forlorn-crows ¡ 7 hours
Hello! You ship Zephrit right?? I’m genuinely curious as to how this ship came to be, I’ve been digging around and seeing some great art (including yours omg I love your art) is there like concert footage of Ifrit and Zephyr? (Bc Terzomega there is lots of on stage footage and stuff) Anyways, I would love if you could tell me more about zephrit!!
EEE I would love to talk about it!! I'm not sure the exact origins of it so I'm definitely gonna ramble a little (a lot) - but they did have a lot of fun things on stage together!
I do think part of it is just the overall closeness of the Popestar lineup, at least in my opinion. It definitely feels like a lot of other ships along the lines of "these two interacted and have a good energy together and I think they should kiss about it" HAHAHA
But honestly, Ifrit played around so much with everyone and did NOT let Zephyr fade into the background and I really do love that, especially when it's so hard to find good clips of keyboardists.. and Zeph was so lively, it helped that Ifrit was Right There for them to goof around with
Another factor might be that Ifrit and Zephyr were the only two ghouls who didn't move on in the lineup (aside from Ivy, who of course is nor mentioned enough because of how briefly he was there). We got to see Aether, Dew, and Mountain's relationships all evolve together while Zephyr and Ifrit are a little seperate from that, only being there for the year.
And bonus chronic pain/fatigue ghoul X excited heat pack ghoul
Digging in my Zeph Stash but I'm sure I have more and better stage moments hidden somewhere ^^ I am always willing to talk about anything Popestar ghouls, especially Zephyr related!! They're just a bit more difficult to find because there's really only so much recordings online from the era, especially ones that focus on anyone else *but* Terzo
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45 notes ¡ View notes
forlorn-crows ¡ 8 hours
@rightintheghoulies , sorry, it took a while to locate. idk who took the video, but he some what breaks character there it's cute asf.
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forlorn-crows ¡ 9 hours
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forlorn-crows ¡ 9 hours
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forlorn-crows ¡ 9 hours
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Had fun with Ifrit's design this time🔥
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forlorn-crows ¡ 10 hours
*chanting* camgirl au, camgirl au, camgirl au
Somehow I didn’t foresee this. 
No actual sex, but cw for implied bondage/collars. Also sex work, obviously, if that’s something you’re sensitive to, but it’s very much consensual, enjoyed and in their own control. 
“What time is it?” 
Dew glances at the corner of Aurora’s laptop screen where it’s sitting open on her desk, stream all set up and just waiting patiently for them to hit Go Live. “We’ve got fifteen minutes.” 
“Not what I asked and you know it,” she grouses, flicking the hair elastic she’s toying with at him as he snickers in self-satisfaction. It bounces harmlessly off his shoulder and he catches it in mid-air, slipping it onto his wrist and beginning to gather his long copper hair up into a loose ponytail. “No, give it back, I need that.” 
“Shouldn’t have tossed it at me, then,” he shrugs. She scoffs in exasperation and goes back to her toybox, contents spilled out over today’s bedsheets, bright bubblegum pink with silver threads woven through. Awful to sleep under, but gorgeous on camera, and that’s the only reason she bought them. 
“Pick a collar, any collar,” she says, gesturing grandly at the pile of leather and buckles she’s separated out from the rest of the toys. Dew makes a soft hissing sound through his teeth. 
“Sorry, babe, no collars today.” 
Aurora pouts loudly but gathers the pile up and drops them back into the box. “Feeling prissy, huh?” 
“Actually, my boyfriend is taking me out for a fancy dinner tonight,” he smirks, placing just a little more emphasis than necessary on The B Word, and Aurora obligingly makes a very childish and mocking ooooooh sound. “And I wanna wear my red shirt, can’t have bruises all over my throat while I'm out among the public.” 
Aurora makes a little hum of acknowledgment, ever so slightly hesitant, and a silence passes between them for a few seconds before she speaks again. “You and him are getting pretty serious.” 
Dew tries not to look at himself too closely as he uses the video feed as a mirror, pulling out what Aurora calls ‘the slut pieces’ from his ponytail and arranging them at the sides of his face. He doesn’t want to see the dumb smile he knows is hovering on his lips. “Yep.” 
“Mm.” Aurora makes the soft noise she makes when she’s trying to hold back from saying something, and almost immediately fails. “He knows, right?” 
