greenandsorrow ยท 4 days
the price for misbehaving (ii)
post rut Alastor x gn!reader
WARNINGS; the aftermath of a very horny fic, mentions of deer mating season, friends to lovers, deer/doe!demon!reader, reader with self worth doubts, a sprinkle of angst, curly-haired!Alastor, undertones of Alastor being a momma's boy, mentions of his past, making out, fluff (literally), plot
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Dividers by; @saradika-graphics & @cafekitsune
Please do not repost or directly copy my work and don't use it on AI platforms either.โค๏ธ
From a smutty oneshot to a multi chap fic. Nothing can compare to the chunkiness of the 1st chapter, but I'm satisfied with this one as well. Enjoy you lovely beings and thanks for being patient with me!!! The art above is by @kalico-of-doom.
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The only time Alastor isn't smiling is when he's sleeping you have come to realize. You can't help but notice how tired he looks as you lay motionless beside him. You start petting his ears and he groans softly, nuzzling deeper into your touch without even bothering to open his eyes. A small smile forms on his mouth, a real one. Is this really the same man that has been fucking you until your legs stop working?
In the morning you wake up in his bed, a daily occurrence at this point. However, you weren't expecting him to be staring deeply into your contemned soul.
"A- Al?"
Your voice is hoarse from sleep. You scratch your deer ears, flop on your back and stretch. Alastor keeps staring, studying you and every micro expression you make.
You can feel fear creeping into your gut. Is this the end? Is the rutting season gone? Does he want to kill you and eat you now? Will he kick you out? One thing is certain.
He doesn't need you anymore.
After all, you were just a friend helping him go through a difficult time. Nothing more. Still, you would be lying to yourself if you said that you haven't caught any feelings. From his forceful claiming that hid a great deal of desperation to his tender claiming last night, Alastor has left more than just his mark on you. One could say that he owns you in the most primal and raw of ways, but if he chooses to deny that... that's all it takes really, then you were nothing but a fucktoy.
"Um... I- I'm gonna take a shower"
Is that you doing the walk of shame? Alastor is a gentleman, why isn't he saying anything?! Not a single thing that could make you feel less terrible about the whole situation!
Now that his hormones have died down and you are far from aroused as well, getting out of bed and standing completely naked in front of him... It makes you feel exposed, vulnerable, small and inferior to him.
This new emotion, the deep embarrassment that has your face feeling hot and your stomach to churn with anxiety makes you dress up and leave "your friend's" room in the speed of light.
You lock yourself in your much smaller room, preparing a bubble bath for your spent and tired body. You smile to yourself a little, remembering how Charlie had made sure you'd have your own bathtub so that you can read your books while soaking in the warm water.
Sinking in the water, having it envelope you, cleanse your energy and take his scent off of you feels nice. You let your eyes droop until they close lazily, you allow your shoulders to relax, your jaw to unclench. A long and audible sigh. Your hands around your frame.
You start crying.
If another deer demon resided in the hotel, he might as well had spent his breeding season with them. You weren't special. The mere thought of such a thing is killing you. You were just another victim of the radio demon's manipulation.
Still, it's your fault as well. For believing this was more than what it appeared to be? Maybe. You are getting more and more confused by the minute.
But oh the way he had been repeating your name like a prayer... It must mean something to him, you being there for him that is. You didn't even judge the way he had spilled tears of sexual frustration when handjobs weren't enough to relieve the ache in his loins.
Who else has seen Alastor Hartfelt of pride under this light? No one. You are the only exception. He wouldn't have allowed you to get so close to him if he didn't trust you.
As your thoughts keep overlapping and fighting with each other and you continue to cry softly, you peak up the all too familiar sound of static.
Another unfair thing! He can melt into shadow and go anywhere he pleases... The sound intensifies as he approaches... you? Is he really thinking of invading your space like that? You can't even cry and be miserable at peace! Not like you're in Hell.
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"Bonjou! Konmen s'apรฉ kouri? Huh?"
Not only are you not in the mood to ask him to translate what he just said, but Alastor literally spawned in your bathroom and he's now acting like this is okay to do. The way he's readjusting his lapels and smiles smugly like he wasn't a grunting mess last night infuriates you even further.
"Can you please get the fuck out of here?"
"Mh?" he just stands there in his usual apathy. He's even holding his cane.
"Can you at least stop smiling for a second?"
"Oh ho! I'm afraid I can't do that my dear!"
"But you can definitely get your ass out of my room! I-" The sound of your voice carries to your ears like a child whining. There's a lump in your throat that you're beginning to fear you won't be able to keep down for much longer. If your face and hair weren't already wet from the bath, then it would be crystal clear that you were weeping like an idiot before he suit himself in.
Alastor is quick to gauge your body language. You're hugging your knees, shielding your naked body from him. Sometimes you swear he can tell your emotional state by sniffing the air around you. It's like your scent is enough for him to piece together the puzzle you are. The radio demon scranches his nose.
"What's there to be so sad over y/n? Today is a beautiful day!"
Is he playing stupid?! Because if he's doing this on purpose... Well, there's not much you can do now that he doesn't need you anymore.
Your lower lip trembles at this terrible thought and the lump in your throat escapes your notice, resulting in a broken and weak sob to come out of you.
Tilting his head to the side way more than necessary and squinting his eyes, Alastor asks "Are you pregnant?"
You freeze and widen your eyes. "I- Is that even... even fuckin' possible in the afterlife?"
The fucker chuckles!
"Oh I don't think so, at least not for lowly demons such as yourself!" The worst part is that he wasn't trying to insult you by saying that, but rather calm you down.
"Go to Hell."
You can't help it now. You break down in tears. Your chest feels tight as the sobs ripple through your body and make your frame retreat to itself. In addition to your general misery, the water has gone cold, causing you to shiver.
The overlord places his cane against the tiles of the wall and crouches down so he is eye-level with you. He won't let it show just yet, but Alastor is very worried. There's a guilt eating him from the inside.
While he was in heat, in breeding mode, or whatever you wanna call it, he wasn't fully aware of his actions. Alastor's mind was blurred from the desire to mate and basically reproduce. Now that he's back to his senses, he has come to the unpleasant realisation that he might have caused you harm in the process of letting out his passion.
And this simply won't do! This deer demon has done cruel and vile things that he doesn't particularly feel bad about, but hurting you... He would never be able to forgive himself.
You were there for him and showed him a great deal of love and understanding.
So, that's the reason you left so hurriedly from his quarters... He hurt you. He hurt you. He hurt you. He hurt you. He hurt you. He hurt you. He hurt you. He hurt you. He hurt you. He hurt you. HE DID IT TO YOU.
Alastor's permanent grin fades just slightly. It is replaced by concern, evident in the way he looks at your trembling body in the water. He reaches out to gently touch your skin, checking for any signs of pain or discomfort. Your friend's voice softens, it's now filled with genuine worry and regret.
"I'm so sorry darling... I didn't know I caused you... pain."
It's true that you have many bruises and hickeys decorating various places on your body, but that's not the reason behind your breakdown.
"I- It's not th-" you just look down. You can't even explain yourself.
The radio demon's worry deepens after your vague response and he quickly takes action to be by your side, pulling you out of the bathtub and into a tight hug. Alastor whispers reassurances in your ear, his voice filled with remorse.
"I'm so sorry... We should have stopped when it got too much."
No one has heard Alastor apologize before, not even God, for all that's worth.
His expression softens even further as he sees your tears that just keep coming. He carefully brushes them away, worry etched into every line of his handsome face.
"I didn't mean to make you cry. You must know that."
"I'm not in pain... Just sad."
You do look rather devastated.
Alastor is almost frozen in place from all the guilt since he can now see the bruises forming on your skin. The water camouflaged them, but now they are exposed for him to observe and take in.
He swallows hard, his voice shaking with emotion like never before. "Y/n... I didn't mean to do that. I didn't. None of it."
"None of it?"
Your voice is muffled due to how you have hid your face in his chest. At least he's warm.
"My intention wasn't to cause you injury or physical pain."
You look up at him, finally making eye contact. He's looking at you as well, eyes shining with regret, guilt and what appears to be shame.
What really surprises you though, is the pleading tone of his voice. It's one thing to be vulnerable because he's hungry for sexual contact and another because he genuinely cares for you.
"Can you ever forgive me for this? I promise, it was never my true intention. I just... I got carried away. And now... It's not an excuse..."
"You really meant none of it to happen between us?"
"Now now little deer! Someone's getting ahead of themselves! That's not what I implied at all."
You sigh and settle in his lap.
"Oh mon cher, did you really think I regret our... stimulating times?"
Alastor's long arms press you against him, his clothes absorbing the water on your still bare skin. He then peaks you up bridal style and carries you to your bed. It's not king sized like his but he doesn't seem to care for such detail right now.
"Now let me see you."
"I said I'm fine!"
"The artist will be the evaluator of his work."
"No Al! Artists get critics to evaluate their work."
"Hmmm, did you say something dear? Cause I didn't hear you!"
It's a common tactic of his to hide his real feelings by being chatty and pleasant. You of course know that, but in your current state it's very validating to have him take care of you.
So he did care. And he still does after having stopped necessarily needing you.
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Alastor isn't joking around. He's searching your body, subconsciously writing down every scratch, every bruise and hickey, every bite mark.
Ears alert on top of his head, eyes wide open. He can even make out the shape of his fingertips on your hips... He turns you on your stomach only to discover his whole palms are imprinted on your buttocks. Meanwhile, you just allow him to inspect your body for as long as he wishes. All the crying has left you drained but also tranquil and calm.
"I'm fine Al. Really."
"Shhh, I'm not done evaluating the damage."
"It's just a bite or two."
"I drew so much blood..."
"Yes and?"
He just keeps observing, keeps rolling you this way and that. The scratches and the bruises are the most triggering to him. They remind Alastor of unhappy memories, in the days when he still hadn't taken good care of his father. As long as he hasn't permanently marked you it should be fine.
"I'll ask Niffty for some ice."
"N- no... Can we just... sit here? Like... cuddle?"
"You were my solace."
He gently presses a finger on your lips to shush you.
"Thank you."
"You don't have to say that. It's not like I helped you with a flat tire or something."
"I don't do cuddling."
"Nor touching for that matter. But... It's not that bad, huh? Just let me put something on first."
