers and low hums of comfort as your beloved grows sleepier and sleepier with you.
as the two of you drift off to sleep together, the last thing you register is the safety and comfort of their arms wrapped around you, the rise and fall of their chest steadying you.
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flesh-in-to-gear · 2 months
your f/o(s) noticing you feel / think badly about yourself, proceeding taking your hands in theirs, scooting a little closer and mumbling sweetly about all the things they so love about you.
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flesh-in-to-gear · 2 months
Imagine being so petty that you refuse to watch an entire YouTuber because they shat on your f/o once. Can't be me.
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flesh-in-to-gear · 2 months
if you sleep with plushies/stuffed animals, imagine this:
you don't see your f/o for a few days for some reason or another (visiting family, work trip, etc), and when you come home, you find them asleep curled around one of your plushies.
when you ask them about it the next day (after taking pictures, of course :3), they bashfully admit that it was just because they missed you, and wanted to hold something that smelled like you <3
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flesh-in-to-gear · 2 months
imagine your f/o cupping your face, kissing you all over, mumbling sweet nothings & your favorite nicknames, just because they adore you so much.
proship/profic/neutral dni please! ^_^
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