galadillettante · 4 years
If you genuinely enjoy being alone, do you ever wonder if it is an inherent part of your character or if it stems from feeling inescapably lonely in the first place until you taught yourself to enjoy the peace and happiness one can find in solitude? what if the reason you now prefer & choose solitude at every turn is because you were a very lonely child, or teenager, not by your own choice, and that’s how you learnt to thrive and grow, so you no longer know if you can do that around people? There might also be an element of personal pride, an unconscious “you can’t fire me I quit” point when your brain decided to switch your feelings about solitude from distress to relief. I often find myself defending my love of being alone, to people who worry that I can’t possibly be happy to live in an isolated house in the woods; I insist that I do! I really do specifically enjoy the isolated factor and chose to live here because of it, but then I wonder how to differentiate an ingrained love of solitude from an acquired ability to thrive off unchosen loneliness, to learn from it and be nourished by it; to what extent it might be a form of contentment built on a bedrock of resignation.
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galadillettante · 6 years
Reasons You Should Eat Avocados
According to the USDA National Nutrient Database, one serving (approximately 40 grams) contains:
64 calories, if you are even counting anymore.
Almost 6 grams of fat that even you won’t burn off.
Less than a gram of sugar, for your salty attitude,
And 3 grams of fiber, in case you aren’t full of more sh** than you already are.
1 cup of avocado, which is a lot of f***ing avocado, holds 2.9 grams of protein. So eat like 12 cups of that stuff and you got enough protein for a steak. See? We don’t need meat for thoughtful protein intake. Killing animals is bad.
They contain high levels of folate, which helps decrease the risk of depression. So it probably isn't the dream job you didn't get or your sad childhood contributing to your sad thoughts, but that you didn't eat enough avocados growing up.
Oh and if you hate the taste of them, rub it on your skin and you will turn into a dragon.
You have been educated. You're welcome
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galadillettante · 6 years
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Strickler Knob hike with the scouts. Swipe for fun and vultures! With @swisshiker #hiking #hikingforfun #mountain #naturelovers #boyscoutsofamerica #vultures #mountaintop #view #amazingview #climb (at New Market Gap)
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galadillettante · 6 years
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galadillettante · 6 years
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galadillettante · 6 years
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Path | Mevludin Sejmenovic
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galadillettante · 7 years
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Peace on earth | cameraisinmyeye
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galadillettante · 7 years
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The Final Days Of The World
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galadillettante · 7 years
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This is better than my psychologist.
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galadillettante · 7 years
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By eanilssn
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galadillettante · 7 years
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Heather Nesheim  -  https://www.etsy.com/es/people/heddarsketch  -  https://twitter.com/heddarsketch
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galadillettante · 7 years
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galadillettante · 7 years
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Evgeny Lushpin
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galadillettante · 7 years
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Sir Mittens, Please Tell Me
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galadillettante · 7 years
Fun fact: Only 1 of 24 developed countries does NOT have universal health care, parental leave at childbirth, and child dependency grant.
Not-so fun fact: Can you guess which country is the one that doesn't?
'Merica's patriotism right there. Overbearing weight of responsibilities (that may or may not pay off) on the shoulders of adults who are most likely single parents. Leaving them with little to no energy or time to give their children the attention they need- raising levels of depression and other mental illnesses, crime rates.... What else am I missing - poverty??? It's also causing families to walk with their heads low and fend for themselves and only themselves. It also raises the prices of medical debts by the thousands, because insurance has a price. And insurance may or may not pay off.  
Now we don't trust our government, which we have been known to never really trust. Now we hardly listen to the media, and it is almost just as bad to fall into their spells anymore. When they should be the ones telling us the TRUTH and what is happening in our world, they rather mix up our perception of reality and create an illusion that other countries look worse than us, in order to bring ourselves up and work harder to be better, that's the American way. Better or worse they are stirring up mayhem on our own land, and we are shedding our own blood.
This whole stereotyping fling and finger-pointing game, it's all an illusion, it's a DISTRACTION. We can be like other places around the world. There is nothing wrong with comparing ourselves to other places on this planet where people are happier and not having to worry for their life when they get sick or get hurt. There IS NO AMERICAN DREAM. There is the WORLD'S DREAM and if we put our minds together and take care of our people we can finally evolve as a human species and stop being so DUMB. When we achieve world peace these problems will seem SO small. MAYBE we can even invest further into science and medicine and do things we had thought we could never do.
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galadillettante · 7 years
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Anastasia Korochansckaja  -  http://balaa.cgsociety.org  -  https://twitter.com/Balaa_art  -  https://www.inprnt.com/profile/balaa  -  https://www.linkedin.com/in/anastasia-korochansckaja-b8216637  -  http://spiramirabilis.tumblr.com  -  http://balaa.artworkfolio.com  -  https://www.facebook.com/balaaillustration
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galadillettante · 7 years
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Big Books
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