grandshenhe · 1 year
Is Shenhe and Chongyun blood-related?
In Shenhe's backstory we are never told whether she had any siblings, all we knew was that she was part of a branch family in a clan full of exorcist. In Chongyun's voiceline about her, he mentions how according to their positions in the family tree, he would have to refer to her as "Auntie Shenhe". He never uses clan positions or branch families leading me to believe that Shenhe is most likely a cousin of one of Chongyuns parents, or Shenhe DOES have an unmentioned sibling who is Chongyuns mom, or dad. I feel like this question has a simple answer, but i really wanted to write about it so...
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grandshenhe · 1 year
Why does Shenhe dislike Xingqiu?
With my introduction out of the way, I think this should be my second post. The question 'Why does Shenhe dislike XIngqiu?' has been in my head but the answer to this question all lies with Chongyun. Xingqiu's voiceline on Shenhe is as follows:
I find that Miss Shenhe seems to look at me somewhat fiercely, so i daren't approach her lightly. Bizzare, did i inadvertently upset her? Or maybe... upset someone close to her?
First, yes Xingqiu, yes you did. Secondly, this implies that Shenhe is aware of Xingqius antics towards Chongyun. We know Xingqiu tends to prank Chongyun a lot from Chongyuns hangout quest and from his voiceline on Xingqiu.
Though Shenhe can't feel or act like normal mortals due to her red ropes, it's clear she cares for Chongyun. He is her nephew and the fact that he's alive surprises her. Her voiceline on Chongyun:
It's hard for me to believe that... I still have living relatives in this world. If he has an difficulties with his training, I am more than willing to help enlighten him. However, he will need to meet me alone in the mountains. Their family is too... sociable. I wouldn't know how to turn down their invitations without being impolite.
So even if Shenhe prefers not to socialize, she's still more than willing to help Chongyun with his training. It's not surprising that she finds Xingqiu... unlikeable.
This is my first post going into Shenhe as a character so if it's a little sloppy, or hard to follow, i completely understand. In short Shenhe dislikes Xinqiu because he seems to bother/prank Chongyun.
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grandshenhe · 1 year
I would just like to make an introduction to my account. First off, I am a roleplayer. I usually use the actual app Genshin Impact, switching characters to show who I'm playing. I find this really fun and using the ingame map, models, etc. Shenhe is my favourite Genshin character, but I also really love Keqing and Yae Miko. I am also really into digital art, i really love Lavendertowne. I really like her artstyle and i would love to replicate it in some way. Am i a huge nerd? Yes. Do i get judged for it? When i express it offline, yes. That's one of the reasons why i got Tumblr, I would just like to relax and share whatever i'm into without being judged. But the main reason i got Tumblr was so that i could share Shenhe as a character. I want to play her right when roleplaying, whenever i try looking a quick thing up like, "Why does shenhe like x?" I just get bombarded with builds and other things that don't answer my question. Anyway i think that's all for now
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