geezerwench · 2 hours
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geezerwench · 2 hours
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Michael de Adder @deAdder (8:46 AM · Jun 6, 2024):
"My home province, tiny little New Brunswick, landed in the first wave on Juno Beach as a group. The North Shore Regiment was composed of french and english, woodsmen and farmers, fishermen and labourers, husbands and sons. From June 6th until the end of the war, New Brunswick sacrificed its best for one single cause: democracy. #dday #democracy #northshoreregiment"
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geezerwench · 2 hours
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now do trump.
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geezerwench · 2 hours
June 6, 2024, 4:00 AM MST
By Barbara Mantel
The safety of sugar substitutes is once again being called into question.
Researchers led by the Cleveland Clinic linked the low-calorie sugar substitute xylitol to an increased risk of heart attack, stroke or cardiovascular-related deaths, according to a study published today in the European Heart Journal.
Xylitol is a sugar alcohol that is found in small amounts in fruit and vegetables, and the human body also produces it. As an additive, it looks and tastes like sugar but has 40% fewer calories. It is used, at much higher concentrations than found in nature, in sugar-free gum, candies, toothpaste and baked goods. It can also be found in products labeled "keto-friendly," particularly in Europe.
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geezerwench · 3 hours
(woundfucker anon again) I love being in a sixty year old fandom, I really do. Where else would you get best enemies erotic brain surgery fic originally handwritten in 1998 and uploaded to Ao3 by the grandchild of the woman who wrote it? Honestly, it makes me kind of emotional, that not only has transformative fandom been here for so long, but there were people writing the fucked up shit *I* enjoy way back when too. It's really hot too!
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geezerwench · 3 hours
john WHAT is that low quality picture you posted of the tfios poster WHAT the hell
Not sure how many times I have to explain to y'all that I am an old.
Do you have any idea how hard it is to be the social media intern for a coffee company donates its profit to charity when you are FORTY-SIX YEARS OLD?!
When I learned how to use the Internet, it was made out of green letters on a black screen. I don't know how to make memes!
I don't know how to gif!
I don't know how to upload high-res jpgs to tumblr when I'm on a flight from Portland to Minneapolis and the Internet on the plane sucks!
I don't know what I'm doing. I'm literally just trying to stay alive and sell coffee.
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geezerwench · 3 hours
“It exposes a critical gap of moral imagination to see the Biden era principally as sleepy or boring. Yes, the Trump era was exciting and newsy, like living in a home with an abuser. The Biden era is less fraught. But the drop-off in news readership/viewership was driven in large part because people thought they didn’t have to worry quite as much about the new terrible thing that was going to happen at any moment. They got Biden in and he’d take care of things. They could take a break. The related factor that the journalism business, as well as American civic life, has had to grapple with is that people simply got exhausted. A lot of people who had been regular news consumers through much of their lives decided that the toxicity of American public life was poisoning their personal or inner lives and they tuned out. If you’re wondering where I’m getting this stuff: I have interacted with many readers via email over many years and this is my takeaway based on those conversations. I did no formal study, but this was not just a few stray anecdotes. It’s the upshot of hundreds of conversations over the years in question. It’s a very clear and consistent pattern.”
— The Brass’s Take on the Shake Up at WaPo
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geezerwench · 3 hours
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geezerwench · 3 hours
wait ok now i’m curious how old were you when you joined tumblr and how old are you now
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geezerwench · 3 hours
How can I tell what date I created my tumblr blog? I think it was around one year ago but I want to be exactly sure. I've tried checking settings and stuff but no dice. Sorry for bothering you, I just don't know where to ask.
You could scroll through your archive and find the first date that you posted! Go to
http://www.[your url].tumblr.com/archive
Hit the little dropdown where you see “Month” listed, and scroll back until you can’t anymore. Hit the first option, scroll down as far as you can, and hover above the first post there! According to my archive, I officially created my blog on May 23, 2015 :) Who knew?
I don’t know of any method faster or more precise than this one.
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geezerwench · 3 hours
do you ever think about those friend-for-an-hour strangers that you only met because you ended up in a weird situation with them?
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geezerwench · 3 hours
Hello, English native speakers. I am here to request you explain some of your writing because this?
He breathes, voice coming thin as an unloved ghost, "I don't have much time."
This means nothing to me. I don't know what I'm meant to be getting from this.
It means they're trying to be artsy.
Okay, but all joking aside, when you use 'breathes' instead of 'says', it means they're whispering, more or less. Maybe speaking under their breath, i.e. quietly. There's some kind of breathy quality to it.
(This is a normal use of the verb, not just this person writing purple prose.)
It often shows up in a slightly different context where someone is whispering excitedly. Think something like:
"A secret?" she breathed, eyes alight. "Tell me!"
I don't think there's any specific agreed upon meaning to "thin as an unloved ghost". I guess the idea is that a ghost who is remembered and loved will gain substance, and some forgotten rando is a barely-there wisp of ectoplasm.
In other words, this dude's voice is very thin, breathy, and quiet because he's dying.
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geezerwench · 3 hours
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Front porch. Orange pansies. Blue pansy.
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geezerwench · 11 hours
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Handicapped Palestinians, who lost their limbs during the excessive interventions of Israel towards “Great March of Return” demonstrations, stage a demonstration at Unknown Martyrs Square demanding prosthesis legs, medications and better living conditions in Rafah, Gaza on April 21, 2019. @Abed Zagout
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geezerwench · 11 hours
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"The Birth of Wednesday Addams" Artwork by Denver Balbaboco 🦇
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geezerwench · 11 hours
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geezerwench · 11 hours
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