Dew sighs and turns away from the laptop, slipping up behind her to hook his chin over her shoulder and drape his arms around her waist. “He knows.” He kisses her cheek, soft and affectionate. 
“And he’s okay with it?” 
“Roro, babe, princess, do you really think I’d still be calling him my boyfriend if he wasn’t?” Dew scoffs. Aurora sighs quietly, and he holds her just a little tighter, lacy bra straps pressing into his bare chest. “It was one of the first things we really talked about. I told him that if he ever asked me to choose between him and this, I’d shut the door in his face. And you know what he said?” 
Aurora huffs softly, and Dew squeezes her tight, jiggling them both around until she can’t help but giggle. “Fine, what?” 
Dew kisses her temple before he continues, burying his nose in her cloud of purple-and-pink hair to breathe in the scent of her skin and shampoo and fresh dye. “He said that if he ever asked me to do that, he’d walk away himself, because that’d be the point he knew he cared more about controlling me than about me being happy.” He turns her until she can loop her arms around his neck, leaning down to rest his forehead against hers. “Aether’s one of the good ones, babe. I promise.” 
She hums again, pressing up on her toes to kiss him softly. “I hope so. For your sake.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asks, one eyebrow quirking upwards. 
“I see the way you smile whenever anyone mentions him,” she smirks, stepping out of his arms just quick enough to avoid the half-hearted slap he aims at her ass. “Whaaaaat? It’s cute!” 
“Your ass is gonna be cute once I turn it bright red for everyone to see,” he mock-growls, and she giggles as she turns back to her task of laying out everything they’ll need for today’s stream. Shaking his head, Dew turns his attention to the laptop to double-check the video feed. He happens to glance at the chat box, and he’ll never admit the way his heart jumps just a little at the sight of a familiar username in the audience. “Your boyfriend’s already here,” he says instead, and Aurora tuts. 
“Swiss is not my boyfriend.” 
“Might as well be,” he smirks, and Aurora chooses to delicately ignore him. “You wanna know a secret that only me and Rain know?” 
“Uhhh, duh, of course I do,” she snaps, turning round immediately, and Dew points to that username. She steps closer, leaning down to read it. “starsinthesky?” 
Dew gives a little hum of acknowledgement and leans down until he can whisper in her ear. “That’s Aeth.”
She stares at the screen for a moment, eyebrows furrowing as she concentrates for a second, before she gasps and blurts out, “He tips me basically every time I stream solo!” 
Dew tuts, mock-offended. “That bitch, he never gives me tips.” 
“He gives you his tip,” she shoots back, lightning-quick, and Dew is just as quick in his reply. 
“He gives me a lot more than the tip.” 
Aurora groans.
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forlorn-crows ¡ 12 hours
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Rain: “I sleep here.”
Dew: “I sleep here.”
Rain: “…I sleep here.”
Both: “Sleep here.”
This happens every time imp!Dew tries to take a nap.
[Do Not Repost And/Or Use For RP Purposes]
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forlorn-crows ¡ 1 day
EEEE <3 im so floofy but also SHARP. amazing, i love it <3 im going to use my little bat-imp hands to braid more flowers into mac-imp's hair
lamp i am sleepily walking in here to wonder, should you ever feel inspired--what do you think i (or honestly any us ghesties) would look like as an imp? because i think my soul is a little imp snuggled up in a blanket, but i dont know that imp looks like.
i would love to know your thoughts <3 this is also just your excuse to draw more imps, i simply love them
So I used to have a FC (facecanon) for a character from another band that's also a costume band like Ghost, except they're aliens from the future, but also the 1980's... and Canada (it's TWRP, I'm talking about TWRP), that was a little fruit bat, and I have decided to assign you the honor of being shaped the same as creature:
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Also I doodled @mac-and-thefox as an imp, too, because why not?
Imps can really be any flavor of animal, but Mac as a small horse-like creature and you as a bat just made sense to me.
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forlorn-crows ¡ 1 day
Something something… dew jerking off with aether kneeling in front of him ughhhhhh….. cumming all over his face…. making sure to get him nice and messy… maybe kneeling down to lick his mess up then spitting kissing it into aether’s eager mouth. Yeah. Yup. Sure.
