genuinebeyb · 7 years
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genuinebeyb · 7 years
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This is the greatest progression of events I have ever read, where’s my historical gay romance novel about this
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genuinebeyb · 7 years
What they don’t tell you is that you don’t have to go HAM for every time a racist, sexist, or homophobic or whatever moment has occurred. You can just roll your eyes or walk away. Or just let it be. You’re not being fake woke by letting it slide. You’re a human being who gets tired. You deserve not to have your every day be a constant battle. People who expect oppressed people to willing and ready at every second to go into battle when ever some igno opens their mouth are fools. Sometimes it’s okay to take off your heels and say, “that’s not my problem right now”. 
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genuinebeyb · 7 years
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genuinebeyb · 7 years
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genuinebeyb · 7 years
Y’all: Fucking SM did this ! 😡😤 Jongin: Nah fam it was all me Y’all: uh……..muhfuckin….. uh uhhh…. damn ham ..uh a fuckin
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genuinebeyb · 7 years
This goes for real life ships too. 👀
The thing that puts me off shipping so badly is that when a pairing is popular, the shippers tend to only focus on the characters in shipping terms. Important moments from canon about one of the characters are turned into ship moments, even if the other character isn’t there. I respect everybody’s right to do as they wish, but not everything is about fictional romance. It just irks me how a characters individual qualities and important moments in canon are always reduced to shipping.
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genuinebeyb · 7 years
ソーダの夢 - バクバクドキン
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genuinebeyb · 7 years
oh my god
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genuinebeyb · 7 years
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me at family gatherings
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genuinebeyb · 7 years
Taping my favorite tv shows and music awards shows. 😂 Thinking I was boss because of my huge hip hop and r&b cd collection.
I’ve been thinking a lot about how old I am in technology years lately so here’s a bit of reminiscing for you kids in the form of stuff you’ll thankfully never know the pain of
having to rewind cassette tapes. you want to hear your favourite song again? no just clicking <<. nope, you gotta manually rewind that shit and keep hitting play to see if you’re at the beginning again.
like listening to your own music in the car? back in my day we had to bring a bag full of CDs and swap them out in our portable CD players. if the car went over a bump, the CD would jump in the player and the music would skip. eventually the CDs would get wrecked. I killed so many CDs thanks to all the moving around I did as a kid.
stifling the dialup tone when your parents were in bed. want to sneak online? good luck. I had the modem squeezed between my legs, with two pillows pressed on top of it, and still. crrrrrRRRSSSHHHHHHHHHHH
fucking. homepage wars. hacking was a lot easier back in the day thanks to no one knowing shit about security and nerds like my generation quickly learning more than the web developers did. this resulted in carnage if you owned your own webpage. it was commonplace for different groups to have wars and constantly hack each other’s pages and deface them. you could trust no one. you leave for five seconds and suddenly your state of the art homepage and all its lit wordart graphics has been replaced with a plain text message insinuating something about your mother.
an entire room in your house was dedicated to the computer. it was called the computer room. it was filled with wires you were constantly tripping over, and thanks to the fact you were on a desktop, there was no battery life. you better get used to tripping over your power cord or rolling back in your chair and ripping it out of the wall, therefore instantly shutting off your computer, because it’s going to happen multiple times a week my guy.
“get off the internet, I need to use the phone” “how long will you be?” “only a couple of minutes” *two hours later*
I’m pretty sure it was messenger that had this, but basically if someone ignored your message for too long you could send them graphics that would hijack their entire browser and pop up on the screen. they were huge and would sometimes make the screen shake and I heard rumours that some of them could even make noise.
this is one that’s near and dear to me because I spent like 60% of my childhood in a car but handheld game consoles didn’t have built in lights. I remember playing Pokemon on my big purple GameBoy as it got dark, holding the screen closer and closer to my face, and eventually having to resort to quickly jamming the buttons when we passed under a streetlight. I remember when the GameBoy Advance SP came out with a built in back light and I lost my fucking mind.
*is two seconds away from finally downloading a picture online that’s been downloading for 15 minutes* *someone picks up the phone downstairs* *internet disconnects* *download fails* *why must you hurt me in this way*
writing everything you wanted to say online in the raw html code because it didn’t do it automatically. fine if you just wanted to make things bold or underlined, a lot more annoying when you wanted to add an image or bullet points or something. no such thing as a quick rant.
this is really long already so I’ll stop here but long story short it was a dark time and you all should grab every technological advancement you can with both hands and never let them go. for the sake of my childhood self, nose-to-screen with a GameBoy. do not let them go.
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genuinebeyb · 7 years
Who is ‘loveexosasaeng’?
If you’re a Jongin stan, you most likely heard about ‘loveexosasaeng’ before. And what about ‘hanilovesme’? And ‘exokaifamily’? They claim that they are not the same person, which is hard to believe when they’re the only one who posts malicious things about Jongin and her family. The same exact things. And they deny it.
Ridiculous, right? But wait, there’s more. 
Before I start, I don’t want to frame anyone, I don’t want to blame anyone, I can’t be 100% sure myself, but I think I have a pretty convincing bunch of evidence that if you connect it just makes so much sense and even a blind man can see what is going on. Until you can’t prove me wrong that anything in this post is not true, I’m not going to believe it any other way. I’m writing down what I examined so far, I have picture evidence backed up with links of every single detail. I feel like Jongin deserves it that I finally clear his name.
So let’s start!
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The whole thing started with a blog called ‘kpopgossipidk’, - well, it actually didn’t start with that, but you’ll see soon - and what you’ll have to know about it, is that this was an anti EXO/EXO-L and mostly anti-Jongin and his family oriented site, she just generally posted very hateful content (hint: look at the URL in the sidebar, will be relevant later).
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Is this post and picture familiar to you? It was kind of a huge deal, it was all over Tumblr and Twitter.. It became viral on Tumblr and Twitter, everyone was mortified, but it took only a Google Image Search to figure out that it was not in fact Jongin and his “girlfriend”, but just a random couple. Although I can’t confirm, but I’m pretty sure there was no “spy” that sent her this, she just made it all up by herself. She got burned and she knew it.
Keep reading
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genuinebeyb · 7 years
 Imagine Dragons & Kendrick Lamar Live at the 2014 Grammy Awards
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genuinebeyb · 7 years
All these SJWs laughing at a skit making fun of SJWs...
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genuinebeyb · 7 years
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genuinebeyb · 7 years
site that you can type in the definition of a word and get the word
site for when you can only remember part of a word/its definition 
site that gives you words that rhyme with a word
site that gives you synonyms and antonyms
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genuinebeyb · 7 years
bought the gay scandal off and served up Kaistal as they had planned to do earlier. It's coincidental this shit aligned the way it did and unfortunately for all involved. If you didn't notice, there's no other mentions of the blind item. The threat is off the table, even the article said it was buried. KxK gave us publicity and drama and served it's purpose and died.
The threat is never off the table if the gay couple is still active. It was reported the gay couple reveal was off the table but that was months ago. If kai is still in a gay relationship, SM would keep him with kaistal to continue to subdue the risk. He only reason I see SM breaking kaistal up is if Kai's gay relationship ended.
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