You stand up and go to your closet to pick something to put on. Your hair is still wet and your legs still feel sore from all of your intense moments, but it was a relief to know he still wants you in his life after the rut has ended.
Alastor's behaviour makes you wonder. He's contradictory. From fucking your throat in his radio station, to bending you over various objects in the hotel, taking you in missionary, against walls, windows and doors, he still seems pretty reluctant to give himself to intimacy. Unlike those times, his mind is now clear, no overwhelming heat involved. Intimacy -to him- equals vulnerability and vulnerability equals pain. The inevitable way in which things had worked out in his life.
"But we did sleep together until yesterday."
The radio demon cannot deny you. He's already sat at the edge of your bed, taking off his coat, shoes and anything else that could make the experience any less enjoyable.
"I wish I could say you'll take this to your grave."
You grin brightly and chuckle at his silly, little remark. Your confidence has been restored to an extent after he made it clear that he does concern himself with your wellbeing.
"But why do you not like being touched? Physical contact is a form of affection."
"Or a form of punishment, of intimidation, domination and... many other vile things my dear..." His voice is too low for your liking as he says that. You don't know what burdens Alastor's shoulders, but it can't be good. And I'm not even referring to his own cruelty and the pain he has inflicted on others. Maybe his opinion of physical contact is connected to the endless scars on his body.
"Oh well whatevs Al. I just want my cuddles."
The way his ears are pulled back and he looks at you almost like he's a shy and innocent boy makes your heart bit faster. At least there's no velvet rubbing off his antlers this time.
Alastor is extremely gentle and cautious in the way he handles you now. He lays down on his back and you use his chest as a pillow. It's a cozy place. His chest. He has some fluff there, just like Angel Dust, but unlike the former he hides it under layers of clothing and keeps it unstyled. Still, it's undoubtedly soft and fuzzy and you like to sink your hand in it or swirl the soft hairs around your fingertips. The radio demon isn't complaining as one might expect, it's soothing to have someone touch his body in a non-hostile manner. It's refreshing to have someone appreciate his body as it is.
Would you also appreciate it if you saw him as he once was?
His father hadn't. He could handle the child of a mixed marriage, but Alastor wasn't just mixed, but also looked the part and according to the racist beliefs of his father in the 1900's that was a bad thing.
As you're nuzzling against his long and elegant neck, your friend's mind wanders. You lived during the 90's. What would it have been like if he had also lived during that period? Everything would have been different. The town he grew up in, his relationship with his parents, his career as a radio host and a serial killer.
"Did you know that my hair is naturally curly?"
Your ears perk up at that and Alastor gently takes hold of them and pulls at them from the root, just slightly.
"That feels nice..."
"Oh I know."
"What were you saying?"
"Oh yes, my hair's curly! Since I was nothing but a tiny, adorable baby boy! ...my mother... she..." His hand lets go of your ears and you can feel the rise and fall of his chest as he takes a deep breath and lets it out in a long sigh.
There's a melancholy about him now and you feel the need to comfort him. He's opening up to you by being genuine and vulnerable. Alastor is sharing a part of who he used to be and the least you can do is listen. You resume your activities on his fluff, almost massaging the area. He seems to like it, for a moment closing his eyes and letting a sound like purring.
"Can you keep this up?"
"Sure Al."
"Merci. What was I saying...? Oh yes of course! Mama and my curly mop."
The radio effect of his voice and his arms around you make you feel like you're a kid being told a bedtime story. It's a good thing the other residents have gotten used to you and Alastor disappearing together for long periods of time. His soft chest fluff under the pads of your fingers only intensifies the feeling of being told a story while tucked in bed, warm and safe from the outside world.
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"It's truly amazing how much power is given to hair in certain cultures. In my culture, dear y/n, hair texture served as an indicator of social status. My family -a wedding between a white man and a creole woman of colour... oh ho dear! It was something else back then...-
As a kid, I was always the one teased for having โ€œweird hairโ€, as if it didnโ€™t match my other facial features. When school began, my sweet mama, she... she would put my hair in locs to protect the curls. Apparently they didn't like that at school! So my father... he radio static intensifies he made my mother shave it. He claimed that if my mother and I wore our hair differently then no one would take us seriously."
You take a moment to digest this new piece information. It's true that locs enclose the natural hair and help it stay intact. It's also true that Alastor grew up in a time when it was very difficult to be of a cultural background which was different to the majority's. You choose to not comment on anything, that's not your job.
You swirl some more of his fluff around your fingertips before moving your hand to his hair.
"Well, it's not curly in the afterlife."
You feel the vibration of his chuckle through your check that is resting on his chest.
"But it is!"
Alastor lets out a satisfied sound as he presses you even tighter against him and begins rumbling about his hair care routine. He uses anti frizz oils, heat protection oils and then blow dries it. Truth is, that's just the steps you managed to actually register in your brain, because a sleepiness started overtaking you as you stayed laying in his embrace.
You're now fading between consciousness and unconsciousness. It almost feels like you're floating. Is this what Heaven is like?
Maybe it is. Maybe it is not. But you did manage to find your little oasis in Hell. And so did he.
Alastor looks down at your much smaller frame curled up against him. Your breath has slowed down and your eyes are closing. Why does it feel so warm and soft to have you close to him like this? He knows he shouldn't be letting his guard down, but he can't help it when it comes to you. The radio demon is enamoured with you.
Wanting to make the experience even cozier and dreamier for his favourite sinner, Alastor starts singing quietly. His sense of rhythm is immaculate and his jazzy tunes make you fall sound asleep in no time whatsoever.
When you wake up an hour or so later, he still hasn't moved, but he acknowledges that you're awake with a small hum.
"Oh wakey wakey my darling y/n!" had been his usual response to you waking up while he was in the rut. However, right now he appears to be much more unguarded and raw than his usual persona. You haven't even completely woken up and you're already wondering about this new side of him.
"Al? Is everything okay?"
"Oh why yes it is, but there's this thought occupying my brilliant mind..."
"Care to share it with my not so brilliant one?"
You expected him to laugh or even chuckle but Alastor goes straight to the point. "All this... making love and we still haven't kissed. Not really."
Kissing him would mean that you actually view him romantically and that whatever "friends with benefits" situation you had going on will get destroyed. That's not a bad thing though. Despite your initial fears of your fellow deer demon being too emotionally unavailable and only needing you to calm down the torment of his lust, a kiss wouldn't hurt. Kisses are good.
"We can change that y'know."
You make the first step by leaning towards him, basically giving him the green light that you're consenting to this. Alastor notices it and loses no time, pressing his lips against yours while wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close into another embrace. He smiles widely as you kiss, his head tilting slightly as he runs his fingers through your hair. After a few seconds pass, he pulls his head back, slowly breaking the kiss as he looks into your eyes with a broad smile on his face.
"Aren't you delightful?!" and he dives back in.
Alastor's second kiss with you is firm and passionate, but not overly aggressive. His lips are very warm and he seems to enjoy the intimacy of taking his time to explore your mouth. As the kiss progresses, he gradually increases the pressure of his lips on yours. His arms wrap around your waist and his tongue slowly wanders further into the welcoming heat of your mouth.
Once again -just like when it came to sex- you have come to the conclusion that Alastor isn't that experienced, but some raw power, an instinct if you will, provides him with the ability to do all the right moves at the right time.
And then you just break character. You burst into laughter. His large and pointed ears twitch at that change of pace.
"When I thought I was doing a good job-"
"Oh no, that's not it at all. I'm just happy." You're giddy and so is he.
Maybe not needing you but actually wanting you isn't the worst case scenario.
To be continued.
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363 notes ยท View notes
greenandsorrow ยท 4 days
After Dark, chapter 1
Officer K x fem!human!reader
Masterpost-> click here
Warnings-> 18+, MDNI, descriptions of a brothel and of male genitals, sex!worker!reader, premature ejaculation, replicant cum, milking table, death & loss, loneliness, touch-starved K, third person's pov, reader has the pseudonym "Melody"
I'm still on SEMI-HIATUS, but I got super sick and wrote this to distract myself. K lovers unite!!!
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Officer K,
trash can...
He stares out from the cruiser's window, thinking, analyzing and contemplating his options. K has been even lonelier and more touch deprived as of late. He just went through another long day... and he is tired, not to mention sexually frustrated.
K's muscles tense slightly.
He's used to being alone, but there's something about this moment that makes him uneasy. Earlier today he saw a couple being affectionate in public. And he could swear their actions weren't driven by lust, but love. Love is a chemical reaction that occurs in the brain. He does have a brain, even if it's synthetic. So hypothetically speaking... He could love. He wants to love.
But to be loved...
...now that's something that he doesn't believe could ever happen to him. You can't love an object.
K's heart races as he tries to focus on the neon lights flickering outside. He has a hard on. But the tightness in his groin seems to match perfectly the one in his chest.
He's not even supposed to feel sexual desire. He's a tool, a toy in certain situations. If Joshi requests him to fuck, then he shall. Consent is for humans.
Feeling the tension in his manufactured body, K tries to fight the physical discomfort. His defined jaw clenches slightly, as he continues to stare out into the night. You know, it's not easy dealing with all of this alone. But then again, when did he have someone to share his struggles with?
He never did.
The replicant has been thinking of saving up to buy a Joi. Still, that's the last thing occupying his thoughts as of now.
He hasn't fucked or masturbated in months.
K swallows thickly, trying to push down the ache in his loins. He's meant to be stronger than whatever urges occur in his programming as it keeps updating, evolving like any other living creature does.
He has considered visiting a brothel. K isn't proud of his sexuality, nor his penis, simply because he's a replicant. Every single body part of his has been made according to someone else's whim. So, he has settled for the alternative of a milking table. That way he can experience pleasure without exposing himself whole.
His choices are to either park the cruiser and walk home -drowning his emotions and desires once again-, or drive and park a few blocks away from the brothel he has in mind.
The officer needs to do something. Anything. Just to take the edge off. He takes a deep breath, trying to calm his racing thoughts and the throbbing sensation in his crotch.
He has to visit that milking table, his balls keep sending small shockwaves of pain in all his lower regions.
K looks down, running a hand through his short, bristly hair. He decides on the second choice. And so he walks to the small and quiet brothel he had in mind and asks for the milking table. KD6-3.7 is very hot and bothered. On top of that, he also feels out of place and awkward.