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forlorn-crows ¡ 1 day
would it be a bother to request some mountivy? something fluffy like them gathering veggies in the garden for dinner ^^?
please pretend ivy has a southern drawl; don't know why he does, but when i thought of it, it seemed right? this is my first time writing ivy, so forgive the shaky characterization lol. i think he'd be very fond of mountain
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“Mornin’, sweetheart; you’re here early,” Ivy drawls, strolling into the greenhouse with a thermos of coffee in one hand and two mugs in the other. Mountain is always struck with how much more comfortable his predecessor is within the confines of his element, versus shoved into a uniform on stage. Surely, it makes sense, but the contrast is the most stark he’s seen out of all the ghouls. His shoulders sit relaxed, and there’s a little bounce in his step as he approaches Mountain at the raised bed of herbs. 
The taller earth ghoul shrugs. He’s offered one of the mugs dangling from Ivy’s thumb, a wide, handmade pottery cup glazed in baby blue. “Dew kept kicking me in his sleep. Figured I’d give him some room.” Mountain smiles sheepishly up at him.
“Little shit sometimes, ain’t he?” Ivy laughs. “But we love ‘em anyway.” He sets the thermos and his own mug on a vacant stool, then flings his hands above his head to stretch towards the glass ceiling. Toasty brown skin and stomach tattoos on full display when his t-shirt rides up. Ivy catches the blush rising to his cheeks when he sees Mountain not-so-subtly staring, so he grins and reaches out to pinch one of them lovingly. “Eyes on the herbs, clover,” he says with a wink. “You want coffee?” 
Mountain sticks his tongue out at him to distract from the heat on his face. Ivy flicks dirt back. They share a laugh. “Yes, please,” Mountain answers after a beat. 
He pours into Mountain’s mug first, the sweet, yet bitter steam wafting towards his face. He sighs and hums appreciatively. 
“What’re we fancying for dinner tonight?” Ivy asks as he switches to pour for himself. “Lots of nice veggies comin’ up. Sister Lenora brought back some fish from the market yesterday, too. Ifrit’s lookin’ to smoke some, I think.”
Mountain takes a sip of his coffee, letting the warm liquid warm him from the inside out as he gazes up at the condensation on the greenhouse glass. Early morning moisture beads off in rivulets as the sun continues to rise on a brisk, refreshing day. He thinks back to Dew waking up in a vacant bed in a few hours. How he’ll complain of the chill, needing someone—or something—to warm him up. 
“What about a fish pie? Or some stew, maybe? Lots of potatoes for either. Tomatoes looked nice and ripe, too,” Mountain suggests. Something warm, hearty. A meal that feels like it gives you a hug. 
Ivy plucks a sprig of parsley from the bunch, plopping it in his mouth. “I like the way you think, clover,” he smiles, pressing the leaves of the herb through the gap in his teeth cheekily. Mountain smiles back, and they begin the day.
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forlorn-crows ¡ 1 day
PLEASE could you write a part 2 of Phantom pissing on Rain’s lap? I beg 😭
He fights it out of instinct. It's an innate feeling that he shouldn't, his body wanting to tense even as his mind tries to give him the go ahead- a strange disconnect made stranger by the way Rain cajoles in a breathy, affected tone, hard and straining against his sleep pants. It isn't that Aeon doesn't want to, but relaxing and letting go isn't the easiest thing to achieve when he can feel how hot Rain is through the fabric of both of their pants, when his body is telling him not here, not now.
Rain's insistent rubbing of his belly just below his navel cannot be ignored and fought forever.
Be good and let it out, Rain says. Aeon folds.
Curiosity forces him to look down at his lap, gripping tight onto Rain, chewing his lip while he tries to hold it in and let it go and finally-
A little dark spot soaks into the grey fabric. And then another. Rain has his hands on his hips and is moaning instantly. A little dribble, a squirt, and then- Aeon feels his cheeks light up as he loses the bid to stay tense.
It spreads quickly. Too many cups of water he'd been asked to drink by a too-eager Rain, and he's going to drench them both. Rain's hips shove up underneath him while he soaks his sweatpants and then they're too saturated and now it's- well. The fabric is a nice visual, clinging to the outline of his cock, but it's a useless barrier. He's spraying and soaking it and it's dripping through, onto Rain's lap. Onto his pants.
