gambeque · 4 hours
In hindsight it's very insulting to be told that flunking out of college due to adhd is actually "quite common"
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gambeque · 1 day
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gambeque · 9 days
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gambeque · 9 days
People are so stupid about snakes. If there's a little black racer chilling outside just leave it alone, you don't have to kill it, it's probably dealing with all your pests for you, jesus christ
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gambeque · 9 days
what they dont tell you about growing up in the early 2010s is that fun.’s  “we are young” will make your heart ache a frankly embarrassing amount
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gambeque · 9 days
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Louisiana Meshi!!!! Thistle will be at the crawfish boil.
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gambeque · 10 days
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Caught a live one. You’re in deep…….
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gambeque · 10 days
there is something horrifically grim to it, but illustrations for gaza and palestinians tend to catch more mass attention that actual photos of people. this made me feel incredibly helpless for a long while, seeing both how people would rather look at a neat drawing of red black green and white than look a human in the eyes, and how online platforms would rather push a viral drawing while suppressing those begging for help at the same time.
a way to cope with this feeling has been taking advantage of it to directly guide people to helping palestinians.
if art gets better traction, then there’s an incredible amount of good that can be done by creating art that immediately links to fundraisers. creating art of the many images of those who are asking for help.
within hours of posting my drawing, there has been jumps in the thousands for bashar from gaza’s fundraiser. it’s a small effort in the grand scheme of things. it’s not a fix it. but it’s something good. please take care of each other and do what you can. i think this could help a lot of people if a lot of people did it.
here is bashar. i’ve drawn him, spoken to him, and known him now for a few months. any shares help, any art helps. draw who you see, draw what you see. thanks all
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gambeque · 10 days
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gambeque · 10 days
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I love her so much
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gambeque · 13 days
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gambeque · 13 days
Like actually in general my parents never just. bought me video games unprompted. I listen to Scott the Woz talk about his parents buying him games and Nintendo Power subscriptions just for no reason and I'm like. ?????? Families do that?
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gambeque · 13 days
You suddenly switch bodies with your icon. On a scale of 1 to 10, (10 being the highest value) how well are you coping with that change?
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gambeque · 13 days
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Hello! I am happy to announce that Donation Period is now open! It will stay open until June 1st midnight EST.
(see here for charities)
this is how it works!
1. donate $5 USD (or equivalent in your currency)
2. submit the proof
3. fill the form!
here is the form:
places you can donate to:
care for gaza
palestine children’s relief fund
life for gaza
direct aid for gaza
for gofundme you can pick any gfm you want however if you are struggling with it there is a website that does the choosing for you!
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gambeque · 13 days
I've seen a good number of people ask a question along the limes of "why do characters like Falin and hate Laios when they're so similar?" and i've also seen good analysis on the differences in how the touden siblings carry themselves that would, despite their shared traits, make a person gravitate to one more than the other.
But i feel like we've overseen one very central thing here.
People don't like Falin
Like... the average person in dungeon meshi doesn't like Falin. She was deeply ostrasized by her home village, in magic school she had zero friends before Marcille and the others generally saw her as strange and a bit offputting.
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Characters like Namari and Chilchuck like her well enough but not necessarily more than any other member of their party, including Laios. Neither Kabru nor his party think much of her. The canaries don't give a fuck about her. Toshiro's retainers don't see her as anything else than the weird foreign girl their boss has a crush on.
The reason we think everyone loves Falin is because, despite all the indifferent side characters, the 2 most important and central characters of the story are Laios and Marcille. Who are NOT representative of the average attitudes to Falin! But necromancy georg number 1 and 2 are our main eyes into the story and they love Falin so much that it colours our perspective of the whole world.
The only side character who qualifies as liking Falin and not Laios is Toshiro (at least at first, as he ends the story on much better terms with Laios) and that says a lot about his character, with him drifting to the quiet Falin precisely because of her oddness but being both uncomfortable with and deeply jealous of Laios' much more open expression of that oddness. Because he's a repressed guy from a culture where etiquette is incredibly important.
