freaks-and-friends · 5 months
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― Jodi Picoult, My Sister’s Keeper
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freaks-and-friends · 5 months
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natasha romanoff + tumblr wanting a black widow movie.
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freaks-and-friends · 1 year
Where to find Emma D'arcy x fem reader fics? Like.... are there none of them????
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freaks-and-friends · 2 years
Dinah Lance
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She’s always fun to draw, and it’s been a second.
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freaks-and-friends · 2 years
8.Caitlin Snow x Reader
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Summary: Caitlin says she’s fine but being kidnapped by some psycho from another universe isn’t something you can just brush off. So you force her to come over to your place for a nice movie night.
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freaks-and-friends · 2 years
97.Caitlin Snow x fem!reader
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Request: Another Caitlin Snow x fem reader? Reader almost gets hurt after Caitlin’s killer frost side unleashes itself into a moment of stress? Caitlin feels guilty about ever hurting someone she loves which turns into confessing to them? Fluffy ending please! 
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freaks-and-friends · 2 years
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Clark startin to get real tired of this shit.
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freaks-and-friends · 2 years
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Harley Quinn 3.09 | Climax at Jazzapajizza
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freaks-and-friends · 2 years
Mom's In Prison
Summary: Your aunt won't let you see your mother but that's not the case.
Pairing: Killer Frost x Daughter!Reader, Caitlin Snow x Niece!Reader
Requested: Nope I was bored
Word Count: 1.9k (1919)
Warnings: Mentions of abusive mother, skipping meals, negelct, parent in prison and if you squint murder and depression.
Reader is 14-15.
Masterlist|Prompt List
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“This isn’t fair!” You screamed, throwing your bag across the apartment floor.
Caitlin followed you inside, closing the door carefully. “(Y/N), calm down” Caitlin sighed, the day’s events catching up with her. You looked at your aunt as if she had eight heads which wasn’t impossible. “My mother just got sent to prison, Aunt Caity!” You screamed, tears falling from your eyes. You could see she was upset but you were more angry to care. “Sure I'll go to sleep and wake up knowing I’ll never see my mom again!” You snapped, causing a circle of ice to form around your feet.
“You don’t think I know that! I just lost my sister! You want to be mad? Fine! But aim your anger away from the only family you have left!” Caitlin screamed back at you. You only glared at her before stomping into your room, slamming the door causing the door to crack slightly.
You punched the wall before crumbling onto the floor. Your tears were turning to ice so quickly that if you didn’t wipe them you’d have no eyes left to cry from. Thi wasn’t fair! Your mom is a hero! She saved the city more times than you could count and this is the thanks she gets, life in prison.
Amunet Black smiled at you, her fingers wiping some blood off your small face. “Look at you, so young. So innocent” she cooed. Yet her soft face turned stone cold. “Frost! Clean her up and take her back. She’ll be useful” Amunet ordered before waltzing away from the scene.
A woman in all blue came up to you, her eyes were a soft white like her hair. “Hey” She said, like she didn’t want to be here. “Are you gonna help me?” you asked, looking at Frost with sad eyes. “Sure, come on. Let’s get you cleaned up” Her ice was almost like an echo, her eyes never leaving your face.
Amunet wanted you to be her next bodyguard. No one would suspect a kid protecting a gang lordess. Your powers were similar to Frost’s, having been thrown into a canister of sodium potassium by your birth mother in her lab the night of the particle accelerator. Frost trained you at first.
She then noticed that the lackeys that were to ‘look after’ you weren’t feeding you, giving you proper clothes or an actual bed to sleep on. You had grown on her, attaching to her feelings like a leech. So she took you in, got stole you proper clothes for your age, taught you to read and write as well as train your powers and fighting skills. Frost became the mother you always wanted.
Then you found out about Caitlin and team flash a few months later. You became family. When Frost was blocked from Aunt Caity’s mind, you were broken. You spent the months getting into trouble at school and got picked up by Joe a couple of times. Then Icicle took you, seeing as you were the closest he could get to Frost.
