glassprism · 7 days
Dearest GP,
Do you have a list of names and pics of all the people in Masquerade?
Thank you so much
No need for me to do it, @operafantomet has already done this, with links to tags that show all the photos, here. Hope that helps.
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glassprism · 12 days
Have you heard about the English language production in Antwerp next year.. there is literally no info about it yet except that well it’s in English and in Antwerp but . yeah thought it’d be interesting (I’m p sure it will be non replica though… just a feeling)
Yeah, I've heard of it. It's not a new production, it's just another stop for the Middle East / European Tour of Phantom, which uses the sets, costumes, and staging used in the Norway and Greek productions (which means, yes, it's a guaranteed non-replica). So there's actually a ton of info on it out there already, and I think that's also the reason why you might not be seeing a lot of "talk" about it: because, well, there already has been a fair bit of talk when it first started. And since nothing has changed beyond the cities it's making stops at, there's little need for people to repeat the info.
If you're still interested or if the production is still unfamiliar to you, you can see some of this info in my tag for the Middle East Tour here (this was before it was announced to also be going to Europe and I am not changing my entire tag for that), and if you want to dive further back into the production's history, you can check out my tag on the Greek productions, the Norwegian production, or if you want to go all the way back, to the original Romanian production (which has gotten mixed in with the Romanian revival because my tagging system sucks; you might have to go back a fair bit to find the actual original Romanian production, which looked a fair bit different and simpler than the Middle East / European Tour we have now).
Anyway, hope that clears it up for you!
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glassprism · 13 days
Note: I spent a significant time researching this post, searching for photos (thank you @operafantomet), and editing the photos (in some cases, significantly enhancing low quality photos). If you repost this content on another platform, credit would be much appreciated.
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Annemarijn Maandag (u/s Christine in Oberhausen) and her sister Lillian Maandag (u/s Christine in the Vienna revival)
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Rebecca Pitcher (Christine in the US tour, Broadway, and World Tour) and her brother Rob Pitcher (u/s Phantom, Raoul, and Piangi in Antwerp, Hamburg, and Oberhausen)
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Mark Jacoby (Phantom in Chicago and Broadway) and his son Ben Jacoby (Raoul in the restaged US tour)
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Ayumi Hikasa (ballerina in the 90s West End cast) and her daughter Maiya Hikasa (Meg in the West End revival)
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Alexander Lewis (Raoul and u/s Phantom in the first Australian revival/World Tour) and his brother Ben Lewis (Phantom in the West End)
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Morgan Cowling (Meg in the Restaged US tour) and Corinne Cowling (u/s Christine in the West End)
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Per Engström (conductor in Stockholm and Copenhagen) and his daughter Christine (dresser in Copenhagen, and yes, she's named after Christine Daaé)
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Sierra Boggess (Christine in Las Vegas, Royal Albert Hall, Broadway, and cancelled Paris) and Summer Boggess (cello player on Broadway)
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George Lee Andrews (André and Firmin on Broadway) and his son-in-law Aaron Galligan-Stierle (André on Broadway)
In addition, there's Jan Kyhle (Raoul in Stockholm) and Magnus Kyhle (ensemble in Stockholm) but I don't have photos of Magnus in Phantom
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glassprism · 13 days
Hey GP, what's the deal with getting Raoul all wet and torn before final lair? I've seen some *ahem* ones where his shirt is so wet it's see through lol😂Do you have a gifset of him being sponged/sprayed? TY!
Well, you might recall that during the title song and 'Down Once More', we see the Phantom rowing Christine across a lake?
You might also realize too that the Phantom has the only boat to row across the lake. And that he docked it at his house once he got himself and Christine there.
This of course means that there's no boat for Raoul to use, and the lake's not going to disappear just because he's the "Hero". So what's a guy to do? He's going to swim across.
So that's the purpose of wetting Raoul down and tearing his shirt, to show that he literally swam across that lake to get to Christine and possibly encountered all manner of obstacles and traps too. Continuity! And in fact, Raoul's shirt is deliberately made of a material that will look see-through and very wet, because remember, this is theater, and you have to get that effect across to people all the way at the back of the stage.
The sponging and spraying down occurs backstage, but the ever-reliable @operafantomet has a great photoset here which also includes backstage videos of the process. I hope that helps!
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glassprism · 14 days
hey there! i just read your post about musical bootlegs, and you mentioned that some filmers just disappeared. do you have any examples? i'd love to learn more about the history of bootlegging
Oh, that would probably be a really long list. I'll just note some of the most well-known ones that occurred during my time trading (so post-2011), whether within the trading community or in Phantom. Keep in mind too that some filmers disappear for a long while only to make a return; I won't be listing them since they're still around in some form. I'm also not going to name many of them because, well, safety, but you might be able to tell who they are based on the bootlegs I list as theirs.