He is now being guided to the table that's currently unoccupied. There are three of them, in different rooms. The metal surface is covered by a thin and worn out mattress. There's a solid coloured curtain going around its four legs. The girl must be there. Hidden from view. Her silhouette can faintly be seen if you look at the curtain from a certain angle.
Melody is the girl under the table. Only her voice can be heard. Sweet and kind.
K's heart races as he hears the soft female voice, but his face remains impassive. He swallows hard, trying to maintain his composure.
He hesitates for a moment, then slowly undoes his pants, revealing his already throbbing member.
"Come closer... A little birdie told me that you're new here... Is that so, handsome?"
Taking a step closer, his member bobs slightly.
"Yeah... I am."
He's really trying to ignore the heat that's spreading through his body as he gets closer to the source of the voice.
"That's okay sweetie... Come get comfy up there and place your pretty shaft through the hole for me."
K nods stiffly -not that she can see him-, doing as he's told. He climbs onto the table, feeling exposed and vulnerable. His cock is throbbing painfully now, leaking light blue pre-cum.
The so-called "Melody" is surprised at the sight. He has an impressive endowment. Is it natural? A custom-made set for a replicant perhaps? Noticing the colour of his pre-cum, it becomes clear to her that he isn't a human like she is. A client is a client though, so she doesn't even bring it up. He's not the first replicant to come here, nor the last. The majority of her clients are humans, but does it even matter? No.
"You're perfect, honey..."
She cups his balls and he gasps softly in response to the new and sudden contact. He's still adjusting his position on top of the table, getting as comfortable as possible.
"H- honey?"
K questions, his voice betraying his intense arousal. It's husky and low now. Usually he isn't expressive, but there's no one to shout at him for showing emotion here.
"Why? Do you want me to call you by your name? You don't like being my honey?"
Her voice is the sweetest sound he has heard in his life. She massages his balls. They're heavy. Most of the time clients don't talk to her but he is different.
He groans softly, his hips jerking involuntarily as his balls are massaged.
"J- just call me K..."
"K... okay..."
She repeats his name, testing it on her tongue. She smiles. His dick is unbelievably rigid. Melody uses her index finger to tease his dripping slit. K shivers from the sensation, a moan escaping his lips despite his earlier attempt at restraint.
"Ah... that feels... good..."
His hips buck forward, seeking more contact with her delicate and soft hand. He hadn't planned to be this vocal, but his nerves are off the roof.
The girl traces her thumb over the head of his cock and his breath hitches at the sensation, his hips thrusting forward once again. K's hands clench into fists, fighting for control.
"Stop... don't tease me..."
He pleads, his voice ragged with desire. The replicant sounds almond ready to whimper, so Melody ceases her teasing touches.
Men are usually rude to her, but this guy sounds shy and scared. How does he look like? Her curiosity grows as she hears his heavy breathing intensifying. His voice is deep but low. It sends shivers down her spine.
Melody wraps a hand around his thick length.
A shudder runs through his body as he feels her hand encircle his pulsating cock. He gasps softly and swallows loud enough for her to hear under the table.
"I... I can't... I'm going to cum..."
He warns her, his voice trembling with need. A part of him craves to hear her voice guiding him through his impending orgasm.
Melody hasn't even stroked him once. He's probably been deprived of touch for quite a while to be this sensitive... so very soon.
His voice is ragged, his breath coming in short gasps as his cock jerks in her hand.
"I... I just need... please..."
K groans softly, arching his back as if trying to get closer to the source of the pleasure. She gently begins stroking his cock.
"I got you baby~"
"D- da- damn..."
He lets out a long, low moan, his hips stutter when he feels her hand start jerking off his hard member.
Officer K is uncharacteristically loud and the girl under the table feels bad for him. It's like he barely feels this way in his everyday life.
He grits his teeth, trying to muffle the sounds as his body trembles with each stroke. His sensitive cock throbs in Melody's hand, leaking pre-cum as he nears his release.
As she starts stroking him faster, she gets to see the way his balls begin tightening. And all that in less than ten minutes.
"O- fuck... I'm gonna cum..."
K's voice has a certain strain to it now. Melody can hear him pant as the sensations she's causing builds to an unbearable amount of pleasure.
She's glad that he can't see her smirk when she decides to push back his foreskin. Usually replicants are made 'cut', but with this one, they went for a 100% natural look .
"ah- Oh fuck..."
He lets out a muffled moan against the mattress, arching his back as she pushes back his foreskin. A bead of pre-cum drips from the tip of his cock, signaling that his release is very very close.
The girl rubs the newly exposed skin with two fingers. He groans, his body shuddering as he feels her touch on the sensitive skin beneath his foreskin. His cock throbs and leaks more light blue pre-cum in anticipation of his climax. His hips buck upwards, seeking more friction from the kind girl's hand.
The way K reacts is new to her. Just when she gets used to hearing grunts and a few "faster" and "good job slut", she now has to pleasure this needy but reserved man, with the surprisingly big cock. There's a weird pang of sympathy inside her towards this K.
Melody is now jerking him off thoroughly, her only goal is to bring him over the edge.
"Be a good boy and cum for me K."
His whole body tenses, a strangled cry escaping his lips as he finally releases all the pent-up pressure. Waves of intense pleasure wash over him, his cock pulsating rhythmically in Melody's gentle and simultaneously firm grasp.
He's shivering violently, his cum shooting between her fingers, coating her palm and painting a warm, sticky trail on the floor. The intensity of his orgasm doesn't seem to wane as he continues to pump more hot cum onto her hand.
Melody squeezes his cock, his body spasming in response, his seed flowing steadily.
"Oh fuck..."
K groans again, his hips bucking as he empties his seed on the unknown woman's hand. His breathing is ragged, his hips jerking slightly as she continues to stroke his now softening cock.
"S- sorry... didn't mean... to be so loud..."
His voice is husky, still trembling with desire.
"It's okay sweetie..."
He's silent for a few seconds.
"I appreciate what you did..."
"You literally paid for this, love~"
When their time comes to an end, his departure is rather unceremonious. Melody falls silent under the table. It feels like she just vanished. The pimp marches in to collect the price of her services. K is forced to pull his pants up with zero time to recover or experience the afterglow of his orgasm... and leave. He wanted to bid her goodbye.
Days pass by and K's work consumes most of his time. But every now and then, he finds himself thinking about the night at the milking table. He remembers the way that girl's hands had felt on his skin, the pleasure she had given him.
Her tender voice haunts him and her fingertips have left him aching for more. Despite the taboo nature of their encounter, he can't shake the feeling that there is something special about her. Or maybe that's just his wishful thinking.
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Support your struggling gal! Even a single penny means the world coming from you! Thank you so much!๐Ÿซถ CLICK HERE (PayPal)
You can ask to be tagged in the following chaptersโญ
Dividers used; @saradika-graphics
Do not copy or repost my work. Do not use it on platforms that have to do with AI.
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greenandsorrow ยท 6 days
girl are you alive?
Yeah, I'm good!๐Ÿฉท
0 notes
greenandsorrow ยท 12 days
After Dark, chapter 1
Officer K x fem!human!reader
Masterpost-> click here
Warnings-> 18+, MDNI, descriptions of a brothel and of male genitals, sex!worker!reader, premature ejaculation, replicant cum, milking table, death & loss, loneliness, touch-starved K, third person's pov, reader has the pseudonym "Melody"
I'm still on SEMI-HIATUS, but I got super sick and wrote this to distract myself. K lovers unite!!!
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Officer K,
trash can...
He stares out from the cruiser's window, thinking, analyzing and contemplating his options. K has been even lonelier and more touch deprived as of late. He just went through another long day... and he is tired, not to mention sexually frustrated.
K's muscles tense slightly.
He's used to being alone, but there's something about this moment that makes him uneasy. Earlier today he saw a couple being affectionate in public. And he could swear their actions weren't driven by lust, but love. Love is a chemical reaction that occurs in the brain. He does have a brain, even if it's synthetic. So hypothetically speaking... He could love. He wants to love.
But to be loved...
...now that's something that he doesn't believe could ever happen to him. You can't love an object.
K's heart races as he tries to focus on the neon lights flickering outside. He has a hard on. But the tightness in his groin seems to match perfectly the one in his chest.
He's not even supposed to feel sexual desire. He's a tool, a toy in certain situations. If Joshi requests him to fuck, then he shall. Consent is for humans.
Feeling the tension in his manufactured body, K tries to fight the physical discomfort. His defined jaw clenches slightly, as he continues to stare out into the night. You know, it's not easy dealing with all of this alone. But then again, when did he have someone to share his struggles with?
He never did.
The replicant has been thinking of saving up to buy a Joi. Still, that's the last thing occupying his thoughts as of now.
He hasn't fucked or masturbated in months.
K swallows thickly, trying to push down the ache in his loins. He's meant to be stronger than whatever urges occur in his programming as it keeps updating, evolving like any other living creature does.
He has considered visiting a brothel. K isn't proud of his sexuality, nor his penis, simply because he's a replicant. Every single body part of his has been made according to someone else's whim. So, he has settled for the alternative of a milking table. That way he can experience pleasure without exposing himself whole.
His choices are to either park the cruiser and walk home -drowning his emotions and desires once again-, or drive and park a few blocks away from the brothel he has in mind.
The officer needs to do something. Anything. Just to take the edge off. He takes a deep breath, trying to calm his racing thoughts and the throbbing sensation in his crotch.
He has to visit that milking table, his balls keep sending small shockwaves of pain in all his lower regions.
K looks down, running a hand through his short, bristly hair. He decides on the second choice. And so he walks to the small and quiet brothel he had in mind and asks for the milking table. KD6-3.7 is very hot and bothered. On top of that, he also feels out of place and awkward.
He is now being guided to the table that's currently unoccupied. There are three of them, in different rooms. The metal surface is covered by a thin and worn out mattress. There's a solid coloured curtain going around its four legs. The girl must be there. Hidden from view. Her silhouette can faintly be seen if you look at the curtain from a certain angle.
Melody is the girl under the table. Only her voice can be heard. Sweet and kind.
K's heart races as he hears the soft female voice, but his face remains impassive. He swallows hard, trying to maintain his composure.
He hesitates for a moment, then slowly undoes his pants, revealing his already throbbing member.
"Come closer... A little birdie told me that you're new here... Is that so, handsome?"
Taking a step closer, his member bobs slightly.
