gtbutterfly · 2 days
This sorta reminds me of Rebecca in Jen and Gabby when Jen finds out about her and Tim, except instead of being jealous or mad at Jen for wanting tim to leave her, she just wants Jen to also accept her help. Maybe I could use this concept if I ever make a continuation of the story, it sounds super interesting!
I want them
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That face when you found an injured borrower, nursed it back to health, slowly, slowly gained its trust and companionship. you put your blood, sweat, and tears into making them feel safe above all else... only for Joey McSmallpants to barge in out of nowhere and try to steal YOUR tiny away from you? Worry not fellow giants! you can simply use your superior strength to flick the other tiny away!
On a serious note, I think the potential for this trope is always massive. Perfect for a dramatic payoff, and everytime i see it being used my heart skips a beat >.> like, realistically tol could simply force them to stay, go against everything they have wanted to represent for their tiny friend, and truly become the monster that they've been trying so hard to not be since their meeting. but they know it would only make it worse, despite their love for their smol, if they truly want to leave... its not in their right to keep them, no matter how much it hurts...
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gtbutterfly · 4 days
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draw your tiny oc like this
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gtbutterfly · 6 days
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Some art of Jen and Gabby
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gtbutterfly · 8 days
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Hello G/t Community!
G/t Gotcha for Gaza is a fundraising event for donations to provide humanitarian aid to Gaza. In which you make a donation and receive g/t art or writing in exchange. Inspired by other Gotcha for Gaza events online.
This is our predicted timeline of events for those who want to participate. With the Volunteer sign up starting on June 7th and ending on June 14th. While the Donation Period starts on June 14th and ends June 30th.
For more information about this event, you can check out our Carrd. If you have any additional questions not answered on the carrd you can send them to this account and I will do my best to answer them.
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gtbutterfly · 10 days
"tiny towns"
I saw this trope a bit on Wattpad back before I knew Tumblr existed, and I don't see it very much on here. Basically, towns of tinys with tiny houses and stuff, that's owned/controlled by a giant.
Back when I saw this trope on Wattpad, I didn't see it used to it's full potential, basically, most of the time the giant would just start a town for the tinies, and everything would be fine.
I think the implications of this trope have a lot of potential. What if the giant isn't really good at taking care of the town? What if the giant is straight up evil? What if the tinies want to escape, or control the town themselves without the giant being in charge? Maybe the tinies don't like being in the town, but are pretending to like it around the giant because their scared? What if the giant picks favorites and accidentally causes class warfare? There are alot of possibilities.
Most of the time when I see this trope, it's usually a human and a group of tinies. This has a lot of ways to go, like what if the tinies were kidnapped from their original home and brought here? Or, what if a borrower ran into the town? Maybe the borrower would join the town and be happy to not have to borrow anymore, but what if they dislike the idea of a tiny town, and try to start a revolution against the human?
There are also some possibilities for humans being the tinies, like a town that already existed being taken over by a giant, or humans being kidnapped by giants to be part of a town of some sorts, or maybe a giant just runs for mayor or something, and becomes the ruler of a town legally.
What's an uncommon G/t trope you'd like to see?
I'll be doing all of these! And if I get the chanse, I might even do a short story with the trope!
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gtbutterfly · 11 days
Making a reminder for me to do this
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I think this includes all the details :) have fun! and reach out to me if you have any questions!
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gtbutterfly · 13 days
I made a GT discord server recently and i wanted to re-invite people! so be sure to check it out if you can. https://discord.gg/chEgqB7z
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gtbutterfly · 13 days
Oh sh*t, mermay ends tomorrow and I've haven't posted anything mermaid related!
Sh*t, sh*t, um, quick, here, take this unfinished wip I made earlier this month, I know it's not finished, but I don't have anything else, hope you enjoy it anyway!
(Criticism appreciated)
CW: mild blood, shipwreck, implied death of crew, off screen hard vore(?) (death happens to the crew before the story starts, not the protagonist
Survival log, May 8th, 19XX,
Today is the day. I’ve been on this island for more than two weeks, today is the day I finally escape and make my way home. My attempts at fixing the broken radio from the shipwreck have failed, and my calls for help written in the sand have gone unanswered, so my only hope to return to civilization is to brave the seas myself. I’ve managed to patch up a life raft from the ship wreckage, and I’ve filled it with all the food and supplies I have left on this pit of sand. Tonight, I’ll set off and try to return to the mainland undetected. The creatures that stranded me here and left no remains of the rest of my crew have been lurking off the coast of this island waiting for me to go out there. I heard their singing trying to lure me out the previous nights, but their calls had been silent for the last three. I hope that means they’ve lost interest in me, and have left to find other prey to hunt, leaving me an opportunity to get away. This may very well be the last entry in this logbook. If I am to perish to the sea or to the beasts that lured our ship into the rocks, I only wish to be reunited with the rest of my crewmates, wherever they may be. If this book is found and I am assuming deceased, I ask my sons to forgive me for leaving them for the sea and leaving this world for the heavens.
Christopher closed the yellowed log book and dropped it onto the floor of the raft. It was sunset, the sky was clear but the usual fog was setting in around the rocks surrounding the island. Other than the sounds of waves crashing against the stone spikes and seagulls flying in the distance, it was completely silent. There weren’t any glowing eyes or shadows in the distant fog. There was no singing like there usually was around this time. It was getting dark fast, with the setting sun and the fog combined, there was hardly any visibility. That was when they liked to hunt. Ships would sail through the fog, and they would start singing while leaning on the massive rocks, putting the ship's crew into some kind of trance. The ships would be steered into the rocks and start sinking, and by the time the creature's prey would realize what was happening, they would be pulled into the water and devoured, leaving nothing left but the shipwreck against the rocks and a red tint in the water. Christopher didn’t know how he managed to survive. He fell into the water when the shipwreck happened, and everything went dark. When he woke up, he was on the coast of the island, 20 meters away from the rocks where his ship crashed. He was the only one there. There was no other debris on the island, nothing that could have floated him there as if something had plucked him out of the water, safely placed him on the beach, and left. For all he knew, he could’ve been dead and stuck on this island as a form of purgatory. But he would only find out if he tried escaping.
He’d spent the last two weeks on that island trying to survive. He’d been eating fruit from the few trees on the islands and drinking coconut water to stay hydrated. He made a poor shelter made up of branches and leaves for the night, and a campfire right next to it. During the day, the monsters would sleep. Christopher almost came face to face with one while he was swiming to the shipwreck to get supplies, luckily he was back at the island when it woke up. The water surrounding the island was too shallow for the creatures to swim it, so Christopher could swim and get fish there easily. At night, he would see the monster's glowing eyes and patterns in the fog, their dark shadows circling the island like vultures, and the sound of their song, though it didn’t have any effect on Christopher now. It didn’t sound beautiful and alluring like before, it was the same melody, but uncanny, and sadistic sounding. It was as if they weren’t trying to lure him out and were instead taunting him to get him to give up on survival, and let himself be consumed. But now those noises, those creatures, were gone, at least for this night. There was no telling how much longer they would be gone, no telling if they even were gone, or just lurking under the water. Assuming they were gone, though, Christopher couldn’t afford to wait any longer, he had to take this chance or risk dying on this island alone.
