gotham-daydreams · 6 days
wait why are people talking about the post-kidnap for not [ ]? did I miss something 🧍
People are just getting excited and wondering about certain things is all! Though we aren’t there yet, of course, and are just coming upon the kidnapping itself
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gotham-daydreams · 7 days
Make sure to check out everyone else listed, and give some love to them too!! l0vergirls' stuff is also 🤌🤌🤌
i've read and re-read all your batfam writings and i need more. do you have any recs 🤲
glad you liked my stuff <3 and yes i do!! here are some amazing writers cus i actually cant list only one work of theirs (they're all worth reading!!!)
@gotham-daydreams has some platonic yandere works!! their Not [] series is top tier
@sophiethewitch1 particularly their "What We Want" series, its so well written 🫶🏻🫶🏻
@hana-no-seiiki also has some really good yandere batfam content !!!
@on-leatheredwings her work actually makes me froth at the mouth theyre amazing im in love with the way she writes damian too 😞
and i've just read this entire series on ao3 it's not exactly yandere but it gets close (especially in "Kiss Me More" and "Good Luck, Babe!") and it's still really good!!!
im sure i have more but these are the ones i've got off the top of my head ^_^
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gotham-daydreams · 21 days
For your Not [] I was wondering how would Alfred and Y/n's relationship post kidnapped will go? Down the drain? Sure, they may have some reprieve from the rest of the family with Alfred, but would they resent Alfred for causing them to come back to the manor? After gathering the clues it was Alfred that pushed them to find you.
Also would Y/n have eventually gotten back into contact with Alfred after taking their much needed break away from the family, to help figure out and find themselves?
Well, that's the thing, I suppose!
I have thought about their relationship post kidnapping, and honestly I don't even know if the reader will ever logically know the extent of what Alfred has done to ensure that they stay in the position they're in. Especially, well, considering how I plan for Chapter 4 to go.
Of course at some point they'll definitely be able to deduce that he did something- they'll be able to tell from the things some of the Batfam says and just generally how Alfred acts, even if said things they catch with Alfred aren't all as they seem. But if they'll know the full extent of it? How much he played a part in what happened? In what ends up happening? Maybe not, not everything but maybe enough to be afraid. To get a peak into the ruin and shitty mess that is their life, and the true extent of that ruin. But a glance is only a glance, y'know?
I guess that's the scary thing - for me personally, anyways - that they won't know right away. That even when it happens they'll have no idea, and for those moments where they remain ignorant, unaware, and blind- Alfred is their saving grace. The only sane person amongst the endless sea of madness and derange that is the Batfam. The only person that seems to under their side, that not only comforts them but someone they actually feel comfortable and safe with. Alfred is the only one they trust, and... well, I rather not spoil how he feels about that.
Though, for the reader- from the little they put together and the little they know, its heartbreaking all the same. They don’t want to accept it- who would? The only person after being stripping and taken from their life- is just as insane as the rest? The only person they felt like they could confide in? That they could trust? That they could allow themselves to be vulnerable with when the others were away? That person is just as insane? Just as cunning and- and tricked them too?
It ruins them, and even if I won't say much else as it will be shown when I have it written- I think what I've said here is a good enough image of how badly things get from there once the reader even gets an idea of what Alfred may have potentially done. Though even if they did reach out now, they would probably still hold the whole "everything is fine" attitude they've got going on, and just try to talk to him normally- if not then at least passively mention how the family is sort of being weird and giving you a hard time (will that cause him to stop them? Not at all, but maybe things could've turned out differently. Which may be a recurring thing?? Well- it sort of already is but yk!)
As for the reader reaching out- I think I mentioned this in an previous (albeit older) post a bit in passing, but the reader has technically been in touch with Alfred! Just... not in a way he prefers. They are technically communicating with him, but it's very one sided (which is by design) and... well, may or may not be one of the reasons Alfred kick started this mess.