But like I said, that's a specific aspect of him, not to the world at large.
Because there's also people that click more with laios than with Falin.
Kabru, for one, who is initially distrustful of laios but clearly also deeply fascinated by him and drawn to him.
Minor spoilers, and you don't have to read too deeply into this, because I don't think Kabru particularly dislikes Falin or anything. But it's interesting that when he talks about his distrust of the toudens in ch.32 he's talking about them both. But his big friendship declaration in chapter 76 is aimed squarely at Laios, he doesn't say "you and your sister" he says "you"
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And Senshi!! He instantly clicks with Laios, well before he does so with anyone else in the party– who he also becomes friends with, it just takes a bit longer– specifically because they bond over their shared special interest in monsters!! Senshi is kind towards Falin and cares for her wellbeing, but he also... doesn't know her. The reason he is even here, helping to save her, is because he and Laios bonded over monsters and he wants to help his new friends out!
Of course, the theme of neurodivergent isolation is very present in Laios' story. I'm not denying that. He does turn people off, without meaning to and unable to fully understand why! But so does Falin. And just like there are people who like her despite of or even because of those traits, there are people who do the same with him.
In conclusion: "Average person loves Falin and hates Laios" factoid actually statistical error. Average person is neutral on both Falin and Laios. Georcille, Laiorg and Geoshiro, who live in the dungeon and think over 10,000 Falin-loving thoughts a day, are statistical outliers adn should not have been counted.
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gambeque · 15 days
join Squids For Palestinian Kids and donate today!
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[image id: a digitally drawn poster about a splatoon tournament and side events called Squids For Palestinian Kids happening on sunday, 2nd of june beginning at 6pm BST, 7pm CEST, 1pm EDT, and 10am PDT. all donations support the Palestine Children's Relief Fund. the tournament is round robin to single elimination, and everyone makes a bracket. art raffle prizes are offered to those who donate ten dollars or more and art prizes are offered to the top three alpha and first place beta winners of the tournament. the poster's design is a background of a blue sky with the flag of Palestine, which has a red triangle on the left overlaid on three horizontal stripes of black, white, and green. an inkling on the left is wearing an n95 mask and various pins with the Palestinian flag, the neurodivergent rainbow infinity flag, and the progress rainbow pride flag, and an octoling on the right with curly tentacle hair in the colors of the Palestinian flag wears a black and white keffiyeh and a p100 mask. end image id]
(if there's any improvements i can make to this image id please let me know i've never written one before 👍)
i got the chance to be an artist for Squids For Palestinian Kids this time around and i designed and drew this poster!!! last time, this event raised over 6,500 dollars for the Palestine Children's Relief Fund, so we're hoping to raise even more this time around!! spread this info far and wide, repost this poster in your discords (i dont really need to say this but you don't need to credit me), print it out and put it on your work and school's bulletin board, tell your younger sibling or cousins about this cool charity tournament they can join with you, even just leaving up our twitch stream in the background can help us get more exposure!!
here is the tiltify link for information https://tiltify.com/@hollowermoon/sfpk2 , and here is the direct tiltify donation link https://donate.tiltify.com/8ce25edd-f8cf-47ce-85fb-f66b40101d5d
here is the link to watch the official stream on twitch https://www.twitch.tv/SFPKsplatoon
here is the sendou.ink link to register for the tournament https://sendou.ink/to/124/register
here is the link to join the discord, feel free to ask questions on how to register and find a team if this is your first tournament!! https://discord.com/invite/n2XAbBcUjr
here's the announcement on twitter/x made by the organizer of the event, @/hollowermoon ! be sure to retweet/repost this on there if you have a twitter since twitter's generally more active and seen by more people https://x.com/hollowermoon/status/1794783586241138787
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gambeque · 15 days
but being genuine & not jokey for a second you Need to make yourself a safe person for transfems. every time you support the witch-hunt of a trans girl you are signaling to every other trans girl you know that you will ruin their life if they say something you don't like. you have to put aside kneejerk disgust reactions and simply block people if they post something that upsets you. this is not worth risking their safety
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