"Yeah... I am."
He's really trying to ignore the heat that's spreading through his body as he gets closer to the source of the voice.
"That's okay sweetie... Come get comfy up there and place your pretty shaft through the hole for me."
K nods stiffly -not that she can see him-, doing as he's told. He climbs onto the table, feeling exposed and vulnerable. His cock is throbbing painfully now, leaking light blue pre-cum.
The so-called "Melody" is surprised at the sight. He has an impressive endowment. Is it natural? A custom-made set for a replicant perhaps? Noticing the colour of his pre-cum, it becomes clear to her that he isn't a human like she is. A client is a client though, so she doesn't even bring it up. He's not the first replicant to come here, nor the last. The majority of her clients are humans, but does it even matter? No.
"You're perfect, honey..."
She cups his balls and he gasps softly in response to the new and sudden contact. He's still adjusting his position on top of the table, getting as comfortable as possible.
"H- honey?"
K questions, his voice betraying his intense arousal. It's husky and low now. Usually he isn't expressive, but there's no one to shout at him for showing emotion here.
"Why? Do you want me to call you by your name? You don't like being my honey?"
Her voice is the sweetest sound he has heard in his life. She massages his balls. They're heavy. Most of the time clients don't talk to her but he is different.
He groans softly, his hips jerking involuntarily as his balls are massaged.
"J- just call me K..."
"K... okay..."
She repeats his name, testing it on her tongue. She smiles. His dick is unbelievably rigid. Melody uses her index finger to tease his dripping slit. K shivers from the sensation, a moan escaping his lips despite his earlier attempt at restraint.
"Ah... that feels... good..."
His hips buck forward, seeking more contact with her delicate and soft hand. He hadn't planned to be this vocal, but his nerves are off the roof.
The girl traces her thumb over the head of his cock and his breath hitches at the sensation, his hips thrusting forward once again. K's hands clench into fists, fighting for control.
"Stop... don't tease me..."
He pleads, his voice ragged with desire. The replicant sounds almond ready to whimper, so Melody ceases her teasing touches.
Men are usually rude to her, but this guy sounds shy and scared. How does he look like? Her curiosity grows as she hears his heavy breathing intensifying. His voice is deep but low. It sends shivers down her spine.
Melody wraps a hand around his thick length.
A shudder runs through his body as he feels her hand encircle his pulsating cock. He gasps softly and swallows loud enough for her to hear under the table.
"I... I can't... I'm going to cum..."
He warns her, his voice trembling with need. A part of him craves to hear her voice guiding him through his impending orgasm.
Melody hasn't even stroked him once. He's probably been deprived of touch for quite a while to be this sensitive... so very soon.
His voice is ragged, his breath coming in short gasps as his cock jerks in her hand.
"I... I just need... please..."
K groans softly, arching his back as if trying to get closer to the source of the pleasure. She gently begins stroking his cock.
"I got you baby~"
"D- da- damn..."
He lets out a long, low moan, his hips stutter when he feels her hand start jerking off his hard member.
Officer K is uncharacteristically loud and the girl under the table feels bad for him. It's like he barely feels this way in his everyday life.
He grits his teeth, trying to muffle the sounds as his body trembles with each stroke. His sensitive cock throbs in Melody's hand, leaking pre-cum as he nears his release.
As she starts stroking him faster, she gets to see the way his balls begin tightening. And all that in less than ten minutes.
"O- fuck... I'm gonna cum..."
K's voice has a certain strain to it now. Melody can hear him pant as the sensations she's causing builds to an unbearable amount of pleasure.
She's glad that he can't see her smirk when she decides to push back his foreskin. Usually replicants are made 'cut', but with this one, they went for a 100% natural look .
"ah- Oh fuck..."
He lets out a muffled moan against the mattress, arching his back as she pushes back his foreskin. A bead of pre-cum drips from the tip of his cock, signaling that his release is very very close.
The girl rubs the newly exposed skin with two fingers. He groans, his body shuddering as he feels her touch on the sensitive skin beneath his foreskin. His cock throbs and leaks more light blue pre-cum in anticipation of his climax. His hips buck upwards, seeking more friction from the kind girl's hand.
The way K reacts is new to her. Just when she gets used to hearing grunts and a few "faster" and "good job slut", she now has to pleasure this needy but reserved man, with the surprisingly big cock. There's a weird pang of sympathy inside her towards this K.
Melody is now jerking him off thoroughly, her only goal is to bring him over the edge.
"Be a good boy and cum for me K."
His whole body tenses, a strangled cry escaping his lips as he finally releases all the pent-up pressure. Waves of intense pleasure wash over him, his cock pulsating rhythmically in Melody's gentle and simultaneously firm grasp.
He's shivering violently, his cum shooting between her fingers, coating her palm and painting a warm, sticky trail on the floor. The intensity of his orgasm doesn't seem to wane as he continues to pump more hot cum onto her hand.
Melody squeezes his cock, his body spasming in response, his seed flowing steadily.
"Oh fuck..."
K groans again, his hips bucking as he empties his seed on the unknown woman's hand. His breathing is ragged, his hips jerking slightly as she continues to stroke his now softening cock.
"S- sorry... didn't mean... to be so loud..."
His voice is husky, still trembling with desire.
"It's okay sweetie..."
He's silent for a few seconds.
"I appreciate what you did..."
"You literally paid for this, love~"
When their time comes to an end, his departure is rather unceremonious. Melody falls silent under the table. It feels like she just vanished. The pimp marches in to collect the price of her services. K is forced to pull his pants up with zero time to recover or experience the afterglow of his orgasm... and leave. He wanted to bid her goodbye.
Days pass by and K's work consumes most of his time. But every now and then, he finds himself thinking about the night at the milking table. He remembers the way that girl's hands had felt on his skin, the pleasure she had given him.
Her tender voice haunts him and her fingertips have left him aching for more. Despite the taboo nature of their encounter, he can't shake the feeling that there is something special about her. Or maybe that's just his wishful thinking.
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Support your struggling gal! Even a single penny means the world coming from you! Thank you so much!๐Ÿซถ CLICK HERE (PayPal)
You can ask to be tagged in the following chaptersโญ
Dividers used; @saradika-graphics
Do not copy or repost my work. Do not use it on platforms that have to do with AI.
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greenandsorrow ยท 13 days
After Dark
a blade runner story
Officer K x fem!reader
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WARNINGS-> MDNI, 18+, description of a brothel, exploitation of the reader, descriptions of male genitals, sex!worker!reader, premature ejaculation, replicant cum, slurs for replicants, death & loss, abusive behaviours, touch-starved K, intense loneliness, angst & hurt without comfort bc I'm a terrible person, a not so realistic scenario, third person's pov
SUMMARY-> In the year 2049, humans have inventions that solve all problems but loneliness. The cold and cruel city of Los Angeles is all K has ever known. He's an object, a tool, a weapon. He wants to be a man, a friend, a lover. This loneliness, this isolation, this longing to feel, to have a skin to skin interaction, a soul to soul connection -even though he's been told he doesn't have one- leads him to a small brothel. There he meets Melody. He knows that's not her real name. He's not even sure if she's human. He also knows he isn't allowed to see her face but only to hear her voice and to feel her mouth and hands on his manhood. The milking table is K's outlet to the hunger that gnaws at his very being, but could it ever give him what he really craves?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 *soon
Chapter 3 *soon
Chapter 4 *soon
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Support me & motivate me to keep writing-> PayPal link
my masterlist
Please do not copy my work.
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greenandsorrow ยท 14 days
After Dark, chapter 1
Officer K x fem!human!reader
Masterpost-> click here
Warnings-> 18+, MDNI, descriptions of a brothel and of male genitals, sex!worker!reader, premature ejaculation, replicant cum, milking table, death & loss, loneliness, touch-starved K, third person's pov, reader has the pseudonym "Melody"
I'm still on SEMI-HIATUS, but I got super sick and wrote this to distract myself. K lovers unite!!!
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Officer K,
trash can...
He stares out from the cruiser's window, thinking, analyzing and contemplating his options. K has been even lonelier and more touch deprived as of late. He just went through another long day... and he is tired, not to mention sexually frustrated.
K's muscles tense slightly.
He's used to being alone, but there's something about this moment that makes him uneasy. Earlier today he saw a couple being affectionate in public. And he could swear their actions weren't driven by lust, but love. Love is a chemical reaction that occurs in the brain. He does have a brain, even if it's synthetic. So hypothetically speaking... He could love. He wants to love.
But to be loved...
...now that's something that he doesn't believe could ever happen to him. You can't love an object.
K's heart races as he tries to focus on the neon lights flickering outside. He has a hard on. But the tightness in his groin seems to match perfectly the one in his chest.
He's not even supposed to feel sexual desire. He's a tool, a toy in certain situations. If Joshi requests him to fuck, then he shall. Consent is for humans.
Feeling the tension in his manufactured body, K tries to fight the physical discomfort. His defined jaw clenches slightly, as he continues to stare out into the night. You know, it's not easy dealing with all of this alone. But then again, when did he have someone to share his struggles with?
He never did.
The replicant has been thinking of saving up to buy a Joi. Still, that's the last thing occupying his thoughts as of now.
He hasn't fucked or masturbated in months.
K swallows thickly, trying to push down the ache in his loins. He's meant to be stronger than whatever urges occur in his programming as it keeps updating, evolving like any other living creature does.
He has considered visiting a brothel. K isn't proud of his sexuality, nor his penis, simply because he's a replicant. Every single body part of his has been made according to someone else's whim. So, he has settled for the alternative of a milking table. That way he can experience pleasure without exposing himself whole.
His choices are to either park the cruiser and walk home -drowning his emotions and desires once again-, or drive and park a few blocks away from the brothel he has in mind.
The officer needs to do something. Anything. Just to take the edge off. He takes a deep breath, trying to calm his racing thoughts and the throbbing sensation in his crotch.
He has to visit that milking table, his balls keep sending small shockwaves of pain in all his lower regions.
K looks down, running a hand through his short, bristly hair. He decides on the second choice. And so he walks to the small and quiet brothel he had in mind and asks for the milking table. KD6-3.7 is very hot and bothered. On top of that, he also feels out of place and awkward.