She came back to save you again, you were crying in her arms, begging for her to stay for a moment longer. She kissed your head before letting Aunt Caity take control. After that you spent hours talking with her through Caity, most of it through tears. Then at Christmas you finally got to see her again.
“Frost!” You cried, hugging her tightly, scared she might leave again. “Hey kid. I missed you so much” Frost kissed your temples. She handed you an envelope wrapped in wrapping paper. “Open it” She smiled at you.
“You wanna adopt me?” You looked up at her, more tears ready to fall. “I do. You're my kid, and I want that to be official” Frost told you, her arm wrapped around your shoulders. “ (Y/N) Frost. I like that” You smiled, resting against her chest.
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Caitlin marched into CCPD, furious wasn’t the word to describe her face. She saw Joe waiting for her. “Where is she?” Ciatlin asked, trying to stay calm. Joe took her shoulder. “She’s in my office, but you need to calm down first Caitlin” Joe told her. Caitlin did as he said, taking a deep breath in. “Why does she keep doing this? I keep trying to help her but it’s not working” Caitlin was close to tears as she looked at you through the blurry window.
You were wearing all black since Frost went in. It wasn’t like the mental block, this time there was no concrete chance that she was coming back. “Caitlin. She hasn’t seen Frost in months, you and I both know why she’s doing this” Joe told her.
Frost didn’t want her to see her in prison, like the criminal she was before they met. You were trying to see her by any means, even if that included going to prison. You were angry, you just wanted your mom. Caitlin walked in, not even looking at the bruises and cuts you had.
“Let’s go. Car now” She demanded, her voice stone cold as was her face. The drive was quiet, not a word uttered until you both made it back to the apartment. “Phone, laptop and any other device now” Caitlin ordered, taking out a light grey basket from the shoe rack. You scoffed before doing as she said.
Once you did she put the basket in the safe behind one of Frost’s paintings. “Why won’t you let me see her?” You asked, sitting on the couch looking like a grump. Caitlin didn’t answer before walking into the kitchen. She came back out with a plate of dinner and put it in front of you.
“I want to see Mom, why won’t you let me!” You shouted at Caitlin, your eyes glowing blue in anger. “You can’t be known as her daughter. You know this (Y/N) so stop bringing it up! Caitlin repeated the small speech like her life depended on it. You pushed the food away, freezing most of it along with the coffee table.
“It’s not fair that you gotta go to the trial. It’s not fair that you get to see her. I’m her daughter! Mom’s in prison and I’m not allowed to see my mother! Why is it different for you and not me!” You screamed until your throat began to hurt. Caitlin wouldn’t even look at you.
“God! I HATE YOU!” You screamed at her.
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The next day you sat in the cortex, not allowed near anything. Doctors orders. “(Y/N)?” Barry called out, seeing you play with your hair. “Barry” You called in a bored tone. You looked at him with dull eyes. “What’s wrong (N/N)?” Barry asked, crouching down in front of you.
“Caitlin won’t let me see Mom” You huffed. It clicked instantly in Barry’s mind. “You know when my Dad was in prison, he didn’t want me to see him like that. He thought by doing so I wouldn’t be influenced by his surroundings and think he was guilty” Barry spoke softly, remembering. “Yeah, but you proved his innocence in the end. Mom is never getting out” You sniffled.
“(N/N), I blamed Joe for weeks, thinking he didn’t want me to see him. Caitlin isn’t stopping you from seeing Frost, she is trying to protect your childhood from prison visits” Barry tried to explain. You understood where he was coming from. “She won’t let me call her, or write to her Barry! I just want my mom! Why can’t I just talk to my mom!” you cried, trying to stop but it wasn’t working. Barry pulled you in close, rubbing soothing circles into your back.
You ended up in the lounge, covered by a blanket left by Frost. You slept soundly while Barry and Caitlin talked. “Barry I don’t know how much longer I can do this to her” Caitlin sobbed quietly, her hands shaking. Barry sighed. “Caitlin, I think we need to talk to Frost. Even I’ve noticed the weight fall off of her, the bags under her eyes. (Y/N) isn’t coping” Barry told her.