One of the first is a filmer who filmed, among other things, the last show of Phantom's 3rd national tour, the video of Chris Mann and Katie Travis in Phantom, and the complete video of Dallas's modernized version of Les Miserables. They're well known to me because they actually posted their releases on Tumblr for a time, only to get harassed out because people kept yelling at them for bootlegging or selling bootlegs. They disappeared shortly thereafter; not sure if it's related to what happened to them on Tumblr, but it was a loss because I believe they were situated on the West Coast, whereas most other US filmers are in the East Coast, around Broadway, so we lost someone who could film productions in LA, San Francisco, and the tours.
Another who disappeared shortly thereafter was someone who was, well, a prolific filmer of many shows on Broadway and occasionally tours all over the US and was active since at least the mid-2000s. If you've watched, I don't know, the Cooper Grodin restaged tour videos, the original Broadway cast of Hamilton, the original Broadway cast of the 2nd revival of Les Miserables, any of those, you've seen their videos. From what I've gathered, they experienced some personal issues that caused them to take a break from filming and they have not returned since.
Also happening around the same period of time was another, mainly Broadway-based filmer who also did a few videos on the West End. (They filmed a video of Ben Crawford with Ali Ewoldt as well as the video of David Thaxton and Kelly Mathieson.) My recollection is that this person experienced a lot of leaks of their videos, causing them to take stricter and stricter measures in an effort to stop that, which culminated in them leaving altogether. Them leaving along with the two above contributed in some part to the dearth of bootlegs you see in the... late 2010s or so, at least with Phantom, because they were some of the most prolific filmers around. It wouldn't be until after COVID-19 that I saw a resurgence of filmers on Broadway.
Going back in time a bit! If you ever look at trading lists, you might see that there are a lot, and I mean a lot, of videos from the Broadway production of Phantom from 2012-2015 or so. That's almost entirely due to two filmers who were also very active on Tumblr and were based in NYC and went quite often to catch various understudies, swings, and unusual cast combinations. Both have since left filming, though in their case, it's at least partially because they're working in the theater industry in some capacity now.
And onto more depressing cases... there were a couple of filmers based in Europe, I think Germany or Austria, though they definitely made trips to other countries. They filmed several of the Phantom Hamburg revival videos, a lot of Elisabeth videos, and a number of the West End Les Miserables videos (if you see one that's heavily focused on Anton Zetterholm - yeah, that's one of theirs, that filmer was a fan). Unfortunately both were... I think either arrested or had their homes raided (or both) and collections confiscated, and while I think they were released, you can bet that put them off filming.
Finally and most recently, that I know of, the filmer who got the one complete video of Jonathan Roxmouth in the World Tour was caught and has not done any filming since, obviously. That was a shame as well because they had been planning to get more videos of the World Tour with the various alternates and understudies, but of course that never happened.
So that's a few, there's way more around, but I was just trying to think of some of the most prolific recorders around.
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glassprism · 14 days
Why was the Broadway Production allowed to reopen relatively unchanged post Covid?
The blocking was changed a bit but, the set remained the same and mostly all of the cast, orchestra, and crew returned
Was it some sort of legal thing that prevented it from changing too much?
Because the US has stronger Equity regulations.
If you don't know, Equity is the actors' union in the US and UK (Actors' Equity in the US, Equity in the UK), and amongst theater fans, it's somewhat common knowledge that US Equity is much stricter in it's rules. Why do you think Broadway Phantom's chandelier is so gosh dang slow? And for years, the Phantom not catching and carrying Christine at the end of 'Music of the Night' was blamed on stricter Equity rules (that theory's a bit up in the air now).
But despite US Equity causing some changes in the production that fans are less than pleased by, in the case of Broadway Phantom's re-opening, it definitely benefited the cast, crew, and orchestra, preventing them from being summarily laid off (and over Zoom no less) and stopping some of the more drastic changes.
(In fact I've seen some people who were surprised they allowed any changes at all, because it was not just blocking that was changed: some of the the wigs and costumes were, some of the orchestrations, a few lyrics, that kind of thing. But it may be that they weren't deemed to be large enough changes to warrant greater action, and it has to be said that Phantom has made little alterations to almost all of the above over it's run, though never all at once.)
But as we all know, there's a way around that: if you can't change a pre-existing production, then just close the production and start a new one! Can't be tied by Equity show rules if there's no show!
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glassprism · 15 days
Hey GP, who is the Wild Woman in Hannibal, and do you have any pictures by any chance? Much thanks!
Hey there! For a lot of these character costume/picture asks, the best place to go to is @operafantomet's Tumblr! In this case, she has an entire tag dedicated to the Wild Woman, with a number of pictures. Enjoy!