"Fuck, oh, Aeon, yes, that's good," Rain whimpers. It's a shock to the system that Aeon feels more composed than Rain is right now. He's the one embarrassing himself after all. He's the one wetting them and letting Rain see something that feels excruciatingly private. His hips continue to buck and grind and then his hand comes to grip the dripping outline of Aeon's cock, squeezing it while Aeon continues to drench himself. Drips through onto Rain's fondling hand.
"Filthy," Aeon whispers. "This feels so nasty."
"Uh huh," Rain says, sounding miles away, distracted. "You really had to go."
"Made me drink a lot," he reminds him, and can feel the puddle he's created between the two of them. Almost done now, and Rain gropes out the final few squirts, the last sprinkles.
It's so wet. It's so dirty and wet and both of their cocks are visible through their clinging pants.
Rain makes a weird, strangled noise and frantically grabs at himself through the material, rubbing wildly and-
Aeon watches his load soak through.
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forlorn-crows ¡ 2 days
sigh *pulls out credit card*
omg the hockey au is REAL
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@forlorn-crows can u believe it !!
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forlorn-crows ¡ 2 days
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It was @coffeeghoulie's birthday last Thursday!! Dot is one of my favorite people in this fandom and a prolific writer. And I mean PROLIFIC--did you know they did all 31 days of Mushy May?!! I might've gotten a little carried away with this rec list. Narrowing down my faves was a damn near impossible task. Most of these probably star Aeon because no one writes them like Dottie does. They also incorporate so many IRL concert shenanigans into their work and IT'S MY FAVORITE THING EVER. All that to say: Happiest of birthdays, Dot!!!
recs under the cut.
Eternal Heatstroke - Aeon/Swiss - M, 30.4k
For once in their life, Aeon feels lucky. Whoever's opened this portal, whoever's summoning ghouls Up Top, specifically wants a quintessence ghoul. They may not be the biggest or strongest quintessence ghoul, far from it, but they'll do anything this summoner wants if it means they get to live. Or: being Topside is a drastic change from the life Aeon's used to.
Got A Feeling Inside That I Can't Domesticate - Aeon/Swiss - T, 3.2k
Swiss and Aeon get their well-deserved rest after the end of the Re-Imperatour, and Dew and Aether find things out they weren't expecting when they check in on them.
Mushy May: Confessions - Aether/Dewdrop - G, 2.1k
Aether doesn't know much about fire or water courtship rituals. Ifrit's there to knock some sense into his head.
heaven's grief, hell's rain - Aether/Dewdrop/Mountain - T, 2.5k
Aether's bracelet, Mountain's garden, Dew's grucifix or a fic about anticipatory grief.
Dot's Tumblr Requests (Ch. 6) - Aeon/Everyone - G, 1.5k
From anon: Could we get something where Phantom/Aeon realizes for the first time he is truly safe and loved in the new pack?
you know that it takes two - Dewdrop/Swiss - E, 1.9k
Swiss finds an interesting feature of Dew's new pajama pants and takes advantage of it.
Mushy May: Papa Time - everyone/everyone - G, <1k
Touring takes its toll, but there's nothing a ghoul pile can't fix.
Ghostober: Lingerie - Aeon/Cirrus - E, 1.1k
Aeon knicks a pair of stockings from Cirrus's laundry. (don't miss part 2!)
Ghostober: Intercrural Sex - Aurora/Dewdrop - E, 1k
Aurora wants to help Dew out with a bit of a Situation.
Mushy May: Holding Hands - Aeon/Swiss - G, <1k
Aeon and Swiss cannot get enough of each other.
𖤐 you know the drill--bookmark, read, and leave kudos/comments! Wouldn’t that be a lovely bday gift?
Did I forget your favorite? You've got a standing invitation from me to add your own rec and reblog ♡
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forlorn-crows ¡ 2 days
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407 notes ¡ View notes
forlorn-crows ¡ 2 days
they had to take the cape away from rain because he served so much cunt that people actually started dying
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forlorn-crows ¡ 2 days
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221 notes ¡ View notes
forlorn-crows ¡ 2 days
Four years of writing Ghost fic and never publishing a single word and it's Swiss/Aeon/Dew that finally gets me...
It's not hard to get him alone. Dewdrop makes a comment one day after practice as the others are leaving, something about a quick session to ‘work out the kinks’ in a song or two. 