It was finally dark. There was a full moon that reflected brightly across the ocean water and a glass lantern Christopher had taken from one of the ship wreaks at the island that he put a bit of fire in acting as his only light source. Christopher pushed the raft into the water and kept pushing it until the water was to his waist. He climbed into the raft and started paddling it though the fog. It was silent as it could be, the only sound there was were the waves crashing into the rocks and the remains of ships. Without the threat of the beasts eating him whole, the environment was actually quite peaceful. The moon reflected in the crystal blue water, the stars filling up the whole of the night sky, the waves hitting the rocks and the shore behind him, it was all so surreal and beautiful, but now wasn’t the time to take in the location. Christopher kept rowing the small boat until he finally made it to where the water turned from a clear blue to a dark one, where the water was endlessly deep and empty. After two weeks, he made it off the coast of the island. He sighed in relief. This was finally it, he escaped the pile of sand trees and rocks where all his coworkers met their demise. There was a sliver of hope floating around in Christopher's gut, hoping he would make it to the mainland and see his family again. As he kept rowing past the rocks, his mind filled with plans for what he would do when he returned. He would publish the logbook he had been keeping, and use the profits to send his children to a good school. He would buy a new house for himself and his spouse, and never set foot on another cargo ship again. But as he was rowing, he noticed something in the water under him.
It was dark, darker than the rest of the dark blue water Christopher was surrounded by. It seemed like a shadow, or a silhouette of sorts, though it was hard to make out what the shape was, given how it was under the raft and covered by the fog. It was big, about twice the size of the raft, but it seemed to be getting bigger. Christopher leaned over the edge of the raft, hoping he was imagining what ever it was. The shilloette got bigger and closer until Christopher could just barley see two glowing yellow eyes in the water. They were only there for a second, and they were gone as soon as Christopher saw them. He thought he imagined them for a second, but he couldn’t have. They were to vivied, too real. The eyes were quite large, being perfect spheres, three feet in diameter. They had a yellowish glow that illuminated the surrounding green scales and the pounds of dead sea weed over the creatures head, that were otherwise completly hidden by the fog and the dark water. Christopher considered turning back and going back to the island, but he knew he was to far deep now, both literally and figuatively. He had to go through with it. So he kept rowing, albeit, with more urgency and panic than before. He quickly pushed the wooden oar through the water, trying to go as fast as he could. There were still something in the water, something following him. He saw just the tip of a sharp, massive dorsal fin peeking out the top of the water for a moment before going passed him. It had to belong to something atleast 30 feet long. He kepted rowing, trying to get away from whatever was lurking underneath. He was practically hyperventalating now. One of those monsters were right under him. He seemed to be seconds away from having his raft fliped over and being chewed to mush by the teeth of the creature below. Then, he heard it; the singing. Everything seemed to go still. Christopher stopped rowing for a moment. The singing was coming from the fog in front of him. It sounded beautiful and heartbreaking and kind and sad. It was a differnt melody than before, it was singular and quieter and more solem than the chorus he heard. Everything in Christophers mind was gone except for the singing. He started rowing towards the music. He couldn’t tell himself why, he just couldn’t stop himself from doing so, it was like it was all he knew. He kept rowing and rowing blindly through the fog, letting th esound guide him until it cam to a stop. Christorpher suddenly cam eto his senses and fell backwards in his raft as his face turned to absolute dread. There was something floating in the water infront of him. It was hard to see with the fog, except for its glowing perfect yellow eyes. It leaned closer to the boat as Christopher braced himself, and a giant, rough, wet feeling hand grabbing him from under his arms and pulled him upward.
It seemed about 30 feet tall, like christopher thought, though only two thirds of it was above the water. Its eyes were wide and its face was neutral. There was sea grass coming off of its head, it was hard to tell if it was just sitting on top or if it was growing from there somehow. Its scales were a blend of grey and green, and the moonlight shined off them like glass. Other than its eyes, there was nothing on this thing that was glowing, which was weird because all the other creatures that Christorpher had seen like this had glowing scales on their fins or in patterns on their bodies, similar to how predatory fish had glowing marks to attract their prey. This thing on the other hand only had its glowwing yellow eyes, simiar to a cat. Speaking of hands, Christopher noticed that this thing had them, he was being held in its hands after all. He didn’t remeber if the other creatures like this one had hands with human like opposable fingers like this one. He couldv’e sworn that they had fins at the ends of their arms, some with boney spikes coming out of them. He also couldv’e sworn that the other creatures were much bigger than this one. When the creature opened its mouth, Christopher braced himself to be chewed up, but instead, the creature seemed start talking, or at least trying to,
“H…….hu………hallu…..hell….hellu……” the sound creeped from the creatures mouth. Its voice was dry and raspy, yet young and feminine like that voice that christopher heard singing. It sounded like if a dog tried forming human words, they were just barely understandable, but still unhuman. The creatures teeth were flat and square,with rounded fangs before the molars like the teeth of an omnivore. Its mouth was red and fleshy and dark, ad smelled of seawater and kelp and small fish, but not of blood, not of humans. Christopher struggled to form words himself.
“H….h-hello?” he said, less so saying hello to the being that was holding him and more so asking if that was what the creature was trying to say.
“Hallo,” the creature said, its large face still netrally looking at Christopher. He gulped.
“Um…hello…” he said, looking at the entity in fear.
“Ewu….ee-uw hamam…ee-uw humon….human….” the creature said, still struggalling to speak correctly.
“Y-yes, I’m human…” Christopher said, “what….what are you?”
“S….sssssigh….ssssssigh when….” the creature said, “siiiiwhen…sighwen..”
“Siren?” Christopher asked. He had heard of siren before, but the name had slipped his mind when he was shpwrecked. The creature nodded.
“Sssiren….siren oar mmmurrmayed….” the creature said,
“Mermaid?” Christopher asked, the siren nodded, before it continued talking.
“eiiee….Eiess iz…Lamina…Lamina s….ssssav ewu, humon…”
“You’re…you’re name is…Lamina…and you saved me?” Christopher asked. It occurred to him how he ended up on the island instead of being killed with the rest of his crew, this siren, Lamina, took him from the water and put him there.
“Y-yez….” Lamina said, “ewus….ewur boat….wahs….” she made some kind of incomprehensible garling like sound, probrobly a word in siren langrauge that she didn’t have a translation for, “bye ssirens,,,,hoo…” it then opened it’s mouth and slammed it shut, making a loud sound with her teeth, startling christopher, “ewur frien humons,” Christopher just stared at them for a second, picing together what she meant.
“My ship was attack by sirens…other sirens…and they ate the other humans on it, and you saved me?” Christopher asked. Lamina nodded.
She made another weird gargling sound, before saying “siren” probably referring to the other sirens that attacked the ship, “wahn Lamina to…” she opened and slammed her mouth closed again, “...ewu…but Lamina…” The siren then just started making more gargling noises that christopher couldn’t understand. It was like she was trying to explain something, but was speaking in her native language and not broken english. It was impressive enough that she knew any english at all. Every so othen she would make some gesture with her free hand or her face. When she was done talking, Christopher looked up at her,
“Um….th-thank you…for not…letting me get eaten….” He said, smiling nervously. Lamina sunk deeper into the water and placed Christopher back in the raft he was in before. But instead of leaving, she started talking again.
“Sirens tat wahn…” she made the gesture where she opened and slammed her teeth close, it probably meant “eat,” “ewu coming bac tanight, humon go…” she made a gestured with her eyes closing and her head nodding downwards like she was sleeping, Christopher guessed it meant “home,” “naow, Lamina hep ewu,”
“You…you want to help me get home?” Christopher asked. Lamina nodded.