Caitlin knew Frost would snap at the thought of letting her baby into that prison. She begged her before the verdict that if she did end up in prison to never allow you near her until she was a legal adult. But Caitlin was terrified you woulnd make it that long. And she had a feeling that of this carried on, you would barely survive to next year
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Caitlin drove past the turn to your school, causing you to finally speak through the quiet journey. “Caitlin? You missed the turn” You told her in a neutral tone, not wanting to be in a car accident that morning. “You’re not going to school today” Caitlin said, her eyes focused on the road.
“Where are we going?” You asked her. No answer, that was common nowadays. Usually you and Caitlin could talk for hours but ever since the trial you barely even talk to each other unless you both were fighting or you got in trouble again.
You looked at Caitlin in shock as she parked outside Iron Heights. “Come on, before they go out for yard time” Caitlin smiled at you, another thing that was rare since the trial. After getting through security and getting your visitor badge a guard led you to a small room.
You waited impatiently, your knee bouncing up and down. You heard the buzzer as the door on the other side of the room opened. A female guard brought your mother to the small table. She looked at you in utter shock, noticing the ark clothes and sunken face. It was evident that you lost a lot of weight by how your clothes hung loosely off of you.
“Mom” You sobbed, finally being able to see her again. You began to cry, longing to have her hold you and comfort you. “(N/N), my baby” First cooed, worried about her daughter. You longed to hold her hand, just to feel her touch one more time.
“I miss you Mom, so much” You sobbed after a few moments of silence. “Me too baby” Frost cried slightly. You both just talked, crying for the most part but it felt nice to hear her voice again. She scolded you for not taking care of herself, then straight onto Caitlin for letting it happen.
Soon enough you had to leave. “Please let me write, or just call me Mom. Please” You begged her. “I promise, baby. I promise” Frost said, resisting the urge to hug you. The guard must have noticed this. “Go ahead Frost. Just this once” She said.
You latched onto your mother, listening to her heartbeat as if it was the only thing that would keep you from trying to break her out. Frost kissed your head repeatedly, also sending a few glares at Caitlin but also mouthing a thank you.
“Be good, babygirl, okay? I’ll keep my promise if you keep your’s” Frost told you, cupping your face in her cuffed hands. “I promise Mom” You sobbed gently before kissing her cheek for the last time for now.
You left Frost and Caitlin to talk after you left the room. Once Caitlin came out, you hygge dher tightly. “Thank you Aunty Caity. I could never hate you, I’m so sorry for everything” You apologised into her shoulder. “I know kid, I’m sorry too” Caitlin smiled, kissing your head.
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freaks-and-friends · 2 years
Artemis: I just came out in the worst way possible.
Zatanna: Why? What happened?
Artemis: My father said that all gays go to hell. So I jumped up from the couch and yelled, 'GUESS I'M GOING TO HELL' and then left.
Zatanna: I am so proud of you babe.
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freaks-and-friends · 2 years
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Ties that bind
read it here as a twitter fic
"You know, when you showed up at my door this morning I didn't wanna let you in." Kara's words are a soft vulnerable truth, but the weight of them lodges deep in Lena's chest.
She knows, had seen the inky lines of mistrust etched across Kara's face that morning when offering the beginnings of an apology and a plea to help stop Lex.
There's tension in the lines of Kara's shoulders and Lena's eyes get stuck there as she looks down at her feet and stacks her hands on her hips. Then they dissolve into silence.
Well why are you still here? Lena wants to ask. Why am I here? But the words feel heavy, hurt springing like blood on her tongue.
Guilt immediately rushes in, you stole from me, you convinced me to steal for you and you used kryptonite on me!! an echoing ring in her ears that instantly liquefies her resolve. Her jaw tenses and ticks, and she dips her head, shifting her eyes away from the otherworldly gravity that Kara's holds.
Kara lifts her head and her eyes fixate on Lena's as the silence stretches, a stormy sea of emotions churning in their blue depths. The intensity in them tenses Lena's spine and she folds her arms tightly across her chest like a physical shield from their direct assault. She doesn't recognize this look, hates the uncertainty as bitter indignation crowds her stomach and the words you betrayed me, you broke my heart lock with startling force behind her ribcage.