If this didn't answer your question then I apologize! Feel free to send in another ask if you want, and I can clarify anything you have any questions about!
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gotham-daydreams · 26 days
Hi! I love your gothan platonic batfam series, but every time I read it I can't help but wonder what Duke's reaction to all this would be. He's one of my fave batfam characters, do you have any plans to add him in later chapters?
Just curious, no pressure. Hopefully I didn't come off as pushy. (sorry if i did)
Have a good day! <3
Hello! And you didn't come off as pushy, no worries :]
I'll be honest and admit that I have thought of adding Duke to the series- but if I was going to do that in a more organic manner, and just generally in a way that makes sense- that would've been in Chapter 2 or 3. Though trust me I am still debating... and the only reason I'm hesitating is because I don't think I'd be able to capture his personality, or really just him as a person very well.
Granted, I do inherently view yandere versions of characters as OOC for... various reasons (some of which are obvious, especially when it comes to the Batfam and DC characters in general), but I do try to keep very close to the character (or my general understanding and interpretation of them for things like DC, who have multiple canons and such) and write them in a way that does still compliment or adhere to parts of their personality or overall mindset... if only generally. Like Bruce and his closeness to those around them yet the distance he so desperately tries to keep - not for himself, but rather those around him. His strive for justice and to do good to make up for a sin, a fault that isn't his to forgive or one he hardly had anything to do with and so on. How that makes him inherently protective if only at a distance and in silence. How he tries to keep himself away from others, if only to protect them, and yet finds himself surrounded anyway. Etcetera etcetera.
Case and point- I don't have a really good graps of Duke's general character and aren't confident enough to write him into the Not Series at the moment- and by the time I do, it may feel shoehorned in and just not as great as it could be (even if a line I wrote in Chapter 1 was meant to be him..). Though I am learning more about him! And if anyone would like to share what they know and their interpretations of his character they have and such while I still have asks open, I'd love to read and see them :]
In future series', oneshots, and just general things I plan to post and share on this blog, Duke will very much make an appearance and we'll reach 10 yanderes for the Batfam instead of just 9. (Some series' which will definitely be longer than the Not Series.)
On that note, I have thought of how Duke would feel (and some others earlier on have asked a bit as well), and from the little I know of him, this is how I think at the moment he would generally react/feel (though it may be inaccurate and such because of what I mentioned previously 😅):
I think he would start out as one of the many others that actually live in the manor or just so happened to be there at the time — and that being he feels guilt first (unlike the only person in that house who doesn't/didn't) and just... wouldn't know what to do. The time passed and everything the reader has done sort of leaves him stumped, and just stuck processing until everyone's rushing out and around to find you and before he knows it- he's following out with them to do the exact same thing.
I think he leaves before everyone else, and considering that he does daytime patrol, it isn't as odd to see him out and about anyway. Though the frantic-ness of his movements and actions are weird, and for once, more outwardly, Duke panics.
He feels bad, of course he does, and more similarly to Cass- he can only wish that he could do things with out. That he wants to be in the room when you got your awards or had been there through the hardships he knows you undoubtedly faced without even having to see the medkit like Bruce does in Chapter 2. So he goes out to look for you, but not so much for your safety and more so to just... apologize. To say every little thing he can in hopes to make things better, to lessen the damage.
And of course, just to see you.
More than anything Duke wants to make it up to you right away, but has half a mind to know he'll have to take things slow. He's still sensible to some degree, if not only partially of half-insane just like the rest of the fam (minus a certain blonde and red head who are only a sliver of the way there), he knows it'll take time, that you probably won't forgive him right away. But that's okay! He can live with that, he understands that, but he just needs to see you. Just once- if only to see who you are now and the person you've become. If only to say an apology that might fall too flat or feel too empty considering the little he knows about you.
Just once. No matter how awkward it is or how much he regrets it later. Just once.