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glassprism · 16 days
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When a video of André Schwartz, original South African Phantom, is filmed in front of a framed collage featuring a Star Princess photo of Lana English (?) that I have never seen before 🥲🤩
The video is from Theatre on the Bay in Cape Town, where POTO was performed in 2004.
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glassprism · 17 days
hello!! sorry if this sounds dumb (or if you’ve been asked something similar before), but would you be willing to trade bootlegs for art? as in, i draw whatever you want in exchange for a bootleg you have? :^)
Yeah, I'd be willing to do that! In fact, I already have: this artwork was created as part of a trade for a bootleg!
So ask away!
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glassprism · 18 days
Hey GP! May I ask which cast your profile banner is? thanks!
Uh, I assume my profile banner is this picture?
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(Listen, I look at Tumblr on my desktop and when I search it I go to https://glassprism.tumblr.com/ and not https://www.tumblr.com/glassprism. I think this is the first time I've looked at my own profile banner in years.)
Anyway, that would be, what, the 2008-2009 West End cast? Or maybe's 2009-2010. At any rate, it's Gina Beck as Christine and Simon Bailey as Raoul!
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glassprism · 18 days
Hii!! I found out about trading an hour ago and am a bit confused. Like, how do you even find the bootlegs if not on youtube? Also, why trade instead of posting publicly?
I have a YouTube page where I post slime tutorials and the like of shows I have watched or proshots I have downloaded. Why gatekeep? I'm literally just curious, I don't mean to offend.
So, the thing that I really, really want to emphasize, because I feel like it'll make everything make more sense, is that bootlegging is illegal. It is against the law, people can and do get arrested for it, and there have been many recorders (mostly filmers) in the past who have been caught and simply disappeared, taking with them any unreleased boots and all potential boots they could have filmed in the future.
And I say that because I REALLY want to emphasize that when people, especially filmers, say, "Hey, can you not post these on YouTube or anywhere else publicly?" it's NOT because they are trying to "gatekeep". Many of them are making their bootlegs as accessible as possible by making it available for purchase and/or trade down the line. They are doing it for their own safety. They are risking legal repercussions getting these bootlegs to you and are asking you not to get them into trouble by blatantly posting their stuff on the most accessible video-sharing site out there. THEY ARE TRYING NOT TO GET FINED, ARRESTED, OR WORSE.
Okay, got all that? Great! Now I can answer your questions.
First - many traders, myself included, have trading sites where we post everything we have available to trade. That is a great place to find bootlegs, and even better, people who have those bootlegs and might be willing to trade or (if you're polite) gift them to you! Here's mine. How do you find these sites? Honestly, a lot of times I just stumble on them by Googling something like "[name of show] bootleg trade". What I also personally do is start bookmarking sites of traders that have large collections of shows I'm interested in (like Phantom) or the sites of people who record bootlegs, so that I can easily check up on them every week or so.
There are also many areas where traders congregate! Musical Exchange on LiveJournal is one of the easiest to find. There was a Yahoo board back in the day that has not turned into a Groups io thing. There's Encora Reprise (I don't use it and I feel like it keeps going down but some swear by it). There are also several Discord servers devoted to trading or set up by filmers. Those are also great places to find other traders and newly released boots.
Second, I partially answered your question about posting publicly with the safety issue, but the other answer is, simply, that trading is decentralized because it's illegal. I don't think there's any one person who has every bootleg ever recorded, it's all spread out amongst us, and it's going to be extremely difficult to get everyone to pool it all together because, well, this is also a hobby, not a job, and we just don't have time for that. And even if we did, there probably is no person with enough space and money and time to upload every bootleg in the world and maintain it, because they will not get enough benefit out of it because musicals are a relatively niche interest.
Here's another way of thinking about it. I'm at the point of trading almost exclusively Phantom. I don't have every bootleg in the world, but my collection of Phantom boots alone is 2.7 TB. That is Phantom alone, I haven't even considered every other musical in the world and all their bootlegs. If you want me to have all these available publicly, I would basically need to get my own server. If I want my own server, I'm probably going to pay money. Hundreds of dollars of money. And I will have to maintain this, which will also cost money, with possibly the only way I get money back being to use, I don't know, ads or making users pay money for accounts, and unless I finagle things legally I could also be responsible if the site gets found and taken down, and you want me to do this, constantly, for bootlegs that 99% of people won't download? (You really think some people are raring to get the blurry 1992 video of Jun Sawaki, for example?) Yeah, that looks like a lot of work and trouble for me to do something that probably won't save others a lot of trouble either.