“Lamina hep ewu go homme,” she said, before dropping back under water, disappearing from the human’s sight. Suddenly, Christopher felt a bump in the bottom of the raft, and it started moving. The siren was pushing the Raft from under water. Christopher was skeptical of letting this…thing… help him, but it wasn’t like he could tell her not to, at least not now. He sat down in the raft as the siren pushed it from below him.
(yeah, that's all I have written. Let me know if you'd like to see this finished.)
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gtbutterfly · 14 days
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Y'know, if I had a nickel every time Disney cancelled an animated gt movie that would've been amazing, I would have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird (and sad) that it happened twice
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gtbutterfly · 15 days
I have a ton of lore in my head about my borrower universe, should I just do a big lore dump post?
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gtbutterfly · 20 days
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Sketches of Quincy and Ella, the characters from Quincy and the forest giant
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gtbutterfly · 21 days
Jen and Gabby chapter 7 (FINALE)(kinda)
hey! so this is the seventh chapter of my first gt story and serves as the climax and finaile of the story so far. BUT, that being said, this isn't the end. I still have to write an epolouge to wrap everything up. and then after that, I have some more ideas for these characters and this world, so let me know if you'd like to see that! thank you for stayting with this story this whole time, and as always, criticism is appreciated.
cw: cages, dehumanization, some stabbing, near death experience (no one dies, don't worry.)
heres the previous part:
and heres the first part:
thanks for reading, hope you enjoy it!
It was late at night, past nine pm. It was raining again, though a lot less than before. Sara was solemnly looking out the window at the raindrops streaming down. The ground out there looked cold, wet, and muddy. It was so dark, the only light was coming from streetlights and from the windows of houses that were still up. There were large, dark brown puddles on the ground from the grass being overflooded. Some of the water was flowing downhill, and into sewers, sweeping everything in it away. It was dreadful for Sara to think of what could happen to the borrower from earlier, who insisted on leaving and going out there to save her sister, but Sara couldn’t stop looking outside, thinking of where she was, where her sister and the tiny that was with her were, thinking of what else she could’ve done for them. She was caught off guard when she heard the front door open behind her. It was Sara's mother, holding some bags with groceries in them. 
“Damn, traffic was crazy with all that rain out there,” Sara's mom chuckled. Sara gave a light smile. 
“Hey Mom,” She said, walking towards her and helping her with the food. 
“Hey, sweetheart,” Sara's mother said, “sorry I took so long, probably too late to make dinner now,”
“It's fine, we had leftovers,” Sara rubbed the back of her neck as she put the food away on the fridge and cabinets, “so, dad went back to work for…something important, I guess,”
“Oh, he can never get a break from work,” Sara's mother said, “I swear, he spends more time at that damn place than in his own bed,”
“So… Mom, can I ask you something?” Sara said, before turning towards her mother,
“Sure sweetie, what is it?” Sara's mother said,
“Uh, do you know…what a ‘lili’...’lilipotan…..” Sara struggled to pronounce the word her father said earlier,
“Lilliputian?” Saras mom asked.
“Yes, you know what a Lilliputian is?” Sara asked,
“It means small and trivial,” Her mother said, “something that people act like is important but is actually meaningless and stupid,”
“...oh…” Sara said, a bit offended for the tinys she met earlier that are apparently called that,
“The word comes from this old legend, about islands with little people, and giants, and horses, and such, your father was obsessed with that old story back when we were in college,” Sara's mother said. “He usually doesn’t like fairy tales like that, so it was weird how into it he was,”
“Dad was into that when he was in college?” Sara asked,
“Yeah, he was majoring in bio-testing, and he liked the idea of experimenting on smaller humans for better results. I used to call him a mad scientist for it,” Sara's mom laughed, “I think he like, jokingly followed some conspiracy theory club about those things from the story being real, crazy, huh hun?” 
“Uh..yeah,” Sara said, looking down, “so….you should probably like…sit down or something for what I’m about to tell you,”
“Huh?” Sara's mother looked confused, “what is it?”
“What happened to your hand?” 
The scientist was at a sink, wrapping their right hand with bandages after cleaning it. Their face still winched in pain from the wounds and the feeling of soap and water disinfecting them. They looked at the other scientist who asked the question.
“It was stabbed by one of those things, Dr. Smith,” the scientist said as they finished treating their hand.
“The lilliputians?” the other scientist asked, “they didn’t have any weapons when they were brought here by me, did they bite you?”
“There was a new one,” the scientist said, “they were dark-skinned and female, like the young one still in captivity, but they were older and had a sewing needle and a sling bag. They stabbed me in the hand, then the ankle, and then they ran away with the male.”
“There's another one?” Dr. Smith said, “Where did it come from? Is it connected to the two we already have?”
“I don’t know, it just showed up in the room that I left the male in, unlocked it from the cage, and stabbed me.” the other scientist said, sounding annoyed and angry, “I’m clocking off work, you can deal with the two loose subjects,” They said as they walked away. Dr. Smith took the radio off his belt and spoke into it while pressing a red button on it.
Jen and Tim were under a janitor's card while waiting for the main hallway to be clear. Jen was wiping her needle off with a small ripped-off piece of paper towel. Tim looked at her.
“You really, uh, went all out when that scientist came back…” he said,
“Thanks, I had to,” Jen said, “I’m not letting what happened at the house happen again,”
“So that's why you attacked the ankle?” Tim asked,
“I was aiming for the heel actually,” Jen said, looking out from under the cart. “So where is Gabby?”
“Back in the room the human took me from,” Tim said,
“Where in the room? Was it like, a cage, or a jar, or the thing you were in,”
“A cage, it was up high on a stack of other cages with white bars. The door was similar to the one I was in, but there's nothing in front of it to hold onto, so we’ll have to hang onto the bars without falling,” Tim said,
“That sounds easy enough, the hard part will be getting Gabby down,” Jen said, “she's never had to go down a string like that before,”
“It’ll be fine, I’m sure we’ll think of something,” Tim said, “by the way, how did you get here? Aren’t we far away from where we were?”
“Oh, uh,” Jen rubbed the back of her neck, “I got help…from…” she sighed, “you know,”
“Rebecca?” Tims eyes widened, “so, you trust her now?” 
“Just to bring me here and bring us back,” Jen said, “not with anything else, especially not Gabby,”
“Oh,” Tim looked down, “well it's a start at least you trust her  little now,”
“Can we stick to the point?” Jen said, annoyed and a bit embarrassed from Tim finding out that she needed help from Rebecca, help from a human. “Come on, lets go,”
“Wait, where is Rebecca?” Tim asked,
“outside, in the car.” Jen said, “she's waiting for us to get out.”
“Oh,” Tim said,
“Come on, we’re wasting time,” Jen held her needle as she stepped out from under the cart. She looked around before waving for Tim to follow her. The two borrowers traveled much in the same way Jen traveled alone. They would quickly and quietly move along the side of the wall, being careful to stay in the shadows and hiding wherever they could whenever a human got near. They noticed some of the humans were specifically looking behind potted plants and under chairs, and going in and out of empty rooms for seemingly no reason. They were looking for something, more than likely them. Jen kept her needle drawn at her side. She gave Tim the fishing hook she had so that he would have something to defend with. It was a lot slower getting back to the room where Gabby was than it was for Jen before, there were more close calls with humans looking around. The door was already open when they did eventually find their way there. Jen stepped through the doorway first through the side, and Tim followed. The room was very white and cold. The walls were tiled and the floor was concrete. There was a desk in the middle of the room and counters at the walls, one with a sink. There were tall metal wire shelves with boxes of equipment and scientific instruments. There was one shelf made up of metal cages that seemed to be for rats or mice. Tim pointed at the stack of cages,
“That's where me and Gabby were,” he said to Jen. Jen nodded and looked around for a way to get up there. She looked up at one of the metal shelves. She took the fishing hook out of her bag and threw it up the shelf, latching it onto one of the metal bars.