"Alex was right," Kara chuckles humorlessly, "I'm not rational when it comes to you. I think with my heart and not with my head."
"Funny, Lex said the same to me."
Kara's expression turns inscrutable, and Lena doesn't know if it's because of the mention of her brother or their similarities when it comes to dealing with each other. She figures it's a little of both.
"But…" Lena continues, swallowing her pride and the lump forming in her throat, "is that such a bad thing?"
Kara doesn't answer. Instead, she lets out a shallow breath, forehead crinkling like this conversation had already become too much. She had shut this conversation down one too many times when Lena had tried to broach it earlier. But damn if it doesn't make Lena want to crawl out of her own skin.
She'd thought they were making some progress, had felt the tentative stirrings of reconciliation as they'd worked together to stop Leviathan. 
It's disconcerting that she can't get a read on Kara's eyes as she takes a step back, red boots scuffing against the floor. And Lena's heart aches at the physical distance like an ever widening chasm between them.
"On Krypton, trust was something sacred." Kara starts softly, inhaling a large gulp of air that draws Lena's eyes to the glyph on her chest. "We broke that in each other, we caused each other so much pain and -"
"Pain is a necessary part of life," Lena says hoarsely, the words quivering on her tongue. "I learned that the hard way when Non Nocere failed."
Another bout of silence falls over them and Lena uses it to turn away from Kara, gathering strength for what she's about to say next. 
"So I get it. You don't have to trust me in order for us to keep working together."
"But I want to…" Kara answers immediately, and there's earnestness in the soft tremor of her voice. "you came through today at every opportunity and I - I'm not saying that you have to keep doing that but, I want to trust you, Lena. I want to let you in again."
Lena releases the breath she didn't realize she was holding, relief spreading like fissures across her heart, a warm hopeful balm in her veins as she squeezes her eyes shut.
"Kara," she breathes out, lips trembling as she forces out the word. A host of reasons why they shouldn't do this flashes through her mind, the biggest of them being that Lena didn't think that she deserved to hold on to the tentative reins of trust being offered.
She hears her take a step.
Then another. 
And another. 
Until Kara's pressed right against her, a comforting warmth at Lena's back that makes her heart tremble as those warm familiar hands land on her shoulders. The touch nearly makes Lena flinch. She doesn't know why it surprises her since Kara has always been the more tactile one between them. And her brain stalls in trying to furiously calculate exactly how long they've been apart.
Kara notices, of course she does. She breathes out shakily, hands drifting along the curve of Lena's shoulders and the small of her back. 
Lena trembles at the feel of it, her touch starved body aching to be held in Kara's arms again. Because Kara is warmth and light and Lena still loves her with the inevitability of a new day and the gravity that binds them to each other.
Kara's touch is an irresistible force and Lena can't even find it within her to be angry that her defenses were practically nonexistent as the tension melts from her in seconds.
That warmth reaches all the way to her toes as those hands slide in a comforting press down the arch of her spine to settle lightly at her hips. Before Lena can think herself out of it, she turns, just to see her face as the desire to reach out, to touch, loosens the threaded beat of her anxious heart. 
The hands on her hips bunches in Lena's blouse almost to the point of contention and she freezes, lifting her eyes to Kara's. This is the closest they've been in a while but the uncertainty in Kara's eyes is almost Lena's undoing. She allows herself a small conciliation, grasping onto the hands already clinging to her, as if that could somehow convey the mix of emotions thrumming inside her chest.
The wall between them all but falls away as Kara loosens one of her hands to reach out and cup her face. Lena leans readily into the contact and Kara's eyes soften, allowing her a glimpse of the woman she'd fallen in love with.
"How do I let you in again?" Kara asks, a shaky plea that loosens tears from her devastatingly attractive eyes. Lena wants to reach up and kiss them away, but her insecurities leave her rooted to the spot.
"Maybe you shouldn't," She answers truthfully, her doubts manifesting as those small broken words.