Though, despite that he is divided on bringing you home. It would be nice, sure, but by the time that discussion comes up he isn't sure that's the best idea. Even less so with how those that do want you home seem to want to go about it, and just generally the kind of people they are. Impulsive. Strong. Threatening- they'll scare you and do more damage then help ease tensions, and he doesn't want that to happen. You don't deserve that- even if he barely knows you. Duke can feel it, you don't. Even then, they help people out, not hurt them, not like they did with you.
Duke wants to spend time with you, but he's willing to do that outside of the manor if it means making you more comfortable and warm up to him a little more. As long as he sees you he can't complain...
So when Dick messes up, he's upset. Like everyone else besides Cassandra he doesn't know what happened but knows that something absolutely went wrong. Dick usually wasn't so obvious about things like that either, but with how hurt and just... broken he looks, they could all tell. Duke could tell.
Granted, he's not upset enough to change his mind, and if anything it definitely makes him more adamant about not bringing you home yet, but he can’t find it in himself to be fully against the idea, even then.
The one thing he wants to do after that, if anything, is more determined to make things right.
If Dick of all people couldn't make it up to you, then hell, maybe Duke can.
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gotham-daydreams · 26 days
I do wonder if somehow The Batfam can see Reader POV in the past with some sort of technology or something (??) I just really need them to react and see how it's feels to be Reader
Well, Alfed does have his recordings, and no security footage is tough enough for them to not hack and sift through, so there is a way!
Even then, there are records of another side of the narrative that they haven't seen just yet- but the reader has already spilled out exists. Oh, sure, their room shows accomplishments they didn't care enough about to take with them or come back for, but what about hospitals? Friends' accounts on certain matters/events? Other posts that Tim just skimmed through because they didn't give him what he wanted immediately at the time? And so on and so forth!
After all, they've only seen the end result... but that doesn't mean the crumbs and pieces of the journey to those results are gone. Crumbs are still crumbs, after all.
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gotham-daydreams · 27 days
you just know me too well man, smh
i'm just here to display my dominance and amazing analyzing skills at finding you within 5 seconds
i think you know very well who i am, brother
How could you do this to me 😢
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gotham-daydreams · 27 days
I'd love to see the Batfam reaction if they were to actually see what went down in the park. Tim checking security cameras to assess the damage and sees dick and reader yelling at each other. Dick would get so much shit and I can't wait for chapter four to see their descent into madness<3 you did great, lovely, lovely chapter as always.
If they saw it then you know someone would definitely try to rush in and do some damage control (and 100% fail depending on where in the argument they decide to cut in/run into Dick and the Reader arguing). Tim would see it from the cameras, the others would just straight up hear it and or are just more likely to run into the whole thing- and definitely cursing Dick out all the while, praying that he does what everyone (even himself) wants him to do- and that's to shut his mouth and stop talking, LMAO
Even then, some might try to listen (especially when the Reader mentions certain things... like where they've been this entire time, how they've been hurt, etc), but cut in at some point when they are just baffled and taken aback like Dick.
Regardless, more detail and such on their reactions is under the cut :]
Bruce would be upset (who, in the family, isn't at this point...), and definitely try to cut things short and do some kind of damage control. Though depending on how much he hears or when he just so happens to overhear the two yelling at each other - I think he would stay to listen to what the Reader is saying before eventually going down to 'help'. Does it work? Probably not, I mean... what's more terrifying then seeing the Bat himself just appear out of thin air and essentially try to get the both of you to shut up? Especially since, again, depending on what he hears and or when he cuts in, Bruce might even try to interrogate the Reader on some things they said which... considering how things go in the chapter... yeah, the Reader definitely isn't in the mood to even entertain his questions. Not to mention that Bruce is one of the people who want to get the Reader home as soon as possible, so that's just extra worse- but as shown at the end of Pt.2 of Chapter 3, he can be reasoned with to some degree.