Swiss gives him a look behind Aeon's back, trying not to snort (“Are you fucking kidding me?) Aeon in turn doesn't seem to hear the suggestion in Dew's voice; or, if he does, he doesn't acknowledge it. 
Dew wouldn't have cared either way. He doesn't always go for drawing things out but it is fun leading their little bug through a brief charade before the other shoe finally drops. Aeon's blush alone is enough to test Dew's resolve to not just pin him to the floor right there. He stares at them, dark eyes wide, excitement and arousal clear even through the nervousness. Dew and Swiss eat it up. Have they been planning this for a while, maybe, but planning is never the same as actually doing something. They've all seen how desperate Aeon is for acceptance since he was summoned. So eager to please… 
Things move along quickly from there. Swiss has Aeon on his lap now, one thigh pressed between his legs. He holds the smaller ghoul's arms behind his back, pulling him close to nip and lick at his neck. 
Dewdrop stands in front of them. They're all still clothed, minus Aeon's shirt, but he has a feeling that won't be the case much longer. He's already half-hard in his pants. Aeon seems to be too. Dew watches his eyes roll back, listens to the little gasps and whimpers that fall so easily from his lips. Never let it be said that Swiss doesn't know what he's doing; especially when he hasn't shut up about it for weeks now.
Dew steps closer and takes Aeon by the chin, forcing him to look up. Aeon whines as he's pulled away from a near-kiss but Dew is merciless.
“You're gonna be good for us, aren't you.”
Aeon's expression is already slack. He blinks at Dewdrop, trying to focus amid Swiss' unrelenting attention. It's probably a wonder he's able to find his words.
Dew's eyes flare. Lucifer, he's gorgeous like this. So pliant already and they've barely even started. He runs a thumb over Aeon's lower lip, smirking and pressing further when his dark tongue flicks over it. Bright little fangs peek out as well. It's almost cute, how small they are.
“So good for us,” Dew murmurs. 
“Are you gonna keep teasing him or are we actually gonna do something?”
Dew glances to Swiss. The other ghoul looks at him over Aeon's bony shoulder, nestled against dark hair as he noses the soft skin behind an ear.
“It was your idea to put him on your lap,” says Dew. “Dunno why you're so impatient now.”
Swiss grins, fangs glittering. “As if I could help it.” He licks the shell of Aeon's ear and presses the other's trapped hands down against the bulge in his own pants. “You feel what you do to me?”
Aeon moans and slumps back against him, whimpering and biting his lip. He tries to rub against Swiss’ thigh but the grip on his arms prevents him from moving much. He starts to shiver, near tears with desperation.
Dew smiles and runs hand through Aeon's hair. “Please what, bug?” 
“Please touch me…please…” 
“We are touching you.” Dew cocks his head, mockingly aloof. Only a little longer; he'd love to push Aeon to sobs but maybe another time. Swiss seems to be getting impatient, anyway. Dew pulls his hand back and glances down between Aeon's legs. His cock stands out in a hard line, trapped behind tight fabric. 
“Oh…did you mean this?” Dew leans in and lets his fingers trace along the stiff length. It twitches, much to his delight, and he squeezes it experimentally.
Aeon practically bucks off Swiss’ lap. He begs for more, garbled pleas devolving into hisses and moans.
Dew smirks. “I think we could help you with that. In a little bit. After you show Swiss just how grateful you are for all those pretty marks.”
If Aeon is disappointed to wait, they never would have known. Dark eyes glistening like so many stars, he nods fervently, sinking into one last deep kiss before he's gently pulled off Swiss’ lap to kneel between his legs.
Swiss smiles down at him, admiring the blooms of color slowly darkening on his neck and shoulders. “Fuck, you're gorgeous.” He strokes Aeon's cheek affectionately and wipes away a stray tear. “Bet you'll look even prettier with my cock in your mouth.”
Aeon presses into his hand with a purr. His tail flicks and curls eagerly, winding around Swiss’ ankle of its own accord when he finally looks at him and reaches up to open his pants.
“Of course he'll look pretty,” Dew says as he returns from locking the door. “He's gonna look pretty when I fuck him on the couch, too.”
Aeon slowly glances back. His expression is far too coy for his current position, Swiss' cock already in-hand, but it's somehow fitting.
Dew smirks. Little bug has some brat in him after all. 
“Sure. Now, how ‘bout you do something useful with that mouth?”
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