“Come on, let's get up there and see if we can find a way to get to her before anyone comes in here,” Jen said, beginning to climb up the rope.
“Did the human from before leave this door open?” Tim asked, following Jen up the string, “I don’t remember the door here being left open,”
“Well, when he put you in that other room, he left to get something.” Jen said, “Maybe he went back here to get it. That or it was someone else,” she pulled herself up to the first shelf of the metal rack. She pulled up Tim and then threw the hook to the next shelf. 
“Maybe, but it seems weird, right? Why would any of these humans leave this door open for us to get through?” Tim wondered. Jen started climbing again.
“Maybe one was in here, but they left thinking they would be back so soon, they wouldn’t have to close it,” Jen said, “if that’s the case, we have to hurry and get to the top of this thing,”
“Right,” Tim said, climbing after Jen. The borrowers made it to the second shelf, which was on level with the counters around the room. Jen and Tim got onto the counter and got to the side of the stack of cages. The counters were mostly empty, other than some glass measuring containers and unused beakers. There wasn’t much to hide behind, which made Jen anxious. The side of the tower of cages was made out of metal. The front of the cages were bar doors. Jen turned to Tim and handed him the fishing hook. 
“Hang onto this, I’m gonna try something,” JEn said. Tim nodded as Jen took the other end of the string and leaned over the edge of the counter. Tim held on tight to make sure Jen didn’t fall off. Jen held onto the string with one hand and tried to grab the bar of the cage. She managed to grab onto it and pull herself onto it. She nearly fell as she pulled herself onto the front of the cage. The door had metal bars close together, and a side lock similar to the one from the top of the container TIm was in earlier. Jen put the end of the sting in her mouth and started climbing the bars like they were a ladder. Tim looked at her from the side of the counter. Jen looked down at him. She took the string out of her mouth.
“Keep a lookout. If a human comes in here, tug on the string, but don’t make me drop it, alright?” Jen said,
“Got it,” Tim said, wrapping some of the string around his hand. Jen put the end back in her mouth and kept climbing. She got to the top of the empty cage and started scaling the second one. 
It has been nearly over an hour now. Rebecca was still in the car, waiting for Jen, Tim and Gabby to get out. Every so often she would check around the ground outside the car to make sure the borrowers weren’t waiting there for her. Part of her was worried that someone would come out of the building and tell her to leave, though she was more worried about whatever was happening inside. Rebecca checked her phone. It was eleven forty-three. Jen said to go in and find Tim and Gabby at midnight, but Rebecca was so anxious, she was considering going in now. It wouldn’t have been the first time she went to find the borrowers before they wanted her to go find them, earlier she promised Jen not to go out and find them until the next morning, and she went out that night instead because of the rain. Jen didn’t mean to mind too much then, though that could’ve been due to her needing help at the time. Rebecca didn’t want to betray Jen's trust, even if it was for the tiny's own good. But she couldn’t bear to think of what could be happening inside. if Jen was caught, if she was too late, if she was still looking or stuck somewhere. Rebecca was antsy, practically squirming in her car seat trying not to go inside and look for Jen before she was supposed to. Suddenly, another car pulled up a couple of spots away from Rebecca's parking spot in front of the building. It was a gray minivan driven by a woman with dark, blondish hair. In the passenger's seat was a girl, no older than 16. With unnatural-looking black hair that seemed to have been dyed. They both had green eyes like the eyes of the kid Jen said took Gabby. Rebecca watched them silently from her car as they got out of their car and went inside. The woman seemed mad about something. It seemed like she was speaking sternly to the secretary at the front of the window. Rebecca decided to step inside for a moment, 
“I’m telling you, I desperately need to speak with my husband right now,” the woman said, 
“My apologies Mrs. Smith, your husband is busy right now with something important,” the person at the front desk said.
“This is urgent, we need to talk to him immediately,” the woman said, “you have to send him up here,”
“Ma’am, when Dr. Smith came in here, he said he was here for something very important that couldn’t wait for anything,” the secretary said, “you and your daughter are just gonna have to wait for him to be finished,”
“He doesn’t know what he’s doing! He's doing something terrible!” Mrs. Smith exclaimed. Her daughter spoke up from next to her,
“At least leave a message for him that we’re here,” Sara said, leaning over the desk.
“Sorry, he specifically said not to be disturbed.” the secretary said. “He's the head scientist here, there's nothing I can do,”
Sara and her mother sighed and walked away from the desk.
“Sorry honey, there's nothing we can do right now.” Sara’s mother said, “We’ll have to wait for him to come out on his own.”
“Maybe we could try calling him again,” Sara suggested,
“No, it’ll just go to voicemail again,” Mrs. Smith said, before sighing again and looking down, “we’re not leaving until we talk to him about this. I can’t believe your father would do something like this… completely disgusting.”
“Thanks again for believing me about this, mom,” Sara said, “I thought you would think I  was crazy,”
“Don’t mention it sweetie,” Saras mother said, sighing and gesturing to some chairs in the lobby. “You go sit down. I’m gonna keep trying to get a hold of your father,”
“Ok mom,” Sara said. She went over to the chairs and sat down. They stared at the floor for a moment thinking about everything, as a woman walked inside from the rain and sat a few chairs away from her. Sara looked up at her. She had light brown hair, blue eyes, and wore a black rain jacket. Sara recognized her as one of her neighbors, she had seen her around at neighborhood events and remembered going to her house while chaperoning Danny on halloween. The neighbor looked over at Sara, who quickly stopped looking.
“Hey,” the neighbor said with a small wave. Sara looked back at her.
“...hi,” she said awkwardly.
“We live on the same street, right?” the neighbor said,
“Yeah, you’re that lady living alone at the bottom of the hill,” Sara said.
“Well it takes a lot of work to afford your own house on your own nowadays,” the neighbor said. “I’m Rebecca,”
“...Sara,” Sara said, scooting away from the stranger. 
“You have a little brother, right?” Rebecca asked,
“Uh, yeah, we went to your house last halloween,” Sara said, 
“He’s the one with green eyes, just like you, right?” Rebecca asked,
“Yeah, we get that alot. Everyone in our family has green eyes,” Sara said.
“Yeah, I think he took something that…um, doesn’t belong to me, per say, but, uh,” Rebecca looked down, “well, he took something I’m fond of,” 
Sara was silent for a moment, “....yeah, he’s… a brat…sorry,” Sara said, wondering if Rebecca was talking about what she thought she was, “...what was this thing? That Danny took?”
“Uhhhh, nevermind that,” Rebecca said, sheepishly rubbing the back of her neck,
“Was it something small?” Sara asked, “something…tiny?” She was trying dog whistles to see if this lady was talking about the tinies. Rebecca's eyes widened when she heard Sara ask her that.
“Um, yeah, actually, it was…” she said, “it was actually something I…uh…borrowed,” Rebecca looked down.
“Uh, cool, cool.” Sara said. it was obvious now, this woman was here for the lilliputians too. The only thing was there was no telling if she had good intentions for them or not. “So…why are you here so late?”
“Uh, I have a…friend here…and I’m waiting for them to get back…they’re….looking for someone here, hopefully won’t be long,”
“Oh, really…” Sara said, looking down, “uh, how is this friend of yours? Um, short? Curly hair?”