He is now being guided to the table that's currently unoccupied. There are three of them, in different rooms. The metal surface is covered by a thin and worn out mattress. There's a solid coloured curtain going around its four legs. The girl must be there. Hidden from view. Her silhouette can faintly be seen if you look at the curtain from a certain angle.
Melody is the girl under the table. Only her voice can be heard. Sweet and kind.
K's heart races as he hears the soft female voice, but his face remains impassive. He swallows hard, trying to maintain his composure.
He hesitates for a moment, then slowly undoes his pants, revealing his already throbbing member.
"Come closer... A little birdie told me that you're new here... Is that so, handsome?"
Taking a step closer, his member bobs slightly.
"Yeah... I am."
He's really trying to ignore the heat that's spreading through his body as he gets closer to the source of the voice.
"That's okay sweetie... Come get comfy up there and place your pretty shaft through the hole for me."
K nods stiffly -not that she can see him-, doing as he's told. He climbs onto the table, feeling exposed and vulnerable. His cock is throbbing painfully now, leaking light blue pre-cum.
The so-called "Melody" is surprised at the sight. He has an impressive endowment. Is it natural? A custom-made set for a replicant perhaps? Noticing the colour of his pre-cum, it becomes clear to her that he isn't a human like she is. A client is a client though, so she doesn't even bring it up. He's not the first replicant to come here, nor the last. The majority of her clients are humans, but does it even matter? No.
"You're perfect, honey..."
She cups his balls and he gasps softly in response to the new and sudden contact. He's still adjusting his position on top of the table, getting as comfortable as possible.
"H- honey?"
K questions, his voice betraying his intense arousal. It's husky and low now. Usually he isn't expressive, but there's no one to shout at him for showing emotion here.
"Why? Do you want me to call you by your name? You don't like being my honey?"
Her voice is the sweetest sound he has heard in his life. She massages his balls. They're heavy. Most of the time clients don't talk to her but he is different.
He groans softly, his hips jerking involuntarily as his balls are massaged.
"J- just call me K..."
"K... okay..."
She repeats his name, testing it on her tongue. She smiles. His dick is unbelievably rigid. Melody uses her index finger to tease his dripping slit. K shivers from the sensation, a moan escaping his lips despite his earlier attempt at restraint.
"Ah... that feels... good..."
His hips buck forward, seeking more contact with her delicate and soft hand. He hadn't planned to be this vocal, but his nerves are off the roof.
The girl traces her thumb over the head of his cock and his breath hitches at the sensation, his hips thrusting forward once again. K's hands clench into fists, fighting for control.
"Stop... don't tease me..."
He pleads, his voice ragged with desire. The replicant sounds almond ready to whimper, so Melody ceases her teasing touches.
Men are usually rude to her, but this guy sounds shy and scared. How does he look like? Her curiosity grows as she hears his heavy breathing intensifying. His voice is deep but low. It sends shivers down her spine.
Melody wraps a hand around his thick length.
A shudder runs through his body as he feels her hand encircle his pulsating cock. He gasps softly and swallows loud enough for her to hear under the table.
"I... I can't... I'm going to cum..."
He warns her, his voice trembling with need. A part of him craves to hear her voice guiding him through his impending orgasm.
Melody hasn't even stroked him once. He's probably been deprived of touch for quite a while to be this sensitive... so very soon.
His voice is ragged, his breath coming in short gasps as his cock jerks in her hand.
"I... I just need... please..."
K groans softly, arching his back as if trying to get closer to the source of the pleasure. She gently begins stroking his cock.
"I got you baby~"
"D- da- damn..."
He lets out a long, low moan, his hips stutter when he feels her hand start jerking off his hard member.
Officer K is uncharacteristically loud and the girl under the table feels bad for him. It's like he barely feels this way in his everyday life.
He grits his teeth, trying to muffle the sounds as his body trembles with each stroke. His sensitive cock throbs in Melody's hand, leaking pre-cum as he nears his release.
As she starts stroking him faster, she gets to see the way his balls begin tightening. And all that in less than ten minutes.
"O- fuck... I'm gonna cum..."
K's voice has a certain strain to it now. Melody can hear him pant as the sensations she's causing builds to an unbearable amount of pleasure.
She's glad that he can't see her smirk when she decides to push back his foreskin. Usually replicants are made 'cut', but with this one, they went for a 100% natural look .
"ah- Oh fuck..."
He lets out a muffled moan against the mattress, arching his back as she pushes back his foreskin. A bead of pre-cum drips from the tip of his cock, signaling that his release is very very close.
The girl rubs the newly exposed skin with two fingers. He groans, his body shuddering as he feels her touch on the sensitive skin beneath his foreskin. His cock throbs and leaks more light blue pre-cum in anticipation of his climax. His hips buck upwards, seeking more friction from the kind girl's hand.
The way K reacts is new to her. Just when she gets used to hearing grunts and a few "faster" and "good job slut", she now has to pleasure this needy but reserved man, with the surprisingly big cock. There's a weird pang of sympathy inside her towards this K.
Melody is now jerking him off thoroughly, her only goal is to bring him over the edge.
"Be a good boy and cum for me K."
His whole body tenses, a strangled cry escaping his lips as he finally releases all the pent-up pressure. Waves of intense pleasure wash over him, his cock pulsating rhythmically in Melody's gentle and simultaneously firm grasp.
He's shivering violently, his cum shooting between her fingers, coating her palm and painting a warm, sticky trail on the floor. The intensity of his orgasm doesn't seem to wane as he continues to pump more hot cum onto her hand.
Melody squeezes his cock, his body spasming in response, his seed flowing steadily.
"Oh fuck..."
K groans again, his hips bucking as he empties his seed on the unknown woman's hand. His breathing is ragged, his hips jerking slightly as she continues to stroke his now softening cock.
"S- sorry... didn't mean... to be so loud..."
His voice is husky, still trembling with desire.
"It's okay sweetie..."
He's silent for a few seconds.
"I appreciate what you did..."
"You literally paid for this, love~"
When their time comes to an end, his departure is rather unceremonious. Melody falls silent under the table. It feels like she just vanished. The pimp marches in to collect the price of her services. K is forced to pull his pants up with zero time to recover or experience the afterglow of his orgasm... and leave. He wanted to bid her goodbye.
Days pass by and K's work consumes most of his time. But every now and then, he finds himself thinking about the night at the milking table. He remembers the way that girl's hands had felt on his skin, the pleasure she had given him.
Her tender voice haunts him and her fingertips have left him aching for more. Despite the taboo nature of their encounter, he can't shake the feeling that there is something special about her. Or maybe that's just his wishful thinking.
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Support your struggling gal! Even a single penny means the world coming from you! Thank you so much!๐Ÿซถ CLICK HERE (PayPal)
You can ask to be tagged in the following chaptersโญ
Dividers used; @saradika-graphics
Do not copy or repost my work. Do not use it on platforms that have to do with AI.
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greenandsorrow ยท 19 days
Hook me up for any Hazbin works please and thankyou!
Like I have said before, take your time to do what you need to and take care of yourself most importantly!
We'll be here!
My readers are the best creatures on Earth๐Ÿฅน
Thank you so much for the understanding<3
(I'll be sure to add you to the Hazbin taglist)
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greenandsorrow ยท 19 days
Hello everybody๐Ÿ’–
I have an important announcement to make and I know you're not gonna like it but I hope you can understand... HIATUS ALERT ๐Ÿคญ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰
I'll be answering comments and asks. I'll also โœจindulgeโœจ if you want to have a little chit chat, but I won't be posting anything. *inactivity intensifies*
I'll come back stronger so don't worry. It's probably gonna be for a month or so. And I'm still gonna write all the stuff I have talked about.
Upcoming fics!
requested deaf!reader x the Hazbin gang hc
The price for misbehaving - rut!Alastor (the continuation of it)
The fox - Alastor (the final part)
requested nun!Alastor oneshot
more Angel Dust & Alastor content in general
Hazbin AU that follows the events of the show (pilot included) x OC
What once was - tsh Henry Winter x OC multi chap
After Dark - Officer K multi chap
That Court Gentry oneshot I had talked about moons ago
I can fix him - William Afton multi chap
Pennywise multi chap
Hello my old heart - Thorin x faerie!reader multi chap
Ledger!Joker oneshot
Matrix fic
David 8 content in general
Strangers things multi chap (Billy x reader)
Darth Maul and Mando content
Also some BBC Sherlock but probably in the far away future
Too many fandoms, I know it's confusing... but you can always ask to be tagged to any of the multi chaps, or even to the unreleased oneshots.
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greenandsorrow ยท 19 days
i need him and the writing is *chef kisses*
Cold Showers // Officer K
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Content/warnings: Some wandering hands in the shower. Brief mentions of a fight with K. Soft smut/ light nsfw. Technical hurt/comfort. Cliffhanger ending because how the fuck do you end a fic.
Notes: Oughh I want him. This movie is porn and if K tripped me I'd apologize for brushing his shoe.
Word count: 355
K's fingers, softened by the hot water, slowly trail the length of your shoulders. Curiously, he watches the way your skin dips when he lightly presses them into it, equally careful and attentive. He makes sure to avoid the little bruises and cuts, from previous encounters, and smooths the flat underside of his palm over your shoulder blades.
He can't help but trace invisible little patterns into your flesh, hoping it might soothe the anger left over from your argument. K is sure you can feel the light tremors in his unnatural system when he wraps his arms around your torso, to bury his nose in the crook of your neck.
The rivulets of falling water that roll down his own back are starting to run cold, and the steam of the shower has begun to dissipate. Even as you turn the valve for it to stop, K is afraid to release you for even a minute. Neither of you had even cleaned off, aside from him running his fingers through your hair to rinse it, through kisses you'd not returned.
Sharply, he inhales. You still smell like the soap you'd used, just this morning before work.
โ€œAre you still upset?โ€ K asks, softly, swallowing the knot in his throat. Your quiet answer of โ€™no,โ€™ doesn't assure him in the least. Doubt lingers in the lowest parts of his belly, and he shifts his trembling hands to the curves of your waist. โ€˜Are you sure?โ€™ He wants to ask, but the words seem to weigh too heavy for him to really get them out. It feels unnecessary.
Instead, he gives up on communication at all. His lips press against the back of your head, and K allows his hands to wander. The almost immediate following whimper makes the Replicant tense, and he releases the breath he forgot he'd been holding. It's a shuddering exhale, shaky like the rest of him, and he almost wants to squirm at the new sudden heat that settles in his lower half.