Damian would try to interrupt as soon as he even hears what's going on. Really, Bruce would be the only one who would be able to stop him (since they were traveling as a pair for that night), but that doesn't mean he won't continue to try. He definitely would have the "If Grayson doesn't shut up then I'll shup him up for him" mentality, especially if he very quickly catches on how what Dick is doing and saying is clearly having a negative impact on you - the only person he wants to hang around at the moment.
Jason would want to strangle Dick, and just to get him to stop, he just might. Though, you being there does stop him... until you keep screaming at Dick and he's even more convinced that he should just knock out Dick while he's at it. Just like Damian he would most likely try to intervene as soon as he even hears shouting and just knows that Dick is fucking everything up- but similar to Bruce, if and when certain things are said, he might hesitate or pause just to hear what the Reader has to say or just if what the Reader said caught him off guard. However, it mostly likely just makes him want to cut things off even more, but definitely just so that he can interrogate the reader over what he heard. Jason also just wants to bring the Reader home, but, in that moment he might just let them have a night before trying anything. If anyone knows when to give someone time to blow off some steam, especially after something like that? It's definitely going to be Jason.
As you said, Tim is definitely more likely to come across the whole thing on the cameras, and he feels similar to Jason and just wants to strangle Dick to make him shut up. I can see him trying to rush over to stop things, but does he do a very poor job at it? Absolutely. (Which... isn't saying much since honestly, in reality, anyone trying to intervene and such definitely just makes things worse, especially for the reader, even if they didn't mean to (just like Dick himself at the start of the park scene).) Man is not only lowkey stuck in a delusion at the moment, but also has said delusion shattered as he tries to cool things off- and before anyone knows it, hell, he might even get wrapped into things as a failed mediator of the situation. Similar to Dick, the more he scrambles and tries to reel things back, the more he fails and the worse the situation gets. Eventually, he ends up similar to Dick, and before they both know it, they're in the park by themselves, with you taking your leave- even if Tim definitely tries to chase after you which... goes about as well as you'd think.
Cassandra being the impulsive queen she is, and with nobody in the immediate vicinity to stop her, definitely just bodies Dick. Straight up. Body slam and all. Is it absolutely terrifying to see, especially when in the middle of an argument, crying your eyes out, and having the (arguably) worst night of your entire life? 100%. But is it appreciate to some extent until you realize "oh shit there's two of them now" and that, unlike Dick, Cassandra is very adamant about bringing you home no matter what? Maybe, but that's not here nor that. Regardless, Cassandra is pissed off, and unlike the end of the chapter, is definitely not afraid to do what she wanted since Bruce isn't around to say or do anything about it yet. Does it help in the long run? Not even a little, but hey, at least it's a little satisfying before reality sets in.
Maybe she'd try to drag Dick away, but she also doesn't want to lose track of you, or even let you out of her sight again, so that's not happening. Again, it's nice and all until she tries to drag you home.
Stephanie would also try to set in and cool things off even if she definitely feels more awkward about it, and kind of like Tim, would sort of end up being mixed into the argument- but I feel she would be more on the quiet side once that happens because, yeah, she feels bad. Like Dick, she recognizes that they kind of deserve everything the Reader is saying, and like Jason, Dick, and sort of like Bruce (minus the convincing part), Stephanie just lets the Reader go home once everything is said and done. Sure, she'd try to drag Dick away, but considering when that happens during the argument, that may be more difficult to do since at some point, Dick also loses himself within the hurtful words. She doesn't get put into a similar state like Dick, but feels equally awful, and kind of awkward. Especially since, well, she doesn't know what to do.
Barbara just straight up tries to drag Dick away no matter where in the argument she tries to interject. She's pissed, but doesn't want Dick and his big mouth to make things any worse than they already are, so she just rolls up to you two and drags him off no matter how upset he is too. However- well, she is most likely to see that from the cameras as well, and honestly hates watching it. Not because the Reader is wrong, but because they're right... though when they mention being hurt and such, that definitely catches her attention and she starts doing light research when they mention they 'could' be put into a hospital and nobody would come by or visit them. What she finds just makes her more upset. However, even if she didn't reach that point, still. Similar to Tim, when she sees what's going on in the cameras she tries to intervene. Rather that be by sending someone over, or just heading there herself (even if it is more likely to be the former).