“Um, yeah, actually. Way short,” Rebecca said awkwardly, “you’ve seen them?” 
“Yeah, yeah, earlier, a couple hours ago, they were…uh…looking for their sister, right?” Sara asked,
“Yeah, she was.” Rebecca said. “They’re also…pretty close to the precious thing I lost, too.” she rubbed the back of her neck, “so, why are you here,”
“Me and my mom are trying to…uh, talk my dad out of something. It's a uh, experiment he's doing that…might ruin his career and stuff…y’know, ethics,”
“Oh, cool. He, uh, works here?” Rebecca asked,
“Yeah, yeah. We would just go and see him, but we can’t just walk around and find him, so my moms trying to get him to come here.”
“So, you’ve been here before?” Rebecca asked,
“Yeah, plenty of times,” Sara said, 
“For no reason, do you know  where the uh…animal holding center or whatever is?” Rebecca asked,
“Hmm, well, that's upstairs,” Sara said, “but the place they do the tests on animals, like the ones they just recently found, would be near the end of that hall, to the left,” she gestured towards a hallway that the lobby opened into.
“Oh, well, that's interesting,” Rebecca said, “well, nice talking to you, Sara,”
“Yeah, see you later, Rebecca,” Sara said.
“I’m gonna go…find the bathroom,” Rebecca said,
“Alright,” Sara said, “see ya,”
Rebecca got up and casually walked away from the chairs. She walked past the secretary desk, where Saras mom was still negotiating with the worker there, letting Rebecca go down the hallway unseen.
Jen was nearly at the top of the stack of cages. She was at the one which was second to the top where Gabby was. It seemed like she was finally going to make it. She had just then reached the top of the cage below the top one. Meanwhile, Tim was still on the counter to look out if any humans were close to the entrance of the room. He hoped there wouldn’t be, there weren’t many places to hide where he was, and especially not for Jen, holding onto the bars above for dear life. There was a sink nearby he could jump in, but then he would be stuck, and it would be only a matter of time before he was found. Luckily, for the time being, it was pretty quiet around that room. There were no shadows looming outside the open door, no footsteps vibrating in the ground, no human voices appriching in the distance, at least not yet. Tim considered going to the door to try closing it, but it was a large metal door, the kind that slammed when it closed. Tim wouldn’t be able to push it closed, and even if he could, he didn’t want to leave Jen up there, so Tim just stayed put. The borrower looked around the room some while Jen was climbing. The room was very sterile and white. The counters were all gray and the ceiling was made up of cardboard tiles, with a few vents spread around. Tim wondered if it was possible to escape the room from the ceiling, he knew from his time with Rebecca that those ceiling tiles were movable. Maybe Jen could throw the hook up there and they could break through one and escape undetected through the ceiling of the building. He looked around more at the ceiling and noticed something. It was like a piece of glass, or plastic, it was hard to tell. It was in a dome shape, and was attached upside down on the ceiling. There was a glowing red dot in the otherwise black objects. Tim could have sworn he’d seen one of those before.he’d been out with rebecca to various public places humans went, and there were plenty of black dome-things just like that one scattered about a place humans called “the store.” he thought he remembered what Rebecca said they were for, to keep people from stealing, but it never made sense to him how. Then the name of the device came to him, a security camera. He really thought about that much before. From what he knew a camera was something that humans used to “record” things, which wasn’t helpful because they also used microphones to  “record” things, and would “record” information in books and such. Except microphones recorded sound, and books recorded information. What did this leave cameras to record? That was when he realized.
Oh. oh no…
Jen finally made it. She grabbed the first bar of the top cage and pulled herself up in front of it. She heard quiet, mild crying coming from within the enclosure. She pulled herself up more. She keeps climbing upward and upward, eventually getting to the side lock of the cage. She unlatched it, and looped the end of the string around one of the cage bars, still hanging onto the end. to the inside of the cage bars. Still holding onto the door, she pushed against the rest of the cage, sending her backwards. The sound of crying stopped at the sound of the door opening. Jen, still holding onto the string, swallows her spit and jumps from the door. She swinged into the side of the cage below, and started again pulling herself up. The rope rubbed against and burned her hand. Her arms and legs ached from the climb. Her ribs were still sore from being kicked earlier. Her needle poked her slightly in the thigh while she was climbing the rope. There was a pit in her stomach from being up so high. She grunted as she climbed, finally putting her arm over the side of the cage opening. She used her remaining strength to pull herself up one last time. She climbed into the cage, taking a moment to  catch her breath before standing up. She looked forward. Their eyes met for a moment. There was silence.
“.....Jen…” Gabby said, her eyes widened,
“Gabby,” Jen said, her face breaking into a smile. The two sisters ran towards each other. Jen got on her knees and they hugged each other as tight as they both could. Gabby put her head over Jens shoulder. Jen squeezed Gabby in her arms, holding her.
“Jen, I missed you so much,” Gabby said, tears in her eyes,
“I thought I lost you…” Jen weeped, “I’m so sorry Gabby, I’m so sorry,”
“I thought I’d never see you again, Jen” Gabby cried,
“I’m sorry I let you get taken, I’m sorry I lost you, I’ll never let anyone take you ever again,” Jen said, hugging Gaby tighter,
“Th-thank you for coming for me, Jen, thank you,” Gabby said,
“Your…you're welcome,” Jen said softly. They stopped hugging for a moment and looked at each other. “Gabby, are you ok? What did they do to you? Are you hurt?”
“I’m…I’m ok, Jen….I’m ok,” Gabby said, “I was so scared….I was in a jar, then a…a human helped me…and fed me strawberries, then I was taken here with Tim, and Tim was taken away,” tears swelled in Gabbys eyes,
“It's ok, it's ok,” Jen hugged her sister again.
“I was so scared, I couldn’t be brave like you are,” Gabby said, 
“Are you kidding?” Jen asked, putting her hands on her sister's shoulders and smiling softly at her, tears of joy in her eyes, “you were so brave, you were just as brave as I am,”
“But…but I was scared,” Gabby said,
“That's ok, Gabby. You were still brave, you talked to a human by yourself, you gave yourself up to save Tim, you were very brave.”
“I was?” Gabby asked,
“Yes, you were,” Jen said, hugging her again. “I was afraid too, afraid of a lot of things,”
“Really?” Gabby asked,
“Yes, really,” Jen said, before sighing in relief. She got up from her knees and stood before Gabby. “Come on, let's get out of here.” she said. Gabby smiled. The two sisters went to the edge of the opened cage. Jen looked to the side, at the counter. Tim was waving his arms and yelling. Gabby's face brightened.
“Tim! You're alive!” She said, looking down at him. Tim seemed worried about something.
“Hurry up! Get down from there!” Tim yelled. It was just about audible for Jen and Gabby to hear. Jen nodded, and pointed at the string for Gabby.
“Gabby, your going to have to climb down from this string,” Jen said,
“Wh-what?” Gabby asked,
“Don’t worry, it’ll be fine,” Jen said, gulping. She grabbed the looped string around the metal bar and started tying it into a knot. “Wrap your legs around the rope tightly, and either put one hand over the other to go slowly, or wrap your sleeves around the rope and loosen them slightly to slide down, just make sure to slow down near the bottom.
“I…I want to go slowly,” Gabby said,
“Ok Gabby, just…hold on tight. I’ll be right above you the whole time, ok?” Jen asked,
“Ok,” Gabby said, “I’ll try to be brave,”
“Atta girl,” Jen smiled softly. Gabby grabbed onto the string and wrapped her legs tightly around it. She slowly put one hand over the other, letting herself slide down. She had her eyes closed tight. “There you go Gabby, you're doing great!” Jen said, “You've almost passed the cage below us, keep going!”