Harshly, he swallows, before it's interrupted by his own sinful moan when your hand curls around his cock.
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greenandsorrow ยท 20 days
Hello everybody๐Ÿ’–
I have an important announcement to make and I know you're not gonna like it but I hope you can understand... HIATUS ALERT ๐Ÿคญ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰
I'll be answering comments and asks. I'll also โœจindulgeโœจ if you want to have a little chit chat, but I won't be posting anything. *inactivity intensifies*
I'll come back stronger so don't worry. It's probably gonna be for a month or so. And I'm still gonna write all the stuff I have talked about.
Upcoming fics!
requested deaf!reader x the Hazbin gang hc
The price for misbehaving - rut!Alastor (the continuation of it)
The fox - Alastor (the final part)
requested nun!Alastor oneshot
more Angel Dust & Alastor content in general
Hazbin AU that follows the events of the show (pilot included) x OC
What once was - tsh Henry Winter x OC multi chap
After Dark - Officer K multi chap
That Court Gentry oneshot I had talked about moons ago
I can fix him - William Afton multi chap
Pennywise multi chap
Hello my old heart - Thorin x faerie!reader multi chap
Ledger!Joker oneshot
Matrix fic
David 8 content in general
Strangers things multi chap (Billy x reader)
Darth Maul and Mando content
Also some BBC Sherlock but probably in the far away future
Too many fandoms, I know it's confusing... but you can always ask to be tagged to any of the multi chaps, or even to the unreleased oneshots.
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greenandsorrow ยท 20 days
hi, can u add @mezzo-piano230 to ur tag list ? Thanks
Yeah sure! But could you clarify which fandom's tag list you mean?
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greenandsorrow ยท 20 days
The anon button is not for hate. The anon button is for horny and embarrassed about it.
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greenandsorrow ยท 20 days
the price for misbehaving (ii)
post rut Alastor x gn!reader
WARNINGS; the aftermath of a very horny fic, mentions of deer mating season, friends to lovers, deer/doe!demon!reader, reader with self worth doubts, a sprinkle of angst, curly-haired!Alastor, undertones of Alastor being a momma's boy, mentions of his past, making out, fluff (literally), plot
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Dividers by; @saradika-graphics & @cafekitsune
Please do not repost or directly copy my work and don't use it on AI platforms either.โค๏ธ
From a smutty oneshot to a multi chap fic. Nothing can compare to the chunkiness of the 1st chapter, but I'm satisfied with this one as well. Enjoy you lovely beings and thanks for being patient with me!!! The art above is by @kalico-of-doom.
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The only time Alastor isn't smiling is when he's sleeping you have come to realize. You can't help but notice how tired he looks as you lay motionless beside him. You start petting his ears and he groans softly, nuzzling deeper into your touch without even bothering to open his eyes. A small smile forms on his mouth, a real one. Is this really the same man that has been fucking you until your legs stop working?
In the morning you wake up in his bed, a daily occurrence at this point. However, you weren't expecting him to be staring deeply into your contemned soul.
"A- Al?"
Your voice is hoarse from sleep. You scratch your deer ears, flop on your back and stretch. Alastor keeps staring, studying you and every micro expression you make.
You can feel fear creeping into your gut. Is this the end? Is the rutting season gone? Does he want to kill you and eat you now? Will he kick you out? One thing is certain.
He doesn't need you anymore.
After all, you were just a friend helping him go through a difficult time. Nothing more. Still, you would be lying to yourself if you said that you haven't caught any feelings. From his forceful claiming that hid a great deal of desperation to his tender claiming last night, Alastor has left more than just his mark on you. One could say that he owns you in the most primal and raw of ways, but if he chooses to deny that... that's all it takes really, then you were nothing but a fucktoy.
"Um... I- I'm gonna take a shower"
Is that you doing the walk of shame? Alastor is a gentleman, why isn't he saying anything?! Not a single thing that could make you feel less terrible about the whole situation!
Now that his hormones have died down and you are far from aroused as well, getting out of bed and standing completely naked in front of him... It makes you feel exposed, vulnerable, small and inferior to him.
This new emotion, the deep embarrassment that has your face feeling hot and your stomach to churn with anxiety makes you dress up and leave "your friend's" room in the speed of light.
You lock yourself in your much smaller room, preparing a bubble bath for your spent and tired body. You smile to yourself a little, remembering how Charlie had made sure you'd have your own bathtub so that you can read your books while soaking in the warm water.
Sinking in the water, having it envelope you, cleanse your energy and take his scent off of you feels nice. You let your eyes droop until they close lazily, you allow your shoulders to relax, your jaw to unclench. A long and audible sigh. Your hands around your frame.
You start crying.
If another deer demon resided in the hotel, he might as well had spent his breeding season with them. You weren't special. The mere thought of such a thing is killing you. You were just another victim of the radio demon's manipulation.
Still, it's your fault as well. For believing this was more than what it appeared to be? Maybe. You are getting more and more confused by the minute.
But oh the way he had been repeating your name like a prayer... It must mean something to him, you being there for him that is. You didn't even judge the way he had spilled tears of sexual frustration when handjobs weren't enough to relieve the ache in his loins.
Who else has seen Alastor Hartfelt of pride under this light? No one. You are the only exception. He wouldn't have allowed you to get so close to him if he didn't trust you.
As your thoughts keep overlapping and fighting with each other and you continue to cry softly, you peak up the all too familiar sound of static.
Another unfair thing! He can melt into shadow and go anywhere he pleases... The sound intensifies as he approaches... you? Is he really thinking of invading your space like that? You can't even cry and be miserable at peace! Not like you're in Hell.
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"Bonjou! Konmen s'apรฉ kouri? Huh?"
Not only are you not in the mood to ask him to translate what he just said, but Alastor literally spawned in your bathroom and he's now acting like this is okay to do. The way he's readjusting his lapels and smiles smugly like he wasn't a grunting mess last night infuriates you even further.
"Can you please get the fuck out of here?"
"Mh?" he just stands there in his usual apathy. He's even holding his cane.
"Can you at least stop smiling for a second?"
"Oh ho! I'm afraid I can't do that my dear!"
"But you can definitely get your ass out of my room! I-" The sound of your voice carries to your ears like a child whining. There's a lump in your throat that you're beginning to fear you won't be able to keep down for much longer. If your face and hair weren't already wet from the bath, then it would be crystal clear that you were weeping like an idiot before he suit himself in.
Alastor is quick to gauge your body language. You're hugging your knees, shielding your naked body from him. Sometimes you swear he can tell your emotional state by sniffing the air around you. It's like your scent is enough for him to piece together the puzzle you are. The radio demon scranches his nose.
"What's there to be so sad over y/n? Today is a beautiful day!"
Is he playing stupid?! Because if he's doing this on purpose... Well, there's not much you can do now that he doesn't need you anymore.
Your lower lip trembles at this terrible thought and the lump in your throat escapes your notice, resulting in a broken and weak sob to come out of you.
Tilting his head to the side way more than necessary and squinting his eyes, Alastor asks "Are you pregnant?"
You freeze and widen your eyes. "I- Is that even... even fuckin' possible in the afterlife?"
The fucker chuckles!
"Oh I don't think so, at least not for lowly demons such as yourself!" The worst part is that he wasn't trying to insult you by saying that, but rather calm you down.
"Go to Hell."
You can't help it now. You break down in tears. Your chest feels tight as the sobs ripple through your body and make your frame retreat to itself. In addition to your general misery, the water has gone cold, causing you to shiver.
The overlord places his cane against the tiles of the wall and crouches down so he is eye-level with you. He won't let it show just yet, but Alastor is very worried. There's a guilt eating him from the inside.
While he was in heat, in breeding mode, or whatever you wanna call it, he wasn't fully aware of his actions. Alastor's mind was blurred from the desire to mate and basically reproduce. Now that he's back to his senses, he has come to the unpleasant realisation that he might have caused you harm in the process of letting out his passion.
And this simply won't do! This deer demon has done cruel and vile things that he doesn't particularly feel bad about, but hurting you... He would never be able to forgive himself.
You were there for him and showed him a great deal of love and understanding.
So, that's the reason you left so hurriedly from his quarters... He hurt you. He hurt you. He hurt you. He hurt you. He hurt you. He hurt you. He hurt you. He hurt you. He hurt you. He hurt you. HE DID IT TO YOU.
Alastor's permanent grin fades just slightly. It is replaced by concern, evident in the way he looks at your trembling body in the water. He reaches out to gently touch your skin, checking for any signs of pain or discomfort. Your friend's voice softens, it's now filled with genuine worry and regret.
"I'm so sorry darling... I didn't know I caused you... pain."
It's true that you have many bruises and hickeys decorating various places on your body, but that's not the reason behind your breakdown.
"I- It's not th-" you just look down. You can't even explain yourself.
The radio demon's worry deepens after your vague response and he quickly takes action to be by your side, pulling you out of the bathtub and into a tight hug. Alastor whispers reassurances in your ear, his voice filled with remorse.
"I'm so sorry... We should have stopped when it got too much."
No one has heard Alastor apologize before, not even God, for all that's worth.
His expression softens even further as he sees your tears that just keep coming. He carefully brushes them away, worry etched into every line of his handsome face.
"I didn't mean to make you cry. You must know that."
"I'm not in pain... Just sad."
You do look rather devastated.
Alastor is almost frozen in place from all the guilt since he can now see the bruises forming on your skin. The water camouflaged them, but now they are exposed for him to observe and take in.
He swallows hard, his voice shaking with emotion like never before. "Y/n... I didn't mean to do that. I didn't. None of it."
"None of it?"
Your voice is muffled due to how you have hid your face in his chest. At least he's warm.
"My intention wasn't to cause you injury or physical pain."
You look up at him, finally making eye contact. He's looking at you as well, eyes shining with regret, guilt and what appears to be shame.
What really surprises you though, is the pleading tone of his voice. It's one thing to be vulnerable because he's hungry for sexual contact and another because he genuinely cares for you.
"Can you ever forgive me for this? I promise, it was never my true intention. I just... I got carried away. And now... It's not an excuse..."
"You really meant none of it to happen between us?"
"Now now little deer! Someone's getting ahead of themselves! That's not what I implied at all."
You sigh and settle in his lap.
"Oh mon cher, did you really think I regret our... stimulating times?"