However, I would also like to mention that most of them (aside from Tim, Cass, and maybe Damian (BIG maybe though)) actually wouldn't recognize the reader at first glance, and not only would have to do a double take, but it would cause Dick having to say the Reader's name for the rest of them to even know who Dick is talking to. Does that make things worse for them? Probably, and may even make some of their behavior more 'aggressive' or prominent because, well, they didn't even recognize the Reader right away, and it extra sucks since- y'know. They were even out in the first place to look for the Reader. So you know it definitely feels good knowing that you didn't even know who the person you were originally searching for even looked like until you notice that one of you is yelling at them- and doesn't feel awful at all.
Even then, as sort of 'hinted' at in Chapter 3, Stephanie and Barbara aren't full yanderes or even super deep into their development in that regard, so their reactions are bound to be more sensible, tame, and sane when it comes to the others and their own reactions and behaviors. But it definitely won't stay like that for long :]
Anyway, I hope this answered your question! And if you or anyone else needs any clarification on certain things, then please feel free to end in an ask!
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gotham-daydreams · 27 days
i'm just here to display my dominance and amazing analyzing skills at finding you within 5 seconds
i think you know very well who i am, brother
How could you do this to me 😢
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gotham-daydreams · 27 days
Hey Hey! After ya finish the Not series, do you think about doing something similar to Superman, our little Supes? like, like a father figure? oh, and part 3 is great!
If you guy want to see something similar with Big Blue, and maybe even his folks, then I'll see what I can cook up and I'll consider it!
Though, yes, one way or another we will be seeing Supes as a father figure 💛💛 and I'm glad you enjoyed part/chapter 3 :]
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gotham-daydreams · 27 days
I think they're asking about the summary of chapter 4?? I think.
Oh! Well if that's the case then I can give a very basic and very vague idea of what I have planned right now (which is subject to change, ofc).
If you want a super vague idea/summary: if you thought things went horrible in Chapter 3, you're in for it with the end of Chapter 4.
A less vague idea and summary would be that: its around a week or so after Chapter 3, the Batfam dunno what "leave me alone" means, and we get to spend some time with Alfred with the Reader - but let's just say that he hears something he doesn't like which leads us to the ending of the chapter :]
Will I say what the ending is? Nope! But hell, if I'm going to do a kidnapping then I might as well write it the way I want is all I'll say (I don't have anything against kidnappings in general when it comes to yanderes ofc! It just usually isn't my preferred method of 'trapping' typically, but hey, we're this far and I'm not gonna take back what I said :])
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gotham-daydreams · 27 days
Y/n is better than me because I would have thrown that cup of coffee at the mf’s face
Honestly, valid! It's good to do that when its hot, especially :]
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gotham-daydreams · 27 days
May i ask what chp 4 is about?
What do you mean?
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gotham-daydreams · 28 days
Здравствуйте, мне очень нравится как вы пишите.
Недавно прочитала Последнюю вышедшую часть серии - Not Now и первая часть мне очень напомнила атмосферой песни групп Дайте танк(!) и Электрофорез. Если быть точнее то песни Шанс и Следы ( альбом "Время собирать щебень") от группы ДТ(!) и песню Друзья (Ты и я) от группы Электрофорез.
Ещё чем то напомнило песню Самурай - Комсомольск, но не совсем.
Честно говоря я не особо уверена, что вы поймёте эти песни (слышала, что иностранцы (Я имею ввиду не русскоговорящие и кто не рос в постсоветском пространстве) плохо понимают песни этих групп)
Но если хотите я могу вам перевести текста этих песен:)
Hello, I really like the way you write.