“O-ok, Jen,” Gabby kept her eyes closed and kept climbing down. Jen looked down at her sister and started to climb down the rope too, but right before she stepped off the edge of the cage, there were footsteps in the distance.
“sh*t,” Jen whispered to herself. 
“Jen? Whats that?” Gabby said, hearing the footsteps coming closer to the room.
“Gabby, Slide down!” Jen yelled, “wrap your arms around the rope and slide down, quickly!” 
“What?!?” Gabby yelled, opening her eyes and looking up at Jen, “but..but what if I fall?” The footsteps were getting louder. 
“It's ok, Gabby, I believe in you,” Jen yelled, “you're brave, remember? You're brave! You can do it!”
“I’m brave….” Gabby said, looking down at herself, before closing her eyes and wrapping her arms around the sting. “I’m brave…” she loosened her arms slightly and screamed as she slid down the rope. She didn’t slow down near the bottom, like Jen said, but Tim had the end of the rope, and managed to get Gabby to fall over the side of the counter. She fell on her back and was pulled up by Tim. 
“Gabby, are you ok?” Tim asked. Gabby hugged him.
“Tim, thank you,” she said, before letting go and looking up at the cage. She couldn’t see Jen from where she was, she was still up there.
“Come on, Jen will get down on her own, let's get out of here,” Tim said,
“No!” Gabby yelled, “I don’t want to lose her again!” 
Just then, the human walked into the room. It was the scientist that brought them there. Saras dad.
“Hey!” he yelled, seeing the Lilliputians on the counter, not noticing Jen in the shadows of the cage. 
“Gabby, Run!” Tim yelled, as Gabby started sprinting as fast as she could. The human rushed to the counter. Tim bit the string that was wrapped around the fishing hook and started running after Gabby. Meanwhile, Jen took out her needle as the human got here. She let out a deep breath, before running towards the edge of the cage. She leaped from the door and landed on the scientist's shoulder. She stabbed the human flesh and pulled the needle out, causing the human to yell in pain briefly before reaching for Jen on his shoulder. Jen got grabbed, but she stabbed the inside of the human's palm. She was let go and grabbed the human lab coat. The borrowers swung from the humans coat buttons while Tim and Gabby got down the metal shelf. Gabby looked back.
“Jen!” she yelled, before being pulled away by Tim. The scientist was stabbed by Jen through his shirt before he managed to pull her off and throw her, and the needle, onto the desk. He went after Tim and Gabby, and managed to grab Gabby from the ground. Tim yelled and ran around the human's legs, stabbing him in the heel with the fishing rod. The human screamed and kicked Tim backwards. The scientist turned around and picked Tim up. Gabby was squirming and screaming at the top of her lungs.
“JEN! HELP!” she screamed. Jen got up and picked up her needle again. She ran towards the human from the desk and jumped on him again, stabbing him multiple times in the hip. The scientist threw Gabby onto the desk and grabbed Jen off his hi, squeezing her in his fist. Jen grunted.
“don’t touch her!” JEn yelled at the top of her lungs. The scientist was completely silent. He just stared at the borrower for a couple seconds. It was almost awkward, or scary. The human's large green eye twitched. He was completely emotionless. He just looked at Jen, as if inspecting her. Finally, he cleared his throat. He dropped Tim onto the desk and kept holding Jen.
“We only need an adult male and a female lilliputian to make our own population” the scientists said, almost out of nowhere. His voice boomed in Jens lungs.
“Wh-what?” Jen asked, sounding angry, but genuinely confused too.
“We have no use for a Lilliputian child.” the human said, reaching towards Gabby. Gabby backed away, almost falling off the edge of the desk before being grabbed. TIm couldn’t do anything.
“L-let go!” Gabby yelled,
“What are you going to do to her?” Jen screamed. The human was still silent, staring at them through his glasses. “ANSWER ME!” Jen screamed again. Without a word, the human started putting pressure on Gabbys throat. Gabby couldn’t scream, there was no air in her throat. The human kept adding more pressure, but never enough to break any of Gabby's bones. Jen realized what this was. She kicked. She screamed. She tried to get her arm loose so she could use her needle. Nothing worked. There was nothing she could do. Gabby started making violent coughing sounds as tears started falling from her eyes. JEn started crying to. It was all happening again. There was nothing she could do, soon, there would be nothing left. Everything was hopeless until,
a voice came from behind the scientist. He turned around with the tinies in his hands. His grip on Gabby loosened, and she let out a large gasp to catch her breath. The human grip on Jen also loosened. 
“What are you doing?” The voice asked angrily. Jen looked up at the source. It was Rebecca.
“You aren’t supposed to be here,” the scientist said sternly. “Who are y-”
The scientist let out a gasp of pain. He held up his now empty hand, which was covered in blood. He looked down. Jen was on the floor. She drove her needle into the humans shoe. He screamed and let go of Gabby. Gabby screamed as she fell. Jen dove to catch her, leaving the needle in the scientist's foot. Jen got  Gabby to her feet and ran out the door, passing Rebecca. Jen looked up at her as they ran past. Rebecca exchanged a glance back, before looking back at the scientist, holding his hand in pain. She looked behind him and saw Tim standing on the desk. Rebecca shoved passed the scientist and scooped TIm into her palm.
“Tim!” Rebecca said, smiling. Tim smiled back,
“Rebecca! It's so good to see you!” He said,
“Oh god, I’m so glad you're safe,” Rebecca hugged TIm to her chest. “Come on, let's go home.” 
Rebecca started to walk out of the room.
“H-hey! You can’t…that's…” the scientists started to say, ‘you can’t just….. Get back here!”
Rebecca ignored him, and walked down the hall, catching up with Jen and Gabby.
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gtbutterfly · 26 days
bring back tumblr ask culture let me. bother you with questions and statements
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gtbutterfly · 1 month
“May I please draw your OC?”
Reblog this message if you encourage anyone that wants to draw your OC to do so.  No need to ask for permission in advance.
Go for it.  Draw my OC.  If you want, I’ll even give you reference posts.  Go to town on it.
You are welcome to draw my OC and surprise me with the result.  Seriously.  In fact, I encourage it.  I will proudly display whatever it is you submit to me regarding my OC.  There is a chance that I will squeal about it for several days.
Even if you feel you aren’t good at whatever artistic adventure it is you do, please feel free to submit it to me.  I want to see what you have done.
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gtbutterfly · 1 month
Quincy and the forest giant: part 7
got this one out a lot quicker than I expected myself to, I'm pretty sure this is the longest chapter so far, too. it has alot more going on than the last one has. I hope you enjoy it, criticism is appreciated,
CW: implied death, two non-sentient fish are caught, killed and eaten, general suspense i guess,
Here's the previous part:
There were still plenty of clouds in the sky, but some of them had rained out or blown away during the storm. You could just barely see the sun setting and turning the sky orange under where the clouds ended. There was a faint rainbow in the distance. There were some spots in the clouds where the sky was visible. You could already see some of the stars through the holes. Ella looked up at the stars while she cupped me in her hands. I looked around the outside, I’ve been stuck inside of- whatever the building Ella lived in was called since the previous night. The trees were a lot bigger, not quite in terms of length from what I could tell, but the trunks were a lot thicker, and the leaves were three feet long. The grass on the ground seemed long and overgrown, but was otherwise normal. The ground was wet and muddy from the rain, I noticed some large, deep footprints in the dirt that must have been Ellas. The lake, like I saw it earlier, was massive and surrounded by even taller grass, the size of trees. Ella looked down at me,
“Hmm, I’m guessing this isn’t exactly the best day for star gazing, is it?” The giant said,
“Yeah…yesterday it was a lot clearer…” I said, “After the storm ends, there should be a few day with no clouds,”
“Do you ever go cloud watching?” Ella asked,
“well…I guess so. Not as much as I go stargazing,” I said,
“Such a shame it's so cloudy,” Ella said, “it looks like it would be a pretty good sunset otherwise,”
“Yeah…maybe we can….um…look at it some other time,” I said. The giant looked down at me in her hands.