Kara's palm trembles against her cheek and Lena closes her eyes, moving to shift away. But Kara's other hand presses more insistently against her side, warming her through her clothes and Lena nearly chokes on her name, can't find her voice which gets lost somewhere in the trembling cry struggling to break free. 
"I know I hurt you by not telling you my truth." Kara says, drawing Lena's eyes to hers. "And I'm sorry. I haven't had a lot of practice doing this. Growing up I was forced to hide my abilities because the people around me could get hurt and I - I know that's no excuse, but I hope -" Kara stops abruptly, lips trembling too much to continue.
And Lena doesn't want to talk about this anymore, can't talk about it without breaking down again. Her heart aches for Kara, for this woman born of different stars and the hardships she faced. So she closes the rest of the distance, folding herself into Kara's embrace.
"I'm so sorry you had to go through that." She whispers, tucking her face against Kara's neck as those warm arms go around her. 
"Lena," the way that Kara says her name has never failed to make Lena's breath hitch. "I hope that one day you can forgive me."
Her trembling arms lock around Kara's shoulders, and Kara nuzzles against her hair, chest expanding as she breathes Lena in. Lena closes her eyes and oh, Kara's touch is grounding and these arms feel more like home than any place on earth ever could.
She doesn't expect the soft lingering kiss that Kara leans in and presses to her temple and the intimacy and affection of it shatters Lena's careful composure. Tears fills her eyes, tears that spill down her face as her breathing shortens and they don't have time for this, they have to stop Lex from whatever he's plotting, they have to -
But patient, gentle Kara frames her face between warm palms, tenderly brushing the tears away with the pad of her thumbs and the anchoring force of another kiss pressed sweetly against her skin. 
Her kiss is light dawning in the darkness, darkness that rushes out from Lena's heart and flees from the crevices of her soul as Kara's kisses move across her temple and down to her eyebrows. She doesn't stop, pressing them in reverence across her eyelids, sweeping along the bridge of Lena's nose down to the apple of her cheeks, a sweet calming force that quiets Lena's mind.
It's new, this level of intimacy, the fact that they've never really used kisses for comforting each other in all of their years of friendship. Lena finds that she can't get enough of it, craves the press of Kara's warm mouth on her skin and can't believe that they've never done this before.
She flushes brightly when Kara tilts her chin with a hand covering her jaw to drop a kiss just below Lena's ear and stills long enough for Lena to reopen her eyes.
Kara's cheeks are a lovely red and Lena's eyes get stuck there, admiring their rosy hue. She doesn't know what expression her face forms as Kara moves back a little but they stare at each other, all heavy lidded eyes and soft breaths mingling in the short space between. The staring lengthens to the point where Lena feels like she's about to combust beneath the allure of those magnetic blue eyes.
So she moves in, drawn to Kara, softly touching their noses together. The action elicits a wobbly smile from Kara's pretty pink lips and Lena closes her eyes again, hands falling to grasp onto Kara’s suit clad biceps. Her nose skims across the rise of Kara's cheek, and down to her calming fluttering pulse, overwhelmed by the scent of peaches clinging to her skin.
One of Kara's hands finds her hip again, the other mindlessly tangling in Lena's hair and Lena can't think of a safer place than these arms as she absentmindedly noses along the slope of Kara's neck till the point where the supersuit starts. Her lips tingle where they accidentally meet warm skin and she draws back a little to intentionally press them lightly against the hollow of Kara's throat. 
It's a bit concerning that she doesn't have the wherewithal to be mortified by her actions, but Kara's only reaction is a quiet breath against her ear.
So she does it again, soft, tentative.
This time Kara makes a tiny noise of encouragement that fills Lena with ardor and she wants to hear it again, has to hear it again. So she opens her mouth a little and scrapes her teeth along the corded muscles of Kara’s neck, feeling them flutter beneath the soft roll of her tongue. Kara's breathing turns heavy.
Lena delights at the response and the feeling of Kara's fingers tightening in her hair. She grows bolder with her kisses, moving back up Kara's neck and across the line of her jaw like a woman possessed.
