gingerswagfreckles · 3 months
I wonder if the airman who self-immolated noticed how quickly the first person to do it in protest was completely fucking buried by the media, hence the steps he took to get noticed.
Because in case you haven't heard, someone self-immolated in front of the Israeli consulate in Atlanta GA in December. It got very little attention and I don't think anyone in the media has even bothered to try and find out if they survived.
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gingerswagfreckles · 3 months
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Stop lying about the news. Stop it. Stop it. Lying about what is being reported on is not helping anyone, it is turning everyone into Qanon nuts. I knew this claim about the NYT "burying" this and not quoting his speech was a blatant lie because I read about it this morning. Cut this shit out. It isn't helping.
I wonder if the airman who self-immolated noticed how quickly the first person to do it in protest was completely fucking buried by the media, hence the steps he took to get noticed.
Because in case you haven't heard, someone self-immolated in front of the Israeli consulate in Atlanta GA in December. It got very little attention and I don't think anyone in the media has even bothered to try and find out if they survived.
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gingerswagfreckles · 3 months
USAmericans be like, activities in a war that take place literally halfway across the world are planned around our ballsgame most specialist night and mean it completely unironically
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gingerswagfreckles · 3 months
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Kill the Jews Fuck Israel Free Palestine You Kike Rat Bastards 666. Saw this in the subway station on my morning commute in NYC. IDK why I even bothered to take a picture of it because this shit is everywhere.
It would bother me a lot less if I could actually tell myself this was the exception, not the rule, but I have avoided posting this for days because I know 100% someone is going to accuse me of being a crisis actor for Israel and someone else is going to tell me this is what #resistance looks like (by white people in NYC ofc).
I've never been anything but pro-Palestinian, but since Oct 7th, I have been increasingly unable to exist safely within activist spaces because so so so many are unwilling to take antisemitism seriously or even stop engaging in it themselves. Half of the people on this website have posts about how the "A Curse Upon The Jews" flag Houthis are based on their blogs, and the other half think Spotify Wrapped is a Jewish Conspiracy. And yet the most popular posts about antisemitism on this website are about how its obvious rise has mostly been made up by Zionists.
Honestly, a lot of people on this website sound like Canadians who think there is no racism in their country, and even more sound like Qanon nuts. I'm only even posting these pictures because I don't come on this stupid website anymore so I'm not going to have to deal with the inevitable harassment that will follow.
Please stop telling yourself that all the Jews who are accusing you of being antisemitic are just Zionsists. It is really fucking shameful. There isn't much else I can say at this point because I know from experience that no one gives a shit.
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gingerswagfreckles · 3 months
I hate stepping out of Jewish pro-Palestine circles cause the second i do its fucking useless mfs arguing that the star of david is a hate symbol
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gingerswagfreckles · 3 months
Multiple posts with over 25k notes stanning the Houthis. The fucking Houthis. Who brought back chattle slavery to Yemen, who are directly responsible for the Yemeni famine that has caused hundreds of thousands of deaths, who redirect international food aid into their military faction, who have "a curse upon the Jews" on their flag, who rounded up and expelled the last few dozen Jews remaining in Yemen in 2021, who openly sex traffic Ethiopian women, who don't allow women to travel without a male guardian even for essential medical care, who torture and execute their political enemies, who have started to oppertunistically attack random ships that are neither coming nor going from Israel to fund their oppressive regime. Those Houthis. Those Houthis. Multiple posts with over 25k notes about how they are "coming through" for Palestine.
Are you people fucking insane? I wish I had a nicer way to say this but this website is literally filled with some of the stupidest and most hateful people I have ever had the misfortune to encounter. How many times do you people need to learn that some idiot on Twitter is not where you should be getting your news???
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gingerswagfreckles · 4 months
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gingerswagfreckles · 4 months
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Making a collection of these
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gingerswagfreckles · 4 months
The left will say "I'm not antisemitic, I'm just criticizing Israel!" and the right will say "but I can't be antisemitic, I support Israel!" and they are both full of shit
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gingerswagfreckles · 4 months
For like most of history the only way out of poverty or economic destitution for women was to get married. You literally had no option. And that's why men are so pissed now and we're seeing a rise in incel and alt right ideology amongst these men at the same time we're seeing attacks on abortion rights. These men are P I S S E D because women can now be economically independent and marriage is an option for us not something forced on us
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gingerswagfreckles · 4 months
what about men? you know men actually aren't privileged for being men? men men men. maybe you should consider fucking a nice man? men are poor little meow meows. men men men men? feminism has hurt men tho? ever considered a man's emotional needs? men deserve to profit from transmisogyny. aren't genderweird men just more revolutionary than woman? men men men men men? you need to be there for the poor men. what about the male loneliness epidemic? men are human too tho? men men men men?
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gingerswagfreckles · 4 months
Support dignity kits for displaced Palestinians as well as other medical aid!
And if you're looking for a more global approach, there's Days for Girls!
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gingerswagfreckles · 4 months
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every day on tumblr i think of this tweet. you do not gotta hand it to hamas. you do not gotta hand it to the houthis. you do not gotta hand it to osama bin laden.
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gingerswagfreckles · 4 months
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i know i said no more houthi discourse but i’m tearing my hair out. jews are not and were not the oppressors in yemen. did jews oppress the houthis by making them forcibly expel what was left of the jews’ persecuted and dwindling population?
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gingerswagfreckles · 5 months
🤡 goyblog88 Follow
the houthis are violently antisemitic, racist & misogynistic but WHATEVER. i have no choice, i need 2 abandon my morals & support them...
🤡🔁 goyblog88 reblogged goyblog88
inb4 "but goyblog their slogan literally says a curse upon the jews" i knowww but it ALSO says "death to america" & i think that's so cool omg??? i hate america too ^_^
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gingerswagfreckles · 5 months
Really cannot believe that we are at the point where stanning a group that has "A Curse Upon The Jews" written on their flag is a mainstream leftist opinion.
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gingerswagfreckles · 5 months
So many "activists" claiming there is no serious antisemitism on the left while also spewing the most vile antisemitic shit I have ever heard in my life. You guys sound like those braindead Canadians who proudly claim there is no racism in Canada.
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