“Oh, well,” Ella said, looking to the side, as if to avoid eye contact, “I wouldn’t count on it. You're probably not gonna be allowed to come back here,” 
“Oh…oh yeah…” I said, looking down, “I’m not gonna see you after tomorrow, aren’t I?” 
“I don’t think so,” Ella said, “it's probably for the best, anyways. I wouldn’t want to accidentally….lose my temper around you again…” she said, rubbing the back of her next while still holding me in one hand.
“Hey, it's alright, I’m fine now,” I said, looking up at her, “I know it wasn’t on purpose,”
“That’s the thing, it wasn’t,” Ella said, looking down, “I could've really…hurt you, Quincey, and I wouldn’t even be trying to. It actually… kind of unbelievable your not scared of me right now,”
“well…I guess I sorta am,” I said, “but…I’m more used to you now ... .and I know you don’t want to hurt me in any way…” Ella sighed,
“Don’t get too used to me, kid,” she said, “I’m glad you are and all, but stay on your toes…I don’t want you getting hurt by me if anything happens,”
“...ok Ella,” I said, holding onto her thumb while in her hand so I didn’t fall. “So…how often do you….interact with…normal sized people?”
“At least once a month,” Ella said, “they- the people I work for show up each month to check on me, and give me food and supplies and such. They don’t like me getting too close to them, or picking them up, so I don’t have much experience with that,” Ella sighed, before continuing, “Like, once or twice a year, some little human like you wanders into the forest, and I take them, and giving them to the people I work for.” she smiled slightly at me.
“The people that go missing each year?” I asked, “but….they don’t come back…”
“Oh, no, not them,” Ella said quickly. “Ever hear of anyone in your town going on vacation unannounced or getting lost for a day? Yeah, those are the ones I took,”
“Oh…ok then….” I looked down nervously, 'so…what happened…to the people that went missing?’
“...” Ella was silent for a moment, before she shrugged, and tried changing the topic. “I should get you something to eat again, this is about the time kids like you eat dinner, right?”
“Um….yeah, sure….” I said, rubbing my arm while biting my lip. Ella wrapped her fingers around me tightly so I wouldn’t fall, before walking a bit. 
“So what do you like, kid? I know you don’t want that stale bread again.” Ella asked me, “you eat meat?”
“Um, most meats, yeah,” I said, “what do you have?”
“I can get fish, venison,” 
“Whats venison?” I asked, sounding worried and panicked,
“Fish it is then,” Ella said, stepping towards the lake. She got on her knees and placed me on the ground next to her. “Don’t go anywhere Quincey, if you do, I will find you,”
“Um, ok, I won’t,” I said, looking down. I wasn’t even planning on running away then in the first place, but Ellas threat made sure I won’t. The giant took a piece of bread she pocketed earlier and crushed it in her hands. She threw the crumbs into the lake. There were some bubbles in the water for a moment, but I couldn’t see any fish from where I was standing until Ella plunged her hand into the water and pulled out four of them in her fist. Some of the water got on me. She flicked two of the fish back into the water and squeezed the other two. I heard some mild cracking before the sound of the fish flopping in her palm stopped. She looked down at me, and must have noticed my expression after seeing her catch and crush the fish.
“You good?” she asked, tilting her head,
“Um…yeah… I just…don’t like the smell of raw fish,” I said. It was partially true.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to freak you out with that, I probably should've told to to close your eyes or something,”
“It's alright,” I said, rubbing the back of my neck. Ella held out her hand for me,
“Come, I’ll cook these for you,” the giant said. I climbed into her hand, and she carried me back inside.
The fish were crushed flat, unseasoned, and burnt. Ella had used a piece of metal from a broken car over a campfire-sized fire to cook them. She had trouble flipping the fish over with her size, burning them on one side. She didn’t have any seasoning, and most of the juice was squeezed out of them from when she killed them earlier. Other than that, the fish tasted fine for the most part, at least better than the bread she had. I had to eat with my hands since Ella didn’t have silverware my size, or any silverware for that matter. She ate with her hands too, though she ate her fish a lot quicker since it was about the size of a piece of candy for her. I ended up with grease from the cooked fish on my hands. It felt awkward eating with my hands and making a mess of myself while Ellas' giant eyes stared down at me.
“So….do you have…paper towels?” I asked her,
“I have a normal towel that’s 50 feet long,” Ella said, looking down at me.
“Do you think I just, not wash myself out here?” Ella asked,
“Well…um…you mean…like…in the lake?” I asked,
“If it comes to it, I’ll use lake water to drink and bathe,” Ella said, “Usually I try to use buckets of rainwater, more sanitary that way,”
“Oh…” I said, looking down, “...could I….um…..”
“You can shower tomorrow when you get home, Quincy,” Ella said.
“O-ok,” I said, continuing to eat the fish. Ella looked at the grease on my face and hands.
“I will give you some water to rinse your mouth and hands off before bed, m'kay?” she said,
“Ok… thanks,'' I said, smiling lightly while looking down. Eventuary I finished eating, and Ella got me a small amount of water to wash myself off. It was pretty dark outside now. Ella put me on top of the giant blanket that I woke up on that morning so I could sleep. She placed me and the blanket next to the same window I woke up next to, probably because she didn’t have anywhere else to put me for the night. 
“You're not like, afraid of the dark or anything,” Ella asked, crossing her arms and looking down at me while I sat on the blanket.
“N-no, I’m fine…I guess,” I answered, looking down.
“Try not to move from the middle of the table right here,” the giant said, “you don’t want to roll off the side in your sleep.”
“Ok…” I said, “um…see you tomorrow, Ella,”
“Good night, Quincy,” she said, before walking away.
Didn’t fall asleep for a while. I just laid there on the blanket in silence. I could hear Ella in the distance, her footsteps made vibrations in the ground. I couldn’t tell what she was doing, at one point it seemed like she was just circling around in the kitchen, at another she went back into the room I was in and laid on the massive couch. I didn’t know if she didn’t have her own room or bed, or if she didn’t want to leave me alone all night. At one point she sat on the couch and didn’t seem to move for a while. At first I thought she fell asleep, before I heard what I think was paper being turned over, Ella was reading something. I didn’t know how, since the lights were off and she wouldn’t be able to see, but she was. So I kept laying down with my eyes closed, but I still couldn’t manage to fall asleep. I thought it was the lack of a pillow at first, so I shifted the folded blanket to have a fold over that I could rest my head on. The blanket, despite being so big, was actually the thickness of a normal sized blanket. It was folded dozens of times, making it soft to lay on, and there was a small flap that was covering me. It was very comfortable, but I still couldn’t sleep. It was hard to figure out if this was because of my situation, being in the house of a giant person, or if it was just my usual insomnia. I sat up. I looked over where Ella was, she was still laying on the couch, I couldn’t tell if she had a book or not. I quietly stood up and turned towards the window sill. I could see outside from where I was.