Alastor's long arms press you against him, his clothes absorbing the water on your still bare skin. He then peaks you up bridal style and carries you to your bed. It's not king sized like his but he doesn't seem to care for such detail right now.
"Now let me see you."
"I said I'm fine!"
"The artist will be the evaluator of his work."
"No Al! Artists get critics to evaluate their work."
"Hmmm, did you say something dear? Cause I didn't hear you!"
It's a common tactic of his to hide his real feelings by being chatty and pleasant. You of course know that, but in your current state it's very validating to have him take care of you.
So he did care. And he still does after having stopped necessarily needing you.
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Alastor isn't joking around. He's searching your body, subconsciously writing down every scratch, every bruise and hickey, every bite mark.
Ears alert on top of his head, eyes wide open. He can even make out the shape of his fingertips on your hips... He turns you on your stomach only to discover his whole palms are imprinted on your buttocks. Meanwhile, you just allow him to inspect your body for as long as he wishes. All the crying has left you drained but also tranquil and calm.
"I'm fine Al. Really."
"Shhh, I'm not done evaluating the damage."
"It's just a bite or two."
"I drew so much blood..."
"Yes and?"
He just keeps observing, keeps rolling you this way and that. The scratches and the bruises are the most triggering to him. They remind Alastor of unhappy memories, in the days when he still hadn't taken good care of his father. As long as he hasn't permanently marked you it should be fine.
"I'll ask Niffty for some ice."
"N- no... Can we just... sit here? Like... cuddle?"
"You were my solace."
He gently presses a finger on your lips to shush you.
"Thank you."
"You don't have to say that. It's not like I helped you with a flat tire or something."
"I don't do cuddling."
"Nor touching for that matter. But... It's not that bad, huh? Just let me put something on first."
You stand up and go to your closet to pick something to put on. Your hair is still wet and your legs still feel sore from all of your intense moments, but it was a relief to know he still wants you in his life after the rut has ended.
Alastor's behaviour makes you wonder. He's contradictory. From fucking your throat in his radio station, to bending you over various objects in the hotel, taking you in missionary, against walls, windows and doors, he still seems pretty reluctant to give himself to intimacy. Unlike those times, his mind is now clear, no overwhelming heat involved. Intimacy -to him- equals vulnerability and vulnerability equals pain. The inevitable way in which things had worked out in his life.
"But we did sleep together until yesterday."
The radio demon cannot deny you. He's already sat at the edge of your bed, taking off his coat, shoes and anything else that could make the experience any less enjoyable.
"I wish I could say you'll take this to your grave."
You grin brightly and chuckle at his silly, little remark. Your confidence has been restored to an extent after he made it clear that he does concern himself with your wellbeing.
"But why do you not like being touched? Physical contact is a form of affection."
"Or a form of punishment, of intimidation, domination and... many other vile things my dear..." His voice is too low for your liking as he says that. You don't know what burdens Alastor's shoulders, but it can't be good. And I'm not even referring to his own cruelty and the pain he has inflicted on others. Maybe his opinion of physical contact is connected to the endless scars on his body.
"Oh well whatevs Al. I just want my cuddles."
The way his ears are pulled back and he looks at you almost like he's a shy and innocent boy makes your heart bit faster. At least there's no velvet rubbing off his antlers this time.
Alastor is extremely gentle and cautious in the way he handles you now. He lays down on his back and you use his chest as a pillow. It's a cozy place. His chest. He has some fluff there, just like Angel Dust, but unlike the former he hides it under layers of clothing and keeps it unstyled. Still, it's undoubtedly soft and fuzzy and you like to sink your hand in it or swirl the soft hairs around your fingertips. The radio demon isn't complaining as one might expect, it's soothing to have someone touch his body in a non-hostile manner. It's refreshing to have someone appreciate his body as it is.
Would you also appreciate it if you saw him as he once was?
His father hadn't. He could handle the child of a mixed marriage, but Alastor wasn't just mixed, but also looked the part and according to the racist beliefs of his father in the 1900's that was a bad thing.
As you're nuzzling against his long and elegant neck, your friend's mind wanders. You lived during the 90's. What would it have been like if he had also lived during that period? Everything would have been different. The town he grew up in, his relationship with his parents, his career as a radio host and a serial killer.
"Did you know that my hair is naturally curly?"
Your ears perk up at that and Alastor gently takes hold of them and pulls at them from the root, just slightly.
"That feels nice..."
"Oh I know."
"What were you saying?"
"Oh yes, my hair's curly! Since I was nothing but a tiny, adorable baby boy! ...my mother... she..." His hand lets go of your ears and you can feel the rise and fall of his chest as he takes a deep breath and lets it out in a long sigh.
There's a melancholy about him now and you feel the need to comfort him. He's opening up to you by being genuine and vulnerable. Alastor is sharing a part of who he used to be and the least you can do is listen. You resume your activities on his fluff, almost massaging the area. He seems to like it, for a moment closing his eyes and letting a sound like purring.
"Can you keep this up?"
"Sure Al."
"Merci. What was I saying...? Oh yes of course! Mama and my curly mop."
The radio effect of his voice and his arms around you make you feel like you're a kid being told a bedtime story. It's a good thing the other residents have gotten used to you and Alastor disappearing together for long periods of time. His soft chest fluff under the pads of your fingers only intensifies the feeling of being told a story while tucked in bed, warm and safe from the outside world.
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"It's truly amazing how much power is given to hair in certain cultures. In my culture, dear y/n, hair texture served as an indicator of social status. My family -a wedding between a white man and a creole woman of colour... oh ho dear! It was something else back then...-
As a kid, I was always the one teased for having โ€œweird hairโ€, as if it didnโ€™t match my other facial features. When school began, my sweet mama, she... she would put my hair in locs to protect the curls. Apparently they didn't like that at school! So my father... he radio static intensifies he made my mother shave it. He claimed that if my mother and I wore our hair differently then no one would take us seriously."
You take a moment to digest this new piece information. It's true that locs enclose the natural hair and help it stay intact. It's also true that Alastor grew up in a time when it was very difficult to be of a cultural background which was different to the majority's. You choose to not comment on anything, that's not your job.
You swirl some more of his fluff around your fingertips before moving your hand to his hair.
"Well, it's not curly in the afterlife."
You feel the vibration of his chuckle through your check that is resting on his chest.
"But it is!"
Alastor lets out a satisfied sound as he presses you even tighter against him and begins rumbling about his hair care routine. He uses anti frizz oils, heat protection oils and then blow dries it. Truth is, that's just the steps you managed to actually register in your brain, because a sleepiness started overtaking you as you stayed laying in his embrace.
You're now fading between consciousness and unconsciousness. It almost feels like you're floating. Is this what Heaven is like?
Maybe it is. Maybe it is not. But you did manage to find your little oasis in Hell. And so did he.
Alastor looks down at your much smaller frame curled up against him. Your breath has slowed down and your eyes are closing. Why does it feel so warm and soft to have you close to him like this? He knows he shouldn't be letting his guard down, but he can't help it when it comes to you. The radio demon is enamoured with you.
Wanting to make the experience even cozier and dreamier for his favourite sinner, Alastor starts singing quietly. His sense of rhythm is immaculate and his jazzy tunes make you fall sound asleep in no time whatsoever.
When you wake up an hour or so later, he still hasn't moved, but he acknowledges that you're awake with a small hum.
"Oh wakey wakey my darling y/n!" had been his usual response to you waking up while he was in the rut. However, right now he appears to be much more unguarded and raw than his usual persona. You haven't even completely woken up and you're already wondering about this new side of him.
"Al? Is everything okay?"
"Oh why yes it is, but there's this thought occupying my brilliant mind..."
"Care to share it with my not so brilliant one?"
You expected him to laugh or even chuckle but Alastor goes straight to the point. "All this... making love and we still haven't kissed. Not really."
Kissing him would mean that you actually view him romantically and that whatever "friends with benefits" situation you had going on will get destroyed. That's not a bad thing though. Despite your initial fears of your fellow deer demon being too emotionally unavailable and only needing you to calm down the torment of his lust, a kiss wouldn't hurt. Kisses are good.
"We can change that y'know."
You make the first step by leaning towards him, basically giving him the green light that you're consenting to this. Alastor notices it and loses no time, pressing his lips against yours while wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close into another embrace. He smiles widely as you kiss, his head tilting slightly as he runs his fingers through your hair. After a few seconds pass, he pulls his head back, slowly breaking the kiss as he looks into your eyes with a broad smile on his face.
"Aren't you delightful?!" and he dives back in.
Alastor's second kiss with you is firm and passionate, but not overly aggressive. His lips are very warm and he seems to enjoy the intimacy of taking his time to explore your mouth. As the kiss progresses, he gradually increases the pressure of his lips on yours. His arms wrap around your waist and his tongue slowly wanders further into the welcoming heat of your mouth.
Once again -just like when it came to sex- you have come to the conclusion that Alastor isn't that experienced, but some raw power, an instinct if you will, provides him with the ability to do all the right moves at the right time.
And then you just break character. You burst into laughter. His large and pointed ears twitch at that change of pace.
"When I thought I was doing a good job-"
"Oh no, that's not it at all. I'm just happy." You're giddy and so he is.
Maybe not needing you but actually wanting you isn't the worst case scenario.
To be continued.
Support your struggling gal! Your tips keep me motivated to write and help me go through each day! Thanks๐Ÿซถ CLICK HERE(PayPal link)
my masterlist || Hazbin Hotel masterlistโค๏ธ
tag list; @stygianoir @aperfectidiot @lady-valtieri @what-0-life @clowncollegealum @whatinthepluto @dragonqueenfk @ajajajabdjsjx @ellie-x0xo @1rxsemary1 @ermmmwhattheflipguys @kimkimmm2411 @sukaretto-n @randomuser-89 @crowleysthings @ratskinsuit @mariaclarade-la-cruz1 @ilikemyteawithmilk @dennsfz @dontevenknowwhyimhere @sirens-and-moonflowers @diffidentphantom
363 notes ยท View notes
greenandsorrow ยท 21 days
@alastorthirsty here again, all Hazbin fics please! Lovely speaking with you, glad things are okay! ๐Ÿ–ค
Okie dokie, all Hazbin fics it is!!! โœจ๐Ÿฉท
0 notes
greenandsorrow ยท 21 days
Hi, would you mind please adding @alastorthirsty to your tag list? Iโ€™ve really enjoyed ALL of your writing so much. Perfection! I hope everything is going well for you!