I recently read the last released part of the series - "Not Now" and the first part reminded me very much of the atmosphere (vibes) of the songs of the groups Give (us) a Tank(!) and Electrophoresis. If be more exactly, the songs Chance and Traces (album "Time to collect rubble") from the group GaT(!) and the song Friends (You and me) from the Electrophoresis group.
It also reminded me of the song Samurai - Komsomolsk, but not quite.
To be honest, I'm not really sure that you will understand these songs (I've heard that foreigners (I mean not Russian speakers and who did not grow up in the post-Soviet space.) don't understand the songs of these bands well)
But if you want, I can translate the lyrics of these songs for you :)
I found a few translations, and though I don't know how accurate they are, from what I could tell, I can see how they fit with the chapter! Maybe I don't understand them as well as I can, but I think I do well enough to get the general idea of what they could mean, and again I can see how they could fit :]
Thank you for sharing these songs! And I'm glad you enjoy my writing!
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gotham-daydreams · 28 days
The batfam coming after reader
Reader: Alfred, pick me up im scared 😭😭
(lets ignore the fact that alfred is the one that got the batfam to do that in the first place.)
I also had to quickly doodle this one just for the hell of it
Tumblr media Tumblr media
First image: (points to Batfam on rooftop) Batfam 100% not scheming to 'bring Reader home'
Second image: Reader: "Al- pick me up pls-"
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gotham-daydreams · 28 days
IF! if at least one superheroes or anyone else has a Romantic feelings for The Reader, what w the Batfam react? And are you going to make a Romantic!Yandere in the future?
If anyone has romantic feelings for the reader, than you can bet that the family is absolutely not happy about it- and if its a superhero? Well, I guess Bruce's paranoia will really come into clutch, and for their sake- let's hope it isn't someone who he already has a plan to defeat ;]
On the topic of romantic yanderes, I absolutely am! I already have a few ideas for stories with a romanic Batfam *cough cough* Letters, Brotherhood and Co., Intruder, etc *cough COUGH-* Ugh, excuse me! Guess something was stuck in there- haha!
Even then, I also do have a few more ideas for plantic stuf... but, yep! I'm definitely writing romantic yanderes in the future :]
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gotham-daydreams · 28 days
When reader peep through the peephole on their door, do they see nightwing's chest or what?
Just curious, and this is also for the fanart im talking about lol.
I would say his chest, shoulders, and a bit of his chin as well on the outer edge of the peephole. So more of his upper body - and enough to see the symbol :]
If you need anymore specifics feel free to ask!
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gotham-daydreams · 28 days
Do you know what I’m weirdly looking forward for? The fact reader has a life on their own. Cause after chapter 3 and the more we learn about the readers life the more I can picture their friend as my friend and as it is I’m moving with my buddy soon (hopefully) so I know a lot of people are excited for the Batfamily related stuff (I am too) but I’m also excited to see the reader live with their buddy and hang out with their friends and oh my god I picture the reader with a pet rat named muffins and muffins just climbs up their shoulder like a little rascal.
Also maybe this is spiteful but I kinda wanna have the Batfamily watch reader with their buddy and feel envious about the fact that they’ve moved on and really don’t seem to care or think about the family anymore.
... Me when I glance at Chapter 4: *sweats nervously*
Okay, but really, I'm glad!! And I will say that there will definitely be a few more scenes and such with the reader's life outside of the family and their friends! And if asked I might even do a few more pre-chapter 3 & 4 (definitely more pre Chap 4 considering... the planned end to that-), etc etc. Since I do think that the Not Series will maybe be around 6 chapters in total? Which, yeah, isn't a lot- but that is also because I have a lot of other fic ideas and such planned out that I'd like to share with you guys! ... And that doesn't include oneshots and ideas you guys send in that may turn into something more!
Regardless, I love how you picture the reader and their life with their roommate and muffins :]
And don't worry! The Batfam will be very, very envious and jealous :)
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