The clouds were still there, but at most half the sky was visible. The moon shone past the clouds and reflected in the lake much more softly than the sun did. Wind blew through the branches of the trees and the tall grass. The sky was a dark blueish purple, with hundreds of stars spread across it like tiny holes with white light peeking through. The clouds seemed to be a dark, dark blue against the night sky. There were swirls and patterns of space dust and constellations. It was beautiful, and I didn’t know how I felt about it. I didn’t feel anything like I did before, it was definitely something, even if it was faint. I didn’t quite feel “happy” per say, I felt something similar to solemness, something that wasn’t sadness or happiness, it was almost like nostalgia, but I wasn’t reexperiencing anything, I couldn’t tell what from my past I could've been longing for, but I was longing for something, something I wasn’t aware I wanted. The feeling was almost physical, there was something physically in my stomach and my chest and my arms that I felt. It nearly felt like emptiness, but it wasn’t. I wasn’t empty, I felt something, or the absence of something. It almost felt cold. It was cold outside this time of year. But it was something more than that. Even when I sat down on the blanket and wrapped the fold around me, I didn’t feel any different. I didn’t feel any more warm, at least on the inside.
Suddenly I heard a sort of slamming sound, like a book being closed, but louder, yet it was still soft. I felt Ella standing up from the couch and sighing. I laid down and pretended to be asleep. I heard her walk around the couch toward the window still I was in front of. I felt her large presence over me, I had my eyes closed and tried to be as still as I could while I laid on my side. She leaned down at me, as if she were checking if I was really asleep. I felt her warm breath on my back as her massive face got within feet of my body. She rubbed my back gently with her finger, before walking away from me. I kept laying down in case she looked back to check again. I heard one of her giant doors open, and heard her walking through it. Still pretending to be asleep, I turned around to look discreetly. It was the door she went into earlier when she left me alone. Last time, she had closed the door, this time the door was open, probably because she thought I was sleeping. I heard some kind of fidgeting, like a dial or wheel being turned, it was too quiet for me to tell what it was exactly. There was some kind of static, which then got quieter to the point where I couldn’t hear it, but Ella could. She kept messing with whatever device she had until I heard her speak into it. The giant's voice was a whisper, butI could still hear her due to how big she was. I couldn’t hear whoever or whatever she was talking to.
“Hey, it's Ella,” the giant said, speaking quietly into whatever she had.
“....” there was some kind of response on the other end that I didn’t hear, Ella responded to it.
“Yes, the kid is still alive. They’re sleeping right now,” she said, turning towards me. I closed my eyes and pretended I was asleep.
“.....” there was another question on the other end of whatever she was talking to, I think it was a radio of sorts.
“There were some…hiccups when dealing with them,” Ella said, “I scared them a bit much when they started asking questions, but I made it up to them,”
“The kids fine now, they know to listen to me, but they’re not traumatize or anything.” Ella said.
“what ? you mean…” Ela paused, “oh, they’re somewhat fond of me. They’re not too clingy or personal, but I guess they’re comfortable with me, I wouldn’t know what they see me as though,”
“...they’re a nice kid, I guess. I’ve definitely gotten to know them more than the other humans I’ve found passed the line.” Ella rubbed the back of her neck and looked down. “It's the most interaction with anyone I’ve gotten with anyone ever since you did this to me, thanks for that, by the way.”
“Yes, I am aware Quincys an orphaned child. I’m guessing that makes silencing them more difficult for you, doesn’t it?” Ella asked the person on the other side of the radio, “I’m sure you don’t have anything to worry about tho-”
“.......” Ella was cut off by the voice on the other end of the radio. I saw her eyes widen.
“...what? No, I don’t…” Ella seemed to struggle to find her words, “he’s nice to talk to and all, but I wouldn’t…I don’t see him as… what makes you think I would be right for them?”
“I couldn’t take care of them, not for that long.” Ella said, “I could hurt him, I could lose my temper and crush him. Why, today I almost…” Ella stopped herself.
“Nothing, nothing, nevermind.” Ella said, looking down. “Quincy is safe, and they are going back to their home tomorrow, that's final.”
“No, they don’t know too much. They don’t know about the logging company, they don’t know what caused the disappearances, they don’t know about the trees, they don’t even know what I really am. They know no more than the other humans you send back home.”
“Just because they’re 13 doesn’t mean they’ll tell everyone. Who’d even believe them?”
“The whole reason you have me doing this is because it's too dangerous for normal humans to be out here,” Ella said, “Quincy is a normal human, if I lose track of him for a moment…”
“What?” Ella sounded genuinely shocked at whatever she was hearing on the other side, “no, you can’t...you don’t know if he’d even…..what if he ends up like derrick?” Ella was almost speaking at full volume now. She sounded angry.
“I agreed to you doing this to me, and then you blackmailed me into staying, this is different! You want to force this kid to stay here and be…” she noticed how loud she was being. She looked at me. I closed my eyes tightly. 
“He wouldn’t want that for himself,” Ella whispered.
“No one would want this for themselves.”
“I said yes because things were different then, I didn’t mean to…”
“Quincy didn’t hurt anyone like I did. He doesn’t deserve what I have,”
“...........'' There was a long pause. It seemed like Ella was just listening to whatever the other person was saying. Eventuary, she sighed.
“Fine, we’ll discuss it more tomorrow.” the giant said.
“Yes sir. See you,” Ella hung up the radio and sighed again. She looked down at herself, before looking towards me. I closed my eyes and turned away from her again. I heard and felt her walking towards me, before I felt her breath against my neck as she leaned down at me. She rubbed my back again and touched my hair with ehr index finger, before walking away. I heard rain start to fall again. Then I fell asleep.
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gtbutterfly · 1 month
giant tiny sentence starters
1. “please don’t be sick in my pocket.” 
2. “So are you just going to keep me in a jar forever, or…?” 
3. “This is insane! People don’t just shrink!” 
4. “I’m not scared of you, not really. You’re just… big.” 
5. “You’re so small, I’m always worried I’m going to accidentally hurt you.” 
6. “I like being held in your hands. They’re warm and gentle and safe.” 
7. “Please put me down! I don’t like heights!” 
8. “Ha! You can’t get me now! You’re too big to fit in here!” 
9. “I have to admit, finding a tiny person hiding in my _____ was not what I was expecting out of my day.” 
10. “Are you going to be okay? I mean… you’re so small.” 
11. “What are you doing?! You can’t just walk around at your size! What if someone sees you?” 
12. “I know I must seem big and scary to you, but I don’t mean any harm, promise.” 
13. “Wow, you’re big. I mean, I knew you were big, but now that I’m right next to you… you’re really, really big.” 
14. “Do you plan to come out of my pocket any time soon, or do you just live there now?” 
15. “Oh please, you won’t hurt me. You may be big, but you’re also a big softie.” 
16. “”You okay with riding on my shoulder?” 
17. “I don’t care how big you are, I will fight you!” 
18. “Please don’t try to fight someone literally ____ times you’re size.”
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gtbutterfly · 1 month
my view of giant characters in pet trope stories:
doesn't do anything about the tinies being sold as pets: bad
buys a tiny as a pet to own them as a pet: evil
buys a tiny as a pet to free them and be nice to them: okish, (i mean, you still gave money to the human traffickers. they're still gonna but and sell more tinys, you haven't really done anything to stop them)
beats the living hell out of the guy selling sentient beings and frees all of them: good, epic, amazing, based
(should probably make a post about my over all thoughts on the pet trope soon)
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