This isn't something that best friends do. But right now they weren't even friends. And Lena's always been a little too in love with Kara to truly make her an enemy. 
"Lena," Kara says, the name a soft aching sigh as Lena presses a litany of sweet kisses along Kara's soft reddened cheek, unable to stop or draw herself away as those fingers clench tighter in her hair.
Kara's breathing is a mess, and she closes her eyes as Lena carefully tucks a lock of blonde hair behind her ear, lips still pressed to soft warm skin.
"I'm sorry too." She whispers, soft, penitent. The tears come again, the shame at what she'd done a suffocating force as her lips tremble against Kara's skin, dangerously close to the corner of her mouth. "I hurt you and I know I can't make up for what I did but I promise, I'm going to try."
Kara's hand slips beneath the blouse that had loosened from where it had been tucked in her jeans and Lena's breath hitches as her warm hand lands on equally warm skin. She kisses Kara's cheek again, pressing closer, feels like they aren't truly close enough as she kisses her again and again.
Kara's lips catch the last kiss aimed for the corner of her mouth and her hand slides around to Lena's lower back, making Lena's heart flutter.
She doesn't lose stride, if anything, she's embolden, her silken mouth parting Lena's lips with a soft tremor. The kiss immediately deepens, no prelude, no hesitancy, only a soothing whisper of Lena's hands moving to tenderly frame Kara’s face and kisses as inevitable as freefall.
Kara's kisses are transcendental and Lena's mouth parts below hers as her thumbs sweep against the apple of Kara's cheeks, lips aching with apologies and promises.
The crest of the House of El presses tight against her chest and Lena presses a palm directly over it, a silent promise, a deep shuddering breath escaping her lips as Kara's second hand moves to join the other as they frame the dips on her lower back.
Lena's hands shift to tangle in the red cape on Kara's back as she kisses her with salt on her lips and forgiveness on her tongue. Kara's mouth trembles against hers, a reminder of the more difficult parts of the conversation still to come and a sweet tentative taste of the reconciliation awaiting them.
Happy Supercorp Sunday everyone!! Once again this fic was written on Twitter today in response to the gif tweeted above by @CSIRJen who's awesome and just provides inspiring tweets that make me write these weird little stories 😅 thank you to everyone who's gotten this far, I'm always amazed when people read all of my rambling words.
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freaks-and-friends · 2 years
Caitlin: *hugs Frost*
Frost: *panicked* What are you doing? What is this?
Caitlin: *amused* It's called affection.
Frost: Gross.
Frost: *shyly* Do it again.
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freaks-and-friends · 2 years
Caitlin: What do we say when something doesn't go the way we want it to?
Frost: That's homophobic.
Caitlin: No.
Frost: Fine.
*after a mission*
Caitlin: What did you say to the guy after he shot you?
Frost: That's homophobic.
Caitlin: Frost, we talked about this.
Frost: Stop being homophobic Caity.
Caitlin: Are you for real?
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freaks-and-friends · 2 years
Caitlin: I have seven empty notebooks and I have no clue what to put in them. Suggestions?
Frost, feeling chaotic: Put spaghetti in them
Caitlin: I’m currently taking suggestions from literally anyone but you
Ralph: Put spaghetti in them
Caitlin: I’m currently taking suggestions from anyone but you two
Cisco: *Going along with Frost and Ralph* Put spaghetti in them
Caitlin: I am no longer taking suggestions
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freaks-and-friends · 2 years
Frost: You’re not a woman until you get blood on all your favorite pants
Iris: What about trans women?
Frost: I never said it had to be your own
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freaks-and-friends · 2 years
Barry waking up from yet another coma: *yawns* Hey guys, what time is it.
Cisco: Hey, it's about 2 am dude, you hungry?
Barry: Oh cool, Yeah I'm up for some food.
Caitlin holding all of her medical equipment: Guys can you please stop pretending that nothing happened.
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freaks-and-friends · 2 years
Caitlin: I think I lost Cisco
Barry: What do you mean you lost Cisco?!
Caitlin: Give me a break, he’s like two feet tall!
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