Anyway, I know you don't mean to be rude and I hope the above didn't come off as aggressive, it's just that, well, I've seen these arguments time and again and it never really seems to cross people's minds that, at the end of the day, this is a hobby that is technically illegal, that just about all the rules and limitations around are done for the safety of the bootlegger and not because they enjoy waving the boot out of your reach, and that trading is done because it's the safest, most anonymous way of, well, getting theatre bootlegs, that people have come up with. At any rate, I hope that answers your questions!
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glassprism · 18 days
김소현[Kim/Gim So-hyun] as Christine alt in 2002(POTO Korea original(2001-2)).
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glassprism · 19 days
Beneath a moonless sky
Luke & Georgie(alt)
Manon is Queen.But Georgie oh my little song bird.
(honestly she's more like a POTO Christine,more like a 18yrs I mean)
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glassprism · 19 days
Can I just say that the new Encora Reprise sucks? We don’t have as many options to filter out stuff as easily, the site is slow as hell, and you have to scroll or slide to even see the full information whilst the other one you didn’t have too
I never used Encora (not accurate for old audios, too many inaccuracies in how the productions were named, etc.), so... oh well? That sucks, I guess!
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glassprism · 19 days
Hi GP, a follow up if you don't mind! So the original statue that Phantom stands on at AIAOY Rep. had been a golden angel but now it's a Pegasus?
And if I am to go to a HMT and use voice record instead of videoing, will anyone notice? Ty!!
If we're talking about the West End production, then yes, it was original a floating golden angel but now is a Pegasus statue. If we're talking other productions... non-replicas will obviously do their own thing, most replicas will use the Golden Angel, but of course you have variants (the Japanese production will also use a stationary Pegasus if the theater won't allow for the angel, and the World Tour uses a Golden Angel statue that stands on the stage, etc.).
As for using voice record, yeah, it should pretty much go unnoticed. Just think about it: all you do is hit the record button and then turn off your phone's screen, silence it (make sure the phone is set to keep recording when the screen is off), and place it on your lap or your seat or something. In a darkened theater, where most of the noise and people's attention is going to be on the stage, do you think anybody would notice that at all? Probably not!
And that's why you see so many more audios of shows than videos. Getting an audio is easy. Getting a video - now that's hard.
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glassprism · 20 days
different anon here, but what happens if you get caught recording the show? do they give you a warning or just straight up kick you out of the theatre?
Depends on the person, the theater, the usher, the show, the production, the country... lots of variables.
Some might just give you a warning: shine a flashlight on you, tell you to turn off your device. Just as common, they'll make you bring your device over and watch as you delete the recording. There's also those famous cases of certain actors catching you and calling out out right onstage.
On that note, I knew someone who was a prolific filmer and at some point, the production must have wised up to her. When she arrived at the theater, she was told in no uncertain terms that they knew who she was, that they would be watching her, and that she'd better not try any funny business. So a warning, yes, but a dire one.
There are also countries where bootlegging has much more dire consequences. In those cases, you might be escorted or kicked out of the theater. In others, you might face even worse legal consequences. In a few others, they might not get you in the theater, they'll get you in other ways: I remember back in the day hearing of two German filmers who had their homes raided by police and all their bootlegs taken.
And of course, on the opposite end, some shows might just straight up ignore you. Some ushers don't care and will just sit at one spot, not even bothering to check the audience members. Some might get paid off (hey, it's a theory filmers sometimes bat around). And someone told me that one show, which is closing unexpectedly, has straight up stopped giving the announcement that "The use of recording devices is strictly prohibited" which is... extremely amusing.
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glassprism · 20 days
Hi Glass, 3 questions, ty! 1) What was done to the Pegasus and how is current Pegasus diff from original?
2) Who is the "Princess" in the poto cast? Is it from Hannibal?
3) How are bootlegs filmed?
Thank you so much!
Hello, thanks for the questions.
The Pegasus statue was originally used in the Japanese productions for theaters where the ceiling was too low to use the Golden Angel. It looked a little different and as far as I can tell, did not roll in from the side as the West End revival version does. Instead it stays in the back, a little off to the side, the entire scene (a bit like how the Golden Angel stays hovering overhead the entire scene), and then at the proper moment, the Phantom pops out.
The "Princess" is in Hannibal, yes. They are dressed like less fancy versions of Elissa, hence the name - if Elissa is the queen, then they are, say, her daughters or her ladies. There's several of them typically, in various states of dress to indicate that this is still a rehearsal (one is in full costume, one is wearing a 19th century coat, etc.) and you can usually find them milling around the sides or around or behind Carlotta as Elissa. Christine understudies will typically, though not always, play one of the Princesses. There are as many variations on their dresses as there are on Elissa's, so here's one of Operafantomet's photosets.
Get a camera. Go to a show. Turn on camera and point at stage. Try not to get caught.
Hope that helps!
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