I'll definitely add you! (You mean in all Hazbin stuff or just in a certain fic? Or in all fandoms?)
It's always such a heart warming thing when people compliment my writing. I can't even put it into words!๐Ÿฉท
Thank you, things are going okay, never perfectly fine, but this is life so we all make do with what we have.
And if what I have is thirsty thoughts for a 2d deer man, I'll make do with that๐Ÿฅด
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greenandsorrow ยท 21 days
Could you write an Xreader- Pedro Pascal smut with age gap and daddy kink
Also riding and praise kink
disclaimer-> this was requested by an irl friend, so I just had to write it! (about requesting; click here)
this is just porn, no plot at all. pure filth, unrealistic for our favourite cinnamon roll but idgaf. i drew my inspo from this photoshoot!
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You are new to this... being a photographer in Hollywood. So the excitement of meeting your celebrity crashes is still very much alive in you.
Today you have a scheduled photo shoot with the Josรฉ Pedro Balmaceda Pascal. Obviously, there's a team accompanying you, but everything seems to disappear when you lay eyes on the masterpiece of a man that Pedro is.
Pedro's eyes widen slightly when you approach him to introduce yourself. He chuckles awkwardly, shaking your hand heartily.
Before you have time to wipe away the idiotic smile that has formed on your face, you are holding your camera and guiding his poses.
It quickly becomes clear that Pedro is fun to work with. He cracks the best of dad jokes and the way he looks at the lens has you soaking your panties.
The shoot is taking place in a motel somewhere outside of LA. During lunchbreak everyone parts ways, leaving you alone with your camera and naughty thoughts. Pedro is inside one of the motel rooms, getting changed into the next outfit the team has picked for him.
Now that the ice has been broken after working with him for hours, you feel confident enough to knock on the door of the room he currently occupies.
The sun outside is bright and when he lets you in, its rays make his frame glisten slightly. He's still shirtless. The air is heavy with desire, mixed with soft notes of lavender from the room's fragrance.
Inside his mind there's a dilemma. He's twice your age, but all he can think about is your perfect curves, your cleavage, your sweet smile.
Pedro bites his lip as he imagines you against him.
"Um... could I help you with anything kid?"
"Don't call me that."
The grown man in front of you has become tomato red, hands instinctually covering his crotch.
"You don't have to hide that..."
Your eyes are seductive and your tone makes Pedro swallow audibly.
"Y- you don't understand sweetie. I haven't.... haven't... in a while."
"All the more reason to do it now~"
That would be fucking incredible. His hardened cock twitches in anticipation at the thought of being buried deep inside you...
A moment of staring at each other with intent passes.
Pedro locks the door and you close the curtains.
The room starts to feel even hotter now that your shared desire has been revealed. Pedro's hands start roaming across his body, tracing patterns over his abdomen before cupping his balls through the fabric of his underwear. He groans softly, a thick bead of precum forms at the tip of his throbbing cock, yearning for your wet heat.
You grin. The sweet and shy man is gone. Pedro is pure dominance and power now.
"Be a good girl and take off your clothes for your da- for me."
"What did you say?" you teasingly ask while playing with your breasts.
He mumbles something under his breath.
"You're gonna take your clothes off now, for your daddy."
"Now we're talking."
And so you give him a little strip show. You begin by taking off your shirt, tantalisingly slow...
Pedro cannot wait any longer when your breasts bounce after taking off your bra.
The actor leans in, capturing your lips with his own, shoving his tongue deep into your mouth as he moans against you. Your taste sends shivers of pleasure through him, tongues dance and tangle while his hands roam further down your body, cupping your plump ass cheeks roughly before delivering a sharp slap that leaves a hot sting followed by pleasure.
He is quick to undress himself while you do the same with your remaining clothing.
As the intensity builds between you, Pedro whispers filthy things in your ear... promises of what he'll do to you once you're fully impaled on his thick shaft, describing in graphic detail how good it will feel.
You can't help but giggle playfully... In a swift motion, you put a hand on his wide chest, pushing him back until his calves hit the couch.
Pedro sits with his legs spread. His fat cock (slightly bent) is rigid against his lower stomach.
He's a sight to behold, that's for sure.
"...agh~ it's been a long day mi vida..."
Pedro can't help but groan when his cock twitches impatiently.
He pulls you close and helps you straddle him. His heart melts as you do so, his erection pressing against your wetness.
"Oh that's it darling. Take care of daddy... C'mon ride me baby, don't be shy~"
You are too turned on, too lost in the delicious haze of lust and desire.
You slowly sink down on Pedro's surprisingly girthy member.
To your delight he lets out a strangled moan, his hands gripping your hips tightly. He feels every inch of you surrounding him.
"Fuck yeah, that's it princess. Ride your daddy hard and fast."
He's breathless, hungry... but still patient enough to let you adjust to his size... before thrusting up to fill you completely with his cock.
You moan loudly against his chest.
(On top of everything, why does he have to smell so frickin' good?!)
You haven't even started moving on top of him and Pedro reaches between your legs, rubbing your clit with his thumb.
"Such a pretty baby girl. Let daddy feel that sweet pussy of yours squeeze him tight."
Pedro's eyes roll back in ecstasy as he feels the warmth of your tight pussy enveloping his cock, as you finally begin to move up and down. Each inch you take feels like heaven, making him bite his lip to stifle moans and profanities.
His hips jerk upward involuntarily, trying to drive deeper into your welcoming heat.
"Ah... oh... it's too good... your pussy~"
"You play with my clit so nicely handsome..."
Your voice doesn't sound like your own in your ears. But the shocked and flustered expression on Pedro's features boosts your confidence.
You pick up the pace, slamming down on him harder and faster, chasing maximum pleasure.
He growls, his cock throbbing inside of you. Your shared moans and gasps fill the room as you both give in to passion.
"Fuck yes, babydoll... you're so damn tight!"
The actor's hands find their way to your hips, holding on tightly as he begins to move in unison with you.
Heavy breathing and the slapping sounds of your flesh meeting as you lose yourselves in the ecstasy is what could be heard if someone was to go knock on the door.
Pedro hasn't had sex in a while so he soon gets overwhelmed. He can feel himself being consumed by the pleasure your tight walls provide him with. As he nears his peak, he slows you down by grabbing your hips, prolonging his time with you.
He tries not to panic by the fact he almost came. Pedro starts nibbling on your neck and earlobe... regaining some sense of control.
"Shhh... baby doll," he whispers breathily into your ear. "You feel so fucking amazing around me... J- just slow down for a moment~"
You feel Pedro's grip on you tighten slightly as he fights against the impending orgasm that threatens to consume him. You indeed make your pace lighter, more shallow and slightly slower.
Even in this new pace, Pedro's orgasm is building rapidly within him despite his attempts to hold back. He knows that he needs to make this last. He wants you to remember him, to leave a long lasting impression on you.
Your moans and whines don't help, making him all too excited. He doesn't continue pounding into you, determined that if he does so, he'll cum immediately.
"C'mon princess... You gotta cum for daddy~"
The way you move your body, riding him slowly and sensually, has you seeing stars. You have never experienced anything like that.
You giggle playfully... the laboured expression on his face is both sexy and adorable.
"P- Pedro... I~"
Feeling your body tensing up, Pedro knows you're close. He leans in and kisses you deeply as he starts to meet your movements with his own, hips thrusting eagerly against your own.
You moan when you feel his cock hit that spongy spot deep inside you. You shiver and grasp at his arms for support, fingernails pressing into his skin.
So, with a final growl of effort, he pushes through the waves of ecstasy, filling you up completely as he cries out his release. His cock throbs violently inside you, spurting load after load of hot cum deep into your hungry pussy. The feeling is indescribable... It's raw and primal.
You're trembling more now, your skin is covered in a thin layer of sweat but you still haven't cummed. A little more stimulation is all you need. He did come but doesn't plan on giving up until you do too.
"Oh, baby doll!"
Pedro feels a pang of emotion in his chest. The man's heart races, concern etching lines onto his handsome face. What if he can't make you orgasm?
Noticing his apprehension you cease riding him for a moment.
"Need to catch your breath?"
He simply nods.
His cock is already starting to harden again as he looks at your flushed face.
"Oh yes, baby girl. Daddy just wanted to recover real quick."
Running his fingers through your hair, he smirks mischievously.
"I'm going to fuck you until you can't walk straight tomorrow, my little whore. Do you understand?"
This sudden burst of dominance has you reeling. His goal is simple. He cummed. Now it's your turn.
Pedro starts thrusting into you hard and fast, his cock hitting all the right spots. He leans down to bite your neck, leaving a mark as he claims you as his own.
"You're mine, baby girl. All mine."
Your moans echo in the space you two occupy.
Feeling your body respond to his roughness, Pedro picks up the pace even more. His hips slam against yours time and time again.
"Tell daddy how much you love it when he fucks his little slut!"
You start writhing, tremblingly, as your own climax consumes you. You stutter his name. Only his name.
"Pedro... I- I love... I love it!!!"
Feeling your tight pussy squeezing him as you cum, Pedro knows you lost control as well. He slams into you, this time erupting without shame or guilt.
"Fuck yes baby! That's it! Take all of daddy's cum!"
"Oh... Oh God~"
"Did my little slut enjoy that? Did she cum hard for her daddy?"
Pedro kisses you passionately, his hands roaming your body. He holds you close as he slowly pulls out of you, his thick cock still pulsing with each jet of cum that shoots out and lands on your flat stomach and legs.
"Shhh... baby doll," he soothes softly, kissing your temple before nuzzling into your neck with newfound gentleness.
"I didn't mean to be so rough you. It's just that you're so fucking perfect... It overwhelmed me for a moment."
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this hasn't been proof read, so some errors are to be expected. hopefully they don't take away from the experience.
as a struggling young adult tips are highly appreciated ๐Ÿฉท
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greenandsorrow ยท 21 days
This is probably just me but Alastor gives me Howl vibes (from studio Ghibli). It might be the bob along with his tall and lean frame, but his theatricals also fit what I'm trying to prove. I'm not saying their personalities or backstories match 100%, it is just me. And the fact that their ethics are sometimes morally gray...
But does anyone else see it?
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